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Other urls found in this thread:

>strong point of view
SAY IT WITH ME, Yea Forums

A piece of shit?



This game would get little to no hype here if it were multiplat.

MUA3 isn't a phone.
It's a switch game.

This. UA 1 and 2 look better.

Don't worry, I'll still treat it like a modern multiplat and buy it on Switch

Moonknight, Moonknight can't you see?
Muties and metas need to hang from trees.

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It would get more hype if it was multiplat for being a sequel to UA 1 and 2

I don't understand why that even matters, you literally just sound like a pouting child

Mr. Fantastic was the goat in UA1. Fight me

>Captain America
>Iron Fist

It's true though. Same for spiderman

you know thats bullshit.

Nope. I hate the new style, it a

>no antman

I can't wait to frank shit up.

Attached: punisher sights on top.jpg (614x461, 111K)


My man!

lol, now post some MUA1/2 screenshots

You might want to get your bain checked out, user.

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Put Up or Shut Up.

its Frank time

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why do those spartans looked so squashed

Frankbros, where we at?

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Frankly, it's about time.

Is there any solid, uninterrupted like 3+ minute clips of gameplay? I have a feeling by the graphics this is just a repurposed marvel future fight.

>Actually giving out wanted characters for Free
And this is why Nintendo is not making as much money as EA or Activision.

fucking based

>War Journal entry 24789925# : Today's objective, punish Thanos

>not wanting freeLC

Fucking based. And even more fucking based because I thought for sure they would be in the X-Men pack but now that could be anybody

How much nintendo is involved in it? I just was a PC version. Or fixed MUA1-2.

Yea Forums will literally always find something to complain about

Beast was omitted from the free update, so maybe he is a safe bet?

>Colossus for free
>Blade & Moon Knight
Very nice, but I probably won't get it at launch. Making moves like this gives me hope that the F4 pack has playable DOOM, despite the fact that the Knights pack has only 4 characters.

Any confirmation on if the DLC has new stages/bosses, or just characters?

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Where are the reviews?

Funded the game so it exists. It's Bayonetta 2 style.

I think they confirmed new bosses/side stories but I have no source on that

>maybe Armor because Japan likes her

The Knights pack is so sweet
Obviously F4 pack is the four
Xmen still has Beast and Quicksilver in the game but not playable, unless it'll be four new ones in which case im gonna guess Jean, Gambit, Rogue and Cable

check treehouse live from E3:
Or some already streaming the game

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I can't wait to Frank shit up.

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if they keep the 4 character standard i think its going to be
for the full 90's lineup

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The way they worded the Knights reveal they didn't announce all the characters. Was something like "here are some of the characters." Potential for more than 4 characters. The way I see it is you'll get 4 up front and then some unlocks through their little campaign. Of course that's all speculation based on loose wording.

one hour from now:


It must be sad only owning one platform.

>Funded the game
Sauce on that,
Koei Tecmo... Yeah, PC might happen.

it has nothing to do with Japan, Marvel chose the characters.

I miss Marvel Heroes so fucking bad. Punisher was fun as hell

as said, the phrasing suggests that there might be more characters per pack than the initial 4

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yes and so does america. Everyone loves Gambit

Welcome Back, Frank is definitely the best of the less serious Punisher stories. In fact, I think I'll go re-read it in celebration.

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Where the fuck is Cable?

But I thought some jap company made this game. the ninja gaiden people

Not in the base game, so cross your fingers for the X-Men pack.

how can one man be so daddy

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No way that Marvel chose Psylocke, Elektra, and Elsa. Those picks scream like characters Team Ninja wanted. Even Spider-Gwen was apparently only chosen because Team Ninja had too many ideas for Peter.

>cyclops was in all along

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Yeah, Team Ninja developed it. Which is actually why I had hopes the game would run at 60fps.
Can't win em all, I guess...

When's Archie?

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Marvel still has the final say on who they can and can't use
Remember Capcom had to fight to get Shuma-Gorath in marvel 3. Team Ninja probably convinced them to bring oddities like Elsa and Morbius

Marvel Games made the script, chose what characters are in and has to approve everything in the game and does promotional stuff while Team Ninja develops the game.


Nope, I remember a interview somewhere that Nintendo and Team Ninja themselves had to fight Disney for the X-Men. The Mouse wanted movie characters only and Nintendo told them to fuck off and threatened to pull the plug on the project.


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Don't lose hope if they can get Marvel to put in X-men and Fantastic four we can have a chance with gambit for the love of god we got Nightcrawler and Colossus Gambit is a shoe in.

Well for one, he's an actual dad. That certainly gives him points.

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>tfw Capcom wasn't able to do this

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Morbius is getting a movie next year

fuck Beast and his race traitor ass
id rather have Morph than him

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lmao Nintendo vs Disney. What a fight.
lol combofiend

is cyclops the captain america or iron man of the x-men

What the fuck
Guess that explains Elsa too. Bring on the monster hunting

>those cyclops and colossus models
Fucking Jim Lee, nice. They look better than they ever have
>that art for Blade, Moon Knight and Morbius
this game is going to be so good

All I know is if they add Rogue they will grace us with her superior 90s outfit compared to that shitty green cloak they have her wearing now.

Attached: X-Men-Animated-Series-Rogue-By-Christinaconan-03__scaled_800.jpg (1072x800, 111K)

Nintendo has their big fucking war chest to throw around. They can get their way.
Capcom couldn't even muster up a higher budget than a DLC season of SF5 for the entire MvCI project. They had no power.

Iron Man - Wolverine
Captain America - Cyclops

>clean anime-ish style
>mobile game
I can see why you might get confused, but these models are more detailed than most mobile game character models. Tons of facial detail and animation

Does help that Disney absorbed Fox and so Marvel got the rights shifted back on X-Men and F4. Capcom had to deal with the shit show of multiple rights holders before.

