At what age did you start to outgrow videogames and move onto more mature hobbies?
At what age did you start to outgrow videogames and move onto more mature hobbies?
I used to be a loser who played video games, now I'm a winner shitposting on Yea Forums instead.
Hey now, op's giving good advice.
No he's not.
STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE is not, has never, and will be anything but plain shitposting.
At 18. Now I watch Netflix all day like a mature adult.
Video games can be experienced healthily as an adult if you play a variety of one time single player games
It becomes degenerate and childish if you play timesink games or multiplayer
Boomers always follow the rule that the protagonist must be generically handsome and the antagonists must be ugly/fat
As is the case in this comic strip
>t. ugly/fat
what "mature" hobbies? watching tv shows? looking after your family and saving for a car?
There's nothing more immature than to stop doing something you love just to fit in. Life is about balance as long as its something you love and isn't affecting other parts of your life negatively its fine.
>I, however, post on Yea Forums, like a mature adult with mature hobbies. I also save images like this one to waste my time making threads about how video games are for kids, like a mature person would.
Neither, it’s lazy writing. Boomer because it’s low iq and shallow. You’re probably much closer to those temple priests in appearance than I am, my dude.
T. Girlfriend and fit
Entrepreneurship, Reading, learning languages, instruments, gardening, crafting items, working out, travel etc.
I don't do a lot of them but I'm just giving examples
Jesus with his defined jaw silhouette vs. The ugly generic enemy humans from berserk
So shit that 90% of adults don't do is the only way to be mature?
When I realized I was more satisfied with creative outlets. I still play some free/cheap games that are "casual" but popular and fun with friends though (e.g. Fortnite) but I don't care for "hardcore" gaming anymore. I spent hours every day mastering Q3A maps when I was younger. Why would I spend time doing the same thing again now when I could spend it playing the piano, drawing, working on math problems for grad school, etc.?
When you grow up you put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.
In all honestly, what are you doing here then?
At 25 I stopped playing video games and become a cuckold enthusiast.
It Depends..
Does your likes contradict with god's likes and dislikes..
>multiplayer is degenerate
I literally do not play videogames anymore. Something happened right around when GTAIV came out where I had no desire to continue playing it anymore. I have sincerely tried to get into new games and old ones for years but nothing sticks. I miss the time sink and escapism. I keep coming to Yea Forums because I don't know what else to do with my free time besides drink and watch porn.
He's here for the plethora of fortnite discussion to be found here
Yeah right. I doubt a middle eastern Jew from year 30ad was very good looking
I do come here less than I used to. But I still enjoy talking about the games I like on the internet, and Yea Forums's the only place that lets me do so without spending time worrying about usernames and junk. Plus this place has a fun of its own that I appreciate more now that I come here less. Spending all my time doing the git gud grind and posting/lurking here was a legitimate recipe for misery though, so I'm glad I don't it as much.
It depends really. I know I encounter more retards than not. I haven't used my mic since BFBC2 released.
I'm only now getting around to the STALKER series. I think I'll finish it then be done with video games. I think it's a worth series to end on.
>Have the single most advanced hobby to have ever existed in the history of humanity available
Kill yourself, you're too stupid to live anything but a miserable life.
There is a lot of it, along with threads about other games I still play.
>girlfriend and fit
keep dreaming pal.
The older generations tended to do more of this kind of stuff... I'm sure a lot of people can attest to their fathers having owned businesses and be really good at gardening and DIY and cars etc. Whereas people have more to distract themselves now
At 18 when I moved onto more productive things like acting superior on an anonymous Kenyan rain dancing board dedicated to a subject I haven't cared about for years
>vidya is childish
>getting drunk at bars all night and watching niggers catch balls is mature
Take a 12 gauge to the face OP
So this makes op a winner?
They really didn't. The vast majority of baby boomers sit around watching TV in their spare time.
Most advanced in terms of what humanity had to achieve before they became widely accessible and popular. Least advanced in terms of what an individual human has to do to partake.
At whatever age I am when I save&quit my last
You’re in a board dedicated to video games.
Clearly the people who have moved on with their lives aren’t here.
>a hobby
That shit's a career, user. And you missed the boat on instruments if you didn't start that shit young too.
b-but... anything that boomers like is good! Because boomers decide what's good and mature!
How to spot a Nintendo fan
thats just not true
put someone who has never played a game in their life on a video game and they will have no idea what to do for a while
I do three of those things on top of playing vidya.
post the nip slip
At 20, I became a professional gigolo. Make your hobby your career, friend.
good luck doing that with mega-corps lobbying the government
>learning languages
fair but it requires a lot of time and money and the older you get the more of a bitch it is to learn
fucking expensive and classes require money and time
the soil where I live is shit
>crafting items
not everyone has a mega garage and no association to ban fun
>working out
no problem with that
oh lol
I'm in Spain right now and while the vacation is nice and all, connecting in MAD was a pain and the train while good has very overpriced food and the people you travel with are annoying as fuck
Vidya is just fine for me you insecure faggot
It is, because its the most addicting and repetitive and time sinkish and basically offers you nothing new to talk about or say you've experienced
That's antisemitic
Yeah, you're right, fantasy football and stamp collecting are much more mature than video games.
Damm, you are fucking tanned.
Not necessarily. You can have a day job and have a hobby that generates some income outside of work like selling dildos on amazon or something
>t. I suck hard at MP and someone called me a nigger
What's some mature hobbies for mature audience like me?
Well, it's an Evangelical tract, so you're required to make the "bad guys" hideous, pathetic caricatures and your Christian ubermensch protagonist has to be at least an 8/10 with a fit and attractive body and perfect hair.
If you are talking about 8 and 16-bit nintendo (and sega), then yes. But current consoles are shit. No way I'm going back when I am used to 144fps 1440p.
Why do you say vidya are something you ought to move on from? What if they are something you truthfully enjoy and like to engage in as a healthy hobby? I'm not gainsaying I'm a massive manchild but I've never heard a legitimate reason other than the late 80s' stereotype that vidya are for kids, and believe me 95% shit I play is R18+
Train surfing
games have been dumbed down to the point that they require no skill or reaction time to succeed
I didn't outgrow games, developers just decided to make games for mentally handicapped people