1 - Best atmosphere and mystery

1 - Best atmosphere and mystery
2 - Best cases and story
V3 - Best characters, gameplay and music

Prove me wrong. Protip: you can't

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(Improved) Hangman's Gambit with 1's HG music is the best minigame. Prove me wrong.

>v3 - best characters

V3 > 1 > 2
Is how I'd rank the games

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Opinion instantly discarded.

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Best Dangan comin' through

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Agreed. After she died the game took a nosedive.

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I am still stuck with Aanother dimension. It cannot end soon eonugh. The game is awful, but the main girl is cute and I kinda want to know the story before I watch the anime.

V-3 has the worst most god awful meta ending, I just saw it 2 days ago and it just shit all over D1 and D2

2's ending was also very disappointing though

True but at least it wasn’t an ending that invalidated all endings

>Juzo reactions
fuck off retard

1 - best mystery by virtue of being the first game so there's no expectation
2 - best cast overall, best atmosphere, best music
v3 - best gameplay

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How so?

1 has the best everything except cases which goes to 2. V3 has nothing going for it.

thats not saying much. minigames were just a chore. these games might as well be a full VN

It's really not but scrum debates and lie bullets were just so hype I had to include it.

Gunta disagrees

It had the best case in the series yes, but the rest were ass.

I don't usually do this but I got so bored of D2 that I think I'm just gonna watch it on youtube or something while I'm playing a game. I love mystery and detective stuff but I hate anime. D1 was pretty good but not worth sitting through all the high school shit.

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1 has literally nothing going for it. the only good thing about 1 comes back but is 50 feet bigger in 2.

I agree. Scrum debates, back routes and lie bullets were pure kino.
I had hoped they'd flesh them out more in future installments but I guess we aren't getting more Danganronpa ever again.
The post-game content is also pretty fucking neat and could easily be its own spin-off game with the proper budget.
For me, it is V3 > 2 > 1. UDG is its own thing so I can't really compare it to the main series

>we aren't getting more Danganronpa ever again
just because the creator quit doesn't mean the series will die. at this point i'd rather DR goes this way because i'd like the mystery aspect to return.


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I hope so user. It's hard to replay Danganronpa knowing who's going to die (though I had fun replaying V3 just to find all the hidden shit foreshadowing the ending).

Nevermind, I just booted up the game again. Hopefully I can speed through the dialogue and exploring to get to the cases

>can't stop watching shitty Danganronpa MEPs
Is it autism?

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V3 is shit. The characters are incredibly bland, unlike previous games they rely too heavily on their talent to be someone, have no other characteristics or traits. The pacing is awful, the visuals are fucking ugly, even the music sounds bad in comparison. There isn't a single thing I like about V3. DR2 was the peak of the franchise and you absolutely can't deny this. It had actual good characters, an amazing OST, the visuals were great, the trials were super engaging, the whole setting was incredibly nice.

>unlike previous games they rely too heavily on their talent to be someone
I think you're confused, the V3 characters actually manage to not be that for the most part, compared to the characters in 1 and 2.

2's my favorite overall but the atmosphere of 1 won't be topped. It actually felt threatening and the mystery set the standard that the sequels follow a little too closely sometimes.
3 had the weakest cast, especially toward the end. Himiko was too shit for most the game for me to care when she finally had some development. Tsumugi is just boring. Maki, Kaito, and Keebo are good but they can't carry all the deadweight.

I thought it was weird that a lot of the trials in V3 were just inferior rehashes of DR2's. Chapters 4 and 5 especially, but 2 had some things in common.

I don't know if that was intentional or they just ran out of ideas.

Relatively new to this series. Do they always give girls quick or heroic executions while boys get humiliating and painful ones?



the monokubs were the best part of V3 and they were criminally underused

>V3 - Best characters
Hell to the no.

>V3 has nothing going for it.
It has the best overall executions.

What the fuck gave you that idea
1-3, 2-3 and V3-2 are some of the most humiliating executions in the series.

>Main character barely exists because detective chick solves everything for you
Yeah great game.

What makes you say that?

Sorry but I disagree. In previous games the character's talent was only made relevant if someone really needed his/her skills or if something happened that made it worth mentioning. Like Soda fixing the elevator, or Asahina mentioning that she's happy when the pool becomes available.
Whereas V3 is like "Haha I'm the Ultimate Pianist because I love pianos so much, I've been playing the piano since I was young, I just love it so much! The piano is my life, I'm literally listening to Bach as we speak, gosh, a piano room? I hope it has a big piano because I can't go a day without playing the piano, I love the piano so much, it's my life!" and just... who the fuck wrote this. Other characters do similar things and it's honestly irritating, it really ruins the immersion for me.

In fairness, 2-3 is also by far the worst.

There's a female execution in V3 that might be the most brutal and humiliating in the whole series.

I can unfortunately relate. It's mind control user

That's because it made no fucking sense and ended abruptly.
Wasn't there something about the DR2 executions being done by somebody else? A lot of them were incredibly poor.

The first two you mentioned are some of the quickest ones, though. I'll give you 3-2.

enjoyed the first 2 games but then ppl on here say you have to play that shitty shooter game, watch the anime and a bunch of other crap before you play v3..

would have bought v3 on steam summer sale had it not been for based 4chinz

That literally only happens with Kaede though? Go cherry pick somewhere else.


