Tifa Lockhart removed from YouTube Auto complete function

>stadia is going to save gami-

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Sailor moon hasn't autocomplete in years

>actually tried this on youtube
>it never fucking recommends Tifa
What the fuck? Why? I will never understand Google.

aerith won

Who cares?

I dunno maybe the people talking about it, just a guess though.

Then fuck off. No one is forcing you to open or post in this thread, autismo.

What is this even trying to accomplish?

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Literally why even enter the thread?

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The absolute state of the west. Honestly, fuck this gay society

are you chinese

I mean, is pretty funny here, but it's actually deadly serious when it's applied to political elections.

And you fags thought sony censorship was bad.
What do jews have against big boobs anyway? Are the goyim not allowed to enjoy big tits or something?

Dilate and back to discord with you.

Are they trying to hide the fan outcry over the chest reduction from the Japanese devs?

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>Google is full of Aerisfags

But why though? Such a weird fucking thing to remove from autocomplete.

>Dilate and back to discord with you.
Rent free.

>leftists are pedos
hah I knew it

>I mean, is pretty funny here, but it's actually deadly serious when it's applied to political elections.

This. Google is the single biggest argument of why you should never let a private corporation to get as big or inflkuential as they are. Because they start acting like a state within a state, and that state will be a pure unaccountable dictatorship.

Boobs, tits, breasts all that stuff doesn't autocomplete either. So I guess Tifa became so synonymous with big luscious milkers that Youtube removed her as well.

Isn't it funny how they introduced Stadia by mentioning the Dinosaur that appears when your FUCKING INTERNET DOESN'T WORK?

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Outrage culture is cancer. Kill all Yea Forumsirgins.

Probably some individual employee did the removal on her own (you just know it's a she) and Google has no checks or balances to prevent employees from just altering search results as they please.

The only trend I ever noticed for auto-complete was that anything pornographic would refuse to fill in. Maybe the google robot algorithm has noticed how many tifa searches lead to porn and blocked it based on that?

Things that are censored on Youtube's auto complete:
>Tifa Lockhart

If you're against outrage culture you need to kill SJWs, SJWs literally invented it.

>Tifa's boobs are so legendary it makes western cucks cry 20 years later

>SJWs literally invented it

And what do you think this board is 100% made of? FFS there's twitter/discord posting 24/7 here.

What is there to even talk about?

So we basically have world wide Red Star internet at this point. God damn the burgerpunk future into collapse is going to be wicked.

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They were never a private company, they were funded by CIA money from the beginning.

What are you, fifteen?

Because of the length of the word... if the name was longer, then it would "complete" what you type.

"sailormoon" does

lmao inceltubers must be SEETHING
they are catching on to you faggots
your days of creating fake controversies over every tiny little thing and instantly getting a hundred million clicks and subs out of it are over
you created an entire industry based on lying and whiping lonely young men and gullible kids into a frenzy over nothing, and now you got the rug pulled out of you
get fucked :^)

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>not being a little bitch and taking it in the ass is outrage culture

fuck youuuuuuuuuuuuu

fucking lmao

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>type in milkers on youtube
>get this

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The largest Donald Trump sub was hidden for a while (and may still be hidden) from google search results for "donald trump reddit"

>your days of creating fake controversies over every tiny little thing and instantly getting a hundred million clicks and subs out of it are over
I don't see how thats any different from what offended SJWs do

>What is this even trying to accomplish?
Big tits are a threat to all feminists everywhere. Big tits are dangerous!

that's an odd fucking thing to censor, the OG anime wasn't even that risque jfc

Sounds like something a commie would say

"Who cares"

We GitS now, boys.

That's the facts buddy. All of that shit began because a bunch of fringe left armchair "activists" realized that they could just pretend to be mad about something on Twitter and companies would censor themselves for them.

Imagine being this user, and thinking anons or Yea Forumsirgins started this war.

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Changing the public mindset. Deny it all you want

Well I tried with all the playable characters and you're right. Absolutely bizarre.

>w-whatabout them
every time. kek

its more the implication that """"""you""""tube can just censor no-no topics quietly

well its not really an implication they definitely do that

>Underage actually believe this as fact thanks to ironic shit posting, invaders and useless mods
Good job everyone

>unaccountable dictatorship
Who are shareholders?

Well clearly you since you answered me. Why lie to me like this dude, I though you people stood for honor and honestly, not blatant lie like that.

>Avoiding the facts

>fake controversies

They're not fake when they actually make people angry, shithead.

SJW's finishing the job Jack Thompson couldn't.

They couldn't get the violence censored, so they went after the pretty women and infused everything with woke politics.

