Comfy MH thread
Comfy MH thread
Post them
>Guild cards
>Favorite monsters
>Main weapons
And R8 other anons
>Dual Blades
World is shit.
Generals go on
This isn't a general tho
this is almost a year old cause I was done with everything. I'll come back once the 5 week events come up
I'm making a new Huntress to play in Iceborne because I'm tired of male armor. What should my weapon main be?
It lacks any direct discussion/question/focused topic in the OP. It's literally just "Monster Hunter Thread".
That defines it as a general.
If you had made a thread saying something like "So which monster is the hardest, then?" it wouldn't be, but you didn't.
Speaking of armor anyone know if you can fuse Gunner sets to blademaster sets in GU?
Oh fuck off, 90% of threads on Yea Forums are like that.
t. listfag
I regret not buying more plushes from that series when they were in production.
At least the Chinese have started making bootlegs of the more popular ones now.
all the same guy
>using mantles
I bet you also use hunter arts
12 posts in, and hes already getting replies
>hide one post
>half of the thread is gone
thanks for feeding him exactly what he wanted. Do you feel proud of yourself?
Am I stupid for only using the Challenger Mantle and nothing else?
>use mantles
>haha look at this casual
>don't use mantles
>what the fuck retard it's a tool the game intends you to use
>>what the fuck retard it's a tool the game intends you to use
only if you're hunting Kirin.
>being a bitch who can't stand by his own decisions in face of any criticism
I should really get save an updated version.
>it's not allowed except this one time because I said so
How? I firmly stand by my belief that mantles are a trash addition.
then don't use it?
Justify paying $40 for DLC of a $70 game.
I don't have my PS4 rn so i can't go get my guild card but i'm HR61
Gore Magala
Hammer for MP, LS for solo hunting
Niggas that refuse to use certain tools in a fucking monster hunter game are absolute retards and their opinion can safely be disregarded.
You're welcome.
same with hunter arts, just dont use it
before MHW it was re-buying the same game again for g-rank expansions. This is nothing new
fucking leaf and their monopoly money
Braindead non-argument.
They are a trash addition because the game changes around them, and you're nothing but a fool if you refuse to believe this.
it should be full game again anyway
Can anyone help me out with the Longsword counter timing, or is it just one of those things I need to learn through muscle memory?
>84 of 84 (dead) gone and done
>45 snips of posts i have to sort into one single coherent image
Alatreon give me strength
you can practice in the training room with the exploding barrel
10 post in and thread is already derailed. Maybe you faggots don't deserve comfy MH threads if you keep biting them
Do you select Easy Difficulty in every game too because it lets you
>tfw you return to your savegame after over 1 year of not having played and you don't know anymore what the fuck is what, what sets you were working towards, what decos you were looking for, what weapons you were upgrading (okay that one doesnt matter much since everything is kulve shit now anyways)
feel overwhelmed, might just start over. but i might regret doing that. hmmm
So lads, which Master Rank sets we using in World?
Yes. Lategame mantles are really good. Electro blanket, evasion and rocksteady are usually the best, with the elemental res ones being close seconds depending on the monster
Nigger you have a full second and 45 iframes with foreskin slash. How are you not hitting that shit?
This is literally me but with any game that I spent 100+ hours into
Brachy or bust
How the fuck do you lads aim the helm splitter? I like the new moves LS is getting in Iceborne but I cannot for the life of me land the helm splitter ever.
See No, I select normal or hard because I can safely assume that the game has been designed to be fun in those modes since the devs intended them to be in the game like that.
Nigga it's better this way, would you rather buy another full price game?
unless they change some stats most will just slap on the shit that gives the highest attack/crit/etc boost
I am fucking sure they will lock X armors behind ATMR
But fuck it i WILL get kaiser X
>Mentions Brachy in my presence
If only there was some kind of list in game you could use to log at least some of these concerns.
You can change directions with the right stick and R2 or whatever your spirit slash button is.
I'm on the same boat here, tried to start over but i forgot how boring the start of World is
I do it too early nearly every time.
Name a better looking armor set. I dare anyone, ANYONE, to refute this literal definition of FACTs and LOGIC
Fuck Raths
F u c k t h e m
his but with the gun.
do you have a folder with all these images by that artist? I love them but I'm too lazy to download them all. They're so cute
It's shit.
Considering what we're getting, it's not the worst thing. Better than buying a whole new game. I do wish that they would lower the price of the expansion by about $10, but it's all good.
It's either the Odogaron or Nargacuga set for me
>want to restart as a girl
>don't want to do the boring ass LR again
Seltas fucking tengen toppa armor is superior in any sense
What's that? You want another rath pair in a different color again, okay coming right up.
Ian is alright since she stays mostly on ground. Los can fuck right off though
>huntress chest
Gets me every time. Apex effay, right there.
I'm a little concerned about it just boosting blast though.
With the right stick? So I always swing at whatever my camera is pointed at?
They're okay once in a blue moon. Rathalos world tours however are not fun.
I don't have them sorted in a single folder but here's the pixiv
Devs put a stupid amount of time, work, and effort into this expansion, and looking at the roster they've shown so far, more so than back when they were charging $60 as an expansion for a $60 game. Also, the amount of content, based upon previous Monster Hunter games, will almost double the size of the game.
I don't mind em, they're good babies first proper wyvern.
Download a cheat table and speed it to high rank.
So, when its going to come to PC?
Any tempt date?
I wish this armor wasn't shit.
left stick my b
I'm making this save on PS4 though.
just fucking give us full transmog
15th of never
>it was re-buying the same game again for g-rank expansions
Not him but if the dlc is 40 then it comes out as more expensive.
Do you guys not have flashbangs?
this, so much
I don't get why choose some armor with better stats if your character could look shit as fuck
>Favorite Monsters
Gore, Tetsucabra bring him back to World, please, Nargacuga, Teostra
>Main Weapons
Lance, Hammer, LBG
Best thing about drachen was saving me from wearing that jabroni looking eyepatch/dober/nerg mix set.
