GTA Online: The Diamond Casino & Resort

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Looks like there's a mini-storyline of missions. as well.

why do tony look so different?

Never reinstalling again. Fucking years too late. And the SP neglect is unforgivable


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Can't wait to buy shark cards so I can enjoy this free dlc.

A year after the Scarlett/PS5 remaster that includes a remake of RDR1.

It's not Tony. Brucie Kibbutz and Tao Cheng return. Looks like the Chad guy, Tommy Boy, is a new character and is used in the voice-over. Seems like he will be the main guy you deal with.

It seems like the casino will be playable, with a penthouse available and possibly a business unlock. About fucking time.

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If I buy GTA Online do I have to buy DLC or does this come for free?

I will never touch GTA Online ever again. Rockstar burned that bridge for me. It’s the most Jew scummy money hungry bullshit I ever seen. Same with Red Dead Online. It hurts to see based Rockstar stop having integrity and sold out.

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Seems like it'll be a cross between the heist missions and the lowrider missions.

DLC is free with GTA V (fuckton of updates to download first, even since present-gen release), but online access usually costs money, depending on platform.

>TFW I have $117M in the bank (earned over $450M in total) and tired of grinding solo.

One the the best grinds in the game is I/E ($240K p/h), Bunker ($46K p/h, minus charges and resupply costs), VIP Work ($90K p/h), Client Jobs (via Terrorbyte/Nightclub) ($90K p/h) and Nightclub goods ($41K p/h with best five businesses); for a maximum of $507K per hour, less bills and damages. Though you will need a solo Public session to do those without getting griefed.

Same day as RDR1 comes to PC

>He still grinds
I spawned in billions with a mod menu back before the doomsday heist, Ever since they released those faggy vehicles i stopped caring

I've seen keys for GTA Online on PlayerAuctions and wondered if this is like the launcher outside Steam with Rockstar Social or its just for multiplayer and I need to have a Steam copy.

GTAO Is tied to V, Retards tried to argue they were separate entity's, But you need V to start GTAO

>more Tony
>they used that fucking Eddie Murphy song for a trailer again
>literally just Nightclub assets with casino shit tacked on
>no cure for flying missile motorcycles ruining freemode and trivializing missions

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cool something else to spend my billions on

>more Tony
No Tony.
>no cure for flying missile motorcycles ruining freemode and trivializing missions
Invite Only and solo Public.

>Tony is literally in the trailer

Why is gta online so popular when it has worse loading times than battlefield?

So put down as if I were a fucking retard, I need both GTA V and GTA O to play this? Or I can play this without GTA O as singleplayer? Sorry if I'm dense I just don't get how this DLC shit works if you tell me "buy X Y and Z" I'll buy X Y and Z.

Yeah, I'm thinking GTAO is back

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Gotta watch it again

What's the safest way to use those mod menus?

cant wait to watch Aris play slots for 10 hours straight

Buy GTA V and download all the updates. Pay for the online play fee, if applicable.

A lot of shit is done in freemode now, which had no loading times. Only problem is that they encourage griefing, so people have to fuck with their connection to get a solo Public session, in order to make the big bucks.

All you fucking need is GTA if you are on PC even better buy a cheap steam key.

>cant play the game without the most egregious fucking stutters ever
I'll pass until my new motherboard gets here

I used to be so excited to see a new trailer from Rockstar. They really cheapened themselves with GTAO.

>still no SP DLC

i would even pay for it but i dont put a cent into that garbage online

I need a hands down, no memes, no "don't buy it faggot that's the only reason why", or, "buy it faggot, just do it".

This looks interesting, is GTA Online decent these days and worth the money?

Officially it’s “free” but the items cost so much in-game currency that unless you’re playing on PC with a money-hack, you’ll never be able to buy anything without paid shark cards.

cheaters will ruin it on pc :(

Is this fucking Lawrence?

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You need GTA V to play GTA Online.

Thanks Yea Forumsro.

People can get banned or have their money cleared out for that shit, but whatever. Even people who use harmless ultra-wide mods can get banned. I never fucked with anything mod-wise other than changing the MTU setting to get a solo Public session. I have never bought a shark card.

I have reached that point where grinding for the sake of grinding is indeed pretty pointless now. I wanted to finally get over $100M in the bank and I finally did it recently. I'm a lone-wolf player and even my old crew has moved on to other games. I keep worrying about the endgame for GTA Online and GTA VI, and whether there's any point to playing on, even though it's the only game I have for my console, as a poorfag who has to spend a potential new game budget on a yearly online subscription and can therefore never afford a new game.

people talking about grinding and mods

why cant you just enjoy the game?

