Prey is 80% off. Tell me it's worth it or not? I can get deluxe edition for $10 CAD

Prey is 80% off. Tell me it's worth it or not? I can get deluxe edition for $10 CAD.

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Other urls found in this thread:

a steal

Prey is great.
Mooncrash is alright, but gets boring once you realize how it works.
The VR multiplayer thing is retarded

One of the rare 10/10 games that Yea Forums just shits all over. If you liked System Shock, Bioshock, etc. then grab it.

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Prey is really good for 2/3rds of the game and then completely drops the ball at the end

Mooncrash is pretty good starting out as well, but again drops the ball once you're finishing it since it's really easy to figure out how to maximize your runs.

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worth it for that price
top shelf level design and get some neuro powers to have fun
story is waste of time

it's more in common with SS2 than any Bioshock
also, play on the hardest difficulty

I just wanna know one thing: How spoopy is it? I know there's mimics that can imitate objects and then jump at you, how often does that happen?
Yeah I know I'm a pussy, no need to tell me

Yes, most underrated game of 2017

you can unlock a way to scan for them.

also it rarely happens, and it's obvious when it's about to. just ask yourself "why would there be 2 trash cans right next to each oither in this hallway?"

It really bother me how much hate it got. Literally another Bio/System shock game.

>Literally another Bio/System shock game
That explains the hate then, those games were shit


So in every room I enter I have to check for any duplicate object? Shit I'm getting stressed out just thinking about it

It is good, the only real problems with it are the generic enemy design and the final sections of the game.

>press here to calibrate looking glass

>10 Canadian Chuck E. Cheese tokens for what many anons consider 2017 GOTY
That right there is not only worth it, you'd be a retard if you were not to buy it.

get the xbox game pass for PC for one dollar
prey is on there and you'll easily finish it within a month

If you're stupid, you won't appreciate it.

hell yes

Yes its worth it. And once you've gone through the first time you can play through it relatively quickly, so going back for alternate playstyles isn't a huge chore.

Original Prey was 500,000x better. NuPrey is like NuDoom, flashy garbage for nugamer morons.

What's the relation between the two games besides the name ?

What, like the DLC? It's not that much newer

You see OP this here's a faggot. Make sure you're not like him and buy the game.

you mean the generic shooter prey? and before you start shrieking like a nig with a cig the walking on walls and portals weren't enough to save it from being painfully mediocre.

Absolutely none

The original game, you child. There was a game called Prey before this new pile of shit, you know. Released in 2006? The one with aliens and a guy that can walk around outside his body?
Jesus, kids.

some enemies teleport behind you sometimes

Thanks user for letting me know, i've spent the last 10 years savouring every single game arkane ever made and i was wating for this to become affordable
Bought for both me and my niece

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>Jesus, kids.

nothing wrong with forgetting a forgettable game

>painfully mediocre
That perfectly describes NuPrey. Jesus, it's all about fucking graphics to you kids, just fucking admit it. If it doesn't look like a game is being raped by particle effects and lighting bullshit while rendering a fucking 500TB of textures wall across the room, you're not goddamn interested.

Calm down Mr. user you don't want to get a stroke or shit your pants.

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Here's a pic of my niece btw since you pervs are gonna ask anyway

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IT's a deal, it's a steal, it's turn of the fucking century

in fact, fuck it Nick, I think I'll keep it

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original prey was fucking average dude. doom 3/quake 4 era shooter with very little going on. it was amazing to me that they had cool tech like shrinking down and also portals but it did absolutely fuck all with it.

you are fucking stupid if you think old prey in any way compares to what arkane did with prey.

Prey (2006) was ok but generic at times. It had some cool moments, but those few cool moments are the only thing keeping it above the average mid 2000 FPS snorefest

You've never played it. Guaranteed. You've just played this mediocre NuPrey garbage because OMGRAFIIIIXXX!!!!1!1! That's all you fucking care about.
Every single one of you kids now are required to play only Atari 2600 games for a full year as punishment.

I got it on game pass and it's pretty fun

I know original Prey and never played it, was just happy you bit the bait
And hell yeah I never played it, there's lots of games that came out in my teens that I never played. What about it nigger?

>playing nuPrey for graphics
>it doesn't even have particularly impressive graphics

How do you dedicated shitposters develop these lines of reasoning?

