Play Ace Combat 7

>play Ace Combat 7
>finally pass a shit mission that i've been stuck on for days
>next mission is also shit
AC3: Electrosphere >>>>>>>>> all

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Other urls found in this thread:

>getting stuck in 7
alright, lets hear it.


AC7 is good, the last thread was bait

>Ace Combat 3 mission
>kill like four planes
>mission accomplished

first it was the shitty one with all the mountain columns, then it was the shitty one with the oil trucks in the sand storm.

git gud

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>He hasn't played Mission 09
Prepare your anus.

Oh man the future is not bright for you user

>It's another "Ace Combat 7 is shit" False Flag

Stop making these threads every day.

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Dunno what's OP's problem is, but sometimes I did get stuck and had do several tries of many missions. Mostly because I don't usually play plen games (WT doesn't count since I didn't get to jets and homing missiles) and I keep mixing sky and land. But even if I crash into mountains like a mole eye am, I still had fun. Or when decided to use Mig21 with gun pods knowing that I'm still bad.

>he hasn't gotten to mission 10
I would pray for you, but god can't help you with that mission

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>he used the wrong flanker

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fuck you I use what I want

>copilot take the stick I gotta take a shit
>you wanna sandwich btw?

The tech is there
The controls are there
The story and mission structure aren't

Ace Combat 8 is set up for a home run

>he can't fly without instruments
lmaoing at your life nugget

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All I fucking want is a non useless TLS and the option to order squad mates around and do the Mighty Ducks in mid air. WHY IS THE LASER SO FUCKING WORTHLESS

Fucking nuggets I swear to god.

It should really only fire as long as you hold the button. The fact that I have to commit to having it fire off for 30 sec every time really puts me off it. There's almost nothing I want to point the TLS at for that long.

Acquire proficiency.

>TLS Mod

mission 7 is one of the best in the entire series

fuck you retard
shove nuggets up your ass bitch
fucking shit meme LE EPIC NUGGETS XDDD

Leave it to a fake electrospherefag to be bad at one of the easiest games in the franchise.

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Looks like you need to cool your head in solitary, little guy.

>he's doing it again

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it's a DCS faggot, he's been shitting up all the ace combat threads recently

imagine putting the wings on the wrong way

So what is the purpose of the backwards wings on that one jet?

Slavs trying to look impressive.

Is it even possible to play it with a keyboard? my controller has a super sensitive deadzones so basically if i move the stick a little bit it's like how u would play quake on a mouse

to look cool

7 is full of semi-good missions, none of them you'd really want to replay and the tunnel run/last mission is one of the worst in the series

looks really cool

>complaining about mission 7
Imagine being this much of a pleb

It improves maneuverability.

Lighthouse is fun but the arsenal bird kills it for me.

>Read people crying about mission 10 on Yea Forums and youtube non stop
>Play game
>Is the only mission I get an S rank playing blindly on hard
I don't get it, is difficult to follow the missile trails?

>flying up the space elevator
>worst in the series
You what?

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Looks fucking cool

>Series comes to PC
>PCshits immediately cry about game being too hard

The missiles aren't what will shoot down mckinsey, it's the jets that get sent in after him. Most people I see fail 10 spend too much time chasing the AA and don't try to shoot down planes.
The drone is a difficulty spike too if you haven't really learned to dogfight beyond spamming missiles.

Real answer: it looks cool
Meme answer: it improves performance by using the body of the plane as a wing fence

the huge contrarian in me loves those forward swept wings

Better mobility but we just don't have materials that can take advantage of it.

th-that's sped up right? Please say yes and confirm that I'm not that horrible at Ace Combat

the guy is going just under 3000mph
it's not sped up

>hating the most kino mission in the game

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I feel so...inadequate. I can barely go through any section > 700mph

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it's too slow actually

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jokes on you I just first-tried mission 9 with Mig-31.

Don't worry, Nugget-kun, it makes me feel like a casual, too.

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this has to only be possible with a flight stick, no fucking way that's controller.

