Shotguns are useless at medium or long range

>shotguns are useless at medium or long range

When will this meme end?

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Aww shit Bigfoot got the shotgun again!

Shotgun is a type of gun that shoots

try to prove me wrong faggots

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Shotguns are low skill weapons

>All the butthurt from sniper shotgun build in Bad Company 2

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When it stops being a balance issue

they would be absurdly strong then in videogames and people would endlessly bitch about "muh balance"

>be playan BF1
>Trench gun range nerfed
>Still go 20/4 every match with my trusty boomstick

>here's some slugs bro

once slugs are in the mix shotguns get interesting.

still cant penetrate terminator tier body armors

>Bad Company
user that's copyrighted, you can't legally say that name.
It's Worse Company now.

Ogres can use shotguns?

In payday 2 they are better than snipers

>Trench gun nerfed
history repeats itself

Ok explain this to me real slow and dumbed down, what are slugs exactly? Aren't they like more precise shells? They still shoot pellets, right? And if they did, they wouldn't be more effective against a big ass metal plate than a huge ass .50cal bullet, would they?

I don't know much about weapons, sorry.

STALKER doesn’t have that problem. Especially not Clear Sky with the based Hunting Shotgun.

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Its plausible in a modern scenario where most combatants would be wearing body armor. Any type of load for shotguns (excluding some unicorn type AP loads) is shit at penetrating armor, but will pack enough energy to fuck you up at closer ranges.
In brainlet terms, a slug is like a bullet for a shotgun. Its a shell loaded with a single large round (see pic related)

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Rising Storm 2
>picking off GI with double barrel shotgun at 105m

That looks fucking brutal. Green is safe zone?

At that point why not use a regular rifle?

he plays tdm and doesn't break 30 kills, laughing wenches

>Saiga with slugs
>throwing radar balls errywhere
>OP kit

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God damn that build was fun if you could aim. The best is headshoting snipers who thought they were hot shit. Too bad not many games let you use slugs...

Shot - Gun
it is a gun that was shot you idiot.

>he didn‘t use the m26 dart gun

Shotguns are cooler.
Racking the slide instantly adds 20% to your cool.

Planetside 2 slugs are fucking nasty if you can land headshots. They're basically worse battle rifles though unless you got godly aim.

>it's another episode of slug shotties being more efficient at range than DMRs
name a game with good DMRs

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shotty thread?

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Green corresponds to level IIA armor, so if youre wearing that, it will probably stop all the rounds in that zone. IIA is basically a light kevlar vest, something you'd wear under your shirt or something.

In real life what's the point of any other gun when this exists?

Barrel would melt long before he could get all those shots off.

realistic shotguns in games are op

So level IIIA is like some unwearable militar shit akin to those massive steel helmets in games like PUBG?

Can’t conceal carry a shotgun you moron.
Not to mention women can’t typically shoot a shotgun accurately. My wife has to use a compact sig because everything else has too much recoil.

Yeah, that's what they were designed for in real life. It's why they shoot multiple pellets with one trigger pull, so that everything in 'that direction will be dead once you pull said trigger. It's designed for area coverage, not accuracy, so it feels low skill and luck-based.

It's a video game. If a videogame shotgun had IRL properties everyone would complain about them being no-skill oneshot killers.

>conceal carry

Most weapons would drop people more quickly than they do.

It's really just a balancing thing, man.

Green corresponds to level IIA armor, so if youre wearing that, it will probably stop all the rounds in that zone. IIA is basically a light kevlar vest, something you'd wear under your shirt or something.

If weapons were realistic then basic knives would have a chance of causing a fatal bleed on hit (artery), and a shot to the shoulder would have a chance of being very lethal. Why you trying to apply this logic to fantasy Nerf guns?

yes and no
realistically, cns hits would drop someone in one shot and anywhere else would cause them to bleed out but have little effect otherwise

I have bad toenail fungus on my left food, so I've been doing Apple Cider foot baths. If anyone has any better suggestions hit me up.

