>enemies can't open doors
Enemies can't open doors
I wish I were Japanese
all the smoke built up there, no way they could even see an inch ahead of them let alone the door (or the 19 other people pushing against it)
more like dumb insects were afraid of jumping from window.
I don't get it. Backstory?
Risk breaking bones or just go to the roof which is safe
plus they were mostly women, come on. Once they were up there they couldnt turn back anyway with people pushing them from behind
Some madlad entered into KyoAni studio and burned the place with gasoline killing 33 people.
And no, it's has nothing to do with waifus, apparently.
Why didnt they just hold their breath
I could argue with you but i rather post it:
insects don't understand fire
hot building and closed door equals cooked sweatshop workers
Literally just a few hours ago, some 40 year old neckbeard just burnt down one of the most important and profitable anime studios and killed 35 people because he loves trains and felt animefags were attacking his hobby.
The roof exit door can only be opened from the outside, so a lot of people trying to flee ended up dying of smoke inhalation behind that door.
some 40 year old jap incel arsoned an anime studio that produced an anime which basically had an ending where a childhood relationship ended up with the girl marrying another guy (basically ntr)
drenched a bunch of people in gasoline and lit the whole studio on fire
among the 30+ dead are 8 directors
>Why didnt they just hold their breath
they still holding it
okay so which is it
I think windows were suicide proof thats why they couldnt get out
So will this cause a radical shift in anime away from Moe waifu shit back to manly man man anime?
youre better off finding the real shit yourself since people will only give you half-truths
>The perp responsible is a train otaku who got mad about KyoAni ruining the scenery at a trainspotting location by attracting a pilgrimage of anime otakus.
>Also, Hibike had a baritone sax solo that people abbreviated as "barisaku". Coincidentally, "barisaku" was the abbreviation he personally used for another trainspotting related term, バリバリ観光してサクッと撮りましょう.
>This is what he was screeching about and, according to him, got plagiarized.
>TL;DR: foamer goes on an autistic murder spree because KyoAni invaded his favourite place and stole his memes
Based vanilla fags enforcing their superior tastes.
stop this retarded meme HOLY FUCK
quite the opposite.
Kyoani are martyrs now, moe is the future.
Not really, moeshit predates kyoani by decades and will continue to exist without them
They didn't even popularize moeshit, all they did was make high budget moeshit.
>Some managed to open the windows and jumped
Some dude decided to burn shit and targeted the studio, Investigation is underway, but it seems like the dude targeted this place due to something regarding the studio's work; he isn't some former employee though.
Highly unlikely that this man attacked what is essentially the weebs' Mecca just because.
the guys wiffu was tainted and he took revenge. go look on Yea Forums at all the screencaps of his posts.
How ironic
that's fucking wrong.
Its an autistic train otaku.
all the screencaps of his posts before he BBQd everyone say different.
>if we ban guns mass murder won't hap-
is it just me or is the donation thing absurd? the company has money to rebuild, and don't companies often pay for funeral expenses and medical expenses, at least in japan? why should the poor send money because a rich company got hurt.
>manly men anime
whats next, manly men video games? These are incel hobbies
>many of the animators and artists who worked on Nichijou are fucking dead
No sprinklers?
Ah, sry then, 80% of chanchin is so much bullshit info
>train otaku
>an autist with a love for trains figured killing a studio worth of people was suitable punishment for more people visiting his favorite train spot
Holy shit, more autistic than the garbage you see on 4chins
considering its overseas and its an anime studio
their company probably doesnt cover medical expenses or funeral costs or something stupid
what the fuck do you even mean? his long as rant is literally about how much he fucking loves trains and hatey kyoani.
This is the video that made the fatass decided to burn the studio.
That's the word that set him on.
Apparently he used this word to describe something about his hobby which was train photography, then later KyoAni used the same word in an anime they made but this time, the word was referring to some sort of saxophone.
Dude went completely nuts, believing they have plagiarized him or some shit like that, first he started with some light vandalism or so, now ended up just burning the whole place up.
Train autists are blight. Can't wait to see what Japan has in stock for fat otakus from now on.
That's a new record.
So is there a thread on Yea Forums about this?
how are the Yea Forumsfags reacting? are they seething?