>bland rotation
>shitty jack of all trades
>wields a gun but does the lowest tank damage even in simulations
>nonexistent skill ceiling
>worst job questline
>tacked on cartridge system that's basically just a copy-paste
>shitty class fantasy
can we all admit this was a GIANT FUCKUP that should probably be removed from the game?
Bland rotation
>>bland rotation
better than DRK, at least
>worst job questline
that's objectively wrong.
what but bros i just started the game i was looking forward to this is he wrong?
Gunblades are cool.
no they aren't, sperg.
I absolutely hate the in-combat stance for Gunbreaker
>let me hold my sword over my shoulder behind my head while I'm being attacked from the front
Jesus SMN feels really awkward now.
Who's worse?
Can we agree that the 3 most balanced job right now are blm, pld and drg?
To be fair, all jobs in XIV don't have skill ceilings, but GNB is the most fun tank in SHB. WARcucks are just mad they aren't top dog for once beause literally all other tanks are better than them in some aspects.
PLD and WAR for sure.
WAR is fine, PLD at least feels like a questline, GNB is super short
might see some potency nerfs but otherwise it's ok
Yea Forums certainly has changed, and not at all for the better
>thinks blm is ok, the job with the highest potency
>thinks the other 2 jobs potencies are broken
You are retarded
>lowest tank damage
this fag lmao
That doesn't make it bad.
how could they do this to us astbros?
>immobile turret that only does damage is fine doing the most damage
it's almost as if this isn't WoW where the only thing that matters is the DPS
BRD 30-50
PLD 30-60
It's bland and short
>complaining about damage when tanks contribute like 10% of standard damage during any duty
Everyone knows it's all about utility and how cool they look during their rotation.
BLM has no utility besides damage you retard, not to mention learning fights on it is hell until you memorize all the safe zones to actually reach your damage potential. meanwhile PLD brings amazing mitigation and DRG has litany and the eye while doing comparable numbers to SAM who has no utility and MNK who has much weaker utility to the point it might as well not exist
>shitty jack of all trades
are you literally retarded?
why are you trolling? that shit was made before the game even came out. compared to the thousands of logs we have now. stop being retarded
>balance tranny simulations
seethe, cope, dilate
Those are all media tour numbers
>nooooo DRG can't be good, it was supposed to be in the cuckshed after losing piercing debuff
SAMs and MNKs absolutely seething
>pre-launch potency calcuations
>we could've had Rune fencer
>we could've had Geomancer
>instead we get this shit because this community is nothing but neckbeards and fujoshits who unironically think Squall is cool
>Literally just 50/50 Paladin Warrior
what does that even mean
so that's a yes
And the difference between the lowest tank and the highest is like 200 DPS.
Ryne Ryne sexy tyme
>>instead we get this shit because this community is nothing but neckbeards and fujoshits who unironically think Squall is cool
I've never heard of anyone asking for a tank class based around squall.
Does GNB not get anything at 74 and 78?
Geo is already in-game and it's never happening because it's just conjurer
>13m exp for running preatorium
fucking based
>Seifer coat
>uses gunblade one handed
>Lightning's pose for females
>don't have skill ceilings
This is an oxymoron, ESL-kun.
>also get to watch netflix the whole time
sounds like a jealous war fag to me no worries yoshi will buff your job crybaby
Yes, please. I've seen your titties twice y'shtola you knew it was just a matter of time before it happened.
>Warrior: Playstyle revolves around big heavy damage combos and active mitigation
>Paladin: playstyle revolves around a focus on defensive abilities and utility
>Gunbreaker: Playstyle revolves around meh combos and mitigation and meh defensives and utility making you more defensive than a warrior and more agressive than a Paladin
way to out yourself as a newfag. everyone had been asking for a gunblade job ever since fighting gaius in 2.0.
no, but it gets four skills at 70 to make up for it
>get castrum
>cucked out of 4m xp
That's fine, just wanted to make sure they weren't behind a job quest or something.
>Warrior: Playstyle revolves around big heavy damage combos
didn't know pressing fell cleave 8 times in a row was a combo
Parsetrannies will wail about differences like this as Japan continues to push everyone's shit in with 'suboptimal' party just for the sake of fun
I didn’t ask for them so everyone didn’t ask for them.
>everyone had been asking for a gunblade job ever since fighting gaius in 2.0
And yet Yoshi flat out said "Garlean gunblades aren't what people want" and gave us an FF8-inspired job because all he understands is nostalgia pandering.
>Dark Knight: Playstyle revolves around getting cucked out by the PLD and WAR while the GNB masturbates while watching.
they moved away from giving skills in job quests because they realized some people would be retards and not do the job quests before running the final boss.
>he thinks imperial bayonets are any less boring than the gunblades we got
way to prove the guy's point
it's shitty and the lore behind it is retarded but i'll take what i can get
>mfw I finally got gud, got passed the big adds and even manage to save the party when the other tank messed up
>now it's the rest of the party that messes up on the 2nd part
Is this the price I have to pay for getting better?
>hating Squall
DRK is just WAR but less shit
Instead they're retards and run it without picking up their AF.
"active mitigation" is also wrong ever since they removed inner beast's defense and turned raw intuition into basically sheltron
Time to regress
>Top Innocence speedkill is WHM/WHM
oh nononono healerbros
>falling for Yoshi P's "Squall's gunblade is a real gunblade" meme
look at those pitiful tanks lmao, imagine having to use combos and do a rotation and you still cant outdps glare spam. truly sad times for tankcucks
>top speedkill has an 82 in it
That ain't optimized yet. I have a better SAM score than that even using LB.
get it together, SAM
imagine being the sam
Should I level BRD or DNC
this is wrong
the defensive playstyle is the exact same across tanks, all that differs now is their rotation
>WAR: don't cap beast gauge, keep SE up
>PLD: strict rotation, do it right and goring blade will never drop for more than a second
>DRK: basic as fuck 1 2 3, lots of ogcds to make up for it
>GNB: no burst phase, the MNK of tanks
I'll take bland and short over shit and long.
literally the first gunblade you get is a bayonet
brd. dancer is in the shed unless they get buffs
I bet that SAM committed sudoku out of shame afterwards.