This. I've put 250 hours into the online. It's a giant scam, there is no way to unlock shit without spending money, even grinding doesn't work very well because other players will just kill you and destroy your shipments.

as someone who just got into gta online this is looking pretty clean
thanks to the modders that got me to 10m in my first week of play

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Goddamn I would literally pay for single player DLC but Rockstar would rather focus on this bullshit . Episodes from Liberty City was god tier DLC. I want to give Rockstar my money for SP DLC but I would never give them a dime for GTA Online

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I'm still waiting for a personal straight answer. I've always seen GTA V from the distance, is it ever really worth the money?

Oh pity i was thinkin of gettin a cdkey for gta5... but griefin in free roam alone gets stale after about fifty hoius i think...also does d game annoy players with constant useless updates on pc? Updates how big? Also how many hours of grind to be able to access good missions?

I only bought gta V two weeks or so ago but haven't had time to get some friends to play online. What do you buy that's so essential?

You are jumping in at the end of it's life cycle, I wouldn't recommend it, The game has problems out the ass, Unbalanced and the economy is complete shite, The playerbase is a mix or normalfags, Autists, And sociopaths. The city is a war zone you will be shot on sight

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Its retarded this game has been one of the most played online games for half a decade and never got a proper expansion. We should have got the San Fransisco and Las Vegas maps as updates.

Do people still make it rain money online? R* took all my hackerbux a few years ago and stopped playing because fuck grinding the same heists over and over.

Map expansions could of added years to it's lifespan, Fools they are.

On pc yes, modders either are the most based people or they are a bunch of cucks

how do i check my stats? haven't played gtao in like 2 years

im pretty new to the game but you can join pretty much any mission. your ingame phone gets spammed with invites pretty much all the time so if you see one you want to do just go for it
it can get annoying sometimes though when the NPC's CONSTANTLY fucking call your ingame phone and theres no way to turn them off

i got on one day and Lester called me 4 times within 2 minutes of loading up the server

If you're a member, log-in to R* Social Club. Or fire up the game and check your stats.

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>It’s the most Jew scummy money hungry bullshit I ever seen.
Its literally free.

i mean... if you enjoy GTA you will enjoy GTA online
i only just started a week or 2 ago and its decent fun although i dont take it very seriously
modders give out free money so you dont have to grind for shit. pretty cool

imagine still playing this game. yikes

>it can get annoying sometimes though when the NPC's CONSTANTLY fucking call your ingame phone and theres no way to turn them off
>i got on one day and Lester called me 4 times within 2 minutes of loading up the server
F. You have to buy everything they hassle you to buy. I worked out a few months back that it costs at least $17M to get the minimum of what they want you to buy. I would never have dome any of the freemode business if I couldn't change my MTU settings for a solo Public session. Fuck getting griefed even once.

Tell that to the folks still playing WoW

Nice, how many shark cards do you need to enjoy this dlc? Or how many months of grinding shitty missions?


>modders give out free money

I haven't played since the initial launch week. What's changed since then? I remember no one doing missions because
>Rockstar kept nerfing payouts
>Load times were ridiculous
>Set up times were just as ridiculous eith everyone spending 10 years going through various options before hitting ready
Like the only thing you could do in free roam was Rob convenience stores.

im not completely sure how it works but they buy mod menus
certain menus let you spawn certain things.
so they can just spawn money drops on top of you

Future games. As they have separated out Los Santos from the other two cities of SA, I imagine they will get their own games. Vice City might be next though.

Sadly, it seems there will be about a decade between GTAs at this point. Online is such a success, they don't even need to create a game from scratch for quite a while. Oh, for the days of regular releases between 2001-09. I do worry that we'll never get an epic 100 mission GTA single-player storyline ever again. GTA V was too short.

>he actually plays the game and does missions
>he doesn't just ride around fucking with the other players
you guys are all doing it wrong

It's the best criminal simulator on the market, period.

Money, Cars and Shit.


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>mod menus
can't you get banned for using reshade
the fuck rockstar

well damn

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jesus fuck

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when is the casino update coming out?

Nah. the bunker dlc required you to have a bunker to do the missions. you either grind or pay up...

>wageslaving in a videogame
No thanks, haven't played since the biker update and never had the urge to.

They make grinding intentionally long and dull, New items cost millions, They literally coded cars to crash into you. It's basic MT practice, You absolute fool, A cretin of epic proportions, Don't fucking reply to me.

Next Tuesday.

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watch the trailer in the op...

