Name a game you're looking forward to come out right now

Name a game you're looking forward to come out right now

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world peace season 2

Doom eternal and the botw sequel
I don't games very much anymore but i really like doom16 and botw

Doom is the one coming out sooner than the others

I also wonder if Metroid Prime 4 is a real thing.

Atomic Heart

You could ask me the same question a decade later and the answer won't change


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That motherfucker can't keep getting away with this.

SMT 5 my nigger.

Disco Elysium, when they announce the release date in 2021

Outer Worlds
Cyberpunk 2077
Tactical Wizard Breach
Baldur's Gate 3

Three houses, MonHun Iceborne and to a lesser degree sword&sheild

REmake 3
Doom Eternal
and kiiiiiiiinda Cod MW

I don't play videogames

The Underrail DLC
Dwarf Fortress steam version

>MonHun Iceborne
Thats not a new game


I feel you man last year I barely played any game, it depends on the year desu desu


I'm not.

Dwarf Fortress updates
I'm looking forward to the drama when SWSH drops

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River City Girls

Fire Emblem, Astral Chain, Link's Awakening remake, Astral Chain, Sakuna Of Rice and Ruin, Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord, Risk of Rain 2, Zelda Switch, Seiken Densetsu 3 remake Elden Ring, Shin Megami Tensei V, and Metroid Prime 4.
Maybe Death Stranding, Luigi's Mansion, Cyberpunk2077, and Bayonetta 3.
Are there any announced PC games worth being excited for right now other than Bannerlord and Risk of Rain 2?

FF8 remaster

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Disco Elysium probably the most

Doom Eternal, Bannerlord, and Half Life 3

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unironically aradias game and code vein

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Halo, chivalry2, that samurai game for ps4.



And it releases on October 31st too

Forgot Doom Eternal and I guess the Steam version of DF counts since I counted the Switch versions of SK3 and Link's Awakening.
Nigerian prince tier scam and would probably end up sucking even if it was real.

Bloodborne 2, Nioh 2

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Halo MCC
Dragon's Dogma 2(all but confirmed)

and I'm curious about Doom Eternal and Halo Infinite

Doom 5


Wooooooow already waiting for it? Its gonna be a long wait buddy I try not to think aboout it.

Rune factory 5.
I don't even have a switch, but will be sorely tempted to get one if that game doesn't bomb.

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Iceborne is probably bigger than most base AAA modern games.

probably will
still gonna hope

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Bombergrounds Battle Royale.
Not sure if I should grab Super Bomberman R.

Absolutely and unequivocally based.

>all that waiting for more Dragon's Dogma I did while you guys got DMCV

I'm glad DMC has returned to form, but now you can wait because Itsuno is busy with DD2.

>Hylics 2
>Kenshi 2

Whatever's next for Resident Evil
Hollow Knight Silksong
Doom Eternal
Cyberpunk 2077
Chivalry 2
Project Borealis (HL3 fanmake)
Luigi's Mansion 3
Metroid Prime 4
Spyro Reignited PC (also his CTR DLC)
Banjo DLC in Smash
And the game I'm (slowly) working on too.

Three houses and pokeman

Dark Souls 4

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Doom Eternal

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I heard she died in the fire.

Until relic unfucks themselves and gives me company of heroes 3 there's nothing of interest out there.

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Dying Light 2, Atomic Heart and Chernobylite

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rune factory 4 special
fire emblem three houses
ai: the somnium files
astral chain
dragon quest xi s
persona 5 royal
sakura wars
rune factory 5
smt v
bayonetta 3

>Atomic Heart
Oh you didn't hear?
That shit is either a complete scam, being made by a team with no experience making games, or actively being sabotaged by it's publisher.
Probably all 3.
Also all the gameplay footage so far is proved to be fake mock ups since the team is actually just a CGI animation team.

Binding of Isaac's last DLC

Rune Factory 5 is pretty much it

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wow classic
pokemans sword
astral chain
daemon x machina
luigi's mansion
animal crossing
medieval remake
what'd i miss

Underrail Expedition DLC. FOUR DAYS BROS, 4 DAYS.

Dragon Star Varnir.

The one I am working on


Came here to say this. I hope that I make enough money by then to buy it

The reverse engineering of Firefall.

Granblue Fantasy Versus
River City Girls
Samurai Shodown PC

Barkley 2

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Kenshi 2, I will be getting grey hairs by the time it comes out but its nice to know its being worked on.

arcadian atlas

You’re pulling shit out of your ass Morgan. But it’s true that the game is in development hell. It was originally made to be open-world but now apparently they are changing things to make the game episodic which is fucking absolutely retarded stupid autistic moronic idiotic bullcrap.

Rabi-Ribi 2.
It better have some yuri bunnies again.

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classic wow

Daemon X Machina
Metal Wolf Chaos XD
Astral Chain
PC version of SamSho

Fake game.