It's because BLM is literally sacrificing any team contribution, and might even need to the team to bend a knee to them as a trade off for highest damage, it's called fucking balance. DRG is in the top 4 despite having a braindead rotation and tether AND litany. Keep in mind DRG was in the bottom 3 of personal DPS in alphascape for that very reason.
So, what is the superior control scheme and why is it legacy ?
I care more about fun than whatever temporary meta we're in right now
>get in pf group for Innocence EX
>they ask me to go on Discord
>most of them are witty and talk more than me
>one other guy and me stay quiet most of the time and just call out attacks
>can't think of anything to say
Am I just autistic? Why can't I be the funny man for once?
>no burst phase
thanks for letting us know you don't know what you're talking about
>Why yes, I am able to clear all content without monitoring parse numbers or acknowledging meta comps, how could you tell?
>using wasd to move
keyboard turning and backpedaling is for retards and whenever I see a melee slowly keyboard turn to avoid a gaze I die inside
if you find doing a simple 1 2 combo fun then go for dancer
still BRD, then
If you aren't playing via a musical interpolator from your live flute free styling, you're doing it wrong.
It isn't, but it also doesn't change the fact that double WHM does more than WHM/SCH. For reference, here's the #2 Speedkill with a 99th WHM and a 99th SCH; the damage a second WHM brings is so much higher that it single handedly carried the 82nd SAM.
Their swords look flimsy and gay compared to the other tank weapons.
>GNB: no burst phase
their burst is when their CDs align. so light burst every 30s with gnashing fang and blasting zone, heavier burst at 60s with no mercy gnashing blasting and the two dots, and biggest burst every 180s when bloodfest aligns with no mercy
WHM and DRG are absolutely getting nerfed holy shit
how do we rid ourselves of the parsetranny menace?
>purple sam
Did they make sam the lb cuck since they don't lose much with 10 seconds of down time?
>Look at my pre launch theory crafted numbers vs actual logs and parses from the current game
Is this supposed to help your argument? Because you just look retarded.
all the attacks that have explosions are pretty good now but the whole keen edge combo sounds like shit and they should change it back
Ignore them
>plays viera
>is not max height
explain yourselves bunlets
why are people so against damage meters? is it wrong to want to see how much i contribute to a group and improve?
Hang yourself, it's the only way to be sure. They wouldn't dare follow you into death because you do 0 DPS while dead.
The same reason your not filthy rich
RIP SAM poor guy got LB shafted
I initially though the same thing but nope, the log only has one LB2 cast and it's right near the end; the SAM just genuinely did worse than everyone else and got carried by the double WHM dps.
>SAM gets 35-40% of its damage from autos
>doesn't lose much with 10 seconds of down time
I’m a DRG but I really want to pick up DRK because I love two handers. Is it worth it?
i have a friend who uses standard but i've never seen him manually turn. he's managed to make it usable somehow. sometimes i see him slowly walk backwards though.
Sam gets fucked by lb now
Pepsiman mindbroke the XIV raiding community.
unironically this though, you don't have to have a meta comp to clear any content
it's just for tranny speedrunners to see their name in an unofficial website because muh parse speedkill
because it's cancerous and largely unnecessary at this point
This, they wear robes and have shitty little weapons
Pic for reference
The job feels like shit if you ever do content without The Blackest Night, but otherwise yeah its fun
it's okay to be the straight man. you're integral to the group dynamic.
This was 2 PLDs, 2 WHMs, and 3 BLMs and a Bard. It was a sight to behold.
Surely no one is against having their own built-in damage meter that just shows personal DPS? Why was this never implemented, Yoshi's too busy faffing about?
>discord for Innocence
You mouse turn for gazes. It also made Suzaku DDR braindead easy because of how the game interprets the input. You could honestly hold right-click and swipe right and get it.
My Viera is max heigh and max bunny ears
>dragoon is losing piercing debuff, back to the cuckshed in 5.0 losers
>ohnononono their damage is too high, SE please nerf
Face it, DRG is here to stay
It's like people being against a score board in Overwatch, it always ends with people being passive agressive with each other when people start failling since you don't know who is fucking up or can't prove it without being banned.
I love damage meters, I just think it's stupid that the majority of the playerbase starts to pick up the mentality of what's "meta" based on its damage output when they can't even clear the fight like normal. Picking up a higher risk playstyle when you can't even kill the boss is foolish, the slight DPS gain you get isn't worth the repeated deaths and slowing the rest of the group down so you can dickwave your 55th percentile score. You're not breaking any records, you're not even impressive against the 82 BLM who plays with one hand on his dick for the majority of the fight, just complete the thing like normal.
Speedclear mentality is for groups that could actually pull off server firsts and high scores on fflogs or for groups that have content on farm, not for your average FC for whom clearing Eden normal was an accomplishment.
>introduce a young cute girl in a short dress and thigh high boots
>absolutely no lewds of her yet
What happened Japan, you used to be cool.
This is what I do, but even as a melee DPS I've never had the backwards walk screw me over.
Even minimum height, they're still taller than anything that isn't a Roe or Elezen. I think min height they stand equal to Hrothgar, which may just be because they slouch.
Tell them that:
Any parse is a clear
A parse isn't a fair comparison unless you are comparing yourself to the same group comp and buff distribution
All parses should be seen as ilvl percentile and not overall percentile
>you can and will get banned for telling someone to use their aoe abilities on double packs
is this okay?
I dunno why people even need parses to call out shitters because the easiest way to tell the shitters apart is the ones that are standing doing nothing for seconds at a time or the ones that get hit most often by avoidable mechanics
It can stay if it loses eye and litany, though to be fair losing eye is the biggest buff the job could ask for at this point
>nin still the most fun dps
>but double weaving suck
>retards are just crying about the damage
delete double weaving
>double weaving
try triple weaving, it's outright not fun anymore
Gun's fun, you're dumb and allergic to good times.
