Why did Nintendo literally start shitting out these games after the DS?
Why did Nintendo literally start shitting out these games after the DS?
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>shitting out
there's only ever been a single NSMB game per console and there are just as many smash games as NSMB games. I'd say they go pretty slow with it
everyone can admit that the games got repetitive, but how many of them were actually good? personally i liked the original DS game, had a lot of new concepts and ideas. i don't think it gets enough recognition.
U is good. Nintendo said they're done with the New series outside ports anyway which is why the switch just got a U port.
where did they say that?
Because they're easy to make. Literally the only way they could be any lazier would be if they released an unfinished version that the players would be forced to make all the levels.
Can't find it but I swear I recall Tezuka saying future 2d Mario's will have a new style after U which explains Mario Maker.
they're not remarkable but they only did one per system, hardly a shitting pace
>"It’s also a transition point for the franchise"
>"'Doing this now at the 30th anniversary [of Super Mario Bros.] is really putting some more of that creativity into the players,' says Miyamoto. 'But at the same time, we as the developers feel that it’s time for us to move in a new direction, and we’re preparing to work on the future of Super Mario from here on.'"
do nintendofags really?
Yeah the awful plague of New Super Mario Bros. games, fuck what an over exposed series can you believe it? A whole four games, ridiculously over exposed series, nintendo should be ashamed.
>1, 3 and World each had unique aesthetics
>Nu series kept the same bland style for 6 games
Would Nintendo still have soul if the Wii had failed?
There were 16 years between Mario World and nsmb (if you count yoshis island as a spin-off.
Then there was a new one every year and they were all the same. That's what I call shitting pace.
There was not a new one every year, how can anyone be this retarded, you literally just have to look up fucking release dates, holy shit.
>new nsmb game each year
List them then.
>Then there was a new one every year and they were all the same.
There has been one for each console, not unlike Mario Kart.
>Then there was a new one every year
There's been 4 NSMB games in 13 years.
counting them until today andy. only count till mairo maker was released obviously
Every. Year.
>Why did Nintendo literally start shitting out these games after the DS?
They sold over 30 million copies for DS. They’d be crazy not to try and replicate that on other platforms.
Also, given they did one per platform, it was a lot tamer than the way they handled things like Mario Party.
It has fewer releases per platform than Mario on the fucking nes and Mario world
The games are repetitive, but if it ain't broke, don't fix it. All four are great games if you can tolerate the repetition of the NSMB style.