Just shoot them out of the air
this is a retarded idea
the solution to your problem should be to raise the lower tier armors to be comparable (but not equal) to the best armors in the game, but with different viable skillsets
don't devalue getting cool armors, this is what they did in world of warcraft and look how that turned out. transmog is shit
>before: $60 game + $60 game
>after: $60 game + $40 DLC
it's cheaper
I'm a straight virgincherryboy but I'll suck yo dick mang in VRchat for a World PC code
>attack deco free for milestone
>remember that I have already 6 of those fuckers
>unironically wanting clownsuit
One of the best things GU did was transmog. Get fucked faggot
I know they added the HR set but i really hope they add Barioth X in some way
>tfw only have 3 and all were from the game giving it away instead of RNG
hey retard, level up your reading comprehension
clownsuits weren't mentioned and are not required to get this idea implemented
>remember i was able to dupe out 10+ of them due to a bug in the early versions of the game
feels good man.
We need more ayylmao monsters, and maybe an ayylmao map because why not?
Sauron did nothing wrong.
Good fucking luck with making early ranked sets worth using without homogenizing them all.
>yfw the moon is an elder dragon
if i could have one wish it would be to add transmog to world.
Isn't that the original plot of DD before it got cut?
what i'm proposing requires that they reintroduce full set requirements to activate skills. having skills be active and incrementally increawse with each piece was a terrible idea. after that
>leave early armors as they are
>reuse same armors at higher ranks but with slightly less armor than top tier stuff, however the skills/setboni are the same or slightly altered to give variety that plays somewhat different from top tier armors
wow that was hard
>be GS main
>in a 4 player hunt
>monster is asleep
>everyone put bombs
>they're all waiting for you
Post yfw
>before: $40 game + $40 game = $80
>after: $60 game + $40 dlc = $100
It's not.
>you fuck up and swing right in front of the mon's face, not hitting anything
>level 1 charge because fucker is almost dead anyway
Need an opinion, best rarity 7 or 8 Greatsword?
inb4 trash weapon
rocket sword
As much as you like to goldface, iceborn will come to PC
MH before World wasn't 60 you retard.
>you hit it with the first hit of your true charged slash
>it wakes up so your second attack misses either way
>nothing blows up
You never needed a full set for armor skills to activate my man, it was always point increments. Even the deviant sets in GU let you get away with using a talisman over a piece of armor.
Seems fine, World cost a lot to produce compared to previous games.
Where’s my fuckin yellow monkey????
ask a SA or CB user to launch you, its what i do anyways.
Way to miss the point
Not him, but at the very least its DLC and not forcing you to re-buy the game
>-15% affinity
Stop using crutches.
>caring about affinity in World
Only the helmet
Isn't it worthless on GS? it's mostly useful for fast weapons like LS
Is it really better as dlc if it comes to a higher price?
I mean he's making good use out of that mantle, it's ridiculous how many times that move hits. Don't know how youre supposed to dodge it. Yes I know you can use flash pods to make her use it or being far from her, but I wanna dodge it
And when most of these sets have garbage like sporepuff expert and poison res what then? They had full sets in gen but only like 2 of them were ever used. People will always gravitate towards the most effective armor, as we can see by how drachen absolutely dominates armor usage in world and before that people generally just go right to odo.
>trigger sleep
>put down bomb
>bazel shows up
Its why I just play CB for ez wake ups instead
No? Critical is largely equal in effectiveness across weapon. It just generally doesn’t matter because ce+3 and max you get 60 affinity and we brings that to 110.
Under what logic does this make sense. Why would a 1.4x multiplier to all damage be more effective on fast weapons than slow weapons
my bad. It's been a while
I really doubt it would be cheaper if it was not a DLC.
Can't you just purchase a character changer or does that only allow you to change your appearance and not your gender. I want to make a guy after seeing some of the good shit they're getting for G Rank armor, but holy fuck the start of World is atrocious.
What is Marianne's favorite monster?
mhfu you needed to reach thresholds of points before something became active. yes, that didn't necessarily require the FULL armor, you could change one piece out and still get the skills.
this was fine, and this would also be okay, but is requiring a full armor a worse idea?
i think being required to adjust your playstyle a bit if you want to be a special snowflake is fine, and people would probably enjoy having things change up.
the alternative of transmog devalues the entire experience of acquiring good armor imo.
this is not true, i frequently play with people who play fashion hunter sets that are total garbage compared to the good stuff. people WILL make this sacrifice. but this is irrelevant anyway, cause as i said i'm not opposed to adjusting the armor, in fact my proposition looks favorably at making competitively viable skillset boni that are not much worse, just different. this also gives the devs room to play around with making skills that aren't trying to push pure power, but instead focus on making skills that just give variety.
>Hitting not a weak point with your big attacks
Look at this scrub.
At first look it looks like Cavaliere Angelo
stopped playing like 8 months ago, is the barroth CB still meta for that weapon? seems like the endgame builds don't offer much variety per weapon
It was.
>but is requiring a full armor a worse idea
Yes, the entire point of the armor skill system is for the player to try to figure out what THEY want on whatever set they happened to be making, remove that customization and you'd be left with nothing.
>and people would probably enjoy having things change up.
Forcing people to use full sets would not do this, if anything it'd be the same as now except everyone has no choice but to use the meta set because there would be no personalization.
>the alternative of transmog devalues the entire experience of acquiring good armor imo.
Transmog as it works in MHGU only encourages the experience of getting good armor because not only must you grind for the parts for your armor set, but for your cosmetics as well. Now mostly useless set pieces have some form of functionality.
Don't have my guild card on me, but my favorite monster is Zinogre (favorite in World is Vaal).
