What are the best games to play on LSD?

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hang out in a forest

post height and jaw


You won't want to play a game on lsd

play LSD Dream Emulator on LSD. Maybe your head will explode from the sheer drugs you'd be experiencing.

Hang the rope

Any Mario game. Odyssey was great on acid.

I played Post Scriptum and got yelled at for firing into the ground

Why the fuck would you want to plays games on acid? Go for a fucking walk instead you fat nerd.

a Q Entertainment game, doesn't matter which one.


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Civilization VI

Honestly one of the best games of this decade despite retards here shitting on it for being Civ V. I love playing as the Cree especially and listening to the native American chanting while the LSD makes you really enjoy the animations and exploration side of the game

something comfy and familiar


I tried playing csgo on shrooms and looked at a painting in game for like 5 minutes, then realized how much of a waste of time video games were

just go outside or something, retard

Dont play videogames on acid, go for a walk in a non crowded place or paint or something

LSD makes you struggle I could barely play Pokémon and normally I double/triple speed through every battle. Was more concerned with trying not to kill myself

Play survival horror games on Acid

Moonbase Alpha for 4-6 hours.

I played a lot of Rhythm Heaven and Katamari and had a fucking blast. Just try to play happy games.

Yes because only the manliest of men need drugs to enjoy life.
Off yourself.

And yet you remain here

Hotline Miami is gud on mostly all shit

Only the lowest T nerds cry about drugs

You're not supposed to play or do anything much during psychotropic trips, you retard.
It's because of people like you that psychotropic substances have such a bad image.

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>It's because of people like you that psychotropic substances have such a bad image.
Because I wanna play video games on LSD I give psychotropic substances a bad image? how do you figure?

Who was crying? Some anons posted a meme making fun of druggies. That's the opposite of crying.

Like, IRL kys? Or in the game?

One of my friends thought he was gonna die in real life after dying in Fortnite on 250ug.

Why can't people on this merely talk about drugs without breaking into a DUDE fit?

You mean psychedelic. Psychotropic is antidepressants and shit



I played King's quest. it was fucking cool

you're a retard and you've clearly never touched anything stronger than aspirin.

This. It was made for substances like LSD.

It's actually always like this. We come in, do our harmless meme for shit and giggles and the OP get super butthurt aboutit calling anons losers and stuff. For a supposedly chill crowd we sure do seem to attract the angriest of those faggots.

Hotline Miami 2: wrong number

Just the last level though, it’s great on a lot of things but lsd is the best

Laying in bed and desprately trying to not have a panic attack

Psychonauts are the most subhuman group of drug users.
Prove me wrong.

Why can't addicts do anything without bringing up their addiction? Truly a mystery...


Russian Roulette

meth heads by a long mile you dummy

Apparently Oblivion is a good one

extreme paranoia: Ways of coping with schizophrenia edition.

The entire subject of the thread is about LSD retard it's not like someone derailed a thread with it.

Melee is really good, I've had the most fun with it

Show me one (1) instance of a methhead trying to convince someone that taking meth is an enlightening experience that makes you one with the universe or whatever.

Show me 1 (one) instance of a psychonaut selling their TV for a tab of LSD

It's a 12 hour trip. You have a lot of free time during the comedown, you cumbag

why yes, i do avoid psychadelics and seek to enjoy life to its fullest without addling my brain how could you tell?

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>*activates mic*
>*rips bong*
I agree good sir! We're an oppressed class!

You have never done a psychedelic in your life.

Stardew Valley is fun at first on acid, but you'll probably get overwhelmed quick

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>no argument

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At least psychonauts don't do stupid shit like freeze to death because they thought someone was chasing them in the middle of night in the dead of winter.

Breath of the Wild was made for acid

Why do DUDE DRUGS freacels get so mad when someone shits on them?

>used to love acid
>now it gives me anxiety attacks both when I am and am not tripping if I think about it too much

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Honestly being illogically scared of drugs is the most normalfag shit ever

The Witness
Starseed Pilgrim
Zen Bound 2
Golf games
AER Memories of Old
The Swapper
Desert Golfing

"Jump off the bridge"

I bet you would actually find someone like that on e.g. /r/psychonaut but naturally I'm not going to bother searching.
Many of these people genuinely believe that they don't need anything in life other than contact with nature and their drug of choice.
I recall a guy who took a huge dose of mushrooms inside his car during winter, while peaking left the car and stayed outside and died.

>Drugs bad

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This. I tried to play Rainbow Six and it was awful.

>no brain cells left

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A game where you hang yourself like the worthless degenerate druggie you are.

why the fuck would you play games on lsd?

>I don't need proof I just know it's true

>all he has is shitposts
Sad! Many such cases

Meanwhile in the pharmaceutical industry...


