Oh shi-
Oh shi-
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the shit i put up with to finally meet my waifu
I'm ready for ascension.
shit is about to get real
I didn't pick Elon as a Helious ending kind of guy.
Bit of a shill for Musk but he explains what they're trying to do pretty well.
God I fucking hate Gaylon Cuck and his swarm of rabid muskrats suckling his balls 24/7
Musk can't be trusted with something as simple as a car without combusting
Dark Age of Technology soon
Emprah when
>crazy rich man says some stupid shit in front of a bunch of mics & cameras
>bunch of young retards take his word as gospel
>he’s elevated to visionary status for this
When’s Elon gonna make like Jobs & bite cancer?
>Mr Goldberg gives you virtual waifu
>Threatens to rape her / delete her / change her beyond recognition etc if you don't do as told
Well done slave man.
Of all the images that they could use, they chose fucking mass effect.
Jesus christ.
So the end has finally arrived.
Is there anything this man can't do?
>A roommate for your brain
Is he a hero of some kind? One of those chosen ones I've heard so much about
reminder elon musk played deus ex
>elon musk
overrated hack
>roommate for your brain
It's legit the only thing that can ensure our survival. A symbiotic relationship won't suffice, we need to be one otherwise one will destroy the other either directly or indirectly.
t. pedophile
>Draw deus ex on wojak
>"Definitely going to happen" Deranged man who can't sell electric cars.
We don't have AI yet. We have a mix of Akinator (Advanced expert systems, but ultimately still a fucking flowchart) and turbo autists who need to look at 10,000 pictures of a cat to produce 50% artificial cats 50% abominations.
If humans ever develop a genuine turing-foiling AI what makes you think we would want to live in a human skull anyway. What would even be the point? There's nothing anyone gains in this arrangement except a headache.
This. Musk is the Kojima of tech.
ur dum
Ignore him. /pol/ has recently uncovered that most if not all anti-elon poster in twitter are pedos or was funded by one. I forgot the exact details.
I wouldn't be surprised if all pro-elon posters were pedos, too.
Everyone with money seems to be a pedo
Wow, another project of his that will get nowhere
>Elon Musk
I sleep
>walking down the street, utilizing advanced nasal analyzation to detect ovulating females
>ocular enhancements zero in on QT (ass firmness = .87) hanging off the emaciated arm of a fleshbag puritan
>hormone regulation system stimulates production of testosterone and release of androstadienone into sweat
>facial recognition software detects attraction as I zero in
>"Hey baby, this your brother?"
>The fleshbag visibly reddens and opens his mouth
>the girl responds first, "Oh, we're just friends. How are you?"
>Personality traits logged: submissive, outgoing, adventurous
>Invite her back to my residence cube for an intensive AR experience
>as she heads off with me, notice the faint disturbance of electricity as the defeated meatling jots out a message on his Linux Glass to Self-Improvement General, once again complaining about how shallow women choose slaves to corporate augmentation over him
He tried to warn us
I thought there was nothing wrong with being attracted to young girls????
Will it run Skyrim tho?
But seriously, this could become the best way to experience mmo
>Implying the Chad wouldn't just be naturally superior regardless, without the need of implants
I'm a pedo and I'm poor. Checkmate
can't invisible war get a break?!
still mad
He'll do it with the help of Todd Howard and they will finally turn humans into Oblivion npcs.
>Elon Musk
Ill wait for a more stable person to advance the tech, though i hope the same people that got his car get this as well.
>He'll do it
>He'll (Elon Musk) do (something)
>We don't have AI yet.
We never will have AI, we'll only ever have parlor tricks. The only thing that amazes me is that people, lots of people, get PhDs in computer science, and still believe in AI.
Pedo level is kids below puberty age. You might be thinking of hebeshit.
>ultimately still a fucking flowchart
We might want to prove that humans are not fucking flowcharts before we start spending money on AI.
he's stable just smokes a lot of weed
Well, you have to decide how you feel about the question--would it be possible to make a flowchart for designing all possible flowcharts (including the flowchart that generates all possible flowcharts)?
Elon Musk is absolutely fucking based and redpilled.
He sees beyond the bias and pretence and is able to see the true root of the cancer that is killing humanity: Humanity.
The problem isn't technology, the economy or the political climate; it's us. Human beings need to start to evolve beyond our own limitations, we are the bottleneck, once humans gets smarter we will finally start getting shit done properly. The world is filled with stupid people, and even the smartest of us aren't smart enough to change things on their own.
Elon Musk will end world hunger and disease, he will make anime real.
We're going home boys.
Something somehow managed to build the human brain out of proteins and stuff, even if it took fucking forever
We can do the same with silicon and wires, eventually (unless we kill ourselves first)
Google Assistant Neuralink Edition (tm) has detected racial bias. Disabling access to bladder functions for 48 hours. This action cannot be appealed.
Epic and based post.
