I'm worried. Usually when Yea Forums thinks something will be great it turns out horrible.
Code Vein
I haven't heard Yea Forums's consensus of it but it looks fucking trash to me. I'd quite like to be wrong.
The main part of the game was available at the network test and it was fine.
I played the network test and It was pretty ok. I just hope that they'll implement the tits physics from Io to the character creation.
>I just hope that they'll implement the tits physics from Io to the character creation.
Is this the target audience for this game?
it's a souls clone with anime tits
you either want it for the souls or for the tits
and I sure ain't here for the souls shit
I hope we get an actual boob slider and that it goes further to the left than the current options.
From the network test it looked pretty bad. Nioh is the only "souls" clone I have liked and you could see right away how good the combat was. This seems a lot closer to Lords of the Fallen or Surge where its just jankey shit that doesn't come together well. If you liked that garbage, then I guess this will be right up your alley
>Is this the target audience for this game?
Yes, don't like it? Go play gone homo.
no one says its gonna be great they just like anime tiddies