Actual Monster Hunter thread. Other two is just pure console-warring
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Actual Monster Hunter thread. Other two is just pure console-warring
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Charger port acting like a bitch so now my 3DS doesn't charge properly and I can't consistently play video games anymore.
i wanna kiss narga
Monster buttholes.
I played FU, P3 and 4U for at least 800 hours. Why the fuck is AT Nerg kicking my ass? is it because I'm using HH? or maybe it's a defense issue? I feel shame.
Because AT monsters have cheap, heavily damaging or insta kill moves
I regularly play 3U, 4U, GU and World
Very slightly clamp and bend down the power cords 'male' piece that you put into your 3DS.
It'll help it clamp onto the charging part in the 3DS.
Do it very slowly and try over and over instead of over doing it, else you may not be able to get it into your 3DS.
I unplugged my charger and used one of my canines to bite down on the center of the flat side of the charger, do it caved in a little.
To prevent stuff like this happening, do not use your 3DS while it's charging, to prevent movement and port/cord damage.
I've had this issue on almost every chargable thing I own- Portable consoles, laptops, smartphones..
Wasn't until a few years ago that I realized I should just stop using the devices as they're charging because the constant wiggling and movement with the cord in does a bit of damage over time.
Is this the bing free thread?
No, its the shitpost free thread. Feel free to leave to your designated thread
Ahem, fuck duramboros and all bird type wyverns except you qurupeco, you can stay
Let’s see that merch, Yea Forums.
I like the Handler
i have the same rath
>hating on based malfestios
Fight me
because Capcom finally amped the difficulty on world. but not to FU setting.
Playing through it again on PC with a buddy. Really glad I can just do big cheats and not have to worry about farming.
>Shitting on Garuga
you're a nigger
Reminder that actual MH threads where all just gay furry spam before World was announced and it turned into console warring faggotry.
Man I miss old monhun threads. On the bright side, it means I'm spending less time on Yea Forums and Yea Forums as a whole so at least there's that. Only really here because I'm taking a lunch break.
Shit I just started playing xx and haven't fought him yet
Bing bing!
I mean we do get comfy threads from time to time thanks to listfag being banned, but when he evades and rehashes his spam, it just goes back to shit.
Where's IRC user when you need him?
I mean there definetly used to be more furry stuff but at least there was also actual discussion instead of the cancer we have now.
Reminder that Valphalk is in
Decided to test this on my old charger and kind of bent/broke the top metal part with my teeth-- but hey the good part is that now it's working.
I've pretty much accepted it'll never be the same. Truth be told I've been thinking about quitting videogames altogether. I looked at the time logs on my consoles and holy shit I've spent so much of my goddamn life just playing games. I mean it was fun but I think it's about time I use those hours to do something actually productive. I'm only getting older. I probably won't quit altogether but I'll definetly spend way less time on games
Not posting the improvement.
Source: your asshole
But I have to sleep. Have a good MH thread!
Keep your bing bing shit
I like him because he can really fuck your shit up if you don't avoid his status attacks. Always funny to see the newer hunters get bodied by him despite him not really being that difficult to kill
The whole idea is to just help it clamp down harder on the 3DS.
My charging problem came from the fact that the charger started to move on it's own in the 3DS, so it wasn't making proper contact to charge. Breaking the charger itself in just a little seemed to help.
Glad you got it working though.
What’s your favorite armor set? Mine is Rathian.
I love edgy armor sets
The reggy set was nice
Unironically this.
30 hours in to GU, my first MH game. Absolutely loving it. Adept dual blade with random mixed armor (every time I can get a better piece I buy it instead of completing a set). So much to learn. Online is more fun but I feel like I learn the monsters better solo. Thanks for reading.
>Helios of course If it were in the fucking game...
Have fun user
wait what the fuck is that?
I hate the MH on your console of choice.
I gotta go back and finish GU. I only got 200 hours in and then I started playing other shit. It's not as good as 4U but it's still fun and I wanna finish g rank
Probably because you're a lying worldabortion, you gay baby.
Did the charger port move upwards? Because that's what it was like for me.
Shoutouts to Gammoth
Based. One of my favorite sets as well.
only one of the best armors out there, user.
I wish I lived on my own so I could buy cute shit like this.
I need more sadcat narga
A little bit, yea.
I'm pretty certain if I keep playing my 3DS as it's charging, I'll eventually have to repair the port itself.
Though at that point I'll probably just get a 2DS XL as replacement if it happens.
You can have this.
What reason would he possibly have for lying in that situation you schizophrenic retard
My console of choice has the best monster Hunter games...we have the best monster Hunter games don't we folks? Truly tremendous. You know those other guys...not so much ya know, they say they have bigger sales numbers and better graphics, iduhknow, iduhknow if that's how I pick my games about fighting giant that we how pick our monster hunters, people? Sounds like fake news if you ask me
Damn I love this armor. Was probably my favorite set from Tri
I fucking love tits
I fucking hope so. So tired of Nintendo cunts killing any discussion because world doesn't come out for their shitty dead system.
don't reply to him, he's just trying to stir shit up
>He doesn't know helios
I play monster Hunter on my dick. Because my dick is big enough to be a monster hahaaaaaaaa gotteem
God I can’t wait for Iceborne. MHW will finally have as much content as the handheld games. I really hope the leaks are real and my boy Lagi gets in
Based and Lagipilled
Which monsters are the hardest in the series?
MH3 Brachydios and MH4U Rajang IMO
How do we feel about crabs
>yfw free attack jewel
you know the drill post kino tracks
>It's 4u all over again + fan service
>leaks spoke about a virus kind of shit
>Either Apex monsters or mutants ar back
Fuccck i can't wait.
I think World is a good game,but not a good MH.
I'm glad its not on world because of my phobia. fug
I just took a nap and had a dream that World had a new monster, and that it was actually good.
It was like a mix between odo and that skeletal uragaan. It was fast and could do a short spin, kind of like barioth after a leap, and in order to mount it you had to de-mount halfway through the process and then leap back on after one of its attacks.
When I realized it wasn't for real I felt so fucking sad.
How do I deal with the grind past G4 / Hr13? It feels like all the monsters and their deviants in G3 / G4 are too hard or take to long to solo on my own even with Ahtal Ka armor and I can't farm for good shit like charms or Fatalis stuff is in the higher HRs
Carapaceons lend some variety to the monster roster to offset the abundance of wyverns, too bad Taikun Zamuza and Akura Vashimu likely won't ever escape a dying Frontier.
It's a great game and a mediocre MH. No doubt it's the most important MH of all time.
post mhgu fashion sets
im too fashionably inept to come up with my own mixes
fat fuck
Am I the only fucking "boomer" MH fan that liked World even as an MH game? I played MH since FU and I think World is a proper MH game
>but muh difficulty
If you actually compare the HRs, its similar. Iceborne will bring in actual difficulty from the looks of Lunastra, Behemoth, and Jho
You know wich crab could be back?