>tfw been using stealth money cheats for 3 years now
>unlock all the content with my dirty millions while the plebs are out grinding for literal days
>only come back to play the updates and get bored after 3 hours at most
I feel for the plebs, i truly do.

People still play this shit game?





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>Guy in armored buttcar rides up and shoots me to death
>Guy rides up again
>Bullets don't penetrate armored buttcar windshield
>Guy rides up a third time
>Blow his armored buttcar up with a rocket launcher
Dropped the game right around then.
What a stupid fucking addition that meme vehicle was.


i make millions a week now and to me thats like beating the game because i beat rockstars shark cards, and honestly all the business grinding shit is right up my autistic alley

casino should be fun

>thats like beating the game because i beat rockstars shark cards.
Pretty much this with modded cash, It's strange breaking the rules in a game where you are a criminal

Just a reminder that the casino was cut from the original game, that came out 6 years ago, and they're just repackaging that and releasing it now.

>The city is a war zone you will be shot on sight
This, you acan't even larp with random people without speaking.
everyone shoot you on sight, so you have to do the same.

It's true.

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What a fucking joke GTA Online is.

Yeah it was like that since day one sadly, I won't be showing any mercy in VI.

As long as you dont spawn money you can pretty mutch ride an ufo while nuking the map and they wont do shit

>They make grinding intentionally long and dull,
Missions are infinitely replayable, of course payout is going to take a hit
Its only dull if you don't like the game.
>New items cost millions,
There's no way to lose money on GTA Online, this isn't an issue.
>They literally coded cars to crash into you.
So? I don't get what this has to do with anything. they also coded that you get a breathing mask when you leave the Dinghy.
>It's basic MT practice
What is? cars crashing into you? you're talking about 20-200 worth of damage on a mission that pays out at least 80k, you also get charged 200 bucks every time you start a mission, if you wanna be nit-picky about things.
>You absolute fool, A cretin of epic proportions, Don't fucking reply to me.
Made it extra long reply just to trigger you more, sweetie :*

Imagine not having at least a billion mod bucks your GTAO wallet in the Year of our Lord MMXIX After Death of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

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Begone shareholder

Spoiler Alert:

He's saying "Troy, my boy!"

It's Troy from TBoGT. Look at his face.

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Look at the faces. It's Troy.

>Its only dull if you don't like the game.
bruh its incredibly dull, its the same 10 missions on repeat for any given DLC that has some "collect this stuff"

>There's no way to lose money on GTA Online, this isn't an issue.
Except the fact that the FASTEST way to get money in GTAV is still grinding out Pacific Standard Heists because that is the best money per hour, and yet it only gives you a few hundred thousand per hour so the payout is trash and some car costing 3 million dollars will take you dozens of hours to grind for. Everything else is inferior.

>it pays 80k
80k won't buy you anything but fucking guns and ammo.

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Do you honestly think your dumb ass can convince me otherwise? I played the game since 2013. It's quite obvious you have shares in T2, No? No rational person will defend this shit.

He's a shill who thinks 80k is a lot of money

If you do pacific standard heist over and over and hit all the achievements for it you can bank 220k per hour assuming you don't stop for anything. For a 3m dollar car (not even gonna consider the 6m dollar planes) that means you need 13.6 hours of doing nothing but the PS heist to afford one fucking car.

>i cant buy the best cars immediately so its SHIT


>not playing the game

see you'll be grinding 13 hours just for one car, thats not considering anything from the airplanes dlc, bunkers DLC or any of that other expensive ass shit.

R* designed the game specifically so that you'd buy shark cards, even still 50 dollars gets you like 2 million IIRC which isn't enough for one of those cars. Is a 50 dollar car really gonna give you what is effectively a 50 dollar full game's worth of fun?

>bruh its incredibly dull
If its dull to you don't play the game, this is a non-issue. I don't play stuff I find dull.

>80k won't buy you anything but fucking guns and ammo.
80k every 20 minutes adds up when you can't lose money.

Are the glitched money cars still annoying to sell? I have multiple garages full of viglantes and hovercars I want to sell for the update.

I played normally for like 4 years, There's only so much you can do.

I think this problem could easily be solved by removing player names above the players as well as removing their blips on the radar. Reverse Lester's ability where he would hide you, and instead make it so that he would show other players. As soon as you spawn, you have a target painted on your back.

Nigger you aren't counting the 10-15 minute loading screens, Two for each mission. eat shit and sit down

>If its dull to you don't play the game, this is a non-issue. I don't play stuff I find dull.
>I love repeating the same 10 missions for hours and hours and hours, thats not dull, you're just not enjoying it don't play, I'm being an obtuse retard

>80k every 20 minutes
thats only 240k an hour thats fucking garbage when one of the bunkers and the necessary fixings just to run those stupid missions will cost up to 10 million dollars, enjoy grinding a full time job faggot.

