Hardest bosses

How do you beat him Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Jesus didn't exist. He was a composite of several messiah figures that existed in Jerusalem around that era, and quite literally zero physical evidence or first hand accounts of him exist. Gospels were verbal tradition for hundreds of years before anyone wrote stuff down.

this, FPBP

Everything I say in red is the truth little fedoratard

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Jesus was Black

Say it in red! I don't trust your black words.

Simple riddle.
No HUMAN could've moved the rock. Obviously an animal moved it and then ate Jesus's corpse.


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Jesus was placed in the tomb and then immediately taken out before the rock blocked it.

So this is the power of... thinking outside the box?!

Alternatively, he only said human singular. It could've been possible for multiple humans to move it together.

Ant-Christians are apart of the anti-christ's Army..
They and satan share one thing in common..they hate jesus christ and everything he stands for.


Hihihi is this truly the best you can do Dawkiiiiiiiiiins-kun?

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What is this? A religion for ants?

Uh oh what now

You think you can let that slip from me, don't you Beato. But I know the truth behind your lack of Red Truth.

He wasn't in Jerusalem, because he was Julius Caesar.

>not using tomorrow

How did they initially move the rock to cover the tomb then?

>he thinks he can use the red truth
Oh no.........


>>>/t/he+body+of+the+man+known+as+jesus+christ+was placed+in+a+tomb+for+a+week
>>>Yea Forumsfter++one+week+his+body+was+not+found

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Any teadhings or beliefs that attacks, repels, contradicts Christianity, is anti-Christian in nature..
But you smart people were already aware of this fact reality.

The Christ myth theory has generally been discarded by both theist and atheist scholars. The main contention is in the veracity of his words or misinterpretation of his words by Paul.


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How do they know he's not in the tomb if they can't move the rock away from the entrance

The order of events still hasn't been made concrete!
Say it in red! "Jesus was still inside the tomb when the rock was first placed to block the entrance."

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I keep messing up the red text because of capitilization and accidentally pressing the enter key. Whoops.

what's the name of this mod?

I miss battler

Tacitus and Josephus are non religious historians of the first century who confirmed he existed.


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Maybe you should clean your room before arguing with witches Battler...

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>Battler-kun still hasn't noticed that Beato never specifies which tomb is she talking about
Peak brainlet

>The Christ myth theory has generally been discarded by both theist and atheist scholars.

No, it hasn't

>The main contention is in the veracity of his words or misinterpretation of his words by Paul.

How about the fact there was over fifty separate gospels, and the church decided to only canonize four because four was considered a special number by the authorities because they believed the earth was flat.

Leaving the last bit out again, huh. Well I stand by my case.

I still believe that Jesus was never a man, only some teachings.

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go read a book jordan

Fuck you, know I have to reread Umineko.
I never actually finished chapter 8 anyway

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Have you bothered to research it?


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Does anyone even browse 4channel with the default skin anymore? It kinda ruins the red text when it's not red.

What the fuck was this part anyways?

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Ahem, I just choked on some tea.

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You don't?

Rats slipped through the cracks and ate the body.

The OP image has been talked about already, we should make a new topic. Maybe something about the moon landing.

Nah, I can't use non-dark themes anymore it hurts my eyes.

Without love, it cannot be seen

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Alright, let's set aside Josephus as a jew and thus has a direct stake in the proliferation of Christianity.
Tacitus writes of Pontius Pilate putting "Christus, the founder of [the persons commonly called Christians]". Why would a Roman historian with absolutely no stake in Christianity corroborate a so-called Christian myth?

Why would Pliny the Younger write to Trajan of Christ's martyrism among Christians (even before Tacitus' account, I might add) if he never existed?

The "debate" of the historicity of Jesus is entirely a modern invention, one interestingly that was extremely popular in the former Soviet Union.

Based and lovepilled.

>Gospels were verbal traditions for hundreds of years before anyone wrote stuff down
More like 30-40. Do some more research.

>*clinks spoon on tea cup repeatedly to slice through the sounds of cacophonous conversation*
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Good evening! Thank you all for coming out to my gameboard tonight. Your collective presence has made this little soiree of mine quite special. Now, as to the reason for why I've gathered you all here. I would like to propose a toast…to the Servant!
>*murmurs of confusion travel like an ocean wave through the crowd of goats gathered around me*

Yes, the Servant! There is nobody on this gameboard I feel is more deserving of a few words of appreciation than my dear old furniture. He works tirelessly every day and every night, spending every waking second of his life on this mansion. He removes dirts fit for no goat's viewing and removes the rapscallions responsible. He doesn't even ask for monetary compensation despite working all day, but does it simply because he wants the mansion to be the best possible version of itself it can be.

And who gets to enjoy the fruits of dear furniture's hard labor? We all do, of course! Without sweet old furniture, the gameboard would be inundated with off-topic battles about politics and alcoholic circlejerking and other unbecoming topics that have no place on a meta gameboard for gentlemen. So here is a sincere declaration of thankfulness…to the Servant.

But seriously folks, fuck witches.

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Stop talking about religion you absolute fucking mongoloids, this is a thread for videogames.
Has battler given up?

Repeat in red: There are no other ways of leaving the tomb except through the entrance blocked by the rock!

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[red]Knox's 3rd
[red]It is FORBIDDEN for hidden passages to EXIST.

