I skipped the first event. I guess I can't get the car then, huh?
I skipped the first event. I guess I can't get the car then, huh?
I stopped in the beginning and then went back a week ago. Then stopped again. The game is just boring. I love the main games, but fuck man.
There's a car in animal crossing now? is it a chevelle with a 454 big block? instant pickup if so.
what is this?
The game is shit mate, unless you constantly have it open and religiously play it every day of the event you can't reasonably complete it without buying a packet. I've seen some of the more desperate people set a fucking timer for every hour to go back in and make the rounds for the collecting parts, or for every few hours for the fish/garden segments. All the events are the same too, so don't dwell on it much. The only reason I haven't uninstalled this garbage is because of some potential connection to the new AC.
There's a red car you can make with some animal's blessing, but otherwise the car user speaks of is a yellow convertible, it's supposed to be for a beach themed event.
They have confirmed pocket camp has no connection to the new game other than a few small cosmetics.
Well fuck, I guess I'll just drop this then after I get those. Horrible "game," just barely above Pokemon Rumble Rush in terms of quality.
I understand why people think the game is boring, but it's actually great to play in short bursts.
And you can actually complete it still because you get 5 shells for buying 30 leaf tickets in the shop
People only shit on this game because they expect a full AC experience on a mobile game, which obviously isn't gonna happen. It's great for what it is.
It has less villager dialogue than new leaf, customization is okay, social aspects are non existant, and it's barely a game.
>paying for mobile mtx
I can get paying for a proper game but dipping into mtx is eh.
The game really isn't good in short bursts either. It takes basically everything good about AC except for the visual style and removes it, then shoves in gacha (in a far worse format than the play coin cookies in NL) and regular prompts to buy shit. They knew it was so tedious to go through all the load screens that they made a way to basically just skip all of the major gameplay by tapping Pete on the map screen. The events are all just timer based waits to refresh items you need to collect for the things (forcing you to be unable to just do it all at once, which is fine for AC style but they go way fucking overboard for a mobile game).
I do not. The game is just extremely poor quality and is essentially just milking people by having the same graphical style. The only thing that's good is room/camp customization and that has a huge amount of the options locked behind leaf ticket gacha and timed events that if you want the items from now, you have to grind out the rare reissue materials to get plus an obscene amount of bells, more than it takes to make some PWPs in NL or even stuff like CF's lighthouse/bridge. To top it off, for some reason they changed it from 5s they give tickets out in to 3s, perhaps it's more frequent but the game has more grind than a cheaply made JRPG does with even less of a payoff.
I'm not expecting a full game, but I am expecting something that at least is more than tapping the kudos button, hitting up Pete, and replanting your flowers/collecting gyroidite every day. I would actually like the fishing events if they were better because I like AC fishing. Also one minor gripe is that they always do "gyroidite"
At least give me my fucking real gyroids. I spent the tickets to get the regular giant gyroidite statue because it's the only thing actually like one. I could almost handwave all these complaints if the gyroids were there.
All of this is fair. Not gonna stope from enjoying the game though. It's more mtx heavy than I'd expect from Nintendo, and my main complaint is that there basically is no social aspect of the game. I don't get why you can't explore the map with your friends, or at least something more than just viewing their campsite and buying their fruit/bugs/fish
I never use Pete for this reason
Yeah that's fine, it's just rather disappointing for me and I wished to sort of warn the OP of how this game is. Still better than Pokemon Rumble Rush though
>bro just let it auto in a straight line 200 times
>monthly flower event
> some fuckwit gives you the monthly collectable you don't need more of
>even though it says just before they give them to you that you don't need them
every fucking time
I intentionally do this just to get more seeds and friend powder. Not like the game punishes you for it, and the friends in this are so excessively common that I can just throw the garbage bugs on some less active dude
just fucking give them to the people with all four collectables finished instead of the people that need more of something. you waste the space where the needed ones could be going.
Not like they can complain
And no one's removed me for it
last month I started removing and blocking people like you :^)
helps that, like you said, friends are extremely common, so removing annoying ones and inactive ones on a monthly basis is never an issue.
I honestly wouldn't have noticed if you did, I just try to dump the garbage I get from the flowers onto other people as fast as possible, and so many people are full up or don't replant that sometimes people who don't need them are the only option when I need seeds. The game has almost zero social interaction, fellow users are basically item/quarry dispensers.
I don't even bother. Garden events are the shittiest ones of the lot, and removing someone who bothers to still play is too much of a hassle. I can't fathom going at that shit in a dedicated effort, it's so mind numbing and they always fucking beg you to use tickets to catch the things anyway. It's an RNG fest if you can finish the event or not, even if you set timers and are ALWAYS planting and harvesting them, or leaving them and always getting a full load of ones you need.
At least the fishing and gyroidite ones will let you finish if you keep up the efforts, the flower ones are just a giant middle finger. I can't say I feel any sympathy for you or other people who do it though, you must get some enjoyment out of that.