Other urls found in this thread:
Yes, it's based on the original Switch console.
Does it come with a dilation rod?
there is nothing wrong with being transgender
There's nothing wrong with being depressed, either. Its totally natural, and killing yourself is recommended
well then why do so many of them commit suicide
Except that it's a mental illness and validating mental illness is unhealthy.
43% of trannies agree.
so what rights do trans people lack again?
So it is possible to add more onions to a Switch after all...
hon hon hon oui oui switch baguette edition
Because liberals think virtue signaling is worth more than tranny lives.
But it's a literal mental disorder
>No mention of trans in Japanese
>not cashing in on sjw
You would be a horrible businessman
>it's ok if nintendo does it
The meme statistic comes from red states (it's also attempt rates, not actual suicides). In blue states, it's less than half of that. Almost as if there are outside factors that contribute to it.
By that logic, being gay is a mental disorder too then. Are you willing to agree to that?
The right to molest kiddies in the bathroom.
Sure thing sweetie, now go dilate and re-stitch.
Instant buy
Everything is wrong with treating a mental illness as normal, Encouraging genital mutilation and pushing it on children.
How does that follow his logic?
Yes, it is, you fucking mongoloid. Being gay is not something that you should be proud of ever
A console skin is not a gay parade, user.
They think that men will want them just because they cut their dick off which is never the case so they end up miserable
>always kind of liked light blue, pink, and white, thought it has a nice aesthetic. Not something I'd probably ever use myself, but it's nice on the eyes
>claimed by transfags.
seems like a subtle trolling attempt as this version is a switch that can't switch.
Why is this board so obsessed with trannies?
Welp time to add another company to the list of companies to not support.
games done quick over the last several years.
trannies are the new sjws apparently
minority stress
t. Tranny
>rainbows ruined
>the color purple ruined
What are they not willing to infect? We need to take back rainbows at least
Oh it's a pokemon themed one, ok
This is fake. Nintendo goes out of their way to not be political.
Pastel colors are all the rage now though
> just because they are trying it doesn't mean it's that bad
there is everything wrong with being a tranny.
My sides
Yeah factors like having a pus-oozing hole that smells like shit and has to be re-openned for hours every day during which they experience intense pain. Oh and the fact that everything from pissing to "sex" is painful and causes disgusting discharge.
lashing out because they're losing the fight
>using the fact that these people are being mistreated as an argument against them
Well that doesn't follow my logic. I was just stating a fact doctors literally refer to it as a diagnosed mental illness.
But I do agree. Gay is a mental illness too. There's no hard evidence that people are born gay. Even to this day it's just speculation.
Gay people more often then not have a past of abuse in some way.
We should be helping gays by finding a cure for it.
I refuse to let trannies appropriate the basic as fuck blue(boys) and pink(girls) colour combination to represent their illness.
Blue and pink has coexisted together for ages, since long before these people attempted to claim it.
You've already got the rainbow you fucks. Stick with it. It's the rainbow because it's thought to represent everyone, so why do you think you need your own flag? The 'T' in LGBT even stands for Transgender.
What are some video games
There he is!!!
>Gay is a mental illness too. There's no hard evidence that people are born gay. Even to this day it's just speculation.
>Gay people more often then not have a past of abuse in some way.
Source: My ass
>ywn be a protected minority that can do whatever they want without suffering any consequences
why live?
Fucking yuck. How is any of that worth it?
>I care who does it
Stop being a console war fag. I’m a PlayStation fan but don’t see me shitting on other consoles.
Yeah, its just shitters trying to get a rise out of people by adding more color and "trans rights"
Thats correct
I'll stay in this thread and wait for the study that proves gay people were born that way. Get googling.
>ugly, white bar in the middle
Take some artistic license, don't just copy it exactly.
Holy shit
40% isn't high enough
this 2bh
trannies keep destroying women, and that's a good thing
Holy kek that's good
You cannot look at this fucking image and tell me it is not a mental disease, unless you too are beyond the fucking pale retarded. You people and enablers are horrifying monsters
>Trannies did to the aesthetic pink/pale blue/white color combo that gays did to the rainbow
I don't even care if this is fake, I fucking hate trannies.
>he posted it
really interesting
It's a way they can take out their anger and frustration while feeling like they're doing the world a service by making the target of their rage an unwanted member of society who had it coming.
