God I want to fuck Yuna so badly.
You're out of line on the Yuffie thing, otherwise I'm fine with you.
Beatrix and Quistis are my waifus
VIII is an abomination of a game.
Everyone knows that Rydia is the best.
This is the patrician's choice
But I like Aerith and her new VA
The question is...
What can I do for you?
Yeah it's just too good
best waifu/daughterfu coming through
Fuck Yuna, actual trash character. The entire plot of thr FFX stuff is garbage through and through.
For me? It's Lulu.
She looks like she has down syndrome
Not meme-ing, you wouldn't be far off. In FFX she's a fucking doormat who apologizes for being kidnapped, and in FFX-2 she's the same dumb autistic doormat that's trying to simulate confidence by watching animes.
I 100% agree but I gotta admit it's a guilty pleasure of mine. The story is so utterly trash and virtually all characters are so retarded, it's hilarious to the point where it becomes kinda comfy.
>Navel piercing
She looks like she fucks dogs
What can I do for you?
I want to see Yuna getting fucked hard by a big dog cock!
Fran >>>>>>>>>>>>> all
I'd rather see you getting fucked hard by a big dog cock. Yuna is for cucking Tidus and having spirited threesomes with Rikku with.
That's lulu's thing.
based motherfucker.
And oh, I know, the world of Real Emotion
Has surrounded me
I won't give into it
Now I know, that world
It is the only way my heart can go
I hear your voice calling out to me
You'll never be alone
Is it worth replaying X-2? I could never beat it for some reason when i was younger and it's haunting me.
yeah I'm thinkin she's based
You have to 100% it to get the best ending (the canon one where Tidus is recreated), which is nearly impossible without a guide and requires a fair bit of autism. If that's fine with you, go ahead.
What were they thinking?
Rikku is better, but Yuna in booty shorts is still pretty good I guess.
It was literally a trial run with the second most popular FF title to see if there was any appetite for spin-offs and sequels before they risked their most valuable property, FFVII, on it. Remember, until that point every FF was a completely self-contained one-off. They gave it a small budget and reused a bunch of assets because they weren't sure what the fan reaction would be. They threw in jpop to appeal to jap fans. I guess it did well enough because the floodgates opened on the expanded universe of FFVII immediately afterward.
I’m going to marry Freya!
>wait 'til you see me in 5 or 6 years *rubs boobs and spank ass*
What did she mean by this?
She figured she'd grow tits and ass to compare to Lulu's. She doesn't have the build for it, though. She'll always be lean.
Will they make Aerith and Tifa sing too?
No, but they did add Gackt.
Was it worth it? Was the fanservice worth dragging the entirety of X through the mud?
I wouldn't say it was completely off. They did genuinely try to show how Spira was adjusting to having their entire world turned upside down, with different factions handling it different ways. The only thing that muddied everything up was the 'lol Tidus never actually existed he was just our cleaned up version of this asshole who's now an angry spirit' or something.
is this a mod ?
Behold! The best Final Fantasy girl has appeared!