GodHand HD remaster remake

gimme a link famalam

development hell
they really fucked these up, it shouldn't take so long

Doom Eternal

this, Soulstorm and Blasphemous

DQB2 came out so literally nothing. i'm very unimpressed with the majority of vidya

Same but...
>leaked info from employees say game's practically vaporware because management is shit and the genre changes every month

It's not my fault that the game demo videos have the player moving and animating in ways that cannot be related to imputs on a controller or M+KB.
Or that when you look up who's making the game you find one marketing guy that says "Gameplay isn't important just make it look good and people will buy it" and a newbie game designer who seems to be firing half the devteam.

Silksong, Cyberpunk 2077, and Dying Light 2.
I really loved Hollow Knight and got all achievements and did hall of gods on radiant.
I really loved Dying Light even if I pirated it and couldn't access multiplayer content, only thing I worry about is Chris Avellone enforcing "all the factions have grey morality and all have valid viewpoints on how to control the post-apocalyptic society", I learned my lesson with grey factions in Fallout 4 and I am wary on how grey morality is approached.
I want Cyberpunk 2077 just for the art design alone, even if the story might be a bit soapy because the player character has an established backstory and stuff. The action song during the E3 trailer was kino.

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Shin Sakura Taisen
Library of Ruina

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Elden Ring
Nioh 2
Code Vein
Babylon's Fall

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You're looking forward to a game that's more than 10 years old. And I'm not necessarily blaming you.

This is the state of gaming industry. Modern games fucking suck.

Doom Eternal and Risk of Rain 2's official release.


How bad was that devil skit? Literally SNL level dog shit.

watchdogs legion

Unironically Tetris Effect on PC

Not gonna buy it on Epic Fail Store, ofc.

isnt this the guy that burned down KyoAni

I've been wanting to replay it for a very long time and I agree that modern games pales in comparison to what I played growing up. I was kinda looking forward to Cyberpunk but the more info they release about it the less I care.

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what poster is this?

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Cyberpunk 2077

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If this turns out to be a game, then you can bet I am looking forward to it.

Fire Emblem Three Houses
Doom Eternal
Luigi's Mansion 3
Metroid Prime 4
No More Heroes 3
Samurai Shodown on PC
King of Fighters 15

>Rune Factory 5 is pretty much it
Only one year, seven days until release!

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Nioh 2
cyberpunk 2077
code vein
banjo in smash

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Ghost of Tsushima
Watch Dogs Legiom
Star Wars Jedi The Fallen Order
Borderlands 3
Halo Infinite
Dying Light 2
Cyberpunk 2077
Death Stranding
Ghostwire Tokyo
Blair Witch
The Sinking City
Final Fantasy VII Remake
Journey to the Savage Planet
Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts
Blue Protocol
Daemon X Machina
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Remaster
Monster Hunter World Iceborne
Elden Ring
Elder Scrolls VI
S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2
Ghost Recon Breakpoint

some shit by Masamune Shirow


>yeah bruh, I can't wait for Shin Ryu Go Gotoku to come out

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CyberPunk 2077

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Atelier Ryza
Omega Labyrinth Life
Granblue Fantasy ReLink


kek, you beat me to my shitpost


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Serious Sam 4

Half Life 3/Episode 3/Ricochet 2

PES 2020
i don't care if it's normie, I enjoy it

I hope it's better than the last one

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Death Stranding

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desperados 3

C'mon Atlus, just give me something this TGS, anything.

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What race you play bitch

I can get behind a godhand remake,lets hope they don't fuck the controls

Link’s Awakening

The dark souls of waiting list,can't wait for elden ring tho

Kill La Kill: IF.
Metal Wolf Chaos ECKSDEE.
AI: The Somnium Files.
Catherine: Full Body.
Doom Eternal.
Cyberpunk 2077
Destroy All Humans.

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>watchdogs legion

RoR2 is out

everything else into the trashcan

A good Paper Mario.

Watch Dogs Legion

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Terraria 2
Switch Animal Crossing
Doom Eternal

Fire Emblem Three Houses
Rune Factory 4S and 5
Doom Eternal
Cyberpunk 2077
Updates to Hitman 2 whenever they release new maps

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Blair Witch

DOOM Eternal

Star Ocean First Departure R

I've kinda lost faith in Star Ocean after the last couple of games

digimon survive

>18 mentions of Doom Eternal ITT
Was Doom 2016 really that good?

Yes. I just want to play a fun game in London, fuck your politics

AOE 2 definitive edition. I was super excited for doom eternal until this year's E3 where they revealed they made retarded design descisions.

