Jimmy's Bouncy Bouncy Bouncy gets a cooldown nerf for the THIRD time

>Jimmy's Bouncy Bouncy Bouncy gets a cooldown nerf for the THIRD time
>Rolf's Son of a Shepard stance gets ANOTHER damage buff

Honestly fuck this game at this point, the developers through class balance out the window long ago. Rolf players are just as cancerous as kevinfags.

Attached: Rolf-2.jpg (510x382, 18K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Anyone remember the fucking mess that was the free Jawbreaker event at the Candy Store?
>Everyone gets the notification for the deal so late into the event that there's like 10 minutes left
>People rushing to get their free Jawbreakers (almost necessary in the Can Opener Man raid)
>Between the Cul-de-sac and Peach Creek's main streets is the PVP area
>Bunch of Kanker Sister players take the opportunity to get easy kills on all of us
>That fucking sea of chickens event that unfortunately is going on at the same time of this free Jawbreaker deal
>Nobody gets their shit except some lone low leveled Johnnyfag that somehow glitched in the store somehow
Devs are a bunch of cum guzzlers honesty. Planned the entire thing so terribly.

>He hasn't signed up to the event to participate in the Battle for the 25c Coin Johnny stuck to the ground with gum yet
What are you doing with your life, you fags? You get the Three Shoe Beating skill just for participating and if you win, a quarter!!

These threads aren't funny. The one back in 2015 was fun, but it's been driven into the ground. Get better shitposting material.

>Not quitting when Antonucci made it so calling someone a "dork" automatically bans your account.

Holy shit don't remind me
>be bubonic plague edd main
>slow move speed that patch, didn't get any movement skills until next year
>beg friends to cover me just so I can fucking progress
>Kanker Sister see me and my friends
>Viking Ed bro dies immediately
>tfw almost got my free Italian Jawbreakers

Attached: bubonic.jpg (640x480, 80K)

Fuck off, Edfag. Last year my entire party lost their shoes to you assholes. I had fucking Elevation Boots that took me a month to get and they were gone after I failed to get the coin off the ground.
What's the point of that skill without any fucking shoes?

Fuck off, dork. KotH online is more balanced and popular. Who hyped for CANADIAN UPDATE

Fuck off, shill your garbage elsewhere

Spoiler Alert: Kahn gets nerfed yet again

At least they were around somewhat. I was with some Eddy player and I kid you not he just up and abandons us when we got cornered by Kanker Sister players. Fag didn't get his Jawbreakers and we kicked him from the group after.
Wish the playerbase wasn't so shitty at times.
>Canadian update
>It's just another reskinned lawn mower event with a few cosmetics here and there
Yup. I sure am jealous of your shitty content.

Tell me, do you really want another thread of the same politics-in-videogames topics that we've had for years? Or another tits thread?

Either way,
Son of a Shepard still couldn't beat Marie Kanker, he needed that buff fuck off.

Help me. My entire life has degraded into falseflagging EEEO threads to ward off potential new Jimmyshitters. HE IS SO FUCKING BROKEN. HELP ME. THEY KEEP CAMPING MY KEVIN'S CORPSE

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You all need to roll a thats my horse ed build.
It has been 10 years and it has never been nerfed, nothing can beat it in pvp.

Ed has the highest base strength of all characters, you put all your skill points into strength and nothing else.
Once you get the jug of the shepherd and combine it with the music of horses you get the trinket of thats my horse.
When activated on another player it forces them to engage in a 1v1 duel where you exchange blows based on strength.

Its only draw back is if you meet a son of the shepherd Rolf or another high strength ed it will leave you with little hp.

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>they still haven't fixed the bug that allows double d to walk in the air

>Planks endless stare passive still not nerfed
That's it, making a plank alt to stomp ed boys

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At least its jimmies and not johnnies
>die next to a tree
>sets up birdhouse camp and spams shitbreath with impunity
>all while spamming in chat WHY?

fucking nerf this shit

Post the best area in the game.

Attached: Sky Elevator.png (640x480, 331K)

sounds like the peach cuck server playerbase, most of the players on trailer park are pretty cool desu

>e-celeb shit is garbage
>but let me repost my roleplay thread for the 5th time lols

Kevin still OP.

How are the new builds in the Robot Rebel Ranch Expansion?

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Still one of the cooler maps in the game. Too bad they never expanded any more of it.

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When the fuck are they going to nerf Son of a Shepherd? It's been broken since release.

Why the FUCK is this show so spooky?

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The devs are from bumfuckistan too, it’s no wonder they push a shitskin down our throats and nerf the whitest kid in the roster.

Does anybody know if they're going to re-release the Fad Freaky uniform? They haven't been obtainable since like 10 years ago and I want my account to go for some serious dough in the future.