>pic related
Personally, while I can beat brachy, I still struggle with him to this day. As far as I can remember, he's the only monster that I couldn't beat in under 5 tries when I first encountered it. He'll probably be neutered in world but it's nice to see him return
it's a good MH game but still a disappointing start to a new gen. I simply look for two things in a new gen and it had neither.
I hope they can refine some of the changed systems with the next game or so, and maybe add some of that flavor back. Like disabling fast travel temporarily (ie 5-10min) would be neat for high/master rank and make players actually learn the maps and monsters.
Maybe MalkavianJD is the one shitting threads up with console war shit
More raid bosses. Yay.
Personally I'm over the difficulty. My skills have reached the point where everything feels too easy. Now I just want a new weapon, or any reason whatsoever not hunt monter in World instead of the other games.
So if Fatalis is pretty much confrmed what about white power fatalis?
>wake up and go to the MH thread
>"Other two is just pure console-warring"
>check the so-called shitposting thread
>it's the same spammed images from listfag, but everyone bit them
>none of them are deleted
What the fuck happened? It's a complete 180 turn compared to recent threads
I wish they'd do more ridiculous quests like this. the moment this thing started rolling at sonic speed is one of the most memorable moments in this series for me
The best monster hunter just sold 13 million copies!
>mfw I broke one of its claws
*snip snip*
How fun is monhun on the switch, I really dislike worlds
Does the hub look better on switch? On 3ds it looks so oversaturated
kids latch on anything if it makes their yelling audible, and will copycat anything for it. This means the listfag persona is also a problem along with that autist
Readfags get out
GU is my unironically favorite game, endgame is kino, and I played most mh games and world.
Boomer-larpers can seethe
I have a rathalos action figure thing, azure rathalos hunter, and a zinogre armor armor. Pretty cool stuff.
Also have this.
>MHFU is over 11 years old
To me it will always be the newest, most modern thing gaming has to offer. I mean, that much content on a handheld? Jesus fuck.
Yes yes that’s comfy, HOWEVER
for fuck's sake why did it turn my picture on its side.
>endgame is kino
What exactly am I supposed to do in the endgame? I got the strongest armor and weapon and now I’m kinda bored
Cracked my Switch just so I could show ya'll this
I wish that World and Gen/GU never existed.
Their only relevant feature is being fuel for console wars.
hope you played 4U
I like GU the most so far but I honestly miss all the sub species
I liked molten tigrex, brute tigres, azure rathalos, pink rathian, red khezu, monoblos...
I mean it's more content, why not throw it in there?
they are fine, the blame is on you retards for biting every single bait from ONE FUCKING AUTIST
>they are fine
Not really.
>tfw you're chilling eating konchu and some Hunter shows up and fucking stabs you for no reason
I'm convinced that if XX came out in English, half these threads wouldn't exist in their current form.
anyone have figure builder figures? i'm kinda interested in them but i wanna see some high res photos to see what there quality is like
do want
'cuz they want force people to buy more games. They've been doing this shit forever; it's why Tigrex wasn't in 3U despite being in P3rd.
post more sad cat monster edits
It did. Nobody bought it because World came around the same time.
I'd rather they just make deviants a series staple. They keep going for a make the strong guys stronger approach to hard content but it's so much more interesting seeing basic monsters on steroids with new moves.
>tfw still waiting on monhun 5
>but GU was monhun 5
>but world is monhun 5
If it ain't got that 5 in the title, it ain't monhun 5
I did, and World is my first MH.
Blame it on console warring retards for wanting nothing but dividing the fanbase
XX never came out in English, the 3ds got generations and that's it. I'm saying if XX/GU came to 3ds in english, the shittier portions of these threads wouldn't exist because defensive switchfags and defensive worldfags are insufferable
This kills the Yian
Seems to be a Japanese thing.
wasn't that proven to be one guy falseflagging both sides?
Im in the same boat. A lot of the bitching about world is just standard procedure with HR games
>not many old mons
>small roster
>limited weapon choices
I dont know why people didnt realize most of this would be fixed with the G rank expansion, as usual.
And I swear half the people complaining about the difficulty beat xeno and quit. Some of the tempered mons are way harder than shit in most of the older games. Show me something from FU that compares to tempered jho, bazel, or nergi, or kushy.
Everyone absolutely loathed XX, Gen too.
Then GU somehow got localized and despite not selling the usual thread response took a full turn to defend it.
2019... we are forgotten
It’s called a Tyrone Gooseneck if you wanna check it out. Super comfy
im legitimately saddened by frontier closing down later this year
Ryozo said that World is MH5 but they wanted a new title because numbers would keep people away
Get fucked
Oh. Well, I mean, it sold like crap compared to world, why bother at that point?
Weird to think that these guys is most people's introduction to MH. To me they were just slabs of meat.
5 is a cursed number. Companies try to avoid using numbers beyond 5 because people never buy 5s (generally speaking of course)
I'm not sure Capcom would do it. If they make 5, they'd definitely model it after World, because it was a massive success for them, but it was success because it brought in lots of new audience and they wouldn't want to alienate that audience by putting such a daunting number on it, and neither would they like to make something that sounds like a mainline of the series resembling the classic style, because then all the World players will turn it down. I think from now on they'll either ditch the numbering entirely, or start new numbering from World and GU separately.
I understand why they didn't, but as a faggot contrarian who enjoyed gen and wanted the whole thing without being forced to buy a switch, I can't thank the autists who basically ripped GU and just copy and paste translated XX enough
ikr? Spent easily 600 hours across 3 characters and I'm still playing. I haven't even played every style combination yet or have a set for every weapon. And I'm only really at the very start of the deviant grind. Easily got another 300 hours ahead of me on this one character.
It's fucking capcom. They have like a dozen 5's.
You think the threads are bad now?
Wait until the next portable game is announced.
That's just the result of imprinting.
Every new monster is just slabs of meat to make way for rehashed old shit and the flagships to be the endgame content.
It's been this way since 4
Behold, the future of Felyne.
people just want to shitpost user
Not him and personally I actually kind of like GU because I've always seen it as a spin-off. I wouldn't really want arts in the main series but as a side thing, it's pretty fun especially with the side content. I don't think GU is the best monhun but its not bad. I never even bought the original monhun generations because I figured I could just wait for monhun 5
Didn't those faggots stop all translation work when the dogshit port got announced? I wouldn't be thankful.
Their most recent 5 was DMCV, the V is intentional so retard consumers don't attribute a 5 to it while it being defacto 5
RE5 was literally Capcom's best-selling title before World.
Despite all the shitposting, GU is probably one of the best mh.