>Drugs good

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Rez Infinite

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>It's because of people like you that psychotropic substances have such a bad image

Yeah, definitely not the potential for irreversible psychosis, that's got NOTHING to do with it.

this. i tried playing apex legends on my friend's ps4 but i would get distracted

GTAV first person is awesome
BOTW is okay but do not go in a beast puzzle



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Yes good goy LSD is bad for you

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I mostly like to listen to instrumental music while trippin but during the come down I find games like Mario and Kirby to be really fun
anything to complicated and I usually zone out or run in circles in game
rhythm games are probably lit

Literally nothing because focusing on doing complex shit is too much effort just go for a walk and remember to wear sunglasses

Pfffft. Imagine knowing this little about LSD.

You have better self control tripping acid than you do stoned.

>friendless incels who have never taken LSD and are bitter about the social life using LSD seems to imply
>backseat drug users who have never taken LSD but wish they did, not fully understanding how a trip really works and how much downtime you have towards the end of it
And a little bit of
>people browsing Yea Forums pretending to be worried about their mental health

Do you think I would spend time searching through reddit to find the post that I'm thinking about just to argue with some retard on 4channel in thread that's going to get deleted soon anyway?
Stop doing drugs, ok?

>never smoked
>never drank alcohol
>never did any drugs
who /goodboy/ here?

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Ace Combat 7 VR missions was a real treat to play on my last trip.
Whatever game you like play usually does the trick because everybody has different taste. I tried playing Dirt Rally but it was too much.
If you want to trigger a bad trip play a horror game.

because there's a high chance that you'll have a bad trip, which could cause permanent psychological damage

A friend and I played cuphead and it was a lot of fun, seemed like the perfect game to play while we were tripping.

Pyre (just play for like 3 hours before dropping)
What Remains of Edith Finch
Kingdom Come is pretty cool too

on LSD i cant play vidya have to watch a movie or something to keep my mind pre-occupied until im coming down. on shrooms i play vidya the entire time cause its just fun and everything is hilarious

I am an assburger who takes antidepressants and I wanna go on a mescaline trip, how would I best make sure that I have a good trip?

Civ VI really sucks tho

Yeah, it's hard to do any of that while living with parents.

of course the freakcel DUDE DRUGS is a /pol/cel with 0 sexual activity

The point is that methheads selling furniture for a fix is an issue. It's chemically addictive, unlike acid which is psychologically addictive at worse

VR on acid sounds like a trip. Anyone else have any stories?

>wasting lsd on a videogame
I hope the ghost of terrence mckenna haunts you until death.

>Do you think I would spend time searching through reddit to find the post that I'm thinking about
>>Do you think I would show you actual evidence of a scenario that I made up entirely in my mind?

journey was cool back in the day

>bitter about the social life using LSD seems to imply
yeah im sure fellow druggies are great company dude

antidepressants mixed with psychadelics will unironically give you brain damage

highly recommend rhythm games, especially at the beginning of your trip

naissancee i guess

This. You should go on a 12 hour walk, right user?

So should I let the AD's clear my system first?

have someone with experience there who isn't taking it themselves, who you trust

>because there's a high chance that you'll have a bad trip
How so?

If that's what you want to do, cheers for all of that.

I'd steer clear of caffeine for a little while every month if you aren't doing that already though, really tends to fuck up with sleep patterns and that cascades into a whole lot of other shit.

Smoking isn't really worth it, the older I get the more I think that alcohol is not worth it either.

I asked my father if I could drink one of his beers and he said no, I'll just get you some syrup water. Thanks pops. 26 btw

not much really
tv and vidya are boring as fuck on LSD, you just instantly feel like you could be doing something cooler

Buy some distraction toys like glowsticks. Get some snacks and drinks too.

Katamari Damacy
Hotline Miami

I played vidya every time I dropped at home and it was great every time, acid isn't DMT, you can still do shit on it, you won't drop down and totally trip balls man


Tetris Effect.
Katamari Damacy.
Rez and Space Channel 5.
There are NO proven negative side effects to taking LSD.
I don't give a shit about other drugs, but LSD and shrooms literally do nothing to you except bring you spiritually closer to the world itself (or make you shit your pants if you're a braindead normie).

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Donkey Kong

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I completed the game Flower while on LSD. I peaked during the final level which was the credits but as an level you played through. If you know anything about Flower, then you'll know Flower on acid makes sense.

There is a high chance you will have a bad trip regardless. I don't know how user thinks video games have anything to do with it


You want an actual argument? Fine, here we go retard. You claim he hasn't done anything wrong because the thread is about LSD. Well guess what, faggot? That means the OP saw a board about VIDEO GAMES and decided it was the perfect place to bring up his chemical addiction. So fuck you, fuck OP, and fuck poison

>VR on acid sounds like a trip

I've always been scared of frying my eyes, I'm also interested in this.

Is buying LSD online reliable at all? done mushrooms before and I'm growing curious but don't know any guy

well it depends on the dose and at what stage of the trip he's planning to play games

Russian roulette with fully loaded gun

for me it depends of the trip and settings
sometimes you can't be arsed with that annoying shit
sometimes you want to play something chill
sometimes you jump straight into some competitive multiplayer and excel/completely suck
you can't just program that shit

>there are no proven side effects to taking LSD

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>There is a high chance you will have a bad trip regardless
I've taken LSD dozens of times and never had a bad trip. I did have some fucky trips on shrooms but nothing that would leave you permanently damaged for the rest of your life

Darknet, I heard Silk Road got shut down though but there may be dealers still, they may also only take payments in cryptocurrency.

