Overwatch is saved!
2/2/2 is now enforced in queue.
Overwatch is saved!
2/2/2 is now enforced in queue.
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Let's make a game like tf2 where each character has a personality.
Let's then get pissed the players refuse to play characters they don't like.
2/2/2 is the only way!
So queue as what you like, faggot
I love waiting forever because everyone plays dps!
I would come back to overwatch if they made tanks not awful again. but it's a little late for that
you mean killed?
>really cool
Dead game lol
Fucking dead m8
This game is done
why yes i do play modren blizzard games
what gave it away?
they actually did it, the mad lads...
LMAO holy shit it's LoL all over again. Why invent the meta when the developers can do it for you.
Thats some Riot tier forced meta retardation, what are they thinking?
>Should we balance the game since GOATs has been a thing for years
>Or just lock roles
How is this game popular in anyway?
you posted a wojak, showing the world you're a retard. that's what gave it away
It is not anymore
>caring about Overwatch or Blizzard in general
the overwatch community can get fucked
the game itself was fun tho
>enforcing a meta
well the game is really dead now
Literally everyone against this doesn't actually play the game.
>characters with personality
What does this mean?
2 tank 2 healer 2 DPS?
yes, if 2 dps are already chosen then you have to pick a tank or healer
dude, what the actual fuck are they doing?
It's like they're actively trying to fucking kill the game
This is wrong, you select the role you want before you queue. So there won't be a rush to take DPS slots, but DPS will probably have longer queue times.
Great, now compositions are even less creative
>sorry guys, i'm a dps mercy
>systematically ban people for playing the "wrong" character
>"wew, why does picking a character makes me feel so perssured, let's remove the choice here"
>segregate roles, queues, and ranks
no you're wrong
>Duo joins team
>they both have Support roles
>they both intentionally fuck off not healing the whole match
What will stop this from happening?
user, you're retarded.
>Role Queue is an update to Overwatch’s matchmaking and queuing system that gives players the power to choose which role they play in their games. In Competitive Play and Quick Play, players choose their role before finding a game. The matchmaking system will create a team that is comprised of two tanks, two supports, and two damage heroes. Upon entering the match, players select desired heroes to play within their chosen roles. At the end of a match, players will return to the main menu and select their role before queuing into the next game.
>Get banned for not owning a headset
>GOATS was so brainlessly strong it literally destroyed the game
Has anything like this happened in other multiplayer games?
>where each character has a personality.
Implying that tf2 characters dont have a personality
Id personalyl say that Medic has more personality than Mercy
Forced 2/2/2 isn't a big deal. Its the lack of role swapping that will kill this game as that was the main feature of Overwatch. If your dps is good at everything but hitscan and the other team busts out a Pharah/Mercy, you're fucked.
I haven't played in years. This isn't enforced in quickplay, right?
So rather than nerf healers and tanks they would rather just force you to play with DPS?
>Let's make a game like tf2 where each character has a personality
looks like they failed and made a game where each character is a racist, sexist or homophobic carricature
quickplay and ranked
you just made all that shit up
You forgot the part where he compared Overwatch writing to Shakespeare.
>Let's make a game like tf2
What a no fun piece of shit it's become then. Sometimes it was fun having weird compositions.
this game is only good for porn. straight facts.
Yes apparently
>no one likes to play tanks and healers
>lets balance the game to force people to play that shit
>People arn't having fun
>forcing people to play roles
>forcing 2 of each role so different strategies are no longer possible
Why would you limit your own game so much? Why would you make a shootrt where a healer and a tank is an absolute necessity in order to win. What were they thinking?!
I find it funny that the more casual centric hero shooter is now forcing composition, whereas the more in depth counterpart has multiple compositions that even 'pro' teams use
why would you ever do this LMAO this is like admitting
>hey we cant balance for shit so were just gonna lock you into roles you dont like
He compared the creativity generated from a 2-2-2 limitation to that of Shakespeare's sonnets to emphasize the concept that creativity can flourish in limitation. This is an elementary concept to people with above room temperature IQs.
This sounds like that stupid fucking "pre-matchmaking" league of legends did, except worse because you're limited in characters you can play. What the fuck were they thinking?
What other hero shooter with a pro scene exists?
>He compared the creativity generated from a 2-2-2 limitation to that of Shakespeare's sonnets to emphasize the concept that creativity can flourish in limitation
Then he vastly overestimates the depth of Overwatch.
The real problem is that it was too heavy on the tank/healer/dps shit. Not surprised the class based shooter died down only a couple years after its release and BR took over.
I haven't played the game in a long time, and haven't played TF2 in even a much longer time, but I remember team comp being far less of a deal in TF2 because of how the classes were designed.
>reading comprehension
Do you not have it?
It's more like
>hey we just realized overwatch is one of the most toxic social experiences of any video games which is something we never accounted for in our focus testing because we are retards so now here's a fix you guys can finally have fun now after 3 years of waiting
League pbly enforces roles when you’re playing some dumb shit that actively screws over your teammates, if you say you’re supporting and then leave someone to solo in a duo lane you’re a retard. If I want to play some dumb shit in a lane it’s not usually played in you’re fine.
The problem is how well certain tanks and supports synergized with one another. Brigitte, who was one of the linchpins of 3/3, became completely useless outside of 3/3 but remained extremely powerful within it. Reinhardt was also pretty bad outside of 3/3.
I don't think the point was to imply that Overwatch had the depth of English poetry, you fucking faggot.
>Medic has more personality than Mercy
Well yeah, fucking black and brown people isn't a personality and that's all Mercy has
Bitching about "toxicity" led to far worse problems in gaming than the toxicity itself.
here you go dude (((you)))
How do I become as soft and effeminate as Jeff?
It's led to more reparations and delays in actual content, but in terms of player count and game profitability, it has been nothing but detrimental. Your own preference and immunities to internet shit flinging are irrelevant to the massive amount of people turned fof by games where their teammates constantly yell at them. It is a failed product.
i like overwatch but you have to be braindead to defend it so hard
League became better as soon as lane placements were enforced in queue, its ridiculous that OW took this long for it
If anything it should be 2 tank 3 dps one healer
Healers healing healers is fucking stupid they take forever to die do do their tanks
Why do normies want enforced comps in coop games? What's wrong with letting everyone play what they want to play without penalty?
>everyone without SSD is now a healer main
Do dah do do!
I legitimately play mystery heros exclusively.
dude i also watch jaded bald man haha
And absolutely nothing can be done to stop it. People will still get called shitters, faggots, and niggers, while the game was intentionally made less free and fun.
Overbotch is dead. Fuck Jizzard
hmmm, yeh u a 'tard
Lol meant to say "so do"
Maybe you should read how this actually works before desperately hammering the keyboard to show Yea Forums just how with it you are.
This literally prevents the situation you are describing.
I'm gonna go into comp, pick healer, and afk somewhere
Not a coop game its a team multiplayer game. Working together is what the game is about. Play something else if you just want to do your own thing.
maybe I'll be tracer
Yes but the pressure of role selection has effectively been eliminated. Not only are you required to now select a role, you are actually locked from switching out of it.
they tried this in league of legends with the team builder
nobody ever queued support - so queing for mid/carry took fucking ages and support was instant queue - but nobody played it.
what game is this? who is that senile old man making youtube clips?
No, honey. You queue for your role before the game even starts.
It promotes toxicity. Some jerk always has in their head a "proper" team composition and most players don't fit into that specific idea either because of their experience with heroes or their personal preferences. By limiting heroes you actually allow players to focus on what they're good at and making the game better.