In case a group of feral niggers jump you

3a is a plate but is very wearable, only weighs like 8 pounds
anything heavier is ceramics which plenty modern militaries use, which is even still below 30 pounds

See a doctor
Get antifungal cream
some combination of the above

no, those holes on top of barrel are for venting, they prevent overheat

balance > realism

That's expensive. I'd bankrupt myself. I'm gonna try soaks for a few months to at least lessen it a bit.

they arent

I see, taking one of those slugs must hurt like fucking hell I take, I can't imagine the metal bending in at that speed it'd be like... Getting shot I suppose.

No, IIIA is fairly standard soft armor, rated for larger pistol rounds. See pic related. Most militaries use plate carriers with level IV plates that protect the chest area.
Penetration, rate of fire, recoil, ease of reloading, and the amount of ammo you can load and carry are all perfectly valid reasons to not use a shotgun.

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Slugs are blunt projectiles, deliberately designed to cause internal damage. Kevlar works, but get shot with a slug round and you will get hurt real bad, and it hurts like a fucking fucker fuck.

>sniper shotgun
State of the art in viking technology

Recon is for pussies

you dont want to get shot regardless of wearing armor or not, that energy has to go somewhere

wtf are those feet lmao

>low skill

>requires you to get closer than any other weapon
>have to be sneakier or better than all of your enemies to pull it off
low skill indeed

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>when people that don't own guns talk about guns

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Splatoon of all things got shotguns right.
"Realistic" games grasp at any way to add more variety to the "small gun- small gun that shits bullets- big gun- infinite range big gun" progression of rifles, so they turn what is functonally a worse rifle into a "kill anyone in 2-meter radius and nobody else" kind of weapon, just like they make revolvers hand cannons instead of just bad pistols they are.
Meanwhile, squid game already had a ton of variety, including several completely different weapons filling the "vidya shotgun" archetype, so when it came time for adding shotguns they had the freedom to make them actual real shotguns, both mechanically and functionally. They ended up being weak on their own, as they are supposed to be, so to balance them they were given extra mechanics instead- namely, riot shields.

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The DB hunting shotgun in RS2, if you aim a bit higher, has an effective range of 132 meters without using slugs.

They do have decent grouping, don't get me wrong, but let's not pretend that shotguns were made to cover the same kind of area as pistols and hunting rifles.

This is your brain on videogames

Here you go
Some shotguns even have rifled barrels for slugs for increased accuracy

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>when /k/ shows up to every thread about guns to wave their dick because they shot their dads 22

try hydrogen peroxide or teatree oil

amputate before fungus spreads to your brain and makes you a zombie

They Ended up being weak on their own? Tenta and Splat Brella have been top tier and nerfed multiple times. Undercover is closet OP.

If shotguns are so great why does the military exclusively use it for shooting door hinges and the police only carry them for dealing with unarmored thugs with knives?

t. noguns

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no feet or timestamp, nice try

t. shoots paper at a range and thinks he's cool
pro tip: people who actually did shit with them and far bigger ones are laughing at you. sit down.

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It's all about their shields mate. Naked Tent is baisically Range Blaster except heavyweight, less efficient, with longer action, harder to oneshot with and impossible from 1.5 lines on, and without the cover abuse. Splat Brella doesn't have a comparable weapon but it's also not a strong gun, Undercover is outright trash. It's all about shields.

Yeah some of them are target shooter but I’ve taken deer with the sks and mosin at the top, and that winchester 94 has taken more deer than I can remember

Mah nigga

is shotgun anti armor at medium or long range?

not talking about hunting things that cant shoot back bro.

Reminds me of pic related

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You sound like a dumb faggot that gets insta-killed a lot because you charge in without thinking

What point are you even trying to make?
Only people who have shot or killed others can have or like guns?

We're talking about real life kid. That's not how shotguns work.

>UTS 15 with full choke and laser
Blowing open a wall with c4 and laying waste to people hiding on the other side never got old

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Is that a Colt Navy?

Pump action rifles were a thing in South Africa

This isn't our thread man, stop.

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It’s a pietta reproduction but yes
$200, no background check cuz black powder and it’s really fun to shoot

>no background check cuz black powder
I always thought this was the weirdest law.

meme gun, I hate it, doesn't even look cool.
Any shotgun without a racking slide is shit.
Except Benelli M4, that gun is cool as shit.

that you're not impressing anyone shitting up every thread with your shattered ego hidden behind your gun collection being a bigger tryhard than /fit/.
stop giving the rest of us that aren't a weekend range warrior the reputation of being an insecure tryhard.

