I hope everyone is alright!

I hope everyone is alright!

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Thank you for thinking about us, Lucky poster. I am doing alright myself and I hope that your day is as prosperous as can be!

sorry, you're director is dead

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Post the lucky star dose.

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I'm fine, thanks

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>33 dead

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It's not fair. Trump was supposed to make anime real.

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Not really but thanks

>33 dead
What happened?

Lucky Star was a mistake.

And in the end, this is what it led to.


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What the fuck
I though they were less than 5

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make moe pay the toll

I want to kiss Tsukasa's cunny!

But her cunny leaks deer sperm

A guy went into kyoani's building, poured gasoline and started a fire

I like trains.

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Based anime patrician burning the den of evil and getting rid of moe menace
The corruption is gone, the villain (kyoani) is dead. manime will return soon

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