>How to Make a Sequel: In-depth Guide by Insomniac
How to Make a Sequel: In-depth Guide by Insomniac
>How to Sellout: In-depth Guide on alienating your fans by Insomniac
This is a movie tie in game based off the video game.
If only the boss fights weren't such shit.
Ratchet never figured out how to have good boss fights IMO, although the first game's final boss was a good effort.
In fairness the franchise was going downhill for a while
I thought Nefarious was a good final boss in 3 if you ignore that shitty robot
Spaceship segments were shit.
I thought the second game was the weakest in the series, but that could be because I replayed it too many times as a kid because I was impatient for the third game to come out. I remember really enjoying the "open" levels like the desert & the tundra
Nefarious was too spongy, although it was decent in concept.
I only played pic related, how do the other ones compare?
you guys ever watch the dev commentary n youtube? Shit was interesting as fuck.
I liked them
That game is the best EXCEPT for the music and overall level design in the first game. The second game also had unique segments. Definitely try the first game
Nobody can decide which of the PS2 games is the best and which is the worst. They're all a little different and they all do things others don't.
Ratchet 3 ditches most of the platforming and gameplay gimmicks that Ratchet 1 & 2 indulged
in, but Ratchet 4 goes all-in on the combat by becoming an arena challenge game.
I really enjoyed the hidden "Insomniac museum" where you could explore cut content, listen to the devs talk about stuff and play with particle effects
What games can i play to fill the void of ratchet and clank's weapons and fun?
>Nobody can decide which of the PS2 games is the best and which is the worst.
Size Matters lel I still had some fun with it
Into the Nexus had potential. It's just that the game was too short.
3 is more corridor shooter than anything else
it has really refined gameplay but the worlds are short and stream lined
2 and especially 1 have way more open worlds which a large portion of the community prefers. 1 is dated gameplay wise, but i when you get used to it, it is still a lot of fun to play. All I have to say about the controlls is that you do not get a strafe until a good couple of hours into the game, and when you do get it, its slow as hell. The guns are all designed around not having strafe but a lot of people think its a necesity in any shooter like game (its not, RaC1 is still a lot of fun)
2 is often seen as the best in the series, along with 3 and a crack in time for some reason, the worlds are still full of exploration and such, but gun balancing is kinda iffy. Some guns kinda become obsolete in the second playthrough, and a fan favorite gun completely has its mechanics changed after it evolves.
Deadlocked is my favorite and is a must play, if you like the corridor shooting of 3, that is exclusively what deadlock focuses on. It has the best weapon cusomization of all the games, it only gives you about 10 weapons but you can make them do a whole buncha shit. Want your rockets to explode like the bouncer? you can. want them to explode and cause napalm pools for good cc? you can. Want your bullets to freeze enemies, or inflict acid DoTs, or cause chaining lightning damage to nearby enemies? you can!
just do not go in thinking you will be exploring or collecting, the game is exclusively focusing on the shooting aspects of the series
r&c1 is better
I didn't like it as much, the Galactic Rangers mission based thing never sat well with me, nor did the upgrades being padded out to 5 per weapon. Still a good time, just not so much as the first two games.
PCSX2 or RPSC3 for emulating the trilogy?
>that episode where they say not to shit on other people because the game dev scene is surprisingly small
>few episodes later they dedicate the episode to shit talking but had to censor it all to make sure they don't lose their jobs
unironically one of the best unintentional lets players
I don't even consider it among the other PS2 games desu. Easily one of the weakest Ratchet games.
Was magic seeing it run on a PSP though.
Honestly I don't think Nexus had enough new mechanics to justify a longer game. It ends without overstaying its welcome.
New game when? It feels like forever.
i always preferred 1 even before e-celebs realised it was superior
One thing I really liked about 1 is how the wrench was useful for most of the game. Every time I play 1, I like to see how far I can get using the wrench only (sometimes mixing it up with the suck cannon just because it's free). Usually it can carry me all the way to, I think Drek's fleet before they start forcing you to use other guns
No idea why the later games made the wrench so terrible
It only feels like forever because it's been forever since it's been good. Ratchet Deadlocked was 14 years ago and aCiT was 10 years ago.
I've actually done a wrench only run in Ratchet 1, it's fucking difficult to make it through Umbris.
But beyond just the wrench, the weapons in Ratchet 1 are excellently balanced. Unlike the later games, your weapons are never made redundant by newer purchases. I really like that aspect.
>bugs out the ass
>literal filler worlds shit out in two weeks for the sake of having a higher number to put on the box
>the yetis
>the fucking atrocity that was the last lava gun upgrade
>that final bossgfight and world
I love R&C2 but it has far too many flaws for me to call it an ideal sequel.