I still do Suzaku with a keyboard because mouse turns don't look as good.
>innocence farm
>be GNB
>PLD starts bitching and whining that the RDM didn't pull enough damage because he died
>mention that i pulled over 1k more damage than him because he somehow picked up four vuln stacks and died to the first buster
>immediately leaves party
parsing is a magical thing
They're already finished now that fflogs is implementing a new feature that displays padding.
Those are bad to be sure but if you try parsing casual content for a little while you will soon realize how bad even a lot of people who appear to be pressing their buttons really are. I had to turn it off because I'm happier not knowing.
I haven’t played WAR since HW, do they still have high mitigation and self heals?
If you want height Viera isn't the race for you, play Roe the Giraffes, and if you want an amazon play Highlander
>Cardnigger gets to Brink of Death when Innocence is still on 70%
>In a farm run
Astrologians need to be purged.
I’m on the same boat
Literally what’s the purpose other than trying to look cool to anime fans
While I acknowledge your opinion I must respectfully youtube.com
You mean triple weaving? It's only gotten worse user.
Am I gonna get fucked up if I try tanking bardam's mettle with augmented shire gear? I want to wait a level before replacing it all with doman steel.
Funny how it's only an issue once DNC came into existence, but trick attack+piercing debuff+eye+litany+royal road balance +foe requiem was ok
Socket your shire gear and you can keep it all the way to ShB.
Dont try to big pull unless you know the healer or feel like dieing.
Bardam's Mettle has some of the nastiest double-pulls in Stormblood and has resulted in many a bitchslap. If you take it slow and have a good healer you MAY be fine. But you'll be squishy as hell.
It will hurt noticably more then Shisui but it's nothing mitigation can't handle, just make sure your healer isn't a mouth breather.
you really posted a spreadsheet based off a media build of the game?
The first pull will kill you if you double pull
It's perfectly possibly to pull it wall-to-wall in augmented shire but at least one of the tank or healer can't be a shitter. Doma Castle is where wall-to-wall becomes unfeasible at 270.
>bland rotation
you can't make a rotation not bland you fucking monkey. a string of numbers on loop is not gameplay.
They actually had a feature like that once before for the Balance, but parsetrannies screamed until it was removed. We'll see if this one lasts.
Just pop cooldowns and hope your healer isn't dogshit
Got DRK to 80
What tank should I lvl next
I’m not really feeling GUN, so between war and pld which is more fun? I haven’t touched war since hw though
I get you're trying to flex as the shallow person you are, but if the healer is bad there's no proper use of cd as a tank that can save you in a wall to wall pack.
WAR and DRK are nearly identical.
WAR is the boring version of DRK now, so try PLD
It’s fine, just be careful with big pulls
DRK and WAR play basically the same
WAR is the simplest tank. They dumbed it down considerably in SB and they didn't change much going into ShB.
Why exactly were people against removing padding? To me it makes more sense since you wouldn't constantly have deviations that affect your damage output, and you are just able to see your raw damage
They don't want people to see their raw damage. They want padding to push them up to gold so they can show that off.
Since finishing the MSQ I've been grinding leveling roulettes repeatedly to convert time into gil via materia 8s and I've been on both sides of undergeared Bardam's many times and done exactly what I claimed. What possible reason is there to "flex" as user? Not everyone is out to get you.
Is the Eulmore day theme available as music scroll?
Go back
what would sex with a voidsent be like haha
that's not a voidsent
Well they can fuck themselves. I want my parses to be dependent on my own skill level, not dependent on what buffs or not getting
Yes it is speedreader
There's a scroll on Eulmore gemstone npc, not sure if that's the one you want
"Crowned the “Queen of Flame” by some, this majestic voidsent dwells in the searing lands of Pyros. Penthesilea has gorged herself on the region's fiery aether, the unbalanced energies augmenting her already formidable magicks of fire and destruction."
-- Penthesilea's Triple Triad Card
You might be dumb.
thanks, been meaning to grind fates anyway
i'm retarded
Because balance trannies get padded to hell and back and have a constant ensemble sucking their dick.
Let's be honest, that's exactly what the Wind Up Succubus is for.
im level 25 when do i get a mount im on the scions of the 7th dawn quest
You can get a mount at level 20.
>100% anatomically correct
And people doubt that Koji is based
What the hell is Eden exactly?
What I got from the cutscenes is that Eden is a giant biorganic creation kit robot that has something to do with the Flood of Light.
You can get your grand company chocobo at 20
how did i miss this can you tell me what to do?
wtf porn
>All these people baited into tank in-fighting
What a sad game career some people must have to give a shit about an RNG-reliant >500 point difference. If that 500 dps is making or breaking your party, or holding you back from enjoying playing it, get a new party and just gear up DPS where the difference mechanically will actually matter the most lol
or just uninstall the game and wait for PSO2, thats another viable option i guess
did you join a grand company yet in the story? if so you should have a quest near it called my little chocobo it will have a blue plus sign
here's a list of all the optional shit you need to go do as you level
It's the first Sin Eater and the progenitor of the Flood of Light. It's said that it in fact IS Light, down to a fundamental level and can be surmised to be the creator of all lesser Sin Eaters.
The first Sin Eater. It's obviously some kind of biodevice and it's not clear how it became the first Sin Eater, but its capabilities let it totally tip the aetherial balance of everything around it to the Umbral, aka the Light. I'm guessing it has something to do with Amaurot.
Just go to your grand company HQ should be a quest there.
you're damn right, it's why I have been using her for 3 or so years now
What the fuck are you on? It has one of the funnest rotations in the game.
>Want to play a healer again
>Spend time playing all 3 to 74 yesterday and today
>WHM barely changed much but SCH and AST feel like dogshit compared to before
>Battered housewife syndrome makes me stick with SCH
I'm not even expecting Miasma 2 to return, an aetherflow dump, return to 45 second CD, or out of combat recast for Aetherflow anymore
ok i just figured out in just over leveled and not even there yet in the story
That ain't SAM chief.
