Love final fantasy

>love final fantasy
>like some mmo
>never played them more than 10 hours but enjoy it anyway
>want to play ff xiv
>have to pay game+expansion+monthly subscription

wtf why this retarded thing?

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Other urls found in this thread: minimoys

Because people are willing to pay for it, and judging by the player count I say its a pretty smart decision.

cute image

Thanks it's me

fuck off fag

you will never be a woman

Play the trial
Like it? Buy the base game
Done, want more? Buy the newest expansion
Bored? Unsub, wait for more content you care about.

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it's unfortunate i like every piece of content in the game besides pvp so i'll never unsub

>I'll never unsub

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I got kicked out of MSQ roulette randomly before the final fight.
Nothing went wrong, nobody said anything.

What the fuck?

this is why I still haven't played shadowbringers. I'm down with paying for the expansion, but the fact that you have to buy a sub on top of that triggers me. Not buying that shit till it's 20 bucks

People are sheep. They see text prompt, they click yes.
If you're a sprout, it's probably some jaded cunt just being a bitch.

It bothered me too but come on, the expansion + a sub is less than most new releases, and you'll get a comparable amount of hours out of it before 5.1 even comes out.

Making space for their friend to come on in and get free xp.

>They see text prompt, they click yes.
Not true. Some faggot was afk the whole time and they let him stay for mine. MSQ roulette brings out the absolute worst players in the game every fucking time.

Did an oops



be my trans gf. i will gladly pay your subscription.


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what's a good job for building confidence

black mage, any healer. red mage is an absolute monster at low levels

Sup bro, try the katana. You focus on yourself and do big DPS. Also, the ascians fear us.

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Then don't play. Why is it that you pathetic poorfags complain so much? If you can't even scrape together that much money without losing your shit then you've got bigger problems than trying to budget for entertainment.

Based SAMberd telling it how it is.

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But buying just ShB gets you everything.

wait for a sale then? the base game goes on sale pretty often on the SE store pretty sure.

I finally understand SLOPPEH

Does she have human ears under that hair?

Server maintenance costs
Customer support
Additional content

>Eyes glued to hotbars watching for firestarter proc
Watching the three umbral ice spin around is really soothing though for some reason

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>Server maintenance costs
Lower than you'd think
>Customer support
Square's is garbage
>Additional content
Barebones as shit

It all goes towards paying for Soken's sacrifices of assorted chicken.

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>0.000001 seconds to hit proc without clipping
i'm glad that time is gone

how old is suzaku supposed to look like

You mean I won't be spamming Fire 1 to fish for free Fire 3's in future?

>Server maintenance costs
There's still people that think this is a fucking excuse?
I love technology illiterate people so god darn much

He assumes the average person buys multiple videogames per year. FF14 is an MMORPG, and thus consumes a lot of time, which would lead to you buying less videogames. So you then have more money left over to pay for your FF14 subscription.

All vtubers have the same fucking personality

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>dying for wow classic but need a mmo to sustain me
>try ff14
>nice guild, fun jobs, haven’t really processed to the point of doing dungeons
>try to enjoy it but can’t. Just makes me want to play wow

How is it that there’s tons of players online in major cities, yet all chat is kept in linkshells and free companies? I wish people would talk more

What the hell does this mean?

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There's no global chat besides the Novice Network, which is a glorified chat room at the end of the day.
If you want to see people talking out in the open, Limsa Lominsa is your best bet. Gridania and Ul'Dah have shit layouts and every town after that is basically a quest spot or endgame currency hub.

tell him to go mine dimythrite

The fuck does that have to do with this thread?

you practically have guaranteed fire 3 proc every fire phase

This is what you get in normal raids.

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You forgot the cash shop
Because clearly they need even more

hurts to look at

>try to freeze
>can't freeze
>fuck this lag i'll just transpose and soul
>i have no soul
>remember i got level memed to 70
>cry myself to sleep

is blm the worst in level sync content

Imagine caring about this games balance.
Imagine being unable to cope between minor differences in classes.

being garbage is not a minor difference

>being garbage
Imagine being this delusional
Or complete shit at the game, its the only other thing I can come up with as an explanation to your delusion.

yes anything at or below lvl 50 is shit
literally just spamming fire in hopes for firestarter procs and maybe flaring once in a while

The only thing that seems a bit off is the healer balance. SCH and AST just can't keep up with WHM.

Nobody cares about your WoW e-celeb

As usual samurai is way too weak right now also

How easy is it to level FSH now?
I have it at level 41.

That's true as well. Shoha needs to be fixed also.

its always been easy. fast? that depends on how dedicated you are to fishing up leve fish

Really? I always heard after 50 it becomes a bitch to get the leve fishes.

Can't do it anyway because I'm out of leves. :(

You can
- Do the free trial
- Buy the base game, it comes with 30 days.
- When you are done with base game, buy Shadowbringers, it comes with all expansions.

They have a consistent stream of content, fixes and patches. It costs a lot of money to maintain servers and push out timely updates. They also still have to remain profitable for investors. 12.99 is a reasonable price and they don't jew out like a lot of other MMOs do. It's an ongoing server that requires a lot of upkeep, that's why there's a monthly fee.

When your healer is doing twice the amount of healing and dps that the other healing classes are
Or certain classes are completely unable to perform their role
then you can tell me its unbalanced.

Want to level up all of my classes to 50
Brd - level 20
BLM - level 41
WHM - level 16
AST - level 30

What order should I do them? Squadron grind is going to fucking kill me.

I pay $9.99 monthly

>coerthan torment
isn't that the new aoe?

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I don't main healer so here's my two cents.
I'd rather 2 WHM in Ex Primals/Raids.
It could be that I'm running into bad SCH/AST but honestly I feel way more safety running with 2 WHM rather than any other combinations.

Isn't it like $40-60 now for the all in one package plus a month free to start?

seems like they did it uncombo'd as well, considering average cast does less than auto attacks

Yes, i think this was first time a saw freestyling DRG.

y tho

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Yes. 20$ for base game which is required and 40$ for shadowbringers, which includes every expac. I think you actually get 2 months free. 1 month for buying the base game and another month for hitting level 30?