After the Gunrunning update, they finally started setting the thing in present day, so time is now moving forward with each update, instead of being locked in 2013, before the single-player story.

Passive mode. Invite Only sessions.

Why ever interact with other players outside of a PvE mission/heist? Fuck that noise.

The Doomsday Heist was also a repackage from a planned single-player DLC.

thats 42 hours actually just to afford one bunker and the stupid shit you need to get the big truck base thing.

I'm somewhat glad it was contained to wacky GTAO, Shit doesn't feel like GTA

Stay out of public sessions, unless you're doing a solo public for the businesses.

On old-gen I operated out of Invite Only all the time, quickjobbing into contact missions and heists. I almost never had to pay the daily rates back then, as I was always in a PvE lobby.

In a solo public, I'll only do a 90 minute session so I only pay one round of bills.

>Shit doesn't feel like GTA
Exactly why I'll never play it. GTA Online is legitimate cancer.

Fuck GTAO and go play FiveM
Thats where all the real fun is. Theres way more RP and fun servers than anything R* could ever come up with

I missed the no-friendly-fire sessions of GTA IV's multiplayer. Wish we could have passive lobbies in Online. I never bothered with public sessions, unless I was in passive mode. The game encourages the players to grief, which is shitty.

The series has really lost it's identity, Sad.

I was looking forward to doing things ranging from gangster shit to international weapon / drug trafficking and deal with mobsters.
Now its turned into Saints Row 3.

>The game encourages the players to grief, which is shitty.
It's stupid too, They should encourage players to steal your shit instead of destroying it, Makes it more fun.

>People pissing and moaning about grinding Pac Standard.

What's there to do in FiveM

Well you can steal people's I/E cars or product, it's still shitty though.

Literally fucking anything? Theres an RP server for almost anything you wanna do.

When I see videos like this: I wonder just who the fuck the series is appealing to. Then I realise: it's literally children.

>Now its turned into Saints Row 3.
It's incredible how it's done so.

and it doesn't give you much money back for it.

The loading screens, people not knowing how to play and disconnecting makes it a fun experience.

You played for so long and never made enough cash?

>I wanna do a heist!
>ok waiting for dudes to join my lobby
>great heres 3 other dudes, start!
>game starts
>some dude disconnects
>back to lobby
>back to free mode

I/E is a freemode mission and you don't need to go thru any loading screen.

>thats only 240k an hour thats fucking garbage
Its actually around 320k because the cooldown only starts after the first one.
And during the cooldown you can do other missions that make you more money. So you can easily get 500k every hour.
After you get all the businesses it can easily baloon to a million per hour.
Yeah its a grind, but man I just put on a podcast and play GTA and the money doesn't stop rolling in.

>Loading screens
How to spot someone that hasn't truly experienced the game.

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>Its actually around 320k
80k x 20m is 240 per hour.

>You can get 500k an hour
No you can't there isn't any instance of this especially because pacific standard is STILL, 6 years later the best $/h its fucking garbage.

>After you get all the businesses it can easily baloon to a million per hour.

>I'm making shit up: the post.

>CEO missions+Terrorbyte missions back to back
>No you can't
Yes you can.

I feel sad thinking about how much I used to play this, but then I remember it was definitely fun back on 360.

I still hop on PC sometimes to fuck off with stacks of dosh.

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Right. Half the fucking game is loading screens. It was notorious for it.

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>playing heists all the time
your fault retard

Hey nigger, read that:

he isn't doing all those missions in less than one hour which means his output ISNT 507 per hour. Especially when he adds in the shit "minus costs of supply and clients" isn't in his per hour calculation. Each of those missions is greater than 15m which means he isn't getting throuhg all it.

0 minutes - 80
20 minutes - 160
40 minutes - 240
60 minutes - 320

every 5 minutes you can do a CEO mission that pays 30k

0 minutes- 30
5 minutes - 60
10 minutes - 90
15 minutes - 120

Pacific standard is old news.

And you will try tell me "You don't have to grind!" There's a fucking loading screen for everything outside of freeroam, And in freeroam there is nothing but Cancer, NIGGER.

>I start a mission instantly get 80k

More like
0m = 0$
20m = 80k$
40m = 160k$
1h = 240$

How do you know he isn't doing "all of those missions"? Some of those are passive income.

>Server error, returning to GTA V

I remember when I used to grind.