Also a very likely reason for these DLC packs to be themed after Fox rights heroes as they could start them later when rights were secured.


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Better luck for the real MVC4.

>every character looks like they're wrapped in cellophane

The mouse fears the Samurai

source please

Based Nintendo.

I thought so thank you

Keep waiting
I bet you'll emulate it before even getting a pc release

MUA3 was definitely in development before the rights went back. It was announced with Wolverine and Sentinels and shit in the trailer back in December, before the talks/negotiations/buyout of Fox became public. I think it's more likely that the deal is the reason that X-Men and F4 are getting DLC packs.

No they didn't, Marvel and Disney always had the video game rights for F4 and the X Men, the only reason they didn't appear in any from like MvC3 to MUA3 is because Ike Perlmutter (Marvel CEO) threw a fit about not wanting to advertise Fox movies.

>rainbow flag background
I thought this nonsense was over

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Colossus is my nigga, so I guess I'm getting this.


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Moon god?

>How's your dead family

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It does sound like there might be more alright;

>a look at a few characters

Maybe these 4 will be unlocked at the start of the DLC, and one or two more hidden in Infinity Trials?


>thumbing nose in the face of the mouse
>mouse backs down

Must have been during Kimishimas tenure as President!

Japan REALLY likes X Men. They know it wouldn't sell there without them. Expect to see Juggernaut in the future dlc, apparently he was super fucking popular in the early Capcom Marvel games.

The mouse fears the Yakuza

Possibly, a lot of the character outfits seem to hark back to 90's comics and cartoons depictions.

>Complaining about not getting jewed to death to play as night crawler
Just Fucking enjoy the god damn game holy fuck.

They have a lot to apologize for after Endgame then.

Bros... I'm worried.

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>Hows your dead family?

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>Khonsu's name reflects the fact that the Moon (referred to as Iah in Egyptian) travels across the night sky, for it means "traveller", and also had the titles "Embracer", "Pathfinder", and "Defender", as he was thought to watch over those who travel at night.

Attached: moon-knight-egyptian-god-khonshu.jpg (738x369, 53K)

>the mouse fears the plumber

>Playable Juggernaut
>Clearly inspired by Capcom fighter Juggs based on his appearance in the game and how they put in Psylocke
Fucking yes please. I want to put him, Hulk, Colossus, and Cage on the same team and just smash shit.

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What a fucking cringe character

See, you've got the right idea.

even more reddit than Deadpool

Super Smash Bros Vs Disney

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You sure showed them.

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I've never known anything of Jubilee other than the 90s cartoon where she's pretty overall useless. What could she do on a game like MUA?

It's possible, but given that Marvel actually approached Nintendo about making a game, it's very likely there's some contract somewhere that keeps it exclusive since it's not like there was anything preventing Marvel from going to KoeiTecmo directly

Some motherfuckers are always trying to evade taxes uphill

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It's mostly due cartoon and MAHVEL.

>Hating Gwenpool

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Are all the difficulties unlocked from the start?
I pirated 1 recently and it kills me to not have Hard mode right from the start

Not that anybody was asking.

>complain about EA or Activision
>turn around and complain about others not being EA or Activision

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Cyclops is such a polarizing character. People either really hate him or love him, there is no middle ground. I'll always be a fan of his

Are you a shareholder? why are you giving a fuck?

W-when will we get best girl Yea Forums?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-18 Terrible Eye (Sarah) (Earth-616).png (523x884, 382K)

No, theres a secret difficulty that unlocks once you finish the game. Not sure on the exact specifics of whats changed though, just that its "more of a challenge!"

She is a mommy vampire now.

Cyclops is just OK.

>best girl
Spiral? Good question.

>Putting out characters for free 6 weeks post-launch to grab the attention of the large fanbases for Scott & Piotr
>Increase launch sales, get good PR, keep interest & "engagement" with content put out between launch and the Season pass, get a bump in sales in late August due to people who were on the fence that REALLY wanted to specifically play as Cyclops (which there probably is a decent amount of)
Seems smart to me.

>He still thinks there will be another one

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>outfits in q1 2020

Well, thats pretty good to hear.

It's already been dumped, downloading it right now.

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I agree. When ARE we getting She-Hulk? The roster is looking good now but I need Jenny From The Block to make it feel complete.

Attached: shehulk-mvc3[1].jpg (1280x1810, 148K)

I missed that part. source?

Will they be free?

Sarah is cute, cute!

30 minutes till it unlocks for me. Anyone in EU going to be playing online?

C'mon, you gotta post what comes next.

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Still looks like shit in handheld and has frame pacing issues

Did Colossus really have much of a fanbase before he was one of the best characters in the Deadpool movies?
Never really heard many people clamoring for him.

Probably when her girlfriend's DLC pack comes out.

Attached: 1.png (500x637, 162K)

He was always a main stay, but in terms of popularity not especially. Nobody disliked him but he had very few actual fans.


I have a question. Does playing games in portable mode but while plugged into charger give the same effect as being docked?


Would really like to see this for DD.

Attached: daredevil not.jpg (761x900, 55K)

Colossus is a classic X-men character but even is his sister is more popular

The dock actually has components in it that tell the Switch to begin over-clocking which only the Dock can do.

I hope they spend time to iron those out, it looks really solid in docked

Fuck no. That shit would burn your fingers.

I've been reading the old Claremont run and Peter is pretty based. His metal skin being anti-magic and saving his sister was cool.

Man i was almost buying it.

Fair enough. Thanks for quick answer.

Does anyone know the song that plays in the xmen arcade game that just says x-men over and over?

Anti venom and MCU Wasp please

This one?

