How long until someone pulls a kyoani on a vidya company

How long until someone pulls a kyoani on a vidya company

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I don't speak weeb

/mlp/ should do this to Hasbro.

Bioware, hopefully.

quick rundown? Was this a terrorist attack?

No, they just legalized weed and the fire department mistook it for a fire


And EA

Someone (whom I’m hearing was angered over supposed plagiarism) committed arson at one of KyoAni’s satellite offices, killing over 30 people.

Insane guy waltzed in with 40L of gasoline and set people and the offices on fire, killing over 30 people and hurting about 40.

Some 41 old guy blamed this anime studio for stealing his idea, he walked into the building with a gasoline tank and a knife and set himself and the building on fire.
35 dead he survived and will probably be hanged.


And nothing of value was lost

>Not Square Enix

How the fuck did he survive? He probably looks like Armin at that one part.

didn't japan abolish capital punishment?

Why does Japan still execute people that way?

Train Otaku got mad at KyoAni for disrupting his hobby so he set their workplace on fire.

This was basically like Sims where you'd force them to keep cooking until a fire started then delete the door

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Never because video game companies have security guards, cameras everywhere, etc. Because unlike anime studios they make money
Autistic train otaku burns down Kyoto Animation studio because they used a song associated with train otaku on Hibike! Euphonium, this caused many anime otaku to go trainspotting and this in turned ruined his own trainspotting experience

30+ deaths confirmed? Lmfao how? Just walk out the building.

41 year old Japanese man goes to an animation studio, spreading gasoline everywhere, even on female staff. Then he lights the fire, preventing people from leaving with a knife shouting "die! die!". 33 people died, and when he got caught he shouted "that's what you get from doing/being a rip-off". He had severe injuries and he lost consciousness. He will almost certainly get a death penalty, that's far worse than what they have in the US.

Capcom pls

They killed the Sarin Gas terrorist just last year.

why not, faggot?

Well he was reported to have burns on his arms/legs/rest of his body so it's not like he got away fine.

Please Sony, Californian office, censorship department

Cheaper and easier to get by. Have you any idea how troublesome it is in for prisons in the US to obtain the drug cocktail for lethal injection?

Konami pls

He set his legs on fire so he can spread fire more efficiently, that's not a joke, his socks were soaked in gasoline.

Literally *blocks you're path*

damn he roasted the fuck out of that shitty studio

No, they executed the remaining remembers of Aum Ahinriko (sp?) last year. The guys who carried out the subway Sarin attacks.

Hanging is cool and we should still do it.

Seen a picture of him, his feet are fucked. He set his feet on fire and ran through the building so as to more easily start a fire.

Murder is still punishable by hanging, usually multiple but if the single murder is done by a real prick they do it anyway.

I always wondered why they left Dahlia Hawthorne’s execution as hanging in AA3. They could have localized it to something more culturally relatable like lethal injection. No one in the US gets hung as a means of punishment.

Besides being black at a Republican rally.

Jesus, what is it with autists and trains?

I'm more of a guillotine guy myself actually

Just build groundfloor windows niga

Guy padlocked all the emergency exits and the roof was locked, lol.

Hanging is quicker than you think, they usually have their spine broken before they strangle.
Even then, they're murderers, fuck them.

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>they stole my generic idea for my own moe waifu!
I cant get behind the reason he did it even if I didnt like what they were making.

The culprit is suspected to be a famous train photographer that's posted on 2channel's train board and camera board for the past several years.
This person would frequently post long copypastas containing the catchphrase "baribari junkou saktto barisaku", so people called him Barisaku-kun.
It's thought that the catchphrase is supposed to mean "be sure to take train pictures with the light source coming from behind the camera".
This catchphrase didn't catch on at all, but Barisaku-kun seemed to be proud of it and go on with barisaku barisaku everyday.