>Queue time: 1 hour
??? This is how league is still and it works just fine. Sure support is instant more or less but it's typically just a few minutes for mid.
same im pretty high up in RP time to drop this game i guess
no that was team builder
league has main role and flex role now
and the higher elo you go the less that is true
also OW was built from the ground up as a game with hard counters - limiting the ability to do so is fucking retarded. OW is a fairly skillless game but one of the few skills involved was seeing what your comp needed and adjusting. Sometimes switching from a dps to hog is the play, sometimes 3 heal is the play. This just reduces skill
This is good. Every match is a mess now. Players just mess around. Disciprine!! and structure is needed. Welcome change.
I hope you love dealing with bunker comps because that's all you're going to get with 2-2-2. GOATs is literally more fun than that cancer.
Doesn't mean much to me, I stopped playing ranked and QP years ago. Real ones play mystery heroes.
I love this actually. My recent experience with overwatch has typically been "oh cool a new hero maybe i'll try it" and ending up playing healer in QP because everyone else had the same idea but clicked faster.
I play dva and bastion, does this mean I can be 100x more cancer now?
who even still plays this game
you must be retarded to play it
Imagine a pocketed junkrat vs that comp. That indirect fire would be devastating and they could never find a place to stand still.
Not him but I feel like there is some truth to it.
If the majority of players play DPS then your queue times are going to be outrageously long until you cave and play tank or healer.
if someone is best at DPS but can't play due to long queue times then they're practically forced to play characters in a role they don't like
>Somehow worse than riot meta balancing since with LoL you can still queue with friends with blind pick and do meme team compositions
You can't make this shit up.
Mystery Heroes becoming the definitive mode very soon
>people always try to avoid playing tank or healer
>people will just quit the queue and re-enter it to get DPS anyway
Fucking brilliant.
Orisa/Hog is more common. D.va is only traded on maps that need more verticality at times.
>thinking a junkrat can get in position with both orisa shield and bap invincibility
The counter to bunker is actually more DPS so you can easily take down Orisa's shield. But now that you have 2-2-2 lamo
It's Yea Forums. Any time you see a thread about Overwatch, you can be sure that almost every single reply is blind conjecture from people who don't actually play.
Thank fucking god
Did they add more auto aim and aoe, because I love auto aim and aoe.
The absolute fucking state of overwatch
aren't there four roles in the game? how can it be 2/2/2
what's the fourth role, then?
They merged "offense" and "defense" into "damage" so there are only 3 categories now.
They took out "defense" ages ago because almost none of them made sense as defense anyways
yeah if there's anything overwatch needs, it's more of the PLAY IN THE LITTLE SANDBOX WE STUFF YOU INTO, GOY requirements
not only that but you are now locked in your role you pick, you cannot change to something else and it has to stay 2/2/2
what an absolute garbage game
You don't even play the game anymore since you still think there's 4 roles. Why do you care?
I challenge everyone shitting on this change to describe why it's bad in no less than four sentences. Let's see how good you non-participants are at bullshitting your way through an argument about why this game you stopped playing 2 years ago is going to get any worse because of 2-2-2 lock.
>hard mode
Your argument can't just boil down to "it's not fun!" or "queue times will be longer!". Explain why it's unhealthy for the game's balance in the long term.
imagine unironically defending oyveywatch
>each character has one function
megayikes truly the assfaggotiest of assfaggots
Finally I have a good reason to unistall the game. MY HDD is limited so I really can't justify having 50+ gB on this shit, specially when I haven't played a match in 6 months or some.
I ill just keep playing rocket league on my switch.
imagine posting about a game that you don't even play
not even defending it either
uhhh what?
>queue as support
>see a huge opening in the enemy line up I could exploit by swapping to somebody like Hammond
>literally not allowed to
>I can change Supports, I guess! Better luck next round!
sasuga blizzard.
Queue times won't even be longer since you can queue for multiple roles. It will only be longer for the faggots that only want to play DPS. So most of the Yea Forums shitters here complaining.
Mind you, I haven't played the game in months, but this sounds like a terrible idea. Why ban creativity in team compositions? What if there's a team out there that can make 4 DPS and 2 support work, or 5 tanks and one support? They sound suboptimal, yes, but the devs are treating the player like a fucking animal.
People swapping last min to hold the point with 5 tanks was always fucking cancer and I'm glad you can't do it anymore.
When you are forced to 2/2/2 there is less room for experimentation
When you are forced to 2/2/2 there is less room for counterplay
When you are forced to 2/2/2 there is less room for just having fun dicking around.
It's bad for game balance in the long run because metas evolve naturally over time as people experiment (which this limits) and discover creative counters, which have counter-counters discovered, etc...
>treating the player like a fucking animal.
If you've played comp you'd know that's exactly what they deserve.
I played before release and up until comp season 3
I more mean when you see a really obvious way to break a choke. Like swap to Junk or Ham, scatter the enemy and get a good push going. Or somebody with mobility, like you get the feeling they've got no pressure on their backline.
>until comp season 3
So like 2 years ago?
Ask your tank player to switch.
So one team can't pick 6 dps?
Where's the fun in that?
Member tf2
>ok guys everyone go spy
>everyone spycrabs
>season 3
Stopped playing when they enforced no multiple characters per team. straight downhill from that point.
never played overwatch, whats a 2/2/2?
>Your argument can't just boil down to "it's not fun"
Fuck you blizzdrone, what's the point of a game if it isn't fun? One of the key aspects of multiplayer games is experimentation with other players. That's how a meta is naturally formed, from players experimenting with different aspects of the game to get the most suitable combination that in the end will net them a win, but a game isn't only a competitive side, there is also a side that plays the game because they just want to relax playing whoever they want to play. Enforcing a 2/2/2 meta in both comp and casual is a death sentence. It's like if Valve enforced the standard 6's meta (2 soldiers, 2 scouts, 1 demo, 1 medic) onto TF2's casual mode, it just doesn't work.
Competitive TF2 forces a queue. Overwatch is trying really hard to be competitive
Because Compfags complained about 3 healer-3 tank "GOATS" comp for so long they decided on completely fucking it. Plus everytime a goats comp happened during overwatch league you had everyone in the twitch chat also complaining. And then they're desperate for more players so changing things up can be a way for people to come back.
Ever hear of "art from adversity?" Like Shakespeare, this will allow for a more overall better game because of the limits of prose.
A meta will always exist. Infinite possibilities means infinite arguments. Beauty lies in simplicity.
role queue is a good thing
it made mobas better because people can play what they're good at
>When you are forced to 2/2/2 there is less room for experimentation
This game doesn't have enough heroes for experimentation. The meta literally doesn't change unless a huge patch drops that fucks with everything completely. When the game has 50 heroes, you'll have a point.
>When you are forced to 2/2/2 there is less room for counterplay
Good. Blizzard's fundamental concept of Overwatch being the fps version of rock-paper-scissors was sorely misinformed and complete dogshit to play.
>When you are forced to 2/2/2 there is less room for just having fun dicking around.
Go play arcade if you want to dick around, casual faggot.
>It's bad for game balance in the long run because metas evolve naturally over time as people experiment (which this limits) and discover creative counters, which have counter-counters discovered, etc...
See point 1. This has never happened over the course of this entire game. The game doesn't have enough heroes for there to be diversity in its meta. Balance patches have always, ALWAYS been the deciding factor in whether or not a meta shift arises.
More like Overwatch is finally dead
2/2/2 is going to kill this game
thats the point of this system
it will match you with people that want to play tank and healer
>accused me of having not played the game
>state that I have indeed played the game and for some time at that
>moving goalpost
gg ez
A lesson I learned too late in life is "Don't interact with retards." I'd take it to heart quickly, if I were you.