>people will believe this is real
I'm pretty used to gore nowadays but all the tranny shit makes me want to throw up, god damn.
Subhuman degenerate trash.
Seek help. You are so obsessed with trannies you seek out and save stuff on them. I hate trannies but I’m not going to go looking for them and saving stuff about them.
So a guy who goes and fucks a tranny isn't suspicious that the hole doesn't lubricate itself like real ones do? It's just infecting the wound that will never heal. Trannies are a problem that will solve itself through the suicide rate lmao.
Absolutely. There is nothing safe about anal sex and the gay lifestyle, and that's before even getting into the fucked up subcultures the gay community facilitates.
The right to publicly dilate
We allowed breast feeding in public...we now must allow the ability for trannies to stick a prescription dildo up their disgusting manmade infected hole in the presence of everyone
>normalising mental illness
Not today satan
>I h-h-hate transgender people but p-p-please don’t show us what they really are
Look at this cope after having the meme stat debunked. Can we talk about how straight white men kill themselves more than every demographic combined world wide? Can we talk about how if you walk past three straight white men on the street counting yourself statistically one of you will kill yourselves before the age of 40?
Reminder that we have a board specifically for trans "people"
But how should normal people deal with the smell.
You can't just expect normal people to be ok with putrid dilation smell in a subway.
I feel you. I'm a porn artist and a while ago I drew an original slut looking girl with light pink and blue hair. I thought it looked amazing aesthetically but realized people would think its a tranny. Thankfully I caught wind of this shit before I posted it, changed the blue to blond, but damn.
>the chad transwoman vs the virgin biological female
Kys faggot
Look, I know it must be hard to live in your body but why make shit up? The stats are the same internationally, stop giving people more reason to think you're a kook. The moment you're honest with yourself, I guarantee you'll feel better.
Ew, faggot.
t. Seething dilating tranny
It has been persistently observed though history even though there is no consensus in the origin of homosexuality itself.
>Currently, there is no scientific consensus about the specific factors that cause an individual to become heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual—including possible biological, psychological, or social effects of the parents' sexual orientation. However, the available evidence indicates that the vast majority of lesbian and gay adults were raised by heterosexual parents and the vast majority of children raised by lesbian and gay parents eventually grow up to be heterosexual
Let's pretend that it is actually a choice every single time. What's wrong with that?
Trans don't have rights.
Name one right trans has.
You can't.
This. And I'm going to marry a cute tranner!
How is a joke like this a political statement?
>debunked by a sourceless post on Yea Forums
Absolutely inhuman levels of retardation
Cross dressing is not political, trans "rights" are.
Maybe trannies aren't so bad after all.
>SJWs fight for trans rights
>trannies proceed to take the glory from women because they fought for them to be able to participate in women's hobbies in the first place
>women get mad even though they brought this onto themselves
I don't understand how we could have gotten this far. I mean less people care about women sports, but like come on.
Does... does that make these guys on the back trannies???
>muh republicans
Not sure whats funnier, the snoys not realizing this is not real, or the retards defending cutting your own dick cause muh mental illness
It's debunked by the study you all cite without reading it. Literally on the meme graph the word *attempted* is in bold letters. You people can't even read. The absolutely inhuman levels of retardation of /pol/fags is insane.
I like the part more where they advocate importing young 3rd world men into every civilized nation just to have themselfes and their daughters raped by said men
stunning and brave
>I want to see this shit on Yea Forums
you do realize jokes can still promote political agendas, right? tons of comedians have built careers on that.
Seeking out a tranny means you see them as different from women, and they typically don't like that.
Being gay is a mental disorder, but at least it doesn't involve mutilating your body into something it was never meant to be. They're just trying to fuck some man butt.
underrated post
>attempt rates
thats still bad I don't know what you're getting at. Even if there's outside factors that still ultimately links back to being a tranny. It's not good nor healthy and it won't make you a happier person.
To add more there have been several bioinformatics attempts to find genetic links.
The statistic came from an international study including 3rd world shitholes.
wtf is dialation?
Not all trans people get surgery.
I am just going with the pills myself, so at worst I am mutating myself rather than mutilating.
There is, but killing trannies is also a mental illness
>a nigger tranny competing in track
that's just overkill
Don’t look it up. It’s disgusting.