In that time, the word "barisaku" became famous for a totally different meaning.
In the Kyoto Animation anime about a brass band "Hibike! Euphonium" there was a scene involving a solo done with a baritone sax that became popular under the name "barisaku solo".
Shortening baritone sax as barisaku has actually been done since a long time ago, but Barisaku-kun didn't know anything about music and assumed that Kyoto Animation had ripped off his "barisaku" catchphrase.
Hibike! Euphonium had a collaboration with Keihan Trains to run a wrapping train (train with anime characters painted on it), and and the anime otaku it attracted frequently clashed with the train photographers, something that had Barisaku-kun furious.
He went into the anime board and has been trolling the Hibike! Euphonium threads daily about how "Because of Hibike! Euphonium's barisaku solo my life is in chaos. I will never forgive this!"

That Barisaku-kun has suddenly disappeared off of 5channel.
And then the fire at Kyoto Animation happens the next day.
The culprit is said have screamed about how "they copied me".

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>culturally relatable
Guys, I feel like I just lost some braincells. What thefuck did I just read?

>tfw you were obsessed with trains as a child
It could have been us...

Damn he was a pro

Otaku attack

America is more merciful than Japan lmao

>35 dead
>20 are female staff

They like trains. It's what they do. And some trains run on gasoline.

pretty based, this is how capital criminals should go. And everyone in society should KNOW this is how they go. This is the way to actually use capital punishment as a deterrent. By making it sound like a terrifying and hellish experience, not a pansy 20 years in prison to eat a pill experience.

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>Even their execution methods are erotic

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This is so amazing if it's true
It's literally like Chris-chan successfully pulling off 30+ murders because Sonic copied Sonichu or something

Good. The succubi must be culled.

That's in large part because US prisons have no fucking idea what they're doing. The people most knowledgeable about what drugs are bad for people, doctors, refuse to have anything to do with lethal injections. The people in charge of the drug stuff there are completely untrained, chosen purely on political merit. They're basically throwing darts at a chart of random drug names, ordering cocktails based on that, and praying that one day their medical suppliers send a reply other than "hell no".

Japanese autism is the strongest in the world. Jesus christ. What a lunatic.

This has got to be the dumbest motive for a mass murder ever, holy shit

I want this to be real

It is pretty shitty really, and you can also say goodbye to any new seasons or whatever they been working on because I doubt they stored stuff on the internet and everything burned along with it. So I guess we are not getting the dragon maid s2

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It would be a mercy kill rather than an act of terror

fukken based

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This, plus Kyoto's building codes. Small enough buildings aren't required to have emergency exits. This building was just small enough.

Where are the Burning Rangers when you need them most?

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Japanese shitposters mean business. There are shitposters who have been active ever since the dawn of internet culture and who knows when the next one will explode

I've never watched any of their productions and only recognize the name Lucky Star. Good thing it didn't hit David or Madhouse, but still F.

This is why I'm glad to not live in Japan


This sounds way worse than just instant execution

Never. Hardcore Japanese otaku are a special breed, like spartan warriors but like non socially functional neets instead. They will harass a seiyuu for a decade over something a character she voiced said.

And what makes you think that it would be better in Japan? It would end up being a clusterfuck like in the US right now. Hanging is just easier.

>it's real

It's pretty poetic if you think about it, the guy that was murdered didn't know that his death was coming so they give the bastard the same experience.

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Where do you live?


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Name one reason why otaku shouldn't be eradicated.

Good you more loving faggot your shit company ruined all anime

Being mad at the world for leaving you virgin, bullied, and fat is probably worse.


Your point?

>made up 2ch bullshit
>no proof

japs are too good for this planet

>when is the motivation for mass murder
Imagine being the team that did this scene and literally being burnt alive for it

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Did he really intend to kill that many people though?

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>everywhere, even on female staff
What the fucking is tha line you fucking retard? I feel offended as fuck.

Why yes user, most anime are adaptations so whats your point

No, that's the best possible motive.