>what's the point of a game if it isn't fun?
It not being fun for you is not an argument, because the majority of players warmly accept this as a good thing. It won't be fun for you because you like to dick around and swap to whatever you want whenever you want like a faggot. People who think it's fun to learn new roles and stick to those roles and people who think it's fun to take the game seriously and actually try to win will have more fun than before. Therefore "it is/isn't fun" is not a valid argument because it's subjective.
Stop getting mad over a game you don't even play, faggot.
The three roles are DPS, Tank, and Support. 2/2/2 means that the composition would be 2 DOS, 2 Tanks, and 2 Supports. The devs are apparently enforcing this onto players, which hinders creativity.
They said you don't actively play the game, retard, not that you've never played it at all. Read it again: God this must be embarrassing for you
You don't even need more than one sentence:
Overwatch is fun as a casual hero shooter, but it is boring as a pseudo-competitive esport.
Literally said
>You don't even play the game anymore
The game has changed completely in 2 years too
It's gonna shorten my queue times greatly. Not many people in master to begin with...
Imagine if every chess piece could move in any direction and the game was updated to include piece specific moves. People like you would say "it hinders creativity!" because you literally don't understand game theory.
>Actually arguing for no fun allowed reduction in options and reversal of core gameplay mechanics
they wont force you to play roles you don't like
you choose which role you want to play before queuing
The thing is they do this at the same time they throw Brig in the gutter, when she was the reason behind that shitfest to begin with.
As the retards they are, they can't think for a second about what they're doing and they implement both solutions, ruining the game for everyone.
>make everyone be able to pick whatever
>pros, without fail, ran 2 lucio, 2 winstons, 2 tracers
>make everyone only able to use 1 character
>everyone runs 4 tanks, 2 support since tanks are DPS with 3 times more health
>force everyone into using 2 DPS, 2 tanks, 2 support
Remember those people who got banned for only choosing shitty characters like widowmaker and torbjorn? I member.
I don't play that game any more. I could be the best X player in the game, but if I don't play comp once every week or wrangle the tards on my team who feed because X player hurt Y player's fee fees, you're down one player due to rage which cripples your game.
At least you can report/avoid the shitty players to stack your deck of shitty players, but that game just isn't fun. TF2 doesn't meddle with their game every week, and doesn't ban for toxicity reports. Whatever the fuck toxicity even means.
Also fuck that pasty nerdy fuck who lectures the fucking overwatch developer updates. I want to punch that fucking nerd in the face and snap his glasses and shove him in his locker. Fuck nerds.
>arguing for no fun allowed
Yeah, losing because you have 5 support/tank mains or 5 dps players that won't swap is real fun
forgot image
But WHY is it a good thing to limit experimentation? WHY is it a good thing to make winning the safest, most boring way the only way to play the game? WHY is it that this is the only concrete way to win? Even fucking DOTA 2, a fucking ASSFAGGOT that lives and dies off the competitive scene understands not having strict rigidity.
This shit could've been avoided if Blizzard could actually balance worth a shit that people don't find supports boring or tanks "not fun" anymore.
t.Roadhog and Rein player
>>force everyone into using 2 DPS, 2 tanks, 2 support
Yes, I don't actively play the game anymore, but I used to play it. I used to play it A LOT.
It doesn't matter how long it's been, what matters is that I've played the game for a while and just because you disagree with my opinion doesn't mean you can try to invalidate it based on how long it's been since I've played a shit game.
The game changed completely multiple times when I still played, I know what it's like and I know this new update is a terrible thing for the game.
There has never been an instance where forcing a meta through patches and updates benefited the game and it's especially evident in Overwatch.
Fun is subjective you knuckle-dragging simp. That's why you can't argue from that position. What's the point of an argument that can't resolve because the only standpoint you have is an opinion?
Also metagaming isn't about having fun, it's about winning. The meta forms from players figuring out what works and what wins, not from having fun. And it's funny that you bring up the notion that enforcing 2/2/2 is a death sentence because it was a direct result of GOATS killing variety and fun. It's literally the opposite of them enforcing comp TF2 because it's instead enforcing more varied comps. You people just see any regulation at all and REEEEE like idiots. The only possible result of this change is MORE variety in team comps, not less, especially since now Blizzard can focus on tuning characters within their class. and their role within that class, rather than having to balance everything against everything.
None of the classes in TF2 was designed around the game doing the aiming for you.
I don't even play the game and I know this is a bad change.
Lol fucking hell. This shit is why leage is bad.
>queue as support
>play like a DPS
Yes and why do you care about a game you quit 2 years ago again?
I'm surprised that fag hasn't had a rage aneurysm yet.
This is the most based man alive.
The good thing is now you know your DPS are at the right level. No more boosted mercy to ruin your game as Gay76 because he's a bronze DPS.
this is the reason why I started playing league again
no more retards picking the role I want to play, no more people that will troll because they didnt get the lane they want
role queue was the best thing to happen in league
Because I want games to be good and this is not something that will make the game good.
this. When riot did the same thing by overnerfing champs and role to the point where now you MUST choose your government delegated role OR ELSE, the selection pool plummeted to literal rock paper scissors of the same 30 that have consistently dominated the competitive scene since release.
You know how to counter that comp? Just walk onto the point. Chances are they aren't even on it.
I don't even understand how team struggle against this on Paris when all they have to do is take the right route and claim the point, with convenient obstacle to stay out of bastion line of sight and with enough distance.
What now?
If you say so. I'm sure many consider 2 year old opinion to be of high value
Extremely based. You sub 90 IQs can't be trusted to make intelligent picks so I would rather blizzard force you.
Okay so then give me one reason why this is a good thing and I'll tell you why that's not the case
Me joining twice and carrying ur team. yw
>doesn't solve the problem of people not getting banned for insta-locking widow, genji or hanzo below plat
game is dead
Was GOATS so ridiculously overpowered that they actually needed to just scrap everything? That's really pathetic on Blizzard's part. Also why even include the change in quickplay when they're only doing this so their crappy esports league has variety?
>lootbox carrot on a stick
if you can't get people to play support just to have fun playing then maybe support isn't very well designed or fun
>Oh my god! you fucking wojak/frog poster! I can't even!
You can read the thread for many. For one I'm sick of dps that won't swap or having multiple support mains on my team. This wasn't nearly as much of an issue when the game was fresh and something that you have zero experience with considering you haven't played in 2 years.
I play support, but the only support character I like playing is Ana and I am trying to get better with her. So it's like I want to play, but I also don't want to bring my team down because I suck.
I'm having lots of fun playing DPS, and you say I'll get more rewards for it?
So is this going to be like WoW where tanks and healers get instant queue, but all the DPS have to wait 20min+ because they don't want to play a shit role?
Game lost it's appeal when you could no longer all go 1 class for laughs and still have a chance at winning.
We're all soldiers now? Nah, more like we're a dead meme now.
Fuck off with Overwatch, that's a game solely for people who can't let go or have no taste.
Literally all arguments that could be made for not letting multiple people on the same team play the same hero, but look how fucking broken the game was when you could do that compared to when they imposed a 1 person per hero limit. Sometimes limitations are necessary otherwise the interactions between all the characters are just too complex to balance properly, resulting in something like GOATS persisting for a year despite Bliz constantly nerfing all the meta characters in an attempt to end it.
the lootbox is just here to reduce queue time
it can be on tank or dps depending on the time of the day
theres a similar system in wow, it doesnt mean people dont like to play tank/healer
wait, you have separate SR for each role?