Main 5 weapons are:
>Light Bow Gun
>Dual Blades
>Bow and Arrow
I really love MHW but I'm kind of just done playing it until IB, I don't really have much to do but grind for armor spheres. I have all my sets done outside of some gacha dragon stuff.
it's 13 now
>tfw about halfway through 3's G-rank
>tfw haven't been able to continue for months for various reasons
>tfw the mere thought of trying to make sense of the save file is daunting
The worst feeling.
Spam superman dives. It will work half of the time, the other will have you getting hit by wind or the randomly spawning flame bursts during your few recovery frames.
you make convincing arguments, i concede.
just want to know before i go, do you see any downside to transmog?
Rate my pre-pickle set up? Don't bully, it's the best I could do before Nerg. Should I be using the lightning axe instead?
>axe of thanatos
>rath helm b
>rath mail b
>ingot vambrace b
>rath soul b
>rath greaves a
>no real noticeable jewels besides attack
breddy decent
No one is going to have the skills of those armor pieces memorized. How are people supposed to comment on it
You're gucci
just don't get hit
Doesn’t matter, I used hr bone with lr baan helmet until I farmed nerg, you can use whatever.
In MHW, can you join the quests that reward the Research Commission Tickets someone else posts if you haven't done all the requirements?
>tfw spent like an hour arranging this
>still like 10 shitpost i didn't include fearing it would surpass the filesize limit
>turns out it's still 795kb
BEHOLD the saga of the listfag spanning 80+ posts in an 400 replycount /mhg/ thread, both shitposting as a nintendofans and blaming sonyfans for it while in reality he's an xbox owner
there's more after he ban evaded but it'll be for later
there's also the whole reply chain of him going strawman over someone refuting his points but that's too long for this, or is it appropriate for this to be even longer? i fear it'll be tl;dr territory then
Holy fuck, good job user.
What drives a person to be like this? I cannot fathom it. Sure, maybe you make one dumb shitpost, but this person has devoted so much effort just for everyone to hate him. I don't get it.
What's should I use in world
Lance or Gunlance?
You know the sad part, it's that he succeeded in destroying these threads.
yikes. some people are incredibly invested in making MHW look bad. I'll never understand that autism.
I actually love World, but there's plenty of games series I cherished that have had bad releases. I've never gone to diablo 3 generals or threads on Yea Forums and posted for hours on end about how the series I loved was shit on.
can someone please post that webm of AT Nergi comboing the paw slam?
at least we're recovering and he can't post the 5 page list anymore without triggering the spam detection
>he's an xbox owner
Dude's a salty nintendood, don't kid yourself.
user there are some legitimate spastics on Yea Forums.
Quentin is still my favorite autist.
But wait!
>there's more
>tfw we're all part of a looney bin now
Okay, i'm washing my hands off this debacle and going back to posting my favorite monsters
Complete version after the deletion and ban evading = assblasted autism
You say that but now everyone is going to quell criticism with listfag. Did it really solve anything?
This is an old one stats wise but i still use the same armor.
>Chameleos and Ukanlos
>Hammer main since FU
Good job user.
>Exclusives vs. multiplat
But there's criticism ITT right now and it's all discussed well. There is a difference between flaws and shitposting, and listfag jumped beyond shitposting since he does that to other games
Wasnt this confirmed in the recent interview that armor crafting would have a sepperate transmog tab?
There's still universally agreed points, hard to refute criticism that will always be viable without resorting to downright derailing of a thread
>shit weapon designs
>overall easy main content outside optional tempered and above
gen warring is is infinitely better than what we used to have in these threads
W-why does he look hungry?!
he's falseflagging on every front
that isn't monster hunter
He's VERY hungry
i considered adding this but it would go against the original purpose by highlighting console vs consoles
The guy specifically gets angry when you shitpost against Nintendo in any form or fashion. Should he play on Xbox, then one must assume it's only for the purpose of playing world, which we can already surmise he's not too much of a fan of.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he chose to play it on Xbox solely due to the fact that in doing so, he wouldn't actively be supporting Sony.
Any chance to show off.
i wish HBG wasnt so clunky, trying to line up shots is such bullshit at times.
I hope they're both in. Maybe a thawed out Lagi that was frozen could be an explanation?
I'm a gunlance gamer now, bros!
Wouldn't be surprised if Hoarfrost had a frozen coast area
>Tempered Nerg on the ropes
>Both corner horn supports get killed by the dive
Speaking of Hoarfrost, It looks way more comfy than Astera
Sleep Tight Niggy
*the hoarfrost hub
>enter large frozen lake area
>cutscene begins to play, can hear cracking noises
>cat wanders over to a wall, cracks start to form
>crack gets split by lightning, hunter is impacted by ice shards
>camera pans up to reveal an old and pissed off abyssal Lagi
I know it will never happen but I can't help but dream.
I wanna fuck a monstie!
The multi hub is vastly improved as well, going by the dev diaries and trailers
>smithy and other stuffs is available there also
>there's some pseudo entertainment available for multi
>your home (?) can be accessed by other people
Time to cough up those CRAKES gains, user
yeah, Astera was too XBOXHUEG for my taste
user pls
No discussion of Monster Hunter can be had on this site, because somehow we ended up being infested by underage console-warriors that have to act like cancerous little faggots all the time because mommy won't buy them a new console
I've dreamed of Lagi long before, lagibro
>daydreaming about Lagi reveal on E3
>like 2017's phenomenal E3 MHW entry trailer
>standard hub, map etc
>hunter appears to be shaken in the midst of surface monster's conflict
>the ice collapses in an avalanche
>get thrown in the tundra waters alongside with a mid-tier monster
>screen blacks out
>reveals streaks of blue lightning swimming fast between the whole stage
>mid-tier monster gets absolutely bodied
>close off with Lagi's signature roar
Glad we're in agreement anons
If World had some not shit weapon models I might actually play it again, but it's looking like Iceborn is going to have the same bullshit of just taping monster bits to an iron weapon, so fuck it
I've long since accepted it's not happening before the next one but I'll keep dreaming and making do with what we do get.