Doing missions 6-8 in the warthog gave me PTSD, doesn’t help that 7 was my first Ace Combat game and I decided to go in on hard but the dogfighting parts were horrendous

It was recently buffed, now it does 3x the damage and it has no cooldown

How recent are we talking? I played it about three or four days ago and it was fucking worthless on every difficulty.

>dogfighting parts were horrendous
you'd probably think assault horizon is a good game

>he plays a flight combat game that doesn't require you to read 300+ page manuals for every plane

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I don't understand how people thought this game was hard

This was my first AC game and I had a blast

The only fucking parts that were obnoxious was the one with the darude sandstorm (it took me too long to figure out trying to use missiles instead of bombs was a huge mistake.

I just used the 4x missiles and breezed through that shit.

Same, the only time I was ever having trouble was when I was trying to be too flashy for my own good when I didn't have a good grasp of the controls.

If you could only buy one of the dlc planes, which one would it be?

so like uhhh, are there any ac emblems on this screenshot here?

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So why was Jail Dog such a sperg?
>prisoners banter WITH each other
>throw some banter on Jail Dog

It's by far the easiest game in the series, Ace mode isn't even a OHK mode any more

>thinks he can bigtalk AC3 when he can't even do a fucking low-flying mountain mission

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Are you being stupid on purpose?

keep yapping guard dog

going over mach 4 in a tunnel... u wot mate?

How is it 4 mach if they're still in the 3000 range? checkmate atheists

>mfw when the upcoming MiG-41 is designed as a replacement for the MiG-31 "Foxhound" interceptor

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Fuck your garbage.

Trigger is canonically an adrenaline junkie dumbass

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Who's the one in lawful good? I don't remember her.

>used to have trouble in the first Annihilation mission
>mfw you have to destroy the B-52s if you want to get enough points to pass the mission

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Brownie. Dies during the third mission

Anons please redpill me on ace combat
It looks like a boring game about flying planes but people rave over it
Is it fun?
And is it worth buying a joystick over?
Cheers lads

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>has a cozy fictional universe named "strangereal"
>has comfy characters
>has good gameplay

>Never played Ace Combat in my life (except Air Comba on the PS1)
>Play 7 because of all the fuss
>The game is hella easy on hard mode
>The game is super fun
Cant believe Im seeing people complaining about difficulty, the previous ones must be piss easy

>Is it fun
>And is it worth buying a joystick over?

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you probably used western planes which is essentially easy mode.

God I never realized how apparently hard AC is. Like I never had an issue but everyone complains how hard the game is online suddenly.

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>le cozy
>le comfy

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No, but you'll want a regular controller. AC is made for them, not flight sticks.

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>140 missiles: the franchise

its trash. all of it.

Also a guide on playing the games

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It's kino

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Brownie and her captain were wasted.

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Wow, I'm a total noob to the AC franchise and I passed both those missions on the first try. Forget git gud, you need to end your life.

Yeah Mihaly really wasted her

>Ace Combat is about how being a jet pilot is FUCKING AWESOME
What's funny about Ace Combat is it's a very, VERY anti-war franchise. Every single game has the same general message: war is the pointless wasting of life for almost no reason.

Except the games are so goddamn fun that it's super easy to ignore that and focus on trying to wipe out all the dirty Belkans.

AC does what Spec ops tried to without being in your face. Those trucks and tents with refugees? You don't have to kill them but you can and if you're listening you realize what you did


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Alright thx pilots i'm convinced

AC is anti-war in the dumbest of ways. Strangereal has no nuclear proliferation, and so minor border skirmishes and ideological struggles turn into world wars on a regular basis killing hundreds of thousands of people PER DECADE. But nukes bad. VERY BAD. HAVE WE MENTIONED HOW BAD NUKES ARE YET?

Really, the setting shows how much the Cold War and MAD didn't suck.

You're welcome

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mihaly was so lame

AC is meant to be played with a controller. It's MGS with planes.

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the storyline are always absolute cheesefests but that's also why i love them
it isn't for everyone though

AC is weird in that it's trying to tell a anti-war message but also puts you in a huge power fantasy.