I find it hard to hold against them. They clearly did it just because Sony requested it, and its worst flaws all come from having to li e up with the poorly written film while also avoiding "spoiling" it since some retard in its marketing forced them to not release afterwards.
>Still haven't finished my wrech playthrough of OYA
Still at Tyrannosis.
size matters had that really cool big ass spartan lazer gun that was pretty fun to use. Also the lil robo girl had a strangely hot voice during a certain segment.
cant run many of the games at full speed no matter what it seems on pcsx2, they will all slowdown at some point
no clue how the run on rpsc3, but the hd collection has some botched stuff, like missing textures on some characters (well, the entire polygon segment being transparent i should clarify) and some of the fun glitches got patched out here, I wouldnt even bother trying to emulate deadlocked on rps3, that port on ps3 is broken as hell and runs relatively fine on pcsx2
the reboot hinted at a going commando reboot, or maybe it was just some shitty joke they thought was funny. I wouldnt mind a RaC 2 reboot as long as it was actually goddamn faithful, jesus christ I am so mad we will more than likely never get a SOTC ps4/ Nsane trilogy like treatment of the ps2 ratchet games
devs in their commentary said they saw too many people just using the wrench and not the guns, so they wanted to force gun use
I still think RaC1 has the best balance and they should return to that form
I disagree, the biggest problems with the remake weren't the shit writing (I've been living with that since Tools) it was the lame gameplay. The level design was a direct downgrade over the original and if you ask me so were the gameplay mechanics
Boys, you know what to do, post kino planets
Hard mode:No Gemlik Base
This could have been way fucking worse.
Orxon sucked ass. The Clank section was one of my least favorite part of the game.
Obani Moons.
gemlik base is the most kino planet though
first time i played it as a kid, my dad made me turn on the stereo system because he thought the base line was so killer in the sound track.
orxon music is based as well, but oof ow does the clank section bring down how much i like this planet. Last time I played, i pulled off some weird funky glitch where I was able to magna walk on all the metal piping and found some skips but I cannot pull it off anymore for whatever reason
I was sort of torn on the levels.
I liked some of the ones they cut, didn't like a lot of the edits they made to existing ones, but really liked the new ones. If they'd brought back a few more from the original game I'd probably prefer its level design overall.
Gameplay I can agree on, losing so many bossfights and trading the kino OG final one for the boring Nefarious one sucked and I missed the OG weapons. If I see fucking Zurkon again in a new game I won't even buy him, I'm so sick of it.
The pixelizer was great though.
quartu, the giant clank segment is great and i always try and go through the factory without the hologuise
false, clank sections are kino, there should of been a few more of them
>hey check out this funny bug
>please no not on my level
It's pretty easy to walk outside of the magnet track. You just have to move Ratchet slightly to the left near where you first walk up the track and you should stick to the rocks instead.
The clank sections in most of these games sucked. The first game's sucked because they were two simplistic and slow. The second game at least had more bot types and less open space to waste your time.
Crack in Time had good puzzles in the endgame, but for most of the game the puzzles are just too simple, and all the combat + planet scanning is pure filler.
I actually think the Clank sections were the best part of the reboot. They weren't padded and they were full of actual puzzles rather than dull escort missions.
I thought the new levels sucked. The deplanetizer's level design was just a bunch of dull corridor shooting hallways. Quartu was barely two rooms. Gaspar's redesign was the highlight of the game though.
i like replaying the ps2 games once a year while listening to the developer commentary on youtube
Why is nobody mentioning Ratchet Deadlocked?
usual talk of ratchet and clank is of the trilogy
deadlock is an after thought but an extremely well done one
it's something of a spinoff
I didn't hate the ps4 remake
what parts of it did you like? most of it felt like a downgrade to me
dunno why but i really loved the way the bolts looked in it and the weapons weren't the worst
Why do people say the PS3 trilogy had bad writing? A Crack in Time was the last good ratchet game and it has the best story, tied with R&C2.
People don't like it for petty reasons.
Why does no one talk about Size Matter or Secret Agent Clank?
it's great. going commando is far superior though.
Those games are actually bad.
Part 2: post kino tracks
Up Your Arsenal >>>>> Going Commando
A crack in time was the exception, not the rule.
Honestly though they are ok but far more generic minus TOD which is AIDS and ruined the franchises consistency with dumb chosen one retcons
DL = 2 > CiT > 1 > 3 >> ItN > 1R > Q4B > ToD >> A4O > FFA > SAC >> SM
let's get funky!
alright but how yall feel about the original trilogy
>Tools is the lowest mainline game
2 was a weird sequel because it was a different kind of game, 1 was about exploring worlds and shit whereas 2 was an unfocused corridor shooter
Good, but not as fun or creative as Ratchet and Clank.