People know what to pick to win. People just don't want to. Everyone would have picked GOATs the last few seasons in lower ranks if they actually wanted to win but GOATs is no fun bullshit. So you have all the low skilled try hards playing GOATs getting GM. This will be an interesting change to see all those faggots lose rank.
You cared enough to post in this thread, faggot attention whore, here's your (You).
Then how games like HoN or DOTA work without those restrictions? At most, those characters have suggestions on how they are played rather than an enforced way they play.
what he said. it's fucking stupid
>People know what to pick to win. People just don't want to.
You are giving way too much credit to the people who play this game.
isn't this just an admission that the game is poorly designed
how often does he get to fuck francine vo?
> a lot people say the 2-2-2 will stifle creativity in the game, and control the meta. I couldn't disagree more. i feel like the most creative people were creative within constraints.
>NOW BE CREATIVE WITH the 4 characters that are only viable.
jesus, this is how i know i want a refund.
>This wasn't nearly as much of an issue when the game was fresh
This absolutely WAS an issue and you'd know this if you actually played even during comp season 1 and 2
So don't be a disingenuous cunt
>i'm sick of dps that won't swap
You will still have DPS's that wont swap, especially now since they're locked into playing DPS
Even back in the day when everyone had free range to play what they wanted I vividly recall many many DPS mains sticking only to Widowmaker, sucking ass at the game, and refusing to speak
How you think this new system will prevent people like this is beyond me but I guess brainless droning is a hell of a drug
>or having multiple support mains on my team
Again, this will STILL happen but I assume you mean more than two. However, how do you know your healers are competent healers and not DPS players forced into playing healer due to insurmountable queue times?
Wouldn't you rather have multiple support mains than none at all?
I want to go back to when we could be something like 6 roadhogs at once in quickplay
it isn't the same in arcade mode
>there are people still playing Overwatch
that's it, this is the turning point people will look back on when they wonder what killed the game for good
yes, and it was an incredibly embarrassing and forced analogy, nobody forced shakespeare to write sonnets you dunce, they were just what was popular at the time
>WHY is it a good thing to make winning the safest, most boring way the only way to play the game? WHY is it that this is the only concrete way to win?
Because it's a competitive game you retard. They have the stupid arcade mode if you wanna dick around casually, but the game is structured from the ground up to be a competitive, i.e. winning is the primary objective no matter what.
> Even fucking DOTA 2
dota 2 and overwatch are not even remotely comparable, why do people always bring it up?
HandsUp PepeHands FeelsGoodMan PogChamp
So this is the answer and the solution for the massive amount of people that are leaving the game....fucking executing the rest
>I vividly recall many many DPS mains sticking only to Widowmaker, sucking ass at the game
if they suck at dps they wont be playing with someone that is good at the game, each role have its own mmr
>This absolutely WAS an issue and you'd know this if you actually played even during comp season 1 and 2
Did I say it wasn't? It was an issue and I'm saying it's even worse.
>You will still have DPS's that wont swap,
And that's fine? You will still have a decent comp. This isn't going to be a fix all for everything. Of course there will be bad DPS just like there will be bad supports and tanks.
>However, how do you know your healers are competent healers and not DPS players forced into playing healer due to insurmountable queue times?
Because there's individual SR for each role. Did you even look up what this even is before posting?
Please kys
sorry this made people frustrated even though its an unranked mode meant to goof around in so we had to remove it please listen and understand and dont be toxic
Because fundamentally they have a similar mind set when creating characters
>Fits into a role in a limited size team that works together with other roles that synergize into a victory
Whereas DOTA knows that roles are more of a suggestion because give players tools and they can do crazy not thought of shit with them, Blizzard from the ground up wants the role to define the characters and not the characters define the role.
To be fair, that statement was ambigously worded and could be read both ways depending on whether an implicit but is inserted (insertion butts lele)
>like tf2, where
>like tf2, but where
how can one dev be so based and retarded at the same time?
Is it gonna be like WoW queues or LoL queues?
WoW queues if you're dps you wait 20 minutes, if you're a healer you wait 5 minutes, and if you're a tank you get instant queues
LoL queues if you're mid/top you have a high chance of being autofilled to another role (typically support).
kys faggot
>Whereas DOTA knows that roles are more of a suggestion because give players tools and they can do crazy not thought of shit with them, Blizzard from the ground up wants the role to define the characters and not the characters define the role.
In other words, both games have different design philosophies? Also, DotA2 has like 5x more characters to choose from, meaning it takes months upon months, if not years, longer for players to discover new metas?
Cool, good talk. Not comparable. Stop bringing up fucking dota or league, jesus
it will be like wow, there's no autofill
but they will add lootbox on the role that needs players to reduce queue time
Which one is homo or trans now?
Why are they even bothering when Overwatch 2 is coming up?
I'm just saying it's a shit design philosophy from the start and this just makes it worse.
When is warcraft 3 remaster gonna come out? That is the only blizzard game that I am interested now.
You can queue for multiple roles. Queue times will probably depend on rank. I imagine Gold DPS queue is going to be longer but it also has the most players.
ah so it IS like WoW, since they do include bonuses for the most "in demand role"
>Ever hear of "art from adversity?" Like Shakespeare, this will allow for a more overall better game because of the limits of prose.
>A meta will always exist. Infinite possibilities means infinite arguments. Beauty lies in simplicity.
what a completely arbitrary argument
the player is now canonically gay as it's still taking it up the ass every day by blizzard
>solo turn based postioning game on a xy plane
>team hero shooter with significantly more real time variables
not even that guy, but spouting "game theory" doesn't make you sound smart when your comparison is that bad.
try comparing similar real time team based games that are actually successfully competitive.
yeah but in overwatch the reward is much better
I was led to believe that Overwatch 2 is just co-op/story shit. No PVP.
which one bro haha
>Why are they even bothering when Overwatch 2 is coming up?
This is obviously not going to literally be another pvp outing. It'll just be a pve spinoff that'll have a bunch of lore built into it.
>I'm just saying it's a shit design philosophy from the start and this just makes it worse.
Yeah, it's a shit design philosophy, but role lock makes it better. If you shoehorn characters into specific roles to the point where only 1/6 of your cast is versatile enough to provide more than a single utility to the team, then you role lock so that you can prevent four people from playing characters that all more or less serve to accomplish the same role. It's better for casual play and it's better for competitive play.
It damages the versatility of team comps, but the versatility team comps are inherently damaged by the fact that Blizz treats almost every hero like a strict one-dimensional character that does one thing and nothing else at all. So who gives a shit? Double down. They have their philosophy, so they're sticking to it rather than letting people play around with different metas by using the four characters that are actually somewhat nuanced.
goats is still going to be good probably even better but thats okay if your gold brain doesnt see that
It's so weird to think if that's the case. They're basically doing the complete opposite of Fortnite. No one gave a shit about that game when it was PvE only. They have to latch on some sort of brand new PvP mode. Imagine a Overwatch BR.
>Imagine a Overwatch BR.
I'm good, thanks.
>three man squads
>multiple types of objectives (payload/cap point/elim/ctf)
>larger maps with more ability specific/synergistic areas
there i revived overwatch
The difference is Overwatch has defined characters that are interesting to people and they want to see more of them in canon situations and interactions with each other. Fortnite you had.. big butt lady?
I like those ideas except 3v3 sucks in OW
I'm glad I stopped playing this garbage years ago
Chu can't write a defined anything though
Imagine this.
L4D but Overwatch.
When was the exact moment you realized Overwatch would go downhill?
>"gg ez" filtered because people are too sensitive
So, archives?