For every good dragoon there's 100 awful ones that jump off cliffs and are incapable of pressing 7 buttons

you get 15 free days for leveling to 30 on a preferred server

for $60 u get the base game, all expansions, and 30 days to play for "free" (as in its part of the $60 by default)

Play the free trial to Lv35 (which btw sucks balls) THEN buy the "complete edition", which is base game+expansion, and now u dont have to worry about the Lv1-35 proccess taking up part of your free 30 days.
(if you get the tedious low level stuff out of the way, its possible to get to max level and see the main story in 30 days. but you will have slow downs at 50, 60, and 70, where you have an entire games worth of cutscenes, and filler quests, which eventually get tied back into the main plot, making it hard to follow, or less enjoyable, if u skip too many of them.)
as long as u stick solely to content you need to do, it can be done way before your time is up.
(technically leaving u time to dick around with side content)

just dont start with side content, otherwise u might accidentally waste too much time there, and not finish the main story. (maybe, depends on how slow you are, or how much u stop playing, due to clumps of filler quests boring u too much)

Assuming you aren’t one of the many bad players in Yea Forums.
WHM is probably the best healer overall currently but the difference isn’t as huge as everyone is making it out to be, they do lack aoe shielding and have very little utility, but divine benison is a strong single target mitigation and their dps is even above tanks. Their regens are about on par with AST (other than medica 2 having a huge 20y range) but they get a lot more burst healing to make up for their lack of shielding, however they tend to easily overheal as a result. Temperance makes for a nice cooldown to use for mitigating aoe or even tankbusters if you really need to. Thanks to Holy stun and assize they are still the best healer for melting large pulls, however after the invuln of stun wears off they basically have to sit and actually heal if the pull isn’t dead yet.

SCH is now overall the strongest shield healer (back in SB AST had the strongest shields), however they lose a lot of damage gcds setting said shields up and without three of their cooldowns (seraph, DT and recitation) their overal shielding capacity on both fronts (single target and aoe) is weaker than AST’s, however shielding isn’t meant to be done constantly so if you need shields for actual mitigation, sch will do a better job than ast. SCHs dps was overall gutted, but only to match the other healers. They are still the ogcd king however there are two problems with this, once they run out of AF stacks they are basically neutered and will have trouble keeping up intensive heal situations, the fairy healing cooldowns are actually quite weak and meant to supplement your own, specifically fey blessing. As far as aoe damage goes, they are theoretically better at it than WHM and can weave heals in between art of wars but their mp situation won’t let them spam for as long as WHM who has thin air, or as fast as AST/WHM who get lightspeed and PoM.

Cont in other post

So what exactly does DNC do when they attach their red piss ribbon to me? I've seen it happen as a dps a few times in dungeons and have no idea what that ribbon is doing


They share damage buffs with you and can heal you

you give them resources when you hit with an attack, and they give you a dps boost

Can someone give me a quick rundown on the mobility changes to BLM?

to keep esl poors like you away

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this. also seems like a WOWfag thing to do

>Too poor to afford an MMO
>But most likely underage

Yeah fuck off I'd rather not have you pollute this game.

Time to grind HoH to get BLM from 64 to 70/71
Can't wait to cast two spells forever.

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gives you bonus to dps, an ogcd buff for increased crit rate, and you serve as another center for their aoe heal and aoe shield

You know Dragon Sight? It's like that but all the time.

AST finally has a niche healing, instead of trying to be whm or sch they now get celestial intersection and neutral sect To take advantage of the sect they aren’t using as a cooldown, which makes for far more efficient healing than SCH and WHM who have to rely mainly on one type. To give an example, once scholar runs out of its ogcds, it has no burst and their regen is an extremely weak embrace that they have no control over, AST doesn’t run into this situation as often because their kit is more balanced and celestial intersection is built precisely to cover their other stance in an incredibly small cooldown single target. Essential Dignity is also the best of the panic button instant ogcd heals, being on a small cooldown, having two charges and if used properly the best potency out of all of them. To tldr it, their healing is more limited and balanced by having less cooldowns than the other two but having them be incredibly potent, specifically synastry and ED. Their weakness is probably their mp, they suffer from the same MP issues scholar does when in noct sect but get nothing to make up for it. Their dps is naturally the worst because of the cards, it is somewhat justifiable since the cards come out every 30s, but it doesn’t feel well thought out. Their aoe damage is definitely the worst with gravity having no real advantage to art of war or holy and CO no longer having a stun.

There aren't any besides sharpcast being off CD faster so you can hold a Fire III/Thunder III for movement.
Umbral Soul also lets you build Umbral Hearts if you need to move in Umbral Ice and haven't used Blizzard IV yet.

>have a job
>just buy the cheap level boost
>repeat for every DPS

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Do you have any idea how much it costs to maintain servers?

most of the game is;
>Cutscene to go to starting quest giver, instead of being the actual quest giver.
(sometimes repeat this a few times)
>Actual NPC to start the story of the area/arc, gives an introduction CS, which doesnt really entice you enough to start the storyline.
>3-5 filler quests to collect items u need, in order to actually start the real story.
>1 of them, or the NEXT 1-3 quests lightly touch on lore elements you need to know, before you start the real cutscene. All of which are talk to NPCs, or fetch quests.
>ACTUAL start of cutscenes to progress the story. (referencing the 2nd half of the filler quests, hoping u paid attention.

All of that is pretty much how each arc of quests go in the expansions, or patches.

The 1st few arcs are much worse, since u havent really started the story, and they try to think of every possible reason you're not allowed to just go forward, and solve the problem.
then middle ones get some juice cutscenes, but this is a double edge sword, since the next set of filler quests are even WORSE, since now you're in a point where the main character MUST HURRY to the next destination, but all tension is dropped, because suddenly you need to do 10 filler quests, to help some guy, so u learn about some people, who wont show up till the end, to save someone, or something like that.

then the final arc(s) get entertaining enough cutscenes, u dont mind putting up with the filler crap, even if its obnoxious as hell.

The arcs are usually in increments of 5.
5 for each of the patches, and 5 dungeon arcs per expansion. (with some dungeons not being the actual reward even for that level range, such as Lv51, and 63)

The exception being the base game, which takes too long to get to Lv15, throws a ton of content at you, then drops to absolutely nothing for a long ass time, then somewhat evens out, with a lot of the content being side content, and not the main story.
(Also no real interesting events happen, as they (tbc)

Actual peanuts

>When your healer is doing twice the amount of healing and dps that the other healing classes are

Lurk more

I'm going to kill this party.
>Won't shut up
>Wiped in Ghmilyt Dark 2nd boss.
>Had to carry on PLD
>healer randomly left
>party leader clicked no on replenish ranks.
>they know each other and won't stop saying stupid shit like "shadowbringers has no lore."

Are there any other mounts that are easy to get to get a mount collection started?

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(Also no real interesting events happen, as they over simplified from 1.0, just to spit out as much lore as they can, in the least interesting way, while also having a localization team trying to pretty up the package with lots of flowery words, which dont actually contribute to the plot in any meaningful way.)
The most interesting plot points usually come from a few job quests, and the Lv35-50 range, where you get to learn a bit of the expansion, and get to the actual plot of the game (which immediately is the ending of the base game, since they had nothing to actually supplement the plot)

just log out and do something else for 30 min until they kick you

>why do I have to exchange money for goods and services?

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I've gotten this far. I want this done.

If you actually believe that is happening you are delusional and don’t even compare the tooltips and potencies

In terms of world design and the feeling of actually adventuring, which did it better? WoW or FFXIV?
Also, how many hours would it take if I want to finish the main storyline?

What should I name my Miqo'te?