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literally hitler

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They isolated it from the rest of their site now, it’s “quarantined”

Shareholders are the dictators, genius.

youtube and google do this bullshit since for ever
Project Veritas uncovered a ton of shit they censor like hillary's emails and shit
they are so far in the left one can not be surprised by their actions of censoring what they consider to be "wrongthink"
this is the left future, legit going down towards Orwell's 1984, and as a kid i would bet it would go towards Brave New World

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imagine being this user and thinking only straight white males play videogames

I miss the days of Thompson. He was buffoonish and sunk himself and nobody really took him seriously after the first few years.

But isn't it true? Being against outrage culture is essentially what you wan't isn't it? Cause if so I agree, it should be what everyone wants. These pointless bickerings about what is offense from both sides from people who opinions don't matter has done nothing but create annoyance from everyone. Who cares if a videogame has a sexy anime girl? Just don't play it. Who cares if a protagonist is a black girl? Just don't buy it. Its all just useless whining given too much attention

>not being a little bitch and taking it in the ass is outrage culture

That's what it is. The message of the Commiefornian is "submit, just submit, don't say anything, don't question anything we're doing, just submit to our version of the world and let us take over without even protesting".

2008: censor the violence

2019: we cant let the gamers see cleavage or else they'll become nazis

The thing that's probably more disturbing isn't that tifa's boobs are being censored, but why. Meaning the people complaining about this come from, in part, Yea Forums and other places that are marked as "right wing extremists". If the reason this is banned is it got caught up in google's right wing opinion filter, because Yea Forums kept complaining, then it implies political manipulation is fully underway. Then again Hitler apparently doesn't autocomplete either, so maybe a bit obvious at this point. Might worth trying to meme a false complaint on Yea Forums and see if google end up filtering it as well. Would prove they're actively doing so.

all in a month Im finding out various boards Ive visited were right all along.
I need to go apologize.

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>snake milkers

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> fake controversies
Scarlet Johansoon literally got treatened and bullied on her twitter account jues because she said she would like to play any role since is her job...

Nigga come here to say "fake controversies"

SJWs started it faggot. Their explicit goal is to censor everything in the world that they don't like. To literally prevent anyone else from enjoying life itself. Only thing Yea Forums has ever done is return maybe 1% of the fire back at them.

Tits are alt right, if you want to be specific.

Google yikes

the best thing you can do is just leave the site, forever, only a newfag wouldve opened his big wrong mouth in the first place

not just that, now liking Alita Battle Angel is a sign that you are far-right
remember you must love cap Marvel over Alita, otherwise you are a low key supremacist

>they still don't know

Everyone is free to play vidya. They are also free to leave.

We didn't have a problem until SJW's made a problem up only "they" had the solution for. Video Gaming community was pretty much close knit as could be (even Yea Forums) before woke politics got involved. Girls who liked vidya already liked vidya. Most gamers were friends and or bros with whatever race or whatever came to play games.

I don't see how your sex/race/opression has anything to do with good game design. This is why preferred Mascot games where there wasn't any of that shit to begin with.

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who is forcing their values on who?
that is the key point

i mean, taking the venom from a snake by making it bite into a plastic tube and inject its venom into it is LITERALLY called milking it.

No, it was a he that thinks he's a she.

they did this last week or so

thread from the 11th

thompson was controlled opposition you stupid ameritards fuck off to pol

There is an incel+Chad chasing epidemic and modern women at the wall are so pathetic they can’t even compete with pixels on a screen for a meal ticket husband, that’s what this is about. And Tifa is a lot of losers first fictional crush.

>I don't care
>but i'm gonna answer you anyway
Either a dummy or a snake.

Imagine having such a pathetic victim mentality you get outraged because youtube won't autocomplete Tifa for you and your fat fucking fingers are too weary to type out 4 whole letters, all the while acting like you're any different than SJWs getting mad over trivial bullshit spun into a genocidal attack on their very existence.

>b-b-b-but they're CENSORING her! Even though there's nothing stopping me from looking for videos of her, they're making sure no one might accidentally type in the first two letters of her name and decide to randomly click on some 20 year old anime girl's videos!

I'm 99% sure these threads are made by the same autists who argue over whether Tifa is Asian or not.

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the t-rex is their mascot you goon

A liberal California professor and self-admitted Hillary voter did a study and concluded that Google was able to sway 2-10 million voters towards Hillary by manipulating search and image results to suppress bad news for her and show bad news for Trump

"muh free market" retards need to realize Google is a monopoly with 90%+ search engine market share, even more if you count YouTube, which is the 2nd largest search engine in the world

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Every time something gets censored there's always that one faggot that goes "who cares?" It fucking baffles my mind. Obviously SOMEONE cared, or else shit wouldn't be getting censored.