>join new static
>every pull fflogs and parsing are brought up like 3 times
>whenever someone dies they pull a tantrum about "their run"
Jesus Christ shut the fuck up no one cares it's so annoying.
Aetherflow dump is absolutely coming back, it's too glaring as it is right now.
When do you get that dialogue?
Probably won't be until 5.1 though.
lalas sitting in my lap
when Y'shtola tells you to go rest, you can say "Yes, mother" or something like that, and she says that.
Fingers crossed they boost DRK's MP drain for Savage.
>Geo is just conjurer
Lol no
Ah okay. I thought I missed something about how it became a sin eater in the first place, especially with how casual the discovery of it seemed.
>Yep, there it is. The first Sin Eater.
>Indeed. Let's get inside and fire up the engines, Ryne will drive.
how do i unlock the delivery npc next to zhloe?
It was probably just planned by the Ascians to be the first thing consumed by the Light because they knew what it could do if that happened.
Should I level BLM now or wait for savage balance changes
>max level sync'd down
Whoa, almost as if that's not at all what the conversation is about!
being into infantilism has never been better.
They're not gonna nerf it bro. You can just start now. Feels great to play at 80 much better than SMN lol
This. I wouldn't have any problem with it if it was only for pre-combat after you wait a few seconds the character would put it on their shoulder, and not for the entire combat.
Tell that to them you fucking pussy lmao
Try to apply logic there for a second. Even if that's not your forte. If someone got 100% in the padding meta, they'd still get 100% if padding was removed from the game. They wouldn't be able to get padding anymore but the same is true for everyone else.
You have to have unlocked Zhloe's and Kurenai's custom deliveries, as well as finished Stormblood, and also a random quest in the Azim Steppe that's actually related to him.
BLM is always a safe bet, it's pretty much always going to be the top parse due to how hard movement fucks it.
how do i unlock kurenai's? i completed zhloe's and i'm nearly done with mnaago's
>If someone got 100% in the padding meta, they'd still get 100% if padding was removed from the game
No, that's not how it works. Maybe you should work on applying logic yourself there, parsetranny.
You have to have finished her questline in the Ruby Sea, there should be a Kojin in Kugane with the quest after that.
That's not how it works, retard.
I hate dumb edgy kids who think Squall is cool as much as the next person, but you are fucking retarded if you think any of those would have been more interesting than Gunbreaker as a new class.
Everyone in my static always talks about how their deaths and fuckups are ruining their parses and complains about their numbers and yet none of the DPS ever get more than greens. Meanwhile the tanks and I stay quiet about it and we regularly get purples and sometimes oranges.
GUN gets nuts at 70. Try it out.
Shitters are always the most worried about things like that because they think it will make them good.
Yoshi is fucking retarded though, I would have taken a proper Garlean gunblade class any day over this. The lore they crafted around it is also shit.
Someone post cute pictures of M'naago. I need more best cat.
>Bard level 80 basically the same as Bard level 70 but just better
I'm not sure if I should be mad or not at getting no interesting skills, because 80 just makes Bard objectively better.
Urianger sex.
>best cat
here you go
cute and funny
>>bland rotation
Literally has the best rotation out of all thanks currently
>>shitty jack of all trades
GNB =\= RDM so no. It's a tank that tanks wtf?
>>wields a gun but does the lowest tank damage even in simulations
>>nonexistent skill ceiling
Like all tanks
>>worst job questline
Subjective, please include details
>>tacked on cartridge system that's basically just a copy-paste
Copy paste of what?
>>shitty class fantasy
>can we all admit this was a GIANT FUCKUP that should probably be removed from the game?
Not before I admit that you are a GIANT FUCKUP that couldn't even create an argument about why Gunbreaker is bad to begin with. 0/10 gtfo
Top world skilled players can get padding whenever they want to compete on 100%. Remove the padding entirely from the game and you think those players will lose their skill? Nice denial. They'll continue to be top skilled players and will continue to be competing on 100%, the only difference is now they don't do it with padding because it's not in the game anymore. I get you're trying really hard to make shit up because in your head you're just as skilled as the top japanese player or something, and the sole and only difference is padding, but it's not.
Yes please
That cat seems cute and funny
oh my god... can we get some mods in here? this is really problematic??? how can you just post porn like its nothing... this would never happen on reddit... omg im literally shaking??
Why Bard?
>uri will never talk archaic dirty to you while he pounds the hole of darkness
why live?
Damn THAT'S what happens when you get three lines?!
i still miss our utility though, its bard not hunter or ranger
If you call doing the exact same thing outside the No Mercy window as you do in the No Mercy window a burst phase, sure.
Same. I don't understand why they removed some of the skills they did other then just trying to simplify Bard.
>Why do you hate expert roulette, user?
Language: F
>Rune fencer
Meh doesn't really fit in with FFXIV. Rune fencer is a FFXI creation pretty sure. FFXIV is an amalgam of final fantasy games so it wouldn't fit. Like the idea of the skills though.
Isn't that just a gimped WHM?
We should have gotten the Beastmaster. But I know it would have been released as a limited job so I guess it is for the best.
I just started playing again, stopping somewhere post Heavensward.
What the fuck did they do to Warrior?
>log in
>literally half my skills are gone
>half the rotation deleted
>lost the off tank stance
>lost inner beast, the most fun skill
>lost the dot
I can't even imagine what the rotations are now, they used to be science
haven't seen this one before
post moar
good art of khloe gets posted only every other full moon, this sucks
Hes right in the sense that healers are the ones who notice everyones mistakes. Everytime you see someone get hit by an avoidable mechanic you think "I could have avoided that."
Aggro combos are gone because there's just "tank stance for aggro" they don't affect your damage now.
Inner Beast upgrades straight to Fell Cleave.
It's cancer, through and through.
This game is nowhere near strict enough to warrant parsing and enforcing autistic meta compositions.
While there is nothing wrong with wanting to use it to improve, it also gives birth to the extremely cancerous parsefags who enforce this shit on everything, who perpetuate an absurd view that this game is hardcore and you have to take seriously and flaunt your shitty parses like it means anything.
