OK, so what's the consensus? Which Stardew Valley girl is least shit?
OK, so what's the consensus? Which Stardew Valley girl is least shit?
Other urls found in this thread:
Your least favorite.
my favorite is Maru but she has the worst s.link out of all of them. Least shit objectively is probably Haley or Penny.
>a harvest moon type game in which the marriage candidates all suck and making the wrong choice reveals cuck shit underneath
What the fuck was he thinking?
Westerners simply can't into good girls.
Cuckoldry goes in their genes, sadly.
Out of that pile it'd have to be haley
Her arc is bitch to not bitch
Maru is alright, emily is mentally unstable, abigail is a fat neet, penny is pathetic, and leah is as fake as her talent
Ultimately, the dudes in the game are all better choices gay relationship or not.
What is this ugly artstyle?
>mod that makes the male date able characters female
>my favorite girl becomes Alex while before it was Haley
Emilys smile makes me think about society.
they all suck without mods
For me, it's Haley
The dudes across the board are so top notch they even make better girls with the Genderbent mod, even Shane had one made for him later.
I agree, Haley and Penny are the best of the bunch.
Leah, Emily or Penny are the only valid answers
Some queeb trying to make their game look like Totally Spies
Proof that Haley is one of the worst on top of being a bitch
Okay now post the furry portrait mod. I know you have it motherfucker it pops up in every thread,
Well of course, it's a tomboy
i dont get it
>wrong choice reveals cuck shit underneath
What the fuck are you talking about? I've finished the game and haven't noticed anything like this.
It's called 'projecting'. He's a cuck lord.
There is literally nothing wrong with girls masturbating.
based on my attraction to these characters i have never seen before
penny and haley are the only good ones
sticking a live eel up your snatch is hardly masturbation
There's nothing wrong with having eel sex.
Like everyone hasn't at least once. I mean, come on.
Cucked by an eel
Abigail with chubby mod.
I want to nut in all of them.
Abigail. I did originally go Penny, but felt nothing from it. She just has a story you exist in the proximity of, doesn't really involve you in anything, made no sense why she would suddenly love you after asking for your opinion on something twice. Then I wanted Emily because I liked that she had a sewing hobby and liked dance but seemed down to earth enough to be ok with working at a bar. Boy did they throw that out the window with the update, turned her completely into spiritual new age yoga instructor nonsense.
Abigail seems like she knows how to have fun while not being loopin crazy about it.
A tie between Abby and Penny.
Option to make the married milfs divorce their husbands and marry the player never ever.
Regardless of if you are a Haleyfag, a Pennychad, or somewhere in between, we can all agree that Abigail is trash tier
>literally nothing to do: the videogame
Why do people give a shit about this garbage? Ooh, I can mess around in my little area and go talk to people but OMG I CAN TALK TO GIRLS BEST GAME EVER apparently is the only fucking appeal.
Also, holy shit, fishing is the most broken, garbage goddamn thing ever. Fuck this game and fuck its fans.
seethe, have sex, and dilate
>Can't even drag your balls across the face of the lonely mature lady in town
Shit game
What about now?
I think Penny and Haley are fine as is but when is someone gonna try their chops at reworking the other four? Even attempts at genderbending them failed.
There's an ending?
Well you can't own the guild leader so fuck that
Lewis needs to man up! Can't even make that poor lady his wife because of his standing as the town mayor. As if anyone cares about where he sticks his dusty old bone. Nah, Marnie needs some young meat who will treat her right
Now post the version with a sea cucumber
I dunno man ... I like Abigail...
The worst part is if you follow the events Lewis and Marnie have been "hiding" their relationship for like 20 years, they could have married and had kids
Well, not really but there isn't much to do after you get best grandpa score, aquire shitton of bucks and befriend everyone in town.
Wow my respect for Lewis sunk like a fucking rock like I sink in a pool.
>20 years
What the heeeeeell?
Maru is okay if you get the mod to turn her white.
Makes no sense there'd be a nigger out on a farm, they haven't been back to those in a while.
Leah best girl.
Now Maru is boring, ugly AND albino.
At least she's white.
I'm really surprised there hasn't been an update that ads a quest for you to finally get them married.
The artist should be hanged
How the fuck can you screw it up to draw attractive females???
Yeah, it's too bad its only one dude working on the game. I mean yeah he had a publisher for a while but that was only to get the gane to consoles and have multiplayer added, after that he said 'adios' and took his game with him to work on it alone again.
There's a lot of interesting directions the characters could take if there was more content but will have to see when winter comes. Supposedly that's when the next update is planned with new content.