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war generally speaking is bad
it does make for an enjoyable game experience though
like any fps game, shooting people is bad, but it is a fun game experience

>drones will save human lives by taking pilots out of the cockpit

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>mission 19 on ace
This is fucking RIDICULOUS

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Drones save the lives of pilots but allow the war to go on longer, bringing more suffering to everyone else

>drones prolong the war and blur the lines of acceptable behavior, like assassinating a former political member of your enemy country and pinning the blame on friendly fire
>but muh clean war

Take out the AAMs on the Arsenal Bird

Ace Combat Zero is the best anti-war game of all time (with 4 close behind).

It gives the player lots of agency over their actions via the ace styles and doesn't railroad the player into any path.
It explores multiple ideologies without showing a bias for any particular one (Fascist Belka vs Marxist AWWNB).
It directly contrasts the glorification of war with its reality using both Arthurian legends and historical allegories, how you go from conquering the Round Table and pulling out Excalibur to firebombing a city, not unlike Dresden and failing to stop 7 nuclear bombings.
It explores the effects of war long after it's over, like PTSD, depression, and homelessness among veterans.
It doesn't scream in your ear WAR BAD, and presents multiple viewpoints, again without showing bias for any one (liberal PJ vs realist Pixy).
And the Ken Burns style documentary presentation is genius.

5 and 7 are pretty hamfisted though.

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Drones are 100 percent uncool, cowardly, and trash bitch shit. Fuck off dronefags.

>so minor border skirmishes and ideological struggles turn into world wars on a regular basis killing hundreds of thousands of people PER DECADE
There's only been one world war in Strangereal

blame amerilards for taking the fun out of war with their shitty technology.

>very anti war
>wars pop off every few months because everyone is still in the "nukes are bad ;_;" state after belka set off 7 on themselves out of spite
If anything its a statement on how MAD contributes to the global peace we enjoy.

>game is shit cause I am shit at said game
It was really fucking easy, retard, and one of the best yet.

Lighthouse War fits the definition of a world war, as did the Belkan War.


Chinese actually invented drones.

>Lighthouse War fits the definition of a world war
Nope. That's like calling the Gulf War, Iraq War or the Falklands War world wars.

Americans perfected aviation. Keep seething, euroautist.

with shit stolen from the germans and soviets.

The angles force air into them in such a way that they have a lot more drag, and thus in theory can let the aircraft do sharper turns. The problem is that in reality it places way too much stress on the wings so they end up flopping or breaking. We'd need better materials to take advantage of it.

>war spanning two continents and involving multiple nations on both continents is comparable to the Falklands

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>AC3: Electrosphere >>>>>>>>> all
agreed, but not for the reason you stated.

I really, really like AC7.

t. skipped the briefings

>take things from retards
>make them infinitely better
When will Europe stop losing?

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>war spanning two continents and involving multiple nations on both continents
Literally describing the Iraq War

Then you're a retard. 7 was the low point of the series, and I hope it ends before it gets any worse.

Oh really? How many American bases in the United States or Europe did Iraq bomb? How many countries did Iraq conquer?

This is disgusting.

It's fake, I only saved it to make retards who think it's real seethe.

if 7 is too hard for you i bet you've never even fucking played electrosphere

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The low point was Assault Horizon. 7 is still good but like DMC5 it gets overrated just for not being the same as what came before it.

>the low point of the series
>when 6 and AssHo exist

Belka did nothing wrong

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I thought 4 was amazing, 5 was terrible (bad mission design and writing) and 0 was decent (still bad writing but at least the story was minimal and it removed most of the shit gameplay additions from 5)

How will I like 7?

>Belka did nothing wrong

Then why did they lose?


Sometimes you have to lose a few fights to win the war

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I don't care for any of them

I'm a virgin.

>my opinion is more correct than your opinion
Nigga, I will prefer whatever I fucking want to prefer. 4k grafics goes a long way for me, personally.

If you play AC for the story you'll hate 7.
Hell you'll hate most of AC.

lets you do sick flips

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Best girl, obviously.

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AC4 had good story though


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He's right


6 is good though. So good I bought a 360 just to play it. I enjoyed it wholeheartedly.
Like, if you're going to equate a game with AH, you could at leqst say Advance, or maybe one of the mobile games. I guess most people haven't played the mobile games, but most people have never played 6 either.