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filters our BRs. I'm fine with Game + expansion (both of these cost less than your AAA release anyway) + sub.
What grinds my gears is a fucking cash shop in these games.
Fuck that. Fuck Blizzard for having them, fuck SE for having them.
No I don't give a fuck "it's only cosmetics". Obtaining cosmetics is content. If you defend in-game cash shops in non-f2p games kill yourself.

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Lilith Nightshade
Akemi Kurahare
Nyan Starlight

Cunny M'uncher

Trans Rights

>Nyan Starlight

This is so dumb

So use it

actual autism

Bard or MCH bros??

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Pretty useless right now and does middling DPS
Very based and epic and does huge DPS

Use a lore name, of course.

who /summoner/ here

I just hit 54.. does it get more fun?

MCH is the WoL's donut steel job with sick flips and spins and a mech and a flamethrower.


Can you play the piano?

this. especially atrocious when emotes are cash-shop as well

No it gets worse


Some emotes are tied to limited $120 figurines

No, but I like having buttons to press

Man, they really fucked up healers this expansion.
WHM is beating tanks and nearly at the level of a DPS with just one damn button.
SCH is still has the best heals with loads of oGCDs
AST has hundreds of buttons a second to get a raid buff that is only slightly better than SCHs single push raid buff.
Could have sworn that they said they were trying to balance them before adding another healer?

thanks bros i'll play mch

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They were never unbalanced. They were always way too balanced. They did this because there where whiners complaining that one got a certain skill that others have, so they threw uniqueness and identity off the window and made all the healers have the same types of cooldowns under different potencies, effects and duration.

Did they rearranged the Viera voices when they fixed the bad ones? My bunny retainer suddenly has that cutsey voice.

wtf? which ones?

>tfw AST main
this sucks

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Zantetsuken and I think megaflare or something, maybe a shiva one too? They're super rare to see.

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bad and smelly flavour of the month girl

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Don't be mean, she's far from my favorite, and she definitely has recency bias, but she's very cute.

I NEED more tummy pics


You dont get an extra 30 days for hitting lvl 30


Yeah, they're all company girls. Even Luna

I started a few weeks ago. I just switched to tanking and hit 70 on pld.

Do I leave Iron Will on at all times? I assume I'm coming into content soon that I'll have to tank swap with other tanks on. Do I MT leave it on, and then turn it off when I swap and I'm just dpsing?

From what I heard before stance dancing was a thinking, but they removed that, so its a bit muddled to me.

Why does Highlander get the best beard, dammit I dont want to be old

>Listening to ARR Thancred after being so used to his HW onwards voice
I don't remember him sounding so awful holy shit

You should keep stance on even when OT, just let the MT build aggro for a few seconds. That way you'll maintain second aggro and if he fucks up, the boss targets you and not some poor schmuck.
Tank swaps involve OT hitting Provoke on the target and MT hitting Shirk on the OT.

Stance dancing was removed yes. Now you just Iron Will at all times if you're a light party, if you're a full party someone will MT while the other OTs. If there's adds or a tank swap you should throw it on to hold aggro on them.

Yeah, nowadays, you just leave it on. I get that its a bit confusing for sure.

If you're mting, and you need to swap, shirk the OT and they'll probably voke the boss. If you're ot, pay attention to see if you've been shirked after they eat shit, and provoke the boss.

Good luck tank bro

When should I use Despair? Its damage seems rather MEH.

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at the end of your fire cycle

When you don't have enough MP for Fire IV but enough for it.

leveling alone will probably take 100+ hrs
if you plan on watching all the cutscenes it'll probably be an extra 40-60 hrs

you're supposed to provoke first

To finish off your fire phase or right before a convert

>pay attention to see if you've been shirked after they eat shit
The fuck am I reading
Just provoke while the boss casts its tank buster or whatever precedes it if the buster comes out instantly as a follow-up, a MT will almost always shirk only after they get their debuff.

just hit 80, can I get a summary in order of what I should be doing to progress gear? I would guess the first step is to just run the level 80 dungeons a few times for lv.80 entry gear? I already got my blue set of gear from the guy under the ocean

I'm the original user that asked the question. Do tanks ALWAYS swap after a tank buster?

Do whatever you want. 80 dungeons drops all the same gear, which is only accessories.
Buy goetia gear while you do Eden for 450 gear.


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Tank busters either apply a vulnerability after the buster, or the buster spreads itself over targets, in which case you will usually stack with the tank and slap on some damage reduction.

Does anyone else feel compelled to take a class to level cap once they've unlocked them? Even if you've determined that the playstyle isn't for you?

If I'm holding down Flamethrower on a large pull, you bet your ass I'm not moving unless multiple AoEs fall under my feet. could they do this to us...

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user really? If you don't want to pay the fee go play some ftp trash

Not really. I level to a multiple of ten and put it down for a class I actually enjoy.
Except WHM or AST because they bore me to fucking tears.

i rescue all mch using flamethrower

what melds for DRK

It's fight dependent. Lakshmi has an OFF tank buster (which anyone can technically do if Vril'd but they need to be standing in the right spot so it doesn't cleave). Seiryu needs a swap BEFORE the buster. Susano puts a debuff that means the next buster will do more.

They seriously need to make the manafication buff last longer. 5 seconds is too fucking short. You literally can't corps-a-corps or displacement if you want to fit scorch in before it falls off.

Reported for harassment, slutboy

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the only people against dps meters are the shitters. proof me wrong.

crit most likely, unless they have a ss window like war for delirium windows

I've parsed myself in the past to make sure I'm not doing a piss poor job. I'm sure I'm not consistently 90+ currently but I'm not garbage either.
The people who parse all day every day are some of the most insufferable, obnoxious little cocksuckers I have the misfortune to play with. If you do absolutely anything to displease them, you're sure to hear about it at great length and suffer some form of passive aggressive faggotry.

what about DH?

based biranposter

>*right clicks your card buff*

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If anyone on primal wants to run E4 I made a private pf. Pass is 3448.

Miqo'te lore names suck though

>implying im an astcuck

>levi savage platforms won't come back

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He's very clearly a WHM.

I haven’t found a single use for rescue that isn’t just trolling. I can’t think of a single mechanic where there’s actually time to do it, notice a shitter still in the blast zone, target them and cast it

Fear in Titania EX

the only reason war melds DH over crit is because IR making the crit rate portion of the stat negligible pushes crit's value below DH (proper IR usage accounts for 30% of the war's dps, and the crit damage portion of the stat alone is not worth it)
if you're worried because you heard people say
>crit is a bad stat until later patches where you can stack more of it
ignore them, they're talking out of their asses
pay more attention to your cpm instead of parses, unless you plan on consistently playing in 'muh meta raid buff comps', eat hq food, meld, do uptime strats, get BiS as soon as possible, and pad whenever possible, your numbers are always going to be considerably lower than your actual skill level.

I've mainly used it for pulling retarded ranged DPS out of the large AoEs in Ghimlyt recently.

