That one game you loved is dead forever

>that one game you loved is dead forever

What's her name, Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Ragnarok Odyssey ACE. Sucks even more than its not on PC.

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50 cent: Bulletproof

Reddit is still BTFO to this day.


>that one girl you loved is dead forever

proper sequel never ever

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not sure how alive the multiplayer is these days but I know that inbetween the back-to-back financial failures and how much more profitable apex is, that the series is in the ground and will be bastardized to hell if another one ever comes.

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Titanfall 2 still has a small but dedicated player base. Can always get games still.

i wish you could still buy it

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MAG and Dust514.

>Dust 514

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game is alive you faggot just hop on and play

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>CCP despite Killing Dust made a even worse version of a game that looks even more awful and ugly with garbage modes with Project Nova
>On a fucking PC Exclusive no less
Fuck CCP

I think I only played a bit of Tribes Ascend, because I sucked at it, but I do miss how Yea Forums was around the time it was popular.




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I miss tribes so goddamn much

>Hype up Project Leigion
>kill it off
>Show an even worse looking Dust Successor that doesn’t even have anything good from the previous visions

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>make an FPS component of a PC MMO
>make it console exclusive
>made it PS3 exclusive too

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ExTeel. Best Gundam-esq arena shooter ever

Gore Ultimate Soldier :(


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D series

(the director died too young)

singleplayer games cant die, retard.

God this game was so damn fun.

Elf katana was so fun

I just want a hd remake bros...

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but we won't get more like them. You don't know how bad that feels


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Also that GitS fps

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Gmod cinema

I'll always keep little spark of hope Cauldron will make a proper sequel

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Black and White

There will never be a new one ;_;

>P Nova won’t allow The Blueprint system to come back

>Put a F2P FPS on a console who’s days were running short
>instead of just porting it to PS4 and PC
I’m glad CCP is going to shit

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r-remember gunz?

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yeah, it was shit

>you will never sit around making your own maps and playing others in halo 3 again
It hurts so much

>Dust 514

Dark cloud series

>mfw no more Tabula Rasa
shit was dope

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i remember my wrists hurting


>Valve will never make a TF3, a L4D3 or a HL3
>probably won't even make a Dota 3
Valve really hates the number 3.

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The worst thing about that is you can't even just dick around with the guns/bots offline.
fuck why does gits only have like 3 games

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I still watch the Shazbowl every once in a while, it's peak Yea Forums

I just want my daily treasure hunts bros...

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Not only this, they'll also never make a third Day of Defeat game.

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It'll eventually be on PC in the MCC though user,although it seems like they're taking their sweet goddamn time with it all.

They don't want to repeat the first MCC release where the game was literally unplayably broken for like a year after release

I'm still mad when they had that big update which removed bleeding/patching yourself

Chrome hounds

twas the bestest game ever

so much soul it had

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It was such a good come back. Now it's nothing.

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The game is dead now too. Long live DoD: Source, you were better than CS:S.

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>like a year
at least 3. The MCC only started getting fixed when microsoft realized 5 wasn't going to save their golden goose.

How as DoD? I think it's the only source game I never played.

dod:s was pretty great but it just didn't have the charm old dod had
kind of like ns and ns2

Maybe if they didn't fuck the game over with the arena rework. Should of just left the game the way it was.

It's been dead for years.

One game above all.

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Chromehounds: the thread

Pretty good. I don't know if it's dead dead but you'll certainly be playing against hard boiled autists and you'll see the same names a lot at this point.

The game is fun, it reminds me of Wolfenstein: ET a bit

Red Orchestra: Ostfront 1941-1945. Memories of The Wild Bunch server still live within me. I enjoy Hell Let Loose now, the tank controls remind me of RO. I just hope along development weapons aren't hitscans anymore. Currently only cannon shells and sniper rifles aren't hitscan.

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I know there's Drift City Japan, but I don't speak Japanese, so not being able to chat with others just makes it an entirely different game for me

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That game is about as autistic as CS when it comes to recoil, and for that I always hated it. Good riddance.

>update reduces population by 2/3

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mag 2 when

pass the whiskey

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>No sequel
>No GFWL de-coupling
>Not even a remaster

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Hawken is coming back later this year.

And what happened to it?

>tfw it was fucking amazing but my buddy decided this was the only time he didn't like over the top action and fun
I will never understand. LP2 was so far up his alley and yet he hated every second we played.

Black Ops 2 has been fucked by hackers.

"Upgraded" into a new soulless cringey version.
There are 2 or 3 latino-american servers that stayed in the old version but it was not accessible outside of latin america, plus no people other than latin americans so quite sad.

Can you explain what's wrong with it without using buzzwords? I was thinking about trying it out since Wakfu is on life support.