I don’t want cuck shit but I also want to plow milfs
>no mod to replace Leah with a milf widow
Not that I've checked of course.
God Emily looks fucking hideous in the vanilla portrait. I have no idea how people can choose her besides the fact that she's easy to befriend since all it takes is gems.
She looks like a spazoid and I don't understand her clothes, like is it a dress? Does she have a shirt? The fuck is it?
Will never forgive Concerned Ape for that, she was an option in the poll Emily eventually won, but it's been this long and she still isn't a candidate
Will buy for switch if she becomes an option
> reveals cuck shit underneath
i had only minimal contact with NPC's cause i was focused on more important tasks than people but that got me curious, care to elaborate ?
He is probably talking about how Abigail is the wizards daughter, not Pierre's
Modded Maru is best.
Leah and Penny close seconds.
Emily is the worse.
Maybe decide by compaaring panties?
Never thought i could post this
Haley of course is best. Im going for Penny but muh dick wants haley, she literally implies sex for Christmas.
haley wins again
Without mods probably Haley, as she has more of an actual arc.
With mods though? The question becomes more difficult...
Of course of course, don't forget someone also did genderbent Shane.
Emily. her only flaw is that she hates fish.
So clean washed pussy everytime?
>started game
>went for emily
>Didnt like Haley because she was such a bitch
>talk to her while waiting or looking for Emily sometimes
>eventually just talk to Haley and forget emily
>she stops being a bitch
>is actually 10/10 in look AND personality
wtf i love haley
you know the one
Leah>Penny>Haley>don’t matter.
>dude weed lmao
Mah nigga
I only played the game for a few days a couple years back. Doesn't one of the white girls literally fuck a nigger? Not sure if she was dateable but I think they had a brown kid.
Sebastian is better, you fag
>tfw this artist made portraits for all the dateable girls + Jas + Vincent
>He never released the full thing because he got assblasted no one wanted to pay for a mod
>tfw I still got the portraits.
So is the Expanded mod worth playing? Looks like it adds a lot but I can't tell if it's any good. I also use a decent number of mods and it doesn't look like it would play well with others...
>He never released the full thing because he got assblasted no one wanted to pay for a mod
Not fully corret user, he released it to the public but after he saw that it became this popular he took it down and tried to charge money for it, which of course nobody did so he never continued the rest.
Ah shit was ment for
I just wanna date the milfs. Even if I have to cuck their husbands.
So is there a full one portrait set? It makes the girls look actually good, it wouldn't hurt to make everyone else not look like an eyesore.
Isn't there even a mod to make the best girl romanceable?
Nah sadly not, this is all there is to this mod. Like stated before he never continued to work on the rest of the villagers after this, I guess he lost interest in stardew or was really upset over not making money.
Who is this fat lady and why is she smiling naked after an old guy in a pickup truck with a Make America Great Again bumper sticker ran over her right foot?
Fucking share it, I downloaded a bunch of portraits sets from Nexus and the game's forum but never saw this one before.
I wish japanese had this kind of autism to finish their mods, like seriously most mods out there are not finished, half way done by the japs. Pic related is a nice kemono mod by a jap but he only did like 3 characters
Shit sucks. All the girls in it are best girls, and I can't stop myself from spreading my virile farmer seed among each and every one of them.
Jas and Vincent already looked fine without it. Would've rathered the town hags and Sandy get portraits.
>abigail is a fat neet
Not a fat enough one
Not that user but I was the one who ripped and made a mod out of this and spread it on Yea Forums long time ago. I still have the files on my mega account but i cant share a link and mixtape is dead sadly. So if you can suggest a site for sharing files i can do that.
What does Haley smell like
I want to marry all of them (except Maru and Emily). Life isn't fair.
Based cunny poster
probably some nice fruity shampoo and fresh clothes
Leah > Abigail > Penny
The rest doesn't even matter.
Which girl would Vinny fuck?
Peach shampoo and Vanilla stardust perfume
haleys feet
Reverse order and you're correct.
If you like the original portraits I suggest downloading Seasonal Outfits from nexus. It makes all villagers wearing different outfits every season and weather + changes most portaits aswell nexusmods.com
Emily is a clown
Catbox.moe is still working, I think.
Haley was the only choice I knew I had to have her the second I saw her
probably abigail, atleast thats my guess. maybe leah since shes artistic.
Emily does make me laugh and smile, but that's why I love her so much :)
you need to mod it
theyre all bad
Thats cool. Thanks user
Our calzone compadre isn't artistic.
