Why did he have to die, lads? ;(
Why did he have to die, lads? ;(
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i don't care that he died but his writing in me3 was retarded garbage
same thing with legion
Someone else might have gotten it wrong
Be quiet.
if you even cared about the character you'd know i'm right
it made no sense that mordin suddenly cared about the genophage let alone went space jesus over it.
Are you a robot?
It was literally explained in the game.
yes and it was still dumb
How was it?
Poor writing and he didn’t have too much longer anyway.
It was just
Autists always are the most loveable
He got to finally witness up close the results of his actions.
While I agree his character was handled poorly, he didn't suddenly care. He always cared and was in denial over it. It's just awful that such a good character had the conclusion to his moral conflict completed off screen.
White self hatred is one hell of a drug.
The Krogans could not be cured of the genopahge. No matter what
i'm probably coming off too hard on this because tonal or even logical consistency was never really kept between ME games, but with mordin it was ramped up to 11 to where it felt like it wasn't the same character or he was senile or something. in ME2 he brings you round to his perspective through stone cold reasoning, in ME3 he does a complete flip-flop and abandons pragmatism save for a weak stab at something about the krogan being needed for manpower (i don't think these people even have their own starships)
Wasn't the point though.
No I agree. His argument of manpower falls through because he is still all for curing the genophage even after becoming aware that the Krogan could remain sterile and Shepard could still gain Salarian support.
Mordin's ME2 logic was sound and airtight, and getting rid of it in favour of "ooh he feels bad about it" is stupid, especially since his recruitment mission established him as a bigger picture kind of guy.
>Legitimately the best directed scene in the game
>All the NPCs went the Paragon route for this part because he sings the joke song from ME2 so never even saw it
>In fact so few people saw it that I searched for 10 minutes on Google image search for this shot and this shitty thumbnail was the best I could find
He was an old man by Salarian standards. 40 is a ripe old age for them and he was near it. Also he felt a need for atonement. Too bad he never got it because I shot him in the back before he could stop the sabotage.
He was a good fren.
Someone else might have gotten it wrong
You can explain how the sun is actually pushed around by a Goblin named Wilberforce, but it will still be retarded.
>Does this unit have a soul?
IT. It's a machine.
He had a penis though.
>there will never be another good Mass Effect game
>there will never be another Mass Effect game set in the Milky Way
What is it with you and penises on things that don't really have them?
You know you could save him right?
Because I couldn’t let him cure the genophage and let Krogans take over the galaxies. Sorry Mordin, but just because you got cold feet doesn’t mean you weren’t right the first time around.
I avoided Andromeda after the reviews and criticism. Didn't want it to tarnish my view of the trilogy.
Literally the first search result.
>punch al-Jilani in ME1
>import save to ME2
>punch al-Jilani in ME2
>import save to ME3
>headbutt al-Jilani in ME3
still the most satisfying conversations in the series
People do crazy things when they know they are about to die. Suddenly the bigger picture is harder to see when you're facing the reality that your life's legacy will be the near genocide of an entire sapient species.
>hes a brainlet who still thinks a soul is some ghost in your human body
>Image search
I hope he's happy in heaven.
But he didn't die.
Not christian
>Wrex must die in Mass Effect 1 for mordin to be reasoned with.
It's not fair
He was converted on his death bed.
Anyone else see a scary space face out the window there?
i see no downsides in that
t. Wreave
>be spectre
>only get to throw your weight around in one location (Noveria), and even then they boss you around more often than not
bit of a wasted opportunity tbf
He's a follower of some polytheistic drell religion, not Christianity.
>Kalahira, mistress of inscrutable depths, I ask forgiveness.
>Kalahira, whose waves wear down stone and sand.
>Kalahira, wash the sins from this one and set him on the distant shore of the infinite spirit.
>Kalahira, this one’s heart is pure but beset by wickedness and contention.
Guide this one to where the traveler never tires, the lover never leaves, the hungry never starve.
>Guide this one, Kalahira, and he will be a companion to you as he was to me.
>went out like a boss
Literally on his death bed he kicked that anime reject's ass.
As a Spectre, every conversation should have the option to rape whoever you are talking to, including Joker.
He saw the light and embraced Jesus
>went out like a boss
He literally ran into an assassins sword
the only good krogan is a dead krogan
Why are there still daily mass effect threads on Yea Forums? I play this trilogy about once a year, I thought I was alone in my autism
>hes a brainlet who still thinks some genitals is some gender in your human body
Fuck that dumb bitch.