>in blue states is less than half that
Oh, good, one in five is much better odds
a tranny's fake vagina is literally an open wound
wounds tend to close up, so you have to constantly dilate it so it doesnt close up
So is racism
I'm glad I dont live in america
literally never seen a tranny irl
Transwomen who get bottom surgery need to put a dilator in their neovagina so it does not close up during the first few months after.
It's pretty gross, but lots of things people do are gross., and its only done after a major surgery.
>blue and pink clearly separated by a big gap
From the small sample size, yes. But in a greater since trans people successful suicides have fallen dramatically to the point where there's not much of a significance. Meanwhile straight white males make up almost 75% of all successful suicides and almost 25% of the white male population kills itself by the end of a year. It's an epidemic.
Like this
This isn't what I asked for. This proves nothing. You're starting a different argument entirely. There are tons of factors that play into the development of sexuality. I'm not going to ignore any of them until it's been thoroughly proven to have/not have an effect on the outcome of being gay or not.
>gay parents raise straight kids
This isn't always true. This needs way more statistical evidence to be used as any kind of proof for anything.
>discord trannies desperately trying to make themselves look "based"
What rights do trannies not have that everyone else does?
>attempts in big bold letters
why can't /pol/ read?
the white bit is for non-binary trans people
Did you even read these
that's a joke user not a political statement. Before trannies ruined everything cross dressing was one of the oldest forms of comedy
Indeed. There is nothing wrong with being ill in general. Just being proud of it is stupid.
anything that goes against your role in the reproductive cycle is a mental disorder. trans, gay, asexual, attack helicopter, doesn't matter.
You really should just kill yourself. The world is better off without you.
I used to be like that until I saw a webm of a MtF vagina reveal and got red pilled instantly. What I saw was mental illness, genital mutilation, and weeping wounds that didn't look good regardless of gender or procedure.
It's really fucking ironic how we went from being anti-genital mutilation and pro body positivity to just fuck it all and go for the scalpel.
Damn, is that the Lowee LE edition?
Looks tight
>and its only done after a major surgery.
actually wrong, they have to continue it every day of their life
>not all trannys get surgery
Most likely because they can't afford it.
no it's for white privilege. it has the biggest portion.
>implying PC Nintendo would glorify a mental illness
But is it wrong to be proud of the steps you've taken to improve yourself? I'd say so, and that's mostly what trans people celebrate.
People are also proud to live in a nation that allows them to be themselves, instead of being thrown off a rooftop for existing.
A. that's a worthless meme statistic
B. People are constantly telling themthey suck, dipshit
Transpersons have their souls put in the wrong body. Nothing wrong with science correcting their gender.
But trans is linked to autism, are you saying that autists are good?
The right to remain silent.
>I used to be like that until I saw a webm of a MtF vagina reveal and got red pilled instantly. What I saw was mental illness, genital mutilation, and weeping wounds that didn't look good regardless of gender or procedure.
This. It's truly disgusting
>When White Straight Cis Gendered Males account for 70% of SUCCESSFUL suicides
Based red pilled have coping dialating seething cringe sex
Every race on the entire planet is prejudiced and thinks their race is the best (yes even sub-saharans)
Whites shouldnt be racist because they are actually the best and created the most prosperous nations the world has ever seen
Cope harder
>that's a joke user not a political statement.
it's both.
What's wrong with Nintendo giving a little fan service to their core audience.
Nice goalpost move.
Based Adachiposter
I always seen it as an 80's aesthetic, But the cunts ruined it
both are mental illnesses yes.
the left cant meme
This is good old IRL aussie shitposting
As I've said, the actual cause is not clear. However I don't see how that means that homosexuality is wrong.
it's not correcting though. it's just sweeping under the rug, covering your ears and shouting LALALALALA
Yup, kill yourself along with the trannies, faggot.
user, everyone knows the difference between 40% and less then 1% of a demographic doing something.
How the fuck is you being disgusted by a intense surgery a reason to invalidate these people?
Are you also against people that have had open heart surgery? What about people who are diabetic and need to insert a tube into their skin every day? Thats pretty gross too.
>Everyone in the background giving zero fucks
Post link of your art breh
What happened to purple? I like purple and I'll be pissed if the fags took it.
have sex, incel
This is the only slightly clever transphobic response in this whole thread
You know, all this image suggests is that women and trannies have life easier than the average white man rendering most of your views and any of the things you fight for hypocritical at this point
The Bi flag has purple.