Considering Lucca from Chrono Trigger is his waifu, I'd imagine one of the nerdy girls, maybe Maru, Penny, or Abigail
is there a mod that makes them titty monster?
he has a band hombre. he's fairly artistic and nerdy. i think you have some fair guesses though. i also think he'd like abigail's affinity towards exploration and fighting monsters and stuff.
Thanks mate.
Being in a band isn't usually associated with being artistic, especially since his band is just ACDC + RHCP mixed with some 90's grunge.
Or did you forget about Blood Bagel so soon?
No problem, should be 100% working correct. If you do end up finding something in the portraits like white space and such let me know i can fix that.
Which one is best depends on which portrait mod you use.
>Ok tier
>i'm such a geek tier
>Clearly have second intentions and will bankrupt you tier
>Don't even exist tier
thot haley
nerd abby
leah is a failed artist who will get on drugs soon
penny will be for ever linked to her trash mother, and that will be a nightmare
emily is clearly a crazy feminazi
and maru is a nigger
This one :)
While im at it, if anybody wants this kemono mod here you go files.catbox.moe
i mean i dont think it's the most introspective thoughtful artistic band, im just saying he may be creative enough to appreciate that artsy sort of vibe from a girl. my money would still be on abigail tho. this is a kinda gay thing to debate
What, all she does it make clothes and do drugs
Only because she has to look after her useless sister that has no job and parents that left them.
Emily is clearly a mother figure type of character.
Best list, only one in this thread that got it right
So we all know Haley is best girl, but which girl would make the best wife and mother of your children?
I wish I had a fraction of ConcernedApe's dedication.
Emily is best girl and she would also be the one girl of all the marryables who would take care of you and your children.
All the other girls are literally useless, especially Haley.
The only correct option
Unfortunately, all the redesigns ended up making the characters worse.
No problem, if i can suggest other mods aswell
Adds more dialogue to specific villagers and new events to them aswell
Who's to say Haley won't become a better housekeeper/mother once she settles into married life?
Just cuz she's some promiscuous skank doesn't mean she'll make a good housekeeper or mother.
The opposite is true.
are there porn mods for this game?
>are there porn mods for this game?
Oh you know that they are
Haley isn't Penny tho.
Not a furry but it unironically looks so much better than the original art that it might make me wanna start playing. I imagine it'll have a bit of an animal crossing vibe to it with this mod.
Not him, but are there serious porn mods? Not just pic related or epic BIG TIDDY PORTRAITS HAHA
this kills the pennyfag
No idea, i never bothered with porn in stardew valley so i cannot say, you have to browse loverslab I imagine
I really hope there is a bit more finite content.
I just can't into the endless gameplay and mostly lose interest after finishing the community centre and getting the highest tiers of everything.
No idea what HMAF stands for user
I don't think there is, other than one entirely gay one which supposedly makes the bachelors pork each other every now and then. There was an attempt on loverslab, but it only got up to a rudimentary action menu and the ability to playback prerendered animations before the dev fell off the face of the planet.
Emily or Penny unironically.
...Wait there's mods for this? I got the Switch version so I don't know any.
>...Wait there's mods for this?
Yeah all +3500 of them
Not ALL them.
Huh, now I'm wondering if there are any harem mods that make this thread irrelevant.
>+61k mods
>close to 2 billion dowloads
What makes skyrim so mod friendly? Or better yet why skyrim of all games.
>#2 Leah
What could have been
I like Haley because she reminds me of my HS crush
Skyrim's one of the games with dedicated modding tools.
What the hell was he thinking getting rid of Maru's curly hair? It's her only good trait.
why your game look washed out?
Human Male Animal Female
aka the best type of pairing
confirmed to not be anything sexual
I think they're all nice and cute.
Why would you say anything bad about them? And what would you even say?
He's using the Natural Color Reshade enb.
this game is boring as hell
>farm for 2 in game hours, less when you get sprinklers
>go speak to someone which takes an hour there and an hour back
>nothing to do
What did you just say to my wife?
Something about Leah and Abigail just really repulses me.
sequel when
thanks, i'll check it out
the spaghetti hair?
Awful taste.
Fuck off, lunger.
The thing that turned me off from this game are the days are too fucking short. I always felt like I was rushing through things in a really uncomfortable way. I'd basically just like a mod that slows down time a teeny bit, but doesn't break the game.
there's no reason to go fast though. nothing is missable
The way I'd go about things is typically spending the mornings at my farm, dealing with all the minutiae and watering stuff, but that would take me several real time minutes to sort, and there are only 17 minutes in a day. Just makes things sorta cramped.
