It's on sale and I'm thinking about it.
Is it good?
best horror game in years
Super good.
yeah its good
It's good but fuck those number locks I'm stuck in the first area
Very atmospheric.
It's about exciting as shit on a napkin.
Do you play as a monster in this?
Check your notes. Even if you fucked up the quests, you can stumble onto items that blatantly tell you key story combinations.
I own it; tried to play it but got too creeped out.
The devs themselves released a torrent so you can try it
Dance with me
Feels like those good production value newgrounds game
Like the one you had a shotgun innawoods and had to blast homosexuals running for your butthole out of the bushes
not a monster, just one ugly bastard
WE..... WERE...... WAITING...... FOR...... YOU......
But why?
Can you not play as a sexy person?
because fuck waifufags
Custard pie
I dont think you realize what kind of game this is
But how do you know that ugly Darkwood protagonist isn't someone's waifu?
By the name, I thought it was something to do to interracial intimacy.
Why are Chompers the most bullshit enemy in this game? They attack faster than you can raise that piece of shit Shovel, they take half a handgun magazine to kill and close the distance faster than you can throw a molatov or reload your singleshot shotgun. That third safehouse made me lose all my drive to finish this shit.
bros I love every part of this game aside from the crafting part
How do I play this game
You don't have to stay at the third house if you're a turbobabby.
It's part of the story. Long story short, nothing is sexy in this game.
You can kill chompers taking 0 damage.
Learn to dodge or run and listen for when it charges so you can sidestep then turn around and whack it.
As for the shotgun you can one-shot them. If there's two run and reload when it's busy charging a spot you're no longer standing in.
So.. Did you go to sleep Yea Forums?
No fuck off this has nothing to do with LMAO GIT GUD xd the third safehouse shows just how fucking bullshit this game gets if it has two Chompers, a Banshee and that fucking cloud that gives you away if your hiding.
You just need to git gud.
You can kill two Chompers with a board with nails if you're not a shitter.
Also pre-bandage.
>not setting up bear traps a gasoline traps - or even having molotovs as a back up.
>two chompers
If you don't have a loaded shotgun and handgun in your hotbar at night, you're playing the game wrong.
Drop a flare, look at the banshee, mop up after it dies.
>but muh ammo
You can buy ammo every single night. The game throws so much crap at you it's easy to end up with 1k reputation by hideout 3.
Stop barricading every single door. If you don't have a retreat route, you're dead.
holy shit are you a boomer autist?
Yes, idiotfag
Dont stare at doors you can see are opened through fog of war.
Chompers excel in close quarters so don't be scared to run from room to room to get time to reload or swing your weapon.
Take it easy gramps, stay in hideout 1
I'll punch you in your very small penis.
probably time to give up new games, grandad. you'll never learn any new skills.
Oi blin the senile old bastard is upset now, don't suck so much friend.
I'll kill you with my video game playing hands!
Make it video game playing feet and we're gucci
I can never tell if im progressing or not or how fucked I am, I can hardly get far into the 2nd actual day. Sometimes I get fucked in that fucking tunnel at the start because I never found any torches or flashlight.
I ended up buying it. Thanks lads.
explore more
I tried it and couldn't find the horror, basically it's a crafting/survival thing with the night penalty increased - you're out at night, something kills you, back to base.
If you want a survival experience where characters tell you to go to different spots on the map, then I guess you'll like it.
I'm wrapping up my second playthrough now on Hard and I'm tempted to say it's my favorite horror game. It has balancing issues but I'm genuinely impressed at how much divergence both the plot and gameplay can take based on your choices and how lucky you are with your finds.
I encountered a boss fight on my second playthrough last weekend (didn't even know the game had bosses) and it blew me away.
It's like STALKER, but top-down, with a Slavic supernatural horror theme to it.
I agreed until I reached the swamp and learned the horrors of Centipedes. Chompers are delightful to me now. Just killed about 10 of them in the Great Lake. 2 centipedes would have wrecked me.
Terrible luck getting 2 at once but that player absolutely should have fled when they got to 1/4 health instead of trying to swing back. Go to the well, use Scream/Moth, get them going down a hallway at them when they have their gun reloaded.
It's excellent. One of the few games that I've bought a couple hours after pirating.
Some advice though: I don't recommend spending too much time in the first area. For your first time about 3-4 days is enough. You'll waste a ton of resources if you stay there too long.
Seconding this. No base is meant to be permanent, and resources scattered around the land are finite. Only the traders replenish each day, and that's not enough to sustain you long-term.