When Mercy can rez entire teams by hiding in a corner and popping out. Oh wait, that was in there from the beginning, wasn't it?
That was one of the best changes honestly. It's even funnier that way.
Mine is them recycling events for the 3rd time. We're now at the 4th dogshit rocket league mode that sucked the first time.
kill yourself zoomer
After having read this thread I would just like to point out to all of the blizz boot lickers are right about the fact that the game might actually be better of having the 2/2/2 shit.
But I would also like to point out that there have been multiple ''class'' based MP shooters before Overwatch that all managed to do what Blizzard has failed to do in the last 3 years since it's release, make a fun and balanced game.
The reason as to why so many faggots brings up the fact that stuff like TF2 is/was better is because games like TF2/TFC, Wolf:ET/RTCW, TRIBES 1/2, DoD1/Source, CoD 2/3, etc. All managed to make good games that were also well balanced. While Overwatch has been playing catchup with it's community and even itself thanks to multiple bad design decisions and piss poor balancing. Thanks to that they have had to redesign multiple characters and in some cases, even how the game fucking works just to try and get some semblence of balanced and/or fun out of this shit.
I would also like to point out that any game that tries to force itself into the Esports cancer without actually building a game that people would have fun enough in to actually foster that community on it's own is a HUGE red flag for anyone who is not retarded enough to see bad game design when it literally slaps them in the face.
>Let’s turn a fun goofy hero shooter into a nofun allowed serious FPS
Makes sense
When they made D.va invulnerable to her own ultimate.
Was but not is.
It's so weird seeing Yea Forums constantly complain about things that were changed a century ago.
But better.
Sure, it was changed, but that shit should not have been there in the first place.
So Defence heroes are pretty much dead weight for the game now.
ESPORTS is so embarassing.
that's not what the post is implying, faggot. learn to read
>B-but it was changed!
It should have never been in the game in the first place faggot.
Literally the ONLY reason they're doing this is because people were complaining about how every Overwatch League game was a GOATS clusterfuck and viewership was dropping. They could've implemented this years ago and salvaged what used to be a fun game. Now it's just a last ditch effort to stave off its obvious decline.
Problem is this new rule excludes one of the classes pretty much entirely out of the game. Thats a clear indication the problem is overall balance between characters, which Blizz refused to fix.
>None of the classes in TF2 was designed around the game doing the aiming for you.
I'm already Tracer
>Implying that tf2 characters dont have a personality
that's literally exactly the opposite of what he was implying you doublenigger
>Problem is this new rule excludes one of the classes pretty much entirely out of the game.
>go moira dmg
>party up with a lucio who only spams speed boost
sounds fun tbqh
Being a faggot is not a personality
Come on user, Overwatch sucks ass but lets not lie about stuff just to make TF2 look better than it already looks.
Senteries are little more than a nuisance to good players. Good engineers need to be able to rock the shotgun to take out demomen and other vermin trying to take out their diaper changing stations
That's what happens when a company wants to chase esports money.
the 3 man squad thing would really be more to split the team up, make it a little easier to fill roles, and maybe your respawn location and shit like that.
your squad classification would change depending on whos playing what (3dps would make you a dps squad, tank/dps/support all around etc.) i would really want it to still be large teamfights but with multiple objectives in a round like a payload in one spot and a cap point in another on the map
Not really. GOATs was already dying in OWL. Shanghai won going pure DPS against all the GOAT one trick teams. This is actually bad for OWL
Do you contend with the notion that limitation can allow for new dynamics in creativity? That was the essence of the argument.
>Literally still playing Overwatch in 2019
Embarrassing. I thought the last of you faggots dropped the game after all the 'toxicity' bullshit and all the other shit you were raving about and how the game is 'finished'. "It's over! It's over! I'm done with the game, bros! This was the last straw!". Guess all that was bluster, huh? What a joke.
>Storm Arrows nerfed
>Moira can fade out of stuns
>Brig less annoying in general
>Rein now has knockback resistance
>Syms Teleporter is less annoying to use
>Role queue so I can just fucking queue for what I want and know what I'm getting into (I like the freedom of choice and fluidity it could offer on paper, but in practice it's more babysitting people who want to all play DPS so fuck that)
Time to get back into the game.
Ranked mode. The game was fun when I could play it with my friends who sucked, my friends who were good, everyone had fun just playing a video game and doing dumb things. The moment they attach some tryhard number to your skill, nobody wanted to play with each other anymore and it sucked all of the fun out.
>Try to save the Esports with an arbitrary rule.
>Where pro players are seated in the studio is based on what role they play.
>Now your esports players have to physically switch seats in the middle of a match because you can't be arsed to code an in-game role change.
This is beyond retarded.
You can't make this shit up
>>Moira can fade out of stuns
while stuns are retarded for shooters, why is she special in being able to panic button out of them? i don't recall anyone else being able to
Meanwhile everyone who is a flex player had to learn other rolls because there was always 4 dps on the team. Who the tables turn uh
Makes queue times pretty long for people who liked Offence- or Defence heroes.
Sounds like something a slimy Jew trying to trick you would say
How much more stock value does Blizzard need to lose before Tencent buys it? Because I genuinely think that's what they are attempting to do.
To be fair, the point of skills is to make characters unique, one character having a special property or interaction isn't a first. Lucio is still the only character who uses his entire set of wall riding mechanics.
And the point of Moira's character is that she is meant to be slippery as all fuck. She's slim, and doesn't do much damage, but she can be an annoyance and hard to chase. Effective immunity to stuns by having a get-out-of-jail-free card fits her.
It says right there that players can only switch roles (so seats) between maps.
It totally is, except they couldn't even get faggotry right.
An over the board homo la la gay costume would totally work in tf2 for spy, the same way that a pirate costume works for admiral "but I'm not a pirate!" kunkka, the same way that a pole-dancer outfit would work for 2"but I'm not a whore"b, the same way that that a samurai outfit would work for 9"but I'm not a combat model"s, the same way that a jesus costume would work for Joshua "but I'm not the messia" Graham.
It's not that you can't add faggot in as a personality, it's that they didn't want to explore faggot as a personality beyond "he gay now". Characters are gay in overwatch in the same way that Niko Bellic was betrayed by someone in the red army in GTA4 - it's an end result, but it doesn't really figure into any of their interaction with other people. You can say that Niko has such and such of an relationship with whomever because he was betrayed, but having been betrayed doesn't really figure into how he interacts with non-betrayal related matters. In the same way, overwatch characters are gay for the sake of being gay, you can call out promiscuous or "complications" in their relationship with other characters, but they don't really act differently because they're homosexual. There is no identity behind their proclamation to being gay, and the characters embrace the homogay culture about as well as Jim Crow did with blacks. They might as well not be gay at all.
tf2 better lol
They have to switch their keyboards and mice for this. What the fuck. Surely just relogging would be better. The only excuse I can see for this is they're going to design the stage to show their roles somehow.
>"Dude, switch off [your current hero], we need someone other than them."
Now what?
You're a lying faggot. You get fucked if you decide not to do exactly what your teammates tell you to do and your only hope of salvation is the exact same crowd looking at your case and determining your guilt by popular opinion.
>roll filed cant heal or dps or tank
Free elo homie
How much time do they have left?
Unironically TF2 would be better if it had a softcap in casual. Or better just, have a matchmaking algorithm that knows your most played classes in the past 30-50 games and matches you with people that would fit your team.
It's not fun having 5-6 fags go spy/sniper and then you get steam rolled. Literally remove spawn camping (hurdudr git gud get medick) and somehow implement a softcap so faggots can't stack shit as easily.