>Leah downgrade
Why did concernedape do that?
I think they patched this from the game because people were angry. When I romanced Penny I don't remember seeing that anymore. Either that, or I suppressed it from memory because penny is best girl
There is a time mod, it lets you speed up, slow down, and stop time
I dont get it what is this screenshot supposed to be
I wish this game actually did have rival romances like the old HM games did before the anti-NTR spergs forced their removal.
guy who made the polygamy mod is taking it a step further
Thanks user.
I can't even imagine what it must be like to create a wholesome game entirely by yourself over a period of years, have it become a best seller, and then end up with degenerates creating lewd mods for it.
>That first Shane
Jesus Christ.
Oh! Thanks. That's actually just what I want.
Probably feels pretty good. I have no doubt ConcernedApe's done 34 of all the characters.
Penny is the best choice
Had a hard life, mother is trailer trash
she's the only one doing something for the community, while all the other bachelorettes/bachelors are basic NPCs trying to followe their dreams
she lectures the kids, she could be a great wife and you literally save her from a life of misery
also, she's the hottest redhead and I believe she's a beast in bed
I found that in FoMT that the rival romances were too stressful, if you didn't hit the ground running you could be essentially locked out of marriage.
>features openly gay relationships
What is your dream farming game Yea Forums?
If it triggers Yea Forums, then it must be wholesome.
>implying he added them because he wanted to
They worked on a series of 5 triggers you had to see all of, which only occur in specific locations that can be easy to avoid either deliberately or by accident, 3 of which can only occur after the first year and if you got a girl to at least a green heart the 3rd-5th triggers would never occur unless you deliberately lower her heart level back below green. Some characters were even reliant on others getting through their triggers, like Rick and Karen will never get married before Popuri (either to you or Kai). It was actually pretty difficult to get rival marriages going unless you knew what to do. Later HM games like Animal parade made it even harder to do accidentally, because you had to befriend the rival himself to get his rival events to happen. This still wasn't good enough for paranoid retards afraid of being cucked by the game.
Penny, literally only goal in life is to be bred stupid. That puts her miles above the others.
>want to like the game
>music fucking kills it
I wish these games would evolve past the innocent-sounding, country-like BGMs.
>turn off music
>play your own
>literally only goal in life is to be bred stupid
thats cause shes trailer trash
>Only one harvest moon clone exists in PC
Doesn't Abigail have a line, after marriage, where she reconsiders your relationship together?
Yes and she mentions another man in the same conversation
yup, she'll say that maybe sebastian was the right one for her instead
>all of them are better than the default girls
how can they even compete
Only if you ignore her
ConcernedApe is a fat fucking nonce.
Reminder that Abigails mother was also unfaithful so it makes sense for Abigail to be a whore as well
Like mother like daughter.
Haley and I don't even like blondes. She's that good.
How can one man be so correct?
Fuck you, she's trailer treasure
>Leah as high up as Penny
leah, penny, haley are the ONLY good girls
based taste
Penny is better than Leah
>Ywn lust for a mature woman that insist that you can get someone younger
How so many of you can like Haley, the dumbest fucking character in the game?
Find a flaw.
Dumb and basic.
Emily because she's got them hips that don't quit.
>None of the girls I wanted is an option
>Don't care for any of the options they have
>End up marrying a guy
Am I just a fag?
>Not a single mod that makes Haley into a gyaru
Highly accurate.
Sebastian best girl.
depends, who did you marry?
Thanks for telling me you're gay.
Leah > Abigail > Penny >>>>>>>> Shit > Haley :)
Hlaye is pure
she is just a pure gyaru
So you really are gay, thanks for telling everyone.
it was a photoshopped image. i know what you're talking about though
>What makes skyrim so mod friendly?
the fact that the developers released powerful official modding tools, for starters.
Gay? So you're saying that Haley is prettier than Leah? Please
Sebastian best girl (male)
I will always hate Haley because of the response she gives during the first years dance event. Bitch is a massive cunt and I am doubtful anything done in the game by gifting her can redeem her hair qualities.
Emily is best sister in-law. I'll see you at the family reunion.
>tfw no double sister polygamy option
>Blue eyes
That artist is a fag.
>pic related will never be finished
>neither will
Every time I see these redesigns I remember how badly they fucked up Maru and Robin that you can't even tell one's supposed to be older than the other, let alone mother and daughter.
haley is most attractive
haley is most motherly
haley is most loving wife
Yes I am. Prettier, hotter and cuter.