It means that society needs to consider heavily that it could be a mental illness that can be caused by a variety of factors and we aren't helping nutcases by praising it
You're right, I encourage everyone who is thinking of transitioning to do it and go full on with the surgery, I believe in you!
Mentally ill edition you mean
No shit
do people in this thread think there's an actual trans switch lite?
Just a quick little question; which one of these guys looks the best to you? Like, if you had to wear one of these suits, which would you wear?
I bet there are more than enough transfaggots that want to be a girl with a penis. That's why they love anime so much as it's a typical trope there.
>the implication that transgendered require or are denied their rights
Why they band behind a flag is besides me, but for a minority, they're annoyingly vocal about the dumbest fucking shit.
Hence proving white genocide is real
That's all fine just keep away from my insurance premiums
You can be trans without ever mutilating your genitals. Not every tranny supports pushing it onto children, you're listening to a very loud vocal minority.
t. have a trans gf
People mistreated Black's for years and not nearly that many tried to off themselves.
>group of people less than 0.1% of population having high suicide rates is the same as group of people close to 50% of population having high suicide rates
shit image
I love how when it's trans people with a perceived high suicide rate it's because their identity at their core is flawed, but when cis white men have a high suicide rate it's because people treat them so mean.
Give me a fucking break. Straight white cis male is fucking easy street compared to being visibly trans.
What a lazy-ass shop.
Yea Forums is so obsessed with trannies
It's the same as being disgusted by people who blind themselves on purpose or who cut off their own legs because they felt they should have been born crippled.
Self mutilation is wrong, that's why it is disgusting. It isn't wrong because it's disgusting it's disgusting because it's wrong.
untrue and homosexual
no that's something you never do if you have any following on the internet
IN Yea Forums
It's the opposite, If you aren't racist you have problems, Liberal beliefs come from a semi disabled brain, The magnet test proved it
I think the problem and the solution is pretty obvious
The guy with the long coat obviously
So don't become visibly trans. It's your choice to make yourself oppressed. Grow up.
Nice bait
>heisei shit
give me a Stronger or Shadow Moon suit or fuck off
Of course. That's why I said "this joke." The OP image is definitely bait.
about 5 years late on that one, sherlock
join us in reality, friend
So where is the Lowee emblem?
there's a difference between that and having a completely medically unnecessary procedure that leaves a gaping wound that has to be constantly kept open and does nothing of value besides hurry along their decision to commit suicide
Those are life-saving medical procedures you just listed. Not accepting yourself is a mental illness.
That means nothing quit being a baby. Rainbows are definitely ruined by faggots but just because the flag has one color doesn't mean shit.
For one thing, why did they need a flag when the LGBT flag exists?
Second, what the fuck are trans rights? They have all the basic human rights, same as anyone else. Anything beyond that is pandering and privilege.
Seriously, fags are okay, but fuck trannies.
Not bait at all, how the fuck it pointing out that not every tranny mutilates themselves bait?
We need to return to Christian values?
Sexual orientation is not mental illness though. You're starting with the presumption that they are nutcases and from a position of hating gays.
the west is like that because jews corrupted the society, making it stray away from christian values
>Whites shouldnt be racist because they are actually the best and created the most prosperous nations the world has ever seen
They're the best at getting triggered and ruining sacred food dishes with mayonnaise.
Y’all can’t even lie this looks good
They have the right to remain silent, just not the ability.
Yes with communism
So this shit real or fake?
Rolling thunder
Nice, gives me more material to PM a guy who gets mad when it's brought up
Imagine actually comparing open-heart surgery to gender re-assignment surgery.
So Hitler did nothing wrong?
>Dressed my penis as a pirate
This thread was a mistake
No evidence will persuade you because you've already made up your mind
I mean, the thing in OP is not actually real.
Nice source trannytard
>muh red states
Yea, it’s their fault for trying to maintain some semblance of a normal healthy society.
You got it backwards. Most people accept them and does not force them to change. But they don't accept themselves and want to change. The illness is in their head, not everywhere outside it.
Also the "treatment" is terrible and has high suicide rate. It's basically not working. Even old-school exorcisms and electro shock therapies had better results. And they are less brutal and grotesque than cutting someones genitals. The sex reassignment surgery is a lobotomy of the XXI century.
Also depressed people should just cheer up, and OCD people should just calm down and relax.