It has
>unique weapon (prowler mode)
>largest roster (something like 93 mons)
>most unique mons (~70 if not counting subs and deviants, runner up is in the 40s for comparison)
>some of the most challenging fights in the series
>alternative playstyles
>shitload of diff maps
Its just has so much fucking content.
I won't make a fuzz. I figured MH was done after P3rd turned out to be such casual trash, but we still got 3U, 4U and GU. The chickens have come home too roost and I welcome them.
Also here's me getting 3 plates in 1 hunt.
> He thinks there's going to be another portable game.
They're not going to split development like that when releasing on one platform gets 12M sales and the other 3.
>because I've always seen it as a spin-off
And you're wrong, stop spouting your fantasies every fucking thread to shit on Gen.
Neck yourself.
What about Resident Evil? It got 5. And also 6, which by that logic should be even worse than 5.
Keep farming more shit. You act like this is something unique to GU.
I wish I could specifically skin monster anus and tan them into leather rings and wear them around my neck
Can anyone give me legit Pickle advice? I'm using Rath head, chest, and legs for that weakness exploit and attack, and Azure Rath gloves and belt because I'm lazy. All upgraded to the max. Switch Axe I'm using is the Black Blos one.
It's the best or the worst depending on how you play it. I seriously doubt most people played it the "proper" way and didn't just spam evasion arts.
Ace Attorney 5 is pretty recent. Mega Man 5, MMX5 and BN 5 were all solid installments.
THOSE faggots did. But another group of faggots took all the dialogue and text from GU and just dragged and dropped it into XX effectively not translating anything, just replacing the jap text with English text. Absolutely based niggers. and you still get the stylish cutscenes with the cool looking moonrunes.
Generally speaking you avoid 5s. That's not to say 5 can't sell well, it's just generally consumers and audiences hate 5
And with 7 they put the Roman numeral 7 inside the Evil, and normies often refer to it as just Resident Evil
i-frame and hit the face for breaks.
Unless it's the apex one. Then you have to bring 99 dung and 99 bomb casings.
Don't forget all of those customization options.
Literally anyone could have typed that up. That said, a new monhun on switch is literally inevitable.
>when releasing on one platform
Three platforms.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is something you invented in your head and managed to actually convince yourself is true. There's shitload of series that have 5 and more.
Starting to sound like vitafags here. If you want MH that fucking bad just go play god eater 3 and squint.
Hnnnng thiiiccccc
>armor fusion
Forgot about this, was so happy when this was announced. Hate that they dropped it in world. Thank god for mods.
Attack it's weak point for massive damage.
I legitimately wish we could have Lagi back because conquering his ass in 3 was the experience that set me on the Monster Hunter path for life.
Most of it was a repeat of the complaints with Gen, besides roster size obviously. Pretty funny.
Why do people like this meme monster? His moveset has always been garbage and Capcom is hyping him up in Iceborne as if he's worth a shit.
Stop confusing me with somebody else you faggot. I said I liked the game. It doesn't change the fact that its basically a spin-off despite what capcom says. And that's fine. Spin offs can still be good.
Lagi was the last good flagship
Ironically it's the single monster they don't want to bother bringing back. It's the modern team's way to telling everyone that the MH we all knew and loved is dead. Only 4U/Gen/World's worst aspects are the real MH now.
Jho can't do shit but try and step on you or tailspin if you stay close. He's only actually a threat at midrange.
It was literally the first complete mojster they ported for World but he didn't fit in with the later version of Ancient Forest. The version the first trailer was recorded on was a lot swampier.
That and his neck physics was a buggy mess that they didn't know if they could fix in time for launch. If Hoarfrost has a coastal part of the map I won't be shocked at all to see Lagi there.
Except the vita was a dead console and the switch isn't. Either way, I'm not dying for a new monhun right now. I can wait. I know it'll happen eventually. They can't ignore money, user. It's capcom
Unified standard across all 3 though.
Because he's iconic and despite his base form being easy as shit, he has plenty of variants that are actually difficult
I don't think you understand the conversation.
Everyone know that shitty excuse. They don't want Lagi
I don't think you do either.
That's true. Thanks for re-igniting my hope. World did nothing to sate me so I'll just take a break.
FU's tigrex difficulty is legendary, but they nerfed him to shit in every other release.
I like the deviants more as well but you know
why not have both?
The deviants seem like the alphas of their respective species and their fights reflect that
I just want more monsters tbqhmf
>could never complete mhtri because fear of water
>see ceadus in concept art/recording of fight
>nearly have a panic attack
God I hate water.
My biggest problems with it are all the weapon changes. It feels like some if them are so good they invalidate several others (long sword), so different the old identity is lost (great sword), or screwed in other aspects (status and elements suck so DB, SnS, and even IG have no reason to use them).
I know people think complaining about balance in a PvE game is pointless but I loved how many different play styles used to be possible and it feels like a lot of them are so unviable compared to the OP stuff that it does discourage their use. We'll see if IB brings some new identity to them but I won't get my hopes up needlessly.
Both? Like, underwater and frenzy at the same time? It'd never work.
There is not enough hentai.
One of the few good things 4 did was make Tigrex challenging again.
But honestly it's only fun solo and without a cat else it's too unpredictable unless if it's being staggered to death.
This is such a weird argument. Overall World is much too easy, so if anything the game discourages you from using the more OP shit like the long sword if you want to have fun.
I want flexing back. And no, before anyone starts screeching about QoL, I just want the animation back. It can be a cancellable idle pose for all I care. It was iconic to the series and to see it axed because muh serious art direction is a travesty.
I unironically agree with you.
True but I feel that some don't really bring enough to the table. Ones with different elements and status effects are cool but others are a bit dull.
Based flex chad
QoL is what kills games
would be nuts if they added mating interactions between monsters like the Turf wars. Not like I wanna watch monsters have sex or anything. I'm not a freak
Did I miss the summer event for PC?
Underwater sucked desu
And I mean the sub species and deviants. Having both of those.
No real reason why you couldn't have frenzy and underwater, I just think underwater fights were a total slog in 3U.
I think pink rathian, azure rathalos, brute tigrex, and molten for sure should come back. They brought different things to the table.
I miss molten absolutely wrecking shitters in 4u.
I mean not really. It's when that QoL ends up removing the unique aspects of the game.
Yeah who would want to see the winner of a turf war decided that way haha
Apex QoL means you don't have to do anything. A game is defined by how important your every action is.
But it's made by cats! Imagine having cat hair in your fucking food.
Daimyo is ok, I fucking hate Ceanataur tho
I don't get the hate for underwater combat. It added some additional variety and let you smash Plesioth in the face. Also I'm pretty sure Ms. poison tail spam is in World.