Whenever the left accuses their opponents of something, it almost surprisingly exactly what they are doing instead. It still surprises me how often.

another left principal is to forget what happened yesterday. The past can always be changed to frame a convenient present as often as you breathe in and out.

Who's Tifa?

Yeah, imagine defending censorship. Fuck off, faggot.

The problem is that the people who supposedly argue back against it do it in the most whiniest cringiest way possible. SJWs can be like that because its expected of them. I never understood why the people who argue against SJWs people always phrase their arguments so badly and never try to be level headed. You just lose a lot of people that way.

>google intentionally/actively censoring discussion of Tifa.
>Hurrr it's not like they are censoring or making sure people don't look up info or something.

Kill yourself.

Hey, it's not like anyone noticed when they literally cannibalised 99% of the internet under the guise of providing more "relevant" search results a fucking decade ago.

Oh, so we are operating under a "rules for thee, but not for me." system eh?

Fuck off. Help us end the SJW threat, or stay out of the goddamned way.

just came from funnyjunk today tbhwyf

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You're such a brickhead that you fail to see, this is just a more comedic example of a much larger scale problem with Google.

Why don’t you just make a Republicans only YouTube or something and just duck off

>b-b-b-but they're CENSORING her! Even though there's nothing stopping me from looking for videos of her, they're making sure no one might accidentally type in the first two letters of her name and decide to randomly click on some 20 year old anime girl's videos!
>also please pay no attention they don't do it on their own search engine IT'S CENSORSHIP

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>Because of the length of the word... if the name was longer, then it would "complete" what you type.
"Cid" gets recommended just fine
It's also not because of "Antifa" which also gives results
They specifically removed the word "Tifa" from the search suggestions one or two weeks ago.

Nobody is upset at the lack of an autocomplete per se, it's the implications behind YouTube actively reducing visibility of a topic.
Of course you are either too retarded to understand nuance or just entered this thread to troll, so whatever.

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Reminder that Google are ”tuning their algorithms” so that ”2016 doesnt happen again”

why do anons get so upset by posts like this?

It used to auto complete to Tiffany and they removed that too now.

thats sexist
if tifas tits get censored they should also censor clouds dick

Because it shows a mix of ignorance and dismissal.

The only people making implications are the self-victimizing autists who've decided that out of every single possible thing Youtube could try to censor on their search results, even as a test run, their most pressing concern is to censor your fucking waifu.

Why should a thing like youtube enforce a political bias anyways?

That's just bad business sense, long term. They're practically asking for competition to wreck their shit now.

Stadia has the superior experience anyways

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Because they are amazed that some people don't care about their meaningless faggot drama.

It's not that they are censoring "her". They are subtly trying to erase the perception that there is an issue the fans are having with the "ethics committee" by sneakily removing her from auto fill. So it's censorship by omission more than anything. They are trying to bury news.

Do try and keep up.

Google is too big to fail at this point. You would have to invest billions upon billions of dollars to compete with them.

Because they are unofficially but effectively part of the government and don’t need to care as much about their customers when Uncle Sam can bail them out.

"you typed in 'donald trump'"
"did you mean 'fuck drumpf and fuck white people'?"

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You care enough to reply.

If we don't try and stop them/call them out here, where will it end user?

It's passive aggressive and a dumb question. The answer to who cares is very clearly obvious, because they are speaking to people who care. But they are too much of a pussy to say what they mean, which is "stop talking about this please".

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It would be hilarious if we found out that this has nothing do with politics or censorship it was just a butthurt Aerith or Yuffiefag who has a good position at Google hq thats just jealous Tifa gets all the attention.

m-m-mUH MmMuh MUH muh gOMMIES muh Muh Muh gummins Muh Muh GOMMUNISM Sohshosh soh.. sohshULisT.. muh,,, muhRDDUrdurrrudrr COMMUNITSITSsssg durrhurrrbllldueeeghhh

>It's not that they are censoring "her". They are subtly trying to erase the perception that there is an issue the fans are having with the "ethics committee" by sneakily removing her from auto fill

Oh, so this whole conspiracy is just bitching people won't find your shitty outrage clickbait videos in the autocomplete (as if all the results wouldn't all be mundane shit like "tifa theme" "tifa advent children", etc? Because that's definitely what it sounds like.

At least now I know the people complaining are just upset over youtube views.

>Fuck off. Help us end the SJW threat, or stay out of the goddamned way.
See your post is what I'm talking about, stop talking like that and just get your vaild arguments and points across. The rules have never worked the same for everyone that's how it always is. You're under the pretenses that it is when it isnt. So just stop with the cringy videos and shitty journos like OAG and actually just argue normally.