You DO own a fire extinguisher, right Yea Forums?

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Didn't say it would go any better over there. Their doctors probably wouldn't be any more eager to co-operate. And yeah hanging would probably be better for everyone involved, including the guy being executed, though I'd prefer to see the return of the guillotine. Even less chance for fuckups there.

He came with 11 gallons of Gasoline. He intended to kill everyone there.

No but I'm planning to buy one just to have it in my car.


anime will soon be a relic of the past

Right behind you

I always feel bad when something that is suppose to be cute becomes associated with real dark shit, even if I dont like the subject matter, its like you really cant escape the existential hell we live in.

ever since I got hired as a safety employee I realised how important these bad boys are. I have one in home right now and another in the car.

inb4 people blaming the door.

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he more than likely intended for everyone to go

Jannie, Yea Forums is leaking in to Yea Forums again.

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Its not like he waited until midnight when the building would have less people in it.

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They rarely get that mad and often end up offing themselves anyway.

>Have you any idea how troublesome it is in for prisons in the US to obtain the drug cocktail for lethal injection?
wat? Nigga just ask the government lmao.

I dont even think we will hear what he has to say, they are just going to execute him for sure, Japans judicial system is not at all like the wests.

no i'm sure he wanted to control the fire that spread throughout the building

Idiots and insane niggers are not exclusive to a specific country.

Behind the cutesy anime stuff, it's often easy to forget that the Japs have the capabilities to be the most autistic, cruel, heartless people to ever walk the earth.

If you removed the whole "don't be a nuisance to society and follow the rules" mentality of their culture, their culture would literally be on the level of Ghana.

hentai is kind of nice and without otaku there'd be no hentai.

Isn't this basically a Tuesday there?

I have one in my car because car fires can be seriously bad in a matter of seconds.

If it's true that he padlocked the doors from outside then he really intended to kill as many people as possible

Sega needs to make a HD remake of this in honor of Kyoani.


>He came with 11 gallons of Gasoline. He intended to kill everyone there.

How does one sneak 11 gallons of gasoline inside a building?


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He set the fire outside


Remember to have a fire exit or this is what will happen to you. Also contact your local SS to know about your local building code and how to keep your family safe.

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Japan is literally just a island near china. Japs are chinks.

He didn't sneak it, look at pictures of the building. Walk right in and start dumping


Japanese corporate culture is weird.
I have no problem with group activity, but I have a huge issue, when it is FORCED defeating the whole purpose of team building.
At least I could bond with a Russian guy, who was equally weirded out by this, so it actually had some purpose.

am*ricans are this retarded

No security

Maybe if Google successfully kills off a major HW manufacturer.

That’s unironically the intent.

Holy shit. Is this what weaponized autism looks like?

>Even less chance for fuckups there.
What lol? I am actually a frog and one of the first thing you learn in history class is how crappy was the guillotine and how 1-shot deaths were actually more the exception than the rule, they often had to retry couple times before beheading properly someone and many would survive past the first attempt.

>35 dead
Goddamn last time I checked it was like 13. This studio is fucking done. Pack it up.

fucking kek

Goddamn, that's pure folded over 1000 times Japanese autism.

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Watch the first few minutes
It's still true.

It wasn't that. From what I understand most of the staff ran upstairs to get away from the psycho with a knife, so by the time they realized "oh shit there's a fire" it's too late and they all passed out from smoke inhalation before they could escape.


no need to sneak in, the entrance was unlocked due to a meeting. just came right in and started dumping gasoline, he brought a trolley too so he came prepared.

Government's part of the problem here. More specifically, FDA banning a lot of the drugs used there. On grounds that they're lethal and/or massively painful. Which leads to hilarious shit like prison staff getting jailed themselves for trying to smuggle illegal drugs to the states, to make those very drug cocktails.

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just shoot the faggots

Not very carefully, apparently. What a shame, this could've been prevented.