That only happened with Kaede because she was the first playable protagonist with a talent.
If you do FTEs with the other characters, you get the same shit.

The samurai heroically fighting to death

They also seemed disproportionately dignified deaths (or at least quick) compared to the other two games. Pretty much all of them were just fucking around for two minutes before killing the blackened in one shot, compared to ones like Leon's or Kaede's.

For me it's 2>1>V3
and I liked the third game ending, I just thought that most cases where bad and the characters were extremely annoying, I don't know if this is a fault of the translation or something

The cook's is pretty much the only execution in 2 that's both humiliating and painful.

>They also seemed disproportionately dignified deaths
Teru got turned into a deepfried edible, Mikan orgasm'd to death, Gundham failed at saving himself and got carried by dogs to heaven and Chiaki got crushed.

>DR1 deaths
>lots of pain but ended fairly quickly

>DR2 deaths
>fucking around for quite a long time, toying with the culprit without harming him/her before killing them off in one blow

>VR3 deaths
>long, excruciating, seemingly never ending pain until they die

I'd take a DR2 death any day.



>Punched Naegi in order to defend his bro
>Knee'd the fuck out of Anxiety fag because he knew that he was the traitor all along
>Had a misunderstanding with the Gozuboys
>Saved Hinata from getting killed by HPA
>The master of chair throwing, that one miss on Kirigiri was because he was a merciful hero, and not just to flex his muscles and check dat ass (because he only want's Munakata's ass)
>Went full ham on the evil old man mastermind and crew to save the FF
>Roundhouse kicks the everlasting shit out of Monaca's puppet in order to stop the second coming of Junko Enoshima
>Unable to stop some mentally deranged kid from blowing up half the school because he was too busy being a hero
>Had a misunderstanding with the donut but spared her
>Survived 2 missile barrages by an evil robot bent on destroying all hope
>Called out Monokuma's bluff with his cameras, recording his mad-ass pecs and didn't give a fuck in general about any of these plebians
>Became the world champion in boxing, becoming the undisputed best with bare hand combat before even leaving high school
>Too Alpha to mess with the bitches and instead neglects his own feelings as being the third wheel to protect his love no matter what
>Only took a 2 episode rest before kicking the shin of everyone again
>Took a fucking spear to the shoulder, impaled into a wall and shrugged it off like it was just a mosquito bite
>Was not seduced by Ruruka's sweets because he was so loyal to Munakata
>Has enough consideration to the normies to use them as a coatrack
>Even at the world's end, he was still gunning for a piece
>Such a straight forwarded bro, he bends his own sexuality
>Saves the manlet when he's in need, cutting of his hand to be the savior he truely is! Saving everyone with the power of determination
>Single handedly stopped the killing game, physically and literally



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Plus they don't even actually die.

Just goes to so that terrorists always win in the end.

Juzo posting was the absolute highlight of waiting each week for a new DR3 episode, not gonna lie.

Pretty much this. I don't like the series but I really like DR2.

All of V3's executions were pure kino which is fitting considering the twist of the truth of the outside world.

Yea Forums threads were the only good thing about DR3.
>People that really thought the writers had the balls to kill off Kirigiri

Based and trippilled

Alright ronpaulfags explain something to me, in DR2 case 1
Ibuki heard everything when Togami died, but why didn't she hear him scream, or at least moan in pain?

For me it's V3 > 1 > 2.
V3 has the better gameplay, story and music.
1 has the best atmosphere, mystery and characters.
The only thing 2 did better than the others were the cases, for most I genuinely didn't know who the culprit was, while in a few cases in 1 and V3 you know from the start who the killer is and just have to figure out the how. The story however shows it's hand way too early and most of the characters are amongst the more cliched and one-dimensional of the series, even for DR standards which are very low for that.

Because he didn't do neither of those. When he saw a light under the boards going towards Nagito, he decided to go down like a champ and he just took it and died without making a noise after shoving hopeman to safety.

>leon, mukuro, hifumi, celeste, aoi, togami, yasuhiro
>best characters

Togami isn't that bad. At least he has an arc, even if it's not a logical one. Fat Togami is fucking based though.

How do you think the future foundation reacted at the end of danganronpa IF? Would they execute mukuro anyway on the spot or spare her since she took down her sister

well I assumed to be something like that, with his personality and all, though it sure is hard on my suspension of disbelief when someone gets kebab'd without giving the slightest moan of pain. He didn't cover his mouth, did he?

Leon was okay.

shit meant to reply to

It was intentional. Everything, from the VR program mimicking the Future Foundation program (forgot the actual name), to the name of the hotel and Ouma's death. It was something akin to fanservice both for the viewers of the "peaceful world", and in a meta sense for the actual players

He was barely a character, really.

Given her immense involvement, they'd probably get rid of her just to ensure that nothing like The Tragedy could ever happen again.


They still wanted to execute the DR2 cast after they got unbrainwashed with the VR program didn't they? I'm sure they would want to kill mukuro.

So its an AMV but more edited?

this shit reeks of reddit faggotry