+1 upvote
Is this what Chris Chan was talking about?
based and helios-jc-pilled
This is what I was made for, isn't it? This is why I exist? All right, let's do this.
cant wait to taze people and fry their brains. fucking roboshitters are in for a rude awakening
day of the wire
>uses superior robointelligence to kill you before you get a chance
pfft nothing personnel normie
Can I volunteer or something? Totally cool with them frying my brain on accident.
>pulls the plug
Not so smart now, tin can?
>literally every piece of technology gets turned into equipment used to spy on everything you do
>think this will be any different
He's also doing Grimes
Fucking bastard
Elon Musk is a hack.
wtf we haven't even invented true AI yet, what does this guy smoke?
What if....what if WE become the AI?
Might as well just create human beings on a test tube. Or a new species.
Grimes is weird. She isn't "lmao so quirky" like other girls, she seems legitimately off her rocker. I wouldn't want to be in the same room as her.
will it run doom?
Strategy my boy. Oh yes.
Why is an electric car so special again? People don't like electric cars anyway, they just don't feel as good.
>we cant create the perfect AI so humans download themselves into machines to be more efficient but this becomes so normal that even Machine Humans have to have jobs, becoming the work force of "ai"'s available for normal humans to use in their machines
>a new class struggle begins where the ultra rich real humans control and use the "AI" Humans as their slave workforce for the benefit of the rich
Would there have been another, less painful way to make this work? It seems so useful.
Does that mean I don't get the job?
if only
electric cars will be the main transport in 10-15 years, 100% it will just be superior in every way and will phase into our life, regardless if people enjoy normal cars more. Then it will become the norm.
>Why is an electric car so special again?
Because they're superior, and also more efficient.
>People don't like electric cars anyway, they just don't feel as good.
They feel better though. Electric cars have superior handling and performance. The torque of a quality electric motor is fucking incredible.
>we would want to live in a human skull anyway.
I don't think "uploading your consciousness" will help in liberating you from your skull, Mr. big blob of neurons.
>electric cars will be the main transport in 10-15 years
They said the same shit back in the 90's. Electric cars are fucking garbage and not manly at all.
Like fuck it will be. Maybe for people who live in warm cities but I live in rural Canada. An electric car will fucking kill me.
You're gonna burn allright.
>"uploading your consciousness" will help in liberating you from your skull
Not that user but by definition it'd liberate you from your skull. The most "basic" way is a virtual machine that runs a simulation of every single neuron and all its connections. That'd require a huge amount of computer power though, the most advanced neural simulation I know of know is for a slug brain. And while running slower then real time isn't entirely worthless it's probably not what most people have IN MIND.
Shit taste in cars. I don't want to drive a boring soundless machine without transmission.
I though Elon despises AI? Why is he trying to merge with it now? Seems like a complete 180 degree switch
He got overtaken by an AI in an experiment, it's why he called that diver a pedophile, the AI didn't quite understand human mannerism at the time, also explains why the weed didn't affect him during JRE
>They said the same shit back in the 90's.
Not "they" didn't. They barely even had initial lithium ion back in the 90s let alone any more advanced chemistries or subsequent polymerization and anode improvements.
>Like fuck it will be. Maybe for people who live in warm cities but I live in rural Canada. An electric car will fucking kill me.
I live along the canadian border in NE and it gets plenty cold and snow-y. Nobody around here with a tesla has any real trouble, but they're not ready for replacing everything for sure. But in 10-15 years, with some good trucks? Yeah I can see it then.
he's a cool and hip bussinesman.
>he's literally trying to recreate helios
holy shit
>Shit taste in cars.
Imagine having taste as bad as you.
>I don't want to drive a boring soundless machine without transmission.
I'm sure they'll keep making stuff for your retarded shit taste niche for a good long time so long as you're willing to pay enough for the fuel.
Copy You will be liberated. You'll stay stuck inside.
Reminder that Elon is a Roko's Basilisk Brainlet.
Grow some balls and drive a real car for men
Elon is a retarded stoner and a hackfraud.
Will Elon head one of the ruling clans when the end happens? I think he has a really good shot. He has the potential. He'll definitely need a speaking man though, the Dude is a bit awkward
fuel is cheaper than having to manufacture and keep recharging those gay batteries btw
its one reason why also the cars with similar performance using fuel are cheaper than his shitty electric car
so keep paying for it
We don't know shit enough to be interfacing electronically with a human brain.
Look up "Elon Musk Hyperloop". The dude is a quack.
transhumanism is the dumbest shit.
>go beyond human potential with machines built by humans and able to be easily abused by powerful humans
>>think this will be any different
who are you quoting
>Copy You
Is you. There is no difference.
>You'll stay stuck inside.
Nope. Probably most people will just dispose of that copy to keep things sync'd and simpler though maybe initially it'd be good to ice it as an extra backup.
Electric cars are literally only good at acceleration, they handle like fucking tanks and can barely turn a corner.