I care enough to respond to retards who think that Google, a multi-billion dollar corporation, give a single iota of a fuck about some retards on a mongolian basket weaving forum getting upset over some character's tits shrinking. If they really wanted to "censor" your meaningless drama, why didn't they do it on the actual search engine?

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maybe he cares that others care
>stop talking about this please
but that sounds like a pussy’s response

>YouTube is literally Satan in website form
In other news, water is wet. Not like it matters, they have a monopoly on video sharing, which means video creators are forced to use them if they want to get their videos watched and make money, which means consumers are forced to use the website to watch videos, which creates an endless cycle and YouTube can continue being shitty.

>but that sounds like a pussy's response
Correct. Which is what makes it even more irritating to pussify it further.

Look how many words you just wrote. Sad.

imagine not liking tits

no, asking anons to stop talking about something is a far bigger of a pussy response than a straight “who cares?”

>point missed by a mile
thanks for proving to everyone here your low iq level

apathy is death

Yea Forums has such weird metrics to get upset at.
>Google not autocompleting something yet still allowing you to search it
I dun gettit

>retarded conspiracy theorist telling others to go back anywhere
Never attribute to maliciousness what can easily be explained by ignorance/stupidity.

>racist mario is still on my autofill
>first result
just nuke youtube already

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The more they change shit to stop glormph the more it's going to embolden people to vote for him. He literally won the last election coming across as an anti-establishment rebel and that's just going to fan those flames.

>Not even "Ti Lockhart" will auto complete to Tifa Lockhart
The state of Google.

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Is it? They both express the same thing, that you want people to stop talking about it. So not only is it whining to begin with, but it becomes indirect whining because you want to make it look like you're not whining.

that doesn’t mean you need to get caught up in every conflict you come across

>I dun gettit
im not surprised...

>They are subtly trying to erase the perception that there is an issue the fans are having with the "ethics committee" by sneakily removing her from auto fill.

This is the 9th fucking video if you just search "Tifa".

Your conspiracy theory makes no fucking sense.

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It's fucking faggier, user. You're beating around the bush for what you want out of people.

That’s a good joke.

Because for all these faggot's whining about "sensitive SJWs ruining muh vidya by complaining about things that don't matter" they don't realize that they do exactly the same thing. They have a massive lack of self awareness.

Google censoring it on their search engine would probably trigger the Streisand effect in full force. This method of soft censorship is more effective.

no, one is getting irritated at others, while the other is a form of begging. there is a pretty clear difference

Toei, most of the auto complete removals are companies demanding it for one reason or another. SE probably demanded Tifa removed to minimize exposure of the controversy, thus lowering sales. I will expect the same to happen with Honeybee Inn later.

I am not a youtuber/star person.

I am just a fan of FF7, and I would like more people to know there is a greater number of people who disagree with the "ethics committee" and than are for them, and hopefully that information makes it back to Square.

Youtube seems to have an agenda to make sure that doesn't happen, however.

It's too late to apologize now.

Your intention is to get people to stop talking about something. Just stop being a puss and at least tell people that.

I mean, I'll mock you for it, but it's better what you're currently doing.

>Issue in the fans
No one cares anymore fag and the drama was localized to places like this one. No one outside off Yea Forums ever cared.

lmao pure autism, no wonder its 'subtly hidden' if it reflects badly on upcoming big title

that video says she isn't censored and they did a good job
literally just a clickbait title + thumbnail lmao

You can LITERALLY see the effect it's had on searches in the OP! Wipe the cum off your lips, take the dilator out of your mutilated wound, and fucking LOOK at it!

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nice thread

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Both ways of saying it mean both. You are both being irritated and begging for them to stop. One is just the less confrontational way. If you want a better comparison, saying who cares is the pussy way of saying "shut the fuck up".

>the existence of dumb internet bullshit drama means we need to scrub all references to one of the main characters of a classic piece of media in the search algorithm, who also happens to be (literally) a strong female character to boot

This doesn't seem a little weird to you, at all? Like regardless of whatever political affiliation you may or may not happen to have?

Why do beta males hate large tits?

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Because right wing extremists (aka Yea Forums and whatever youtuber the far left hates rightnow) didn't whine and make videos taking about tifa being censored. That's the most logical explanation. Otherwise, why would google care about tifa when they don't care about porn or violence or terrorists.

>"coming across as" anti-establishment
Read the post next time

Think about it for a second retard. Did Google decide to "censor" some meaningless drama that passed months ago by removing a search result or did the algorithm just have a glitch? You type like a child, no wonder since it's the summer.