Then one day I hopped into one of those discords where a modder tries to sucker 13 year olds into giving him their parents' money. I asked him if he'd give me 1 billion if I gave him 5 bucks via paypal and he was like "shit bro take two"

Grinding is lame.

So you don't know how to protect yourself from retards, so instantly=bad?, What do you want from an online multiplayer game retard?

You forgot to add in the part where the 3 dudes take forever to ready up.

he isn't because all of the active missions take longer than 15m and to clear out his "passive income" is another 15m AT LEAST.

how the fuck do people "relax" in a casino? you're either trying to get drunk, get laid, or win money. that's so stressful.

Yeah show me how to protect yourself from FLYING BIKES WITH MISSILES, When you are in a shit box truck that crawls at 30mph

No they don't? Headhunter takes 5 minutes tops if you know what you are doing, and passive income is PASSIVE, it builds up while you are doing anything else and you can finish selling missions in less than 5, again, if you know what you are doing and not go full retard like the professional.

RDR2 Online failed to milk the players so they release something for GTA promised... i dont know... 4-5 years ago?

Well, I'm sure there are still people willing to mindlessly grind for weeks to buy an inch of the new content and whales to expend 1000$ of real money for the same, but I'm not touching that crap again

>starting a sell mission on a lobby full of retards
Your fault retard, you can always empty the session if you can't protect yourself from MKIIs. When I'm in the mood I start sell missions when there are griefers so I can fuck them over until they quit.

are you malfunctioning?
You start mission at 0 minutes, the cooldown triggers.
It takes like 2-4 minutes to deliver a car
the cooldown was already ticking so now only have to wait 18-16 minutes.

At the 60 minute mark you started 4 missions.
At around 64 minutes you got your 320k.

Is that really hard to comprehend?

*blocks your criminal mastermind*

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>You start mission at 0 minutes, the cooldown triggers.
yea but you don't GET the money till the END of the mission you moron.


that word isn't pronounced how you think it is

How much further are you going to move the goal posts, user?
>The loading screens aren't bad!
They are.
>But why aren't you playing in freeroam!
Because the risk is not worth the reward
Just play solo then!
Whats the point in a multiplayer game.

You are actually retarded and desperate for (you's)

just get hacker bucks or buy from hacks there are ones that give you 100m for less than $8

Literally there's plenty of hacks just a click away. Laugh at their face and fucking earn 10 milion per second. Fuck them

Haven't played gta online since doomsday worth going back?


I never said loading screens are good retardo, it's your fault for wasting so much time on them, and I already told you I take the risk to sell on a full lobby, but I'm not a sissy bitch that complains about selling on a lobby full of retards, it is obvious when there are griefers around, if you can't take the heat empty the server.

Seriously user stop being stupid.

Sell car ($80K) > Fortified ($35K) > Client Job ($30K) ($145K in 20 mins)

Sell car ($80K) > Transporter ($25K) > Client Job ($30K) ($135K in 20 mins)

Sell car ($80K) > Fortified ($35K) > Client Job ($30K) ($145K in 20 mins)

Total: $425K in 60 mins.

Selling a bunker at max production every 2hrs 20 mins works out at just over $46K an hour, after supplies, and can be 5-20 minutes for a sale.

Nightclub Goods work out at just over 41K an hour and again could take from 5-20 mins.

I am not even counting the MC businesses which would add even more more money, but the time to sell product is usually longer and is much less solo-friendly. The Hangar is also a garbage tier payout and takes up all the time.

$425K + $46K + $41K = $512K

So strictly speaking, if you make the $425K in 60 mins and take a minimum of 20 mins to sell the bunker and the nightclub, you're still working out at $384K an hour.

So go ahead, bitch some more. Or maybe you want to piss and moan that sourcing for I/E can take between 15-30 minutes. Whatever way you cut it, freemode businesses are the best money-maker and there is NO FUCKING LOADING TIMES.

Hers you're last (you) from me, Savor it, Nigger.

yes, its great fun laods to do, the grind isnt even an issue since you only need one or 2 fast cars and the rest is just excess half the fun is DOING the missions and fucking about with other people

Go on, Tell me that's not grinding.

lol what a fag

They've added a very unbalanced weaponized vehicle called the Oppressor MK.2 but other than that it's pretty fun

>playing the game is grinding

Okay so when should we expect Rockstar to drop support for GTA Online? True, it makes shitload of money but they gotta rest the franchise for a bit, even Take Two CEO said that. But seeing how much content GTA:O is receiving, I wonder when we will finally see it slowing down in preparation for GTA VI.

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Yes, Doing the same thing over and over is grinding.