There's hope yet for the classics
The trailers showed like 6-7 weapons retaining their OG forms, possibly only at the end of a tree
>mfw metal raths's signature DB form is in
Monsters are for honts or friendship.
NOT fucking.
astera looked cooler as a drawing
The people that destroyed these threads are the console warring faggots who have to defend their chosen box to the death because they're too much of a poorfag to buy something else
>Favorite monsters
Ivory Lagiacrus, Ash Kecha Wacha, Brachydios and Rajang
>Main weapons
I'm a jack of all trades, but I consider myself an HBG user above all else.
>implying he'll be in
Yeah I know shut up.
I literally forgot where did i put my hunter in this shot
>Narga and recently Nerg
concept art always makes everything look cooler.
>tfw both of my favorites are in
I don't care what people say, i'm going to enjoy iceborne
Now give me the Brachy trailer capcom or else
I don’t think I’ve fought abyssal without cheesing him, is the fight good?
please add Gore, i beg you Capcom
reminder that you can play taiwanese/chink MH Frontier(not MH online) for free without VPN,the only extra thing you need to install is locale emulator
Just use both, your builds made for one will probably work for the other, just make sure that for lance you go for builds which go as hard as possible on guard, and for gunlance, consider sharpness and artillery skills (don't forget guarding, just don't put it on a high pedestal like with lance). Both are really fun weapons and both are basically in their most fun and most powerful versions in this game
>The Comic-Con panel is tomorrow
Get ready for that MH Movie trailer
>MH movie
Ah yes, another movie for Paul Anderson to cast his wife in, when it could be LITERALLY anyone else
Guys, I think there's something wrong with me. I've gotten the sudden urge mating press, impregnate, and start a happy family with the handler.
it won't be streamed
I'll admit, you're one of few, but more power to you, you mad bastard
c'mon man you just cant lust over a pukei-pukei like that, its digusting
I know, but if anything interesting happens/gets announced it will probably be online within the hour
I unironically think the preorder armor is better than anything else and you're all objectively wrong
user, I'm sorry you had to find out this way, but your wife has been a Pukei-Pukei this entire time.
>MH finally has a boogeyman like metroid threads
Thank god monster hunter threads on Yea Forums are not as delusional as I thought they were
Oh no, this isn't referencing what I think it is, is it?
>ill watch you two
>not just feeding her over and over till she's perfect for plowing
Wtf thats fuckin majestic, I would like that capcom's added more armor based on medieval armors or at least trying to look like one, like the rathian armor.
>tfw no Bazelgeuse wife
it hurts bros, it hurts so much...
I'm fine with that Pukei-Pukei is cute. Shame we can't have kids though.
Remember to eat before you hunt!
Fuck, I knew it
>Favorite Monster
Kushala Daora always and forever.
>Main weapon
Gunlance for life.
It looks really fucking neto, I wish they did more armor like this as well.
Its honestly really good in world youre dumb if youre not countering literally everything.
Not him but only children use guard. Lance is an evasion weapon.
You're a fucking retard then unless were talking about 4u then id agree.
I like the look of zorah's armor, but it's too bad the skills aren't that great
last one, I promise.
Why is it that it's always shitters that complain about everyone else in their party when they're the ones carting over and over
"mad because bad" rings true.
I want to fuck that Pukei-Pukei
Please user, I can't look at it again
Evasion lance is technically better than guarding but it's not very fun, if I wanted to play an evasion weapon I'd be playing Swaxe or SnS or something, not Lance
Anyway, just another reason why Gunlance is a beter weapon, guarding is both the most fun and most viable option
Dev Diary 1 shows craftable layered armor.
Only things shown in the few seconds is the hot spring outfit, dragonking eyepatch, strategist spectacles, pulverizing feather, and crystal(dragonseal) earring.
I didn't even know those last two items existed until looking them up to make sure they aren't new.
I'm not even sure where this meme started but I have the full image set.
I kinda feel like going back
but it was just so easy unless you play alone
If you're referring to nexivian, everybody has that set.
Shaggy too please.
holy shit when did Yea Forums become so furry filled? monsters are not for fucking. they don't even look remotely female.
No you just dont know how to play properly shitter.
>Evasion lance is technically better than guarding but it's not very fun
You mean you're shit at it, and cant appreciate the only build which lets you go into a fight with 1hp and win.
Can't have Gore without Shagster
user it's always been like this
Mind sharing a vid of you playing evasion lance? Do you have any times you faggot?
Don't go insulting my wife, asshole.
Hello newfriend and its because they don't look remotely female that they are loved
>when did Yea Forums become so furry filled?
but like only three monsters have stated genders. there's no difference from a male to a female for most in game, how do people keep sexualizing these things?
Best not to question it user, not sure where it came from, I've just learned to live with it, out of sight, out of mind
Not having specified genders ain't gonna stop the scalies
Yes I will admit that I am not as good at evade lancing as guard lancing but I don't really care, I simply find it to be less fun than guard lance
just reached high rank in world and i got some questions for monhun oldfags
-is it normal to get one shot by the black diablos? or is my equipment just shit?
-how hard is it to find gems?
>Implying you don't want a black diablos to corner you, hold you down with her muscular arm, tear off your pants with but one swipe of her claws, and ride you so hard for hours that feylines have to cart you back.
>they don't even look remotely female
Which is why they're so sexy
user that just leaves more space for people to imagine as whatever they want
>HR 36
Nigger what are you doooing
I must exert my complete dominance.
>Is it normal to get one shot by Black Diablos
Not really, try to upgrade your equipment
>How hard is it to find gems
It depends, the chance to find gems from a gold box in an investigation is 13% but the chance from carves and quest rewards is like 2%, Your best bet is to do Gold Box investigations.