>worst zelda game
>worst zelda princess
>this post
No evidence will persuade you because you've already made up your mind too.
You aren't fooling anyone, faggot.
Tranny arguments are so pathetic lmao.
>Cutting off my own dick is as vital to my survival as open heart surgery and both procedures are totally equally disgusting
This is like saying there's nothing wrong with being a schizo, or nothing wrong with having an eating disorder.
There's plenty wrong with it when 40% of you trannies are offing yourself. We're clearly not giving you the right treatment and should consider drugging you up or locking you up for your own good
Sexual degeneracy deserves to be openly shamed
Then you are not a tranny, You are a trap, Get it right faggot. And those freaks do love children, They tried to have a drag story time club in a library here, The library got so many calls they had to cancel it. They are trying to teach tranny sex ed on 4 year olds over here, it's coming into law. Anyway don't be surprised when the freaks start dropping like flies.
No one will believe you anyways
>actually thinking cis white people are less . accepted than trans people
is Yea Forums just a dumping ground for boogeyman memes that scare white men?
What's with the pink and blue themes? They did that for diamond and pearl as well.
No, obsessive compulsives and the drepressed should get professional help to address those issues. Just as trannies should seek help to address their mental illness.
Haha, funny pic!
Then why are you here? Faggot.
Based magapede
He failed, sadly.
>You are a trap, Get it right faggot.
Newfag detected. They aren't mutually exclusive. Trap just means you can deceive someone into thinking you're the opposite gender, which trannies can be capable of. And look how much tranny porn features their penises intact (hint: 90% of it does). Fucking idiot
What is mental illness then? What about schizophrenia? Both seem to be the brain operating outside normal parameters.
You have posted no sources btw. I don't care where homosexuality comes from. It can either be a choice or genetic, it doesn't make it bad or wrong.
>70% of the population
Not even 50%, women make up the other half you mental midget, and even of that 50% that are men they sure aren't all white
>Check Nintendo website
>See it nowhere
Am i getting baited?
We should all take a page from russia's book and beat the fags in the streets
Women sports is 100% virtue signaling anyways
>Look, women can be athletes too!
Pick Three to go on a cool adventure wiiith
that is actually the dumbest thing I have ever heard
it's also redpilled on the original Switch console.
Not only are you trans freaks, But you are liberal too, Disgusting.
Ok then, tranny
The “right” to not be hated by other people for doing really fucked up retarded shit
Does this mean I have to play FF13 now?
yes it sure seems that way
and the current user base is more than open to allowing it to happen
Having a different sexual orientation does not prevent you from enjoying a fulfilling life unlike a debilitating mental condition like being a schizo
Why is Yea Forums obsessed with trannies?
T. Disabled brain.
Nah. I like women (the normal ones), not trannies.
no comeback
Men, in general, have a higher chance of committing suicide than women, and that percentage is linked to the expectations imposed upon men since a young age.
Comparing being a male in an increasingly feminized, female-centric, minority-oriented society to being trans is just stupid. One is merely psychological, chemical, and social, the other is being born male. Transgendered have facilities at their disposal to help with their mental issues and transition, males can only afford a psychologist before being laughed at for even suggesting male-centered facilities because they're supposed to "suck it up".
You're a terrific example of that bias towards men.
it gets their pps hard
Not to defend trannies but you're wrong on this.
Just as trannies are wrong for trying to claim certain traps like Astolfo as being trans when they identify as male.
Ruka from Stein's Gate is the closest thing in anime to being a tranny
I don't think it's choice in the same way a pedophile never had a choice. Something fucked up during the sexual development process and now they're fucked up forever. I don't support it or think it's right. If they can't be helped then I don't want them anywhere near me.
I'm not. I vote republican and I'm not trans. Sorry you can't read the few sentences I put into my posts, dumbass.
I see you're a man of distinguished taste
>people with a mental illness should deal with it and not make it a part of their identity
Yes, they unironically should. I am diagnosed with major depressive disorder and worse, but the difference is I dealt with it.
You have three choices as a tranny. If you can't pass as the opposite gender effectively, or if you can't cope with it and live your life, you should kill yourself. Everyone is "sympathetic" and "understands" but no one wants to have to deal with an abomination waddling about. I'm sorry we dont have the technology to do the proper procedure but hopefully one day your future tranny bretheren will be able to get a real cock and pussy
Jesus christ, I don't care about about what you weirdos think, You will never be female
Just because our hear voices doesn’t mean you can’t do things other people can do.
