It's you're fault that your Joy-Cons are drifting and not Nintendo's!

>It's you're fault that your Joy-Cons are drifting and not Nintendo's!

Attached: rez pls.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

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It's okay when Nintendo does it. They can do no wrong

>happens to the n64, ps1, gc, ps2, xbox, xb360, ps3, wii, ps4, xb1
>people freak out when it happens to the switch

Gotta love how people who buy it really do think they are special.

I've had my PS3 controller for over a decade and it hasn't happened yet.

Things that have never happened

And some people have perfectly working joy cons still.
I have a at least one controller from each console thats still in perfect working order after hundreds of hours.
I also have some that were the opposite and had shoulder buttons fall apart or the material on top of the joystick wear and come off in a year or less sometimes.
Then theres the fucking n64 joystick

>never happend to me so it must be a lie

When was it ever reported that DS3 had drift in the same rate as JoyCons? There is no smoke without fire.

>never had a problem with n64, ps1, gc, ps2, ps3 or ps4
>joycon starts to drift after 2 months
>played my n64 and ps2 for around a decade

Analog controllers were a fucking mistake. Just admit it. It's the whole MAH THREEDEE mentality that started with the shit era of gaming (mid-90s) that mandated that every goddamn controller have these broken, imprecise pieces of shit.

>post yfw you didnt bought a switch and you play those games on cemu

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>works on my machine
Never change, and the n64 is historically the worst joystick we have ever had.

If you are over 12 and unironically own a switch you deserve every shit coming your way

Work on my machine is literally a valid argument when that's the majority of what happens. The first in the reply is lying about all those controllers malfunctioning and if it isn't, find as many posts complaining about them as much as the switch.

>b-but what about X! how can you forget about X ugh
>just stop complaining
drones are so insufferable

>retards think this means anything when there have been consoles that killed themselves in less then a year and joysticks that literally peeled the skin of its users after certain games
Have fun inside

i dont understand what your trying to say.
My Switch is the first console that i bought and ran into this problem. After 2 months of spare use. After playing on joysticks for almost 23 years (not counting anything for pc).
i dont give a single fuck about other peoples experience. The joycons I got with MY new console were shit.
I sent them to Nintendo to replace them and i got the same model of joycons so this problem could still happen everyday and im not ok with this.

Dualshock or Sixaxis? cause the Sixaxis was a piece of shit. The triggers were worse than the Dualshock and the sticks were worse too.

>had what others have had happen for years and years finally happen to him
>has to learn what its like to not be lucky with hardware
Only fucking retards are upset that an experimental controller didnt pan out for the long term.
I'm surprised the rails held up honestly.

You deserve it


>Then theres the fucking n64 joystick
Never had an issue with all 8 I've owned and I've never heard of an issue with them.

I remember fixing my sixaxis trigger. and holy fuck it was frustrating. The metal spring thing for the trigger broke and I ended up finding a replacement piece from a floppy disk. Putting that shit together is a headache.

Then you never played mario party

Damn, what PS2 game is that?

You retards do this every time some company gets the bright idea to try suing some other company. They never fucking follow through.

My Xbox 360 controller did acquire drift. This was after a decade of heavy use.

I literally had three play sessions with my Switch.

Is that a cutscene?

That's simply impossible. The joystick literally turns to chalk.

the only drifting sticks are those from gamepads used by toddlers and manchildren which put insane amount of retard strenght into them, some of them are so loose it's insane, my PS2 gamepad from 2001 has no drifting, same pad from a friend with a little brother is LOOSE as fuck, same goes for those with a 3ds losing their analog stick pad, just be gentle, you are like those moving the gamepad during racing games, a fucking retard


My 360 controllers have no drift after a decade. Can’t say the same for my Joycons. But the pro controller works great.

Literally never experienced it with anything but the Switch and the N64. Both made with cheap substandard sticks.

You probably got scammed and received a used one, or you are straight up lying on the internet

all I have but I'm looking through trailers and gameplay now for it.

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Wait. Joycons being shit means that it is a shit product and reflects poorly on Nintendo for sure. But how is that a legal issue and how why should I contact the attorneys of this site?

>flimsy controller keeps making cracking noises while you try to put it back together
>spring from the trigger doesn't want to position itself right
>keeps pushing the controller apart

I hated trying to fix mine and I'm glad they released the Dualshock 3.
>sixaxis and dualshock 3 were both $50

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New in box from Best Buy from the physical store bought by me in person. It's a shit ass controller.

Is drift where it gets stuck going in a direction?

The only problem I ever had with ps controllers is the sticks became worn and would not rest perfectly centered, but it never affected the controls. And, the button membrane was worn away and tore from pressing buttons too much. I've never seen drift on any controller, but I haven't used them as much as PS controllers, which still do not drift, and which I still use literally decades later.

I have the left one that drifts, spraying the analog with compressed air helps for a good while. But yeah it sucks.