It is not normal with Endgame gear to get knocked in one hit from Black Diablos, but with regular high rank gear yeah you'd get fucked. Rare gems are very hard to come by, but in the end it's all luck.
I got it in the beginning of the year and stopped playing because I wanted to play other games
thanks lads
I bought the game in the steam sale and I would just like to say fuck diablos
regular and black diablos are both harder than any of the elder dragons
oh shit what are you doing
gore > chaotic gore > shaggy
Gore = Chaotic Gore = Shaggy >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Every single other monster
yeah i kinda feel the same, i only played for 40ish hours but so far diablos is definitely the hardest monster to take down imo, he seems like he has an answer to everything i do.
It's comically easy to hit 100% affinity with Drachen/Teo Gamma/Nerg Gamma gear
What should the next weapon type be?
The only reliable way I can beat diablos is to use lance and just sit there shield up waiting for it to come charge me. Most boring way to kill anything ever and a weird contrast from being stunlocked into death with anything else.
I recommend you lads to use either Lance,Charge Blade, or Longsword. Lance and Longsword as they can counter his charges and moves easily, and Charge Blade as the SAED counter will provide the most dps.
Stop charging into them, you’re going to lose all head on head fights. Just let him briskly walk past you and then attack them as they’re recoiling from their charge.
What do we know so far about weapons in Iceborne? Will they look less bland than the base game?
some of the weapons are nice, like the velkhana CB
we're still going to see a lot of iron reskins though
>Underwater combat is back
>New weapon is a Hunting Harpoon with a chain
I know all the melee weapons well by now besides LS and GS now (both way too high skill cap for me) and I still job to diablos regularly. Doing the double diablos arena mission solo makes me actually scream out in pain whenever I am stunned
Flagship weapons seem intact for the most part, but other monsters like Barioth got their weapons downgraded
Arena missions from the hub are scaled for 2 players, I don't recommend you do it solo unless you know what you're doing.
Furries? In this thread?!
I have literally no idea what I'm doing and it's great, I think I C-ranked all of them besides a couple of the easy ones
The azure rathalos mission which I've done maybe three times with hammer now is one of the most unpleasant things in recent memory
>Pull small enemies towards yourself
>Pull yourself towards large enemies
It would be kino
I think koei tecmo's offbrand Monster Hunter series has a weapon that does that, it's kinda fun
The only better set is the Seltas Gurren Lagann set thats fucking kick ass
user you should really get another hunter to join you on those quests, anything lower than B ranking in the arena quests will rarely get you any of the coins needed in making weapons.
>Combat fists.
>Fast stun, based around sidesteps combo.
>Everytime you hit a weak points you build a charge that you can release in a single heavy damage, if you hit the head you can follow up with a finisher.
>could even have stances for heavy/ligh movesets
Well I thought I wanted the jailer hammer but since it looks like there's other equipment that might be interesting I'll just save my resources. I've done the diablos and radobaan/urugaan quests like 4 times apiece funnily enough
>Hunting Horn
Monster Hunter Frontier has something like that.
Tonfas I think they were called, but your idea would actually be cooler.
>you're out on a hunt while the handler is giving instruction from the northwest camp
>scout flies highlight some tracks
>"Those look like Pukei-Pukei tracks! Fresh too! He must be somewhere close!"
>"Look around fo-hey...I think i hear some-"*sounds of struggle*
>"Urgh! Get off me you dumb lizard! My hunter will be here any second so- hey! Watch that tongue!" >"Where do you think you're grabbing!"
>"M-My pants! Give those back! I nee-nngghhh!"
>"Oh, god! Please get to camp quick! I can't ta-oohhhh god!"
>*Heavy Moaning*
>"P-please stop! You don't even deserve to be made into armo-*moan*"
>You finally make it back to the northwest camp and the handler is pantsless and the rest of her clothes are shredded.
>Shes left quivering in a daze and totally covered in wet sticky slime.
How is monster hunter generations ultimate on the switch?
>Hunting Horn
pickle for ever
The game is good, but the port is shit. 30 fps and docked mode looks like shit. I am positive the switch can run this at 60 fps
Has a wider FOV than on 3DS, and more customization for HA controls.
Other than that, it has the same positives, like infinite content that will last you a lifetime.
ill be there, what should i ask if they do q&a
How smart do I have to be to get the most out of Bows? Is it as easy as Longsword?
It's easier than longsword, cause longsword users cart so fucking often.
ricardo isn't funny
As a longsword user I resent that statement.
It wasn't me that chose the group pic, they chose that to piss me off
yeah but wouldn't it be funnier if the handler was the pukei and she licked a huntress like that haha?
>infinite content
Skyrim has infinite content too. Just post the pic so we can laugh at you again
Bow is simple. All you need to remember is that your charge level goes up when you evade a shot, this lets you sustain max charge level for as many shots as your stamina allows, and is the reason bow can easily top the damage charts.
Shoot > evade charge > shoot > evade charge > repeat
on downed monsters you can do the same, or you can do a stationary combo with goes spread shot > normal shot > spread shot > normal shot > spread shot > repeat
I heard about that, time to give it a whirl; I wish you could skip cutscenes in world.
Not him, but you're supposed to be constantly evading and shooting? I never could get the hang of bow, I was probably playing it wrong.
What you mean the roster?
For the love of God, just ask them whether they'll add unique weapon designs in Iceborne.
too scared to post the image? come on I know you want to
Chaotic > Gore > shagaru but yeah.
Fuck that advice. Only dodge when you need to, to ramp up. Otherwise it's power shot - > normal shot - > normal shot - > power shot.
>post the list
>get the fist
pleb taste
only played tri, who dis?
Why are you fighting pickle before nerg? Nergs easier
Literally my mom's mammoth. She's big.
Gammoth, who shits on Banbaro on every front.
