They're as big as her head
Big boobie Tifa
those fucking straps why can't Play Arts make a decent figure
>They're as big as her head
You require optics.
No, you require them, retard
her arms are as thick as her ears
>that chink face
Draw the outlines then if you want to prove your point. I didn't make this thread, the burden of proof is on the OP.
I'm not a weeb, do they censor puke as well as pussy in anime?
>They're as big as her head
I fail to see how that's an acceptable stopping point.
>That total flatty Aerith in the background
Why are modern gamers and game devs so scared of breasts?
Is that supposed to be impressive?
flat > cow
you are the most wrong, faggot
Duh?? What else?
no u
Not even close you lying retard.
Oh, I guess they're the same size if you draw the outline massively larger than the breast and way smaller than the head. I see.
Thanks for proving my point.
They're about half the size if you draw the circles correctly.
Why are the straps to the front? they are supposed to be to the side. Fucking PlayArts.
desperate or blind? i can't tell
So they don't have to model nipples. Duh.
>counting ears and hair
Better angle
might be news to you but hair sits on top of the skull and ears are on the middle of the side of the head, he circled it correctly
Those are some pretty excellent tits. Milk.
They're like 3/4 of her head. Not quite head-sized, but the detractors here are using terrible logic and have no understand of anatomy.
Very nice.
>completelly proved himself wrong
gg mate
Who's this plastic titfuck doll
I love that concept sketch. That's how you do a sports bra.
My last Playstation console was the PS2, and the last handheld was PSP.
After hearing the news of Tifa's tits getting destroyed I lost all interest in this game and no interest in getting a ps4. its just fucking depressing as fuck to watch.
Black undershirt/sports bra? fuck yeah nice addition
Spats? sure why not its a recent fetish/kink
But just ruining the bust size at the last fucking minute to the point where the E3 promos still had her suspenders adjusted to her old bust?
Nah fuck the console
fuck the 3, 60 dollar games/episodes
fuck watching a youtube of someone playing it
might read about it late night when unable to sleep on a wiki in 7 or so years
ff org colored in
advent children fmv
dissidia duodecim
maybe the 2007 fig
all perfect tifas
Big boobie BLEACHED Tifa
you are wrong. they are as wide as her head but the volume dosen't match and furthermore the volume of each tit should be the size of her skull
Dissidia NT > FFVII AC > Remake
Original > Dissidia NT > Remake > everything else
absolut based
too big. there I said it.
Too much nigga
Aerisfags on suicide watch
>aerith is known for her boobs and not for her hips and ass