I average about 4 days per hideout before proceeding to the next one. At least in Part 1. The Swamp hideout is definitely meant to be occupied for longer.
>Dark fairy fantasy setting
>Character looks like a scarecrow
>No one calls him like that
>Lights on
Might as well put a sign saying "PLEASE KILL ME!"
He stole his attire from a scarecrow, and the inhabitants of the forest are Slavs - so no brains there.
Nice user! Hope you enjoy it.
The first day and night are extremely safe. I'd suggest scouting around the overworld for
When the trader comes on the second day he gives you a tank of gasoline. If you didn't find any, this can be used to make torches and fill up the sawmill to make planks of the logs you find. I wouldn't hold out hope for a flashlight on the first couple days. Craft a plank with nails and either torches or a lantern by the end of your second day. That should let you get by for a while.
Also, some areas have a "time stop" effect where the day/night cycle doesn't progress while you're there. The underground passage is one, as is your base in the morning until you set foot out of it. There's an icon in the top-left to indicate it.
Good call.
I recently died in Chapter 2 on Nightmare and have to start again. Still enjoying it, it's a brilliant game.
I'm on the fence about buying. What's the general plot and setting of the game? I gather it's some sort of unnatural setting, maybe apocalyptic but something to do with nature? I don't mind spoilers.
>tfw fighting human spiders for the first time
>mfw it rips off its own arms to throw at you
>mfw it throws a torso that will grow into another spider
>mfw trying to run away from one and finding out when you aren't looking at it,it moves faster
>I don't mind spoilers.
Go away, the game is shit.
I won't spoiler it for you but it's basically an area in some slavic country that has become overgrown with a Giger-esq forest. You awaken in the forest and a character has taken a key from you that unlocks the only way out. You need to progress through a series of quests and locations to find the doctor and hopefully escape.
What really makes the game is an atmosphere of despair. Even areas like villages seem like they're barely surviving and most of the people left have succumb to madness. It has a very similar feeling to Pathologic/The Void/Stalker but with more horror elements.
Slavic dark fairy tale but in a modern post-communist setting.
Like STALKER crossed with Over the Garden Wall, or Grimm's Fairy Tales
It's all about escaping a Polish forest where the trees have somewhat come to life. blocked everyone off and the people/animals/inanimate objects trapped inside are turning into things. It's deliberately unclear on what exactly is behind it all. Not apocalyptic, although it is very bleak.
>modern-post communist
I really appreciated the perspective shifts on the Console trailer. After having played it again and being able to place all the stuff we're seeing from the ground, it shows the detail they put into the bits that were only on screen for an instant.
I can almost hear the violin echoing around the grain silo when I see this.
That's literally what it means you retarded mongoloid.
My mistake, I thought Poland was free by '87. It was 1989 when that shift happened.
It's not good, it's amazing. It's worth the full price easy.
do you paste this in every Darkwood thread?
I want a 3d darkwood one day
post yfw it's 08:00, the string section just crescendo'd, a Chomper was breaking down your barricade and you hear this finally
>It's on sale
Yes, communism died in 1945. Besides, who gives a fuck about some irrelevant shithole.
If you don't care about irrelevant shitholes then lemme fuck your ass dumbfuck
Do i have to kill the chicken lady for the key? I don't wanna piss of the entire village
>Communism died in 1945
Where are these braindead retards coming from?
Lmao look at these shitholers seethe
You're a smoothbrained retard who probably has shitty gradeachool history scores and thinks Communism """"died""""" in 1945.
No, there's a second one somewhere. I was able to fulfill both Wolfman's and Musician's requirements on different playthroughs without ever killing the Chicken Lady.
Pretty sure either of the questgivers tells you about the other key.
>I don't wanna piss of the entire village
Did you kill the giant pig?
Don't worry, I'm sure that after you finish what passes for higher education in your "country" you'll get to unclog our toilets for minimum wage with a smile on your face.
is that the trader from first area?
You don't
>he didnt play it on hard
It's alright. I got bored by the third safehouse though and never finished it. Monsters and nights especially turn from tense to tedious relatively quickly.
The Three don't like people moving in on their business.
Also what is that on the bottom left.
>It’s an isometric top-down view game.
You had me excited for a second there dipshit.
How scary is this game
a bag?
Go play some faggot tier jprg then
An EX of mine bought me this game at some point in time, played it for almost 2 hours before I died for the first time and then I just lost interest in it completely.