>hypes the game to oblivion for 2 months
>finally catches up to current content and IMMEDIATELY starts to fall into old WoWfag semantics about muh endgame
Blizzdrones will NEVER like other games. They will indulge in them for 2-3 months but go back to their heroin no matter how tainted it has become.

who else preparing for the eventual whm nerf and sch overbuff?

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Why do you say that user? Tribesound'name fathersname is fun, and if you want more normal "firstname lastname" you have moonies.

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>dancer top tier

You can save 1 person in e3

They could buff Scholar's potencies for patches to come and it would still be boring, stiff, and frustrating to play.

Pulling someone who is Afk onto the elevator in MSQ roulette

dat ahego face tho

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It pads his parse.

>DNC top tier
>SAM above MNK
>NIN not in "Yikes" tier

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>Cards give 20% damage buff again
>Sects give substancial potency buff again
>Casting time for Malefic is dropped by another second
Greatness is within reach, ASTbros, we only have to wait a year

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Haha you can't dilate anymore.

>tongue sticking out

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Surely you mean this one

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Sadly bald.

DNC is op
SAM is better than MNK
NiN still has TA
DNC is the best utility in game rn

why doesnt broil have a shorter cast time like malefic? sch has so many ogcds

>Waiting all through ARR to unlock AST
>Switch to the class and realize the cards all do the same thing
>Immediately switch back to WHM
What happened

>20% of 10k
>extra 2000 dps every 30seconds
Stop sniffing furniture dust.

doesnt matter, bard still brings more overall dps to a group than dancer

Made for love.

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>greylets arguing about class balance

>this asshole bitching about players being awful at the game every day in FC chat since the beginning of the expansion
>complaining nonstop about how bad people are at EX trials, and how easy they are
>whenever anyone says something about anything having somewhat of a challenge he goes "maybe for shit players" "must be a shit group" etc.
>I decide to help some casuals in the FC clear Titania and Innocence the other day
>do 13k dps on Titania one time as BLM and a bunch of people say so in FC chat
>guy goes "BLM is so easy, thats not impressive at all"
>proceeds to be incredibly passive aggressive towards me in FC chat ever since then whenever I say anything in FC chat
>decide to look up his logs today
>like 20 kills on both fights, EVERY SINGLE ONE is green or gray (plays ranged DPS)

Why are people like this always so bad?



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ruin 2

>WHM nerf
>even if they nerf assize or afflatus misery it will barely dent WHM dps

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Emet-Selch might have stolen the show, but he also stole the hearts of women.

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ASTs hated every card that wasn't Balance, so they made every card a shittier version of Balance. Then they hated that too.

>Stormbaby doesn't know how good things used to be

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Rough love.

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SMN is the most retarded class in all of the history of this game.


You were too late.

Bump DRK up.
DRK feels honestly really good and could use a bit of potency increase. The overall class feels really good and I wouldn't change how it plays.

I don't know what you see in WAR but I'll agree with you if you give your reasoning.

Ryne is anal exclusive.

20% of 1000 is not the same as 20% of 10000 dumbass.

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It only lasts a month and 90% of that is walking back and forth from point A to point B for the story anyway, if you can't finish the story in that free month you've got issues. Also start with the trial and you can jumpstart it even more.

Good, it was the only hole I was planning on using.

>The overall class feels really good and I wouldn't change how it plays.
It's marginally better than Stormblood. Marginally.

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>this asshole bitching about players being awful at the game every day in FC chat since the beginning of the expansion
>complaining nonstop about how bad people are at EX trials, and how easy they are
>whenever anyone says something about anything having somewhat of a challenge he goes "maybe for shit players" "must be a shit group" etc

You mean literally every xiv thread?

You can solo every ARR EX primal at 70, let alone 80. Get the 6 ponies and Nightmare if you're up for it. Move onto the HW Birds once you're done

looking for a missed connection. some guy looking to get seeing horde lance crafted. I went to bed and I saw that I missed your reply

MNK should be in Yikes tier until the Anatman bullshit is fixed.

Low IQ detected. Boss HP is designed around expected damage, not just flat value that just possibly might line up with how much dps is being done. Thus 20% of a 1000 will have same impact as 20% a 10000 dps in their respective content.

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I disagree. But you probably wouldn't change your mind. TBN is so rewarding to use . I think the only thing we could use is either another mitigation we can use with 50 blood.

I'm new to FF14, how the hell do you track your damage?

Asking your mom.

advanced combat tracker. have fun.

the enmity list of course

Attached: cutenavel.png (800x800, 732K)

Advanced Combat Tracker 3rd party program. Just make sure you dont mention people's dps in public or the crybabies will get you banned

How do you kill something 20 times and still be a grey

why is xiv more obsessed with parsing than wow?

With a pad and paper like in the olden days

Thanks bros.

So long as I don't use it to make fun of shitters I should be fine?

In the off chance you're reading this, at 60 you don't need to watch for it

>Spoon-feeding the sprout

because mechanically the fights in xiv offer so little challenge that all the community has to e-dick over is speed running
which of course requires constant parsing

>muh sekrit club
kys faggot

>Literally can't Google things
You're braindead, sorry user.

True, but at the same time at the current dps values 2k extra dps is a lot more impactful on a raid than 200, mainly when back on HW you needed 1min to set up a 10% aoe card compared to the current 30 seconds 3x singles.

>but 2k dps is nothing
Go tell that to the people bitching at WHM for having 2k above SCH.

It is technically against the ToS to use them so unless you're 100% sure who you're talking to in-game won't report you, you shouldn't discuss it in-game, because they have all your chat logs recorded.

What a retarded lie to tell.

dunno what game you're playing but 10x more people use a parser in wow compared to ffxiv. compare act plugin downloads to recount downloads.

You don't hear about wowfags going on about their DPS trackers because they're all watching Twitch or too busy listening to their callout mod.

At the very end of your Fire phase you should have just enough MP for it assuming you didn't trip up in the rotation, if you use Manafront after it you can pop another Fire IV and Despair too because Despair refreshes Astral Fire.

this is bullshit vros..........

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Every time I go to western coerthas I keep hearing a woman screaming in the distance. What the flying fuck is going on?

>MCH above BRD
>Top 10 Innocence and Titania have no MCH but like 8/10 BRD and 2/10 DNC
>Same with many of the floors of Eden

Damn dude, what server?

I got a lot of use from it in Rabanastre doing the same thing. Nice to see that other healers have finally caught on to using it regularly when it's useful.

xiv is trying too hard to be a single player game

>that giant hand
your days are counted light cucks, the First will belong to void bros.

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it IS a single player game. It's trying too hard to be a multiplayer game.
Did they introduce trusts yet so I don't have to sit in queue for 15~ minutes at a time?

Voidwalker is going to destroy so many savage groups.

Teaming up with a DPS to Rescue them back after a mechanic to get that sweet uptime.

