ITT: Yea Forums greatest moments

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Other urls found in this thread:

He's not wrong. The hot waifu should just be a bonus, not the deciding factor.

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If you buy a game then you're a genuine fucking idiot

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Yeah he's got the right idea of things.
If a game has a hot waifu and that's the only reason you want it just stick to rule 34 because it will be better for your dick than the game ever could be.

>all those seething replies

Always good to see Waifuniggers get btfo.

When based Barneyfag got doxed

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just because it's a good game doesn't mean it's good

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Still based, still true.

Can't wait until september when we see who gets btfo next.

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I find lewd cosplay of media I've experienced far more stimulating. Seeing a lewd rise cosplayer is way hotter to me than some random schoolgirl from some trash anime I haven't seen eve if the second girl is more attractive or more exposed. The game makes the waifu experience more meaningful and you know it.

this one is the most redpilled comment I've ever seen

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Stupid Luigi, E3 never has games.

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That's not a great moment, it's just common sense.

>Yea Forums's greatest moments
>stale ass post 2010 screen caps of nothing.
what absolute trash.

Most written OC coming through

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Person two posts above me is a faggot.

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yup, that user is Yea Forums incarnate. God this place is dumb.

nice reddit thread op!

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it just happens that a greatest moment can be in fact be not great

obsessed and rent free

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He did nothing wrong though.

Seethe and dilate

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What a legend.

Seeing NieR voted as the best game ever this year was pretty hilarious, pretty sure that's what caused the massive contrarian backlash towards it

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you should go back, faggot. your unfunny threads are killing this site and you're helping to kill Yea Forums with your reddit thread, and no. buzzwords doesnt work with me.

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>Someone doesn’t like a game so that makes them contrarian

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I WISH that I was OP


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>so few replies

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>LMAO u shouldnt buy game because of waifu u fucking virgin have sex
>omg they're kissing on screen I bought this game because I'm so progressive!

>User was banned for this post
Every time

"Fun" is not an argument, it's a conclusion, retard.


I love NieR: Automata, but it shouldn't be rated that high, i would have it 30th on my list. It's better than shit like Dark Souls, Majora's Mask, Bloodborne & Castlevania for sure though

Why play a game if it isn’t fun then?

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Are you honestly this fucking dumb?

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Imagine being this far up your own ass.

So...why play a game if it isn’t fun? Will you answer that please?

Anyone who posts screencaps from 2013 onward is a newfag reddit piece of shit.

T. Casualfag that couldn't get past the first level

"fun" is a subjective experience. To use it as objective evidence of anything is foolish, but it's still a perfectly valid reason to consider a game good.

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Yes, we all know you joined Yea Forums in 2013 but Reddit had already invaded by 2010. So really, you were the reddit all along.

It's not a reason I buy games due it's addition, it's a reason I don't buy games due to their subtraction.

Based and redpilled. Also, anyone who disagrees needs to have sex.

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Reddit is a million mile circlejerk, unfortunately so is this place

good shit
i own a switch

>but it's still a perfectly valid reason
Kind of, but you're still expected to be able to articulate your opinion, that's why just saying the game is fun and calling it a day doesn't fly here.

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So then why are you still here?

True. But again why play a game if it isn’t fun?

Just to suffer?

Fuck me man

just to suffer

Are you blind? That's NieR Automata, not NieR.

Because what you find fun I might find dull or stupid.
Elaborate on why it's fun, the reasoning.
Simplistic example: 2+2 = 4 vs x + y = 4, one explains why you had fun, the other just states "I had fun".

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Post the "I recognize that bulge" one

this. Im already becoming a minority in my hobby so may as well act like one.

He's right. Being complacent with mediocrity because the devs put fapbait in the game lowers the quality of gaming overall, since other developers will stop trying and just design waifus for pathetic permavirgins that only care about making the micropenis hard instead of playing good videosgames. Just look at anime nowadays and how it's almost nothing but trash since studios don't have to try to make good shows and just pander to otakus to sell.

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herf derf fagits get off my vidyer

>Being complacent with mediocrity because the devs put fapbait in the game lowers the quality of gaming overall
Okay. What of games that are equally as mediocre but appeal to the opposite crowd for inclusivity and diversity points?

