1.) Post a random image (don't be a pussy and actually choose the image randomly)

1.) Post a random image (don't be a pussy and actually choose the image randomly)
2.) Let other Anons recommend you a game based on the image you posted.
3.) Actually go play that game instead of continuing to browse this shithole.

Attached: 1175054625071.jpg (599x432, 69K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: 1418825694317.png (480x476, 302K)


Attached: 681317EC-B0DD-43CB-94A9-536962E39F84.jpg (300x372, 24K)

I wonder

Attached: 1523816127624.jpg (1280x960, 519K)

Attached: publictransport.webm (400x500, 1.88M)

lego island 2

Attached: JQFOgyh.jpg (1920x1200, 156K)

Attached: Do it Faggot.png (466x578, 314K)

Attached: 1559710403356.png (2172x1048, 232K)

how come we don't name reaction images bros

Attached: 1421354723310.jpg (1600x900, 282K)

Attached: 1436891206241.jpg (640x426, 85K)

Attached: 1545599166271.jpg (679x1200, 168K)

Not even joking.

Attached: gb dan the man.png (585x291, 57K)


Attached: 1461982188170.gif (200x189, 742K)


Attached: 1563319633994.jpg (1920x1080, 1.04M)

Attached: 0mk07wzuahny.jpg (3630x2362, 744K)


Metal slug advance

Attached: 5631764i.jpg (500x500, 91K)

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Yea Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

Attached: MV5BZjg3NmEwZjQtZDY5MS00ODA5LTk5NjYtOTQ2MmQ0Yzk5Y2RlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzk2NzgxMQ@@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,76 (760x1000, 139K)

Civilization 4 and nuke the french

The Stanley Parable

TMNT: Turtles in Time

dino crisis


metro, any one of them


any fallout


Metroid Prime

Attached: fs.jpg (259x194, 10K)

>why did i move here?
>must've been the weather

Attached: 2423.png (258x341, 103K)

>not posting images

Attached: 1438806825909.png (686x686, 80K)

Play the Reboot game on PS1. Or Megaman Battle Network.

Attached: 8881B98A-9C2A-4E4D-A5D7-292761FDCB14.png (794x1122, 1.45M)

Yoshi's Island, made me think of the frog boss.

didnt even look what it is

Modded Skyrim.

Attached: 10882237_294823214061720_4136932041325846634_n.jpg (960x720, 68K)

meme run

South Park: The Stick of Truth

Attached: Cromartie Kamiyama.jpg (630x472, 55K)


Attached: 1562039570636.jpg (2285x2880, 608K)


Attached: 29024977.gif (384x304, 6K)


Attached: Screenshot_20180901-194954_Instagram.jpg (1080x1348, 617K)

Attached: basics of cqc.jpg (1280x720, 187K)

Attached: 1555364818522.jpg (1165x648, 78K)


Attached: 7799A681-6725-464C-98BA-7A95075C5C85.gif (440x330, 3.83M)

Attached: potato_morpho.jpg (700x1036, 193K)

Postal 2

Attached: 1562335638331.jpg (930x717, 83K)

Attached: 2spooky4me.jpg (204x204, 7K)

Just win the race

Attached: 1562609689145.jpg (715x682, 496K)

E.Y.E.: Divine Cybermancy

Resident Evil 4

Attached: 24370B60-179F-4A32-ACC4-8F223613915B.png (568x413, 350K)


Attached: d0c2edd.png (400x246, 49K)

Attached: 1559881362303.png (1372x1000, 2.81M)

Attached: Yes-close.jpg (220x220, 7K)

Image 232 of 264 in my comfy folder, thanks random number gen. God I wish it picked a better image.
Metro 2033, unless you'd rather skip to later ones first.
Minecraft, making a ton of maps.
ISLANDERS, holy fuck that game knows how to piss you off failing to fit that last important building.

Attached: wave11.jpg (640x934, 191K)

Risk of Rain

Attached: 1469767629776.jpg (663x784, 67K)

Attached: 1533021376205.jpg (960x960, 232K)

Attached: 2B7793D700000578-3202409-Explorer_Putin_pictured_took_control_of_the_three_seat_submersib-a-2_143991 (962x645, 196K)

Attached: icebreaker.png (310x233, 148K)

Metal Gear Solid 5

fine, here.

