>Got a new job.
>Finally can renew all my twitch subs.
Feels fantastic, friends.
>Got a new job.
>Finally can renew all my twitch subs.
Feels fantastic, friends.
>paying streamers
I pay em to play my favorite game
I pay em to say my name
I pay em to get shoutouts for fame
I pay em cuz playing games myself is lame
>neetbux comes in next week
>already am fantasising what games in going to buy and binge eating pizza and drinking soda
>have been working the same job for several months while trying to save money
>parents keep asking for money and guilt tripping me for grocery money and gas
>every time I cave and give them money they spend $50 on a single night of groceries and I suspect cigarettes
>no savings and job contract ends in november with nothing set up after that yet because nobody else will hire me so will probably go back to being homeless
I think I'm going to just save $100 for a shooting range lesson and clock myself in the head sometime in october
>being you
Maybe, just maybe we non-boomers like to share. Also there is nothing wrong with paying for entertainment, you communist cuck.
>not leeching off gift subs
never gonna make it bro
same rofl, except im not an idiot like you and ditch my parents 4 years ago.
seriously though what compels you to do such a dumb thing, get a job, fuck off get a place and save up. i hope ur not 25+ yet
how do I get neet bucks? Asking for a friend.
>being a zoomer
I spend my money on video games. Why would I spend money on watching other people playing them?
Dude, what the fuck? A single sub is 5 bucks. I spend like 50 bucks each day eating out and buying random shit. Are you poor?
That's pathetic user. Glad I'm not you.
Lol. I have 11k in savings after 2 years, after parents take their gibs. It sucks, but it's still cheaper than having my own place
a friend of mine has diagnosed aspbergers, so he gets a check every month. not enough to live on decently so he has a part-time job on the side. actual neet bucks is worse to get, you need to be fucked up for a long time.
Holy shit based
>Finished University
>no more free Twitch Prime from Amazon Student
I lost my emotes bros
but I also have to pay for Amazon Prime now which is even worse
I'm not poor. I have self control to not waste money on stupid shit. Or stupid shit I hate, rather
They don't appreciate you nor would they know if you died. You're just a number to them.
Are you poor? Only poor people brag about wasting money
You clearly lack the self control not to reply to bait threads though.
Depends on where you live, different countries have different criteria but in general you need to have a diagnosis from a doctor that really messes with your ability to work. Wouldn't recommend it tho.
Based. I recently had a promotion, which allowed me to increase my monthly Twitch budget to $500, which I use to subscribe and donate to my favorite streamers. They entertain me, so it's only fair that they get paid for it. Also, there's something really comfy about listening to a girl ramble about random stuff, games included.
>hurr durr user is a beta orbiter
If anything, I'm an alpha orbiter. I don't wait for them to "love me" in return for donating or moderating their chats. It's just something that I enjoy. The acknowledgment comes naturally. I'm currently a mod for four streamers, pic related included.
An alpha cuck lmao
You got me. It's somehow fun to reply to bait threads. Twitch shit? Nope