Every single game is grinding then?

There was word that they won't do another GTA while Trump is in office, as R*'s political satire will no doubt trigger someone on the left or right.

If you are doing the exact same thing, Yes.

Where did I say it wasn't? It's the best money-maker in the game. A poster is bitching about Pac Standard's payout and the loading times.

As if, They were born out of controversy, The just want to milk V for a bit longer

Wanna grind some de_dust, bro?

But that's not the case with GTAO, that user just posted a way to make quick money, which most of the time can't be done on one sitting because there's always people trying to mess with you.

R* is good at making fun of both sides, especially in GTA V

There are pretty credible leaks (actor's CV, various people working on various aspects of VI who put it in their resumes) that prove VI's existence, so they definitely have the idea for a next game that based on what you mentioned likely won't be in contemporary setting. Still, I don't know when they would introduce it, GTA: O isn't slowing down at all.

I know. But...

That could be 2024 before GTA VI then. Ironically, that news got me back into playing Online again, seeing as it probably won't die anytime soon.

>its literally free
no it isnt
you still have to pay for it+gta v

>tfw joined those discord servers where modders would spawn money for everyone in the lobby
>tfw got over 100M that way
>tfw got so fucking bored when I had everything I wanted that I haven't played the game since 2017

>paying for GTAO
Have never spent a single cent on it, not even in V.

>no more cool GTA expansions like gay tony ever again
>just 500 more expensive (online only of course) items

i fucking hate rockstar so much

>remove challenge from the game
>game gets boring
Boy i wonder why....

Only casual normalfags and children care about GTAO. Prove me wrong.

you already paid for it when you bought GTA V

Cute feet at the end

>Do the same thing over and over for several days

imagine if all this multiplayer content had been funneled into singleplayer instead

So you're telling me that the entire casino and racetrack area is still gonna be dedicated to fucking blimp parking in singleplayer? Fuck you R* you fucking niggers.

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it used to be all SP content until Rockstar saw how much dosh online was making

>doom2 is really boring
This is you.

I don't need more cars.
I would gladly spend millions per day if there's a way to contract NPC security details, personal driver and shit to follow/drive you around and actually act like a fucking billionaire, but I guess that's too much to ask of fucking rockstar.

It's even more boring without the hackerbux

>have character with progress since PS3 version
>modder dropped mad $$$ on me way back in the early days
>nothing happened
>play game without cheating for years
>2nd time modders give everyone in lobby millions
>nothing happens
>leveled character pretty high, bought useful vehicles and properties, all upgraded in ways to maximize my income
>install FOV mod during early days of PC release because vanilla is trash
>banned for 2 weeks
>ok no mods allowed fair enough
>rampant hax for months on PC, people flying around and locking people in cages but also dropping millions on everyone
>nothing happens
>fast forward to like 2/3 weeks ago, I enjoy driving around listening to my music while doing business jobs all around the map which is pretty much the reason I still play online, I actually like the GTA gameplay with shit going on all around me while trying to get a job done and grinding like an autist
>modders drop in and spawn modded/pimped out pink jets and flaming skeleton cars and drop shit tons of money on everyone
>go to bed
>wake up
>see two emails from Rockstar
>Casino coming soon
>second email: suspended for a month, also your character and inventory has been reset completely

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whats the Yea Forums crew?

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If I want to get back into GTA:O now, what do I do? Last time I played I did heists, I got an apartment and armored car and some amount of cash.

You know game is shit when even an average person is beginning to redpill on it

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I'm actually baffled this 20 year old game gets an update while RDR2 is left in the shit.

Are the player numbers for GTAO that high?

lmao was thinking about the same thing

What's your name?

A lot of casinos have restaurants, pools, and a hotel built into them.

Will they finally add some sexy player clothing?

I did not pay for GTA V.

>buying entertainment and expecting profit out of it
lol retards

I love how people whine about GTA Online
but they ask for GTA 6, if you really want the series to rest
ask anything else, Rockstar has more IPs, let them create something new, but no, people keep asking for the same shit, RDR3, GTA6, Bully2.
ask for fucking AGENT

>le epic random characters
>lots of explosions
>new stuff for only $120 irl
Fucking sold. Let me go reinstall 100gb of this masterpiece.

FakeHeroLuka/Shadowbolt back on 360

this reminds me I wonder why no one makes sfm porn with some of the GTA models?

