Yoshi's Crafted World

>Yoshi's Crafted World
>Mario Maker 2
>Fire Emblem: Three Houses
>Astral Chain
>Ex Machina
>Pokémon Sword and Shield
>Link's Awakening Remake
>Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: Black Order
Luigi's Mansion 3

All in 2019 alone, can it get any better?

Attached: 1563471432076m.jpg (1024x731, 145K)

>LM3 is the best of the list
I think I'll just stick to waiting for Smash DLC

Nitendo does have a very good output of games compared to Sony/Microsoft.

2021 will have BOTW 2, Metroid Prime 4 and Bayonetta 3

>Yoshi's Crafted World
>Pokémon Sword and Shield
>Link's Awakening Remake
All of these look terrible though

on your freshly printed nintendo switch prolite

They made a vidya adaption of Ex Machina?

Attached: 41K-B+P+9BL.jpg (337x500, 25K)

>it doesn't count if I say it doesn't!

Attached: b93.png (800x820, 267K)

the real question is if gameboy spin-offs will continue to be remastered after Link's Awakening...gameboy nintendo was so different (and better) than traditional nintendo

Pretty good, but where the fuck is SMTV? At least i forgive Platinum because Astral Chain, but Atlus is just being retarded as always

>Yoshi's Wooly World but somehow even worse with a forgettable OST
>e-celeb Maker 2
>the worst looking Fire Emblem yet since Shadow Dragon
>actually good game
>25FPS Machina
>Pokemon: Now with less Pokemon than ever!
>$60 for a 1:1 version of a GB game because it looks like a diorama now
>literally who gives a fuck
>an alright game
It's a fucking shame when I have to look forward to indies this year than any AAA developer.

>yoshis shitty world
>nu pokemon
fix that image and replace them or be the laughing stock of Yea Forums

maybe find another hobby if you're this pessimistic

Hey i you want to buy the newest turn made by Masuda by all means do it but dont treat your bad taste as word of law

You seem to forget which board you're on.

yeah they need to release the upgrade switch

>>Yoshi's Crafted World
>>Mario Maker 2
More of the same
>>Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Doesn't look that good
>>Astral Chain
>>Ex Machina
>>Pokémon Sword and Shield
>>Link's Awakening Remake
Soulless Remake
>>Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: Black Order
>Luigi's Mansion 3
>All in 2019 alone, can it get any better?
No, but it can't get any worse

basically the 4DS, our lord and savior of portable gaming

It's demon ex machina, not sure why he shortened it


Damn. Guess we'll have to wait for robo-sex vr.

Look at all those irrelevant opinions

>>Mario Maker 2
>More of the same
On a console people actually bought, to be fair.

You forgot some. Here's a better list
>Dragon: Marked For Death
>Yoshi's Crafted World
>Pokémon Sword & Shield
>Fire Emblem Three Houses
>Luigi's Mansion 3
>Daemon X Machina
>New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe
>Yokai Watch 4
>Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
>Super Mario Maker 2
>The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
>Dragon Quest 11 S
>Astral Chain
>Box Boy! + Boy Girl!
>Tetris 99
>Rune Factory 4 Special
>Cadence of Hyrule

And what's wrong with Yoshi and the LA remake?

>more of the same
>several different new themes, new features, enemies, modes, etc.
I don't get you people. Why do you want every sequel to be Sonic Team tier? Yeah, we should have Super Mario Maker and the Black Knight instead. It'll be a fucking trainwreck, but it's so different!

>Any sequel from Nintendo is a shameless rehash
>Any sequel from anyone else is fresh and new, Nintendo should make PS4 games
I've summed up every possible argument you may come across when discussing this topic, please save this for future reference.