Why does Mario trigger “mature” gamers aka wannabe moviefags so much?

Why does Mario trigger “mature” gamers aka wannabe moviefags so much?

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Imagine you're a loser who plays videogames all day, people make fun of you for it but you cope by telling yourself that the games are mature and special.

Then you see people playing games, having fun ignoring haters. Just living their life. The jealousy that burns inside them expresses itself as such

He is seen as childish, but they dont realize you play for the gameplay not the character and story of mario

This scenario does not exist.

It is almost exclusively Nintendo autists who seek to tear down anything that isn't from their god-company.

People who play so called "movie games" tend to just be normal people with lives.

Because they want to play it but think it'll make them look immature so they hate it on principle.

I'm only triggered because Mario and Sonic are "friends" now when they're not supposed to be

>OP makes up completely bullshit made up premise
>gullible anons still fall for it just because they want to be angry and victimized

Give me one example of someone being triggered by Mario, OP.

>Give me one example of someone being triggered by Mario

This is basically how journalism works if you think about it.

More like Sonic is now Mario's bitch since he lost the war.

A chubby guy in a red hat going "WAHOO" goes against their mature sensibilities.

You are a fucking idiot if you seriously think this is some sort of edifying observation.

My guess is because a lot of Mario games are piss easy and lack any sort of challenge to beat. Nintendo likes to make the majority of Mario shit easy to breeze through, and then put some difficult shit as an added challenge. Which is okay, but they really need the balls to make some tough levels MANDATORY to complete the main campaign or whatever. The last truly challenging Mario game was Sunshine.
Don't know if MM2 makes you do tough shit in its story mode mandatory, but knowing modern Nintendo, my prediction would be no.

Nice reach

I want to fuck a koopa troopa

>but they really need the balls to make some tough levels MANDATORY to complete the main campaign or whatever.
Not that any decent game does that.

>The last truly challenging Mario game was Sunshine.
That was probably the easiest Mario game.

Actually yeah, many of the story mode levels are challenging. What people don't realize though, is that it's much easier to make a really difficult level than it is to make one that's on the easier side. Playing Mario Maker made me realize it's all too easy and tempting to just spam a bunch of enemies and hazards because you don't have any innovative or interesting ideas.

Not that challenge and interesting gameplay are mutually exclusive, but 9 timea out of 10 bad developers will resort to sloppily throwing a bunch of shit together, making everything pixel perfect as a way to sidestep interesting level design.

People don't really realize how good of a developer Nintendo really is until they've tried making levels themselves.

Case and motherfucking point.

Looks like I nailed it like Jesus.

Not with those fucking blue coins, and levels like pachinko machine and toxic river. Easiest Mario game is NSMB. If we're counting Yoshi shit, then I'd say Yoshi's Story.

>Make statement
>Get rebuked
>Lol mad!

I swear Mario maker was just
“Oh oh think this Game development shit is easy? You do it then faggot.
Oh it’s much harder than you thought?
That’s right sit the fuck down”

>good gameplay
i dont even like movie games but come on now, piss easy gameplay is not good either

He’s like literal Jesus Christ of video games.
Without him who knows how long it would’ve taken to get 3D gaming right.
Literally name a genre and I’m sure you can find a Mario game.

>Not with those fucking blue coins, and levels like pachinko machine and toxic river
That would still make it the easiest as you would have to include optional levels in every other game too.
Also Fludd itself trivialises a lot of the platforming in the game outside of the levels where it's removed and only a few of those are mandatory.

Not that you did. All you did was give a post that could be summed up as "nuh uh but Nintendofags!"

>Literally name a genre and I’m sure you can find a Mario game.
Open world crafter.


Bitter people get bitter at inane shit on the internet. This case in particular is just people trying to make themselves look like they fit in.

Mario is for kids just like My Little Pony is for little girls. I get triggered when the people who arent the target audience enjoy things not intended for them. It means they have some sort of mental retardation, and I for one cannot stand retards. The whole special olympics shouldnt even exist. Retardation shouldnt be condoned or glorified. I mean, you dont wear diapers anymore OP, so why would play Mario?

Well, when you say something that is the opposite of the truth, the opposite is in fact the truth.

Then the implication there would be that you're lying given OP's scenario happens here on the regular.

Because Mario represents childhood magic and also hardworking, genuine people.
Numales detest both of those.

I won't deny that making good levels is hard, but Christ, you're using a videogame as an example. Nintendo doesn't have the limitations implemented by Mario Maker, for better or worse. And if anyone can make a good platformer with a decent challenge that is still fun, it should be them.
You are delusional. Oddysey is either incredibly easy or challenging with almost no middle ground. By your logic, Cappy mitigates platforming challenge even more than F.L.U.D.D. does. Hell, reaching Bowser in Corona Mountain is harder than like 90% of the shit you do in Oddysey

>Nintendo doesn't have the limitations implemented by Mario Maker
You missed the point entirely.

>you missed the point entirely
You are illiterate.

>Cappy mitigates platforming challenge
Not really, with cappy you have to git gud with it using it along side the usual platforming skills not to mention you only get one use per jump. With FLUDD you can just use it as long as you have water which takes forever to run out on top of the fact it gives you a small amount of elevation while hovering meaning you can reliably save yourself.

What do you think the point was exactly?


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>git gud
Wow, throwing the fucking thing and diving into it sure is hard. Maybe FLUDD lets you cover a little more distance horizontally, and even then only marginally, but Cappy let's you have an extra jump and cover more horizontal distance.
Making hard levels for the sake of making them hard is very easy, making inspired, innovative shit is hard. My point, again, is that you are basing vidya development on a video game with a limited tool kit. Nintendo doesn't have any such limitations. If they want to innovative, they can create a power up that lets Mario move in a new way. Or they can work in a 3D space. Your very obvious axiom of "making hard shit is easy" is self-evident. I don't see how your statement denies that Nintendo is now prone to making stuff either too easy or hard, with little middle ground. It is not easy. But if anyone can make an inspired, innovative platformer, it is them. After all, you yourself said that challenge and interesting gameplay are not mutually exclusive.