Gringos btfo

gringos btfo

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America was never white

Keep dreaming lazy spic

Imagine the smell

Game Name?

ugh.... que puderes ter sido.... if only el white gringos at school would stop bullying me...

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Mexicans can't survive that far north

dios mio...

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America has always been Mexico


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I accidentally read that as GRINGOS GTFO!

So, what went wrong?

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jewish oligarchy

Victoria 2

1965 immigration + vietnam
if there was ever a defining moment in a nations downfall
it was right here. Any beaner south of the border was not allowed.

Right Wingers using the reason "Voting for people who care about the middle class" as a reason to vote for people who absolutely don't care about the middle class and only care about the rich. We need a benevolent Robot overlord with no emotional bias

military industrial complex and jews

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Fuck Germany

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country was already ruined before that
try again, destiny.

No, using 9/11 as an excuse to invade the middle east and spend bajillions of dollers doing fuck all besides causing ISIS would be the moment if there was one (which realistically the US is not going anywhere)


Teddy Roosevelt broke his promise to not rerun for office, splitting the Republican vote and allowing the kike plant Woodrow Wilson to become president, who then tricked America into joining European conflicts and thus starting WW2, tearing Western civilization apart

9/11 was retarded
but the country was already done before that. 9/11 just boosted the speed.

Lo que pudo ser

We were already beyond fucked when 9/11 happened.

i imagine this is how spics cope with the shitty state of their country

sorry OP, hope it gets better

The East Coast Republicans being replaced by Southern Republicans

>hating on based woodrow

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Founders didnt think about lobbyists controlling the government

>muh wilson
Germany had fault too. They DID send the zimmerman telegram. They DID shoot down american merchant vessels
Were they supplying the UK in there war effort? Yes, no doubt. However, the germans weren't retarded. They knew shooting down ships of "neutral" nations would push them. If germany had never done any of these things, I 100% believe the US wilson wouldn't have done anything.

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9/11 was like a gang of super poisonous wasps who flew five miles to your backyard, attacked your kids, killing one of them in the process. NOT going to middle east is like NOT traveling that same five miles back to the nest and destroying everything with fire. you are doing the neighborhood a service, you're avenging the fucking dead, and you clearing out the fucking den of vicious killer scum all at once.

Iraq was fucking dumb though, I'll give you that. Afghanistan was perfectly justified.

Founded by religious nuts.

they they lifted the rangeb& YESTERDAY
I don't want to be silenced for another 6 months

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cute doggo


Letting in non-Anglo/Brythonics.
Reminder: If you're not British, you're not American. Micks are suspended until they reunited with the UK.

Jesus fuck, no wonder I'm seeing you fucks everywhere

We didn't listen to George Washington when we had the chance and now we're doomed

I understand the retaliation at the very least, but the fact that we just left a huge power vacuum is straight autism. If we had done something like we did with Japan it would be fine but we just fucking left and practically gave ISIS the go ahead to undo any sort of work we had done.

that explains why Yea Forums is suddenly filled with shitty spic threads

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i'll just take some uninformed chantard's opinions on maintaining a foreign presence when your investments are global, and what should that look like? duhhh we should shut down all trade and just do business wif ourselves i smart.

All of the poor people think that they are temporarily set-back billionaires

Country was ruined in the 60s, before the US gave any shit about kikereal

/int/ was never good.

You sure you're not talking about democrats?

I hate chicanos so fucking much. And I hate Mexicans who don't fucking speak English in America. Imagine traveling to Japan, raising an American Flag on the streets, and demand people start speaking English.

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nigga, australia and canada ain't doing shit

white americans are going extinct so things can only get better

That empire is trite.

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A bunch of Saudis flew planes into muh buildings. Lets invade... Afghanistan. Actual amerifat brain process folks.

Sounds like a chad move to me.

hilarious bait

Democrats do have shills but in the current political climate and the bush era its been right wing shills doing the most damage. I name bush and not Obama because Bush Era is what started all the shit

Mexico belongs to Spain.

>took a DNA test and am 46% English, rest Scottish/Serbian/a bunch of others
>want to emigrate to the UK or Ireland
>feels like it would just be America but with worse draconian government, SJWs and feminazis.
What a time to be alive. Fucking hate it here, but damned if you do, damned if you don't.

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Literally the most evil man in American history. A globalist from the oligarchical class. Created the federal reserve. Ran on not joining WWI and then did it anyway. Convinced Congress to join WWI by pledging the 14 points and then trashed them, causing WW2. Probably a Rothschild plant. Singlehandedly destroyed western civilization.

imagine your countries are so fucked up and so you migrate north like a parasitic virus slowly fucking up communities with drugs violence and general depravity and you're proud about it lol.
it's things like that that slowly nag in the back of the mind of someone who isn't a spic and festers until it's full blown racism.

Yup, some Saudi criminals hijacked some planes so we should invade a country of illiterate afghan heroin and dirt farmers who couldn’t place america on a map. Amerifats, not even once.

>implying white people are allowed to immigrate to white countries

Yeah man it's a real horror show over there. Can't even say the n-word without receiving and a standing ovation for bravery.