>built by humans
>he doesn't know
Anons have learnt literally nothing from SOMA. They still delude themselves into thinking technology will save them from themselves.
the ultimate end of trans humanism is to create the literal perfect version of yourself and live in that for eternity, not just be a clicky clacky robot.
>the ultimate end of trans humanism is to create the literal perfect version of yourself and live in that for eternity
delusions of grandeur then
>fuel is cheaper than having to manufacture and keep recharging those gay batteries btw
It's literally not though. Not even right now, and it's not even close. And that's before you start to hit the tipping point of refinery usage. Refineries cost tens of billions of dollars, which works to a low cost per gallon if everyone is using fuel. As more people switch from gas that same fixed refinery capex and opex must be amortized across fewer people, which raises the cost/gallon, which further will drive down the number of people running ICE.
Get really tired of this pt Barnum wannabe
Laughing Man when?
but what about the problem of the 2nd law of thermodynamics
pol literally just invents everything they "uncover" and then claims conspiracies are why it's not widely reported
>transhumanism is the dumbest shit
No it's not.
>and able to be easily abused by powerful humans
What are you even bitching about? "Abused by powerful humans" is the state of the human condition for the entirety of history. If anything right now is the most individual empowerment our species has ever had.
>be so called perfect human
>get BTFO by a body of water since your GoodGoy robo-implants are shoddily made by Chink slaves
wow another one of Musk's fruitless ideas!
it's a cool idea with a few bad consequences in theory but there's no way in hell he's capable of succeeding if he really is about to do it.
>the ultimate end of trans humanism is to create the literal perfect version of yourself and live in that for eternity
Fuck no. I bet a lot of people will NOT want to live for a long time, assuming that's even allowed in general. However it would be nice to be guaranteed your 100-200 years with minimal to zero degradation. You'd have an end, but wouldn't have to worry about accidents or sickness or aging or whatever. A lot of medical costs and aging costs would vanish, which would be really good for everyone. Transhumanism can be a lot more modest and still be awesome.
Its a cry for more government gibs.
>No it's not.
Yes it fucking is. Humans can't even get plastic surgery right without making the subject look like a deformed reptile. You think suddenly we're all going to become ubermensch overnight or some shit?
It is you indeed. What matters is what your priorities are. Do you want to keep your psyche to continue your goals? Or do you want to live as an AI? Because YOU won't be doing the latter, only your copy.
All paid for by the U.S. government
that dumbfuck didn't play SOMA.
>Can't do
Can't make a car that doesn't just explode on its own.
To be fair, coding and software development are hardly sciences.
>Yes it fucking is.
No it's not. It's one of the most promising possibilities for continuing to maintain a quality life for humanity.
>Humans can't even get plastic surgery right
We can though.
>You think suddenly we're all going to become ubermensch overnight or some shit?
Uh, no?
>10-15 years
You better hope they can figure out how to get these things operating in rain.
Neither have I. It's common sense. Now that you mention it touches on this, though, I will play it.
Ted Kaczynski was fucking right all along.
>transhumanism is the dumbest shit.
Transhumanism is literally the only way forward.
All it takes is one smart enough AI
One smart enough transhuman
And boom
What are you going to do to stop it? How will you fight a god with sticks and stones? You are fighting the greatest of uphill battles, because your opponent can go places you quite literally can't even imagine. Our intellect will be like an ant compared to it.
We can't stop this train, sooner or later somebody will crack the code to making a god, and there's no undo button. So strap in.
No shit
>Or do you want to live as an AI?
This doesn't even make any fucking sense. An upload wouldn't be an AI. It'd be your exact neurons/axons/dendrites running virtualized. Just because the underlying computer is different doesn't change anything, anymore then copying over data to a new hard drive and formatting the old one means that's not the same data anymore.
gas cars don't work in the rain dumbass nothing does except submarines with snow tank treads
>We don't have AI yet. We have a mix of Akinator (Advanced expert systems, but ultimately still a fucking flowchart) and turbo autists who need to look at 10,000 pictures of a cat to produce 50% artificial cats 50% abominations.
You are assuming that humans are something more than flowchart analysts and meme-repeaters in the first place
Elon Musk is a retard who is only relevant because he gets government shekels
>Just gonna hope into my spider and head down to the store bro you need anything?
>It'd be your exact neurons/axons/dendrites running virtualized.
Do you have any idea how complicated the human brain is? Stupid sci-fi shit like what you're deluding yourself into supporting would only be available to the super rich if it ends up being available at all.
>pork barrel defense contractors SEETHING
Plastic surgery can be a complete success. I would love to see a human manufacturer a CPU or Motherboard.
Thats how retarded you are
>thought Elon was this great guy because everyone keeps praising him
>watch some of his interviews
>he comes of as a dude bro retard and can't even form sentences properly
I guess the idea sounds nice.
>"but it's hard"
That has fucking nothing to do with the discussion faggot. Now you're just desperately goal post shifting, fuck off.