A game is still defined by the desirability of the process, not the end result. If the process is nothing but tedium, you have no reason to play either. It's all about the balance and the core concept of the design. If a QoL supplements the core concept, it makes the game better, if it goes against the core concept it kills the game.
>extra protein
>somehow a bad thing
Virgin researcher detected. Chad Hunters actually ask for more cat hair. We fucking love hairy pussy
>is it because I’m using hh?
Yes. It’s fucking telling that they can straight buff a weapons damage by 15% and speed running groups will still refuse to use it despite four man being its optimal environment. Normally you can bypass the shittiness of horn with player skill but at nerg requires constant pressure or else you’ll get constant black spikes up your ass and less staggering.
My favorite Volcano area theme
>I'm pretty sure Ms. poison tail spam is in World
She sure fucking is. Depletes my antidote collection every time I go to hunt her.
This, cean is annoying as fuck. He's too fast. Slow down, you autist
Absolutely underrated kino
>that close to the stairs
>mephitic cloud
>all those potions
>0 World tracks
hr 100 deviants
hardest hypers
every mh game has plateau like this guy said but I think you're still not there yet.
wouldn't it be funny if those happened to huntresses haha like a new type of mounting interaction
Underwater fights almost killed MH for me, I'm glad they're gone.
Don't be such a faggot, Xeno, Vaal Hazak, Rotten Vale, Bazel, and Nerg all have good themes, Coral Highlands and Ancient Forest are catchy too
Played through all of that, can't remember a single note.
Keep going user
Molten isn't a subspecies, he's a "rare species" like the gold and silver raths so he could have gotten in.
But yeah no idea why they shafted him, I miss him too.
Third gen has the best soundtrack, prove me wrong
Molten Tigrex got shafted because of jewish devs being too lazy to actually make up something unique for Grimclaw, so they ripped off Molten, same deal for Silverwind Narga and Lucent Narga
>World has no Deviants so we could see Lucent and Molten again
Nigga opened the door and attacked me with a ranged weapon on the same turn. That's bullshit.
Has anyone with a 3700x tried to run MH4U yet?
I don't understand why anyone would play charge blade
All of the World themes are good.
Because it's super engaging.
>*farts into a tuba*
I really only remember Bazel and the vale.
fart jokes?
>tfw 1:35 kicks in
that's actually good what the fuck? I haven't played MHW cause I always wait for G-rank versions of MH games
>You first hear this when fighting fucking Randobaan.
A theme that is actually good enough to fit a flagship or Elder Dragon/High end monster.
And it's spent on uragaan's autistic brother.
Keep that in mind the next time you play World, can't unhear it desu.
Molten is my favorite Tigrex because he starts off a slow clumsy boy and just keeps ramping himself up.
When even Gammoth's theme sounds more unique despite being the same generic orchestra style as World's OST, you know something went horribly wrong.
Tfw no Nerscylla in the Vale
Ceadus is a gentle boi compared to Abyssal Laggy.
Rotten Vale overall has the best music
It's the Mongolian throat singing.
You KNOW Gammoth is a mountain monster.
gammoths theme is my favorite out of the four
it just suits the fight so well
>No Nerscylla subspecies that animates dead monsters while wearing the discarded skin of Vaal Hazak.
M.Tigrex and Zinogre are some of my favorite fights just because of this. Their powering up makes me play better, like my own personal Challenger+2 kicks in for every phase.
I like Mizusune for maximum YOOOOOOOO Japanese.
Astalos sounding a little like Zinogre and Rathalos's themes is a good touch.
Gammoth is cool in general even if it isn't the most threatening monster out there.
coolest dudes
One is a cool down.
The other is an ANUS.
nah Gore Magala and Shiggy are two of my favorite monsters and I started with Freedom Unite
I only recognize Gypceros. Sad.
I didn't play the 3DS games, did they make Fatalis fun in there? I really like the species but in FU their fights were kinda meh.
Monster Hunter World is no more than a halfway decent Monster Hunter game that pales in comparison to the more complete, enjoyable and just flat out more fun entries such as 3U, 4U or even GU.
I want flexing back because the new healing is so fucking slow.
Still makes it Halfway MORE fun than most modern games though.
It has it's flaws, let's hope they address them so we have the QoL changes on top of the gameplay we loved in the older games.
I kinda dont like how World’s tracks are so messy
I dont mean its not great, but i really prefer the cleaner tracks of older games.
That's for sure. Even the worst MH game would be way better than 99% of games.
I want flexing because new healing turns the game into
>run into the monster
>mash buttons
>get hit
>hold left and right, run and drink a potion
for everything that does not oneshot you
This shit better be in World. No matter the stats, i won't change it.
They’re not multiquest anymore so there’s that
yeah they would be a lot more memorable if you could actually discern different parts of the track but everything kind of blends together
Not really? The fight is much more varied and active now, esp crimson fatalis. But mounting just decimate them
The sheer amount of insta-kill, huge AoE attacks doesnt help either
Still much more fun than the OG fight, sure. Just not as fun as the modern end bosses ie Ahtal Ka or Gogma
my god i wish world actually had a fun end boss fight. Xeno was such a pushover, and Behemoth is kinda iffy
Speaking of thinks I want added/removed
I want old Bow back. I liked the different arrow types and I liked needing to charge up.
Just Spamming dashes and attacks feels like ass.
Uh, sir, excuse me but could you not post that kind of pictures here anymore? My mom wont let me on this site anymore if he catches me looking at pictures this violent.
They somehow decided to use the HR armor for returning monsters and I'm mad as fuck because I love that armor too.
Don't you think people get it at this point one and a half year later?
They're using the HR armors for the returning monsters user.
I am sorry.
is there a way to remove the excessive fucking blur on the mission end screen?
AT Xeno is good
He should've had that moveset in the first place
Returning monster will be only G rank? What the fuck is this? WHAT THE FUCK
If they did, why would they be looking forward to Iceborne
We don't know yet. They could easily have some appear in HR if they wanted like 4U did with Steve
Because it's a G-rank expansion? also, go back to your other shitposting thread. We're discussing here
We've seen Barrioth and Tigrex armor and it's both HR.
Not only that, there looks to be no Gunner set either.
Armor skills are more important than the actual defense provided
they're not that stupid, especially since its from GU devs. It's a beta after all
so there is no proof that g rank ones doesn't exist
G rank my ass, it'll be equivalent to HR of real MH
Except in MHW's "HR" you already had G rank tier armor with tons of skills and it will be even more ludicrous now.
You'll probably have 20 skills active at once now.