However, I loved interactions with side characters like these. The Conrad Verner dick kick is still my favorite moment in the series.
Is this loss?
He pulled a complete 180 and tried siccing an entire species of space niggers on the entire galaxy again. BioWare is dogshit, and it was dogshit long before ME2 and ME3.
>He pulled a complete 180
>literally his entire storyline in 2 is how he has doubts about the genophage
He absolutely did care and his entire character in ME2 was basically him trying to desperately justify his actions to himself using epic logic and science and failing horribly.
The man was living in what was essentially self-imposed exile in the biggest shithole in the galaxy healing impoverished plague victims. Every time Shepard asks him about the genophage he gets extremely defensive and makes claims, "well actually the krogan are extincting themselves, the math says that it should have just brought their population to replacement level" which while technically true (even Wrex admits this) obviously doesn't absolve his own guilt - especially when he gets some time to see how terrible life is on Tuchanka.
The renegade scene in ME3 actually was one of the better scenes in the entire game - he finally breaks down and admits that he just made a fucking big mistake and that no amount of logic, science, or math can change that.
Are you retarded? The point of his entire arc in ME2 is that despite his doubts, Shepard helps him come to grips with the fact that he ultimately did the right thing.
I listen to the soundtrack from the series pretty much every week.
Except you can tell him he didn't.
It's so ham-fisted, though. You're basically forced into wearing him down by calling him a monster over and over.
>tfw you realise ME2 is basically You Only Live Twice, even disregarding the coming back from the dead meme
Shepard, if he supports Mordin's actions, just assuages his internal guilt using more of the same scientific bullshit that Mordin has been using for years. It doesn't change the fact that those rationalizations (Krogan are a threat to the galaxy, it's not his fault their population is falling, he was following orders) don't actually make Mordin feel any better about the whole thing in the end. It's not about science or math, it's about right and wrong, and Mordin feels like he did the wrong thing despite what the science says.
Once again, there is a reason why an elite government special forces commando was living his life out in poverty, risking his life every day to cure random diseased peasants on Omega. It's not a coincidence he pretty much jumps at the first opportunity to get himself killed on a big suicide mission for the greater good. It's insanely obvious that he's trying to "cancel out" all the Krogan he's killed.
He was already going to die in a few years from old age, he died doing something good.
'cause he was wrong: the Krogan will reach impractical birth numbers again. Shepard had to shoot him.
Mordin trying to cure the genophage makes way more sense than Legion's pinocchio story. Mordin constantly is trying to justify his actions, mostly to himself.
>We will never have a true Sequel to Mass Effect
>We will never get another game like Mass Effect ever again
>Mass Effect was truly the last of it's kind, the last of a Star Trekian Space Opera
>We will never have a character like Sovereign again
>We will never have another speech like Sovereigns again
>Drew Karpyshyn will never write the sequel's he wants
just wait for the inevitable awful reboot in 2026
>The renegade scene in ME3 actually was one of the better scenes in the entire game - he finally breaks down and admits that he just made a fucking big mistake and that no amount of logic, science, or math can change that.
He made no mistake, the turians and salarians were all for genociding every last krogan, if not for Mordin and his team developing the genophage, there would be no krogan anymore.
Now I grant you, Mordin was reaching the end of his natural life, and salarians were not big on the whole life extension thing, Mordin probably wished to be remembered as something than the guy that almost genocided an entire specie, and with the reapers killing everyone curing or not the genophage would probably almost not matter. Mordin wanted peace of mind before his death, the same way someone might want to get forgiveness from a priest before the final hour.
But was he wrong in developing the genophage? No, the alternative was the turian and salarians glassing tchuchanka until the planet was a barren rock.
>Drew Karpyshyn will never write the sequel's he wants
Good. Based on Revan and the Bane trilogy, Karpyshyn can't write.
>We will never have a true Sequel to Mass Effect
>This entire post
>falling for the over population khrogan meme
they literally have the technology to go to other galaxies there is no such fucking thing as over population in this setting, its just dumb left wing politics that 'really make you think'.
bad taste
You're the perfect example as to why story in games will always be dumbed down.
Mordin and his team didn't develop the genophage. The Krogan Wars were like a thousand years before the start of the game. He increased its potency because the Salarian government determined that the Krogan were evolving a resistance and growing too quickly.
>He made no mistake
Watch the clip Him screaming that he made a mistake is the one time Mordin really breaks down from the whole logic and science persona he's built up to serve as a shield from deeper self-criticism.