Attached: __flandre_scarlet_touhou_drawn_by_yoruny__5a3e8f54b943ee3e9902cd741fde8895.jpg (1280x914, 183K)


Attached: 1498358487892.jpg (1920x920, 1.1M)

Yume Nikki fangames

Attached: 79A9772C-F8B4-4685-960B-787F6254A359.jpg (499x573, 293K)

Attached: Doctor_Doom_Stan_Lee_Interview.0.jpg (1200x800, 99K)

Attached: 245.png (744x908, 359K)

Attached: 0p2WuiXYMKE.jpg (631x591, 51K)

Attached: 1492373486072.jpg (900x1200, 263K)

Attached: 1563411290187.jpg (540x720, 53K)

Attached: 1560384515817.jpg (675x900, 81K)

Attached: 153693894.jpg (450x685, 98K)


Attached: Juggalo-march-GettyImages-848211338.jpg (1000x635, 193K)

Attached: 1547198810391.jpg (736x1023, 126K)

Holy shit im getting banned for this one but im not a pussy. anyways guy above me plays runescape (his pick on whichever version)

Attached: 1562393826101m.jpg (731x1024, 168K)


Attached: 1555745553365.gif (292x493, 1.45M)

Attached: 8354792E-DB61-4A6C-B166-391087ED08CC.jpg (640x640, 40K)

>no nudity
>at all

Attached: 1549710755569.jpg (1200x1200, 305K)

Attached: 1294866915445.png (553x546, 36K)

Attached: 1556932172003.jpg (2010x2840, 390K)

Attached: 15075333918510.jpg (600x600, 295K)

keep in mind I have a toaster thinkpad running Linux, so I probably wont play the game you are recommending.

Attached: a7RkJNM691UCsJU53Fmg9cbIr_BqMxTmKwrGRFnK3q8.jpg (640x853, 87K)

Attached: 15236245550780.jpg (664x1000, 234K)

Attached: kumagawa better than main characters.jpg (569x580, 102K)

You wanted random?

Attached: 1540847723368.jpg (479x604, 18K)

Attached: FMjmRdXGUiw.jpg (1200x848, 318K)

Attached: 1513977779991.jpg (851x937, 44K)

Attached: skisus.png (740x772, 902K)

Attached: 1540725991840.jpg (780x438, 57K)


fuck off nigger ive been banned for way less before

I don't get this picture. So... Jazzpunk?

The You Testament

Minish Cap

Super Mario Bros 2. I just thought of Wart

Attached: environmental storytelling.jpg (446x810, 82K)

Attached: ImpartialIncompatibleAsiansmallclawedotter-small.gif (336x252, 1.16M)

Attached: 1549054475430.jpg (878x665, 39K)

Attached: 1550027522304.jpg (500x428, 65K)

Anything even vaguely smelling of furry is a bannable offense on nearly all boards

Attached: kfri0UrK0xc.jpg (480x480, 81K)

Spec ops the line

>OP states random image
>knows what they're posting to the point of spoilering it
Can't even follow some simple rules faggot

Attached: 1535415672760.jpg (2205x1418, 520K)

This is a tf2 reference, isn't it?


Attached: 1556715235009.gif (650x488, 1.09M)

Mirror’s Edge

not a reference, actual lore


There aren't nearly enough games featuring the Macho Man. That said, the Conan game on PS3/360, its the best GoW clone there is and its got a grappling system.

Attached: BxKK6wIIQAAfE2F.jpg (568x320, 21K)

Ao Oni

Attached: aku-dio-dokkan.png (638x1136, 1.04M)

Attached: 1559835933883.jpg (1510x2048, 173K)


Lobotomy Corporation

Crash Team Racing

Attached: 1543738668746.jpg (493x750, 91K)

postal 2
team sonic racing

Attached: 906875463.jfif.jpg (1024x741, 231K)

Mr. Mosquito

Attached: pura-crp.gif (286x301, 171K)

Oooh, Joey Ramone

Attached: 23.jpg (750x1000, 254K)

Looks like the image chose for me
Etrian Odyssey 5
That image reminds me of having a bunch of arrows sticking out of your model in Minecraft so go for that
Cookie Run

Attached: $!SomsnosaCharacterSitting.png (288x640, 9K)

Attached: Japanese office exercise.webm (1280x720, 2.31M)

Disaster Report

Attached: handsome-moro.png (338x624, 191K)

Fire Emblem

Attached: F490388A-57F1-4CAE-A76D-B9474955F666.png (820x417, 118K)

Too soon

Pikmin 1

Balto Wolf Adventure

Attached: coondog.jpg (680x510, 70K)

Attached: Capsle Corp. really outdid themselves this time.jpg (1140x1171, 1M)

Attached: front_380x541.jpg (380x541, 38K)

Attached: f98e24c78d3242187eec04f9b2e1cb1d--kyokushin-karate-shotokan-karate.jpg (640x640, 56K)

That's not a render, is it?