>user is so seething at the idea that someone enjoys something he doesn't that he spergs out for two years
Get some help.
there isn't, they just want to be angry for the sake of being angry
The flow of the game wasn't as compelling to me. I am fine with some changes, like to gathering, for example. I could maybe even get behind the potion system, but there's too much faffing about in World and not enough pure hunter->monster engagement. Difficulty in the game amounts to "oh no I got oneshotted" moreso than the monster forcing you to learn it properly. For example, Yian Garuga is a great example of a fight that is difficult because a hunter must really learn windows and avoid putting themselves in bad positions throughout the fight. In World, it is too easy to essentially stunlock the monster even without the usage of items. If your hunt is going poorly in the former, it's a balance of recovering and not making a chain of mistakes versus maybe carting or everything is A-OK. For all other faults, I think Tri did a great job of having longer hunts that forced hunters to manage their resources over a longer duration rather than the quick burst in World.
All of that being said, I hope they do rebalance Iceworld to alleviate some issues. I also agree with the user that weapons largely feel a bit homogenized instead of specialized. The only weapon that really benefited overall was probably SA for getting a bit more flow to the moveset.
I do hope so, but I am not getting myself too worked up for Barri-coat.
Does Nergigante have spikes in or on its butthole?
Can Paolomu and Kushala Daora shoot wind out their buttholes at incredible speeds?
Does Black Diablos force Regular Diablos to ram her butthole?
Are monster buttholes weak to Cutting, Blunt Damage or Elemental?
Does the Barroth have an Armored Butthole?
Does every Fire monster have a case of "Ring of Fire"?
Does Handler have a monster butthole?
Does Guildmarm suck Brachydios butthole?
Do not reply to bait you retards
Because despite all the whining people simply enjoy World much more for different reasons and there is nothing you can do about the success except keep shitposting to us few anons
>Inflation fetish monster
>Nergigante cuz flagship
>Kulver tarot
are the only monsters that i'll remember everything else was so fucking boring
Yes to everything you said.
no one cared about HR monsters because everyone farmed tempered ones
Then wait until its released.
Very little in World can OHKO you if you slap Health Boost 2/3 in your armor.
And don't act like endgame MH isn't always full of OHKOs.
I've yet to talk to a single actual proven MH vet who would call World their favorite.
Bring back the farm.
Neat, I still remember it took me like 4 full quests to kill Crimson with a lance.
Mah negro
Odo, nerg and b52 were good. Tobi and val at least had good designs
I'mIt's not my favorite, but it will be if all the flagship monsters get in Iceborne
Good for you buddy,
Holding my overall judgement until Iceborne is out but it is my favorite HR only game
I was referring to mostly going through the game itself, not endgame.
That would be cool but they will still be in a game with pathetic weapon designs, gutted online, an awful SOS system, shitty healing and way too generous animation canceling.
Why do people compare MHW, a non g-rank game to MH games with g-rank?
Out of the old monsters returning to Iceborne which ones are canonically the hardests to fight?
Narga, Brachy, Glavenous?
because posers don't realize MH games release without one initially.
How would G rank fix It doesn't and it won't.
None of the big issues MHW has, other than lack of monster variety and difficulty, would be fixed by Iceborne/G rank.
That's even more confusing then, unless you're not upgrading your armor as you go
>kino track is from another game
They'd also be in the most successful MH game ever with way bigger reach so people can see them and enjoy them.
It absolutely can, you never know. Assuming the worst of the worst is just setting yourself up for BTFO
you will get sick of it very fast in ff14
The thing about it is more so that World had infinitely more effort put into it than previous games, including XX, which Capcom even said that the reason why XX's monster count was so enormous was because they were literally dragging and dropping assets.
>G rank won't add more weapon models
Guess I was imagining all those weapons in 4U and XX then
And they've already massively improved the hub from the looks of it, all the essential NPCs are accessible there now.
ignore him, I'm starting to think its listfag shitting up a clean MH thread
>the most successful MH game ever
Dont make me laugh.
>it absolutely can
Oh ok so you're just being optimistic and hope that Iceborne comes with a patch that somehow magically changes their weapon design philosophy for World, reworks their entire online and removes SOS, changes monster health scaling to go back to a proper village/guild split like and so on?
Sure G rank will add some models. Models equally as mediocre as the ones we got in the base game. Same design philosophy
Listfag just entered the thread. for the love of god please don't reply. Report and filter or this thread will be derailed
Why give a shit about Japan only sales? Wasn't MHW goal to gain success in the west?
Just stop playing honestly. It sounds like you burnt yourself out on the series.
>hint at a Switch MH
Because the other non-G rank games were better too.
Because Capcom spent the most time out of any Monster Hunter game, with or without G rank on this game.
Because it fundamentally casualized(Oh I'm sorry, I mean "QoL ;)") the series more than any game before it.
Unless you're literally grinding for each section, you will occasionally hit spots where the game introduces you to the next "set" of monsters and something hits reasonably hard. I'm sure I went on a long stretch without upgrading anything-- you're totally misunderstanding/misrepresenting my point. I'm not saying that World is bad because I got 1 hit KOed. I'm saying that if I carted it was due to these moments instead of being pressured or ground down. I was never at odds with a monster where my potions ran low. I either immediately carted or they quickly died, the end. The pacing is off.
Post cute monsters
Posts like yours what kills games, don't want a series to grow and just stay stuck in its little niche where it stays forgotten, like arena fps and RTSs
This is pretty crappy. Also just got up to him too, and I just want my comfy music back, this shit is annoying as fuck.
>casualizing games means they "growing"
Literally name a single time a game franchise has ever gotten better after the devs/company said "We want to reach for a wider audience".
Never. It is NEVER EVER a good thing.
Pour one out for him, bros
Moisture damage is a bitch
Yeah because that worked so well for other games, look at where World of Warcraft is. At least Blizzard finally had the guts to admit how badly they fucked. Only took them what, 10 years? Maybe we'll see a good Monster Hunter game from Capcom by 2028, here's hoping.
Arena FPS died because the only way to improve them is to turn them into non-arena FPS. RTS "died" (except not really) because the more complex a game becomes the more alienated Johnny Casual gets, and the future for strategy games is easily complexity.
I agree that the hub music is shit.
he got deleted in /mhg/ and 57 posts were samefagged. Give it time, it'll reach to him soon
I'm not pouring shit for somebody who doesn't take care of their stuff.
Westerners have more money than japs. This is a fact you cannot refute.
Westerner money > jap money.
Swap the shell with new internals if the shell is not damaged.
meant to reply to
Capcom took the steps with World to reach a wider audience, and face it, MHW direction is permanent. While you're stewing in your shit we'll actually be enjoying ourselves
Is listfag just a world fanboy out to make fans of the older simpler monster hunters look like aspie retards?
is there a name for this kind of autism?
It's funny how you think everyone is Listfag now. Everyone who doesn't like MHW and criticizes it must be Listfag.
You're a clown. Learn to handle criticism and stop acting like a child.
I do take care of my stuff.
Florida has a ton of humidity that simply isn't fit to have nice things in.
