>nah bro fighting games are high IQ
Nah bro fighting games are high IQ
>people like this have children
based consumerism
>having children
>having a wife
She should have left him immediately.
i express my rage through interpretive dance
if you classified genres based on how retards respond to them then every game on earth would be low iq
fighting games are high test and only true alpha males play them
alas, alpha males tend to be aggressive due to their high test. there is literally NOTHING wrong with thrashing your room
Not sure why you are trying to say here.
fuck I meant what
if you cant handle a gamer at his worst then you dont deserve him at his best
lmao git gud
posting this again?
How sperg can a man be?
Reminder to not play online if there's lag, take breaks and online fighting games in general are awful no matter which one it is
Why are Sony players so autistic?
Why is Tekken the only game where people think you can lose 6 times in a row to someone "worse" than you.
I can't wait to still be on this fucking website when the kids grow up and post this shit in Yea Forums stories.
Any pictures of this guy?
the FGC in general is actually a psyop. it's basically a containment method to funnel the bizarre and idiotic energy of these retards into something, otherwise they would turn their idiot devices on the general population. thank God for video games.
>naming your dog optimus prime
That happens in practically every game. Just in fighting games in particular you have no one else to blame but yourself or make up excuses as to why your opponent who was "worse" won.
>Caring about ranks in fighting games
Those kind of players are the worst and you can't prove me wrong
If that person had high IQ he wouldn't have flipped out. Clearly fighting games are not suitable genre for him.
>fighting games are high test and only true alpha males play them
The fgc is NOT filled with alpha males, this is a giant meme. Most are scrawny aspie nerds. Lots of gay people.
>this is the purest definition of manchild
Why the fuck do some people destroy their own shit when they get mad?
No matter how mad I get the thought of breaking my shit never occurs to me. I like my shit.
>nah bro fighting games are high IQ
You posted someone who literally can't into fighting games acting low IQ as if it disproves that statement.
This is evidence of the validity of said statement
You are also low IQ
what the fuck is wrong with this guy?
Someone needs to give him an ass kicking.
because people keep enabling him, if they would just call out his shit things might be different
The feeling you get when you watch as your rank slides into the shitter over the course of a few hours is a terrible feeling. I’ve felt like coming close to doing what he did a few times before. You just gotta learn when to cut your losses and take a break.
I've never broken anything, punched a wall or anything like that. The most I've said is "fuck" but I've never been angry at any game, more frustrated due to fucking up.
High test doesn't make you trash your room, being a pathetic manchild does
He's the problem, not games.
>Prefers a fucking game over his wife and children.
Lmao, what s worthless human.
Why? It's a female so she already fucks 3 other dudes behind his back and as long as he brings in the beta bux she has no reason to leave.
Why are people posting this thing from 5 years ago now?
The girl on right looks like a nice lass to be around.
You know the guy who did the experiment with "alphas" and "betas" admitted that it was false, right?
>having high test means you can act like a monkey it's not like we evolved to become able to control our feelings
Why would you care about losing rank in a fightan gayme
I can understand blowing your lid in ASSFAGGOTS because it's so team-dependent but in fightan you know you've just fucked up somewhere or you're not at that level so who cares
trashing your room is what hormonal teenage girls do when their parents ground them.
THIS GUY HAS A MANCAVE BASEMENT, e.g. his wife is the queen of the house but she allowed him his little kiddie play room where he can play his gay shit all day long without bothering her
My wife died but fuck Tekken and fuck Katarina.
>t. socially retarded
men don't trash their houses because they lost in electronic entertainment.
This. Know when you're fatiguing. Sometimes it's better to quit after a few losses and come back fresh than dig a hole so deep it will take weeks to climb out of.
what happened to the guy ? lost custody an now is a tranny ?
This is fucking sad.
Your actual skill is variable and goes up or down with things like tiredness, hunger, hydration, caffeine levels, fatigue. You might be playing great one day, then the next play poorly at the same level. Yes, you probably have a floor, but most people wouldn't call their floor their level.
Have sex incel
This must be the biggest meme to ever have existed.
You do know that testosterone is linked to emotional control and restraint, right.
People only look into things as far as it serves their narratives. There's no such thing as an informed individual.