>Really solid in docked
>mid 20s dips almost constantly
user. The fuck.

15 minutes until it unlocks in britfagia.

I'm not gonna bullshit but im still tempted but paying for DLC while the game is like this? I don't know...

More like 18 minutes desu

>and MCU Wasp please
My negro. That suit is sexy as hell. I want to cum on Hope's visor.

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Maybe I missed it but I think the lowest it dropped to was 26 and only for an instant.
It usually hovered between 28 and 30?

>Tfw Gambit actually has a chance now
Incredibly based, Colossus was my secondary big guy after Luke Cage.

Because that's early game. Shit gets worst the more skills you unlock and use

what's this from?

might as well wait for the ultimate/gold/complete collection in a years time for everything in one

Newest issue of the current meh Punisher run.

The current Punisher comic, the issue is not actually out yet, the writer sent a sneak peak with this panel


>DLC that should be in main game
>no alternate costumes
>only 4 moves per character
why should I be excited for this game, I liked the last two
also this

>Breaking news: MUA3 delayed to Q2 2020 because some retard thinks you can just keep making content and still release the game on time

Team is now official.

Venom, Punisher, Wolverine, Blade. All edge, no relief. Get fucked.

this. I'm not going to play this game for more than 2 weeks. How the fuck am I supposed to stay interested for more than a month?

Would Sentry be OP? I remember he was in one of the games

Attached: Sentry_2.png (220x335, 131K)

you mean, like games used to be?


I hated Cyclops until he became Rightclops

nintendo has proven that DLC content already exists and is withheld by marketing

Do you know how much content was cut from games that "used to be" because of constrained development times? Content that never saw the light of day because no online updates? If MUA3 was released during the PS3/360 era, the base game we're getting now would have been it. It wouldn't have been held back another year to add new content.

The guy who can shoot lasers out of his face will always be cool, no matter how right he may be.

But PS3/360 got DLC. Well UA1 on 360 did.

Do you know how many games havent seen the day of light because of never being released?
Thats how stupid you sound.

>in the past, every game was made complete to the creator's vision because they had infinite money and time before

>actually complaining about free stuff

God I hate this place sometimes

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>a first look at a few characters from the first DLC pack
>a few

5+ characters per pack confirmed?

Attached: 1370650852583.jpg (400x400, 42K)

Nice false equivalence, retard. We're talking content in released games, not games that died in development.


literally what the fuck are you talking about?

Possibly, it's unclear at the moment but we shouldnt get our hopes up
Still, Shang Chi and Doom would be bitching additions

>I'm so dumb I cant do reading comprehension so I just insert my own opinion on what other guys replied.

that or you don't know how to greentext

Fantastic 4 pack is F4 + Doom + Silver Surfer
Calling it now.
Because who the fuck would buy the F4 pack for the Fantastic 4 alone


>false equivalence
nice logic studies, shame we are on Yea Forums, where nothing matters.

quite possible

F4 pack will be the 4, and probably a combination of doom, surfer, namor?


Of course. How else would the F4 pack have playable DOOM if there's only 4 slots that get hogged by Reed/Susan/Johnny/Grimm?


Can a Yea Forums user explain the Rightclops meme for me?

I'm sure the doctor said you didn't matter when you were birthed.

Doom & Surfer would be sick but Namor can fuck off until She-Hulk gets in, and the F4 pack is her best shot.

I would, but only for The ever-loving blue eyed Thing.

Name my band

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you know I used an ironic expression right?

Except the point is that lots of games wouldn't get delayed because they couldn't fit in literally everything, they'd get delayed if the game just fundamentally wasn't working or had major performance issues
Stuff that would affect sales in a big way.
But cutting portions of non-critical content from a game was pretty standard. It's why people fucking found tons of incomplete Colossuses in SotC. Had that game been released today, it's possible those would have been patched in later

The PleaseSqueezeMyHeadBetweenYourThighs

it's actually getting better reviews than I thought

not complaining you retarded faggot. I'm just pointing out the obvious marketing strategy that only a retard like you would fall for.

>photo of screen
>vertical photo no less

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After being treated like a loser for a long time in order to make wolverine look good fans started to take a liking to cyclops for being much more aggressive in his defense of mutants compared to the more moderated wolverine and since the marvel universe likes to shit on mutants people started to see Cyclops as the one in the right

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What would have been better is if they were combined into one character, Cyclopssus, having both of their powers. That way we'd still have an open slot for someone else.

I'm glad Frank will be added to game.
Sentry would be fine for the game, if they need a Super Man like character Sentry is probably first in line.
speaking of characters that one would like in the game. I hope they add either Black Bolt or Karnak to the game at some point

Attached: Blackbolt in space.jpg (440x640, 68K)

But MUA2 got DLC. Shitty timelocked DLC that resulted in an online clusterfuck since they never patched the game and you had to download DLC as a patch, but it was still there.

3 redheads and a dumb blond

> 2 new characters for free
> the rest you have to fucking pay

I'll wait for the ultimate edition where it has all characters included.

>fighting games


Moon Knight had some good builds too

I was expecting about 7.5 and this seems like that.
I'm just happy to have a local multiplayer Switch game that isn't just competitive but has some meat on it

I'm too much of a brainlet to understand reviews. Someone explain to me how a game can be above average but not recommended

Attached: please explain.png (389x171, 78K)

No Dazzler, no buy.

Attached: 1507443-1995fleer_dazzler.jpg (561x640, 40K)

Cyclops had a run of ~15 years of nonstop character growth that took him from the classic boyscout to battle-hardened leader of a race on the edge of extinction.

Attached: 073 - AVX Consequences #2 (of 5) (2012) - Page 12.jpg (1280x1968, 434K)

It's shit. Unless that's the only waifu team you can make at the beginning of the game you could do much better. Maybe when Ms. Marvel-era Carol costume is out.