Attached: going in.jpg (1363x2048, 281K)

Attached: 1306137271186.jpg (500x500, 165K)

Any PS3 launch title.

Attached: CFJ4of4.jpg (1012x1600, 434K)

Attached: 1537859351119.png (1000x951, 409K)

Attached: 1473262755058.jpg (284x176, 16K)

any yakuza game

>Actually go play that game
What if I don't have it


Attached: 1542823182616.jpg (2293x1575, 2.28M)

Attached: aussie in their habitat.jpg (915x1084, 87K)


RAGE 2. Sorry user.

here's your random image

Attached: 1478989017731.jpg (1263x286, 75K)

Attached: 1523726780876.png (630x712, 505K)

Krush Kill n Destroy 2 Krossfire

>those tattoos

Attached: 2453444_10.jpg (2193x3000, 1018K)

SaGa Frontier

Attached: e13be338ba5586663e694968a1ac0809.jpg (1180x1748, 1.2M)

Attached: brapchamber.webm (460x574, 1.47M)

Attached: 1550916408858.jpg (3000x4000, 974K)

Attached: 1BHzfXC.jpg (621x486, 195K)

There are no bloody karate women in any Yakuza game.

>fallout 4 place anywhere mod


Xenoblade Chronicles (1 or 2)

Attached: FB_IMG_1516969587103.jpg (557x629, 34K)

Fucking slaaneshits

is it an RPG with good gameplay?

Attached: 1483219886284.jpg (794x1224, 463K)

Attached: 1553179043973.jpg (640x640, 52K)

Garry's mod or Roblox

Mother 3

Attached: 1552181378881.jpg (423x377, 36K)

Attached: bonlicle.gif (500x473, 3.77M)

Very good for JRPG standards

Attached: smartestblackkid.png (478x603, 279K)

Attached: 1561912276846.png (360x710, 231K)

Attached: IMG_2488.jpg (400x255, 59K)

Attached: attr.png (800x821, 208K)

>tfw no replies

Attached: 1538703050699.jpg (515x375, 24K)


Attached: 1538750033270.png (743x881, 826K)

that one DOOM wad where you play as samus

Attached: frittata.jpg (881x1182, 197K)

cooking mama
skate 3
gta iv
silent hill
shadow warrior
1 2 switch
dance dance revolution
the sims 4

commander blood on dos

Attached: 1557274409552.jpg (500x478, 149K)

untitled goose game.

Attached: 1561638834074.jpg (1600x2707, 769K)

Attached: 45D968F8-708A-46A7-AD45-93A97C1516D6.gif (540x304, 1.61M)

Kero Blaster.

Attached: DmVp_d_UYAAZuaY.jpg (1200x922, 72K)

Attached: 67JsNxb.jpg (1280x720, 159K)

Attached: 1531951463338.gif (1200x811, 205K)

Skyrim but with loads of mods that edit the same towns installed

Attached: 1552082623380.jpg (564x500, 58K)

Attached: 1449600999539.png (2025x3001, 1.26M)

Attached: 2018_03_09_skin_2018030907412613280.png (64x64, 2K)

someone edit this with Water

Attached: scarface_1932_poster.jpg (350x524, 84K)

Kirby Triple Deluxe

Attached: flux.jpg (377x436, 15K)

Attached: hbq9vx40fyf11 (1).png (500x583, 320K)


Crusader Kings 2

Attached: 1563241394164.jpg (2896x4093, 1.26M)

Why was Tobirama so based and right on everything?

If only the roles were reversed


Attached: 7c5.png (939x690, 624K)

Attached: 1542326422271.png (512x416, 54K)

Attached: 1523378396345m.jpg (1024x622, 84K)

Attached: 1497640754595.jpg (900x675, 74K)


Attached: 1313267777522.jpg (1079x728, 395K)


Attached: 51LLI3KR0zL.jpg (400x320, 38K)

Something similar to Prototype’s movement system, one that preferably has wallrunning, airdashing, etc.

Oh I'd love to play that game....if it were out.