>FC wants to do some dungeons, one of them switches to BLM
>does as much dps as the tank
I haven't levelled it yet so tell me, how is it possible?

they are trash, like most blm players

>rdps Eden chest
what the fuck is this garbage

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You can cancel LB3 animation using rescue.

Reminder that Meowie is absolutely LIVID about male viera not being added in.
The easiest way to spot him is.

>Any user calling anyone who posts hrothgar a fag
>Any user that claims Runar is gay
>Any user that claims that they can't play hrothgar because of "furries"
>Any user that mentions that mentions the character creation columns
>Any user that posts Shota viera.

Remember the easiest way to trigger him is to be happy with your hrothgar. Fuck twinks.

How do I cheese/macro buying a plot of land? I can't stay here for 12 hours

Were you acting like a dumb faggot? Basically facepulling, single targeting during obvious AoE-that-shit segments, standing in long ass telegraphs, ect.
Which of the two dungeons was it?

Whoever they are, they are unironically a horrible fucking player.

The job is literally designed to blow not only tanks and healers dps out of the water, but actual dps as well.

better than nin

They arent? I never see anyone talk about parsing in random groups. It's only statics. Meanwhile I distinctly remember pug WoW groups having dps requirements in their recruiting messages plus a gearscore requirement

To be fair, that would be just tossing out 3 20% as opposed to 8 10%, even when correctly targetting 3 best dps in the group, that's still less effective than 10% spread we used to have. On the other hand it''d be guaranteed to happen as opposed to HW roulette between you being a shittier white mage or a massive rDPS boost.
I just want the cards to actually be worth a damn if all the potencies are going to be so horribly awful
>>but 2k dps is nothing
Never said that
>Go tell that to the people bitching at WHM for having 2k above SCH.
Absolutely nothing wrong with WHM outdamaging scholars, considering the sheer healing power they have on top of a raidbuff.

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>Used to enjoy cute cat girls
>Nows it's all associated with trannies projecting themselves into anime
I still enjoy them but why did they have to ruin it

Savage will change everything right?

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Are you him? Nobody was talking about him after ShB released until your bitch ass.

Wow it's almost like the ones bullying the shit out of people over marginal DPS differences were the real crybabies all along

There's something about Titania fight that makes my head and eyes hurt, never happened in any other raid.

Imagine not playing on Famfrit

>looking at max damage parses when so much padding is going on

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New Delirium is a mistake

>come into video game thread to blog about your fetishes
Good, kill yourself

Wowcucks are insufferable

actually, if you just buy the base game you'll get 30 days of time for free, which is more than enough time to get you 10 hours in before you stop playing

>not even a month has gone by and there is already no content
bros i thought it was our time...i thought we could finally kill the world of warcraft...

>level healer to 70 first in stormblood
>get bored and play caster in deltascape
>level caster to 80 first in shadowbringers
>get bored and thinking about playing healer in eden

what the fuck is wrong with me

Check the striking one

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>communist confused over the idea of paying for goods and services

GMs don't care if you don't harass people about dps. You can get away with saying shit like
>we're 2k dps off from clearing enrage
But don't say
>hey faggot you're the lowest dps in here pick it up or fuck off
Use your parser for kicking shit players from your group but don't ever call them out

If only it was marginal.

Check my doubles

Are you retarded?

you're too much of a pussy to tank

>no more DA spam
>marginally better

He's usually alright with other jobs, hence my surprise. I'll end up levelling it anyway, but I wanted to know if there's a thing to do in your rotation that could escape him, if there's a frequent newbie mistake or if he's just plain bad with it

>MSQ roulette brings out the absolute worst players in the game every fucking time.
No it doesn't, people still running it are chill nowadays

you should realize that there is a lot of content on each of those purchases and you don't have to get the next one until you finish the last(in case you dont outright drop the game).
t.bought heavensward at release and only now in the process of finishing it

>tfw playing as a default hyur WoL posterboy
Dabbin on yall trannies

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Honestly literal faggots are ruining these threads with the hrothgar avatar spam.

I've never once talked shit about someone's dps in public nor do I know anyone that does, and I've never been banned either. But the content in this game is so easy that it breeds complacency which is why you have mentors running around that know fuck all about their jobs, not to mention the inclusive hugbox that is reddit.

i agree. Im fine when they release old content as cosmetics because its an excuse for them to say "well you could have gotten it for free back then!"

but anything that starts off exclusively cash shop only is scum

Oh my god what the fuck did they do

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Based rmt bot

What's stopping elidibus from just killing graha by blowing up the crystal tower and thus fucking with everything we just did?

Honestly the Arbert scene with Hades at the end feels way much better as a hyur Midlander than any other class. It doesn't work as well.

I kinda wish they made Arbert keep voicing your character during the "I challenge you" or "it ends this day, one way or another, it ends."

his name is "Tyuosiusowun Uwpipnzpuw" so show some respect

based single pulling midlander shitter


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Yeah, instead you have to wait through 45 minute dungeon runs for them to respect the content as hard as possible

This meme is getting overused.

>not a single Fang and Claw or Wheeling Thrust
>never underwent Life of the Dragon
how in the everloving fuck is that even possible

PLD question:
Is use goring blade completely pointless one i get atonement?

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I actually wall pull on GNB, you silly goose.
Let me just hit Superbolide for no reason to wake you up.

Yoshida is right to ban parsing talk and refuse to put an in-game parser.

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A meme... Overused? Here? Nah.

how would that fuck anything up?
graha is simply an enlightened despot, he didn't actually catch any of the light

Just do 1 2 goring blade > 1 2 3 atonement

Are you retarded? If graha dies, none of this happens.

Why is there so many guys who play as girls? YouTubers or reviewers in general always play as girls in this game and it feels a bit weird.

Hell what's with the normalization of ERP? During lazypeon's videos nobody batted an eye to the part where he said he had fun ERPing with his GF.

Okay, important question.
Is it "Sue-per-bo-leed" or "Super-boiled"?

As much as I despise autistic parsers, there's some shitters that deserve to be vote kicked for contributing less than the tank's auto-attacks.

Can't wait to aggressively kick these people from E1S. The first fight is always filled with these faggots who've just got carried through EX so they think they're ready for the big boy fights

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No. Stop being fucking retarded.

Why would you think that? He isn't going back in time, he explicitly says that he thinks he going splintered off into this timeline or whatever.

The DoT of Goring Blade alone is worth more than Atonement.

Soo Per Bo Lied


Game would greatly benefit from in-game personal parse. It's hard to blame some people for being shit when they have no visible way of measuring their performance and for all they know they're doing just fine.

Isn't it
Super - Bow - Lide?

The real question is why you're such a prude who gets triggered by sex in a social game.

My uncle works for Squeenix

Tier 2
Yami no Miko

Tier 3


Stone Sea Sky fulfills the ONLY legitimate use for a parser. The only reason left to use a “real” parser are e-peen or being an asshole

do the trusts not follow you or something?

Does Elidibus even know about G'raha?

