Thoughts on Blaze Fielding from Bare Knuckle/Streets of rage?

Thoughts on Blaze Fielding from Bare Knuckle/Streets of rage?

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>fapbait threads

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I love that she's still that special kind of 80's Japanese girl, that hair was sex.

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Nice lips.

You're gay

She's pretty much a South American Tifa

>implying Blaze, just like Tifa was not literally just based of the popular style of Japanese women during the 80's and 90's

She's white guys! Serious!

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Pretty cute in the first game, dresses like a cheap hooker in the sequels.

They don't even look remotely similar!

Asian Gorl has a perm and the SoR girl has dog hair!

Hotter Tifa

I wanna blaze her field if you know what i mean

thats great man, but latina women in the 80s and 90s had that sexy style too

Based taste user

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I know exactly what you mean user.

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I would Bare Knuckle her Streets of Rage

Fine but disappointed she doesn't wear pantyhose.

low t

Not only that but latina women actually have the this and ass to sport them unlike 80's japanese girls

>who is Kimiko Matsuzaka

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Pretty much the hottest Sega girl.

Blaze was fun but didn't hit hard enough

shes my main

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I wanna put my dick in that.

i fapped to her before it was popular

>Tim Allen grunting noise

How can a woman wearing so much be so hot?

She look Jill Valentine in RE 3 ugly.

Is this game ever going to come out?

>South American Tifa
She is older than fucking FF7 you zoomer trash.

>Tifa that Tifa this

Zoom zoom

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I'm very sorry that I think of Tifa first and having not played any SoR game
Would you like some preparation h to help with the asshurt?