>mommy, I saw something I don't like and I deliberately went into it to scream and fart and piss everywhere, did I do good mommy? Mommy?!

Im guessing if the word 'recommend' is in the review?
i have no idea

Are you really trying to defend a marketing campaign by saying "it's ok to sell incomplete stuff by adding more stuff later?"

like, "we wont finish this car on time, but don't worry, you can buy the wheels in 2 months!"

>Black Knight is actually never ever

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Leave fart sniffer

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7/10 is average on the modern review scale

>has dynamic resolution raging from 720p to 1080p docked and 540p to 720p handheld
>frame rate it's meh

Because stupid fucks think that a 70 is bad. A 7/10 is a good, unremarkable game but some people think that anything below a 90 is shovelware (and that's before you realize that a lot of reviewers are just stupid and games can get average review scores that just flat-out don't represent the game well).

beast will more likely be a free update as none of the moon knights have models in the game

beast just might be mixed with mystique

Pretty shit analogy there, since the game is completely and perfectly playable without a few characters but a car is useless without wheels.

guess i'm getting this game

>Thanos defeated by The Punisher

I wish Frank was in the MCU.

Here's the best tip: completely disregard anything a reviewer/critic says. They get paid for opinion pieces and often to either lavish or shit on what they're reviewing.

>Pretty shit analogy there
>its an analogy so your argument is shit

ok, then a car that didn't make the doors on time. its still usable, and you can drive it.

Are you being paid by marvel or by disney?

Just so we're all aware here, the other two characters will be Black Cat and Green Goblin.

Attached: Marvel_Knights_Spider-Man_Vol_1_11.jpg (400x607, 67K)

The GameExplain preview video from yesterday the two people agreed MUA3 is the low point of E3 for them. Make of that what you will.

Why are you throwing a shitfit over a few extra characters?

>Show off 6+ characters today
>STILL no Ant-Man

>Black Cat as made by Team Ninja
>Norman cackling while throwing pumpkins from his glider, but as a playable character instead of just a boss fight
Totally acceptable.

At least I ain't seeing the world though rose tinted glasses.

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Why the fuck was that other thread deleted?

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>Black Bolt
Didn't they find files for him with the other playable characters?
Maybe he'll be a freebie down the line

too many posts?

out of arguments?

If it's not Smash Bros you are not allowed to have more than 1 thread up.

Usually It's something along the lines of " It's okay, but unless you're a die hard Marvel fan, other diablo-clone is better."


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Well that's good to hear thank you for the info.

Not only that they made him literally Hitler (genuinely conparing him to hitler for some offscreen shit that isn't really elaborated on) for disagreeing with the Avengers in X vs A and standing his ground and defending himself and innocent mutants when the terrible Inhumans released their gay traveling fart cloud that literally gasses mutants without discrimination and randomly transforms normal humans into imhumans caused a bunch of other shit to happen.
Despite how the story portrays him he completely is in the right.
Similar to how Jean and most other Psychics are actually insufferable hypocritical cunts with no redeeming qualities despite the story portraying them as heroes and good people.

Cucks women non-stop, goes from wife to wife with no problem

Cucked non-stop. Even got cucked by Johnny Storm

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Please for the love of GOD let Blade make a reference to "Some motherfuckers always trying to skate uphill".

Who's the most autistic?

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based and discopilled

>quicksilver never

reviews are out all over youtube here's the gist of it:
>mostly good to great 8/10 avg.
>some fps drops
>some levels looks/feel dated while others look amazing
>fps is around 40-60 fps but mostly stays around 45-50 and goes down to 30 when everything is super busy docked
>720p docked and 600p handheld
>most reviews seems to have a better experience with docked
>online play is good no lag like SMM2
>camera sometimes suck
>good replayablility with unlimited levels of difficulty
>Kotaku complaining about the sexy women
IDK what else to add or what I missed. Overall people seem to love this game, it is not Dynasty Warriors nor Diablo 3. There is a lot of grinding...

Cyclops' development is fascinating because it's unintentional.


are you sure about that? Most things have it capped at 30 with drops to 25 or so in handheld mode.
>no lag in online play
Oh shit, that's actually good to hear
>bad camera
that sucks but it's not the worse in the world
Basically has some good and bad. I can deal with that.
Who wants to play this weekend?

I'm surprised we aren't getting any chinese shill characters.

Attached: D-g7WesU4AAEh54-orig.jpg (1000x1515, 217K)

One of the things that people have been complaining about is the leveling system. If you want to try a character you would need to go back to level it from the beginning, if you join a "hard" or "expert" game you will be instagib similarly to Diablo 3.

Squirrel Girl? Maybe DLC

Oh god why
They shoulda known people hated that all the way back in x men legends 2

The fps is only from one review, and the reviewer is not sure. He said to wait for Digital Foundry. But he said it is not 30fps, something a little higher. Not 60fps but not 30, he said around 40-60 with an average of 45-50.

>Kotaku complaining about the sexy women

So just like every single Kotaku review ever.

maybe Shang Chi could be included in the Marvel Knights DLC if its more than 4

Can you swap between your four characters, or are you stuck as the hero you chose to play as?

What's the PST release time

How's her comic? I have it sitting on my tablet but I haven't gotten around to reading it yet.

This, there are more depths to Cyclops that normies don't understand. He took up the mantle from Magneto & Charles and everyone recognized him as the true leader of mutants.

There's checkpoints where you can swap at

I don't give a rat's ass if a few extra characters are DLC. I have a job.

I'm always down for more skin tight suits.