Redpill me on photon decay

Attached: D6wy-BQUEAEHpsM.jpg (1170x1200, 181K)

Attached: 1507401972675.png (636x708, 256K)

Smash bros. Oh wait

Attached: media_008_008473c8-21bc-43d6-9ad8-d89585da7bae_phpURtB3K.png (1024x547, 238K)

Attached: 1512618839948.png (630x960, 502K)

fallout 4
any ds game that uses the touchscreen only
shadow of rome
deadly premonition
enslaved oddyse to the west
no mans sky
disaster day of crysiss

Attached: 1471064364423.jpg (734x760, 167K)

Attached: 1526831155979.jpg (427x300, 34K)

soon my friend :)

Attached: Julien-Ceccaldi-at-Kolnischer-Kunstverein-Art-Work-1.jpg (1406x1800, 201K)

Closed my eyes. Let's see what I got.

Attached: 68d50f6a97947953951f454dbc46edfc.jpg (781x421, 105K)

Pokemon Sun and Moon

Attached: b7d601b7435e7656ff3a5eaa320e727eccfd8d9c.jpg (800x600, 594K)

Attached: 1559327349412.webm (720x1280, 2.93M)

Sonic 2
Elder scrolls arena

Attached: image.jpg (1200x1200, 203K)

Attached: 1543398134814.jpg (854x651, 140K)

Attached: BedfordRascal009.jpg (1024x768, 177K)

Attached: 1476649945613.jpg (969x969, 103K)

Ghost Suburb II

Dead or Alive

We need more games with "quack" buttons. Only this and Duck Game have it.

Attached: 1486692509712.jpg (1024x1463, 230K)

GTA: Vice City

Attached: 1558890509243.jpg (1488x1097, 911K)

My Summer Car

is this really how cars are made

Crash Bash

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven

Attached: 1550568681288.png (968x954, 110K)

Donald Trump's real estate tycoon

Attached: Trump is hitler.gif (320x320, 1001K)

How? If I just click with my eyes closed I might accidentlly post lolis and no one wants this

Since half of you are posting weird shit can one of you post that image of the gun with fleshy latex on it?

Baba is you

Attached: 7645565456.jpg (800x550, 113K)

i just use an rng

NuBattlefront 2

Attached: 1550982319778.jpg (480x515, 47K)

>no one wants this
yeah that would be pretty bad haha who would want that amirite haha

Attached: Erika_Mishima_b.jpg (560x780, 99K)

Hears of Iron 4

Attached: 1a8821d9f042a390d1c689ad92ed9076.jpg (230x210, 12K)

Poor guy must have some bad IBS

Half Life

Attached: D_gUAhsVUAA4cxp.png (900x1200, 1.29M)

Attached: 1340465944018.jpg (634x801, 94K)

Attached: 1548908408446.png (700x926, 873K)

Metal Gear Rising

Attached: 1550242309375.jpg (635x767, 147K)

The Forest


Attached: Jean-Léon_Gérôme_-_The_Duel_After_the_Masquerade_-_Walters_3751.jpg (1800x1234, 2.62M)

Attached: nurburgring_night_lap_2019.webm (800x450, 2.86M)

Final Fantasy 4

Attached: 1563412958036.gif (359x359, 1.99M)

Attached: image0.png (750x683, 472K)

matrix path of neo

Ride to Hell: Retribution

Attached: 5667656565.png (868x931, 646K)

Attached: 1509379604680.jpg (1944x2290, 3M)

Attached: maxresdefault_14.jpg (1024x576, 79K)

Custom Maid 3d

Attached: 6765766576.png (716x336, 271K)

Attached: 64A0F6D6-BDC4-4CB0-A8A9-24F0BDC4AFD2.jpg (272x466, 18K)

Gran Autismo 2

Attached: 6765766565.png (913x1062, 694K)

objectively true, they are designed for fucking pussies



Attached: 1544030811108.jpg (548x768, 86K)

Attached: kanna go.webm (1920x1080, 2.86M)

Attached: typical american.jpg (1024x862, 190K)

Unity version of mario 64

Attached: 05ea0ae5229c982551b8a51a7e468cb1.jpg (856x510, 60K)

Attached: 20190407_185110.jpg (4032x1960, 2.27M)

Attached: 1554070327980.jpg (236x315, 8K)


Attached: 7676657665.jpg (500x500, 209K)

>TFW no giantess gf



Attached: 1560466548454.png (1272x1976, 1.21M)

Attached: THREE POINT SIX.jpg (680x634, 78K)


Attached: 675464545674567.jpg (433x381, 31K)

Attached: gamerpup.webm (206x400, 2.79M)

Attached: 1562439617072.jpg (557x471, 67K)

Attached: 1559236020474.png (3200x2000, 522K)

SWAT 4 w/ stetchkov syndicate mod

Megaman x

Attached: 1536292511070.jpg (469x469, 29K)