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Go dance with the angels


God awful writing and characters is a legitimate complaint. If i can shit on 5 for it i can sure as fuck shit on 6 too.

That applies to 5 6 and 7 and they are all great regardless

Ur a faget

>AC game is bad because sotry

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right and 6 is easily the worst and i shit on all of them for it despite still enjoying them. I didn't say the game was terrible, i said he was right to say it is the low point outside of Assault Horizon and it totally is.

I honestly can't think of three exact moments when "go dance with the angels" is said
>When the girl says it in a cutscene early on
>At the end of the game in a cutscene again by Shamrock
I'm sure the DJ says it at one point but I don't know what mission. The characters that hog all the cutscenes suck because there's so many of them when there really doesn't need to be, but all your military bros in missions are good
>But what about that time in the second to last mission where Shamrock yells about how he let his wife and child die, isn't that stupid
No, not really

It absolutely is not, it is easily on par with 7 because of its superior mission design

he has every right to shit on the story of the games, 6's story is trash but I still enjoy the game.
when compared to other ace combat games yes 6 is rated lower due to it's shitty story

>AC threads are literally nothing but memes about the characters and story
>Let's pretend we don't care about them when it doesn't suit us XD

Now that's ebin

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Maverick trailer did absolutely nothing for me.
But this one still does.

Still going to have to deal with normalfags suddenly caring about planes again when it drops though.

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No. The real message is you should support for budget increase in Air Force so you can get cool planes and superweapons

Your destinyyyyyy will lead you!

>It wasn't magic, it's a scam
Where is this from again? Been a few months

Man I fucking hate Belkans.

>Japanese game is anti-nuke
No shit

mission 19, after the arsenal bird's aps goes down

>being this much of a fucking nugget

we all start as nuggets user

Mach 4 = 3069.08
I always thought mach 1 was ~600 but Mr. Google says 767.269

>the newest trailer has Submarine Carrier
I can't wait

>Ok we need something new for a "boss" type encounter. What do we have?
>A flying carrier!
>We've done that like... every game. We did it twice in this game. We can't get away with it again.
>... ... ...
>I mean it's got to be a carrier right?
>... sub...marine carrier?
>Fantastic, now put out another enemy drone model as paid dlc.

>implying it won't be thrown into the endless pit that is the f35

>Ace Combat 6 will never come to PC
feels bad

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Having to share your planefu with another man. Fucking two seater cucks vs single seat chads.

>with shit stolen from the germans and soviets.
who considered nuclear science a "jewish science"
ppl who brutalized anyone who mildly disagreed with them

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>getting stuck on anything in 7
i beat half of it on the hardest default difficulty on launch and the other half on the day after that, obtain skill

i will say that i was really disappointed with the lack of A2G missions though, defending stonehenge was probably the best one but even then you get dude DRONES LMAO so it never feels right to take an attacker over a multirole which is fine because the mudhen is my wife

All we need is Floating Fortress Island

If you talking about USAF, yeah you're correct. Our Belkan used to build cool shit before it get pacified in the end of WW2.

What did he actually mean by this

He has a radio and was listening into the princess smashing Arsenal Bird's generators

he has a radio in his cockpit and heard rosa smashing the tower thingies so he knew when it was gonna go down

Why was the radio chatter in AC7 so shit? I can still remember every word that the commandos inside Megalith say in 4 but I remember a single line from 7.

The story and presentation are overall really bad and it hurts every attempt at a big hype moment. You're given no understanding of the war's progression, are supporting friendlies on the front line and every time you start to care the tiniest bit about your wingmen you switch squadrons.

Clown or whatever his name is really, really needed to show up at the lighthouse. It's like the game went out of its way to make all the missions as disconnected as possible.

>Increase the TLS damage and hitbox range.
Great argument.

Didn't know, already love it more than the su-57.