He didn't make a mistake but only if you just look at the "big picture" i.e. if we literally just boil down the Krogan situation to math, statistics, and geopolitics. But Mordin couldn't live with the thousands of Krogan babies born in stillbirth, the wars fought over the last fertile females, and the knowledge that the Krogan were literally going to genocide themselves because of his actions alone.
The genophage happened like 1000 years before Mass Effect takes place. Mordin worked on a new strain of the genophage because research found that the Krogan were adapting to it and could possibly recover.
>he didn't read the extensive codex lore on the subject
>still posts anyway
Search for the "Krogan Rebellions" on one of the Mass Effect wikis, educate yourself, then return champ.
that trailer is way better than it has any right being.
>The Krogan Wars were like a thousand years before the start of the game
So you are saying that Tchuchanka is still a shithole even after 1,000 years of krogans living under the genophage? You know, I love Wrex and all, but if in 1,000 years they were still unable to fix their shit and stop the dumb fighting, I cant really fault the turians and salarians from considering nuking them into dust the best solution.
>Rewritten to show up basically ten minutes before the game ends.
Why the fuck.
Yeah, the Krogan's shit was fucked - admittedly, a lot of that was because of the constant warfare for fertile females. But the point with Mordin is that no individual really has the moral right in deciding that an entire species and culture deserve to die just for being dangerous.
It's possible that the Krogan are going to explode in population again after the genophage is cured and become a galactic terror for the second time, sure. But individuals like Wrex showed that the race had the potential to rise above their worst instincts and actually work with other species in the galaxy.
>But the point with Mordin is that no individual really has the moral right in deciding that an entire species and culture deserve to die just for being dangerous.
which is why they saved the Krogan with the Genophage
Vetra > Tali
You may not like it, but it's the truth.
>anyone from andromeda being better than an og character
hard pass for me, amigo
why would you even want to stop the genophage? krogans are literally incapable of civilization because of their insane reproduction levels
Literally who?
He's wrong about Mordin but he's right about Legion. Turning Legion into a Pinocchio story was terrible.
>some shit character from a shit game
>better than best waifu Tali
nah cunt
>. Turning Legion into a Pinocchio story was terrible.
the cynic in me says that it was a scheme to make players more likely to get into post-game DLC. if they were already going back post-suicide mission to do his loyalty mission, they'd probably look for other stuff to do to
Explain to me how the handling of the Geth in ME3 was in any way consistent with the top-tier writing that we got out of Legion in ME2
came here to post this
Did you even play the game?
I'm so fucking autistic that I have an idea for a fully fledged Mass Effect 4 that would open up the franchise again to do whatever you want to do with it afterwards and get over ME3's ending.
Right now the franchise is locked because Bioware can't admit they fucked up.
>yfw Karpyshyn didn't work on ME3 because EA forced him to work on TOR
>TORtanic not only killed itself, but it also killed Mass Effect
>feeling sad for a guy who wanted to let space niggers breed again
>replaying Mass Effect 2
>felt like banging a goth chick, so try to romance Jack
>bang her when she asked
>mfw just discovered this locks me out of her romance
God, I just don't want to replay the game, I just finished the collector ship mission.
>being a slut
you have only yourself to blame
I heard that the romance is better if you go renegade, so I chose the renegade option most of the time, which involved banging her.
any idea what part of TOR he worked on? there's some half decent content and well made decisions lurking there if you're willing to wade through an ocean of bullshit to find it
Im glad you anons are still talking about it, the trilogy was a blast to play and i just wish the series had spin off t.v show i dont why but the universe of that world is so interesting and it leaves me wanting more, well before all the end is nigh shit I always listen to the main theme music from ME1 its so soothing
Mass effect did everything worse across three games than Star Control 2 did in one.
I'm right and you know it. Mass Effect writing only gets worse after 1, and 1 is just a bunch of setup. 2 and 3 are drooling retard tier. The Reapers are wholly inferior to the Ur-Quan.
It had to be him, someone else might have gotten it wrong.
You are wrong and are a retard.
Spotted the Downies.
the worse thing was his voice actor change in 3
Do it. Post your idea.
You probably don't even know what Star Control is.
I do. And you're still a Downie
Nice argument fag
nigga what
that's punk or some shit
The game still gave no good excuse as to why the genophage was a mistake. They made Krogan birth rate way too high
Feelings doesn't change the fact that Krogan are violent (even before the genophage) and have ludicrous population growth. There's is no good alternative brought up besides bending over and letting the Krogan take over.