Attached: 1553889177153.jpg (1988x3056, 472K)

Only team you can at the very beginning, without counting gamora


In single player you can switch as you like (and there's an option for a closer camera since you don't need to accommodate for other people when solo). Not sure in multiplayer, maybe you can't switch to a character that another player is using. Obviously in 4-player you're probably locked.

You can swap whenever there's an Avenger symbol on the ground, you need to be wary of the levels of each characters when doing so in anything higher than "Hard" difficulty.

>Kotaku complaining about sexy women

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There's no way DOOM doesn't make it in at some point

>it's another game wasted on phone hardware episode

>Kotaku complaining about the sexy women
What exactly are they saying? I love laughing at their autism.

Wait, what the fuck? Didn't the previous games auto-level the rest of your roster to keep them relevant? Having to start from scratch with every character seems really dumb in comparison.

Sadly writers have since tried their fucking hardest to ruin the character and everything around him with the current faggot writing X-Men being particularly egregious considering he basically walked into the X-Men house, kicked over all the toys and then walked out.

>I have a job.
Wagie lol
>inb4 jobless
im on a vacation
>inb4 summerfag
job vacation

Marvel Knights confirmed for September.

I need Phoenix Five Magik and Savage Land Rogue DLC

Nope, actually this has been known since the TH.

>those frame drops in the trailer
Well at least you can't say it's bullshots

A Cuck?

lol the fuck, are you complaining about $25? I am on disability and live with my mom, $25 is not much money. How poor are you?

If Rogue gets in it'll probably be X-Men TAS/XM vs SF/MvC2 Rogue but with some black spots in the color scheme because a bunch of Team Ninja's costume redesigns seem to have that for some reason.

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Valkyrie in the background

I unironically hope it's permadeath. Could you imagine?

>How's your dead family?

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Winter Soldier is in the story but is an NPC so she probably is too if they didn't announce her alongside Loki.

The weird thing is that the frame drops seem to happen right when some big attack is about to go, but not while there are tons of attacks going on at the same time.

Incopetent writers tried to turn him into a morally grey character, but every "morally questionable" decision they made him take made it seem like he was in the right. This peaked when they tried to paint him as the mutant Hitler because he destroyed some giant clouds that were, and I shit you not, gassing mutants to death.

>Im losing an argument so I have to do this more personal
>complaining about the money
it's not about the money, if you stopped a little bit and read what are we arguring about its about the jew marketing a jew company is doing. I don't give a shit about capeshit, I wont even play the game. its just that you are so pathetic that are you trying to defend the genital of your master inside your meat ring

>team leader
>cockblocks wolverine
>leaves wife and child for jean
>cheats on jean with emma
>betrays emma for power
>time displace young jean wants his D

not a cuck

Was that Motherfucking Klaw as a boss? based

will it be white valkyrie

That would be cool, but I don't think they'd do it.
It would be funny to have an ironman mode in a game with Iron Man.

Hold onto hope

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Who's this cutie? I stopped caring about marvel when they started to shill the SJW characters. I'd still bust a nut to Gwen Pool, though

looks like it

So stylistic?

isn't that girl the self inserted character made by "lol le geek culture!xD"

That much cope. Sorry but 75 is shit around here for everything else. Enjoy your phone game tho

> it's another game that wouldn't exist if it wasn't for based nintendo episode
ftfy, seething retard

She a design that got popular so they made it into a character.

Possibly. It doesnt seem like, in docked anyway, the number of effects on the screen makes that big of a difference as much as it seems like they slow down time or something right before a big attack to emphasize it more

She was originally just a costume on a Deadpool variant cover when Marvel was pushing Spider-Gwen hard by having Gwen versions of characters on variants. "Gwenpool" got really popular for some reason and they made her into a real character.

She's a NEET from our universe that got sucked into comics while having a near-encyclopedic knowledge of Marvel and is aware that as long as she has a comic named after her she's got plot armor.

It's decent as far as comics that break the 4th wall go. There's good moments like her seeing Kitty Pryde on the street and thinking that this issue must be written by Bendis, which makes her think that anybody could die for no reason.

>kotaku complaining about sexy women

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so... yes?

And comic-book Klaw too
I like his MCU look but it's nice to see that this game is doing more of an "intro to all these characters as they actually are" type of thing.

I know nothing about her but she's my favorite new superhero.

>Storm in Low
>Ghost Rider in Shit
Unless you're ranking Blaze entirely on the fact that he has the mediocre MvCi voice and not the 10/10 MvC3 voice then you've got terminal shit taste.

The packs are said to have stand-alone stories unrelated to the main story, so maybe an extra playable character wouldn't be out of the ordinary.

He's on the X-Mansion stage, you doof.

Cool, now maybe they can start making the platforms to play those videogames on instead of children toys.

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>waifuing kamala

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Video games are for children, user. No one thinks otherwise just because your toy is black

It's been done before. Nintendo slugged it out with Universal back in the day with Universal thinking they held the copyrights to giant ape villains.

basically a character aimed for the "nerd/geek culture xD!" so people who like this character can feel unique and special?

Any list that puts Danny & Luke that far apart is garbage.

>no silver surfer

Attached: image-57.jpg (1284x2000, 416K)

keep telling yourself that

It’s amazing how they turned one of the most loved mutants into the most disliked. God Beast has been annoying for a decade

Silver Shit

I'll get it on sale.

Rightclops is the modern day Parallax Hal

Wait, really?
So that previous FPS is wrong?
That’s really interesting, but it sounds like they opted performance over visuals like TSA

Is only an Alpha level mutant not even an Omega Mutant and couldn't truly learn to control his powers needed help of technology etc to keep them from hurting anyone. many X-men who he called friends left him because he was being too much of a dick. Cheats on his wife and damaged his rep so hard even Young him wanted nothing to do with himself.