As someone said, it's a remnant of pepsiman, and very largely unnecessary now.
What of the animation on skills that were deleted? Like the DRK palm hadouken that was a emnity combo skill. Will they ever come back in some way?
I know that, but I kinda liked having the ability to go into off-tank mode when we had low DPS in dungeons
Also Fell cleave does NOT have the damage reduction, timing Inner Beast right before a spike of damage felt really good
Healers are the fucking worse.
What's something you did in the game for shit's and giggles recently? I switched to my lv 23 PGL and punched Drake's in the ass while my PLD bro kept its attention.
Was a WAR main from 2.1-4.1, they ruined it. It's beyond simple and just boring now, there's zero skill required to be good beyond basic tank skills. If you liked the difficulty to be a great WAR, I'd say go GNB
Celes is a Rune Knight too.
>Isn't that just a gimped WHM?
No, it's ridiculous that so many people think this. Geomancer is its own type of mage with its own skills and spells and its own culture. It's only similar to WHM in that it draws aether from the environment. It's also similar to AST in some philosophical ways, and because they use cardinal directions to influence magical effects (which requires astrology to pinpoint exact directions). And they're similar to SCH in that they use arcane geometries. GEO also specializes in barriers and shields. They have a reputation in Hingashi for warding off bad luck, but that's actually from them creating barriers that keep negative energies away.
Losing the self heal and 20% damage reduction in exchange for a shorter cooldown on raw intuition was a straight nerf not only to mitigation, but one of the cornerstones of warrior's job identity.
In the lore why are Gunbreakers tanks? How can skinny twinks who wear cloth and wield shortswords facetank giant monsters?
>Remember Retainers can be bunnies now
>go to my mansions and try it on maid NPCs since you can pick race and gender there too
>doesn't work
I just wanted bunny maids in my houses thx yoshi p
erp like a normal person you fag
Wait, there are people who don't actually use standard? I thought it was just a meme.
Nobody keyboard turns, why do you idiots think this? You can right click and turn anywhere instantly. Why wouldn't you use standard?
I hope so, I actually don't care that much about Power Slash but my friends do enjoy it so I don't mind.
I'm pretty sure the reduction got taken off Inner Beast anyway.
I'm literally just saying what the trait does.
>skinny twinks
Their AF has plate armor under the coat. And it's because the discipline originates from the royal guard of the Helion queen. They've been bodyguards since the Allagan era, so defense is ingrained into the fighting style.
Lets be real user. Nobody actually used Inner Beast once you got fell cleave or you were a shitter.
Ryne is for protection and headpats, NOT for lewding.
They fire blank shells that are filled with magic, protecting them or making them stronger.
Lore wise the idea of gunbreakers stemmed from a bunch of queen's bodyguards anyway.
They are the bodyguards of the Hrothgar queen. And their weapons can fire special aetheric cartridges to protect themselves or others by creating aetheric shields.
Also, they wear armor under their coat.
>Pretending you dont understand his complaint
We will never get the true tank we deserve
>Why wouldn't you use standard
because i can press a key and instantly turn in that direction regardless of my camera. standard doesn't even let you even run in the opposite direction of your camera, you're forced to do that slow ass backwards walk.
what's the best blm glam
gubal nm coat
The elven girl at the Crystalline Mean is pretty cute
>dual wielding gun shields
artifact gear, always. yes, even wicce.
Diamond Robe + Flame Liutenant Helm.
yes obviously the best of the best will stay the best of the best. We're talking about people who pad their stats to be in the 90th percentile or some shit who end up looking equivalent to someone who ended up in that percentile through just playing well without buff padding. Not everybody is autistic enough to engage in parse runs and shit, and there are absolutely inferior players making themselves look better through this method.
I like the Skallic set.
The dwarven caster hat.
His damage is bad? I felt it was pretty decent.
Idiots shouldn't be allowed to make threads. God, I hope you're baiting, as you're posting media tour numbers, and GNB is currently highest DPS of all the tanks you dumb fuckin' shitter.
they were the vanguard against garlean invasion forces in hrothgar territories. gunblade is short for "gunnhildr's blade" and the hrothgar began to call the garlean knockoffs "guns" for short since they fired actual projectiles instead of using magic cartridges. the gunbreakers were the ones who rushed ahead and "broke the guns."
Allagan Coat+Black Griffin gloves
Oh fuck, I thought this was a Tactics Ogre thread and was about to get hyped
OP is retarded, GNB is currently the highest DPS tank.
Because it's cancerous. It gives a bunch of elitist cunts license to act like even bigger dicks to other players. Very few people would actually use it for self-improvement.
So there's no reason? They're just "defensive fighters" and that's it? Oh and they shoot blanks?
FFXIV has plenty of Ogre Battle shit
This in no ways applies to the actual rotation I play pld and you only get like one full fof rotation per 2 minutes. Then you get the requesciat rotation which is basicly 3 holy spirits and then a finisher.
You're an idiot, stop talking before you fall further. You clearly don't even have any of the tanks at 80, or have one and trying to shit on others.
I'm not against them at all, I'm not even against people being competitive in FFlogs shit if they want to be.
It's just that I don't want to be involved. I don't want to be excluded for not having a top parse. I'm not the best but I'm alright enough. Keep me out of that shit.
Sure, if you're grouped with your FC or static, I used that shit all the time in pub groups that needed to be carried though. And either way you slice it, it's literally removing options that could be used in niche situations. It's akin to removing sleep from WHM/BLM because you can't sleep things in savage anyway.
Can't decide between PLD or DRK to be my first tank.
All tanks are defensive fighters.
>entire profession is dedicated to protecting others
>hurr why are they a tank
off yourself, shitposter
We can finally be BLM Galuf now
Now to wait until we can solo Exdeath
Post your fucking current glamour. No Hrothgar faggots allowed.
What other reason would there be? When your fighting discipline has been about defending someone for 5000 years then it develops defensive techniques.
They have armor, someone literally said this to you, retard.