>getting this mad over people enjoying something

Maybe if you had played some better games, you wouldn't think bullshit like this is good.

because its *just* plausible enough to keep the replys coming

>Jesus, it's all about fucking graphics to you kids, just fucking admit it
You're the first person on this thnem neve taht daertioned graphics, faggot. Just tell everyone how much you seethe when you see a younger person and move on, but don't try to blame the game for your dementia.

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>getting this mad over gaming going to absolute shit when you've enjoyed actual good gaming back in the old days
You better believe it, kid. When you like something and you see it go to shit, you tend to react. God forbid you have a little bit of fucking passion in your life, kids. How fucking horrible.

Don't get it on Steam, the PC version doesn't have controller support.

Okay so my keyboard decided to fucking die mid-sentence, but what remains of my point still stands!


Fair enough.


>playing a PC game with a controller
>playing an FPS with a controller
>even bothering with Steam if you refuse to play games without controller support
>but most importantly pic related

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>feeling passionate about a shit game from 2006
The joke writes itself folks. Autistic nostalgia is one hell of a drug

>prey 2017

yes yes yes, you aslo have a free dlc in the game

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If you play on Normal, there's nothing barring you from harder enemies from the moment you hit the Talos Lobby. Phantoms are fucking horrible until you get a pistol or a Shotgun.

Then there's the Nightmare.

It controls like an FPS, which is why that is relevant. Retard.

It does not support controllers.

it's easy to recognize the mimics so it's never that scary. more of a cool detail than anything

The game world itself is very, very good. You have plenty of ways to solve problems and explore. However, everything else is pretty bad. Mimics are cool for the first hour, but get old quickly. All other enemies are just ugly and boring. Guns are too weak and boring.

>this mediocre NuPrey garbage
>because OMGRAFIIIIXXX!!!!1!1!

Well and you obviously didn't play this "NuPrey" you don't even know what genre of game it is.

Is this game open-world?

its a Metroidvania with loading screens

>playing FPS with a controller

I bought the DLC and got something called Prey Typhoon Hunter, the Steam page description is extremely confusing, can someone explain to me what this is and if it's worth my time.

Out of curiosity, how replayable is Prey?

typhoon hunter is vr trash that requires a bethesda account, it's like a little "bonus" to buying the dlc.

Don't bother, it's a multiplayer mode but finding players is impossible.

Steam has a built-in controller interpreter, you can play anything on any controller if you know how to configure it, it's pretty amazing desu.

also seems to be broken (login servers are shut down) according to all recent reviews

I'd say "not very". Can't sequence-break without doing speedrunner glitching bullshit, so progression is pretty linear every playthrough.
I replayed it once, to try an all-alien neuromods run, after doing all-human my first run. I hit the "let's-just-get-this-over-with" point much faster in the second run.
It technically has bots, but it sounds really, REALLY lame, so I've never fired it up.

I heard that Prey is basically BioShock but in space, is that accurate?

so minecraft is an FPS now?

>BioShock but in space
I hate you so much.

The joke writes itself folks. Autistic nostalgia is one hell of a drug

>playing games on a computing machine aka PC
>playing games with a keyboard and mouse
might as well get a typewriter and shove it up your ass you cringe autist moron

There's some light platforming to Prey, and combat in the early and mid-game is generally more difficult. But otherwise, sure.
It probably is closer to System Shock 2, yes.

>Yea Forums just shits all over
most thread I see talk well about this game

Thanks for telling me OP, pirated this game when I only had a GTX 645, had to drop it due to performance issues. Now that I've upgraded I can enjoy this.

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until the one faggot show up and claims that portals and walking on walls made old prey better

There are only 2 (3) good jumpscares. The mimics don't really scare too much, you get used to it pretty fast.

Happens pretty much all the time, but those mimics aren’t even the spooky ones you’ll soon learn.

Prey was great
we need more native american heroes in games
the spirit walking thing was ace as fug

Its ending will ruin the whole game for you so dont buy.

Mimics dont exist much in this game. They are a gimmimic.

>find the office where they were researching mimcs
>one got out
>the office is covered in sticky notes
>each one has the same phrase
>"not a mimic"
>the coffee cup with no note is a mimic

Did Bethesda fuck up the pricing? Mooncrash was never under $10.

that opening was kino

I think Mooncrash is most fun when you realize how it works.