The inconsistencies in this game are the only things that irk me.
>some people can get stunned or hacked out of their ult some can't
>soldier can't even use his legs when he's hacked
>genii the robot can swing a sword
Glicko algorithms to "determine skill" already make every game a one-sided stomp, we dont need class limits as well or 10 minute queue times because 99.9% of pubbies only play Pyro.
why not 4 man squads?
Lol enjoy your Reinhardt queue.
Hope you like that M2 key.
I'm currently arguing with someone saying that overwatch is well balanced
please give me everything you've got
>game has like 40 characters
>same 6 or 7 are played in every single pro match
Not much of an argument
You can definitely only queue for specific roles now, but Jeff said the default queue for everyone is every role, so if you're the last one into a match and everyone already locked into the roll you really wanted, you have to do the other
that might be what he meant
That has more to do with there being less than half as many tank or supports vs DPS
whats the problem faggots? you want to have fun being useless shit or youre just plain shit? play quick play or arcade
It's always the same tank, healer and DPS heroes.
Pretty sure you're still locked. It just pops the first role queue that's available if you're queued for all as the default. It's not going to be chosen during the countdown.
That's 100% horse shit. Even the cookie cutter Hog/Orisa, Zarya/Rein, and Dva/Winston are all used depending on the map. If you watched OWL for even one day you'd see this.
That implies anyone but blizzard takes
>competitive overwatch
>watch OWL
No way fag
Wait. This is actually enforced if you (as a normal player) queue for a ranked match? When I first scrolled past these threads I thought this only applied to tournaments with all the swapping seats and whatnot.
>make claims about pro overwatch
>"haha i don't watch that shit"
lol ok nice backpedaling I guess
Yeah. We didn’t need forced 222, we needed the tanks not to be so stupidly good that they can play as DPS
PTR or live?
Yes we did. You can't get people to play more than 2 tanks in lower ranks. Only in GM do you really see people relying on GOATs. The balance of the game has nothing to do with how people actually play the game.
why do they have so many DPS heroes but so few healers and tanks
like lol back in those goats times, the DPS characters weren't even touched
>wow no one wants to play support in role queue
>should we make support more fun to play?
>nah fuck it bro, just give them free lootboxes
I guess Overwatch is simply perfectly-balanced then. Please beat off on my face Mr. Kaplan, I love being KIKED all day and night.
I didn't say that at all. The DPS heroes are still a goddamn mess and the switching mostly has to do with maps.
Good. I exclusively play Rein/Brig/Moira in comp anyway.
i get the feeling that overwatch is just a fundamentally poorly designed and frustrating game that fails at being a casual game, fails at being a competitive solo queue game and also fails at being a watchable esport. it is a thoroughly broken game, hamstrung by bad design decisions that went unchecked for years on end, and all these "fixes" like role queue, anti-toxicity measures and so on are just them scrambling to make people come back to a game that just isn't that good in the first place.
kind of a shame. i was there at the start, and during that honeymoon period the game was actually somewhat fun. they could've salvaged the game back then, but it would've taken more courage than blizzard had.
It still is rock paper scissors faggot. Good luck countering a Pharah with Junk.
its not that no one wants to play support, its that people believe its easier to carry if you play damage dealer
I personally like playing support more than dps
>make all the fun people dps
>make all the fun healers and tanks not viable
>WHAT THE FUCK WHY DONT PEOPLE PLAY TANK OR HEALER we gotta start forcing people too
Up next they will start banning people for not playing the meta healers and tanks
genji gameplay
>predict enemy movements, lead your projectiles to get headshots, then finish the kill with your swift strike, jumping over obstacles and deflecting enemy fire as you reposition to either continue fighting or disengage with your swift strike reset, then dash into the sky to unsheathe your massive cyber sword and kill 4 people on your own
mercy gameplay
>stick your healbeam into your tank's ass and wait until someone dies, then press shift to revive them, rinse and repeat
>sometimes you can press r and heal slightly more
can't imagine why people are attracted to the former over the latter
soon kaplan will personally oversee every match, picking the heroes himself and players will be drafted to play those heroes against their will, lest their money be stolen
After a few games you'll be so low that it won't really affect any long-term player. And eventually you'll just be at the bottom and everyone will place away from you. There's no recourse here. You might as well just stop playing all together. Your little protests mean nothing.
you can do what a lot of people do which is to play at a master level but throw games randomly so they'll be ruining plat people's games mostly
Time to make a DPS mercy for bronze support rank. Legit be funny next to GM dps
I prefer mercy because is more chill to play, healing is more relaxing than playing genji like an adhd kid
google it you fucking retard
the update is on the ptr
I forgot Overwatch existed. Thanks for reminding me retard
>Shotcaller Zenyatta can only sit on the side of his team, not center.
cool thanks
Why don't you filter the word, retard?
Here's what I think about this queue thing.
>Keep in mind I just started this shit about 5 weeks ago.
So far in quick plays, There's always been a degree of flexibility with picks. If someone's crashing hard as healer, we usually discuss and switch roles so a guy who only knows how to play Mercy as support will switch to DPS and one of the DPS will switch to a more versatile healer.
These things change depending on the map and enemy team picks.
If everyone is forced to stay in their particular role however, then this removes that level of flexibility.
>But classic Quick Play is still in arcade
Yeah, but no.
So obviously it's early days and maybe it'll improve things. But personally I think it restricts people too much. Especially newer people like me who are still shit at everything and don't have mains.
But fuck me, right? Late on the bandwagon.
I thought this game died awhile back
who thought this would be a good idea?
>have the option to leave voice channel
>queue as Healer
>play Battle Mercy and never use staff so I can DPS
Two years too late. I'm not going back.
>get reported
>money stolen
>make a thread on Yea Forums
>get btfo
maybe you wouldnt have to lock people into playing tank and healer if you made them as fun as all the dps
or maybe just not having that cancer in a shooter to begin with
>"No thank you"
"fuck you faggot"
>leave voice chat
not even the porn can save it now, even that is decreasing in quantity
It's real funny how people make these games, but people have too much fun with them, too much variety of choice clearly, so they have to literally force you to play one very specific way. What a bunch of retards lmao.
Why you cunts play these shitty big brother games is beyond me
have they made a single positive change to the game since the beta?
the meta was made by the community, there was no meta at the beginning
and its easier to balance the game with a fixed meta
I remember when they first incorporated a skill based matchmaking system for Call of Duty, All the Popular Call of Duty YouTuber's couldn't make montages shitting on kids just like the Fortnite content creators are doing.
Yes, this one.
Ah yes, the "i love the singular ever unchanging meta" tards. I hate to break it to you bro, but league was never good, and all development has ever done to it since beta was to make it worse in various ways for the most part.
It is a developers job to give players a working game and that's that. Not to then dictate how that game must be played. There's a reason people correctly say dota has about 8000x the depth and variety of league, and it's not remotely near perfect in any way
>Remember those people who got banned for only choosing shitty characters like widowmaker and torbjorn?
I remember them deciding it was perfectly fine to be a one trick pony.
remember you could shit stomp people with 6 winstons and have fun
>This literally prevents the situation you are describing.
The situation doesn't exist. Oh no, a player got mad, who the fuck cares?
You ignore reports for everything except cheaters, whiny cuntbag can whine all he wants, wow magically the "problem" you've invented disappears.
There is no such thing as a fixed meta, it's the same as no meta. How can there be a fucking metagame if there's no way to change it, no counter, no alternatives, nothing.
The game doesn't need balanced, it's a fucking arena shooter with characters that are wildly different, it will NEVER be "balanced" in the way you use the term.