They're not "blanks" they're just not actual bullets. They're filled with aether, used for defense, as I said.
So, there are reasons, you're just being a child and ignoring them.
PLD for sure
You can, you will die just like Galuf though.
>they shoot blanks
they're cartridges filled with crushed up crystals. it's essentially a nonstandard way of casting magic. gunblades are essentially machetes with a trigger that fires off a spell with each pull.
I just use the BLM AF4, but with Moonfire Tanga and just my Titania weapon unglamoured.
>Why WAR are tanks They're just angry ''defensive fighters''
>Why DRK are tanks? They're just edgy ''defensive fighters''
But how is their style defensive? How do they protect others? I can understand how a giant knight with a big shield can tank a dragon how can some malet twing with a shortsword face up to one?
You rightclick and instantly turn the camera around with the mouse, wow that is SO hard.
There's no reason other than devs wanted a tank. Even SAM could have been a tank if they wanted with the justification being "they served and protected their feudal lords"
Go to /vg/ fag
How the fuck do I get through low levels back up to 50-52 quickly?
I decided to not like my current class I was going through in HW.
You can use a sword defensively fag. And they can use their bullets to create barriers.
Make me bitch
how does someone with just an axe defend someone?
>He doesn't have a 1000+ Potency move!
pretty pointless when i can just press S without having to look in a different direction
attacking it and using its AETHERICAL BULLETS THAT IT USES FOR DEFENSIVE SHELLS to defend itself
fuck off retard
"Why is WAR a tank" is actually a valid question though. They aren't defensive at all. Their whole questline is just about how angry and destructive they are.
DRK is at least dedicated to helping those in need.
>how can a blast of aether deflect blows
SAM probably would've been a pretty cool tank. I still hold out a small, tiny sliver of hope that one day we'll see cross-role jobs and SAM, MNK, and SMN will be able to tank stuff.
What is the best way of leveling DoH and DoL from 70-80? I've seen so many people get them all to 80 super quick after launch.
>tfw no SAM tank and GNB dps
damn shame...
>We're talking about people who pad their stats to be in the 90th percentile
No, the conversation is about 100. Made evident by all the times I mentioned 100 or when the guy I originally replied to mentioned gold.
leves like always
makes more sense than WAR since GNB has actual defensive magic
>>Why WAR are tanks They're just angry ''defensive fighters''
Warriors are giant strong as fuck mercenaries who cleave down masses of enemies with great swings and use their strength and armour to shrug off hard blows
roulettes and potd/ highest level available dungeon
5got quote
dps meters are fine the only ones against it are the shitters.
Crystarium Delivery will give you a level per quest if you turn them in HQ.
But the leves are really good.
my small sliver of hope is putting subjobs in the game. doing mch/gnb or sam/war
>an Elezen with a beard
the cops in kugane are literally all SAM too.
WAR's inner beast springs from the primal instinct to protect your pack from outside threats. The axe is big enough to be used as a shield too. You see WoL do it in the ARR opening.
Their questline is about that because originally WAR was designed as being the self heal tank. Then they realized that a self heal tank was grbage and fixed it
Anybody in the market for a lala wife?
Is this armor set actually in the game? That looks like the Maiming Genji set.
They were both bodyguards and vanguards. Their job was to quickly rush in, disable enemy firearms and protect themselves with magic cartridges. They didn't have the brute strength, only agility and gadgets.
Thancred and his weeb fighting style is canonically closer to actual GNB than the shit the WoL can do
Normally I am using Fray's armor but I kinda like the Lakeland set. Looks edgy and brooding
Stop talking about tank sam it makes me depressed it's not a thing
Post your hrothgar so I can laugh
It is. It's the striking genji set.
Anons, please tell me.
Why the fuck do I always have to ask a fucking DPS to use their aoe in an expert dungeon?
What the fuck is their fucking excuses now?
it's the striking genji set, you know, the set that SAM can use
>Thancred and his weeb fighting style is canonically closer to actual GNB than the shit the WoL can do
what? he does the same shit but needs ryne to charge his bullets for him
Oh god what did they do to AST. All of my cards do the same shit
I like it.
WAR is based off a mix of Fighter from old FFs and Berserker/Viking from others. It tanks because it was the closest thing at the time that wasn't DRK to what could be considered a tank beyond MNK, as they traditionally had high HP totals and heavy armor throughout the series. The questline follows Berserker's lore more than Fighter though, which overlapped too much with PLD.
DRK is also somewhat of an outlier. In its earliest incarnations, it used katana/saber like weapons and was focused mainly on dealing high damage, oftentimes through sacrificing its own HP to do so. This kind of carried over when the job was made during HW, but overtime its role dictated that the job not actually have the potential to harm itself to prevent bad players from unintentionally griefing others/parsers from making runs unbearable to scrap out an extra 2% DPS.
>scion hood
Some fucking faggot who was SAM at the time fooled me into believing the Striking set was garbage and that he was mirin' the DRG set for his SAM, what the fuck? Holy shit it's gonna take forever to farm now.
Yeah but we're not leaping over ravines, running up monsters or generally fighting like a DBZ character.
That's the fending hood.
Unfortunate, I'm on Primal...
>What the fuck is their fucking excuses now?
single digit IQ
same as always
Youre playing it wrong
should take no time at all considering there's no loot lockout, ask your FC mates to help you farm that shit for fun
Thoguht so too when I got it but it's not a straight recolor. And you can remove the metal part through /visor
There you go bro
Sad... I'm a female character anyway.
Some days I wish I was fired from work so I can play like a NEET for a month or two while on unemployment benefits.
I really like machinist, but fuck my hours and the stress now at work, not worth the pay. I envy you NEETs.
sorry friend but they wasted your geomancy on the Stormblood Astrologian questline
next expansion we're getting our own daughterwife for the DRK questline screenshot this
I have no one dear to me anymore, I have no choice but to be edgy.
it's a reskin of one of the leveling headpieces for SAM/MNK in SB
We do all of that every expansion
>Main RDM
>Fun at first but gets boring as fuck and the pitiful DPS feels bad and not having anyone to rez to make it feel worthwhile can be a killer
>Try BLM instead
>HOLY SHIT LOOK AT THAT BIG DAM, fun rotation, trying to squeeze as many f4's in never fails to be enjoyable and I'm forced to mastermind every fight for perfect optimisation
Why even play RDM?
