Handheld game systems are for cringy manbabies!

>Handheld game systems are for cringy manbabies!
>Be a normal adult and play games on your phone!

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Other urls found in this thread:


Where were you all when the Diamond Dogs were BTFO?

>having full pockets or having to carry a bag with you


>having to carry a bag with you

So, having a professional job?

people are hypocrites

Full pockets is only a problem if you wear girl pants.

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>he carries around a bag when he’s not going to work

Look at this poser.

>dude wear cargo shorts

Lmao at your life

Is that Jonah Hill?

Cargo shorts are great.

>ywn be Daniel Craig

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This post was made by Gargo shorts and sandals guy

Phones do a lot of things so there's lots of plausible deniability and justifications. Meanwhile, gameboys only play games so while carrying one not only are you telling the world that you're gaming in that moment, but that bing bing is so important to you that you bought and brought a portable bingstation. If anything, the existence of phone games makes the gameboy make you even more unattractive, because not only are you gaming (you could do that on your phone) but you're gaming hard and you're quite serious about it. And that's just... not a good look for anyone.


Skipping leg day and wearing women's style of jeans.
Faggot might as well transition now.

What is Daniel Craig playing?

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imagine talking to yourself to validate your existence


t. faggot with huge ass pants
Go with the style, basement dwelling loser. I bet you're balding

This is a shit thread, and even worse it's the same shit thread that is always up for years now. This is a tertiary thread that might as well be a general for how often it comes up. Why is garbage like this never moderated?

The truth of the matter is it doesn't matter WHAT you do, the only thing that matters is how attractive you are while doing it.

I typically don't mind gaming in public (unless if you fit the stereotype), but the only reason why I could rationalize why people are so turned off by it is that playing video games is normally an isolated activity you enjoy at home. By bringing your hobby outside, you're telling everyone that you are not interested in your surroundings or in socializing and it illicits the (tired) image of a nerd.

Shut the fuck up, mall jeans.

K-On! Houkago Live!!
most likely he's watching a movie or playing some James Bond game he was given

I never understood how others get away with wearing these without their dong being blatantly visible. Should call them pocket dimension jeans.

>cargo shorts lol cringe bro
It’s always the people who spend 1 week on fashion advice then go around parroting how bad cargo shorts are because they started wearing flat fronts and still can’t get laid

I have a full head of hair and no gray. Not even in my facial hair. If you dress like a faggot just because it's the hip thing to do then you are just going to look like a mindless city drone (which you probably are).

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You faggots know regular, non-skintight jeans exist? No need to wear tight jeans or fucking cargo-shorts if you don´t like them

Perhaps something light to pass the time, judging by his lax grip.

They probably have tiny dicks.

Stop eating so much junk food fatty

My dong is really small so thats why I get away with wearing them anyways. Its only 2 inches soft and 4 inches hard

What if you emulate handheld games on your phone?

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This is why Before & After ads are effective.

I wear slim fit. Its a nice inbetween regular fit and skinnyfit.

The first sign of mental illness was using a tripcode but after seeing how defensive you got without being replied to that says even more

>tucked into boots
this is somehow worse than cuffed pants.

additionally, don't wear /tight/ pants, just get slim fit and then do leg workouts--tastefully form-fitting rather than constricting (and showing that you have no leg muscle)

What if im not ugly but also not hot?

It's because the material flattens your benis, so at most your shit looks like a small bump, and at worst you look completely dickless. Other types of pants, such as joggers, will make you look like you're packing.

Cope more fatty. Exercise is good for you.

Never really understood why some guys sit with their legs crossed, not only is uncomfortable but also faggy as fuck.

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I don't cross at the knee, but I turn my leg and 90 degree it by laying my ankle against my knee.

It looks less gay and it's comfy.

It's just comfortable, idk what to tell you dude. What, do you sit in what you think is the least 'faggy' position? Insecure.

He's sitting on the chair at an angle to lean into the corner more. Gotta maximize comfort any way you can.

How is it uncomfortable?

>do you sit in what you think is the least 'faggy' position?



Yeah a complete leg cross is only good for women, I couldn't imagine sitting like that for a longer period. It squeezes your balls, how is that comfortable? I do however like to place my leg on my knee so the leg rests in a ~90° angle.

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patapon 2

what? I just explained how I sit. What was insecure about it?

get fucked retard. the sooner you realize that 1. nobody cares about you/what you do and 2. that some "values" of the past are absurd, the happier you will be. Take comfort in who you are--as long as you know you're straight and masculine (or are you?), then who cares what you do

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>obsessed with calling others insecure
Compensating for something there, laddy?

And others are OK with that? I wear normal jean that are one size larger, just to give me breathing room and not to feel like my dong/balls are being crushed when I sit. I can't imagine they're pleasant to wear.