Iceborne isn't even out, keep your judgement till release listfag
i tried 5 times to fight at nergigante with my charge blade
it's so tiresome, i will try to fuck him up tomorrow
user, remember how they didn't reveal Bazel and then you got into HR and suddenly got carpet bombed?
Enjoy your scoutflies randomly going away for no reason without any monsters around at night. In the dead silence you just hear shuffling sounds, some rattles, and crunching. You think it's a Narga but you don't see anyone. There isn't even an intro cutscene.
there's no way nergi is easier than jho
jho is just tedious as long as you can avoid stunlocks, nergi is quick and hard to predict
at nerg is hard with charge blade cause you can't unga bunga saed, only possible with a trip unless you wanna risk a 2 shot combo or count white spike hits till trip
>think you are decent at Monster Hunter
>realize you are actually bad at Monster Hunter
What even is unga bunga at this point?
>charge blade
>dual blades
Whoops didn't mean to reply
Wish more gen 4 players would realize this
this is beautiful
It means mindless, you get in a rhythm and don't think. Doesn't work with AT Nerg cause unless you got really gud, you gotta think or you cart really fast.
It's a disgrace.
World's entire gameplay that's what. The older games are where you can find cerebral gameplay.
>now forced to post MHXX gameplay just so he could not get deleted
>can't even post his images without a mass deletion
All your work/shitposting from 2 years, all for nothing. It's literal cuckoldery
No need to reply. He's basically a neutered shitposter at this point. All bark and no bite
That poor fucking cat
Fucking kek this is the best one yet
best glitch
Arne’t Human women the really monsters anyway? At least with beasties they don’t try to hide who they are.
Been almost two years and I still can't fathom why people like seeing damage numbers. Not like I really paid attention to the blood spatter in the previous games either, it just feels weird to have them as an option at all when the game already provides full on pictures with indicators of where weak points are.
please delete this webm immediately I don't know how you got ahold of my personal gameplay footage
That was the last of the webm dump. It was just stuff from early months of MHW from my folder when I was playing. The 5 week event cycle should help me catch up since I haven't played since Kulve
Thanks for reading my blogpost.
Cero ratings in general have gotten stricter over the years. That's why blood has gotten toned down in Japan a lot.
Damage numbers aren't something I care about, but I'm glad they exist because it means no more bad math from SEA wiki editors.
Fucking this holy shit
It’s pretty neat being able to see right away how much of a difference equipment is making, but I do miss the satisfying blood spray when hitting weak points.
Because every monster in World bleeds dust and stones. The downside of better graphics is having to conform to CERO ratings. Speaking of CERO ratings, that's also the reason why tail stumps in World look "rockier" than the old games, which had fleshy-looking stumps.
>Fighting AT Nerg for the first time
>"This ain't too hard."
>MFW he starts throwing out lightning fast punches one after the other
I'm honestly indifferent to blood/dust but I couldn't stand the garbage hit effects Gen/XX had.
Honestly Tri to 4U had the best effects, simple blood, simple elemental effects. Not gigantic crosses that flashed over the whole screen.
And who decided to make negative affinity look so similar to positive one anyway?
Good on you for staying determined.
Dragon's Dogma 2 sure is looking good.
Of course I'm only bringing up Tri onwards because I'm aware that the blood was severely toned down in the PSP games and before.
Finally someone with legitimate criticism with XX. Yes, the huge ass effects bothered me as well because they tend to ruin what could have been good screenshots.
>finally someone with legitimate criticism
Oh no I have a whole list but you'll just shoot 95% of it down as wrong since ultimately everything we state is an opinion.
I still find X/XX a huge insult to MH, something that feels in its core a bastardization of MH but actually made by Capcom somehow. It was just such a gigantic departure and still is.
But why should what I think be important?
Jesus, what a clusterfuck.
I honestly don't care enough about the lack of blood as far as World is concerned. Hell it seems like it'd be tacky if it were in at all. Having said that though the dust needs to go. I feel there can be a better way of conveying a monster's shit is getting pushed in severely.
KO's effect being vvery hard to notice is my only real complaint.
In theory more subtle effects are fine IF there is a visual clutter that needs to be toned down.
My nigga
Oh no, a bizarro listposter. I'm scared.
I knew that choice of words was bad.
>Favorite monsters
>Main weapons
whatever i'm feeling at the time
They better not redesign the armor when the crabs finally return.
He's truly a bizarro listposter as he won't post the list.
I'm not going to lie, I really don't think the crabs are ever coming back. Mainline didn't make a single new crab after 2nd gen, and there are only three of them. Given how much next gen assets are going to cost we're going to see them really pushing the boundaries of skeleton reuse and I can honestly see them bringing back underwater combat just so they can get more use out of leviathan skeletons once those are fixed.
Is there anyway to make AT Kusha fun without wanting to kill myself? So far, it seems KT lbg support makes it tolerable at best.
>wanna do the event for Crowns before it rotates out
>realize that the 5 week all event all the time is out soon so why bother
Feels pretty ok man. Just need to find someone to swap guild cards with.
At least I can get that soon to be outdated Kaiser and Kirin gamma armor soon.
>not having stun immunity
ever since I became immune to stuns, my carting rate dropped by 90%
Use the kush set bonus
Save your flashes to repeatedly cancel it trying to escape to its next so you can minimize the time in the nest.
That's about it really. I soloed AT kush 5 times and I found it less aggravating than AT nerg or luna
It was so satisfying before it's such a shame they changed it. Nothing compares to knocking a world ender the fuck out and seeing cartoon stars hovering over its head. I'm going to miss the blatant visual cues and punctuation conveying monster expressions.
Kushala and fun don't really go together.
We'll probably get some of those back going forward. Iceborne is already sliding some things back towards normal. We'll probably even get gunner armors back in MH6 just because so many blademaster armors are already made.
For being the emperor of fire, Teostra is pretty chill.
What new skeleton should they produce for a new monster type?
Snakes for me
Will Iceborne finally get rid of this stupid cut-scene requirement for multiplayer? It makes playing with friends a huge pain in the ass.