>guts to sword style, how'd you like it?
I was thinking of it being a few years after ME3, retconning a few bits like the squadmates who were with you on Earth staying there instead of being picked by the Normandy, one of them being the Virmire survivor and the other Garrus, and the canon ending would be the destroy one.
The first act would be on the Sol system, with everyone still trapped there due to the Mass Relays being broken, and everything would be in a kind of a Cold War between all the species stuck in there, with bits of actual active war going throughout the entire Solar system.
You'd play as Shepard, but he would be retired, kinda crippled (from the end of ME3) and bitter and reluctant to fight because everyone seems like no one has interest in peace.
He'd first join back the Alliance after the Virmire survivor dies in a huge explosion caused by a WMD, which would prompt Shepard to finally get back in action, although not entirely sure.
You'd have a squad of new characters, haven't thought of them, but they would all be new, and you would all answer to some general that's in charge of your unit, and they would tell Shepard that Garrus is now part of some rebel group and that he's not an ally, and that the Normandy was destroyed and your other crew died.
After a while, and after seemingly winning a lot of battles and almost ending various wars, you'd be betrayed, the alliance would try to kill you and your squad (succesfully killing your squad), and after almost dying trying to kill that general that betrayed you, Garrus would pick you up and get you away from Earth.
You'd rejoin the rest of the crew that he managed to contact with, and Garrus would tell you that this rebel group he's part of was his idea, a kinda "Alliance" of their own, and that he was hoping Shepard would help him build it up into a fully fledged army to try to, eventually, secure the galaxy again
Over the course of the game Shepard slowly regain strength and a sense of leadership, kinda make him an allegory for the state of the franchise itself.
The bad guys would be an AI network that was created back when humanity made first contact with aliens, in order to drive humanity in a way that would benefit humanity itself, which would be manipulating to attack the aliens stuck on Earth, since they are targeted as threats, they would also be the ones who censored everything about the Crucible on Mars (since they were planning on taking control of the Reapers themselves), and the AI child would be one of their AIs, one in charge of keeping synthetic life in check, the one that they tried to "implant" on the Reapers, but that was completely corrupted by the Reapers when they tried to take control of them. The AI wouldn't be in charge of the Reapers, it would just be another part of them, and everything he told you in the ME3 ending was a corruption of the purpose the AI had before this.
And after the AI network saw that they lost control of it and fucked it up, they would leak the existence of the Crucible and hope that Shepard and the others would stop them.
Also, it would be revealed that the Mass Relays weren't destroyed or damaged, they just went into a "recovery mode", and that they had been working for years, but that the AIs hid this in order to keep everything under control.
The galaxy itself would be full of extremist groups who want to keep the independence of their own systems, and it would be up to you to placate them, make them join you or destroy them.
Exploration would come back, with randomly generated planets and a bunch made by hand (where the main story missions would happen).
The ending would be destroying the AIs, but I haven't thought of it, how it would build up to the reveal of them, their location, etc.
Although I slowly realized I subconsciously ripped off the Patriots from MGS.
Not terrible
>murdered a billion babies
>spends all of ME2 trying to justify science
>when he realizes he himself is going to die, his biggest regret was the genophage
I was also thinking of having some elements regarding transhumanism, but I couldn't come up with anything that wasn't pretty much the idea of the nanosuit from Crysis 2 and 3 (symbiotic bioweapon armor that you are stuck with and can't remove), and a sideplot with it that would conclude showing that nobody really knows what the Reapers were, and hints that the Reapers were created within another universe and just trying to make them more creepy and eerie and leave it at that.
I'm sure something far better could be done than any of what I said, which is why it's a shame a universe like this will probably remain dead forever.
Male personality programming. Just because he's a robot doesn't mean he's not his own person.
>murdered a billion babies
That's awfully anti-choice of you user. The fetuses were never fully formed to begin with, and science doesn't need to be justified when it is applied in stopping the universe being flooded with long lived, fast breeding violent space niggers.
>Male personality programming
the closest biological homologue to geth reproduction would be bacteria, which are sexless, so why the fuck would they need the distinction? Plus, legion is a collective of over 1000 geth, the correct denomination is 'they'
>best waifu
Tali isn't best waifu. Liara is.
>forced abortions
They aren't babies, they are stillborn fetuses. They weren't forced to have an abortion, they were inhibited from being able to conceive as quickly as normal. Their birth rates were brought in line with the universe at large.
Legion himself explains that but lets everyone say "him" to avoid confusion.