>levi headbutts the stage and it becomes a H pattern

If this raid tier is the same as the previous expansions, at max ilvl on 5.4 highest pdps jobs should be doing 32k personal dps.
20% of that shit is +6.4k dps for AST rdps contribution every single time they card someone and even more for when they use divination.

Scaling that to current ilvl and you'll be doing way more rdps contribution than SCH if not more than WHM just by throwing an extra ogcd out on cards.

Here, here!

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I'm not. It's just weird how you folks are normalizing it. It's like gay parades. I'm perfectly fine with you homos doing whatever. But being naked and doing degenerate acts in the street bats an eye for me.

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You can play half of A Realm Reborn for free. No upfront cost, no sub, nothing. Goes to lv35, which will give you a pretty good feel for the game except the story which admittedly is shit until Shiva comes into the picture

Seriously who gives a fuck? You have to be obsessed to think anything but "oh they erp"

They are extremely slow to kill enemies. They absolutely refuse to use any kind of AoE.

>ITT: People completely taking this chart out of context

Just buy shadowbringer and youll get every past xpac and the base game + 1 free months and an additional 2 weeks if you reach lvl30

which one of you idiots posted this to reddit

Swee Peer Bao Lee Day

Only gay guys play as men bro

How do I get a roegadyn gf bros?

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That's what SSS is supposedly for but besting a static training dummy isn't worth shit once you have to deal with mechanics also

>three primals in a single tier
nah, i hope they just stop at 4 elements but knowing them its going to be all 6 with omega weapon in tier 2 and ultimecia in 3

Offer her a ticket into Eulmore.

Attached: Selected.jpg (558x524, 69K)

Talk to one, they're all desperate for attention in a game with catgirls, bunny girls, and tiny dragon girls. They'll take the most boring person possible.

>Lalafell has faggot opinions

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What is this retarded new buzzword? I don't walk into instances in bubble wrap

now if only dps and heals could have such good ratios

don't listen to the FFXIV shills on Yea Forums
the majority of them are either addicted /vg/ trannies or actual discord trannies

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I'm bringing Ryne to the Source and there's nothing she or you can do to stop me.

well unless i dont understand how often a DoT ticks
a full goring blade combo is 1485 potency
where as 3 atonements is 1650 potency
Dots tick every 3 seconds right?

Attached: Baboon3.gif (320x180, 1.9M)

Again. I'm just saying, it feels a bit weird when a YouTuber with a broad audience just drops talking about ERP outta nowhere. Sure go ERP if you want, but you have to admit mentioning it is definitely a bit weird.

I think all combos should be reduced into one button, at least linear ones.

But then her body would be comatose on the First.

He's very likely moving when he doesn't have to or hasn't learned how to slide-cast efficiently. He could just be a figuratively and literally slow niggermage. Hitting as low as a medicore tank is some real effort with a BLM, it requires actual effort to be doing DPS that gray.


what am i even looking at here?

nonsense, bodies can be brought along too, as the Warrior of Darkness proved

>mini minfilia instead of gob-smacking, ale-drinking, insult-throwing Dwarven goddess

Attached: Giott Hic.jpg (193x276, 15K)

You are special.

If we become one just before passing back to the Source then surely she'll count as part of me and she will be perfectly fine!

I wish I was a girl. Hate being a man. Not going to become a tranny though, trannies are disgusting and will never pass. I want to be a real girl.

This plus they won’t attack at all during mechanics. They can be in a perfectly safe spot and in range but don’t attack until the aoe goes off

Right, there's no reason the Emissary of Light shouldn't also be special.

That's perfect for what I need her for

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so is she

Have no idea, but looked through some of his orbonne runs and it's the same shit. minimoys

But why?
You're denying yourself on who you are. You can still be a guy and like girly things.

When does savage come out? Switching roles for the tier, and leveling 70-80 with dungeon spam right now. Is it two weeks or a week?

The person who shared this is as much a faggot as the people he's insulting for being in their faggot circle in the first place.

It seems Ninjas are actually not parsing correctly at all. This is the parser plugin creator, by the way.

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She might be, but nothing has shown her to be.

>get RDM
>all of a sudden all these confusing spells
Whats the rotation bros? What should i press

better save up those shekles for the crafted body piece or wait for new tomestone one

>grey parsing in 24m
Literally how? I'm a low purple shitter and I parsed 99 on all SB 24m bosses

>people still think WHM is being nerfed when it fits the percentile

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fast casting spell, slow casting spell (will be instacast) and keep switching between elements

What am I looking at?

July 30th, you got a few weeks. You can easily 80 and gear up between now and then.

Most people phone it in.
I do sometimes lmao.

"Normalizing" as if there's something to be wrong with it. I just consider it part of the game.

I want to breed a fem roe and kiss her pregnant belly

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Oh my god look at this fucking run

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fuck all modern MMO practices. I hope the lootbox bill passes

if you don't glamour you Blm with the biggest hat you got, you're no true wizzard

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>During lazypeon's videos nobody batted an eye to the part where he said he had fun ERPing with his GF.
Because by that point it was clear he was just trying to get a reaction out of people, you total fucking sperg.

No one wants to see you degenerate freaks acting like faggots for all to see.

based SE killing parsetrannys playing FotT shit they dont even understand how to play for guaranteed staticspots

I did the math for like 12 gcds (two combos+two full atonement vs one combo, one full atonement, and two goring blade combo to finish) and the goring blade one comes out to about 270 potency more?

>ywn be pinned down and fucked by Merlwyb

why live?

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Shatotto thinks you're a disgrace, Logan.

No lootboxes in ff14 so the game will be unaffected

This dude is on my server so thanks for the blacklist

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there aren't any lootboxes in xiv though what the hell are you talking about

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>High fantasy MMO
>Doesn't use Reshade

What's your excuse, xi/v/?

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>tank dies three times to trash in Haukke Manor

This shit happens every goddamn day now, so fucking sick of having to deal with this shit in basic ass leveling roulettes.

It seems like a lot but just a minute or two practicing on dummies gives you an idea

This isn't the wow thread

So i use ground and then fire, switch between those two elements? Im lv50 so i havent unlocked all the spells

I don't play the game to take screenshots.
ERP is a different story though.

It looks like garbage and affects your UI as well.

does blacklist prevent you from being a party via duty finder?

not into tranny lizards sorry

Did you guys do your duty yet telling Square Enix to change the Gunbreaker sound effects by using the in-game Suggestion Box feature?

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>run 75 dungeon as WHM
>DNC couple as DPS and random tank
>benediction tank near the end of a pull
>it goes off but the tank dies anyway
>mobs die immediately since they were already at sub 3% HP
>tank and I laugh it off
>enter bat boss
>use Asylum before he does his first AOE spam attack
>dumbshit DNC player stands outside asylum, I rescue them into it
>them and their partner start endlessly shitting on me in chat for the entire rest of the dungeon for "rescue abuse" and letting people drop to low HP (nobody died except the same DPS who stood outside Asylum, and then only because they stood in an AOE during the AOE spam part and died instantly)
>poor innocent tank keeps trying to de-escalate the situation but at that point I'm already shitposting them after they called me a "green DPS monkey" for not casting Medica II after using Asylum and Assize during the first aoe spam
>they use /return to go back to the start of a dungeon to kick me right before the final boss
>tank realizes and tries to pull the boss but they start the votekick before he can

She literally has fucking facial hair

Literal trannies are fine though?