Excellent game. Didnt like the DLC but the main game is a genuine 10/10

>spend too much time exploring
>can miss your flight
>credits roll

>spirit walking
>A Cherokee medicine mans drug of choice was tobacco
>The Cherokee literally ate so much tobacco their brain turns into leaves

I phrased poorly, tobacco was only eaten when you want to start your trip

fuck you

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that was a nice anime


Based roleplaying zoomer

mr tree branch coffee cup

I’d say it’s worth it for 10 bucks. It’s barely better than shovelware but yea I can see getting it at that price if you’ve got absolutely nothing else on your list at that price point.

it was too much bioshock rather than system shock, for me
got bored a couple hours in

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Very much so. Stellar game. Afaik it's the only good Immersive Sim to come out in the last 5 years aside from Dishonored 2.
Good for a second playthrough, not much for 3. Aside from major story elements changing based on your decisions, the RPG elements are restrictive and you can't do everything on one playthrough. I did my first run with human upgrades and saved going all-out on Typhon for the second.
It helps that the overall world layout is nonlinear and you can mix up the way you do things.
It has some similarities in terms of the art design in places. Not quite Art Deco, but closer that most aesthetics. I'd say it's more System Shock 2 crossed with Dishonored.

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For $8 this better be good.

I never bothered to finish it: too many loading screens, and it played like Dishonored (which is already shit) but worse

I pirated it and had a blast. The game gives you the tools to have fun. You can upgrade strength and hurl couches at enemies, recycle them with grenades, encase them in glue then wrench their shit bus most people just shotgun stuff then claim the game is boring. If you upgrade the alien powers you get even more stuff to mess around with. Exploration and the staff bracelet tracking is pretty nice. I remember I found a dead guy crammed up some air duct that had a suit upgrade which increased speed while in space. Spent a bunch of time fucking around outside and looting everything the spaceship and dead people.

>too many loading screens
Is this b8? There's only one loading screen per level change and you can easily spend an hour on each level. What are you comparing it against? Nu God of War?

>can't get into locked security room
>foam darts can't hit the computer screen, its facing the wrong way
>key is later in the game, want the item inside now
>security glass has the small hole on the counter for passing papers through
>bring a coffee cup over to the counter
>mimic, take coffee cups shape
>roll through hole in glass
>return to full size

If he's a resource-hoarder, like me, he was probably constantly backtracking to offload recyclables.
Even without that, sidequests are going to have you constantly moving through multiple zones.
It's mostly a problem in the first half of the game.

>don't listen to December
>later on get a vision
>they also stop responding

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Technically you explore the entire station so yeah?

That's peak Immersive Sim right there. Almost like the inciting incident of the genre, actually
>"There was a moment when we were working on Ultima VI that I'll never forget," says Spector. "I was watching testers play this area where your path is blocked by a portcullis, and you had to flip a lever to raise the portcullis and advance. The tester didn't have the telekinesis spell that you needed in order to flip the lever, and I thought he was doomed. But one of the members of his party was a talking mouse, and since the portcullis was a simulation, the mouse could actually wriggle through it and flip the lever. And I just fell on the floor. No one else in the world had ever done that! You weren't supposed to be able to do that! And I thought to myself, ‘That, that is what I'm doing for a living from now on. I'm going to make things like that happen.' That's the immersive sim right there – all because of an accident."
Oh wow I just looked it up and Spector even praised Prey 2017 for embodying the design philosophy.

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I was sold when I realized that every person in the station are named and you can find every single one of them, dead or alive

>near the start of the game
>can see where alex is

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I never noticed anything amiss; where is he, if not in his office in the Arboretrum?

i rememeber seeing at the start of the game that there's a medical tracker bracelet labeled that belonged to someone else so i imagine you can wear one tat's not yours

That is why I love immersive sims. Let me just try shit to see if it works. It usually doesn't, but when you create some Rube Goldberg-esque contraction to see if it would actually work and it does, that is just a great feeling.

>dead or alive
>or not quite either

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Same. The nerf crossbow was a great example of that in Prey.
>find email between programmers saying they made the tips of the nerf darts conductive so they can shoot each others screens across the cubicles
>realize you can operate all computer interfaces with this
>since it has an arc you can hit buttons over ledges without LOS
>since it's a physics object and flies indefinitely in zero-gravity, it causes Polyps to track it and explode, making it an excellent weapon for killing them in the GUTS or outside the station
I love that literal joke weapon can be an invaluable tool. I remember the release threads of people freaking out about that together.