>dirty belkans

I had fun but the game doesnt have enough content and the DLCs are overpriced with not enough content. Maybe if I got it on a sale I wouldnt feel this way, but fuck them.
What I really want is a super simple mission editor where I could just pick one of the existing mission maps and place enemies/ships/AA etc. where I want it and share it with people. How FUCKING COOL would that be? TOO COOL

ALSO, IMAGINE, JUST IMAGINE, some fucking coop missions. FUCK

it's decent, good missions but the story and characters are bad
it also feels a lot slower than the other games and the ace bossfight cheats like a motherfucker

guys, 7 was my first AC game and absolutley loved it. where do I go from here? I heard the AC 5 port that came with 7 cannot be purchased?

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Here's my hot take:
>The holy trinity is a chore to emulate if you don't have a proper rig
>AC2 and X are really fun and easy to emulate
>AC3-J is kino and easy to emulate. A must play

Shame that you missed on the Infinity days. You can try AH but it's not a good AC game.

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next dlc when?
>it'll just be more in-game super plane shit
why bother I guess

>The holy trinity is a chore to emulate if you don't have a proper rig
If you've bought a computer in the last 5 years it can run them.

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>play Ace Combat 7
>suddenly Top Gun Maverick 2020 movie
god damn

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>AC3-J is kino and easy to emulate. A must play
? it has eng subs? i'd heard something about translation or something being incomplete so i stopped looking into it.

AC3 has the best music and plot too, if you play the nip version

I wish 54 year old boomers would stop spamming this shitty opinion. The only cool thing about AC3 is the setting. Everything beyond that is retarded.

>You're a peacekeeper cuck
>megacorporations start fighting because... ???
>you can join the corporations, or keep peacekeeping, or defect with Dision
>Dision launches his rebellion, you either fight against him or you end up helping him
>Dision goes crazy no matter what you did and you have to fight him
>the end

There, I summed up the entirety of AC3's "plot" for you, no need to replay it a million times and experience the godawful PS1 gameplay more than once. It was good for its time but there's literally no reason to play AC3 today besides being a boomer nostalgiafag.

What’s going on in this picture? That wizard is ripped and the dude in armor looks like he walked in on someone going to the bathroom

Play the fucking game

It's revealed that you're actually an AI created to annihilate Dision and the whole game is actually a simulation

>AC7 is actually getting DLC missions
Who /readyformore/ here

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Look at the ammo count, he's obviously attempted this multiple times to get that run down.

What are the best soundtracks, lads? I've been listening to Long Day a lot

Here are some of my favourites
>that guitar
>T H A T G U I T A R

yeah and every single other ace combat is
>youre a mary sue for no reason
>the plot is just boring real world history but with random names and nothing original
>you shoot things
>you win
>the end

in comparison everything you just posted seems pretty interesting

Flight sticks are trash with Ace Combat. That could be easily done on controller with practice, and arguably easier than if he was using a stick.

Did all of those first time on hard, dude. Stick to Minecraft.

Pretty sure all of those are Navy emblems. There's a few famous ones there like the Jolly Rogers.

What is it about these games that just makes me want to play them over and over? I started playing them like last September and ran through almost the entire series before 7 came out, and every time I play them through again it still feels really fun even though I've played them all like 3 times each already. And 7 I beat like 8 times already and got all the achievements except that goddamn fucking distance one.

>burn osea to the ground
>dumb bitch not only did not burn osea to the ground, but basically caused the balkanization of her country and caused google and walmart to take over the continent
Yes fine work princess, truly an 8000 IQ move.

hopefully they'll be challenging because the dlc planes make everything easymode to the extreme

>He can't handle Mihaly

Oh shit what is wrong with you.

Missions 8, 9 and 10 are the trifecta of shit missions that prevented me from playing the campaign more than 3 times

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>There are people who can't take out all of the oil facilities before the storm rolls in
>There are people who don't enjoy balancing chasing down the trucks and taking out all the drones while also getting yelled at for taking out the drones

wrong chart

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>gets manhandled by a fucking Ace Combat game
9/10 actually flabbergasted

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>can't take down Mihaly
You're gonna have a field day when Mission 20 comes around and you have to shoot down two of him while half of your missiles are being shot at by laser drones


because you're older

Dropped, I hate the F-18 almost as much as the F-16.

