NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams remaster details

If it wasn’t evident enough by recent reports and the fact that Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz is receiving a HD remaster, SEGA are looking to utilise some of their long-forgotten series.

The current plan is to release a slew of remasters to test the waters for public interest.
The company are looking for the upcoming Monkey Ball to at least sell 300,000 units across all platforms in order for a completely new entry to receive the green light, this should also apply for any upcoming remasters of other series’ games in one way or another.

The next remaster set for release is indeed one of the 2007 Wii title, NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams, a sequel to the 1996 Saturn classic.
So far, I’ve learned of the following information when it comes to this remaster:

>It will be exclusive to the Switch eShop and Steam. No physical release or ports to other platforms are planned.

>Framerate will be highly improved from the Wii original’s 30 FPS, this one will instead be capped at 60 FPS, cutscenes included.

>All multiplayer and online features will return, along with new online leaderboards.

>Motion control with a single Joy-Con will be available, as well as more standard controller options which include both Joy-Cons together and the Pro Controller.

>Should you run out of time during a boss, you will not need to replay the previous section like in the original, the player will instead just be taken back to the beginning of the boss fight.

>The game has been upscaled to 1080p docked and 720p handheld.

>Reaction time after jumping in platforming sections is much quicker now.

>Load times are a lot faster.

>Currently planned to release on Dec. 13 this year, coinciding with the original JP release of the Wii version.
All information in this post, including the image attached was provided by a close associate.
This is what I have learned from him so far, but a follow-up thread will be created, should I learn anything new.

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Other urls found in this thread:

If you're lying I will find you and eat your face.

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>It will be exclusive to the Switch eShop and Steam
kys, fake. Must be fun opening the youtube app and pretending switch has games

This game is already on Steam, I have it.

give me crazy taxi with the original soundtrack instead

Get this piece of shit out of my face and port the original to it instead

Oh fuck PLEASE
The wii version was such trash, why are they remaking it instead of the saturn one?

I thought it was just the original on steam, you know.. the good one.

What the fuck SEGA, make it both the original and JoD at least.

The one on Steam is the remake.

JoD was terrible though, why not a Sega AGES port of the original

>exclusive port

You right I forgot it was already hd plus the christmas stuff included.

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user, I wish. But there is no way

>its impossible for a Wii exclusive to be ported to the switch
>its impossible for Sega to release a game on the switch after they already supported it so much
How retarded are you?

I'm still mad that the Steam release of Into Dreams is a butchered version.

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This one hurts so much... I know some very few of this Yea Forums leaks turn to be real... but come on!

I really want this to be real, but there is no way.

OP has to be fake, but still, he is not talking about the original, NIGHTS into dreams, nor it's remaster, he is talking about it's sequel, Journey of Dreams, which is still a Wii only game.

The game itself wasn't anything special, and the fixes mention it here (assuming they are real) would at best turn a game of 6 into a 7... but still, a 7 can have it's merits, and the levels that were suppose to play like a NIGHTS game were rather fun, same with some of the bosses. The kid's plataforming section on the other hand... the only way to fix those is to cut them from the game.

Attached: NIGHTS_Journey_of_Dreams_poster.jpg (1280x1024, 705K)

There was a datamine that listed a massive amount of switch games coming out. They've got a LOT of things right, and a new NiGHTS game is on the list. Then again, so is Skypetendo.

>hey SEGA, will you do something with your other IPs that aren’t Sonic and Yakuza?
>Sure! Here’s a remaster of the worst Super Monkey Ball and NiGHTS games!
>uhh I don’t really want...

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Could you link it?

Wait, its butchered?
There's some pretty crazy shit in there. "Warioware and Waluigitech", like hell. But there's a lot they got right too, like the fucking Jim Henson game.

... Actually, during E3 there was a crazy leak going on, that got right everything (From Keanou on Cyber Punk, to Ghostwire, The Dark Crystal game and the bad looking new Contra game... calling it bad looking and everything) And the only TWO things it got wrong were a new Warioware in developing and a new 2D Metroid game, and still, it stated that maybe not everything in the list was going to be at E3.

No true analog support. Movement is 8 way direction based. Just doesn't feel the same.

To be fair, the only reason banana blitz was the worst is because of the shitty Wii motion controls. On a real controller it'll probably be fine.
If we get fucking Waluigitech I'll believe anything this guy says. Even Skypetendo.