How do I into Dragoon?
dont bother, OP is a seething PLDcuck
he's basically the 5.0 AST to your WHMchad.
Holy shit did they upgrade Yshtolas tits? Haven't played ShB yet.
RDM is the girl job
>white fur
Every time
See I really wish DRK had something like that. I wish Darkside was another resource to burn, I suppose.
It stacks as its active and powers you up, and at a certain threshold it starts coming with defensive drawbacks or acting like a paralyze or something, and you can burn it on a big edgy nuke kinda thing.
Instead it's the actual most boring stupid waste of a mechanic in the game.
I'm a male lala on Primal. Levi. You better not be female (male).
No ERP, we would be pure.
That wouldn't be a problem to me if it wasn't to you
Nah. You're wrong kiddo bucko.
Be a rezslut or live out spellblade fantasies
Mystic Knight NEVER EVER
Dragoon is easy. Just poke stuff.
Wouldn't surprise me one bit. The Lakeland weapons are all reskins of the weapons you can get in the Aery. And I saw a Baldur Blade reskin as one of the dungeon weapons too.
What’s wrong with white fur? White and lavender is great looking.
>make DRK use its own health pool instead of MP for its skills
>make Blood Meter into what is essentially extra HP
>build up Blood Meter and then spend that instead of your health
Apex arrow is fucking dog dick also.
Of course not, I just know some lala girls just like the boys.
Either way good luck finding someone on Primal!
she will call me daddy during mating press and she will like it
Too bad they don't prevent him from being killed faster than the random sahagin boss of Satasha
are you a nigger under that armor?
>"My shields are impregnable! Join the ranks of countless adventure- OH GOD OH FUCK"
This is why I always wished MRD branched to a secondary dps class a la Arcanist. I play berserkers in any game every chance I get, but I hate tanking in the traditional rpg sense.
Pure stuff is fine too!
Thank you, user! I hope you find someone over there yourself as well
>Talked my friend into getting the game
>Balmung servers already closed after only opening a day or so ago
not fair bros
I did DRK just for Living Shadow.And I think it was worth it.
>no r34 of Innocence yet
Holy shit get it together fujos
Just get the genji fending set and that one katana DRK weapon glam.
The longer these threads are from release the further they stray toward /vg/ shit. This happens literally every time, and it's an indicator of when these threads should fucking die.
ignore characterposters
ignore waifufags
ignore spoilertag erpers
Why would you subject your friend to playing on Crystal let alone Balmung?
Absolute cringe fest
Can just roll any Crystal server and world visit. Sucks that you can't be in an FC together, though.
Though, if it isn't congested already (I assume it is I saw tons of characters getting made last night) he could transfer over.
ive ERP'd with one. It was great she even made me her pet for a while before killing my character.
would recommend
>muh xivg boogeyman
you channers are all the same brand of cancer
How did you end up as a fucking flamboyant homosexual?
Never been to /vg/, cry more.
Your mom's pussy was that bad
Male lala on primal, too bad I dont add people from Yea Forums.
>people mourning over no SAM tank, GNB dps, DNC healer
>tfw still haven't gotten over the missed opportunity to be a BLM dps, WHM healer, RDM tank
It would've been literally perfect.
I literally farmed it yesterday got everything but the boots just unsync normal 4.0 unless you want to dye it
>tfw I only play this game because it is THE ONLY GAME with a spellblade job
>play exclusively RDM because of the aesthetic
>play every day because it's literally the only outlet I have for my autistic spellblade fantasies
>not even a fan of final fantasy
>not really huge on the actual game itself
>still play like an addict for this one sole class
it's an abstract kind of hell
You can tell exactly who's from /vg/ by the seething replies to this post. Trannies and ERPers go back.
As expected of an actual, literal faggot.
DRK's questline was about the stress and trauma of everything the WoL has been through, and how it gets to him even though he puts on a brave face. Nothing cringy about that
Why not every class having all roles?
i don't get bored of RDM, but i still won't play it until they fix reprise
>RDM tank
more like literally retarded
What in the fuck
>chad BLM and virgin SAM
Meanwhile I got 95 on my SAM with pugs while helping out a buddy to get his clear.
I'm gonna play GNB and pretend I'm a mystic knight who only knows fire strike.
RMT bots doing the THM quest
Anyone needs help with anything on primal
I'm a pld wanting a slight change of pace. RDM in XI was kinda underpowered support (a role which is basically nonexistent in this game because it has no depth)
Is RDM any good (or any fun?)
I want a lala wife irl
>BLM that low
It is the only job I find fun, but I'm not a great judge of mechanics or anything like that
Why not just play PLD then?
Lets run some E4
Nah, it was cringy shit with Fray being a whiny turbo bitch. And the Aura faggot was even worse.
Seething, enjoy your khloe porn pedo
It's stylish but has an incredibly low skill ceiling and the rotation is mind numbing.
Genuinely you are making this thread worse than they EVER could.
Good yes, fun no. It's an extremely basic job, very very boring
Newfag here hows bluemage? i heard it's shit but i still want to try it.
Yeah let's just double the amount of jobs in the game by giving them all 2 specs. That's totally a reasonable development idea.
I'm not the one avatarposting.
it's a minigame, not a real job
not him but I will
Thats casts per minute, not dps.
Last I heard the only thing they had was a free no-cast-time raise.
So they're middling single target dps with like no utility or?
God I miss FFXI during pre and post CoP
It’s a mini game and shit.
Level capped to 50, most of its abilities don't affect bosses and the unique combos suffer cause of it. It's a minigame disguised as a Job.