Why make a new snake skeleton when they've barely used the one they've already made?
I still can't believe it's only 3 small gems for such a big thing.
I mean real snakes, not weiner wyverns
Maybe next game, prior to world we only have 1 species of Fanged Wyvern
Does the Kush set bonus actually do anything? I thought it didn't against Kush
this, my friends told me to use more gems that up my attack, but its never me who carts to stuns and wastes precious time
I eventually convinced them and they too never went back, its far too helpful and prevents very frustrating deaths
imo Health Boost is a better cushion in general. Unfortunately, I skipped out on it there to go full unga trying out hammer
Here's more eating shit for being stupid
Hear me out: bipedal elders
I can see them doing it if they have leviathans fixed. But I'm pretty sure is right and the next game will have underwater back so they can stretch those leviathan skeletons.
Fatalis already exists
yes it nulls all the wind from him, never use the decorations version as they dont do anything.
Delayed wake up exists. Sometimes it's best to just lay on the ground and let the monster do its thing. You shouldn't need to gem stun immunity either like did.
Who's to say they can't use the same skeleton but go limbless? Brachydios uses the brute wyvern skeleton yet it's the only one to actually use its forearms. I'm fairly certain they can just disable to the current snake wyverns forearms and legs to have a fully slithering without making a new skeleton.
>ultraslow slam and stand-to-fireball and tailswipes
Fatalis was a mistake
>here's your next collab, bro
The only Leviathan that can work with curent state of World is Gobul, even then it will limited on marsh and forest area of wildspire.
Lagi works, so to speak. They did do that tech demo in a marsh area of the ancient forest that let him dive and swim. They just cut him because skeleton issues with the neck. If they fixed that then 100% lagi is in Iceborne, which means they could include Amatsu as the elder leviathan.
Not so fast, african american citizen of color.
Ok gonna try that tomorrow. The ability to melee it would be a lot more fun.
>Not having pocket bitch HH with all wind negated.
There's already snake type monsters. I've always wanted a humanoid but then we got Leshen.
More crusteacean-type monsters would be really interesting. A fucking lobster or land shrimp.
why's AT nerg gotta do so much damage
Eh, the cool snakes would end up as elder dragons or snek rathaloses anyways. Just look at dalamadur.
A true snake group would be good for giant "regular" snakes. MH is really lacking with these slimy danger noodles.
No it fucking can't. The fight needs to be underwater because literally why Gobul was built that way. Notice how it can't do much on land but as soon as the hunter's underwater the latter is now subject to the former's traps and tactics. Leviathans are meant to be fought underwater because that's where they're at their strongest. That's where the challenge comes from, besting a monster in its own domain where it clearly has the advantages. You take that away and it's literally half a fight along with outright gutting a monster's moveset.
getting real tired of you tripping him
he could have just gemmed in flinch free instead of bulking up just to bully me
>Justify paying $40 for DLC of a $70 game.
Costs $30 on Steam and $15 during the Summer sale.
I'm excited for the SDCC panel tomorrow but the fact that it isn't being streamed makes me worry that it's going to be actually nothing, just them going over already released details, talking about the new movie and maybe some Glavenus walk cycles or something
I just want to see Brachy set in MHW. It's my favorite and I'd like it if it stays the same except high-textured. Their armor design is pretty good so I have high hopes
That's not AT, is it? If so, how the hell did you survive the second hit of that?
I bought the game for like $20. As long as I don't double-dip and get the console version+Iceborne bundle in September I only spent full price for one game
Nah, just normal HR Kirin when I was trying out CB early on
>people who go for comets
>not emote dabbing on Ecliptic charge-up and jumping
I'm going to make it my purpose to Kabuki around Behemoth before using Jump when Iceborne hits
>not running to the wrong side of the comet then jumping
Gotta make the others sweat.
Doesn't change name, so if you have a pretty male sounding name you're fucked if you care about that sort of thing.
>when Velk was added to the 15th anniversary image they said the 15th anniversary didn't mean anything
>when Tigrex came they said the 15th anniversary didn't mean anything
>when Glav came they still said the 15th anniversary didn't mean anything
>when Zinogre's icon leaked they still said the 15th anniversary didn't mean anything
>when the Brachy came they still said the 15th anniversary didn't mean anything
>when the cookies came they called it Korean fakes
>when the Japanese found them too in normal packages with the same icons they said the 15th anniversary didn't mean anything
They keep denying the 15th, but it keeps coming true.
Wait... Nerg is in Iceborne?!
Reminder that Nergigante will get a new variant called 'Legend-Eater Nergigante' based off of the Teppen card game
Can't wait to see the butthurt when /ourmon/ Nerg grabs fatalis by the neck and choke-slams that bitch
>he doesn't realize that it's just a normal Nerg in the Recess
>he thinks Nerg is going to do anything but job to Velkhana
Nigga doesn't know how this works. You're an old man Nerg. You've been beaten. You aren't worth shit anymore.
Yo watch this
>You aren't worth shit anymore
>Already #3 in popularity despite being a recent monster
Nerg cannot be stopped.
I'd be legitimately stoked if we got a powered up version of Nerg, but the only difference is that he learned how to walk on his hind legs
>he couldn't take number 1
Yeah, he's worthless. Every flagship has taken number 1 in the first popularity poll after their game launched.
I'm not sure how to feel about your proposal.
>Favorite monster
I love monsters.
After Zinogre's game released, he took every single one until Mizutsune took it from him. Gore got close, but he couldn't take #1 either.
Post your progression of weapons through your time playing the series
>3U: Greatsword
>4U&Gen: SnS
>World: Gunlance
3U: SA
Gen/GU: Adept HH/Valor HBG
World: Hammer
G Rank Teostra
G Rank Jho
What monsters make the best friends?