Why are people making a fuss about this now? Like it's been a known issue since launch but everyone is acting like the joy-cons having a drift issue is some kind of grand discovery.

yeah and even if you calibrate it, it stays the same

It's literally a design flaw:

Nintendo are trying to sell them in new colors. People are pissed off that they don't work in the first place. Shitaku published an article about it that blew up.

im still buying nintendo games and will keep doing it.
its the perfect console of this generation since i travel a lot.
i never said i hated Nintendo
just that my experience with Joycons was the worst i had with sticks
i wonder what you're trying so hard to see in my posts.

The DS4 I bought to use on my pc has this. I should probably try to clean it but I've been afraid to ever take a controller apart after I took a DS2 apart and it stopped working.

It bothers me that people still go to this site.

I love the DS3, but the DS3s had a fatal flaw in that they've all got a piece of foam/rubber that's pushing up the controller's matrix registering your inputs.
Except that Sony went the cheap path and this foam is pretty shit quality and will shrink to less half its size from age alone. Wear and tear from use doesn't even matter. You can leave it on your shelf and it'll likely start having issues in 6-9~ years or so depending after being manufactured.
When the foam shrinks the controller will start to register false and seemingly random button presses. And to fix this you need to open the entire controller apart, pry aside the backside from the board and then replace the foam with some better stuff and then re-assemble it again.

I've had to do this for every single one of my DS3s. They work flawlessly now but don't act as if PS3 controllers are without fault.
If you've had yours for 10 years you should definitely have issues with them. Definitely.

isn't there a planned mini switch with non detachable joycons?
Wonder if they plan to get the sticks to work for a longer time

Based, squeeze the money out of the jews

I guess when it happens with others then making faulty products is okay

Yeah. People are wondering whether it will have fixed this issue or not.

>best buy

they are known for reselling returned hardware, or you are straight up lying on the internet

Switch mini was already shown and yes not detachable but the controls aren't the same as the original switch. IT has a dpad, no motion control or IR sensor.

the n64 analog stick does not work the same way every other analog stick does and the same problems don't apply. n64 analog sticks crap out because of plastic physically grinding away, the rest are just losing spring stiffness

Ah, yeah, I forgot about this. I had to do it with my ds3 as well. Fairly easy. So far only one exhibits this problem. Might have been corrected in subsequent controller revisions.

Why is it you zoomers seem to constantly use "PS2 game" as a negative

Why is this all coming to light now when the Switch has been out for awhile? Was it timed obsolesce?

Why is this webm so oddly erotic somehow?

My 360 controller did it a couple days out of the box and Microsoft sent me a brand new controller. Never had a problem after that.

What is wrong with you.

> Nintendo manbaby

The fuck do you think is wrong with him? This shit ain't a meme, some of these people are legitimately insane.

>you are straight up lying on the internet
>they are known for reselling returned hardware

It's not though. Sony and Microsoft have had class action lawsuits brought against them for making faulty products. Their controllers just isn't one of them.

Its a shame this is an issue. I've really liked my switch controllers until now, I think the cool vibration shit Nintendo did this time around is an underrated and underapreciated feature. Even if nothing comes of this investigation/lawsuit, I really hope Nintendo fixes their fuck-up.

if you say drifting do you mean that they move by themselves without userinput? Because I had this problem with botw and resarting the switch fixed it for some reason. I really wish nintendo would release sturdier and better working joycons already though. They feel like cheap plastic

Ancadeotally, all my joycons (three sets---launch grey and neon red/blue and a later produced "Watermelon" pink/green) are fine outside of the grey launch having the inital right joycon disconnect issue I cleared up with conduction foam. The launch joycons probably have 200 or so hours on them combined.

This happens to every joystick. My 360 pad is unusable on emulations on PC due to drift.

I had two controllers one from 2008 to 2011 to 2014, heavily used daily xb360 btw

I cant sign the petition because I dont live in the US

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Dude they start to drift after like three months.
Thankfully you can buy a stick for about $3 or less and it takes just two screwdrivers and about five minutes of your time to change them.

>some people have perfectly working joy cons still
People that do not play games, obviously.

Just put some switch cleaner under the stick and the drift is gone, jesus christ people are retarded. The same people crying about drift but doing nothing to fix it are the ones showing up to smash tournaments without taking a shower thst week

>just spray WD40 inside it
>just take apart your $80 joycons and buy replacement sticks
>just take apart your $80 pro controller and stick tape inside it
Why should people have to fix Nintendo's shoddy, defective products? Why can't they fix it? I've never had to do any of this with controllers in the past.

A game where you play as the police and they are the good guys?
i want this on PC..
>never ever

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Because using better material to fix the stick contacts would cost them $0.50 per Joycon and why do that when you can have a bunch of mentally ill cumguzzling fanboys defend you by gaslighting people and deflecting the blame to everyone but Nintendo?

cemu is a wiiu emulator

Because you own that product and it's your responsibility for its upkeep once the warranty has expired?

Did you sue your parents too since your body doesn't magically clean itself stinkyfag?

Sure, it might happen to any console, but the question here is how frequently it happens.

Kinda the same as the fact that any console can die, but the 360 for example died faster and more easily than any other console on the market because it was built like a cheap Chinese bootleg LCD game and so it became a huge deal.