Hahahaha cope faggot
>gays are icky to me so they shouldn't exist :(
Amazing argument. you could have said so from the get go instead of invoking muh studies
you think this way because you are a fag
>because you
I dont think black people are better than any other race
>thinking my post was defending trannies
have sex
Design-wise, Faiz.
Material-wise, Kabuto or Wizard.
>being rejected by family and people in general makes puts you under stress and more prone to depression
No shit genius. How is that an argument against homosexuality?
Do you think they are equal?
I ain't a tranny you retarded faggot.
You're right that there's a difference between trannies and traps but it's not just the genitals thing.
A trap is a dude who looks like a girl enough to convince people he is, but still has a dick.
A tranny is a dude who thinks he should be a girl.
Notice how the first doesn't necessarily think he should be a girl, and the second doesn't necessarily have to be even remotely passable (as 90% of trannies aren't)?
That's the difference
>trannies can't even an hero properly
Loving Every Laugh.
Get help you mentally ill freaks
>John Francis Videogames
>Flower Maiden Mari
the absolute meme team
Super-1’s design is so fucking sexy.
You think some gay will suck you off by surprise or something? This is a teenager tier response
That's a very fine line, user.
Except the fact that almost all of you deranged fuckers make your sexual orientation your entire personality. But you go ahead and keep on thinking having tons of casual sex, getting all kinds of stds, and sickness is a fulfilling life.
Nah it's because they're suffering mentally from gayness
LMAO is that the best blacks can think up
Yea Forums pretends to hate trannies yet still masturbate to shemale porn
fuck tranies
Industry likes to hide their shitty business practices behind minorities PR.
That's incredibly racist sweaty
nobody with an ounce of intelligence does.
doesnt change that racism is inherent to every ethnicity
I think that accepting them allows the cycle of abuse to continue.
Also yeah some gays are violent rapists too.
Blacks have lower suicide rates than whites despite being a supposedly "marginalised" "minority"
Old Yea Forums posting poju doujins all the time is what made me unable to get it up to anything other than trannies.
But hitler was a socialist. What is your point?
>males that want to be female
Monsters dont have rights
are you blind?
go to bed
arrest yourself
get aids
>this is the levle of grievances other races have with whites
we are truly devils
Kill trannies
Kill niggers
Kill chinks
Kill spics
Kill kikes
Kill trannies
Kill anons pretending to be sjw for the sake of being contraian for (you)s
Trannies suffer from a mental illness. Even if they do become normailized they'll ruin any place they live in anyway.
Yeah, I had a brain fart. Ieant 70% of men are white in the US, which is factual.
A switch that can' t switch. Fitting.
even if people treated trannies like normal people, they'd still committ suicide because their depression is caused by their mental disease which, for some reason, health organizations refuse to acknowledge as a mental disease even though it's extremely evident that the quality of life of the people affected decreases dramatically which really makes you wonder if those health organizations are really acting in the interest of trannies or just for their image
also don't tell me the cure for gender dysphoria is gender transitioning, since the majority of the people who committ suicide do so because of the irreversible effects of their therapy/surgery
Sexuality permeates every single aspect of life. Even half the threads here are about anime tiddies but when straights do it its fine.
Chad is based for fucking many girls but when a gay does it its bad?
Sort it out together. You've been had.
make love
Why doesn't someone just post trans-regret imagery instead of the suicide rate meme?
Suicide statistic: intangible to most, doesn't deter one from being a tranny
Being sad and wanting your penis-wenis back, hating having an open weeping wound: off-putting, very real deterrent.
But they do have a higher crime rate than any other race, And they either die or go to prison at a young age
So are many heteros violent rapists what are you even saying?
join the army (for israel)
I only fap to "lesbian" or solo porn. Get help, degenerate.
Unless nintendo plans to donate money to trans rights with every sale of this version... it's really nothing more than marketing bullshit to get suckers to buy it.
this. there's a lot of screencaps of this sort of thing found on reddit
Why are incels so violent?
It's not real dude.
Sorry kid, you got issues.
>faps to porn
>actually touches his genitals
Burn in hell, degenerate.
i can actually have real sex while you're busy letting some nigger shove his dick in your shithole
Mari, Kevin, and Kanni. Kevin will make me look good for Mari.