Fun and Balanced Tier:
>Chowder Online (post-Nerfs? More like, this game was made by serfs patch)
>King of the Hill Online
>Endsville Online
>Springfield Online
>Mystery Inc Online
>Tom and Jerry Online
>Retroville Online (Post-Hugh Nerfs and Sheen player migration)
>American Dad Online (Post-Roger Nerfs)
>Totally Spies: The Agency
>Flapjack: Pirates of the WESSSST
Fun but Unbalanced Tier:
>Bikini Bottom Online
>Planet Express Online
>Chowder Online (Vanilla)
>Ed Edd n Eddy Online
>Aku Online
>Coast 2 Coast Online +expansions
>American Dad Online (Vanilla, AKA the never-ending Ricky Spanish Meta)
>Retroville Online (Vanillia)
>Age of Aqua Teen 2
>Seabase Alpha (Post-2.0.21 Patch)
>The Wacky Races 2
>KND Online (Galactic Expansion Never Ever)
>CN City Online
>KotH Online Kai
>Renegade Angels Intertube Connection Activities
>Candies and Zambies Simulator
>Courage: Shadows of Nowhere
Fun but obviously Trendwhoring Teir:
>Labratory Battle Royale
>SuperJail BR
Bad but Balanced Tier:
>Teen Titans Global Offensive
>Seabase Alpha (Vanilla)
>Any of the other Hanna Barbara Online games (Mystery Inc Online clones not counted.)
>Creeknight BR
Bad and Unbalanced Tier:
>Quahog Battle Royale (Family Guy Online 2)
>Squidbillies Online
>Becky Sucrose's Battlegrounds
>Drawn Together Online
>Online Home for Imaginary Friends
Meme Game Tier:
>Barnyard Online
>Coolsville Online
Anything I'm forgetting?

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>Becky Sucrose's Battlegrounds
>not Steven May Cry

I love how all the shitters were whining about Double D becoming OP with the 20% speed buff they gave him. They failed to point out the secret nerf he got which increased his debuff cooldown by 15%. Might as well stick to Sarah if you want to play support.

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Adult Swim Online never ever

>tfw many doors will never be viable
it hurts



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The joke is that retards pretend this game actually exists.

>he doesn't know

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>always the same (poorly) doctored GMod and PS2 game screenshots that aren't even in the same art style
>always the same filenames
Not videogames, fuck off, you're just as bad as the election tourists.

what if... the revolution.. was TELEVISED?


Attached: Ed, Edd n' Eddy - S3E05b - Ed, Ed and Away.avi_snapshot_08.44.685.jpg (640x480, 38K)

I stopped playing when they nerfed the Hat of Discipline build on Rolf. Everything fun about Rolf has been nerfed to shit.

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>Monster Ed nerfed from decent to useless
>Three-Shoe Rolf still has broken AoE and threat mitigation
You Rolfags are the worst

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>there are no images of this game
>there are no videos regarding this game except for this gmod server
>people post about the best locations but don't show the in-game locations
>nobody can even post item, weapon or character models from the game
>because it doesn't exist
i've about had it with this dumb fucking thread every single day

Go shit up the board with another thread about Tifa's tits.

Awww poor little baby didn't get in to the game? :( Toughen up, shitter

Reminder not to spoonfeed the newfags. Do you really want people like this playing on the same server?

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Imagine seething this hard about a video game beta

>kevinmain so mad they pretend the game never existed

your meme build was never good

He was fucking broken at launch because he had free access to jawbreakers due to the "my dad" perk. I'm glad they removed that shit but they never compensated him enough; just gave him a shitty slow immunity for his bike build that got powercreeped hard by the sheer amount of hard cc in the game.

It's amazing how after all these years nobody has discovered the secret Mucky Boy class.

Post your mounts gentlemen.

Attached: RetroVan.png (640x480, 518K)

Yeah, and I'm sure that Polybius exists, too. fr me and prove it EvilJimJam

>claiming a guild mount as your own

Holy fuck it's been over a decade how are you still entertained by wat if cartoon was mmo XD threads, and it's the same jokes every fucking time. Why is it that the only time this board talks about video games it's a fucking fake game?

Get a load of this dork.

Top tier post Ed boys

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>Not getting your personal group mount by completing the Robot Rebel Ranch campaign
What an actual dork.

>he doesn't know

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>>Tom and Jerry Online
>That item-dupe with the Cat Fencer
>tfw equiping multiple silver Rapiers and just stacking plus reach to stab niggers through walls camping at mouseholes etc

The Mousketeers 2.3 patch killed all the cheese but it took them like 3 months lmao. Mousefags btfo forever

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>KND Online (Galactic Expansion Never Ever)
>(Galactic Expansion Never Ever)

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But there's already a water comic thread going on

>Totally Spies: The Agency
That game is filled with a bunch of degenerates after the devs started enabling ERP with items that transformed other player's characters.

So is the Eddy's brother boss fight suppose to be this bullshit?
>inb4 just play kanker sisters to counter him
Sorry but I refuse to play brain dead classes.

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r8 my guild stash

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I really hope the devs release the code to allow for private servers soon.
The game is fun, but I'm tired of these weird and needless nerfs to off-meta characters while the mods' mains allways get buffed to hell and back.

no, we need more Smash Threads

I hope you don't have the radioactive Chernobyl jawbreakers, user.