Ripto's Rage is the one that holds up best imo.
>DL = 2 > CiT > 1 > 3 >> ItN > 1R > Q4B > ToD >> A4O > FFA > SAC >> SM
CiT>3>2=DL>ItN>Q4B>TotD>SM>>R>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SHIT>>>>>>the other ones
Size Matters on PSP is literally the only R&C game I've ever played, but I liked it. What did I miss out on?
>tfw rpcs3 is getting better than pcsx2
Multiple anons did, read the thread.
1 probably has the best level design in the sense that every level has a hidden or obscured area you have to find on your own even if you clear the main goal, but I personally find the bossfights lame and it to be overall a tad dry. I really dig the sort of eery, empty feeling in some levels too.
2 loses some of the quality level design with regards to the hidden sections but has more actual platforming, fun minigames,better bossfights, and some really neat details like the levels where you fight both sides of a war. Nostalgia is a huge influence on this probably but I really do find the cast memorable and fun. Skillpoints were a great addition, though I have to say the ending feels abrupt with how there is no true spring hub even if it has plenty of content.
3 lost itself a little. Minigames got too numerous and were hit&miss, platforming got cut back, the alt characters were fun personalities but not very fun to play, and the Europoor version I played was buggy. Best writing though.
All three have great soundtracks and visuals for their era.
Something about it feels unironically soulless. I find it by far the most dry and boring game in the main series, very little of it is memorable to me - from the weapons to worlds.
I can't really explain it well, sorry. I just find it to be a very plain game.
A great trilogy that is still very much playable and worth a replay despite the first game being somewhat clunky compared to the other 2. Seriously, go play them then play Deadlocked, it's one of those series where despite having a favorite, everyone will agree they're all good.
tried playing tools of destruction recently and like, holy shit how was it released in that state
it felt really bad to play. all of the cool fast momentum things you could do in the ps2 games were gone, and in general, the game just felt bad and unfinished
you can trigger tnt boxes from any heigh as long as you pass over it for instance, like what the fuck is going on in this game. I can't believe this game got a pass back then, it really is not good. also tachyon has a horrible voice and is grating to listen to
I'm more upset at the fact that it took itself so seriously and forgot some of what the original 4 charming. That ret conning clanks origin story is stupid
i could play going commando over and over again forever
for some reason replaying up your arsenal is just so fucking annoying
the ranger missions are tedious as hell, the enemies are ugly and pretty much the same for the whole game, going back to the star ship pheonix is annoying after the first 8 times, riding on that shitty ass elevator takes forever, and the hacking mechanic is FUCKED
nefarious is cool though. too bad they kept using him over and over for everygame after RC3
Up Your Arsenal is an incredibly rushed game that hasn't aged well. The original and Going Commando are still masterpieces though, and they both hold up very well today.
Yes, it could have ruined the franchise like the PS3 games did.
I've replayed up recently and it's still a fantastic game and holds very well imo.
I feel the same way but about GC
>oh boy, the shitty desert
>oh boy, the shitty Thugs-4-Less boss
>oh boy, the shitty tundra
It's just full of 'THAT parts' if you want to 100% it. At least you can just get the minimum number of needed crystals.
ACiT was 10 years ago..god.
i haven't played these games in a decade but i remember as a kid my opinion was deadlocked > 2 > 3 > 1
i even 100%'d deadlocked on the hardest difficulty and did all the challenges and got the ninja costume
ill never understand complaints like this. if you dont like the area you only need to spend 5 minutes there max
like when people state the space fight missions as a negative point. you only need to complete 1 mission in each. like its a non issue
Deadlocked is super lame, It's literally just annihilation nation 100 times. Arena shit gets boring fast, there's next to no exploration and they strip half of the likable characters from the game (how the fuck do you take Qwark out of a R&C game?) for some boring one-off villians that nobody remembers
I actually enjoyed ToD when I first played it although it definitely began to drag on around the mid/lategame. The worlds weren't very attention-grabbing and the OST wasn't anything special too. It's especially glaring because those aforementioned qualities were kino in the PS2 games. Also those endgame enemies tend to be more annoying than challenging.
At least it gave us the Groovitron.
Was a disappointment. Much easier and shorter than previous games. Rented it and beat it within a day with very few hiccups.
your opinion of the game is wrong, but what you listed isnt. some of the best parts of the ratchet games are the arena's, so a game based on that alone was a good idea.