OH it hurts. Fuck you, Chris Roberts.

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bro i had a level 199 agi panda and it was fucking crazy, this is one of the BEST games ever made holy shit

also by who?


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Well, the Dofus pictured was 1.29 if I remember correctly, and the devs forced an update of the game to the community.
The graphics changed from a quite "abstract" and refined look to a cartoony one.
Sure, they added lots of content (new dungeons, quests, pvp systems and so on), but they didn't have to change the aesthetics in order to do that.
They also added stuff that ruined aspects of the game (buying with real money a currency usable for subscribing your account, leading to a kind of "P2W" system and to the massification of people playing a whole team by themselves, modifications of the crafts leading to an economy that is impossible to be part of when you don't have 10 accounts farming, because it uses only uses 1% of the IG resources) etc

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She's not dead, just turned into a Pez dispenser.

Btw if you want to play it, just go to one of the remaining 1.29 server.
The economy is far more stable, the content is not as rich as the newer version, sure, but the game is better that way imho.

>single player game
What? How do you kill a single player game?

I'm not even sure what they can do to make it profitable. Battlerite seemed nearly perfect to me and people still didn't play it.

I wish I played this when Yea Forums wouldn't shut the fuck up about it. I want something that's the exact opposite of PUBG at this point.

Halo reach

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It's dead because everyone went the retarded easy mode with tab targeting and new gear every 3 months.

Long gone are the days when a poor novice could make mad dosh by selling card droped by novice monsters.

Long gone are the days when that +7 Coat with a Peco Peco or a +9 Buckler with a Thara Frog Card would work for years and years.

When one could pick areas of the game not base on best XP but also best jXP and loot droped.

Long gone is the freedom to accidentally walk into an area were you're raped in seconds.

Long gone are the cute and very visible emotions of characters replaced by cold 3D emotes that blend in with the background and you play zoomed out all the time.

It's all over. Over because nobody has time anymore, nobody cares and must get to endgame raid fags ruined every MMO ever.

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I'm so old I had 2 fucking friends die that I played BF2 with... I had a stroke and died the other hit by a drunk driver on his way home on a bicycle...

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no other game made large scale multiplayer work as well

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I wish I got to play all those cool, unique, quirky, or etc MMOs
Still forever sad SWG is dead

>he doesn't know

>I had a stroke and died

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because instead of making capture the flag or fun gamemodes they focused only on fucking with the core mechanics

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hawken sucked and I was good at it too

Anarchy Reigns

Still no PC port

It hurts bros

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Maybe I did while writing I meant to write

>one had a stroke

That was surprisingly fun. Sadly I don't think it would ever work on PC without the horrible gimped controls.

im still assblasted about renewal years and years later also lmao that their attempted wow clone sequel died before the original

Devs abandon making games for a series with unresolved plot points

Never again will we experience what made this MMO great.

Bros, reccomend me some private servers for other MMOs like this. I've been recently playing S4MAX and it pretty gud.
But this? Why did this have to die? It's still up, owned by Grey Havens, but they'll bankrupt sooner or later, they can't keep going forever... Fuck. I just wanted to play something nice.

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Prototype 3 starring Pariah when

and making a BR


I think it would work ok if they made the maps a little bigger and some other balance changes to account for pc play

Planetside 2 gets dangerously close sometimes but it always falls down because every base attack just boils down to a clusterfuck over a few points. They need to have stages of the assault more than the barebones stuff on a couple of the bigger bases, or even lift some of the different objectives from MAG and put them as side objectives like steal the enemy vehicle, and it could be truly great.

You can still try it out, but it's slow and hitscan and sucks now.

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battlefield 2

That and min-maxing faggots and guide-whores.

I actually have no idea if this game is dead but since you needed a novalogic account to play I'm assuming it is

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are you saying the series died after that entry?

Arma 2.

fyi novalogic was bought recently by THQ Nordic

Shinobi. The 3DS game was passable but both PS2 games shit on it from atmospheric heights. Don't even get me started on the Genesis/Arcade games and how fucking good they are.
God damn SEGA.

The new F2P thing is not the same.

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That's not Tribes 2
That's not FFXI
That's not Virtua Fighter
That's not PSO
That's not Gunbound
That's not Diablo
That's not Simcity

Diablo 2

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It was a lot of fun while it lasted

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I only played AC for the multiplayer after this one. High skill ceiling and just really fucking fun. me and my bros got top 100 on the leaderboards at some point

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i honestly hated this game but my bro loved it so i suffered playing it for like a year.


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Yeah it definitely wasn't for everyone

Valkyrie Sky Online


White Knight Chronicle 2 was pretty grindy online but mostly fun with friends. I played the shit out of it.

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Persona series after 4