>the """bug""" that has a chance to give you an interracial kid despite your player options
Everywhere I go I try to get away, but the cunny keeps dragging me back in
Genderbend Alex and Sebastian >>>>> all
>Fable 2 also had this "bug"
>it was more likely to happen if you married a prostitute
Haley is honestly the best and you don't know what you're missing, truest example of not judging a book by its cover. she puts up a front like she's some ice queen bee popular girl but she's really just the girl-next-door at heart and has the fewest mental issues.
>there will never be a portrait mod that has every character + seasonal changes + looks good
Send help
I know even if you do treat her well she still seems like she battles depression.
I kind of want to do some edits of preexisting mods to add the seasonal clothing but I can't figure out how to code the changes.
>Abigail openly talks about getting with sebastian, and her mother is a cheating slut too so it runs in the family
>Leah talks about her ex boyfriend constantly
>Emily is a free love hippy skank and dancer, definitely a whore
>Maru is a nigger
>Penny is cute but trailer trash so she will grow up a fat whore like her mother
>Haley is a loving wife and mother who just was just popular
Im okay with this
>tfw og harvest moon is a thing of the past and will never be as good
I always liked Haley. The way she acted either indifferent or bitchy towards me, at least at first, diamonds.
Depends on what we're ranking:
Marry list:
Fuck list:
Abigail is a useless NEET with a shit taste in games, but she's probably the only one who actually likes sucking dick. Penny's low self-esteem and tiny frame make her top tier in both fields, even if she's a shitty cook.
Feel free to debate me, you'll never prove me wrong.
Honestly, this.
Though I did wanna steal Robin to cuck her husband, and douchebag son.
for me, it's Penny.
my first gf was beaten by her drunk mom named Pam who lived in a trailer. she was a sweet girl who liked to read and cook and i still feel bad that i couldn't do anything to help her but living through a vidya game where i can is nice
Quick, give me three mods to get for my new stardew run
Maybe you could have helped her if you didn't spend all your time playing vidya
Her sprite art makes her look way way fatter than that. Like obese.
Easy way to make the art a straight improvement
I love Maru, but Emily became my preferred choice when she was included.
Jas marriage mod
Jas lewd mod
Portrait mod
wow. i didnt know how it could be possible but leah is even cuter here.
>These mods
But can i be the little girl as well while lewding her?
sandy shouldve been a hidden waifu
>not downloading sexy pam mod every time
Same. I'm hoping that 1.4 adds her or at least gives her some more events.
Where can I download this furry mod?
Wouldn't you be able to take the existing seasonal mod and just change the graphic assets?
>The way she acted either indifferent or bitchy towards me, at least at first, diamonds.
>ignores you to take pictures
>and over
>and over
>and over
That fucker knew what he was doing from the start
>will never be as good
ToT was good, fag.
If you didn't pick Haley you're literally a low-test beta cuckold.
>both redheads end up being traps
I guarantee you no one would romance them if their bullshit was upfront rather than saved for when you go far with. There's no reason for this other than drama or some fetish the dev has. Look at Haley, that's how you do characters right. They become more likeable as you advance with them. I honestly think he just did it to make the female romances more appealing to people not interested in them (women and fags) because the heterosexual male ideal seems to offend them. Just compare the male and female romances, it's a joke. All the dudes are perfectly tailored fr the female/gay ideal with no undesirable traits. The jock, the daddy, the melodramatic handsome artist, the emo, the party boy, and the troubled guy that you fix (women love this one). Meanwhile the girl options are, a hipster art hoe who won't shut up about her ex, trailer trash raised by single mother who bangs some dude in a tree, the daughter of a cuck, le black science girl, a mentally unstable tumblrina, and the only good choice that I only think managed to happen through a fluke.
thats it mane
Autism, no thanks
Haley, by far,
>best development
>prettiest of them all
where can I download this?
Nexus, but the original hasn't been updated for like 3 years so you'll have to search a bit for the updated, content patcher version
that artist has some really good porn
In order of least shit to worst shit:
1. Haley
2. Emily - in a world where magic exists, manages to believe in an entirely different type of magic. Probably also has her MBTI memorised too.
3. Penny - A daughter of a single mother is doomed to grow up into a clone of her mom.
4. Leah - abandoned her past relationship because she wanted to live in a rural area. Will clearly put her personal comfort ahead of the relationship.
5. Maru - She believes far too much in free will to ever fulfill her role as a wife and a mother.
6. Abigail - Can't even beat the first level of Prairie King. A woman who doesn't play games is fine, but a woman who's a fucking casual? Absolutely unacceptable.