It still works, it's just the paint job that's fucked.
Ya gonna dilute sometime in order to increase the depth of something.
learn to accept that people enjoy World. You better hope the fuck that you won't get outed as listfag himself cause that would be hilarious
no he's just an autist that hates every new game on the horizon, and makes it his aspie duty to shit on every thread about it
Listfag doesnt care about MH, he just cares about starting up shit
maybe it's someone who doesn't even play Monster Hunter at all
How exactly does MHW increase the depth in any way whatsoever?
Throwing shit at the walls isn't criticism user.
>Capcom took the steps with World to reach a wider audience,
>face it, MHW direction is permanent.
I'm well aware, I don't really give a fuck anymore. I'm just here to quite literally shitpost.
I really tried to like the game too, bought a new GPU for it. But so far the most enjoyment it has given me is shitposting in these threads while constipated.
The little hood you get for the female looks so nice. Also the Rahian looks beautiful would like them both layered
>autistically spend 100 hours last December
>finished the main story and beat 2 elder dragons
>solod negi 17-18 times just because I wanted that stupid Damascus armor cause it looked cool
>lost interest soon after deleted my saves(unintentionally)
seeing the roster now makes me hard but I don't wanna fucking grind again
fuck me
Oh sorry you consider all of the flaws I mentioned "shit" and not worthy of being called flaws.
Some of us do care about things such as weapon designs, the online experience, the lack of a proper village and guild split (HP scaling included).
Not him but no one said you couldn't enjoy it but enjoying games doesn't mean that it should be exempt from criticism.
I'm 100% sure its some TORtanic shitposter since he has a PC shitpost image in his folder
People like the Nargacuga and Tigrex because their speed makes them utterly terrifying, for at least the first few fights. That's what a lot of shitposters miss about MH, it's as much about the 'character' of the game as the difficulty, as opposed to difficulty alone.
Nah, he's just a general shitposter.
I'm willing to bet he was also behind the smash spam as well.
Speaking of health boost, fuck them for making the health boost song still act like food bonuses despite you gaining the ability to eat whenever AND adding a skill that gives you an extra 50 health.
Considering that you'd call a game shit because of a few small crappy things in a corner, it's no wonder nobody cares to listen to you. If you can't even tell when there are improvements, then what point is there to pretend you have any criticism?
For example, I understand why they went with the current weapon system. It makes a little bit more sense to have weapons slowly "evolve" into their final forms. I have a feeling that a lot of the weapons that still have the bone or steel or whatever as the base are simply ones that will get them in the G-rank expansion.
I like the game and all but the actual world part is full of distractions at best and clutter that gets in the way of the monster fights at worst. All swinging from vines does is cut the two minute trek of chasing Rathalos down to 1:50. People generally disliked the cluttered maps in 4U and now things are even worse.
I'm still mad Fireden's down during all this commotion. All could have been avoided since you can just reverse search his shitposting and out him easily
The improvements MHW has are nowhere near big enough to make up for its shortcomings though.
The fact that you even defend the laughably shit and lazy weapon designs is ridiculous.
They're fixing weapons for Iceborne though. And online is a fucking improvement over what we had in the past, no idea what you're talking about
Stop fucking replying to him already you stupid fucking faggots
>The improvements MHW has are nowhere near big enough to make up for its shortcomings though.
If you're autistic, sure. I for one can't even go back to playing MHGU because of the simplistic environments and robotic monsters. Don't even talk to me about the games that have 0 verticality or are handheld only.
Also, you're a dumbass if you think I'm defending the weapon designs. If you weren't an aspie, then you would understand what they did, and how they fucked up. But you don't because you ARE an aspie.
I fucking love and hate behemoth. The retarded AoE spam, broken ass hitboxes and xbox hueg size are absolutely bottom of the barrel bullshit but seeing a group finally pulling through and defeating the motherfucker after plenty of failed tries is some hardcore satisfying shit, makes this song worth hearing every time. He better reappear in Iceborne and future games
The problem with 4U's maps was specifically that Sunken/Volcanic Hollow was total asscancer but you fought like 70% of the roster in there. Especially Zone 8 since none of the older monsters ported forward worked well when presented with steep slopes.
Sorry user, it's hard to tell
weird. I can't access it. says host is down
No it isn't. Have you even played previous MH? You know, the ones where people would actually stay in rooms for hours on end taking turns posting quests while possibly even making a buddy or two?
How is this shitty SOS system that might as well be you playing with bots, this mangled gathering hub and the lack of incentive to even do mp in the first place since just about anything scales down to 1 player anywhere near as good?
MHW's online is a disgrace and as anti-social as it gets. It only becomes bearable if you play with friends
I don't even get why they still do. He got outed for samefagging and shitposting a fuckton of times and even happened twice today alone, yet people haven't learned
Is this that samefaggot listcunt?
post room for assignment behemoth
Does Behemoth have anything resembling a penis or anything resembling one?
I keep trying to take a peek but Im way too scared that I'll cart.
Apex was a good mechanic, but wystones weren't.
>stop replying to criticism hurr durr I can't handle it MHW is perfect
You can't go back to old MH because the maps aren't filled with useless clutter? Whatever then. I'd rather go through a 2 second load screen and be right in the next zone than run through Ancient Forest tunnel #284 for the millionth time.
Look I'm not saying MHW doesn't look good. If it excels at anything, it would be its graphics. But that doesn't make up for its flaws in just about all other areas.
yeah, same posts from /vg/. Ignore him
No. Absolutely not. I will rally against trannyfantasy whenever it is brought up. That fight is garbage, and the fact that the best pre-iceborne set is locked behind it is worse. No offense user, but your idea is shit
White Fatalis. I want my fucking Devil Trigger armor god damnit.
I can't because I've got a posse I'm already doing it with. Sorry brah
No, I am not. I literally haven't been in any MH thread for well over a month. The fact that you even think I am Listfag just shows how retarded you are. You entered some weird kind of "anyone who dislikes MHW must be this one guy" stance. No point talking to you.
>robotic monsters.
You've never played anything before World have you.
just demote him into a normal monster fight and nerf the armor set
>that feel when your waifu make it to iceborne
Kill yourself.
For me, it's the Aelucanth armor set.
This is one thing I agree with. The new multiplayer
System killed any need to actually socialize. You hunt together without communicating at all
When is it played in xiv? I got a drg to 54 and I don't think I have ever heard that theme
I do mostly play on mute though.
user, if a monster does two 90 degree turns just to face you and you don't think it's robotic, I have something to tell you...
>No Nakarkos fight in the Rotten Vale
Would have been kino as fuck
>tfw only want valfalk in world because i know she'll get more porn
Exactly, SOS system is actually bad for the game, people just don't realize it because they enjoy the convenience of what I would describe as a "please help me do this" button. It's really not much more than that since 99.999999% of the time people disband after the SOS hunt and you go back to doing your thing.