Imagine relaxing on the couch in your cabin on the Normandy while Tali rubs bare, soft, naked soles on your face.
>dies if you breathe at her
Do asari have humanlike feet? I've never seen an Asari with shoes that show them.
>They weren't forced to have an abortion
This is literally what the genophage is. They state that the genophage is not a sterility plague, it reduces the viability of pregnancies, that is, causes abortions.
Liara's naked model seems to have human-feet, in parallel with her hands.
You're all fucking wrong. This is the best waifu.I wanted to bang her so bad in 2
It offered Mordin redemption and closure with something he struggled with for his entire arc
It hurt, but dying gave his ending more punch to me at least
Ignoring what retards like said it was a potent scene and was probably the best way for them to round out Mordin as a character, him walking away anticlimactically just feels wrong after everything that built up to ME3. That all goes if Wrex is alive. If Wreav is the Krogan leader and Eve dies I suppose it makes sense for Mordin to doubt the future of the Krogan, but again it still feels anticlimactic.
>(when shepard has the gun pulled) someone else might have gotten it wrong!
>and you knew
ME3 gets a lot of shit for its writing, and there are plenty of weak points to jab holes into, but Mordin's ending wasn't one of them
A miscarriage is not an abortion
Mordin's mid-life crisis over the Genophage makes no sense. It has reconciled with it and understands it was the right thing to do in ME2. Nothing has changed, so why the sudden crisis?
Because retroactively he has come to the conclusion that it was bad and all of his arguments are now retractively coping.
fine you got me, it's not forced abortions, it's involuntarily induced miscarriages. Still not pro-choice
Did you not think I was being facetious?
Whatever. Not following your argument, but I felt like interjecting.
Right, which is bad writing. I'm not saying it's not one of the best parts of ME3, especially within the context of ME3, but it doesn't actually make sense for his character even if the emotional appeal of the storyline well crafted.
He didn't listen when I said "no"
It's an end-life crisis, Mordin knows he isn't going to get any more chances to put the issue to rest, and yes, plenty has changed with the introduction of Eve and the potential viability of a Krogan population that won't destroy everything
sure he considers it the right thing to do as of ME2 but that's before
A: His death is coming ever closer
and B: Krogan viability looks better than ever
Not to mention it would completely put the Krogans out of commission for the fight against the Reaper invasion if the genophage never got cured, what would even be the point? And that would be unfair to the Krogan, who, love or hate them, have been an important group in the ME series
>plenty has changed with the introduction of Eve and the potential viability of a Krogan population that won't destroy everything
No, not really. Neither Eve nor Wrex will live forever and even if they did, the underlying problem is with the krogans biology, not their culture.
But you can in three desu dlc
Lust can make man do crazy things user
they won't live forever, but they will for a long time, and who's to say the "rebirth" of their people wouldn't change their outlook?
Krogans are aggressive biologically, but they aren't all that stupid, and surely they could put together that should things get out of hand again, another genophage could get dropped, this time without a Mordin to reverse it, so maybe it's in their best interest to chill a little bit.
FUCK turians FUCK salarians and FUCK the rachni
I'd love to but they haven't made contact yet, user.
>who's to say the "rebirth" of their people wouldn't change their outlook?
A rational person. It was overcrowding that ultimately drove the krogan to war against galaxy in the rebellions. This was made even worse by their natural aggression, which they evolved to survive on their dangerous homeworld. There may yet be another krogan renaissance, but it will end in another galaxy-wide blood bath.
Wrex is almost dead and who knows how old Eve is?
If you really didn't recognize Mordin's self-destructive/selfless tendencies and his super analytical and logical persona as the defense mechanism they clearly were I don't know what to tell you.
Him "reconciling" with it is one of the possible paths in ME2 but it doesn't actually deal with the main issues, it just reinforces his unemotional logical/scientific justifications, but these were always farcical to begin with. He was still living in denial.
I love the scene but I just wish his transition from the stance he took concerning the Genophage in ME2 didn't happen offscreen.
>Picking between space asian and space nigger
Easy choice
Based and redpilled. The only reason to not kill Wrex on Virmire is to lie to his face about curing the genophage in ME3. Getting blasted out of a window by a literal who spacecop is more than that piece of shit deserves.
I will never understand why people pretend Wrex is a good character.
He's a nigger who accepted his race is a real problem, not genophage and keep his nigging limited to mercenary jobs and then goes full chimpout when there is a cure that won't solve problem of space nigging but give krogan ability to bully. He's a good nigger but ultimately nigger.