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Pretty was really cool and fun but it's definitely not a 10/10

IT'S JUST BETTER than Dishonored 2, fuck Harvey Smith

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>most of the employees dicked around and weren't just mindless NPC workers with no stories
>mfw found a D&D character sheet
damn good game

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I do enjoy that every worker was named and had some sort of voice. It didn't have a big impact on the setting but I appreciated the dedication towards making Talos I as "lived in" as possible.

Weren't they even filled out? And in the recreation section you can see the map they made for the game?
>tfw you find the email of the health specialist getting onto Alex about him skipping workouts

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>tfw you visit alex room

>found a pile of snacks hidden just inside an air vent

This is the game that System Shock 2 should've been.

Amazing deal, been wanting to play this, cheers op. You can't go wrong with an Arkane game.

I'm not buying it till they removeo denuvo
I'll stick to my pirated copy for now

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Always keep gloo gun ammo handy, shit is like duct tape it can be used for everything.

>immobilize enemies to wrench them
>make staircases to reach areas
>make a bridge along walls to reach areas
>can be used to smother fires
>can be used to temporarily "repair" damaged and shorting electrical panels
>can be used to seal up radioactive waste (recycler charge is better but you don't always have one)
>seal off your escape route
>seal off side routes, useful for when you want to lure enemies into a hallway with turrets

>Music starts
>Hey this is pretty good
>Ah, shit

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Absolutely, if you're a fan of Deus Ex, System Shock 2 or Thief. It's an immersive sim through and through.

All that vitriol comes from a board and it's not Yea Forums. And it's because one of the NPCs is a lesbian.

What did they mean by this?

it gets explained when you hit some office for a story required part about 1/3 of the way into the game, you get to read about the history of the world and the nature of the research.

>The optional pod ending mid game spoils the entire twist

what the fuck were they thinking?

I see an overwhelmingly larger portion coming from the people complaining about how it's not a sequel to Prey 2. Like thrice as much.

just very dedicated shitposters

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It really doesn't. It hints at it, but to deduce "the entire twist" from that one line from Alex is not feasible.
I like it. Glad they let you poke at the walls a bit on that.

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It's literally the best immersive sim released in years, maybe in over a decade. The gameplay is really fucking good, all the shit you'd look for in a game like this. Lots of systems to play with, lots of paths to take, lots of ways to finish shit. The GLOO gun is probably the best addition to the genre in years, and the weirder powers you can get are pretty unique.

The level design's fantastic. You can go EVA too, and the outside of the station matches the inside. Game's not perfect. There's some balance issues and if you know where to go you can break the game pretty early on. Enemies are creepy but there's not really too much variation between them, and the story starts out very strong but slackens as the game goes on.

Also yes get Mooncrash, it's a rogue-lite variant of the game that uses a Risk of Rain-style difficulty progression system.

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>Risk of Rain-style difficulty progression system.
What does that mean? Never played RoR

There's a timer counting down. The longer your current run is the more difficult it becomes.

That would be tough, considering Prey 2 never came out and all we ever saw was a super scripted trailer. That's called an excuse, my son, that game was dead as early as 2013.

And if you take too long you flat out lose, which I personally think is shit.

I found a way to cheese it and bought those timer extension items by the truckload. Never let the corruption or whatever progress beyond the start since it only added enemies and blocked doors.

I bought it on sale last year and after finishing it I can say without a doubt that it is a fucking travesty that it didn’t sell better.

What? You wake up and see the same robot floating scene as the real ending. If it's impossible how did I realize it?

I found a hole on my first playthrough of mooncrash before they subject you to the corruption shit. I was able to get into all 3 of the outer areas and explore the shit at my own pace. Was pretty dope, but you can't go back to the middle to finish the run as it intended you to so you end up having to use the spaceship to escape

What? If you take the escape pod ending you get a fade to black, some electronic effects, and Alex saying "we failed, this isn't the one" before getting a game over
You can see it here at 1:07 -
You're saying taking Alex's escape pod gave you the proper ending?
Did you do that after completing the game once? Like on a NG+ run?

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I rented the game on release and I swear to god it shows the robots floating above you. On PS4. I remember it vividly because then I saw it again later. I played it in one day

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>le spoopy game

yawn, no thanks

One of the best games ever made. The only game i've finished in the past 8 years

Jesus user

It's not a horror game, user.

What happens to the "cook" again ?