I kinda wish Ala Mhigo had the same vibrant colors as the trailer showed.

You meant to type a statement, not a question.

I was questioning if my math was right

I haven't noticed a difference

While that's good know, Meisui is still clunky and having to fit everything in the TA window is annoying as fuck. Too bad the job is fun otherwise.

Ysayle IS cute! She IS a GOOD wife! She IS my [beautiful branch]!

No but i asked foe bard support abilities back because its a cuck shed job now

I wish Lyse had actual breasts like she did in the trailer shown.

Attached: LIES.png (1012x1006, 1.42M)

I don't give a fuck. I want to be dominated by her.

Only reason I would is because she's white as snow and fucking huge. Seriously, standing next to H'naanza it's comical, she's eye-level with Merlwyb's cunt.

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Well I'm just adding the straight numbers from the tooltips, goring blade tics 7 times for 85 which is 595 + 390 from the base damage of goring + 300 from riot and 200 from fast is 1485
3 atonements is 1650
So I'm just wondering if I'm assuming something that's incorrect or if SE fucked up

Are you German?

I only use reshade to color correct SEs awful desaturation filter

I thought we knew that for some time? either way we will always be the best dps

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Sounds like you had the mythical whale-BRs with that insult they threw at you.
Semi-on topic, does the dance partner shit stack? I've seen a lot of DNC just position with each other and I swear I read somewhere you do not want to fucking do that because of how Steps calculate or something like that.

I am male!

Attached: Ysayle.jpg (778x970, 142K)

>dumbshit DNC player stands outside asylum, I rescue them into it
That one is a classic.

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Then why'd you post a monk gutpunching a samurai?

Someone redpill me on the XIV expansions. I'm only level 31.

This is why i wont play dancer until the dust settles. Its the shitter meme job now. I was in a raid and everyone was a fucking dancer but me.

oh nevermind i was fucking up , ignore me I'm retard

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I heard you wanted to be snu'd

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Go back to /vg/

It's because of needing to do RA combo to get Atonement. The combo itself is worth less than Goring Blade combo.

how can you not? the volume is too low now and it sounds like you're swinging a baseball bat instead of a sword.

uh you need them if you want the expansion jobs or to level up further or do the main story further


yeah i just realized, sorry for being dumb

not my character kid calm down


Doesn't matter, take your avatarposting and ERP bullshit back to /vg/ you AGP tranny faggot

edit on hair


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Heavensward - theocratic state has been at war with Nidhogg's brood of dragons for a long fucking time, you go on a field trip with the Azure Dragoon, Alphinaud, and a mass-murdering war criminal.
Stormblood - It's time to kneecap the Empire's hold in the south, you're forced into war after some Mhiggers play dress-up and bait the Garleans into open conflict.
Shadowbringers - Mystery nigga is summoning everyone to another world, you have to stop a flood of elemental Light from consuming the world to stop the coming calamity back home.
Respectively, they're great, alright, and fantastic.

Why are there so many ranged DPS in PTs now?

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The actual quote was "could heal more instead of letting everyone drop really low like a monkey :v". A few seconds before that they said the thing about green DPS too though.

I don't know how people find these kind of groups. I honestly think it's just healers.

What's the proper height for a highlander so that I dont tower above all the npcs

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>why are there so many of the easiest jobs to play in parties now?

BLM is Yoshida's baby so it will always be strong, MCH is fun to play now and has a mech, DNC attracts all the sluts, SMN has phoenix.

Probably because DNC is new and MCH got a complete overhaul that's fun

Should be a "female" Roe but otherwise good

That's always been the case. Did you not play Stormblood? Everyone was either Bard or Red Mage. If you looked at every static recruitment they were desperately seeking for a melee dps.

bard was a popular class, machinist got a revamp and looks awesome and dancer is new

he is spot on

I looked upon you and knew you were my nigga

Melee DPS are technically harder because you get fucked by mechanics if you tunnel vision.
Being ranged isn't too bad.

Yes, if you want to be degenerate is that way. Stop pretending these threads don't exist because of avatarfags and "owo who wants to fuck my character" posters

Really? Was no one playing Samurai? That's an easy and fun melee and it was new then

What should i be doing as RDM, just got the job whats the rotation

>Yea Forums post disgusting femroes
>/vg/ post disgusting catboys
just can't win

do some basic math user
GB is worse if enemy dies/goes invuln before you get the ticks out
otherwise always apply GB

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god why are femroes so god damn hot

Statics don't want two Samurai, and not many people actually want to be the TA slut.

Are the HW extremes solo-able now at 80?

Imagine still playing a Femroe when Viera exist and still trying to pretend you're not a tranny fetishist

you'll get more than 10 hours out of the free trial


And then someone starts posting Fordola or Alisaie, someone starts groaning about waifufags.
At least you'll always have that one /vg/fag posting the latest flavor of the month waifu.

Maybe you should learn to contain yourself then.

Ravana and bismark is. Thordan needs better gear.

>sperging out over a roe found on goggle


cast jolt
cast veraero/thunder
wait for verstone/verfire to light up
cast glowy spells
cast your thunder aero again and keep doing that
>40/40 white black mana
manafication melee combo
>don't have manafication
get to 80/80

>Tank in need across all the roulettes

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That's a funny thing to say considering how many vg posters seem to be posting with their e-dicks on their hands.
Either way, degeneracy is that way .

everyone already had a samurai. they were looking for something else, specifically DRG/NIN

Healfags have leveling and MSQ here on Light.

Fuck discord trannys.
Post fanmail instead.

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Ravana was a piece of cake but how do you deal with the snakes on Bismarck?

Where did you get that picture of me?

Where is this from? The exact issue

Sadly, this is incorrect. Just buying the expansion only gets you the expansions (all three), it does not include the base game

There are generally three purchasing options:
Starter Edition: 20 bucks, includes base game and 30 day subscription. Does not include any expansions.
Shadowbringers: 40 bucks, includes all three expansions but not the base game. Does not include any subscription time.
Complete Edition: 60 bucks, includes the base game, all three expansions, and 30 day subscription.

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>5 mentor crowns
>takes nearly 50 minutes to actually get the kill

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You do if you play on a preferred server.

Generally I only see the monkey comparison insults thrown around by Brazilians so I hold onto that my theory may still stand true.

Why is estinien such a gigachad?
Ultima emote looks kind of stupid at the end with the wings and awkward floating but I think the Shiva and Odin emotes are really cool.
Never buying the fucking things though.

