Do you agree with Monster Hunter World's weapon balance?
Do you agree with Monster Hunter World's weapon balance?
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>Speed running autism
MH has always had shit balancing, say what you will about GU but at least that game had every weapon feel a tad viable unless you were a CB nigger
Like some fighting games tier lists generally don't matter, nor does this. It's whats viable and what you find fun to use.
Former is objectively true for every weapon, latter is all down to the person's tastes.
If the game was truly difficult then maybe you'll see a rift between weapons that matter, but MHW is not difficult albeit fun.
Is speedrunning the definition of insanity?
>weapon balance doesn't matter
okay homo
>lance in E tier
>It's whats viable
This is the whole point of a tier list you fucking idiot.
>what you find fun to use
And this is just you telling people 'yo just shut your brain off and play'.
Fuck yourself.
Switch Axe is the worst offender of shit design. Bad hit and run weapon relying on consistent damage that has actually nerfed tools for staying on target and has to compensate with evade extender and more iframes, if you want to competently step through roars. While LS gets counter parry slash you're stuck with some horrible movement options and vulnerability during attacks. It only feels good with evasion mantle at which point you're using a crutch. Don't forget zero sum discharge being too dangerous to use properly for most and still not protecting you from charge hitboxes of monster you're latching onto.
optimal GS play is abusing ledges?
Yeah. Aerial GS is really destructive.
Of course it's the god damned WII, that thing is fucking busted. I've watched two GS users stagger lock E.Behemoth before with that thing.
it pisses me off to no end when i get into a game, ask about what the meta is, and am then told that there is no meta and you should play what's fun(Clearly either a lie or a dumb person opinion)
HH that bad?
CB feels great in GU. Only shitters who just spammed AEDs in 4U complain about the changes.
Does it shock you that a bunch of autists don't have friends that they could support or said friends support them?
he means viable outside of speedrunning, you mook. Unless you are trying to go for competitive hunt times, all of the weapons feel just as viable. Tier lists exist for competitive environments, not casual play. In that respect, casual play is balanced well enough and weapon choice comes down to personal preference. Any weapon is viable for any hunt.
It's always been that way. HH is a dedicated multiplayer weapon.
Was that image for solo play? Who plays solo?
>Monster Hunter Speed Running
Yeah no
>game balanced around risk = reward
>complain when the riskier plays get the better rewards
That's complete nonsense. Casual play still selects for clear times because of deco farming or any type of farming. People naturally gravitate towards what they find effective.
Fuck Insect Glaive am i right?
I've never played a Monster Hunter game, but I can't possibly imagine using a bow being the "riskier" play.
because it isn't. Bow, CB and Longsword are among the safest weapons in the game.
Gonna disagree and say that CB, lance, gunlance, IG, LBG are the safest in terms of avoiding damadge
>people actually think this version of the GS is the best it has ever been
Jesus Christ, how did Capcom go so wrong after Freedom Unite (the peak of the franchise)?
yes because my favourite weapon is the bow
I main lance and deco farm with lance but it is not the fastest way, I just have fun doing it with lance. So there goes your argument turd.
I don't agree with World's existence. What a garbage game.
this is worse than headlocking
There is a very good reason I included LS.
Anyone else remember that scene in Spiderman 2 when Spiderman fucked up Arch Tempered Lunastra with a giant Cleaver?
Most casual players don't obsessively deco farm due to what a shitty system it is. They may take a few opportunities to try to get some better ones but casual players will try to spec their builds around what they have and can easily obtain. They'll stop at the armor/weapon because those are clear obtainable goals and when they slot decos, they'll work around what they have instead of put forth the effort to obtain what they need to fully optimize their build.
Again, this is casual play, not optimizing for efficiency.
You don't balance your game around people that don't give a shit about balance. If casual players don't deco farm then they don't care either way so you might as well just balance the game.
There is basically two ways to play monster hunter. You're either Turbo Autismo, the amazing speed runner in a clown suit, or you just want to hit big monsters with big weapons.
Both are equally valid play styles and anyone who says otherwise has the big stupid.
I think you missed the entire point I was trying to make and I'm not sure what exactly you're arguing. My argument is that for casual play, weapons are all balanced enough that every one of them is viable.
I'm not denying that tiers and balance dependencies exist but my point is that those only matter if you are going for peak efficiency.