Do all the Ace Combat games take place in the same universe? I've only played 4, but I heard that the Stonehenge weapon returns in 7.

F18 is an F14 that actually works

Yes. The chronology is : 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, X, 3

I seriously do not understand the hype behind 3. Is it all nostalgia? How can you honestly have an engaging experience with controls that shitty

Music and atmosphere are perfect in that mission. Playing through that the first time on hard mode in a little F16 with "two pair" cranking while you're whipping through the pillars and the canopy is a droplet covered mess trying to line up a shot only to get blasted with lighting and still getting a missile up mihaly's ass is my top moment with the series now.

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But it looks all faggy.

I'm playing it for the first time now since it was the only one I missed. I remember playing the demo way way back and thinking it was amazing (and I played a shit load of AC2 and loving that) but coming back now I'm not digging the plane physics or combat whatsoever. Afraid now to load up AC2.


another LARPing nigger pretending hes old school, fuck off

Shut the fuck up, I'm saving those damn NPC you double nigger. Get down here if you wanna talk shit.

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It does and its fucking kino

I think AC2 controls better than 3, but I hate when you stall and the plane just instantly plummets down at 8 trillion G's.

I am.
The BGM track that plays at the end is very reminiscent of some old school mecha show, which makes sense considering the name of the operation is a not very subtle reference to VOTOMS.

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Wait, are they putting out the DLC missions one by one too? What the fuck.

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He's telling them to go into the thunderclouds so they can get shot down because they're not doing their job. At least I think so, it's the only way that line makes sense.

It makes sense considering they're already working on 8.

BAE confirmed for bros

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The controls are fine, and the story is the best in the series.

It's not that shitty, but it is more "loose" compared to other games. From what I remember anyway.

AC2 still holds up. Stiff controls you can say, but still a great game and my favorite AC game still. Partly due to nostalgia, but then again, project aces seems to hold the same opinion as well.

AC2 has a great OST too.

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That line was sarcasm, he's calling all the other fighters cowards for not going into the thunderstorm and using the word "hide" ironically.

x2, assault horizon, and infinity are all set in the real world, but the rest are in strangereal

play 5, 0, 6, and 7, they're the best. 7 is basically a sequel to 4 with elements from 5 and 0 mixed in

The biggest issue is that you can barely control roll and pitch at the same, only at very shallow angles and it makes doing tight maneuvers either difficult or in some cases impossible. This was completely fixed in all future games, meaning the devs recognized the issue. It's an enormous flaw, full-stop.

>game games about jets
>jet manufacturers invite you to tour their facilities
That's one hell of a life.

AC3 is a slower paced game than the later games so it makes sense that the controls are slower. I tried switching between it and AC0 and it's such a huge difference in how fast paced it is. It's still very deliberate in what's doing and I particularly like that stalling actually fucks you up and it makes for some intense moments.

>of course I only fly lockheed
>surely you don't fly slavshit or eurotrash, user

Attached: D5LYT5lUcAArB_9.jpg (1200x1191, 253K)


Attached: Raptor climb controlled stall.webm (1036x712, 1.17M)

more like
>play on hard mode
>gay realistic physics
>enemy AI outmaneuvers all of your missiles
>run out of missile ammo
>guns do jack shit
>die in two hits because hard mode lol

fuck that mission

I know this is bait but are you seriously trying to make me believe that you could get stuck in AC7 while you are able to play through AC3 with its infinitely inferior controls?


Attached: Lockheed_XF-104_(modified).jpg (1836x1110, 957K)

>mission always times out
>look it up how to beat it
>had to shot down the president


>tfw no scrap queen gf

I was hoping they would make AC7 some sort of like Infinity since I never had a PS3 and it seemed like a good way to keep people playing

but no here's your battle royale

Slavshit and nothing but slavshit.

Attached: 1536810473030.jpg (4299x2053, 2.07M)

Ace Combat series has become some weird animu pussy shit. Just play this instead. Not aerial combat, but it will scratch that itch.

Attached: f1-2019-box.jpg (1189x1500, 264K)

Sorry user, but she's just too beautiful. I don't need any other plane.