Dying light 2

>fuck your politics
the game is gonna suck dick because of the premise,wd2 was good because it was simple. Legion will suck because there is no way everyone is playable,even if there were only a hundred characters they would all suck ass

It was the best single player FPS this decade, mind you it didn't really have any competition. Single player non-speaking protagonist shooters are rare these days.

where did the mde community go? I miss my racist jokes under a quadruple layer of irony

Ultimate Alliance 3
Nier 3
Astral Chain
Bayonetta 3
Weegee's Mansion
The finished console release of Hades
And then i'm probably peacing out.
Death Stranding
Psychonauts 2
Halo Infinite
No More Heroes 3
Breath of the Wild 2
Final Fantasy 7 R

wow classic and halo pc ports
its a sad day that games a decade old are more exciting then 99% of the new shit coming out

I got a chuckle

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>tfw it will never happen

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Sam's game.

i am looking forward to my white friend touching my brown gf

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>Hylics 2
based, it's gonna be GOTY provided it actually comes out this year

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fuck heidecker

Ori and the Will of the Wisps

Luminous Avenger iX

Underrail Expedition

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Good lord the unholy rituals I would perform on that young woman's body. I need to go repent. Where is my bible?

Rune Factory 5
Elder Scrolls 6
I don't know if I'd say I'm looking forward to them, but I'm interested to see what comes of VTMB2 and BG3

bannerlord, what else?

Doom Eternal
Dying Light 2
Outer Worlds
Halo Infinite
Vampire the masquerade bloodlines 2
and possibly the new ghost recon and watch dogs if they don't suck.

Big dick simulator 3.

Doom Eternal
Dying Light 2
Outer Worlds
Fortnite Season 10
No More Heroes 3,
Fire Emblem 3 Houses

bannerlord, stalker 2, and MCC on PC
nothing else really though a titanfall 3 that isnt shit would be nice but considering how apex was, i have very low expectations
also an update to team fortress 2 that makes it fun again

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Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Breath of the Wild 2
Luigi's Mansion 3
Splatoon 3
Pikmin 4

Oh, also:
Doom Eternal
Borderlands 3
Psychonauts 2
Metroid Prime 4
And a true spiritual sequel to Paper Mario TTYD

>Oddworld: Soulstorm
>Bloodlines 2
>Cyberpunk 2077
>Elden Ring
>Doom Eternal
>The Outer Worlds
>Dying Light 2
>Shovel Knight: King of Cards
>Hollow Knight: Silksong
>Ori sequel
>Ghost of Tsushima
>Caves of Qud
>Psychonauts 2
>Baldur's Gate III
>Disco Elysium
>UFO 50
>Hylics 2
>Risk of Rain 2
>Luigi's Mansion 3
>Streets of Rogue
>M&B: Bannerlord
>Shin Megami Tensei V
>Metroid Prime 4

>tfw actually enjoy games

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??? does sam hyde only make fun of people that remind him of himself or something? he makes niche video art in his obscure corner of the internet, while actively discourages people from pursuing art. he is enthralled by a shit ton of japanese art but shits on weeaboos (totally justified tho). he vehemently hates pedos and trannies and gays but... well u know, allegedly dot dot dot... is this guy retarded?

oops this is old, I left in CTR and Streets of Rogue, great games anyway

literally nothing.
the thing im excited about the most at this point is the new cuphead dlc.

Final Fantasy XV 2
Dab on KH tards

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Sam Hyde is a sociopathic madman who I never want to meet in person, but goddamn do I enjoy watching him from a safe distance

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So many doom babbys. Where the borderlands 3 chads at

Good luck to your game, user.

Sam is a scumbag who alienated one of his best friends because he wanted the money from the book sales and got their one shot at the big-time, a fucking TV show, shit-canned because he started posting 'le redpilled' crimerates on his social media for shock value. Threw away the biggest thing any of them will have going on in their lives to pander to /pol/tards who inevitably cannibalize their own e-celebs for being too 'Jewish' or not 'redpilled' enough. Absolute dumbass.


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darkest dungeon 2. go fuck yourself Sam, you're not funny.

>look I posted it again guys, get outraged pls

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Gun Gun Pixies
Don't (you) me it's my fetish and looks fun

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I don't get truly excited for anything anymore, no matter how hard I try user.

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Streets of Rage 4

Sam and Max Season 4

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Digimon Survive, and CS/HM for PC.

>CyberPunk 2077
>Outer Worlds
Get the fuck out of here with your movie games

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Sakuna, the rice farming action game

Fairy Bloom Fresia was fantastic and I've been waiting for Edelweiss to go back to action games ever since


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>Any of those
>Movie games
user i'm sorry to tell you this but...You're retarded and it's terminal.

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Nothing else since December?

extremely based

Spyro Reignited on PC.


Cyberpunk despite Yea Forums being Yea Forums about it

Happy Together!

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Brutally honest? Oh, you mean the contrarian or /pol/ boogeyman don't you?


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pokeman and doom