>Black Bolt
Is seen by his People as above Inhuman, Even Ronan bows to him and when he returns from his long term vacation is was praised by all who where in Attilan. Learned to control his powers via years of self training and is regarded as one of the most Powerful Inhumans there is.

Attached: Cyclops cheats on Jean Grey with Emma Frost.jpg (465x589, 87K)

>the plumber


>>cel shading game looks worst than the 2nd one on PS3
yeah no

Oh dear god the nostalgia


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>digital foundry

That's gonna be a big yikes from me dog

It was intentional for a bit, but then post-Schism the writers went full retard and made him the relatable one, while bending over backwards to nonsensically call him Hitler

>Learned to control his powers via years of self training and is regarded as one of the most Powerful Inhumans there is.
That's like saying Scott keeping his eyes closed is learning to control his powers. Scott is 100 times more controlled in his usage. It's not a knock against Black Bolt but he literally can't whisper without causing mass destruction

>40-60fps docked.
They say it's capped at 30 in the video though.

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Why's a hand coming out of his crotch?

The reviews seems to point out that the CPU is somewhat retarded.

He didn’t actually cheat. He was kinda mind raped

That's a foot.

Not a problem. Plan to play this with my friends on my bed. #switchlife

Must have a big bed.

I want Reed back so me

>jews jews jews jews!
Christ, you people are so boring and predictable.


Westaboos like X-Men yes

>Carol and her Aunt Flo

A chad.

Stay mad.

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If that's how you want to paint it so you can rage or whatever, sure.

would be cool to also get Namor and Super Skrull

Nips like her
Then again Nips also like Dogwelder

Fuck that entire run. Worst the X-Men books have been in years and that's a feat because they've been awful

He was so much fun. Stealing kills from my brother never got old.


I dropped during AvX and was mortified at some of the shit I saw during Bendis’ run. Did it really get worse?

Do you have hopes for Hickman?


Fuck deadpool for stealing that meme

Why's a foot coming out his ass?

Havok, Multiple Man, Warlock, Wolfsbane, Sunspot, Blindfold, Loa, Strong Guy, Cable, and many others were all casually killed off this year.

What is this, Ultimatum part 2


Attached: magik-uncanny-x-men-vol-3-29-e1516286947701.jpg (1835x2018, 667K)

No point in adding Super-Skrull when you have the entire FF already, he was only added to MvC3 because they couldn't put them all in so he was standing in for all of them.

I hope she's in.

Nigga wut? That song became a meme back 5 years ago, from fucking rick and Morty.

So are those horns?

>Strong Guy
he was king of hell once
he'll be fine

>implying they'll stay dead
Is Warlock a good character?
I'm in love with his design

Jesus Christ, Moon Knight

The Passion of Scott Summers came out seven years ago and that’s when it became Scott’s theme song. The author, Gillen, posted a playlist of his inspirations for that run and DMX’s magnum opus was on it

>combofiend tells marvel that MvCI flopped because no X-Men
>Great selection of legacy style X-Men come to MUA3
you paisanos better buy this shit for the sake of MvC4

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Wait what? We got a New Mutants movie coming out in quarter whenever of the year 20whofuckingknows. They can’t kill off Wolfsbane

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He almost never the focus of a story but he's good comic relief

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Its crazy to think in terms of performance this is the most stable game in the series, especially when you remember the os4 port of was was so bad it couldnt hit 1080p 60 and barely hit 30

My only question

When I play local co-OP can it just have two people instead of 4

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It's marvel, it doesn't need help selling millions of copies.

Frank insulted his religion (and Khnosu is very much real in the MU), he had it coming.

>tfw his "alts" were all the same in 1

Attached: Spooder-Man.jpg (544x400, 49K)

Not enough pro tranny posting.

Rosenburg sent half the X-Men into a parallel universe created by X-Man where mutants are finally at peace. Then revived Scott. Him and the remaining X-Men think the others are dead and the government allowed a mutant Gene vaccine to pass so now to fix mutant reputation before the X Gene is basically wiped from the planet Scott decides to lead the rest secretly to go fuck up all of their enemies and it's at this point that Rosenberg just starts killing off X-Men left and right with zero fanfare. Pic related. The other half eventually find out they're in a parallel world but many of them like Nightcrawler and Colossus want to stay because this is what they've always fought for. Jean finds out Scott is alive in the real universe and makes an executive decision for everyone that they're destroying paradise and going back. Meanwhile in the real world Emma had a plan where she'd use cerebro bolstered by their other telepaths to wipe mutants from the world's mind. Everyone believes this is a genius plan and Emma shows them it working and they all vote to go forward with it. They're successful. Now nobody knows mutants are a thing. Jean and the other half come back and Scott for no reason decides it's wrong that people don't know about mutants and all they've suffered so they blow up cerebro and now everyone remembers the x men exist and are criminals. Also Scott and Jean kiss in front of everyone depsite the fact that he was married to Emma before he died and was revived

So tl;dr everything that happened in the run ultimately didn't matter, it all reset to zero except 30 X-Men are still dead

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How many times do we have to tell you
Its Perlmutter's fault and the old fart has given up

Based fucking nuzlocke. Those threads were the best.


I forgot how shit John Romita Jrs art is.

Didn't he gave up/turn on the skull bird or something at some point?

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>TN designing Magik

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Do you have the Spider-Ock propaganda image he made as a joke but quickly regret making?

So what's Morbius' deal? What does being a "Living Vampire" entail? Does Blade still try to kill him?

Just two to a team? No

>Play this weekend
If you make a thread during that time, I'll join ya. I plan to just play the game all weekend.

there's no point in having Colossus when you have the Hulk

I don’t, sorry. I stopped visiting Yea Forums when I dropped comics, save Hellboy. The place seems to be mouse central these days.