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Chinks just have no empathy or souls, they are not capable of caring or feeling passion. Japs have the capabilities to be actively cruel and even revel in it. To them it's an art.

Moe was a mistake, I'm not glad they're dead but I'm glad they're gone.

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That's hillarious. Reminds me of those autistic nintendo graveyard iwata memorial pictures.

fire exits do nothing when they are doused in gasoline and set on fire.


>do something to warrant getting killed
>B-but why you gotta kill them like that!?

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Realistically are they fucked now? Did anyone super important die? Can they rebuild in the future?

Almost no government sanction executions are "instant" at this point. You think those guys on death row are killed the same week instead of up to decades later?

When taking pictures of Keihan's Eupho-wrapping train, please respect the following laws. It will be guaranteed instagrammable.
■◇◎◇■◇□◎Train Photography Laws■◇◎◇■◇□◎
Law Number 1 - On a day with fair weather, with the sun at an angle coming from behind you, take a single picture, in other words "barisaku".
Law Number 2 - Take it with an ratio of 7 on the train's side and 3 on the front, in other take care of where you stand to caputure in the train in "shichisan".
Law Number 3 - A train you love. Zoom into it so the train is displayed sharply "katsukatsu".
Law Number 4 - The main subject is the train car. Capture it directly in the center, in other words "hinomaru".
Law Number 5 - When at the site of the picture, repeat the following words to yourself to make sure you take a proper train picture.
Barisaku Shichisan Katsukatsu Hinomaru
Barisaku Shichisan Katsukatsu Hinomaru
Barisaku Shichisan Katsukatsu Hinomaru Haikeihan Ujimushi Tokushuukai Harupoppo
Barisaku Shichisan Katsukatsu Hinomaru Haikeihan Ujimushi Tokushuukai Harupoppo
Barisaku Shichisan Katsukatsu Hinomaru Haikeihan Ujimushi Tokushuukai Harupoppo
Barisaku Shichisan Katsukatsu Hinomaru Haikeihan Ujimushi Tokushuukai Harupoppo
Barisaku Shichisan Katsukatsu Hinomaru Haikeihan Ujimushi Tokushuukai Harupoppo

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>Anime will be dead in your lifetime
Goddammit. Vidyas is all the fun that's left, and even there it's almost dead

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pretty sure he's questioning the method and not the reason

>guy literaly set himself on fire and run through the building to spread it and kill 30 people in progress
>he didnt die
explain this atheists

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t. warcrime denier

why? because of their world war 2 acts?

>contact your local SS
I wish I could. They haven't been around since 1945.

■◇◎◇■◇□◎The Laws of Tripods■◇◎◇■◇□◎
Law Number 1 - Train photographers who use tripods are "beginners" who aren't used to handheld photography, so warmly watch over them.
Law Number 2 - You want to tak pictures in the best position. So ensure your spot beforehand by "planting down" your camera.
Law Number 3 - To make sure others know that planted tripod is yours, "stickly" place a sticker on is with something like "beware of bear" or "weak cooling car" written on so it stands out.
Law Number 4 - To make sure it doesn't matter much of other train photographers steal or destroy your tripod, makes sure to something "cheap".
Beginner Planted Down Sticky Cheap Crap
Beginner Planted Down Sticky Cheap Crap
Beginner Planted Down Sticky Cheap Crap

I can absolutely never forgive moe anime pandering Failure Keihan and Fanatic's Kyoto building, or the baritone sax.
Because of Hibike! Euphonium's barisaku solo my life is in chaos. I will never forgive this!
Barisaku Shichisan Katsukatsu Hinomaru Haikeihan Ujimushi Tokushuukai Harupoppo

Basically "assassinating the president will make Jodie Foster love me"-tier batshit reasoning, eh.

For me, it's impalement, scaphism, and the brazen bull

Is this madness or just autism?