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This is a retarded comparison
RDR was made before Rockstar/Take Two discovered how lucrative microtransactions are
That being said, from what I can tell, RDRO isn't doing nearly as well as GTAO, so you may be right
Still, it's basically free money considering how similar console and PC architecture are now.They are likely holding off to try and get people to triple dip, like with GTA5

The Rule 34 for GTA isn't that great.

yea I just looked it up, only saw some okay stuff with tracey but otherwise im surprised with the amount of official nude models that they're not just used as generic models for other animations.

GTA women are not that good looking.Office Assistant and Bryony are the cutest and still don't make the cut.

karen ain't too bad

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>GTA Online

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its take-two's fault

>another go and buy this $100,000,000 building in order to grind low paying missions update

i just want to party all the time

the best thing to do is use fivem. the next best thing is to download single player mods for gtav

I mean, they have everyhing that a fine looking must have, but they don't look right.


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It's mainly how their face is sculpted with the hair combos that are used. Very plain or otherwise boring looking

>play the same mission 6000000 times to earn even 1/7th of what you need to pay for the casino
yea fuck gtav


Omfg when will they put this gaym out of it's misery.

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He's been providing Bullshark testosterone for ages.


is there a mode menu for PS4?

So how is the triad son in this if Frank kills him in the story?

>There's no way to lose money on GTA Online, this isn't an issue.
you lose money all the fucking time, I've never plated a game with so many daily fees

>lowrider missions.
First I've heard of this, but I just recently came back to the game and hadn't played for 4-5 years.

>GTA:O gets constant upgrades with grindy shit
>RDO is barely updated, just costumes and silly stuff

I just wanted an RPG cowboy game
isnted I get another battle royale mode


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is it just me or does the update look empty af so far?

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Amanda was quite the MILF.

That was the father, I think.

Bryony best girl.

It was the first update that old-gen didn't get.

only way I'm playing gta online again is if I can just hack millions back onto my account

Ah, that explains it. I don't really do contact missions. Should I bother knocking through these?

RDO is still technically in beta and is not feature-complete, the updates it gets are to fill it out and finish it for a proper 1.0 release. This clusterfuck is most likely the reason they didn't even try to release the game on PC yet, they want to be able to shill the online and they didn't want to have to troubleshoot each successive beta branch on every random-ass PC build before they were even "done".

I wonder if he's out of the closet yet; given that he tried to make a pass on Luis in TBoGT and was obsessed with Niko in IV.

Although in that mission its structured so Tao more than likely dies (he sits next to his father in the same car) and you usually kill his father with an explosion you can beat the mission by just killing the dad and leaving Tao (only Cheng Sr.'s death is required for mission completion)

It's going off the same 'player determinate characters can survive' like the United Liberty Paper Contact 'Bernard' did when you can kill him in single player but he shows up in The Doomsday Heist.

Sure. Some of them are enraging, but at least it clears the icon from the map.

In the old days, contact missions were the best way to level up. Once I cleared the Lowrider missions, I don't really bother with them. A few of the eight are worth playing.

Video guide here:

Lowrider missions are at the end.

GTA V is a parallel universe to GTAO

Let's not start that again.

Indeed. Chef can be killed in the early contact mission 'Meth'd Up', but still returns for the Heists update (Series A Funding).

>GTA has literally become James Bond the open world game

SA may have had fucking silly James Bond shit for one-time missions as fun little Easter eggs, but making the whole game about it is just fucking ridiculous

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>James Bond the open world game
More like battlefield 2142

What again? It clearly is, a way better explanation than trying to fit everything that obviously doesn't fit at all, there's dead people resurrected, shit that never happens on either of the modes.

>try hopping into GTA online after seeing this
>it's still filled with people just farming gun shipments and cars while everyone else is on flying motorcycles with .2s cooldown homing rockets
I think GTA online is a lot like Runescape

You grind and grind and grind and look forward to getting that one neat car or the Hydra-- it's fun while you're grinding
But what's left after you get what you were grinding for? Endless deathmatch

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Odds are they'll remaster it for next gen backwards compatibility be dammed and RDO's final build will be as bad as GTAO on last gen.

>endless deathmatch
Griefing, not the "kek I kill you 12-0 umad cos I destroyed your shit" griefing, but baiting for retards and making them follow you all around the map while you keep destroying them, forcing them to forget about everyone else and beating them in their own game.

>5th on steam list

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Imagine buying gta 5, and then not being able to access all this cool shit until you grind low level missions for about a month to even access the surface of this content

Imagine playing any game and not getting edngame content right away, UNTHINKABLE.

>Nice, how many shark cards do you need to enjoy this dlc? Or how many months of grinding shitty missions?
Literally none when you can earn all of that in a few clicks.