He's an artificial vampire

still no gameplay reveal for the square enix game?

No, Square is literally retarded.

No and i hope this game steals that games thunder and they take some fucking notes from how well its received.

What a fucking chad. Doom, too.

most of these guys fucking suck

Why do they keep ignoring the best character in all of Marvel?

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>Gotta come up with a new marvel character for deadline
>Due in an hour, artist has nothing
>Looks around the room and sees a discarded Zero candy bar wrapper in the bin at the asian interns desk

Thats IT!

Attached: hersheys-zero-candy-bars.jpg (400x400, 17K)

supposed to be showing it off a week after gamescom

Give him a moveset then.

>haha le joek is le best!

One day she'll be in a game. Or a movie. Or a cartoon.

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Doom is the only thing keeping FF4 relevant.

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>how well its received

Don't jump the gun.

>one day she'll be in a game
She already was

He cheated in the worst possible way for women. Emotionally and telepathically which was originally a Scott and Jean special thing. Would have been better if it was just physical.

Blow shit up, those "fireworks" of hers are actually pretty destructive.

Nah, she got her mutant powers restored and was cured of her vampirism last year.

>hmm, the name needs improvement

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>morbius confirms TN is going to have wildcard picks in their dlc

No Rouge or Wasp no dimes.


A game that matters

The dude went through a traumatic experience, his telepathic wife knew and didn’t help them, then he got suckered by a former villain while vulnerable. I won’t forgive Scott for ditching Maddie and Nathan, but this one isn’t solely on him

>Heroes didn't matter

Morbius is getting a movie from Sony, he's not that much of a wildcard.

Morbius is getting a movie so it might still just be shillwork
Still a chance for surprises though


Why do Marvel girls get no porn?

that's a mood killer
still pretty cool though

Sure I'm willing to concede that point.
been awhile since I read some of the X-Men books, so you might be right on that.

Attached: Uncanny X-men first class issue #2 page 21.jpg (1037x1600, 650K)

>mobius but no shang-chi


>free to play trash


How would they make him different from Danny? Genuine question since I know nothing about this dude.

funny how quicksilver is a mutant who never hangs out with the x-men

user, I don't think you played it.

Anything free to play is trash.

who is this, and do you have more of her

We've got five different Spider-people, so yes, joke characters are the best.

It's like this too on Hyrule Warriors but at least on that, you can just throw money at the character to auto level. Sucks we have to just individually grind everyone, it kinda makes using multiple people feel like too much work.

Are we ever going to have this guy as a boss or NPC in any of the games?

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You can use those XP boost things if you have enough

>We've got five different Spider-people
Peter, Talking Costume, Bendis Spawn...?

He has a genetic blood disease and when treating it with Vampire Bat DNA ended up becoming vampire-like. So, basically science vampire rather than mythical stuff like real vampires.

Magik, Colossus' (not so) little sister

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user, did you even play the first game?

Gwen, Deadpool?

>dumb mortal didn't play 1

Danny normally fights unarmed, has magic fists, and is normally a street level character

Shang-Chi uses nunchucks sometimes, has the ability to clone himself, and i also think much stronger

while we're at it Karnak (the inhuman martial artist) focuses on pressure points, and actually is super storng instead of using Chi to make himself stronger

who is the biggest slut, emma frost or magik-uwu ?

>not enjoying what happens when your wirter is told anything he does won't matter because Hickman is coming in within the year anyway
Rosenbergs was great if only for him going full retard on it. I genuinely loved it

Because he was an enemy? He was a part of the brotherhood

It's not like killing a Storm or a Nightcrawler but for people who follow these comics most of these are pretty prominent B Team mutants. It's mostly that the writer just made a fucking mess and used death to push things forward rather than write well. A SINGLE sentinel confronts Havok and Cyke in the park and Havok kills himself to destroy it. That's the level of not giving a fuck we were dealing with

That's Talking Costume.

I'll begin the search now

Magik is a kissless virgin. Emma slept her way to the Hellfire Club's inner circle

I can't imagine Rogue won't be DLC or a free patch later seeing as she'll be a Carol echo.

It doesn't mention funding directly but the license was negotiated directly with Nintendo, not Koei.

I wish this was a fighting game instead.

He was in the first one?

MAHVEL is literal cancer. You must like basketball

This would be a pretty good roster

And yet every attempt has only proven Cyclops even more right. He wasn't even alive for Inhumans vs X-Men and he was STILL right. Not even the writers can stop him even when they are actively trying to make him out to be literally Hitler.

mutants shouldn't always be with the x-men anyways
i mean they were created because stan was tired of writing origins

and inuniverse they should be treated as a race in the world, not people who only exist when the books title has an x in it

he's the first boss

One of the first few bosses you fight

Oh God wtf is happening?

Attached: 1.jpg (656x225, 35K)

More reviews are coming in
Some will be good, some will be bad

I don't. Besides, this is Team Ninja, they wouldn't make a MvC clone.

Great art direction too, MCU tacticool cancer kept to a bare minimum.

>still using reviews like they matter
Form your own opinion, man. Half the fun of these games is the fanservice.

it's an ultimate alliance game

The problem with MvC is all the irrelevant crapcom characters taking up space

just cant stand up the quality of a REAL nintendo game

Attached: kino.png (425x259, 62K)

The problem is these hacks literally saddle the mutants with fucking genocide and extinction and then try to say "Omg Scott why are you doing this" as if everyone in the world reading an X-MEN comic wouldn't sympathize with them having to take drastic measures. It's doubly egregious because Marvel keeps the X-Men so separated from the rest of the Marvel Universe so when shit hits the fan and Scott has to step up it's easy to call Cap a cunt or tell the Inhumans to fuck off because they were never there when the muggas needed it

You can tell Team Ninja was inspired by Capcom's Marvel games at least. Let Capcom make an all-Capcom Vs game instead of deal with Marvel again.