Everybody owes it to themselves to do shrooms at least once, research indicates it can bump your IQ up one SD

If I'm doing anything other than lying down and listening to music at the start, I start to freak the fuck out
fine after the peaks off though

all those experimental indie "not yet a walking simulator" kind of things were great while tripping
I remember playing journey and tripping balls with it on my ps3

I will say that mario kart was manageable and kind of fun
the wii version (still with controllers tho)

you mean /boringfriendlessloser/?

I completely understand if someone wishes to avoid them, but thinking it's something of a virtue to have Never tried anything is really quite lame of you, the fact you chose to express this misguided belief on here of all places screams all kinds of red flags

skyrim but unironically

Just sneak a six pack in while you're out. It's what I do. Not that I really have to since my family claims to be indifferent, but they all have some sort of alcohol related trauma and I don't want to upset that.

> I heard Silk Road got shut down
That was years ago dude.

>OP saw a board about VIDEO GAMES and decided it was the perfect place to bring up his chemical addiction
This thread is about what VIDEO GAMES are best to play on LSD you utter fucking tard it's entirely on topic. I really don't understand why retards like you purposefully come into these threads that you know will make you upset just to throw fits it's quite embarrassing.

why are drug incels so disgusting?

Dang time really flies huh.

you're alright sometimes, Yea Forums

I take drugs and fuck my wife and you can't stop me homo.

Meth is almost certainly more addictive than LSD but what does that matter? Both are drugs and can be easily be abused.
My point was that psychonauts are the only group of drug users that try to make their addiction seem like it's something good. Many won't even call LSD (and the like) "drugs."

That's fine and all, but me and countless other people have taken it and had full blown panic attacks that can traumatize you even years later

It's a thing that happens user. Even if it has never happened to you.

Looking at screens while tripping made me super nauseous. I can't imagine playing vidya while on LSD

>no argument
imagine my shock

No, you're just a freak incel that will die early because you failed against chems

Guitar hero
2hu or any shmup (sp)
geometry wars

I used to play the silent hill games on acid a few times it was pretty fun.

umm sweaty that's basically rape

Why do you try so hard? Wouldn't it be easier just to close the thread?

Please show me the argument that you wanted me to respond to. I must have missed it.

Great argument dipshit wanna explain away how mushrooms LITERALLY, SCIENTIFICALLY help out with anxiety and depression and that LSD has been used medically to help terminal patients overcome their mortality for decades? Or wait was this just bait by a cringy basement virgin who will go whine in another thread if I told them I do cocaine occasionally for fun and have tattoos and one of the best times of my life was the first time eating an 8th of mushrooms

Life is great sober but drugs are pretty good too faggot otherwise people wouldn't have gotten addicted in the first place

This thread was as much intended to be about vidya as "what are some games with cute girl bosses" are. Faggot.

why are drug freakcels so sensitive when critized?

How do you remain conscious enough to play through the puzzles and tank controls? Seems very tedious.

>It's a thing that happens user. Even if it has never happened to you.
I understand that fully I was just puzzled why you said:
>There is a high chance you will have a bad trip regardless
I suppose it entirely depends on a persons brain chemistry but in my experience bad trips seem quite rare.

>My point was that psychonauts are the only group of drug users that try to make their addiction seem like it's something good
Science agrees. There's a lot of benefits to psychadelic use. I'm about to go to class so I can't look it up, but you can easily google it and see experiments on it and different benefits

you are going to need some crypto and then just search some online marketplaces

I tried to play DnD on acid once, but ended up having a bad trip. I ended up getting super paranoid.

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why are normies so upset when you even mention drugs?

what's the name of that drug that you paint on the back of your throat? seems like too much work for just a high

Geometry Wars 3
Grow Up
Hotline Miami

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>Do you think I would show you actual evidence of a scenario that I made up entirely in my mind?
You are assuming a scenario that you claim is 100% true while showing absolutely no evidence of it yourself. Do you honestly think there are psychonauts out there selling their fucking TV for a tab of acid dude? lmao.

It was ironic. I know I'm a friendless loser. What kind of person goes through their teenage years without getting wasted at least once?
I do take some kind of fucked up pride in it. Seeing as I'll never be able to live a full life like other people do, I just kind of try and see how vapid I can make my life. I'm past the point of making friends and am completely cowed by my parents anyway. So at this point, my goal in life, such as mine is, is to just get through it experiencing the fewest things I can.
Never gone out with friends, never dated anyone. Never had a drop of alcohol, not even on my birthdays. Don't have hobbies, don't leave home for anything but work.
I'm just wondering how far I can take this.

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Pokemon Stadium 2 Chansey egg drop minigame.

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I played them before and like them so it wasnt a problem for me,

Sticking your head under a moving train helps with anxiety too, you know