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The fun part with shotguns is how all around great they are at a variety of things simply because you can change out chokes and shot type on the fly. When I first got my first 12 gauge semi auto that holds up to 9 shells, I was actually kinda afraid of the power I had in my hands. Shot some ~1750 fps slugs out of it and left with a sore a bruised shoulder. I cant image the hole it would leave in a person.

Escape from Tarkov does shotguns well. Especially while using slugs with a long barrel and choke.

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I doubt it

cry more faggot

that's what I say too when Im exposed beyond recovery.

If I was a billoinaire I would buy guns but I wouldn't use them, is that weird? I just like how they look.

Remember Bad Company 2 shotties with slugs?

>no background check cuz black powder

You're very upset about a guy that corrected someone's mistaken description of shotguns. I don't know who shoved a shotgun up your ass as a child but it's ok to relax a little.

theres a screencap floating around somewhere where a guy accidentally helped a felon obtain a bp revolver

Yes that's weird. If you bought a shitload of guns and did nothing with them I would be legally mandated to call you a fag.

>accidentally helped someone legally acquire a firearm

Convicted felons can't legally own blackpowders. It wasn't a legal acquisition.

Yeah atf doesn’t classify black power as firearms so no background check needed
Did you also know you can own cannons without a destructive device permit?

Most points into shotgun skills was always a favorite build of mine

when devs get the willpower to try something other than the traditional meta

>>when people that don't own guns talk about guns
>proceed to post gun collection and stroke endlessly
he didn't have to start a dick waving competition on the internet. I even tried to be nice and give him a hint he's making an ass of himself but what can you do?

Check your state laws, felons can own working replicas of antique guns. ie black powder guns.

What dick waving are you even talking about dude? He only posted his guns after someone (I'm assuming you) acted shitty first.
The post he replied to deserved to be criticized because the user who said that shotguns are designed to hit multiple targets without aiming is a fuckwit.

it's called a shotgun not a shootgun

Are you a wyvern?

did people ever use shotguns in war? people keep saying they're bit useless st long range but who has been killed by a long range shotgun?

in my state you can have black powder firearms mailed to your front door, no questions asked
try it for yourself, just fill out an order on academy or some shit and slap your address in there, its bound to ship directly

When they stop being a one shot at close range. Shotguns are OP in real life since they can kill at any range. To balance them in games they need to be a two shot at any range.

I think shotguns are more for civilians/police forces. But all armies have units/soldiers that use shotguns

this is pathetic. stop. pick yourself up and discover an actual personality besides tryharding on an anime site
>Inb4 you show screenshots of you phonefagging saying it isn't you
no one would be this concerned about someone else being called out on the internet. try working on whatever is making you so damn insecure about an anonymous reputation user.

This is a strange ruse and I don't know why you're baiting in this manner but I'm done now since you've made it obvious.

exposed x2 hit airplane mode again user.

holy shit dude go kill yourself or at least stop posting

>like revolvers
>want to buy one
>the laws in leafland are set up in such a way that owning a handgun is a hassle and you can only shoot one at a certified range along with other restrictions
>meanwhile I can buy almost any rifle or shotgun and be able to do targets in my backyard the same day

>implying your average 00 buckshot will pattern good enough at anything past 30ft

Surely the pellets become more and more spread out the further they travel away from where they were fired, meaning that a shotgun would be practically useless against a long range target?

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Yeah Canada is strange when it comes to gun laws.
Of course as soon as one wacko goes on a spree with a rifle you can kiss your own goodbye since Canadian politicians are enormous pussies.

That depends on what you mean by "long range". The common misconception propagated by video games is that shotguns have no lethality beyond twenty feet, which is far from the truth.
Now go learn something about firearms instead of watching gook shit.

>tfw 2nd Amendment is no touchy
feels good that my government is scared of it's people

"just you fucking wait, goy. We'll have our way one day..."
t. Bloomberg

yeah, but the range is long.