Always Wroggi.
Tobi is my favorite fluffy boi.
I'm lying, it's a solid tie between him and Narg. They're both so cute and fun to fight.
>if a monster does two 90 degree turns just to face you
Welcome to World user.
>Thinking monsters are cute
>user, if a monster does two 90 degree turns just to face you
Ah, Monster Hunter World!
I prefer Narga myself but Tobi is honestly one of the better monsters in World and i really like him
>You just gonna noios by without saying howdy?
try fighting a really hard monster like behemoth or ex
You'd be surprised how much fun you can get if you make a psn group after a failed, but competent attempt, if you go for another run
Most old MH games have a jumping animation when turning.
>Nakarkos but he uses elder dragon skulls instead
That place deserves more spooky monsters.
Honestly that shit is why I don't bother playing online.
Just outed yourselves as having never finished the game, nice one!
I mustn't be noticing it in World. Care to post a gif or webm? Or even a video or something of that happening?
Yeah, you sure did. Did you even get to your first Rath in World?
look at the post times. It's 1 minute apart
I mean it literally isn't, but okay
You fucking moron
Then again, doesn't having a Yea Forums pass reduce the timer to 30 seconds?
talking about
This is true. I like behemoth because its hard enough to force people to cooperate in order to take it down.
I'm going to have to double dip on the PC version because fuck Snoy and buying more PS+ that I won't use.
Tell me people who have done the same: how fucking painful was it to play through the whole story again? Or can you just cheat on PC using a trainer and not get banned (if they can even do that)?
Stay in school.
>nerf the armor set
Best suggestion I've seen. I would not give a shit about him if his armor wasn't THE endgame set. It's basically Drachen or bust.
have sex
Of course you wouldn't be able to count.
I wouldn't even bother making psn accounts for free online do you really think I would buy a pass?
Why would you do that when Iceborne isn't on PC?
That's roughly 30 seconds you retard.
I wasn't stupid enough to get it on the Snoystation in the first place.
I'm scooping pink Rathian shit now and it sucks but I'm like 12 hours in now and past most of the cutscenes.
At least try to look different gigautist
I hope you enjoy scooping up shit because you have to do it with the elder dragons too.
Just so everyone knows THIS is listfag.
Someone who purposely stirs shit regardless of sides.
It's coming later and while I could continue on PS4 I'd rather wait and play it on PC.
Fuck off I had a 750ti toaster when that thing was announced. And it wasn't one of those nice ports that could run great on shit hardware either.
You can probably just cheatengine whatever you need to copy your PS4 file honestly
He's doing a pretty good job of it.
You World fans have the biggest persecution complex or whatever. First everyone who criticizes MHW is "just jealous it's not on a Nintendo platform". Then everyone "just doesn't actually have it". Now everyone is some ominous listfag guy.
There's always something with you. You always find new ways to dismiss any and all criticism whatsoever.
Well he has been at it for years.
Come up with criticism that sticks then? Or do you concede that you can't?
Is cheatengine a bannable offense? I'm going to be honest, I want the Behemoth gear but I don't want to ever see that shitbag again.
Why not h4Xx0r cheat and skip stuff if you're replaying? Does Steam actually ban you for that?
the game is fun, eat a dick. You sound like the FUfags whining while everyone was having a good time with Tri.
What do you get out this? What's wrong with you?
I doubt capcom cares
Schadenfreude I'm guessing.
So I just look up the item IDs and then use cheatengine to swap what's in my box slots or something?
People have literally written novels about the flaws of MHW. Funny how absolutely nothing in there seems to "stick" so you just dismiss all of it. Case closed, MHW is perfect.
Get out of what? Wanting to discuss Monster Hunter? Damn, isn't that illegal or something? How dare I as a longtime MH vet and guy who put well over 1k hours into multiple of its entries talk about MHW and CRITICIZE it?
> You sound like the FUfags whining while everyone was having a good time with Tri.
That shit lasted just a month though.
Man those sure were different times, the moment 3G got announced threads went to shit with endless console wars and it never stopped.
>How dare I as a longtime MH vet
Post games with timestamps.
there are shop mods to just buy the items needed to make the armor
you forgot toaster :(
I want you to try find one thing, one single thing that you like about mhw
Tbh i play multi because solo is boring.
Even with sos players feeling like bots it's still more fun.
The only time the group ever talked was after completing AT quest or AL/Behemoth because that actually felt good to finish. With tempered monsters its just the daily grind.
>the moment 3G got announced threads went to shit with endless console wars and it never stopped.
Eh, nah even then they were fine up until GU and World happened. World in particular caused a huge stir because people took reasonable expectations as shitposting about Sony.
So you write literal novels of flaws with the game yet none of manage to hold up? Thanks for conceding.
Dude you had to actually be here. You have no idea how bad things got already.
>ryukishi ban evading for Xth time today
You think Oda is boring? Bazeljuice?
>played 3U on the 3DS
>stopped playing on cadeus cause I got sick of the swimming controls
>get a N3DS with 4U
>have a fucking blast
>go back into 3U with the N3DS
>can't use the C-stick with it
Not as bad as you think.
>people are still replying to him
Yes, come on, mention again how the weapons don't all have some unique model, you dancing monkey.
No one here has ever heard that one before and can't wait to discuss how they actually should!
Tempered Kushala in Ancient Forest is literally impossible.
Just use the Z buttons for camera control.
Unlike you I was here. The shitposters World invited managed to be a little worse than before but things got to absolute shit during 3U onwards and it kept getting worse. It was only a natural progression.
I used to blame the autistic and tasteless pokemon fanbase that 3U enabled to join in but looking back it really was only a matter of the series getting more popular with each gen.
As if. I've done that "post proofs" spiel way too often already in the past. I had to literally post time stamps of my Bloodborne copy when I dared call it an 8/10 multiple times. I'm done with that shit.
And every single time I did the guy I was talking to stopped responding.
I like lots of things about MHW. Where have I claimed otherwise?
First and foremost, the visuals. Topnotch graphics. The training room is a great idea. Camps you can travel between are good. Infinite whetstones, pickaxes and nets - no reason not to have this. Automatically rebuying those by using premade item sets wasn't exactly hard but why even do it?
The more detailed blacksmith ingame is a good thing. I love Odogaron, Dodogama, Nergi and Girros
>you can only mention any given flaw once, then no one can ever mention it again for it has already been brought up before once
I don't have a problem with AT Nerg. All I do is just hit, run, block, then keep on dodging. Take your time. Study the monster, don't rush through it.
I never have used it for MH but I really doubt Capcom checks
>The shitposters World invited
No it didn't lol, there is however photographic proof that a lot of people were upset about Capcom breaking off from Nintendo and wanted World to fail.