It's also a trash tier esport, which is the only reason blizzard care to balance it in any way so they can keep trying to force it as one.
You have majorly shit taste user, you should learn to play games that respect the player and their intelligence or ingenuity and result in actual fun
I remember the fun running out quickly. Blizzard knows how to come up with great game concept but they can't balance for shit. That's what 2-2-2 is, Blizzard admitting they can't balance the game without it. Maybe if they did it 3 years ago it would've worked but they've been pushing a different vision for so long that to flip-flop now is a giant test of patience.
It's not like almost everybody wants to play DPS or anything.
>Oh no, a player got mad, who the fuck cares?
The team that has to put up with him.
>it's a fucking arena shooter
no it's not, now go away fucktard, you don't even know what the fuck you're talking about
I'm reinstalling the game, it better be fun or I swear to god.
Nobody has to put up with him, mute him, done. That was sure difficult, wow.
>b-b-b-but waaah then we can't communicate for this one match and we won't win
You weren't winning anyway or he'd not be bitching to begin with, get over it
>Jeff Kaplan makes an update video
>"Hey guys so the role queue didn't work out as well as we thought. We wanted to enforce a role queue to make the player experience better for everyone, but a lot of people still don't know how to play Overwatch after four years. To remedy this issue, from now on, you are only allowed to watch professionals play Overwatch. We felt that this was the right decision to make - seeing as the game is called Over"Watch". We know it's going to upset a few players but here at the Blizzard Team we think it just might work. The update will be coming to the PTS within the next day or so - we're still finalizing some features, but we'll make an announcement when it's online and hopefully moving forward, you enjoy your perfectly tailored Overwatch experience. "
Is that a man or a woman?
I don't understand how anyone could enjoy this game if they don't main Genji. Genji is the only redeeming quality of the game and is so fucking fun to play.
>queue as a healer
>choose a dps
So now matchmaking will take forever for DPS players like in WoW where healers get instant games.
This will only harm them because everyone wants to play a DPS character, and now when you get the Hanzo and Genji on your team your stuck with them and can’t switch to more damage when your damage is retarded.
Glad I’ll never play this game again.
but you cant do that
>instant queue for a healer or tank
>10 minute queue for a dps
but the same stuff will happen to the other team too
Commie garbage.
Watch it all collapse.
It's no use arguing with deluded communists.
the game seems dumb because you need to switch heroes on the fly to counter
that does not make any sense at all
Overwatch is already a mess of conflicting design choices, user.
>The game doesn't need balanced, it's a fucking arena shooter
Overwatch is a class based shooter. They've just hid their classes under different characters.
An arena shooter by definition all players start on a level playing field and the equipment and weapons are scavanged through out the map aka arena. People like to state "Arena shooters are dead", but in fact they have morphed into what is considered Battle Royale shooters today.
Has anyone called you a faggot yet?
They can't without abondoning their vision for the game. They want a moba lite in an fps shell. Nerfing tanks and healers would skew the game too much in the direction of an fps. Look at tf2, it revolves around it's fps aspect, everything is about directly killing enemies or improving your chances when trying to kill enemies, 1 (.5 with dispenser) healer out of 9 characters and one sorta tank that's paper compared to OW's ones. This is because tf2 doesn't have abilities per se, just different guns & accessories. Look at siege, it's still about shooting people, but they have additional layers of complexity like cameras, reinforcements and soft walls that expand the design space massively, OW can't have these or they'd lose their 'lite'/casual qualifications. They also specialize operators, each one only gets one gadget, in OW they get multiple.
How about this I can only play Diva and Mercy. Say I log into the game saying I wanna play as Mercy so I say I wanna be a support. I get into the game and my other support role picks Mercy. I'm now stuck using a support character I have no idea to play and I can't switch to Diva because it's not in the support person. I'm just a hindrance to everyone on the team now
They could make it so you keep like 25-50% of your ult while switching, but they're too lazy to balance out a switching meta.
>I’d rather have fun playing what I like than win by playing someone that we need
Excellent, then just play quick play, that’s the entire point, it’s for casual faggots who don’t want to win because they’d rather miss 100 shots in a row as Hanzo.
>competitive overwatch
4man could work too i guess, i havent really thought much into it honestly, but i always felt that the only thing overwatch needs to do is up the player count, map size, and objective variety in their game modes
That's my point exactly
This is proof that automated ques are retarded for PC gaming. Just give us the ability to host our own private servers and give us a server browser like every multiplayer FPS did before MW2 for fucks sake.
dont compare again that incel shit of tf2 with overwatch
When the game had infinite ammo and cooldowns.
So, what applies to why you left?
Fuck Overwatch
>It just be because of the community
>Better start banning everyone
>How are we supposed to work on the game when we have so many people making the ok hand gestures we need to ban
>That will be $60.00 usd + tip + $800.00
>Just buy it all again if you want to play again
oh thank you daddy kaplan for taking horrible pressure of decisions away from me. Hopefully soon iwont even have to control my own mouse to play!
do you live in your own little world?
I played when it was free in beta
its just a watered down TF2
good change
hope they add role queue to dota as well
>people on Yea Forums insist TF2 and OW are nothing alike
>people on Yea Forums also insist TF2 and OW are similar
One day we may know.
People don't support because most of the population is troglodytes that just like to see the big number go up and the concept of controlling the pace of the game and carrying your team by being better at keeping their asses alive seems dumb to them because it means they can't jerk off to their kills. It's got nothing to do with the way the role is designed, people just want to carry/DPS because they want to be the team's "hero" or whatever the fuck.
>people on Yea Forums insist TF2 and OW are nothing alike
I'll take shit that never happened for $500 Alex
Fuck off
3 Engi defense with one good and two F2ps on badwater last are some of the best matches you could ever have
You clearly do.
>TF2 will outlive Overwatch
on one hand it's funny on the other...I'm gonna miss Shitposting about it
>OW is now basically melee requiring stupid rules and restrictions to be viable competitively
>only these are being enforced by the people who actually have control over the balance and could just tweak that if they wanted different classes to be played in comp
holy lazy batman
>>people on Yea Forums insist TF2 and OW are nothing alike
What the fuck are you on about?
Since day 1 everyone here was saying it's a worse TF2
Dota has a rich and varied meta and an actual ban phase so I doubt they would be stupid enough to implement role queue anytime soon.
you okay dude?
they already have role queue they just put it behind a paywall which makes it even more stupid. also theres nothing stupid about choosing a specific position in dota, heroes are not as hard designed for a role like in overwatch nor would it lock heroes, just your lane. which is good considering how many retards ruin games by fighting for mid. let those faggots have longer waiting times, its a win win for everyone.
>if players change roles between maps they have to switch seats like some elementary school shit
Can't wait for the hypest seat switch since SonicFox
sorry sweetie but qp is designated training lobby for comp faggots who instalock widow and practice headclicking. cant do that if the other team is 6 winstons.
I genuinely don't understand why none of these companies want to learn from the successes and failures of the frostytoad.
They had a literal decade's worth of balancing decisions all neatly documented with each patch.
It's a fucking treasure trove and I am baffled that even game analysts/writers/critiques don't pay attention to complete clusterfuck of balance that is Dota Allstars - Dota 2.
clown league
what a great game where the meta is literally enforced to leave no room for change
>no u
okay that confirms it
Thanks for proving me right.