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>explain this atheists

His will to live was stronger than theirs

about 40% of their staff is dead including key animators and directors. the remaining are injured and most likely have survivor's guilt so they most likely won't return to work. kyoani is done for.

They have serious political pull though.
Like that one time, a school tried to issue pants as an alternative for their girl's winter school uniform. As an alternative and only during winter.
The Otakus were fucking livid. Went protesting in front of the school and what now and the funnier thing is, the leading LDP backed them on this and forced the school to drop it.

He had fire resist skilled up :^)

White supremacists burned the building because he didn't like the studio's lgbt anime.

There's probably a thin line between the two. Look at CWC.


30+ dead bro, and from what I heard from Yea Forums a shitton of directors and key animators got toasted.

>That time /pol/ went around leftwing hangouts and reporting them for being a fire hazard which had a lot of truth to it

sure, but it's still true

Somebody put the studio on right panel

>I have one in my car because car fires can be seriously bad in a matter of seconds.
This is really true. I actually did have a car fire. I saw a bit of smoke (though I thought at first it was steam and I had a coolant problem) and pulled over in a B&N parking lot, and got out, figured something had overheated and I'd need to have it towed. By the time I turned back around suddenly it was THICK smoke, and people were already calling 911 even before I could, and the fire trucks were there in like 2 minutes because by luck I was just down the road from a firehouse and the car was still totaled. Holy SHIT can a car go up fast.

If this is how he reacted because anime fans were showing up to see trains, then he doesn't need to be hanged, he needs to be nailed to a wall and forced to watch anime oktaku stomp on model trains all day while projecting Barisaku memes that have absolutely nothing to do with him on the wall, interspersed with photos of trains with the light behind them.

>Guys walks into my office and start's pouring gasoline
>I drop him like a hot shit

What's Japan's excuse?

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Don't know if this story is true or not but this is the last thread made by the arsonist.

translation taken from Yea Forums
>Image: But don't do anything that would make you appear in the news.
>OP: Can I debut in the news?
>Depends on the news.
>As long as they aren't bad news.
>It's pretty hard to appear in good news OP.
>Hotori-chan is so cute.
>Appearing in a weather forecast background should be pretty easy.
>Surely, this is not an advance notice of the crime, right?
>Arson is bad, you know.

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Having a culture around "behaving otherwise you get tortured to death" is probably one of the motivators for why he chose to go with such a cruel crime in the first place.
It's called going out with a bang in criminology.

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>death is a punishment

He was really motivated

Any major attack on a group of people is terrorism user

Is he right?

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Huh. I've never heard of guillotines failing before. I'll take your word for it, since you're way closer to the source than I am.

Look at that building, it clearly has no fucking emergency exit on the second floor.

>no more bad dragon /ss/
Well that's fucking shit

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2 on every floor

Chris Chan will when he doesn't get session 10

This genuinely fucking sucks. I have always watched their shit besides the horrible fujoshi free period they went through. I haven't regularly gone to Yea Forums in almost a decade but this is truly a huge blow. What a fucking bummer.


he probably had an exit strategy

they can't come back from this

Trains, not even once.

>he's faster due to having a gun in his hand and shoots you first



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Japan really needs to strengthen their laws. This is the worse mass murder in history. Like even America isn't this bad.

More like their entire history.
>Mow down everyone universally, without discriminating between young and old, men and women, clergy and the laity—high ranking soldiers on the battlefield, that goes without saying, but also the hill folk, down to the poorest and meanest—and send the heads to Japan
>--Toyotomi Hideyoshi

>Guys walks into my office and start's pouring gasoline
>just don't spill that on my desk, i've got a deadline to meet

With on full blast for all eternity, extra bass boost on the bari solo.

Based, he's liberating us from moeshit.

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>Japs have the capabilities to be the most autistic, cruel, heartless people to ever walk the earth
They ain't got shit on the Chinese. Or Koreans. Or Brazilians. Or Mexicans. Or Africans. Or...