>guys I might want to buy this 6 year old game cause this looks cool
>you wouldn't be able to play this cool stuff if you bought it a month ago
go away rockstar.

you know you can play Online by yourself, right?

Show me ANY progression based game where you get endgame content right after you start. I bet you bitch about Monster Hunter "locking" G content behind "grinding".

You just bitch for no other reason that wanting to bitch.

lol can't believe people still play this garbage

Go away Rockstar

lol what a bitch

you gotta at least give it up to them for still producing content at this point.

Rockstar please.

They are not letting this cashcow go easily, as easy as it is to get everything legitimately or by cheating, kids are impatient and would rather spend 100 bucks to get the newest shit than just playing to get it.

>earn all of that in a few clicks.

It’s funny how none of the shills are addressing the multiple posts regarding the absence of SP DLC in return for a bullshit paypig online mode. I can’t imagine being such a mindless sucker as to defend GTAO/ RDO

SP sucks ass.

Yea but he's a stupid ass nigger though as per usual user!

Good one shill, congrats at pretending like even mission progression is grind/paywalled. You’ll have better luck on reddit where your teams can bury negative comments

Negative comments here are either missinformed rants about outdated shit, or outright sperging out at shit for no reason.

Lots of kiddos, summer break is almost over kids better get those shark cards while you can

Thanks Mr Shareholder! If only GTAIV had scrapped their DLC and SP experience for some spazass grindfest!

teach me

neglected shitheap with shitty grindy updates and power creep out the ads
too little too late

>or outright sperging out at shit for no reason.
See? I'm right.

>bullshit paypig online mode.
don't buy shark cards then you faggot. all of the sudden, it's just free DLC.

You mean GTAV as a whole? No, not really. Just pirate and mod the shit out of it or play SA.

He went out like a champ, Rip

>for no reason

I’m so glad I can run around in a glorified lobby with a shitload of paypig kiddos at the expense of real, soulful SP DOC.
And it’s all for free too!

I see no reasoning behind bitching about lack of content in SP when you can easily get it by modding.

>bitching about not being able to pay for additional content

once you get flagged as a dupe seller yes. those cock suckers flagged me for selling legit in game spawned sandkings every 48min. i had to contact support about it. did it for about 18 hours...

I wonder if they know that the guy on GTA RP who "owned" the casino used the same model as the asian business man

>slots, horse racing, poker, blackjack, etc
>can win cars and shit
>literally making the game close as shit to the og san andreas

so are we getting Maceo $ The Macks-Cross The Tracks blasting constantly in the casino or what

>horse racing
If those aren't pre recorded videos, will they release actual horses on the game?

I fucking hope so, I want to see a fucking oppressor lock on a horse. Fuck it add Jon Marston's outfit since gta:o is already off the wall

Revolvers share animations with pistols.
High heels break ankles cause the animations aren't made for it.
You really think they are gonna spend time adding HORSES?

O boy, literally gambling in a video game(you can buy virtual currency with real money.) This isn't going to turn out well. I hope rockstar get's sued into oblivion for this.

>horses end up being the best MKII counter
I want to see this

They added gambling with the Arena Wars update and nothing happened. And you gambled with normal currency.

>just spend a bajillion hours grinding for high rank shit just so you can kill people with super duper expensive gorillion dollar cars
Who even still plays this shit besides little kids? Why couldn't they just copy SAMP/MTA?

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>Why couldn't they just copy SAMP/MTA?
doing that would not generate shark card sales

Here's an AI portrait of Dan Houser, Enjoy

Attached: aiportraits_1563500143.jpg (1024x512, 88K)

most of the older users do races honestly, Since we will never get another midnight club

>sporadically play races in online because there was nothing else catching my eye
>money keeps piling up
>Oppressor comes out
>GTAO keeps shaping up to be my dream game
I dreamed about this game ever since I was a kid, didn't even think about it as a game then, back then the most advanced shit was mode 7.

funny thing was heists were at launch and people completely forgot. It was available for the first 48 hours by a glitch invite but the servers borked and they removed it when they went offline for a month to fix all the server issues

>Oppressor comes out
>GTAO keeps shaping up to be my dream game
players like this are why the game is shit now

I hope dnb makes a comeback

I'm glad my dream game keeps bitches like you away. Go play something else.

>dream game
your "dream game" sucks ass. have fun playing in a pile of shit

like a give a fuck about your opinion

>tfw did the lester glitch earlier this year
>brought and upgraded everything
>still have a bunch of high end cars to sell for easy cash

new heist when?

sounded like it the 2 times he mumbled, but i haven't heard him say anything
would be better than geoff in RDR2 or wtf ever