>Tin foil.

>there was a high profile testimony just this week on the issue and it didn't go well for Google.

>Tifa is Haram now

That's fucking pathetic.

I’ll give you this:
>shut the fuck up > who cares > p-p-please stop talking about this, guys
recommend the first, not the latter

look it up on youtube and find out

about tifa? retard


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But.. you can actually see the removal of the autocomplete if you try it yourself. What are you doing man? This isn't like "ALIEN'S ARE REAL JUST LOOK AT THIS BLURRY TAPE". We literally have a live alien here talking alien to all of us.

their hobgoblin "girlfriend" who uses them as glorified bank accounts said it was bad, and she rewards them in good boy points if he listens, nods and then regurgitates that opinion whenever possible

>make post inviting conflict
>get conflict

how stupid are you you cant spell tifa

sure honey

No, Google actually is censoring the information in this scenario. They keep pushing the envelope with what they can get away with because they know people like you will say "well, it's only an incremental step, and only paranoid people are worried anyway". And this will keep happening over the next two decades until Google soft-implements a de facto social credit situation similar to what they're already helping the Chinese government do, but all over the world, without any say from the various governments that make it up.

You are really stuck on that. It's not just about Tifa.

>The director of Dissidia had to come out to say that Tifa's boobs will actually bounce in his game
>No one outside off Yea Forums ever cared.
At this point you're lying to yourself to feel better about your enlightened apathy

>Did Google decide to "censor" some meaningless drama that passed months ago
They observably have. It's right in front of your face and you cover your eyes like a frightened child. The question is 'why', we can already see the 'what'. Reality deniers like you are what constitutes the bulk of flat earthen.
>You type like a child, no wonder since it's the summer.
Woah...is this the power...of corporate...shills..?

One day Google will take control of Yea Forums and you will have nowhere left to run. You will have lost. Even in this thread people have sided with them, defending every action they take. What will you do then?

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the algorithm is working just as intended. It finds names related to porn and filters them out. Try typing any pornstars name in google and autocomplete either shows nothing or the name plus some related event, never just the name.

I'm 100% sure not a single human had a hand in this.

Sure, fine. Point is that all of those examples are irritating whiny shit with who cares hitting a perfect medium of passive aggressiveness to warrant people calling them a fag most often out of each example.

Tifa autists have really gone beyond the pale at this point.

probably just kill myself or shoot up their offices

Reminder that fucking moot works for Google.

You can't even prove it's censorship. You still haven't answered why it's not ""censored"" on Google searches.

I’d rather argue with anons about how retarded they’re being in hopes that some will wise up, than get worked up over something stupid like an auto complete feature

I forgot this was even a Tifa thread I just wanted to argue about words

>The word "Tifa" led to so many titty videos that google thinks she's a porn star

Here's the problem with takes like this: competitive free market old school libertarian capitalist situations only exist up until the point any given corporation asserts a monopoly, at which point nothing can be done to replace it without government intervention, and the now-monopolistic corporation can do whatever the hell it feels like - which can easily include social engineering.

It's why you can't just let "the free market" handle everything, because the invisible hand is (unironically) a social construct, and any capitalist status quo without guardrails in the form of government regulation will inevitably trend towards becoming a de facto oligarchy with enough time.

>Program or be programmed.
Literally what's happening nowadays.

>top 10 anime betrayals

You're implying Japs care about what faggots on a 2chan knockoff are saying. Japs care about Jap opinions, not you.

How epic of you, I guess you can't try it yourself and see the results of seeing the auto fill results. Oh wait, you can.
Plus Google has been pulled in for committee hearings for meddling with search algorithms for political bias and advertisement bias.

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Transparent damage controlling.

just go to google you spergs

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>I just want people to watch videos sympathetic to my cause and agree with me

Anyone who fucking cares can form an opinion on their own. it's a fucking character design they don't need oneangryincel to tell them if they like it or not. Jesus Christ you people.

why do they feel the need to damage control?

I actually got over Tifa's makeover after about a day. The new look doesn't bother me as much as it did a lot of other people. But this thing going on with autocomplete is a lot more important.

what if I worked for the company where the content I am marketing is being blocked out by Google? I sure would be mad then.

>or did the algorithm just have a glitch?
No, the algorithm is working as it's intended, tifa was just an unexpected causality. The algorithm's job is to silence and hide voices on youtube google deems unacceptable, they've stated publicly that they're doing this, it just so happens those voices mentioned tifa for a period of time, because muh SJWs censoring muh stuff, and so she got buried along with them.

Y'all niggas need to learn about Occam's Razor.