

Attached: civ5.png (1920x1080, 2.02M)

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why is this dude wearing hot dog armor?

Useless thread.

gives +10 to cooking

This looked like a hotdog from the catalog

The thumbnail looked like a fucking hot dog

lol this dude looks like a hot dog

Kek, this.

why do americans

I miss all the great /civ/ threads we used to have before the /pol/ invasion of 2016.

Attached: Poly.png (510x552, 222K)

how tf do you guys see a hotdog

What the fuck does /pol/ have anything to do with civ, you obsessed trog. Don't even answer me, stop shitting up the thread.

hot dog down the left side with mustard and grill marks, bun on the right side


Played an archipelago Deity game as Venice, highest score civ Kamehameha offers me DoF, we become homies for the rest of the game. thanks bro

he seems like a total bro, besides going insane and killing his wife and all

is there any porn of 6 yet

thought that was a hot dog from the thumbnail

Bitching about leaders being female, "historical accuracy" etc. You stupid newfag.

Civ is 4x

Came here to post this

Why did he name himself after an attack from Dragon Ball?

Attached: confused Ringo.png (1280x720, 448K)

looks like a hotdog

ugh.......... what could have been -__-

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Haha, you look like a hotdog!

oh fuck

>Bitching about leaders being female, "historical accuracy" etc. You stupid newfag.
thats /his/

>Start date is 4,000 B.C.
>Constantly unearthing neolithic settlements from 9,000 B.C.

Were devs in the 90's fucking retarded?

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I don't know who this man is but he looks like he's made of hot dog

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My favorite and most soulful defeat page. RIP Noble Dondalo. FUCK GREEKS.

Attached: Dead Dreams.jpg (1037x993, 153K)

kamehameha more like hottodoggodog

why would someone leave a hotdog on a beach

Baited :)

imagine being at civs
so fat you look and see food

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doge enrico? more like hot-doge enrico

civ 6 is gay and i hate it
v is okay but loading times are too long

is this a dbz reference

is this a hotdog z reference?

Watch it.

CIV VI had some great ideas. Why did it fall so flat? The expansions were really lackluster.


Because Venice isn't in it, and once you've played as Venice no other faction will do.

Core engine issues. The maps all suck, tiles are wildly imbalanced, and unit balance is even worse. The only victory that matters is conquer half the world and make all the hammers, and the only way to do that is melee units, hills, and melee units with enough move to cross hills.

/pol/ didn't invade other boards, tourists invaded the whole site that year

I fucking love it, especially the music. But Civ V is just perfect, especially with Vox Populi.

Bro I love Dragonball

Attached: kamehameha.jpg (749x468, 244K)

Civ V also has some damn good music


>mfw I make polders

Attached: 489123.jpg (1280x720, 78K)
always liked this one for some reason. ai sejong seems pretty fucking terrible every time, though.

It's good, but 6's music is way more interesting and rife for analysis. There's also like three times as much of it.

Vox Populi is fantastic for maximum overpolder

Attached: maximum_polder.jpg (1920x1080, 679K)

>Winning with only 8 cities in vox populi

Princefag? I only ever play deity and even I won't pick william because his UA is too fucking insanely broken.

Zeg makker, that's a lot of polder.

was on King, first playthrough of Vox Populi so I didn't overdo it
also didn't need any more cities because I was exceeding 1k gold per turn and I had mountain ranges on both sides of my empire blocking entry and a strong enough navy

not in picture: my global monopoly on oranges

This nigga looks like a grilled hotdog with mustard in the thumbnail

Enrico was 100 years old and blind, by the way.

Attached: americop.jpg (1024x654, 111K)

>not spices
You're doing NL wrong.

hot dog... ha ha

Hotdog looks tasty

did have a monopoly on sugar as well, does that at least count?

Bring it on officer!


>suck your own dick
>while standing on one leg
>with water in your mouth


this one is alot more doable

Oh yeah, also, every third minor patch does some code edits that break every single mod even if it is completely unrelated to what they actually patched.

Yes Officer! Understood Officer! So grateful to have you protecting us Officer!

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Officer I'm just reaching for my license.

I like some of 6's musics but i always thought that 5's musics kinda fall more into place than 6's ones. Also it's the same pattern for the evolution of 6's musics throughout the ages so it kinda becomes predictable and less entertaining in the end

Why do you do this to me hotdog man.
I hungry now.

Elizabeth's peace is my favorite track in the whole game. I know it's just "I Vow to thee, my Country" basically but it's a superb rendition of it.

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ho no, i wont get executed

Anyone play with mods? Eggman is a bitch

I prefer hotdogman

how did we go from THIS

to THIS?

More like Kamehamehotdog

>play a game with brother, pick ransoms, I get Korea and him Brazil
>He's leading the entire game focusing on one city while I focus on expanding
>Zulu niggers attack me out of nowhere, beat them back despite being completely caught off guard despite being in classic era still
>Amass huge army, place them at the border, tell the nigger to fuck off when he gets mad about it
>Declare war on the faggots and take all their cities, dabbing on them
>dominate the entire game from then on after subjugating the niggers

i am fond of pigs

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