Both sides are seething cancer. There is nothing wrong with being a casual and enjoying the game laid back without bothering about parses but stop getting so fucking assblastedly defensive whenever a parse is mentioned. There is nothing wrong with competing with other players to see who has the bigger e-dick but stop dragging others into your shit, saying that jobs are "useless" even though you clear savage with 4 fucking SAMs.
>21 days since the release of Shadowbringers
>healers still are the adventurer in need of almost all roulettes
Thank You Healer achievements and mounts when?
Literally not even a real job. It's a clown class set aside as a minigame and banned from actually playing in content.
>tank big pulls the entire instance and I heal him no problem
>clemencys himself on every boss fight nonstop whenever he drops below 80% life, even though he has both aspected dots rolling on him
what the fuck is wrong with tanks
I've gotten 95-99 before without padding as healers since I normally pug everything, so I'm sure at least some would drop. Pretty sure a 100 would stay up there though.
it'd be interesting if they split the tank jobs into dps and tanks and split the ranged casters into healers and ranged dps sch-smn style
>So they're middling single target dps with like no utility or?
Yeah, pretty much. Their only real utility now that Mana Shift is gone is a physical damage buff. DNC is the real support job.
There should be achievement mounts for all jobs honestly, it's straight up tank privilege at this point and I say this despite being tank main
And I would prefer every avatarposter in the world than race wars, DC wars, or people screaming about trannies.
Sounds like you need to go back
Have you ever met FC/Linkshell members in real life Yea Forums?
>Not just playing Blue Mage
Sure, I already got my drops so you get one less person to roll against, make a pf if you want and ill join
yeah, I've gone to fanfest with my raid group and a couple members are coming out to visit me next month as well
I've met almost my entire FC at germany's fanfest 2 years ago, and I've met my best online friend in ireland last year. Stayed at his place for a whole month. Pretty comfy if you ask me
I've been posting in these Yea Forums threads since pre-Heavensward, and never posted in /xivg/.
Imagine needing discord for "dodge the bad" the fight.
One day yoshi will get a fucking clue and add the one true chad of tanks.
Till then normies will cry over chemist
Literally proving how retarded you are. SCH/SMN being tied to each other was a colossal design flaw.
>heal DRK
>heal PLD
>they get triggered at going past 80% hp and heal themselves for me
>heal WAR
>not an issue
>heal GNB
>they're at half hp after 2 autos from a lv80 boss
What in the fuck?
>he still has blizz 2 on his hotbar
It’s worse on au ra cause it feels like you’re about to chop your horns off
Implying this isn't the next maiming melee dps. There likely won't be another tank added to 14.
>SCH/SMN being tied to each other was a colossal design flaw.
How do you still buy this shit? They've done this expansion exactly what they should have done from the start. Just give fucking SCH a separate list of skills.
Saw this like right when shb launched, really like the look. I think it's the scallic jacket with prince nez
No, a green femroe
>join discord group for pug
>one asshole coughing into the mic nonstop the entire time (had to be intentional)
>one other asshole that wont shut the fuck up with shit cringe jokes trying to be a jester to girl in the group
>girl sounded like a tranny
>black guy melee dps that constantly going "oh shit nigga heal me" as he greeds every mechanic
what kind of weapon would it use?
Because it is retarded
Damage in the game is already overall pre calculated and taken into count depending on party composition. So in another words you could have 4 ninjas as your dps and still get a clear.
Which circles back to the retarded notion that you think it's entirely feasible to literally double the amount of jobs in the game by making every job 2 jobs.
>Just give fucking SCH a separate list of skills.
this. there's multiple versions of the same skill like Ruin II that have different potencies and stuff because they're split between SCH and SMN. those jobs being hard to balance is a lie they're just being lazy.
White/black fur is the most common, but nobody experiments with blonde or brown. It's extremely disheartening with all of the color options we have.
inb4 another dps that uses maiming set.
As fucking if clearly Beastmaster is next maiming
>its a massive design flaw because i dont like it
twin swords
Beastmaster was already named as a future limited job.
she's using aether to make them bigger in her soul body.
BST is a limited job so it doesn't count. Just like BLU isn't counted towards casters.
Judges use Glaives that can disconnect into two weapons
>limited jobs
stop it yoship
this is your tank for 7.0
Yeah the discord pfs are an instant red flag for me
Sure is big brain to tie two classes in different roles together but have them share the vast majority of their kit so you can't balance one without severely affecting the other. It was objectively a bad decision and even SE has admitted it.
wow that's terrible
Were not getting tanks back to back. It'll be 1 healer 1 DPS.
What is that? Some weird Alexander skin?
I’m make one soon
>5.0 and 7.0 is back to back
>not 2 healers
um sweatheart?
reversed engineered alex that is in the crystal tower
user that’s dumb. I like it so it’s good.
>7.0 is back to back with 5.0
What does that have to do with anything?
user you should play the expansion before posting in these threads.
If you really want to know It's a Garlond Ironworks version of Alexander that was made to send the Crystal Tower back in time after the 8th Umbral Calamity
Ninja, Oboro the failure is horribly boring and the quest is filled with unfunny comedy.
You know exactly how it would actually go down. DRKs would be dropping to 1 HP and yelling at their healers to adjust so they can squeeze out extra damage while making everyone around them suffer. While completely thematically appropriate, as long as raiding is treated as a competitive thing with parsing and speed clear, we're never going to have a tank have the potential to outshine others in damage, even if they have to murder themselves to do it.
War has always been dog shit
It's ok, we can't all have good taste.
Dodge tank
People keep saying WAR and DRK are identical now. So does that mean DRK has the unga bunga big direct hit spam with a fel cleave equivalent?
but smn was jank because it was smn, not because it was tied to sch
The only thing wrong with GNB is the shoehorned hrothgar lore attached to them.
What if it was -hp that couldn't be healed except through abilities? You know, actually make soul eater do something useful and teach newshitters to be careful.
I thought Oboro was competent, does he get bad after level 60?
Your taste is shit
Never touched this game, I just hang around for story.
I have no time for ffxivor any other vidya for that matterkill me
haha salty garlean larper