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Holy shit based and lovepilled

Umineko threads are the best threads on Yea Forums

Why is Japan so obsessed with Catholicism?

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Because Christianity insults Japanese culture by encouraging the improvement of the self to reach fulfillment. Nips on the other hand believe they are the modern day samurai for devoting their lives to 10-hour slave labor for faceless companies that don't care about them.

A new episode is coming out

Think Battler! You mustn't stop thinking! The second you give up and stop thinking is the second you should just give up and die instead!



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>Jesus Chris's body was in the tomb on the third day
>Jesus Chris's body was in the tomb on the second day
>Jesus Chris's body was in the tomb after the entrance was blocked

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Jesus's body being in the the tomb after it was sealed on the first and second days is a Devil's Proof. No man could move the rock to look in and check.

Jesus' body was destroyed by device X after it was sealed in the tomb.

>Christ Jesus existed in 1st century Jerusalem
>Christ Jesus was a man
>No animals moved the rock in the following week after Jesus was placed in the tomb
>No group of people pushed, pulled, or otherwise shifted the rock before the tomb was found empty
>The body of the man known as Jesus Christ was placed in a tomb for a week
>after one week his body was not found
>the man known as Jesus Christ existed in Israel
>the man known as Jesus Christ never left the tomb he was placed in until the third day
>the man known as Jesus Christ existed in the first century Judea

Aha, is the man known as Jesus Christ and the body of the man known as Jesus Christ the same person or is it a title? "the 'body' of the man known as Christ Jesus was placed in a tomb for a week" yet "the 'man' known as Christ Jesus never left the tomb he was placed in until the third day" I'll say it now. Jesus Christ upon his death transferred his work onto another, who took upon themselves the name of Jesus Christ in order to pull off the resurrection stunt. The body movement is unnecessary to figure out as long as Jesus is disproved to be magic. Simply by the contradictions between these two statements this level of reasoning is possible for Furudo Erika, what do you think everyone?

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There's isn't much of a mystery if the body was not there at some point after the entrance was sealed. Unless Beato provides any confirmation that the body was there at some point after sealing the entrance, there's nothing left to prove.

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whats the thread theme?
i am using this

Repeat in red:
>Jesus' body was not smuggled out, disguised, or hidden in any way after the boulder was removed on the 3rd day
>The boulder was completely solid all the way through, and there were no places to hide Jesus' body within the cave

>your argument has as many holes as the boys you fuck

This thread is pure cringe holy shit

Cmon, we already covered Jesus’ resurrection, I want to see Battler prove something else, like that witches didn’t do 9/11

I'll say it in red

Very based, very anti-magicpilled.

Here allow me to fix that

Every thread until we reach the golden land

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No, thinking outside the tomb

Along with Pliny the younger

I think Erika deserves violent rape

These threads are always so fun.

No, it was Jimmy Carter.

How did they get the rock in front of the tomb?

Maybe it migrated

Me too, but not in the same way.

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They all were written in different decades
Tbh even a week of verbal tradition makes it unreliable as fuck

>No human could have moved the rock blocking the entrance.

Then how did they block the entrance with the rock in the first place?

How the fuck do Braun tubes work anyway?

They rock was blown up with small bombs and then replaced with an identical rock! The nature of a bomb that could blow it up without leaving any marks is a devils proof! I refuse to explain!

Small people drawing pictures.

This is my golden green text as the new Beatrice
>Jesus's body was inside the tomb after the exit was sealed


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Seems like the name of our lord and savior broke my red text

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They took him from the exit not the entrance

Sip your tea a bit slower and try again Beato

>christcucks go around calling everyone who doesn't subscribe to their cult a subhuman who's going to suffer for eternity
>literally anyone even questions Christianity
When is /pol/ going for good

so kinda like Beatorice?

that's not how it works buddy

Obviously a way exists as Jesus left the tomb before the exit was unsealed

The reason why, should be obvious if you think about it hard enough



And a freebie
>>>Yea Forumsfter+the+entrance+was+sealed+the+rock+was+not+moved+until+three+days+later

Attached: __beatrice_umineko_no_naku_koro_ni_drawn_by_gurunyanya__6d684e17f85bc44ebceae9c5ce2f1462.jpg (700x816, 215K)

umineko threads always bring out the best of this board.


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Repeat it in red "The tomb was inside the cave the whole time"!

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I don't know why you even wanted to confirm that!

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umineko threads are always so comfy

new when they cry when?
can't wait for all the shitposting

Attached: Rosa.webm (768x256, 2.17M)

Checkmate, christianfags.

Why though?

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Oh, so we're allowing hidden passages? Then I'll say this.

Jesus Christ or one of his disciples moved through the rock! It has a hidden passage to pass through it without unsealing it!

Jesus Christ or one of his disciples dug their way either in or out! This passage wasn't found and thus is hidden.

Actually, "after the entrance was sealed the rock was not moved 'until' three days later". Is this not an admission that the rock was moved on the third day? Does this not fly in the face of "Christ Jesus was placed in a tomb for a week"? Do we have some sort of Device X on the third day to hide the rock in a passage, allowing movement of the body, which then places it back? This would fit with no human moving it, nor animals.

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that's super early wtf
do we need to wait for translation?
i heard Ryu was working with witch hunt team

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