>not liking merc
>not liking green
>not liking dallas
>not liking juanita
Hell, even some of the exterminators were fun.
Vox was a fun villain as well, not as diabolical like drek or nefarious, but he had a charm to him. Also the game had co-op, which is just crazy fun to play with your mates. And it had online, which...well there is no way to play it anymore since the ps3 servers got shut down too which fucking sucks, but when they existed it was a ton of fun. god, deadlocked online was a fucking ride
When I replay games I want to 100% them again to relive everything about them, any massive black spots like those worlds detracts significantly from my enjoyment and just make me want the game to end that much sooner. The space races were pretty awful too.
i liked the desert a lot considering the music was so good plus it had those interesting minibosses. i don't even hate the tundra but yetis can eat shit for all i care.
I got more than enough of an arena fix from annihilation nation in UYA, and when I was satisfied I kept on with the storyline to a new and interesting planet.
In Deadlocked you're stuck doing boring uncreative slaughterfest challenges for the entire game with a few lazy platforming sections inbetween.
It's fine that you prefer the arena style, but that's not the draw of R&C in my opinion, the varied planets and mechanics in UYA were way more engaging and memorable than fighting round after round of robots in the exact same bland environment every time
I just want another R&C game with customizable robobuddies and banter as good as juanita&dallas.
The flexibility of the weapon mods would be nice too.
this is cringier than i remember
no argument about the og trilogy being more memorable and engaging, but a spin off focusing on arena like challenges was good to do at least once I feel.
It def had the most refined gunplay (maybe not in the series but certainly on the ps2)
for a collectathon game it is bad, but for a mission based structure game who no doubt had some influence from halo and the like, it was pretty damn good.
insomniac in general was trying to go towards that genre anyways, even in 3 it was noticeable. And then they went on the make resistance and no one remembers the series.
Deadlocked hit it right and I dont think insomniac has been able to hit it right since except for maybe aCiT
I just want juanita and dallas to be in a game again. they were in the reboot for one scene and they ruined their designs. juanita had normal people eyes and iirc, dallas was bald for some weird reason
Umbris and Oltanis
"What do you think about that, Juaaaaaaanita?"
because it's not a Ratchet and Clank game and because it sucked ass
Ratchet Deadlocked HD for PS4 when!?
>he doesn't like the extreme ludo of pure arena fighting and akimbo handguns
not really, because it went against the core formula of the previous 3 games, some weapons were cool in DL tho
>juanita had normal people eyes
holy shit i remember seeing that in the trailer for the movie and was like nah fuck that
i still consider going to play the remake but i see threads like this and make me really not want to
I have the remake and it's pretty meh
theres a HD version of deadlocked on ps3 that was a pre-order bonus for one of the newer games or something, though just like the r&c HD collection the port kinda sucks
I know, I have it.
I want a PS4 remaster, because online deadlocked could be absolutely hilarious
hopefully they do port the ps2 games to ps4
but odds are it might suck shit like the jak ports, of which are stuck on 8 d movement for some reason, not analog. along with some other issues
ps3 port of deadlock was a horrible port, but if blue point games could get their hands on porting rights then im all on board
so that one scene with her? thats the only seen with them in the game. they are not found anywhere else.
to be fair to the game, it has really great gunplay, possibly the best in the series and it does have the best graphics in the series so far. The game has issues though, several planets are cut, the disney girl that is in the game for some reason cannot voice act to save her life.
RaC 1 is the far better game, but the remake is an interesting game to play after playing the first. but it is not as notable of a game as the others in the series. Everyone loved it when it released because of shitty ecelebs like dunkey liking it. but then people who actually played this game growing up saw how much of a sour taste this game gave the community and soon just grew to not like it. That one joseph anderson video helped lance all the shitty eceleb praise out of the way and show just how "okay" the reboot is
did you not get to play deadlocked when it had online on ps3? oof bro, it was so fuckin fun
Deadlocked has some of the funniest writing in the series. Dallas and Juanita are some of the most memorable characters in the series despite them only appearing in Deadlocked
Monkey paw time
>Deadlocked gets a sequel with every major feature intact
>But it's an online focused looter shooter (mods and bot gear are the loot) where you play as a faceless mook in customizable armour
>It has a shit ton more maps, vehicles, bosses, and weapons to compensate - and the in game leaderboard is now global, with seasonal prizes for top gladiators on the ladder
>But also it has tons of cosmetic microtransactions for your bots, armour, vehicles, and emotes
Still want it?
back then I didn't have time to play a lot :(
also nice, two (You)s haha
so Borderlands but Ratchet and Clank?
I was thinking still mission-based without rpg elements outside your guns leveling up, so not quite.