>Every group of cunts I try to get together to make a Peach Creek Cobblers team
>It always goes to shit since the opposing team is always fucking stacked
>Then my team always bitches and argues who will be the mascot
>We eventually pick one
>That one faggot that keeps crying about not being a mascot that he stops playing and acts like one to spite us, EVEN THOUGH WE HAVE ONE ASSIGNED TO THE ROLE ALREADY
>Comes in as the "Peach Creek Clobberer"
>We lose the fucking game
Fuck this game. Fuck this community. Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to hide Eddy's Older Brother's Jersey behind this stupid PVP mission?

And you’re still entertained by trying to shit on them. I bet you’re the guy that also says “YOU KNOW WRESTLING IS FAKE, RIGHT?!?!” Like it’s some kind of revelation. Pretending things exist is fun, how else would you have a sex life?

I held onto them waiting for their price to jump, why?

Post yfw you hear

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I'm pretty sure you can only beat that boss when you have a raid with every cul-de-sac member, including Kanker sisters. I noticed it in a few of my raids that the more total unique members we had the more damage we did.

>he doesn't know
Check the game's wiki, user

Attached: sweating.gif (1920x1076, 2.17M)

The wiki hasn't been updated in years. It doesn't even have the Curse of Evil Tim listed yet.

Pretty sure some guys are making an actual game based off of these threads.

Need some help. I accidentally picked one of these up in The Lane because I wasn't paying attention, and now it won't let me unequip it from my inventory. Anyone know what this does?
>inb4 check the wiki
I already did, the article for it is gone.

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You just reminded me other the EEnE dating sim that guy was working on.

Keyword: was

>Level 55 and still can’t access Eddy’s brother’s room

Uhhhh am I missing a drop or wtf is going on?

I'm really sorry for what's going to happen to you, man. I'd just start a new character if I were you. That's all I can say.

>Play fish rolf
>1v1 eddy niggers for being fags
>FIGHT ME best move speed buff in the game
>rolf movespeed nerfed so hard because of three shoe rolf spammers fucking killing everyone on the culdesac
fuck you faggots ruining everything for us

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I fucking hate Rolf mains so goddamn much.

At least we have someone working on a KND VN. Hopefully it gets complete before shit hits the fan.

Only an Eddy player can unlock it for you at first, after that you can always enter it. It's literally a Developer room that they just never removed because people were smart enough to find it.

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>jib buff
as if he wasnt top tier enough

Attached: jib.jpg (948x709, 300K)

>bullet sponge DPS with cloak ability
absolutely brilliant game design, devs

anyone want to trade 45 jawbreakers for 15 urban rangers patches?

>that 3:1 ratio
someone's desperate, I'm gonna contact my jawbreaker dealer

>mfw check totally spies
>mfw this list is just a joke
I'm new to this free games but come on, you almost had me there

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>he doesn't know

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>>Jimmy's Bouncy Bouncy Bouncy gets a cooldown nerf for the THIRD time
>>Rolf's Son of a Shepard stance gets ANOTHER damage buff
why are bronze shitters acting like we need to balance for the bottom 20% of pvpers?

Selling a pre-patch 0cd plank for 10 italian jawbreakers

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Can anyone give me specs for a bandana equipped rogue Ed build? Newfag really struggling to get started, all advice appreciated.

Attached: D52B1A89-EE38-4968-9AEB-5DD2442274FB.png (638x481, 557K)

>found this in my inventory a few minutes after a trade
what is this thing? It's not what I originally traded for in the first place.

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are these worth anything or should i just toss them

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And I bet you ignore redditfrog/jak threads too you fuckcing dork

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>rogue Ed build
Oh shit nigger, what are you doing? Ed is almost exclusively for tanking now thanks to the last patch. Your only hope for a DPS Ed is making sure you're specced almost entirely into the Angry Ed tree and getting BiS and good luck with that when you're competing with Rolf, Kevin and Sarahfags for the same gear.

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Reroll you retard

Appreciate the input mate! Hopefully I can find a vendor where I can reassign my skill points, grinding for a high tier pebbles as I type this. Cheers!





>only a 30min cooldown
What were they thinking?

Has anyone figured out how to get rid of Double-D's stinky hat debuff?

>there are people in this thread that haven't rolled Plank


Steal his hat and throw it in the Creek.

My friend stopped playing Jonny.


I can see the whole gimmick of having ultimate power but only when no one is looking being appealing, it's just not for me

>roll a kanker sisters trio with two bros
>find a party of the eds
>they won't group up with us
>try to win them over with lots of free items like sandwiches and powdered milk, the expensive kind
>they still won't group up

the fuck is their problem?

Did you try swaying them in the Trailer Park? It'll up your chances.

>it's a patch where many doors rolf gets nerfed, as it deserves
>but devs have spaghetti code that would make DE blush so it bugs out and becomes even stronger (remember when they halved the duration and the bugged range let you door from the opposite side of the culdesac to peach creek and anywhere in between, good times)
>so the next patch, they fix the buggy mess they created
>and give it a complimentary buff on top of the fix


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