Dumpster fire getting worse


I played this for 400 hours.

LITERALLY best gameplay was when it was released... each new update makes it WORSE.

>pvp COMPLETELY quarantined and sent to a containment server.

>weapons/armor nerfed; making their farming useless

>all these updates made MP/online/raiding even more pointless

>game community became carebear redditor central

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>linking polygon
>admitting to playing fallout 76 for 400 hours

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more please, i tried it when it was free trial and after a while it felt sooooo fucking pointless and boring. like i open the map, ah this is a point where something is, so i go there. and then i repeat that. after a while i stopped the schrodinger, deleted it and felt relieved.

so you sometimes ask yourself if time spent in this game is all for naught?

Who would have thought

It got slightly worse since free week :^)

Now low level players can fuck around deathclaws ; they made all enemies scalable...unknowingly making levelling up pointless

Its incredible how bad they keep fucking up everythin

How is that battle royale anyway?

Op here. I sold my account months ago ;-)

Gunplay in the game is straight outta ps2 game so you can imagine how it is

great article

polygon does good work

>playing fallout 76 for 400 hours
I don't understand how it's humanly possible to play this dumpster fire for at least 400 hours, I have 407 hours logged into For Honor since last summer but haven't played for the last few months, how can you actually play a legitimately garbage game for at least 400 since its release around October or November and NOW just say "they ruined the fucking game!", I thought people would already know Bethesda doesn't give a shit about the game and broke almost every promise about the game, and it's uncurable, there won't be a No Man's Sky pull-off that will end up making the game decent but only after a year or two after release

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Tldr answer ; im not an NPC

Believe it or not f76 had some god tier moments where you LITERALLY are in the fallout universe with irl friends or friends you make in game...also you could play as a raider until a few months ago and cause havoc while being almost invincible due to god tier armor /weapons (now all nerfed)

Ironically like i said....it keeps gettin worse and forcing only the carebear playstyle

Game was $13 on cdkeys so why not try it?

>defending playing Fallout 76

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I enjoyed the short time I spent playing on PS4, but it kept crashing so I returned it.

I am tempted to grab it on PC though, but it's not on Steam yet.

Compare f76 to hitler. The excellent attributes got all buried under a handful of errors

How do you people even find the time to play something for 400 hours?

>how it's humanly possible to play this dumpster fire
some people just have no gag reflex, user

>release the worst game in recent history
>fuck it up more and more with each update
>will never get bailed out by modders because always online lul

At what point do we collectively realise that Bethesda Game Studios are fucking shit, always have been and their success stems solely from owning popular franchises and releasing the barebones of a sandbox so that modders can turn their games into something playable?

Some people here aren't subhuman wagies who spend most of their life working for pennies.

>I played this for 400 hours.
kek didn't read anything else

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>the game is worse now than it was at launch
Weak b8 m8 but I’ll give you a reply.

You're really activating my almonds right now user.

What is survival mode

Op here. They have one final big update before they simply let it die slowly. They will all human npcs now and a new story. Yes it will have dialogue options. Due to being always online dont expect anything more than fetch quests

They have to stop sooner or later. A dumpster fire costs money to keep it burnin brightly

post that neet vs wagie graphic that suggests neets spend all their time working out, studying philosophy and shit when they really spend 400 hours playing fallout fucking seventy six

more than a couple hours of this dumpster fire would make me kys myself

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>i played this for 400 hours

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>pvp COMPLETELY quarantined and sent to a containment server.
So you're telling me they actually did the intelligent thing and actually made separate PvP servers?

>A dumpster fire costs money to keep it burnin brightly
The sad thing is, the very fact that they've kept the servers running and produced updates (shitty though they may be) confirms that they have to be making money through microtransactions. The instant the game becomes unprofitable, the plug will get pulled.

Gamers will slurp up whatever big devs shit in their mouths so I wouldn't count on it getting canned any time soon.

Its a mode where LITERALLY only a half dozen russian players play. 99% of players are equipped with a silenced sniper and hidden in bushes/trees. WHEN you spawn you get headshotted immediatly OR they place traps in all spawn points....when it launched hundreds played it....now only 6 play it (i LITERALLY know they names; sup Dobna)

Also map dont show other players locations so imagine the other couple players in a map the size of gta5

You mean Skinner
>enemies scale
Welcome to Bethesda games since Oblivion.

this horse is so dead it's not even worth a kick.

Dear "Fallout" 76 players
Please neck yourselves.
Thank you!

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You are a 15 year old moron.

And people will preorder ES6 and Fallout 5 without a second thought.Theres nothing that will stop this madness.

user...they r diffent game studios. F76 was made as a filler by the 2nd class studio

>pvp COMPLETELY quarantined and sent to a containment server.
pvp has always been an unbalanced fucking mess and Bethesda has all but admitted that balancing it is a task that's completely beyond them by segregating it off.

>weapons/armor nerfed; making their farming useless
That's what you get for chasing the stupidly overpowered meta in any game. If everyone is using it because it makes all other choices invalid then it's going to be first of the nerfing block.

>all these updates made MP/online/raiding even more pointless
It was bad and pointless in the first place, except weakening the overpowered weapons serve to try to force players to team up to take down the enemies which are massive damage sponges.

>game community became carebear redditor central
Surprise surprise, most people who play it are used to playing single player and end up playing it like a single player.

>tfw bought 76 when it released
>tfw have 7600 hours logged

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Impressed. Ok so r u on pc? If so you know me fo sure. Op here...wanna share name?

I wonder when the market will stop buying live service shit.

I’m on PS4

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Kys Obsidian tranny

It won't die yet, it'll go F2P first, THEN peter out.


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>believe it or not f76 had some god tier moments
for a child, meeting mickey mouse is a god tier moment. the game was never good.

Sweet mother of mercy
Is it that fun for you

Whats your mental problem? Op here. I am not jking . Just tell me

Chronic depression?

I had full set ass sentinel and was level 135. Had tse ak47 and combat shotguns

>linking polygon
kys faggot

That is some 4D chess logic.

>>pvp COMPLETELY quarantined and sent to a containment server.

the fact they put PvP in this game was a mistake.

One of my work buddies absolutely loves this piece of shit, keeps trying to get me to buy it so I can play it with him.

Maybe your workbuddy really just wants your penis up his ass?