Attached: su_37.jpg (600x400, 205K)

>4k grafics goes a long way for me
go back you literal faggot.

but Ace Combat 3's missions and mechanics were garbage
the only thing AC3 has going for it is the story, branching paths, and atmosphere

Mach 4 = 4939.2 Km/h

it's ugly

>Play AC7
>Every mission is "that" mission
JUST kidding. Only had trouble three times: Oil trucks, Stonehenge and that one where you have to defend the island.

Shit sucks that the story DLC is prequel shit.

Would you watch Ace Combat movie?

What the fuck does that mean?

>Shit sucks that the story DLC is prequel shit.
Its not.

It's night time in burger land right now, stop pretending or go to sleep user.

this plot already has more depth than Witcher Senses 3.

Im really tired 4:16. I hate sleep though, Sleep is death.

>Love AC7
>Play AC4 on my PS2 using component cables
>Can't see a fucking thing because 480i
How did anyone play this on tube TVs I don't understand

Attached: 213982314.jpg (1280x720, 41K)

actually, the enemy planes kept destroying my companions and making fail the fucking mission, once I finally reached Mihaly, I beat him first try.

It will look better on an old tv i think

are you sure those are component cables and not composite cables?

I was amazed by how much better PS2 games look on my old Magnavox CRT. Persona 4 was almost unplayable on a modern TV.

I love ACX

>Are you sure those are 5 jacks with distinct colors or the regular 3 fugly ones?

Been a few months, waiting for the DLCs to come out to replay the game.

Attached: 2019.02.05-01.48_04.jpg (2560x1080, 1.26M)

ACX is actually really good. Unfairly overlooked IMO.

A lot of people confuse them in casual dialogue because they sound similar.

Why russian jets are sos sexy?

I really hate how there are only 2 missions in entire game where I felt taking ground missiles was good idea. Faceless Soldier and Darude Sandstorm for LACM. That one canyon run too I guess.



I had this Top Gun video on the NES. I was never able to land on the aircraft carrier. I feel your pain.

Wasn't there a section in one game where someone was shooting or throwing grenades out of the plane mid flight?

Did that motherfucker actually do a post stall?

it does it constantly to shoot down incoming missles

>flying Tomcat-kun has to be CGI because there are no longer any Tomcats capable of taking to the skies in Burgerland

Attached: 1362997668723.jpg (585x507, 123K)

I only saw it flying high up and going head on to do that never saw a post stall from it.

This is some hardcore soulless shit.

>super submarine

Based. I was hoping for more naval focused missions.

Whats it called when the plane does a high G turn while going really fast and the air around it becomes visible?

Can't wait

Sometimes user, euro just does it right

Don't forget all the CIWS and mirror reflectors for the lasers.

Vapour Cone
Prandtl-Meyer Expansion Fan
Mach Waves

>multiplayer is dead and the only lobbies open are unlimited points

I just want my early days with actually good pilots and low points lobbies instead of stacking multiplayer missile homing upgrade bullshit.

Everyone flying a fucking x02 or f22 is cancer.

When I played I always make 2000 point lobbies on ps4, but i havent played in a while. The problem with these lobbies is mig21 rapes everything.

My burger ass is gonna go to sleep now. 2500 point lobbies were fun but I didnt experiment with them as much, i dont remember/know what the meta plane was. I did have an f15 build though where Id let everyone dogfight in circles and used the lasers, not the stream but the shooty ones with really long range, and boom and zoom as fast as possible and snipe people with it. Was pretty fun, if a bit cheesy.

And a tip for getting lobies going. Just start it as deathmatch with a few people, let it fill up and at the end of the round switch it to team mode. If people drop or its taking too long for it to even out switch it to deathmatch again and let it fill up as you play. I experimented with this and it worked way better than sitting in my team lobby waiting 30+ minutes for it to fill for 2v2.

I had trouble pinning mihaly down in the early game because the cobra maneuver was hard to do.

Then I absolutely decimated the two drones in the final mission under 3 minutes with a newly unlocked F-14 (and i always have to fly the new plane, even if its earlier in the tree) just because I learned how to play.