Yea Forums incarnate
also happens in starcraft, quake, etc.
So i was never really into tekken and it's ranking system never really made much sense to me so i might be a little wrong here.
But isn't Juggernaut a pretty trash tier based on picrelated?
Only shitters get mad and break shit
So it's the equivalent of being upset you got bumped out of silver league back into bronze
This was probably during season 1 but still the guy is a fucking nut, some people stay incels even after having kids.
There's a denominator of dumbasses per every genre, and dragging everybody down to their level just because said dumbasses exist is an unfair strawman.
True alpha males don't lose, so they're not put in this situation.
This guy has serious mental issues and needs professional help
>wife has to treat you like one of her children
why is Yea Forums so shit at fighting games
absolutely based
What is a gamer's best?
well whatever the fuck is above vanguard you fucking casul!
Emotionally neutered autismos are the best fighting game players, emotions like rage and vanity simply get in the way of success in that field
How could you get this mad at something so silly? It's literally just a game.
He already got his ass kicked in Tekken though.
Bumpity boo?
people with high iq's are often disorganized
If they keep doing a punishable hopkick then punish them for doing it jfc
I understood that reference fellow gamer. Bottom text
>t. Retard that cant read.
I'm sure I know how it's MEANT to be read, but reading it purely on how an English speaker normally would, this guide is telling me that if I lose to someone 3 ranks above me, I lose more standing than I would if I lost to someone 3 ranks beneath me.
That's actually high estrogen that makes you sperg out like that. Little Debbie cakes doritos and mountain dew is full of estrogen producing chemicals so it makes sense.
I have spent thousands of dollars at this point collecting Transformers and even I would never do this. What a fucking stupid thing to name a dog.
Here's how to decide if you are choosing a good dog name. Do you sound like an absolute retard when calling that name to get their attention? If yes, then it is a fucking stupid name and you should pick something else.
Have kids
>team ouch
i would, but my gf/fiance that i've been with for 5+ years just left me lol
what fucking happened to him. i need to KNOW
there are different types of intelligence, the fact that fighters are high IQ doesn't mean that the people playing it have skills to deal with their own shitty selves
dont be a child and think before posting
>high IQ
>destroys all his shit when he loses a game
Go to hell normalfag.
I kinda want to play a fighting game. Never played any besides a couple game of Smash 15 years ago and some arcade games. What's a fun PC fighting game with an active community ?
none lol.
He probably necked when he saw a vagina for the first time
uncontrollable rage fits are literally so beta they turn you into a gama male over time.
all school shooters have this syndrom in some form. ofc there is also anabolica rage but these guys are awlays manlets/ugly and have a small dick on top of it. yikes.
1 person=all people
wow retard
the progression curve is pretty extreme when it comes to tekken. most players are below usurper.
This is a society not at war, where being a man is shamed. That rage is going to come out eventually...no matter how hard women and feminism try to quell it a mans rage will eventually come out.
this is the type of person who loses his shit and beats his wife, kids, and the dog.
she should leave his ass before he kills them or atleast causes mental scaring that will fuck up the kids for life. being a huge burdon on society, you know with the prison time and welfare.
me on the left
If I'm reading that progression system correctly, wouldnt a .500 winrate over time just push players up to purple?
Despite the thread topic, Tekken is still active and an easy recommendation. Also SFV, but I genuinely would not recommend it, as a long time SF fan I think you could get more out of lurking the online communities for some older Capcom games played on Fightcade. Same for Guilty Gear Xrd if you don't mind Discord as your primary matchmaking option. For just normal rando ranked activity your best bet is SFV and Tekken.
>Team Ouch!
>getting mad over vidya
>breaking your own shit when mad
I will never understand
>dude is a complete retard manchild
>still somehow projects it so that the woman is in the wrong
This guy clearly know there's something horribly wrong here or else he wouldn't be posting it, I don't understand how he hasn't thrown his PS4 and Tekken in the garbage and immediately sought mental help.
He unironically says that losing in a fucking video game, casual matches with people he didn't even know, was worse than ENDANGERING HIS CHILDREN AND HAVING TO SPEND LIKELY THOUSANDS ON CAR REPAIRS.