I was going to joke about them raping you when the time comes, But i doubt even they would want to
>Sexuality permeates every single aspect of life.
You think this way because you are mentally ill.
500 IQ level humor.
it just sounds like people getting more rights, more than they need
how about human rights instead
For all the retards in the thread. This wasn't stated by Nintendo, it was "claimed" by trannies that this color is going to be the trans edition. They're posting this shit everywhere trying to force the meme
no, you autist, it's not. It's literally "haha look at a guy wearing girls clothes"
Have sex.
Fags are worse though. They're less than people so you never know what they might do. Watch your ass around a flamer. Don't let society fool you into thinking they're normal. Normal people don't dance naked in front of kids on public streets.
How about this?
Absolute freedom for human beans is a mistake. Prove me wrong.
switch your sex
A switch light is not a real switch, just like a trannie is not a real human.
the noose is the only thing trannies and trannylovers deserve
Eh, I'm no saint and frankly I'd rather fap than get wet dreams all the time.
Here here
And men commit suicide about four times as often as women, so again, not all that bad considering the media constantly tells you you're born with original sin for being white. Not bad at all compared to trannies.
Imagine being unironically mentally ill, mutilating yourself, latching on every community on the Internet, turning them into a curclejerk about said mental illness and then being surprised when normal people don't like you, lmao.
Tell me how it doesn't then. It's all there is in movies, music, advertisement, videogames. Even you people cry when sexuality is being removed by Sony in your panty quest games.
Why when you see gays and instantly think about them fucking you?
Also what is Mardi gras and spring break? Are you getting your facts from /pol/ infographics with the same decades old pictures from nudist events passed as pride parades?
It's literally circus freaks playing a show for free in front of everyone on the internet. Back in the day you'd have to pay to watch this shit. Makes sense Yea Forums would love this.
going to hell
humble user ascending to heaven
>Racism is a mental disorder
I don't think you know what a mental disorder is. If racism is a mental disorder, than the majority of humans throughout time were mentally disordered. Almost all trannies I've ever met usually had other problems whether it was bipolar disorder, depression, autism spectrum, hyper anxiety, or some other shit shit. There was also a correlation.
>Tell me how it doesn't then
Anything I say to you won't matter because you refuse to get help and don't think you have an issue.
looks nice
>If racism is a mental disorder, than the majority of humans throughout time were mentally disordered.
I mean a majority of people back then probably did have some sort of mental illness, it was just undiagnosed. However I'm not sure if racist typically have a mental illness on top.
You just think gays are icky yet there are women in underwear plastered all over cities and advertisement and you don't complain about sexuality being pushed by those.
Why this wojak look like Nakamura
while also screaming in people's ear that you just want to be left alone and treated like everyone else but also granted special privileges
It's a pokemon theme, not tranny shit.
Pride parades don't make sense period. One's sexuality shouldn't be literally paraded around in public, especially in front of children.
That's why homosexuals are fine in my book, but whiny flaming faggots should be strung up.
>this is who i think i am
>this is who i actually am
>you don't complain about sexuality being pushed by those
Says who? This world needs fundamental christianity more than ever.
Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with trannies, just fuck off already. I see more trannie references/content here than in other site.
Literally nobody:
Not a single soul in this universe:
Yea Forums: "BEING TRANS IS BAD!!"
If the majority of humans were mentally ill, then it wasn't a mental illness.
Only 4ch will name the hormone replacement Jew.
damn trannies stealing a really nice color pallet
should have adopted the bi flag colors, at least the colors would match the way they look
Do some research lads, the World Health Organization declassified transgenderism as a mental disorder. Game addiction on the other hand...
Not only are you using a reddit meme, that couldn't be further from the truth. Trannies are annoying, mentally ill attention whores who bring it on themselves. Even some of the more tolerant people I've known think they need therapy, not surgery.
ebin meme dude
Why are there so many trannies on Yea Forums? Why not go to a place more friendly to them and stay there?
does this mean I can start getting government benefits for being a game addict? there's some new titles I'd love to pick up but rent is cucking me this month
You'll never be a real women
You'll never be pregnant
You'll never have any kids in general because you chopped your dick off
Your chromosomes will always be XY
You don't have a real vagina
You don't have ovaries
No actual man would want you because they want real women
Your mom's a fucking whore
You're going to hell
Live with it
Game over
>(((World Health Organization)))
Since when has Yea Forums been a bastion of conservatives
>falling for bait
If you are that desperate for attention, develop an actual skill. Replying to everyone in an imageboard with stupid shit is not a skill. It's why your parents are disappointed in you.