On mine he ran to an escape pod and sudoku'd with a bunch of recycler grenades while trying to take me with him. Not sure what other possibilities are possible.

The fat guy you find is not the cook. The real cook is dead and you can find his bracelet in the freezer or something. You also find the cook's room and he's a tall bearded dude in his log/pictures. The fat guy is an inmate that was being used for experiments. He escaped and killed the cook.

extremely worth it.

I think that's why put the word in quotation marks.

>That perfectly describes NuPrey
you sound like you havent seen the game, much less played it.

>Touch to Calibrate

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the jump scare spawns a real one in the hallway right behind you

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>grab the key from the guy that was cooked alive by the plasma power surge
>fuckhuge machine spinning in that tiny ass room

If you turned it off you're a huge pussy

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It's not a bad game but man I hated the no gravity zones.

Y... you could've turned it off?

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>that guy who tried to warn everybody but got tangled in the billboard cables

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>le pedo man making le funny face
Hello, reddit!


You're wrong its the opposite. Yea Forums overrates the fuck out of this boring ass game

When the game was released, the threads I saw were ones that were complaining about the fact that there's so much unrealistic diversity, token hires at positions of leadership and abnormal overrepresentation of gays and unneeded focus on them. Only the latter is a valid point since the rest is the result of demands by the Soviet Union. The US side of the project may have wanted the most qualified people to be hired but they couldn't just overrule the side who wanted to hire based on forced equality.

How is it boring? The only things it does worse than System Shock 2 are that its atmosphere is bland and unthreatening, and it has no interesting villain. I suspect that most people who find the game boring are solving every "problem" with some officially recognized solution rather than by improvising. They grind for neuromods to unlock high level hacking in order to get past a keypad instead of stacking things so they could reach a window through which they could shoot at the touch screen of the door opening panel with the toy crossbow. They install strength mods so they could lift away some crates instead of exploring for explosive canisters they could stack next to the crates to move them with the force of the blast.

Denuvo does have a significant impact on this game though. Since Denuvo causes loading screens to take longer, what do you think it does to a game that has two loading screens for every time it loads?

system shock 3
worth more than you're paying
pick it up

How about they are both complete pieces of shit in they're different ways

Not nearly as good as System Shock 2.

I remember it being in the mirror.

maybe there was one in the mirror, i'm not sure since i said "oh shit" and instinctively fired a shotgun shell, smashing the glass.


Same lol

If 80% off, then yes.
Its not bad on technical level but its boring as shit
>setting has been done to death, bioshock, system shock, dead space and so on
>only 2 enemy types, a small spider that can disguise as small stuff, and a hideously overpowered bipedal enemy, all enemies are reskins of the afromentioned

>only 2 enemy types, a small spider that can disguise as small stuff, and a hideously overpowered bipedal enemy, all enemies are reskins of the afromentioned
This is blatantly and objectively untrue.
Yes, Mimics and Phantoms have many variants.
Even ignoring all those, there's at least 6 other alien variants (Cystoids, Nightmares, Telepaths/Technopaths, Poltergeits, and Weavers), humans, and robotic enemies.

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haha i like to walk around in my video games too

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Is it true that the singer for this changes from a male to a female voice depending on what gender you play as? I played as a man and the singer was female.

Yup. Also, if you scan yourself the description changes between genders as well.

Fun fact, the singer (female) is Katara from avatar last Airbender.

>female vocals are 10x better than the male ones
>the full track on the official OST is the male singer
>full track with high quality audio mastering with female vocals doesnt exist

Goddamit prey-kun my frown is moving on it's own!

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>Escape pods are fake

Nice. Did not know that one.

I haven't played it at length since like a month after release; I know some DLC came out; did they ever patch in NG+ and variable difficulty settings like they did with Dishonored 2?

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Mooncrash was the best chunk of it, mostly because it disables savescumming, the major fun-killer in this genre.

Raph wanted to show off his boomer rocker daddy skills

Thanks for the heads up OP.


Because the combat doesn't generally take place at long range.

But they do user

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there's not really a jumpscare until you get on an elevator people who have played will know what im talking about

>It hints at it, but to deduce "the entire twist" from that one line from Alex is not feasible.
Not him, but I thought the glitchy sound effects and Alex saying "no, that isn't right" or some shit made it pretty obvious that the game was taking place inside an experimental simulation of some kind. Putting that optional ending near the game's mid point wasn't a great idea, imo.

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