I can see why the family would continue enabling him since that's par for the course but how this guy seems to gloss over things that make him look like a deranged psycho is insane.
just because it's false doesn't mean it's not true
It's called having high T
You have low testosterone. Count it as a blessing in this case, my T-fueled game rage has cost me 3 xbone controllers in the past.
>Posts Low IQ man who couldn't adapt to high IQ strats
If you had High-T you wouldn't break your shit, but fuck your GF/wife till she can't walk and have another kid in ~9 months.
Spoken like someone with low T
I don't know why people think outright stupidity is high t. Letting your emotions dictate what you do to your detriment is feminine as fuck
spoken like someone who drinks onions
Yes it would, but you're considering a net growth after an average timelapse. The average timelapse for that net growth could take a considerable amount of time (less than +350pts average). It could take so much time to the point where player skill and average winrate might actually increase faster than the expected average, and the player would "rubberband" out of the rank bracket.
This happens in net gain Elo rank systems, and intermediate to high-level players will plateau at the spot they can maintain with the most negative winrate. Going off of this theory, the sperg in OP was actually subject to this rank inflation, and probably found himself in a rank much higher than his actual skill level.
That's not to say the ranking system is flawed, but it does expose some of the downsides of employing an "average wins" judgement. The flipside would be employing a pure Elo ranking system that may more accurately judge players, but would be subject to more "random" upsets that could produce just as many, if not worse feeling upsets at losing to "unreactable" or "rng" elements (Elo Hell). Tekken's system actually has explicit protection against this, treating ranking difference as an always net positive Elo factor, in the loser's favor. I can't say its flawless but its a worthwhile approach.
You don't understand what raging like this is like, you can control yourself but breaking a 60 dollar controller or keyboard is nothing and worth it for the relief you get.
this guy is an idiot
Tekken 7 was my first ever fighting game, and I made it to the yellow ranks.
So yes, it's garbage.
This would only happen if the dork cares about rank. Same with Overwatch players.
Berate me if you feel necessary, but I don’t play online anymore because of shit like this. I sought out therapy due to rage issues from the past and I’m a lot better, but I don’t touch multiplayer anymore. You can say whatever you want, but once that rage would hit me, I couldn’t control myself. I never want to go back to that
Spotted the beta male
Finally, a chad vs virgin that understands.
high-test alpha males can accept losing at a video game without throwing a temper tantrum.
Who the fuck said fighting games are high IQ?
High test alpha males dont play video games and they sure as shit dont make "high test alpha male" posts on anime image boards.
Social hierarchy still exists so what does your post change?
sometimes i ask myself how people like this have relationships then i just remember how fucking fat they must both be
>It's called having high T
>You have low testosterone
having high testosterone =/= acting like a nigger and chimping out
>being incapable of self control is alpha
Found the incel.
Ok, jamarqiuis. More like high melanin.
How do people like this have wives
>Begin at 3000 points
For gamer better or for gamer worse
You'd be amazed what women will put up with.
There's ranks lower than brawler, brainlet.
>everything has a purpose
>tfw a literal nigger has more testosterone than you
Cope, low T söykid.
I accept your concession.
Everyone knows fighting games are for niggers. Only niggers who play fighting games say otherwise.
High tism?
This picture is like 4 years fucking old, stop posting it 3 times day jesus christ
or maybe he feels some sorts of sick pride over his outrage, like how people brag about how little sleep they got last night, this dude is like "look at all this damage I caused, aren't I crazy?"
You mean EX gf / Fiance bro, start getting used to saying it. sorry my dude
>giving into your emotions and having a fit over nothing instead of being logical and controlling yourself
Stop acting like a woman.
What do you lads actually do when your angry?
I call whatever made me mad a retard/spastic/nigger, then I make tea and drink it listening to music and petting my dog.
The only thing that makes me mad is playing competitive online games, I'm usually really difficult to piss off but that shit amkes my blood boil, especially when I make a retarded maistake that I knew I could've avoided if I thought about it for more than two seconds
I rarely get mad at games, the few times I do I might talk at the screen in my thick Brooklyn accent and if the game kicks my ass for awhile I'll just turn it off and come back later.
It's only when I feel like the game is bullshiting me that I get mad, and usually it just means I haven't figured out the right strategy yet, so I try to keep things in perspective.