Funny considering how most uber leftists are pretty much in favor of Communist governments. BASED
Yes, and?
>You'll never be pregnant
>You'll never have any kids in general
>400 posts in around 70 minutes with a fake picture
God this place is full of mouthbreathing retards
>he thinks Yea Forums was just ironically joking
This place has always been everything the current liberals hate.
Probably not. Simply having a condition doesn't mean you're disabled enough for benefits.
Top row, 2nd from right.
There is everything wrong with being an autogynephiliac and confusing it with being trans, though
Trans people ALWAYS need psychological advice, and I don't mean that as "hurr le mental illness", it's just a fact that it's gonna affect you either way because it's difficult to deal with it no matter what. You need help with your decisions, think about if it's really worth it and all those kinds of things.
The le 40% only speaks for this, transsexuals needs psychological guidance and autogynephiliacs need to be cured of their paraphilia before mutilating themselves for a fetish.
look who shows up in a tranny thread, We should of known.
Literally fucking WHO?
Well, at least that tranny its admiting he is just a man.
The trans rights meme is annoying, but honestly I do like the colors. Makes me think of sweets.
Trans people deserve no rights at all.
better to take some effort before replying than posting uninformed shit
>I was an infant during the Bush years
you underestimate a leftists governments power
Question for all the slavs spamming this thread: if you hate gays, traps, fetishes and unusual things, why did you come to a website that's known for gays, traps, fetishes and unusual things? Is it like a masochism thing? Do you get off on being triggered? Just go to a normalfag website if you want to be a normalfag.
Have sex, incels.
Yeah man, because constantly posting you hate trannies and Jews in a Korean cocking website is gonna change anything.
Who gives a shit about that, just stop giving them attention. That's exactly what they want.
For every attractive Tranny, there's 1000 others who look like ugly ass men in drag. Take a look at CWC or those freaks in the GDQ crowd. They're the majority.
No one liked bush, Retard. Not even /pol/
One leads to self harm, bodily mutilation, and suicide; and one leads to having buttsex which straight people do just as much
>a leftists governments
they don't even have one of those in Sweden, leftists make themselves appear much more powerful than they really are
I'm not dilating you with my dick, sorry.
>thinking this is real
>thinking the company that stated that it doesnt want to be political would make a political statement thru a limited edition
You really are a gullible fool arent you?
>Makes me think of sweets
Based kike lover faggot. I hope your mother gets raped to death by sandniggers.
The way it stands now though is that there are plenty of impairments not listed in the blue book. WHO can say whatever they fuck they like, that's literally irrelevant for benefits.
Are you underage? What logic is there in giving a drug addict money to buy more drugs with? Addictions disqualify you from welfare.
Lol transnigger, go advertise on reddit
Why are you quoting yourself?
The more you notice.
the right to die for Israel in some foreign war
There's LITERALLY nothing wrong with removing your own genitalia and replacing it with a gaping wound
Video games?
>Addictions disqualify you from welfare.
I bet a tranny made all those posts.
He's right you know.
>why did you come to a website that's known for gays, traps, fetishes and unusual things?
>so new he doesn't realize moot made a containment board for you degenerates
Fuck off to it
Yeah, it's not different from mutilating part of your head (cutting your hair).
and it was just a joke user calm down
Yes this is Yea Forums. Are you new here?
Nice non-argument. Enjoy your government-paid trip to the detox center.
This should be filtered
So you agree then?
>By that logic, being gay is a mental disorder too then. Are you willing to agree to that?
Why wouldn't autists be good? It's not their fault their brain is different. Most autists live a somewhat normal life.
No they aren't, you just keep bringing them up.
It should be very telling for you that even on these hallowed grounds, Yea Forums still hates trannies. Go to /lgbt/ it's the only board where people don't despise you.
Go dilate, tranny freak.
I support trannies not reproducing
Does cutting your hair create an inches long open wound that you need to take immune suppressants for because you actually want to keep the wound, but your body doesn’t?
why? it a good reminder so people with chopped dicks dont forget his hole its closing
I do have sex, with my trans gf, regularly.
have sex and dilate, tranny
Trannies should be filtered.