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Stylist’s nightmare

The Marvel shilling isn't much better. Who gives a shit about Carol, Winter Soldier, X-23, Redditors of the Galaxy and so on.

>Giving a fuck about Metacritic at all

>mixed or average
As a math teacher this is making my autism flare up

She's going to be in the New Mutants movie next year.

>they wouldn't make a MvC clone.
Some characters here clearly took notes from Mahvel tho:
>Venom has his Venom Fang
>Wolverine has a move literally called "Berserker Barrage"
>Psylocke has a similar move to her Psyblade
>Hawkeye has his Scatter Shots and Piercing Bolts
>Spider-Gwen has the Maximum Spider

>an all-Capcom Vs game
I've been wanting that ever since I heard of the cancelled Fighting All Stars. And no, Fighting Jam doesn't count.

>first boss
They really don't like him, do they.

Thick Thighs and the Wine Aunt.

>Besides, this is Team Ninja

Then i rather it be an actual action game instead.

I'm not into capeshit but if i was why would i want these character to be relegated to yet another fighting game instead of something different?

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Please explain what the fuck that box multiplication shit is that they are teaching now. I watched a YouTube video of it and it is the dumbest roundabout shit I have ever seen.

This isn't new.

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Their action games have been trash for ages, user.

Isn't the 2nd one objectively horrible?

Fuck are you talking about a C average in school is where this scale comes from.

Just wait for it to get delayed again


holy shit moon knight chill

2 is actually not that great tho, that might even be generous. if you read the reviews its like entering the bizarro dimension


This shit? I don't know cause this looks like primary level shit and I do senior, but it looks like you're just breaking up a number so it's easier to multiply. Basically mental computations we've done for ages but in written form.

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user, by definition 50 is mediocre.

Some of the reviews are downright fucking retarded especially the IGN and Kotaku ones. Also some of these faggots are just bloggers...

>objectify women
>Team Ninja up to their old tricks

what the fuck?!

Not in this day and age. Anything less than 98 = awful and shit.

What, did I kick a musoutard nest or something? NG3, Other M, Nioh and Zelda Musou are all garbage.

Other M is garbage, yes. The other three are good.


So what is it Cyclops is "right" about exactly? Do people want "Right"clops on the game or boy scout 90s tragic hero Cyclops?

>Other M

We get it, you're a mongoloid who doesn't know what he's talking about. You can stop now.

Attached: Peak Miji.webm (900x506, 2.95M)

Does 3 have the combo specials like 2 had where a beam character could shoot off of Caps shield and stuff like that? That was the raddest feature these games have ever had


Razor's Edge and Nioh are good you dipshit. I don't play Musous but I've heard that the Zelda one is the best there is. Other M is the only definitely bad game you listed and the story (which wasn't in Team Ninja's hands) was the game's biggest problem.

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omega force makes the musou games

I miss Zatch Bell

This victory is for you, Konshu!

I kinda feel that besides the Digital Foundry reviews, a lot of the other big name reviews seems to give it minus marks for sexy women. I honestly don't know why game journalists hate sexy women so much?

And 1 is only 80. X-Men Legends 1 is 79. That's after all reviews. MUA isn't HOLY SHIT, it's fine.

In a nutshell, he became the leader of mutants and called everyone else out for never helping them with anything. Something bad happens to mutants, Avengers do nothing. Mutants on the verge of extinction, Inhumans fight tooth and nail to prevent them from protecting themselves. Cyclops had enough of all the bullshit and did what he needed to when he needed to.
It's time to start reading some X-Men. The ride never ends.

Read the manga if you haven't. The anime butchered the Faudo arc and had a cliffhanger ending right after while the Faudo arc is the best overall arc in the manga and it goes all the way to the end of the tournament with an ass-pull so blatant that it loops around to being fucking incredible towards the end.

If you're worried it was nostalgia, it wasn't. I was all about the dub airing on Toonami when I was a kid, even played the fucking TCG, went to fan sites, everything. The manga blew all my expectations out of the water when I read it a little over a year ago.

Attached: Ah1.png (701x306, 270K)

That's the thing. It's everything. Cyclops has been "hard decisions" man for the last decade and every single decision has been correct even when the X-Men are up against other heroes. In AvX Scott realized that the Phoenix Force wasn't a destructive one and wanted to carefully guide it to its purpose. The Avengers thought they new better and tried to strong arm the X-Men. Scott was right. When they were up against the Inhumans there were roaming clouds of terrigen mist which, for the Inhumans were just a cultural thing that allowed them to advance their powers further but the rain from the clouds LITERALLY MELTED MUTANTS. Inhumans refused to do anything about it. Avengers didn't think it was a problem. So Scott used one of their mutants to change the molecular structure and dissipate the clouds doing no harm to mutants or Inhumans and Marvel tried to frame it like Scott had just committed a terrorist attack on Inhumans.

Attached: blackbolt-kills-cyclops-2 (1).jpg (961x1443, 1.81M)

>only 4 moves
>no costumes
Garbage game, wouldn't even pirate

>game has a 74 in metacritic
Dead game

Oh, I've already read the manga. Shame about the anime though.

Digital Foundry still has their fraudulent comparison of Ninja Gaiden up on their channel. They are not be trusted either even on technical stuff, it's a channel that got it's reputation purely based on console wars faggotry.

The game is bound to have issues considering what it's running on though.

Costumes are coming, dope

>Zeldafags and FEtards are Nintendo's equivalent of Sonicfags

>story (which wasn't in Team Ninja's hands) was the game's biggest problem.
Oh fuck off with this secondary Primefag meme, the gameplay is its worst aspect by a landslide.

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