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>this is what trannies actually believe

The figurines are actually worth that much though

Is MCH as demanding as SMN?

I'm disappointed the full animation wasn't the full one minute and fourty seconds.

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How do i fill my black mana? I cast spells but it doesnt fill
Also should i only do my melee combo when its magnified?

Ultimate title or weapons?

>can't defend himself against two female potatoes

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smn is demanding?

Thunder fills black, aero fills white
just read your tooltips dude, RDM is the simplest job in the whole game

>Double BLM dps in dungeon
>Tank only going for small pulls

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>fag with burger king kids crown telling you to tank swap
>do it
>fag starts kiting the fucker all over the arena, spinning him randomly, eating mechanics left and right suddenly
>dies on the next TB because he refused to hit his own cds the entire time he was MT
>resume chadtank status and refuse to give him control ever again for the rest of the fight
>fag wont stop bitching in chat at you to do the tank swap every time you're supposed to do it
Just fucking delete mentor status already SE, jesus christ.

Where can i find the tooltips m8

You just know

Is there anyone who can?

Can you mash Button A while alternating between off-buttons B and C for 5 GCD's without your arthritis playing up?

Legacy Goobbue.

You need to drop one as far as you can before they tether together then burn the rest of the hp while they're tethered. You'll have to ignore the damage reflecting so healing is needed.

What I did on WHM was to delay burning bismark shell (2 add spawns on phase 1) to build afflatus misery then drop everything on the left add once it spawned making sure to not touch the other one. This allowed me to drop it to 30% ish before they came together on my clear run though it took some echo stacks to be possible.

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Put your mouse over the skill. The box that comes up and tells you what it does is called the tooltip.

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I came here specifically to call you a retarded faggot. Current DRK is fucking dumb, has the worst Emergency mechanic in existence, their shield being tied to a free cast of Edge/Flood is fucking dumb, and having ONE combo from their initial 3 when they were first released is nothing less than a joke. Easily the worst of the 4 tanks.

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>forcing your tank to do big pulls
Dont be a faggot. Maybe hes under geared or has anxiety, fuck off non tank speaking about tanking

Ok here's a better question. Will MCH give me arthritis?

Nah, it's pretty chill even when spamming Heat Blast.

TBN is a trap mechanic that is neutral MP at best, and a mana sink at worst for no reward.

Either extend the duration or make it give a damage buff on break.

How does gear work post 50? I got my relic job gear (Paladan) how long will that last me? Will i have to replace it with ugly ARR n00b armor again?

Its understandable to be jealous over a permanent discount on your sub. Really wish I played 1.0 just for the legacy rewards. I fucking would have too if the media wasn't completely crucifying the game at the time. Couldn't go on any website without there being some news article about how FFXIV was the worst game of all time.

He'll never get over it if he continues being a massive pussy and doesn't push his limits

how is it a trap? you get mitigation and a free 3k that you wouldve spent on those moves anyways?

>TBN is a trap mechanic that is neutral MP at best, and a mana sink at worst for no reward.

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ironworks gear is 120, and I think you start getting poetics as soon as you hit 50

you're going to be upgrading it pretty much right away. thankfully gear past 50 doesn't look too shit.
you can always just glamour over it anyway

Damage reduction for a tank is a trap?

It will last you until you can get level 51 hear. You'll be replacing it with slightly nicer Heavensward noob armor.

what the fuck are you saying

There are dungeons where you simply cannot do big pulls, plus having a random healer does not help. Big pulls are for coordinated parties only not light party bullshit

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Probably the fact that every other tank has equivalent cooldowns that don't rape their DPS if you don't take a specific amount of damage during their duration. Also TBN should at the very least have the highest shield priority but instead it has the lowest

It lasts until level 55, and technically it's good enough for literally everything up to 60

>not immediately kicking mentors
You'll have a better chance of getting a good sprout player than a good mentor player

the ironworks shit is good until 57 or so

Please tell me the names of these dungeons

1.0 did have a number of issues that really hindered the gameplay. But there were some parts of it that were amazing and I wish had been carried over into ARR.
Party combos for example. You could set up a combo with additional members of your party in order to injury mobs, or provide buffs to each other like 20% damage increase. As well ask knock off mob parts or topple them. Using party combos was the only way to knock off a skeleton's head, which made it "blind" and would also supply you with the Skull Eyepatch +1,+2,+3 versions.
In fact, the only way to get buffalo horns, was to get a group together and attack the buffalo from the side, until if fell over from being injured, then to move to the front of him and attack the head until his horns were knocked off.
This would provide two things:
>buffalo horns for crafting
>buffalo's charge attack was now locked permanently

Even if you wiped, and had to start over from 100% health, it could no longer charge stun your tank because it's horns were gone.

Positionals actually mattered in 1.0. Unfortunately in 2.0+ they just provide slightly extra damage or debuffs.

That was the ONLY real good thing about the combat in 1.0 that I wish had been carried over.

I just realized the post I was quoting was talking about relic gear, which you should probably replace with ironworks before 51. But you're right that Ironworks is good until 57 or so, but really now it will last you until 60 easily

vault is fucking brutal in ironworks

AF1 is ilvl 50, user. Level 51 gear is ilvl 120. There's no way you can get through HW content with AF1.

You fucking retard.

People like you are a cancer on everyone else's experience in this game.

Not really, it's easily doable even if the tank and healer have augmented ironworks assuming neither player is shit.

>vault is fucking brutal for sprouts

>assuming neither player is shit

Aurum vale

Are you saying you're shit, user?

If they're shit then even having synced gear won't help you in the vault

>healfags got over their hissyfit and went back to healing like the submissive fags we all knew they were

As predicted

the example here would be unfair, since RA would allow 3 more A.
you need to do a total of 6 combos, to make them match up.
doing goring in 6 combos is a total of: 8,370
ignoring goring in 6 combos, its a total of: 8,100
this gives a more accurate representation of the difference in using goring. (ur still correct, just saying the math being done like that wouldnt be the most accurate, unless the fight ended right on the 3rd combo)

>Assuming anyone in the Vault isn't shit
I've never, not even once, seen someone stack the vuln rifts. It's so fucking simple and keeps the arena tidy, but I've never seen it done.

>He doesn't baptize healers with the pull through the middle
No wonder healers end up in such a shit shape by the time they reach the vault

to clarify, your example is a difference of 11%, and my example is a difference of 3%.

I'm saying that assuming 50% of the party isn't shit is quite an assumption to make.

>he doesn't baptize tanks by introducing them to the sac method
Why mass pull when you can ignore every single mob except morbols and bosses?

>it's a retard tries to lump casters in with mch/brd/dnc
Dumbest thing I've ever heard. Physical ranged have unmatched mobility and uptime/overall ease of play comparing them to casters who literally have to stand in place and cast shit is a fucking joke

Nonsense, I usually push my healer to their limit at least once, assuming they're ok with it. Most healers are willing to give it a try, and tend to want to try again when it doesn't work out.