What drives a man to dye his hair anything but a natural colour?

I was just using your reply for the first quote, wasn't calling you insecure, just calling that faggot a faggot.

Fag is mad.

So you are repressed homo?


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grow up loser. I bet you don't wear pink or shorts above the knee because those are 'faggy'

Nice reading comprehension there, sissy.

God damn those water bottles are so faggy

>unironically using "loser" as an insult.

You can't really get faggier, can you!? Just go choke on a cock already.


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Low rise jeans. The material also isnt 1mm of loose fabric.


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>wearing chelseas or any other boot just to wear your disgusting straight leg or boot cut jeans with an inseam thats 3 inches too long over them
literally why?

What game does Daniel Craig play?


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Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Yea Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

shoe in for a missing personality

>Hello Beaner tattoo
He's been in Los Angeles for too long


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Better question:

What drives a man to dye his hair at all?

I dyed mine bright blonde because I got bored of my mundane ass brown hair.

yeah sure a complete nobody from Yea Forums is going to tell daniel craig he's "faggy"
look at old picture of accomplished men, you'll be surprised at how many of them are seen legs crossed

dumb amerimutt retard


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>Tripcode faggot lmaoing at anything

Why did you make these

Just give me the sources for the girls in said img.


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>10 years ago Quentin shitposting told me playing my ds in public was not accetable
>now i am literally emulating ds games on my phone and playing them and this is acceptable


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sauce on girls

everything is acceptable as long as you're good looking

I like carrying my rucksack with me. It's like my inventory.

I read a long time that apparently he tends to play multiplayer shooters on the 360 a lot and that he insults everyone and gets angry easily.

>Hey! I feel like I'm trapped in Boy George's pants

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Quentin died and this was the result

Doesn't seem to be an action game since he hasn't both triggers at the ready. He's also got a thoughtful face on so something turn based. Maybe he's playing ff tactics?

Persona 4 The Golden


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Because he croaked and now everything is allowed and acceptable again.

Daniel Craig wanted James Bond to be gay and the next Bond movie is about his Bond becoming woke thanks to the new black female 007.

>not one where he's playing Dark Castle on Sega Genesis

Your point is not even remotely good, the status of the man has nothing to do with it, eurofaggot.

did Quentin seriously die?

good pick.

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Holy shit what?

Not even daniel Craig can make it look normal

most boots look a lot better with straigth pants rather than slim ones
people wear skinny and slim jeans/trousers because they don't want to spend the money to shorten them, and a straight cut pant that is too long for you looks absolutely terrible

Underage retard

Who's the right guy again? Nicholas Cage? I don't follow western movies.

Skinny jeans are for twinks, faggots, and women.

>yeah sure a complete nobody from Yea Forums is going to tell daniel craig he's "faggy"


Yeah he's pretty faggy.

>but also faggy as fuck.
You're the fucking fag. What sort of a simpleton deems masculinity on whether or not you sit with your legs crossed. Some superficial shit right there, buddy

sean wotherspoons are fucking ugly, how are they worth £800+?

He's just not fat.

You are mistaken. Sony handhelds are for chads.

Is the orc a girl too?

why are you so upset at a post on this website

How do you not look awkward? Is it style? Like I feel regardless of what I wear or how I sit, I always look awkward in candid photos. I dont know how to describe it.

Is it because I'm underweight?

Neither am I, but I don't feel the need to sit like I just took a dick up my ass.

normalfags seething at this post

Its conformable user I do it when I eat food.

Welcome to the Halo effect : if you look like James Bond & play outside, you're a cool & handsome guy having some fun between meetings.
If you look like Johnny English, you look like a friendless incel.
Not hard to figure out...

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Because the people who wear those jeans are the same that tuck in their junk.

By your retarded logic you just typed into the void

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t. Ornella

That's a PSP not a Vita. If he's playing Persona geimu it's more likely he's playin P3P or Persona 2

Quentin was right

>Be a normal adult and play games on your phone!
I mean, that's what I see on the train every day so...

why do (you) guys hate cargo shorts?
fear of showing your thin pale legs?

it's a meme you dip

>If you're ugly any kind of activity or behavior will be seen as "creepy" or "inappropriate" no matter how normal the action actually is
>If you're attractive no matter what you do will always be seen as "okay" or at least "not as bad" even if what you're doing is actually abnormal or strange
No shit

>It's not a copypasta

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Make it bro

Do Metal Gear Solid and Rapeplay pls.

kind of tired and want to go to bed, but be my guest

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oh yeah, you'll probably want one with a genesis controller.


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fatass detected

Yep, wearing those pants makes sure everybody knows too.

it's comfortable on certain seats