They should combine a Mantis Shrimp, Pistol Shrimp, and Fiddler Crab all in one monster
One fuckoff huge claw that creates explosions from compressed air and a smaller one that can rapidly jab when you're up close
They'll probably show more stuff behind closed doors to journos that we'll find out about a bit later.
tri: lance>GS
p3rd: LS
World: CB>LS
Anyone else having Hard freezes on MHW PC?
Have to turn off my computer 4 times today because of it.
FU: DB, SnS, and LBG
P3rd: Hammer, DB, SnS, and LS
4U: Everything except Lance and HH
And half a year after consoles get it.
I love MHW, but this is some mind-bending bullshit. I kinda feel like not buying Iceborne because of this.
Some dudes from /mhg/ pushed the meme and even commissioned the art.
Fuck off Leaf
And it's the first time they've ever priced G Rank less than the base game unless you could 3U's 3DS version, WiiU version still cost as much as Tri.
That was not the right picture
Some user wanted to subvert a shitty pasta and then two other guys paid for the Nexivian commission. For some reason another guy is still pushing it on /mhg/.
Nergigante is going to get a variant or subspecies either way, but I don't think Legend-Eater Nergigante is going to be it, I think it's just a card made because Nerg is the flagship of World, doesn't even look especially different from normal Nerg
Just watch it actually be something like that horrifying modded Xeno-Gante that just shits lasers on every attack
3U: DB (got bored from all the gathering and quit before Great Jaggi like a faggot)
4U: IG (I was a shitter that got carried to high rank, thank god I didn't reach g-rank and ruin my experience there by allowing myself to get carried)
Gens: DB, discovered GS and used it on the side
4U and 3U repeat: GS, HH, CB(started experimenting with other weapons in general)
FU: GS, Hammer and Lance
P3rd: Swaxe (started switching up weapons for each playthrough)
F1: SnS
XX: GL and GS
GU: SnS, LS, and GS
World: HH and GL (They fucked up GS in this game, HH and GL kind of fill the void because of how good they are in this game though)
Just beat Picklefuck prior to facing Nerg, wasn't that bad abusing mounts and staying away when he's pissed.
3U Hammer -> Swaxe
4U Greatsword -> Charge Blade
Gen Dual Blades
World Lance
GU Striker SnS and Adept Greatsword
FU Gunlance & SnS
Replaying 4U mainly using SnS right now.
jesus thank you for editing the image
had a great laugh
>4U glaive
>gen aerial glaive and guild hh
>GU valor glaive and guild sns
>stories hh
>FU gs, havent progressed far though yet
>world hammer and lbg
have you ever seen the Handler and Pukei-Pukei in the same room? Exactly.
it'll take ages naming the games they changed
Lance->HBG(entirety of gen 2)->Clownsuit Gun->Lance+SnS->HH(for the remaining gen 3 games)->CB->SnS(striker)->HH
FU: Great Sword, Hammer, Lance
Tri: bowguns and Great Sword
P3rd: Hunting Horn and Long Sword
TriU: HBG and Switch Axe
4U: LBG, HBG, Bow
Generations: HBG and Long Sword
World: HBG and Charge Blade
Honestly my list only shows which weapons I spent the most time with in those games. In actuality I'm a jack of most trades and can use every weapon except Insect Glaive since I never bothered learning how.
This. Learning every weapon and gitting decent at them is half the fun in MH
The expanded movesets in World is what i truly like due to this, i just wish the upcoming monsters can be AT-tier bullshit to bring out the best in your brains
Gud thread
I hope there's both. Tempered monsters for you hardcore lads, and standard versions for casuals like me.
MR monsters will be at least AT version of the current ones, but it'll be balanced out by MR gear having even more stats
it's just the difference of taking the time bonding with your weapon and not, it's not a big gap
Tempered isn't really hardcore and I'm as casual as they come. It all boils down to how well do you understand your weapon and the monster you plan on using it against just like anything else. Honestly I'd rather just have deviants back instead of tempered and ATs.
I have an autist problem of constantly flip flopping weapons, and never truly learning one. I like a lot of them, so I just bounce depending on whatever my mood is.
I do the same thing, I'm learning every single melee weapon at this point.
Let's be honest, no one on Yea Forums is a "casual" in MH in the regular scope of things. This is a game series that's sold millions of copies. The casuals are the old people, women and children who barely make it into high rank missions.
oh thats adorable Yea Forums is absolutely horrendous at any game.
yes, but through sheer persistence and retardation Yea Forums is able to kill tempered monsters where the casual audience probably doesn't reach.
This, you don't realize how into MH you are compared to the normal public when you talk to real casuals. The vast majority of players of any game drop it before they reach the final boss, I'm sure most people didn't even make it to Zorah, much less Xeno
Weapons aren't actually that deep learning wise
It's how you apply it to a hunt that matters the most
For example, you can simplify lance's moves to
>rush>upward poke 3x>backstep>repeat
But the little things like powerguard into counter 180, positioning yourself to keep up neverending pressure is what makes lance so great even when the steps are simple
>This is a game series that's sold millions of copies.
Only three million, just less than P3rd. It's dead, Jim.
>shitposting at bump limit
never gonna make it, buddy
Rocket sword has 100% affinity if you use WeX and affinity hone + criteye
wats the mountain thing next kusha?
>lose mind's eye
>lose white shapness
>lose crit boost
i dont know man
Do you mean to the left? That's Valstrax, the icon is very smudged. Below it is Nergigante, if that's what you meant
I have Max crit boost. 4 attack. 7 crit. 3 wex. That gives 100% affinity and 1400~ atk with food with peak performance. Get drachen and nerg gamma and figure it out
41% is pretty fucking casual m8
That's about the percent of people that beat the first boss in RE4, or the Gargoyles in DS.
again you lose
>white sharpness
>minds eye
I'm really not sure what you mean. It's mathematically proven to offer the highest damage potential of any GS in the game regardless of whether you factor in external skills.