No, it's got a face of some sort. Three separate openings. Easier to see in motion when it moves its mouth -
.gif is too big to post directly.
i still think its a bag, just looks very ugly
>top-down view game
don’t like em either bitch boy
It's more about an overwhelming atmosphere of disgust and danger than anything "directly" terrifying. They advertised the game as a horror with no jumpscares. While it's true in terms of scripted events, it's very easy to be surprised by something you don't expect.
just get subterrain for your autism survival sim with slightly less awful combat.
It’s always mildly fascinating to see the massive gap in discussion on Darkwood threads.
One side talks about the story, atmosphere, characters, and horror.
The other complains about the top-down perspective, survival elements, day/night cycle, and crafting elements.
And there’s generally zero overlap. I've even seen some in the latter category deny it has a plot. It’s like they’re two different games to these people.
the only part of the game i just hate everything about is the crafting, i have never found crafting to be anything but time padding in a game.
>plays on easiest difficulty with minimal penalties upon death in a SURVIVAL HORROR game
>couldn't find the horror
gee I wonder why
It's what you're looking for in a game I suppose. As a long time fan of survival horror, I am used to putting up with a certain level of bullshit for the sake of good spooks and atmosphere.
>There was a hole here.
>It still is.
>Night ends starts to play
Any similar recommendations for spooks and atmosphere?
>I am used to putting up with a certain level of bullshit for the sake of good spooks and atmosphere.
from reading between the lines of a lot of people posting about a lot of games, a certain type of person is just categorically incapable of letting flaws slide or ignoring parts they don't like in favor of the parts that are good. anything "wrong" becomes a dealbreaker.
must suck, really. so many interesting games you'd miss out on.
The Void is top tier at both if you can handle the fact it's obtuse as fuck and hard. Beautiful dark surreal broken landscape, freakish-looking horrors, pretty ladies wearing nothing but particle effects, etc. But it's mainly about resourse managing and it's entirely possible to permanently fuck up a playthrough.
I'd recommend it, but only if you've got the patience.
Compared to, say, Pathologic, how obtuse/hard/possible to ruin you runt is it?
the plot is dumb
Thanks sounds great I'll check it out.
The Void is one of those games I recommend watching a playthrough instead.
echoing this. Where's it on sale?
This, but guns are for pussies
Easier to get fucked by RNG, when you become better at managing your Color and figure out how to minmax your shit you can deal with it, but early on when you don't have much to live off and many options shit can get pretty tight.
What I mean is, your one useable resource that you use to interact with the world, attack enemies, and use glyphs (spells, basically), is also your HP, and it also drains constantly in the overworld. Waste too much of it and you'll die halfway between area, unable to even leave.
but don't let me scare you off, just trying to warn you. If you've played Pathologic, it's that same level of constant tension that you're gonna run out of important shit and die in a gutter somewhere.
Hope you enjoy it. It's a bit confusing and pretentious-seeming at first but it really is worth it, there's nothing else like it out there.
Cool, good to know. I'm playing Pathologic on and off right now, so this seems like a good followup of sorts. Thanks for the recommendation.
void is beautiful, i even like it slightly better than pathologic
Get it. And whatever you do, answer the door.
So, I mention this in every Darkwood thread but I love that there's an actual skill ceiling to the utilization of movement and a visible progression for the player that doesn't just rely on numbers going up.
At first you're like completely retarded and have no idea that the backstep is incredibly overpowered and likewise, during your first nights you literally just sit in one corner and shit yourself in silence. Then at the end of the game you're shotgunning chompers, pushing dogs into traps and throwing molotov at banshee bitches like you're fucking Guts at night. That's probably one of the best parts that I ended up appreciating more than the obvious shit like the atmosphere and presentation.
>The music leading up to the morning theme
It's a small ray of hope.
You're so right man, I wish more horror games did this, slowly learning the rules of the horror and how to survive it and even fight it as the danger escalates makes for the best kind of inmersion in a horror game. Darkwood does it the best but I wish more games would try it, I'm sick of the run and hide meme.
what said
10/10 atmosphere
3/10 combat and gameplay
But don't you see user? Only being powerless makes you feel the true cinematic horror experience™. Why would someone waste time making good game mechanics when they can do a big run and hide instead?
Tried to like it, but the controls and the difficulty just pissed me off.
Not to mention the inventory management and crafting shit is gay.
Darkwood is the only game I have ever played that made me feel like Chief Brody at the end of Jaws.
The first time I went a night with my single-shot shotgun with one whole shell, I saw my first Banshee after pissing myself for almost the entire night.