>>you can only mention any given flaw once, then no one can ever mention it again for it has already been brought up before once
I'll take that strawman as a way of you agreeing with me.
Never hunted Rajang before, what am I in for?
>inb4 rajang dick
>No it didn't lol
I guess you're just asking to be called a retard. Popularity brings shitposters and retards, this is a fact.
And yes shitposters include fanboys like you're mentioning but they're hardly the only ones.
>4 days ago
>listfag gets ignored and reported
>threads become comfy
>this thread
>everyone bites every single bait out there and do nothing about it
/mhg/ got rid of this guy on their thread right now yet he still persists on Yea Forums. Why the fuck are you guys not reporting?
Why do you come here if you hate World? Why not make a thread SPECIFICALLY for classic MH if it bothers you that bad?
I'm a 4U baby and I thought the threads back in 2013 were absolutely magical compared to most fanbases on Yea Forums. I guess I can't comment on them before but it blows my mind when people act like things were pure console wars back then when I barely noticed it beyond occasional quips about tribabies and FU nostalgia.
You can take it as me calling your idiotic logic out.
Why am I baiting? Are you retarded?
Report me for what? Criticizing MHW? Show me one thing I've done ITT that would be worthy of a report.
I literally just listed some things I like about World, nice reading skills.
>but things got to absolute shit during 3U onwards and it kept getting worse
You what? Threads between Tri and Gens were just hosting hunts and posting cute monsters along with people showing off their clownsuits and such.
At best the shitposting at the time only reached
>tfw no mh4u on vita
I don't know where you posted but it most certainly wasn't here.
>Want to play DB
>Don't want to deal with making a set around elem crit
Fuggggg :DDDDDDD
*2015 rather. I can't believe they were that recent.
>I'm a 4U baby and I thought the threads back in 2013 were absolutely magical compared to most fanbases on Yea Forums.
I suppose that you just didn't know any better. Things went to absolute shit with 4U for me. Namefaggotry, fanboys and TAutism galore.
I'm the one who made the cluttered mess of a prooves the listfag falseflagged as both a nintendie and a bibiwa poster and have warned about it being unfair if all criticism is stifled just by that image i made
>check fireden
>check /mhg/ with 4chanX's resurrect quotes
>all these 57 falseflagging by one person
But holy shit
I'll make something out of it, i'm still filled with vindictive rage of the 1 fucking year i can't discuss MH in peace just by one person's fault
What is the bing meme?
You can, if it’s not automatically sensing the stick go into the menu and enable cpp.
>Why not make a thread SPECIFICALLY for classic MH if it bothers you that bad?
To be fair you get people whining about making a distinction between world and classic if you do that.
link? I cannot find a full english patch
Male or female Hunter?
I like girros too. He helps me hunt odo sometimes and I like how he actually has synergy with his packmates.
One of the things I didnt like is how small monsters are nearly irrelevant otherwise
and piss it off
Btw this is the /vg/ thread where listfag samefagged 57 posts before deletion and it was both bing and sony shitposting while spamming the list
Now compare these posts to this thread. You'll find him easily
>You can take it as me calling your idiotic logic out.
Don't reply to me until you fix your strawman and apologizing for making it.
They mostly are I guess. Outside of getting surprise knocked around by some bullfango or rhenoplos I don't think small monsters have ever done anything to really bother me or make me focus them.
Well I guess occasionally Konchus were annoying too.
The only way to get this faggot out of the threads is to raise awareness of his shitposting antics so they can ignore the cunt, you're doing god's work
use this
No. I am in the right.
You're literally trying to forbid anyone from criticizing the game indirectly by dismissing any flaw that has been mentioned before. And obviously, by now, every flaw has been mentioned before, effectively making it so you might as well say "don't say anything negative at all, we've heard it before and are tired of it".
Don't reply to me until you fix your strawman and apologizing for making it.
dude, you're literally doing everything you can to ensure nobody discusses MHW. Fuck outta here, I already sent the thread to the mods. your samefagging ass is gonna be outed
>The only way to get this faggot out of the threads is to raise awareness of his shitposting antics
That's what they said about ACfag and Eric.
Sometimes anonymity is a bad thing. Maybe we should adopt IDs like /pol/.
You have yet to explain how I am shitposting in any way. You keep shouting "listfag" and other dumb things despite me having nothing to do with that person.
I've asked you to point out anything report worthy I have done in this thread. You have yet to do so. I'm innocent. You could just ignore my criticism and my posts, but why come up with some "this must be listfag!" bullshit or claim I am "baiting", "shitposting" or what have you? I am doing none of those things.
Not that it matters if he's outed, he'll just ban evade and continue.
haha that would be funny haha
what monster has the biggest cock? haha (as a joke)
That's ironic considering I'm pretty much the only one actually DISCUSSING the game in here while other people just post cute chibi pictures of monsters. You just don't like that I am not exclusively speaking positive about MHW and it sends you into some stupid fit of rage.
>just by one person's fault
At least two. Don't devalue my shitposting like that.
That's already a thing with Lunastra and Teostra.
Ioprey used to inflict poison fairly regularly on me in early game. Vespoid dont seem to sting as often now either. I dont get flinched or knocked down by anything even in pack leader fights
Deviljho. No contest.
>not Jhen, Dala or Raviente
>That's ironic considering I'm pretty much the only one actually DISCUSSING the game in here
Here's the first post you made Now you're salty you're being BTFO by everybody
Someone post the /tg/ greentext. Pls
No it isn't?
I've made a lot of posts before that one. And what is wrong with that post? How am I wrong?
How is anyone "BTFOing" me by calling me listfag, who I am not?
>one autist fucked up this entire thread
is it hard to not reply?
I was talking about what would be realistic. One Huntress could probably get off a single Jho, but you'd need a whole lot more to even think about pleasuring the bigger monsters.
Rathian (male) was my favorite in older games but I dont like this version of it. First game in a while where I didnt really attempt to make it
Really like the Dodogama armor
He replies to himself
too bad our mods are retarded
why are hunters manlets?
What did they do this time, measure a tarrasque's cock?
is it hard to hide him and all his replies with 4chanx?
You guys are too far gone. Your delusion has reached impossible levels. You've invented and made up so many things about me in this thread despite me having neither been to any MH thread on Yea Forums nor to /mhg/ in months, it's absolutely ridiculous.
Don't worry, I won't be in any further threads. There is no point in talking to any of you, it's literally impossible to discuss this game and mention a single negative thing without being called a shitposter or listfag or whatever else.
Thanks lads, it'll take some time
>mfw all these and it's still 29 out of 83 (dead) in that thread
jesus fucking christ
I do hope this clears up which post is made by whom, he's very clear in the wording he uses if you scrutinize it and thus other criticism can be discussed without him always being the boogeyman