Why eggs though

where to vote and get the lists like this?

Sonyfags are STILL recovering.

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Is there a better feeling

he's not wrong

For one, because you seem like a simple guy, and what you call fun might be just skinner box style stimulation, so I wouldn't take your word alone on what is and isn't fun.

because /egg/ is the best general on /vg/

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waifus can make me check out a game but i won't keep playing if the gameplay's dogshit and i don't buy until i've decided the gameplay's good


>next year moot will have been gone for 5 years

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Notice how all great Yea Forums moments occurred prior to 2015
most peculiar

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Such a fantastic Yea Forumsingo, with the boomer pic too.

Vivian a cute! A CUTE!!!!

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In retrospect it's really impressive how little gookmoot managed to fuck up in that time.

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I agreed with him back then, I agree with him now. Fuck off casuals.

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This is hands down my favorite.

Is he...turned on by the little boy?? What.

Vivian is that daughter whom you gave everything you could possibly give and even with all your support she still ends up a college slut who moves in with gangbanging tyrone and get preggo at 16
she only calls you when she needs money or her current bf kicked her out


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White Korra was a bad influence on her

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dont like this art, she was supposed to be a mid teens girl

Every time

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One of my prouder moments.

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It’s true. The market these games cater to is pc dnd nerds from europe

Sure user

Cant draw that it would be pedophilia

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I wanna fuck white Korra

Were you the OP of the thread?

This user is 100% factually correct.

I was there for that and called him an idiot. Now I actually agree with him, thoughd he made the point in a flawed way.

What is this god awful abomination of a screencap?
Never post again

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t. redditor desperately trying to fit in

I miss DMC5 hype threads. Best time I had on this shithole

/vg/ but still vidya

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I was told you are a faggot.

>Best of Yea Forums
>It sucks

/vr/ but close enough

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I see no reason why you can't oppose both.

this is the best of Yea Forums

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what? when did that happen?

i remember as far back as like 2012 people would constantly say how Yea Forums was irredeemable garbage and was Yea Forums 2.0

Yikes, my dude.

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Back when shills were creative

Both the OP and the GET

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yeah world of warcraft is pretty niche

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Has it really been 7 years?

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imagine everyones surprise when it became far worse than Yea Forums has ever been
People ranted about Yea Forums quality since 2007 but nobody expected the site to go this far down

so ask them why they think it's fun instead of sperging out

>phone screencap
go die in a fire

yeah sure i've been here since yersterday you cuck, now go back

idk i think it's fine
the point i was making was people have complained about quality for years but you can always find it if you're willing to wade through some shit
if you look at the catalog right now most threads are actually about video games
it's not so bad

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audibly chuckled

kill you are self

What game was this?

Go back to redd*t if you feel threatened by the slightest hint of scrutiny.

y-you too

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remindes me of how bethesda had to delte there comments from there own games because they posted "positive" reviews befor the game came out, gods shills use to be creative

Christ that's good,
Is Yea Forumsingo even still a thing? How often are they nowadays?
I tried doing it a few months ago but I was retarded and didn't think some of it through

He's literally right. You can't say a sandbox game is not a video game because it does not have a win condition.

>Well-coordinated and heavily practiced Reddit team beaten by a rag-tag group of Yea Forumsirgins run by a furry tripfag and a BR with 140 ping

Attached: Well-coordinated and heavily practiced Reddit team beaten by a rag tag group of virgins run by a fur (972x936, 466K)

top kek

never thought it would get to a point where Yea Forums misses shills of a certain type, the future is hellish

This thread was fun

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>Every time
Every time

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its a screencap of a reply to a screencap

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>Yea Forums's greatest moments
>no shazbot

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>was in this thread but missed my chance to be in the cap cause i couldn't come up with anything original

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anybody remember vermin fights?

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someone post the
>there's nothing wrong with being Jewish
screen cap. Never fails to crack me up

Attached: Vermin fights.webm (900x506, 2.98M)

I wanna fuck brown Korra

On the off-case you weren't pretending
>Yea Forums greatest moments

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