Viability of weapons isn't singularly determined. It requires context. What is defining that viability? If you are looking at peak efficiency, then yes, there is a tier list and some weapons are better than others. If you are just looking to finish the game and casually play with friends, then all weapons are viable as all of them are very capable of getting the job done.
Believe it or not, most players of MonHun don't play for competitive clear times, just like how most players of fighting games won't ever play on a competitive level. To the majority of the playerbase, tiers don't matter because they play at different skill levels and aren't doing things competitively. Tiers only matter in a competitive setting between equally skilled players.
I'm not saying that things can't be BETTER balanced but for a game like MonHun, they have at least balanced things enough to the point where any capable player can use any weapon they wish and clear a hunt without some drastic struggle.
bud, IG does garbage damage unless you take the risk of standing in front of the monster doing your infinite, otherwise you're just a mounting machine.
LS can parry its way out of almost any and all trouble it gets into. Once you know a monster's moveset LS is among some of the safest weapons in the game.
No, weapon balance implies just that: balance
Ideally there should be no discerning the tiers
>Most casual entry in the series where weapon choice matters the least
>More talk about which weapon is "the best" and optimal builds than any other game in the series
I only enjoy melee so no.
That said, if bows weren't objectively better for combat they would never have been used so maybe it's my own fault.
>I think you missed the entire point I was trying to make and I'm not sure what exactly you're arguing. My argument is that for casual play, weapons are all balanced enough that every one of them is viable.
Viability doesn't suggest balance. These are not intrinsically connected concepts. An extreme example of this would be a weapon that consistently requires 90% of the allotted time-frame to finish hunts. Technically viable, effectively unbalanced.
>I'm not denying that tiers and balance dependencies exist but my point is that those only matter if you are going for peak efficiency.
I disagree, the consideration you haven't mentioned is the psychology of weapon selection. People naturally gravitate towards the most effective playstyle and if some are clearly better than others it narrows people's choices. Good balance encourages weapon switching and makes these playstyles more represented in multiplayer instead of having the same two weapon types dominate the majority of hunts.
>Believe it or not, most players of MonHun don't play for competitive clear times, just like how most players of fighting games won't ever play on a competitive level. To the majority of the playerbase, tiers don't matter because they play at different skill levels and aren't doing things competitively. Tiers only matter in a competitive setting between equally skilled players.
That doesn't matter. The game should be balanced regardless of what casuals care about. If they don't care about weapon tiers that's fine.
>I'm not saying that things can't be BETTER balanced but for a game like MonHun, they have at least balanced things enough to the point where any capable player can use any weapon they wish and clear a hunt without some drastic struggle.
They could add a toothpick that deals 5 damage per hit and you would still be able to clear hunts with it. That makes it viable but not balanced.
Gets real bad when you're just asking general "how do I play this game?" and they say "do whatever you like!"
The solution is to jump into a party and confidently do the wrong thing until someone gets mad and demands you play correctly.
They need to rework HH so that people can actually play them without being a complete liability in tempered or higher quests
No, they keep doing speedruns and do see differences in the form of faster times.
Speedrunning is the definition of retardation.
>And this is just you telling people 'yo just shut your brain off and play'.
I guess blindly following a tier and/or build list makes you use your brain more huh?
How does this only apply to World? In GU it's the same thing with valor heavy with pierce bowgun being leaps and bounds better than every other weapon for kill times.
please listen to this user
Classic Raimi
speedrunners have been a thing in all MH games and none of the games ever had decent weapon balance with regards to clear times.
>MHfags constantly bitch about muh casuals and how Generations/World made everything so easy
>Skilled player gets a good clear time
There are 2 sides:
2. Everyone else (shitters).
how about you sit down and have a muffit of tea
>Hunting Whistle
The peak is 4U, but I have high hopes for Iceborne.
I've never understood MHW bows. Always seemed to get way better results with IG and even HBG, plus the infinite combo in IG is fun as fuck.
Our time is soon, less than 2 months away capcom please don't nerf the MV changes and echo waves from the beta
>not just playing whats fun to you
I find it more enjoyable to walk around a monster in circles and then bonking them on the head once with hunting horn than I do speed autism
but maybe its just that I enjoy bullying
That General play list is just a popularity list. Lesser people actually learn how to use other weapons so they tend to fucking look down on them. HH and bow are the only two weapons with massive differences though the HH balances in multiplayer. The bow is the only stupidly imbalanced weapon with very high consistency and very high damage.
Source: I'm better than all of you on every weapon so fuck off.
I like gunlance because it makes big boom