Implying that an 18in full choke 12 guage isnt still hitting sub 12'' patterns at 30ft

>he doesn't remember 1887 akimbo

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I can sort of understand banning handguns while allowing rifles. It's a similar situation in Bongland.
I think the idea behind it is that a handgun is easier to conceal, but with a rifle you'd be spotted before doing anything bad.

>banning any firearms
over my dead body

>he doesn't understand game balance
what a retard


ATF hit squad has been deployed.

>not a single AR

Kill yourself.

You could conceal a compact rifle or shotgun in a coat or backpack without any trouble and the lethality of modern rifles is significantly higher than most handguns. There is no logic behind a handgun ban and they're only enacted by those ignorant of guns.

It's a gun that fires shot.

Honestly even as a Britbong I don't think guns need to be banned.
Restricted sure, I don't think anyone needs a shitload of guns in their house. Self defense is a meme.
I'd be ok with owning a gun that is kept in a locker at a shooting range. My guns that no one else can use or touch, but they can't be taken off premises.
You can make an argument for hunting. Maybe have special permits or something for that.

its generally a balancing issue in terms of gameplay. do you want a powerhouse of a weapon with high range, or do you want a powerhouse thats offset by the fact you have to get close. its a meme, and a shitty one lets say, the only option is to tone down the damage. which, while fine, will result in people bitching that the shotgun feels like it has no power behind it.

You aren't playing the way I want you to, that makes you a no skill scrub.

It's okay, he has an ak with is better in every single way.

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I didn't say it was a good reason, just the reason you need to convince a politician who has no idea about guns.
Having said that I think Brit laws actually take into account barrel length and total gun length.

wait isn't china type?

If this wasnt a subjective discussion of it I could make an argument that you are completely wrong

No bans
No restrictions
This is why Mohamed is allowed to rape your daughter Nigel, because the government has your hands tied

>convince a politician who has no idea about guns.

Good luck with that part.

I don't know, I don't even own an AK

Realistically, we might both wrong, battle rifles are better than both AR's and AK's imo

>I don't think anyone needs a shitload of guns in their house. Self defense is a meme.
Gun rights is an "all or nothing" deal. Either you're against gun control, or for it. You're for it.

So what, are just anarchist capitalist or what?
No government in anything?
Good luck with that.

K&L2 had the most realistic approach out of any third person shooter ever when it came to the actual impact and range of guns and was panned by critics for the shotgun being effective on long range.

Slugs are more of a hunting/animal defense thing, a 12 gauge shotgun loaded with Brenneke slugs is bar none the best bear defense firearm

You're a retard with no sense of nuance.
People like you are the reason politics is so shitty right now.

>gimme my guns
>WOAH are you some kind of ANCAP SUBVERSIVE?

That ignores the pain and shock factor. Not everyone gets the luxury of getting juiced with adrenaline.

My government knows that any restriction of firearms will cause a civil war.
California, Illinois, NY are all shitholes because of shit gun laws which come with scum politicians

I mean removing personal preference and citing military doctrine kind of shit. I've got a hard on for 762 real fuckin NATO just like every other red blooded american man but I wouldnt want to tote one as a service rifle

The reason that you're against guns is that if you're not willing to defend yourself, then you're exactly the weak, authoritarian lemming that gun control laws appeal to. I bet you voted labour, you 5th column fuck.

Why are Americans so cringy?

You're right, overreaction and strawman on my part.
But I really don't understand why anyone would unironically want completely unrestricted access to guns when sociopaths and bigots (including those bigoted against whites and straights, by the way!) exist.
You can say your guns protect you from them but I'd rather have no shootouts at all. That shit is dangerous, and unneccessary.
Survival of the fittest results in apes and primitive tribes. Helping the weak results in civilization and prosperity for all. How do you think we attained all we have? We helped each other, including protecting the weaker members of the species. It's not perfect but we're living better lives than a chimp in Africa.

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American here
You faggots live in a bubble

Why dont french people put more ice in their drinks at restaurants? Why do chinks show such disregard for the suffering of their fellow man? Cultural differences

I didnt even know but theres shells that have a slug AND pellets

>helping the weak results in civilization
define weak