Blizzard implementing role queue/forced 2/2/2 into Overwatch is an admission of defeat when tasked with balancing their game for freeform compositions. The fanbase will like it cause it'll streamline the game even more (and it's not like OW was ever complex to begin with)
You can argue it's technically a good solution because casuals can play what they want with no risk of 5 DPS and comp can have heroes "overtuned" without risking 3+ supports/tanks every game, even though the game itself ends up losing depth and freedom of choice but when did modern Blizz or OW fans ever care about depth?
support in league is pretty fun
they should take a hint
>This game doesn't have enough heroes for experimentation.
Stopped reading there.
Why not just force character picks outright? Only the same 6 characters allowed per match, makes the game even easier for Blizzard to balance and therefore an overall better games because of simplictiy and limits and "art from adversity" or whatever the fuck.
fisher price esports
Do you really expect those faggots to make literally any support not be able to heal?
They are too far up their own assse to make gameplay changing supports.
>because the majority of players warmly accept this as a good thing.
[citation needed]
It's less about admitting defeat and more about the fact that Blizzard ALWAYS balanced around 2/2/2 even if it wasn't an optimal way to play the game so rather than admit that Overwatch is fundamentally flawed and start over they decided to just set a hard limit on classes so you HAVE to play the way Blizzard wanted it to be. Blizzard never tried to balance for freeform compositions, they just stuck their heads in the sand and kept chipping away and Brigette and shit
>Blizzard is bad at balancing and fundamental game design, so rather than improve they should double down on their retard-first philosophy
Oh shit that's Kaplan. I thought by the thumbnail it was some old Asian man.
In other words its an admission of defeat. They are literally incapable of balancing their game around 2/2/2 without literally forcing it to be the only composition allowed.
Awp in csgo until the nerf
why does jeff talk all stilted and frightened in these videos like he's a hostage reading off cue cards
>"we feel Brigette isn't strong enough outside of 3-3"
>nerf her through the ground into an early grave and change her gameplay to generic healbot
Yes but not for 9 fucking months while the devs bury their heads in the sand and hope a couple wrist-slap nerfs manage to fix it.
>It not being fun for you is not an argument, because the majority of players warmly accept this as a good thing.
That's not saying much considering most of the players from launch already left.
It used to be: Attack - Defense - Tank - Support
That's no longer the case.
Its FF14 queuing
>People who think it's fun to learn new roles and stick to those roles and people who think it's fun to take the game seriously and actually try to win will have more fun than before.
That's funny cause major reason for role lock (aside from squashing comps like GOAT) is to coddle support pro players who don't want to learn a new role.
OW is the least toxic game I've ever played. People really do over exaggerate the toxicity in this game.
Dota is the least toxic game I've ever played. People really do over exaggerate the toxicity in that game.
You get free lootboxes for queuing up as the least popular roles (not DPS). Similar to how they bribe their userbase to come and watch OW league streams by linking their accounts to twitch, then turn it on muted in a tab they aren't looking at with in-game shit. Overwatch has trained it's playerbase well with their lootboxes.
All of these are dumb except #2, the map design.
If the maps weren't dogshit the game might actually be fun.
This has been a fundamental problem from the get-go, it's shocking to me that anyone thinks Overwatch was ever good and Blizzard "screwed up" later down the line.
honestly dota is such a clusterfuck of foreign languages and a very specific community-wide humor there's no telling who's really being toxic or just taking the piss
>very specific community-wide humor
I know exactly what you mean, it's hard to describe but I know it when I see it. Never see banter like that in LoL which I play just as much.
>Still no rts hero.
>only played for the first few months
>most memorable match was when we all went torbjorn and won like 3 times
>cant even do that anymore
nice game
this actually is a positive change. but it needed to happen in BETA, and not 3 years later. like people are just gonna change everything they know without issue, no they'll probably just quit.
>2/2/2 is now enforced in queue.
what? I thought it was a separate hopper, can you still quickplay with all roles?
>The only possible result of this change is MORE variety in team comps, not less
>only allows a single team comp (2-2-2)
Do Overwatch fans all have brainworms or something?
Finally the game is somewhat playable again
Why is Overwatch so fucking hard to balance for Blizz?
What inherent designs of the game fuck everything up so much?
The ultimates?
The skills?
the game is absolutely solved or they would not be forcing this change as they are now.
the teams are too small. 1 player taken out, everything folds. it makes imbalances much more noticeable cause it means a lot more.
Siege has 5v5 and works fine though. It even has a ban phase despite not being a MOBA-like.
I dont play Siege but i assume the guns are very lethal and theres very few "abilities", unlike overwatch
Every character has their own loadouts and unique gadget (ability) but there's no retarded ult economy like in Overwatch.
Paladins is actually better than Overwatch now.
Casual game dressed up as esport, as a casual game it's designed so players won't die without horribly fucking up regardless of how good the enemies are so in pro play nobody can really die. LoL had this problem for forever and eventually just amped up everyone's damage to retarded levels to compensate.
Paladins is the equivalent to bagged cereal that poor people buy.
They keep adding new characters that break the rules the core characters were designed around.
>dpsfags seething over their new queuetimes
It wasn't worth it...
so if I pick DPS, I can't switch in the middle of the match to something else? I have to be DPS?
Fuck this game.
>Keep in mind I just started this shit about 5 weeks ago.
i stopped reading there, dude. come back when youve played more than 2 seasons of competitive
>OWfaggot is illiterate
like pottery
If you can’t understand the analogy, your iq is definitely below room temp.
stupid underage faggot
Blizz has never been able to balance literally anything
you could give them a coin and have them register Heads or Tails as a Blizzard IP and they wouldn't be able to balance it
>only 2 dps allowed per team
So basically every non-GM level match is going to have one-trick retards playing Genji and Widow as the dps for both teams.
Pretty much this, the game isn't fun anymore
Dude the tipping mechanic in Dota is the funniest thing. Once a Zeus bought back and ulted me then tipped me. I didn't even know what to do
This update sounds awful glad I stopped playing long ago. What did xQc say about it?
A decade or so. It will be a very slow, sad death.
You know how I know you're a zoomer?
>What did xQc say about it?
Who gives a shit?
If you think it was a good analogy your IQ is definitely fridge temp.
This has always been their strategy for the past year now that the game is dying.
>creates outrageous topic on purpose
>be it balancing, feature, gay character, etc
>people are outrageous ofc
>sparks conversation
>at least people are still discussing this pathetic excuse of a game
See it's not about the players' experience. It's about players still talking about the damn game. They can be plain and simply terrible at balancing. But after all this time ? And at this consistent rate ? No, this is on purpose. Those faggots know. These "updates" are the clickbait equivalent of patch notes. It's kinda genius if you ask me.
2/2/2 is quite literally the opposite of a band-aid solution, it's like a cast for a paper cut. I hate the shitty tanks and healers only thing too but how about you actually make the fucking DPS worth taking then instead of having this retarded "everyone DPSes to an extent" mentality. I mean for fucks sake Paladins was able to figure this out, it can't be that difficult.
>Not 2/3/1
Fuck having two healers.
They’re forcing players to pick DPS instead of actually balancing them to be as good as the other heroes, like they did in previous metas.
It’s a band-aid solution to the game’s terrible balancing that will only make the game shallower as a result.
Its simpler to ‘balanced’ an enforced meta than an open meta
so would you say now's a good time to get back into overwatch?
not really. wait like 2 weeks until the role queue patch goes live
>buying ow twice
almost fell for the meme too, thanks God I wasn't that foolish
So Blizz nerfs Sombra meanwhile Doomfist still has stupid CC, one shot and shield capabilities as well as a GTFO button on Q.
zoom zoom faggot kys
kill yourself Blizzdrone faggot
you dont play casual tf2 to win, you play to have fun
>there are people giving a fuck about overwatch esports
>there are people still playing overwatch