And when it entered and screamed and I blew it the fuck away at point blank was the closes any game has ever resonated with the "SMILE YOU SONOVA-*BLAM*" scene.
Darkwood is the antithesis to the "lel u can't fight back so just run n hide! ISn't being helpless so scary?!" meme.
You CAN fight back, but it requires playing smart and gitting gud to get there - and the shit you have to fight only gets more and more fucked up.
>and the shit you have to fight only gets more and more fucked up
Well, on the contrary, I think the most dangerous thing is still the banshee because of how it works.
True, but chompers and centipedes "look" more intimidating.
Another thing is how fucking incredible the sound design in this game is. Absolutely pant-shitting thresholds can be achieved with good headphones.
Developers uploaded a torrent of the game so you pleople can try it and you still feel like asking Yea Forums?
Looks like you got what you deserved.
I felt like this with Siren: Blood Curse. The Shibitos are scary but you can bully them real hard it kinda makes the game more fun
How does it perform on the Switch? Stable 60fps?
Loading times above 1 minute and unstable framerate. If you plan on getting console version get PS4
Forgot to add I have it on PC,PS4 and Switch.
That's a shame. Seems like a great game to play while hiding under the covers in bed.
If you really want to play it handheld though, I don't think its literally unplayable. Just inferior.
Subterrain was lit as fuck, but your weapons hit like noodles even when fully upgraded. That really turned me off finishing the game when I had to dive 10 floors of 80% cancer.
>made me feel like Chief Brody at the end of Jaws.
That is a perfect analogy user. I'm using that.
I never finished this. The burrowing worm enemies in the last area made me ragequit and never come back. Should get back to it one day.
What's the church sequence all about? I don't think I ever went into the basement there, and then I left the zone and it seemed like the opportunity was lost forever.
They go down quick but that alpha strike of theirs is a bitch
You don’t want to go there, it’s a death zone. There’s stuff to scavenge but I didn’t think it was worth it
>church basement
>tfw I bumped the radio by accident
>super pussy about horror games
>finally decide to take the plunge in with darkwood
>enjoy the hell out of it, even enjoying the spooks
>basically became battle-hardened and played dead space with no problems a month later
looking forward to playing dead space 2 later this summer
Game would be 9.5/10 if night time didn't become tedious after 5 nights.
just kite them
>kid wants violin from his home
>go to home, mom is in the bathtub, she morphs into chomper
>run the fuck away
>give the kid his violin
>says he's going to go back home
>go back later and see his body cut in half
Seeing that unnerved the fuck out of me
Not to make you feel too bad but if you kill the chomper he lives.
However, he blames you for killing his parents and wants nothing to do with you.
It's also hinted Wolfman kills him anyway out of spite that you chose to help the Musician over him.
It's just a rollercoaster of awfulness.
I concur wholeheartedly, user. Mastering a deliberately very limited system is really neat. Feels good to learn the timing of them and feel like a bullfighter sidestepping them at the right time.
While we're all giving the game credit where it's due, I want to throw out that the end of the Wolfman's boss battle is genius. Having him go down but still be alive and you have to bludgeon him multiple times while he insults you actually gave me pause.
I happened to record it and caught myself lower my weapon in doubt for a moment because I second-guessed whether I should kill him for a moment.
Holy shit, how diverse is this fucking game's endings? I literally didn't even know that could happen. In my game he somehow ended up in my house in the last hideout, and he was completely mutated to hell and back.
I genuinely don't know. Off the top of my head there's 4 major diverging changes
>whether you spare or kill The Sow
>whether you give Wolfman or Musician access to the Pretty Lady
>whether you fall into Doctor's trap or not.
>whether you burn or spare the talking tree
And since there's no invincible characters you can cut them short by killing them at any point, which removes their influence on the other stories. I don't even know how Piotrek and the Snail's stories affect the overall if you choose different things
Should've killed the chompers when they were dormant.
If you like Musician the best thing to do for him is just not take his route. Musician..... had a hard life.
Yeah, that really is the best solution now that I think about it.
Although wouldn't his parents turn and kill him if you don't do anything?
Best option is to kill his parents and Wolfman if you want him to be spared, I think.
Still that fucking sucks for him.
I can immerse myself easily but get my immersion broken frequently playing horror games, how does it holds up? I'm on third day or so and so far it was great, had my heart sinking when i heard someone walking outside and knocking on the door, as well as during "we were waiting for you", but does it gets worse later on? Does it turns into a Crimsonland clone with spooky sounds or it stays tight and creepy?