Rogue Thread

This has to be one of the most satisfying Rogue-lites i've ever played, and yet no one Yea Forums fucking talks about it.

What Rogue-likes are you playing right now?

Attached: heroesofhammerwatch (2).webm (1920x1080, 2.85M)

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Lair

Not a rogulike.
Just because some retard dev decided "lolz you die you start over just like in that so super hardc0re game so this is a roguelike now lolz beat my hasrd game if you cna" does not mean it's a fucking roguelike.

Rogue did not have real time randomzied fucking twitch combat

Are there any slower-paced roguelikes out there, or only spastic shit like in OP webm?

I'm sorry, princess, you want some mystery dungeon instead?


Thinking about playing Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead. Never played a roguelikes before, what am in for?

Attached: 1553468490516.gif (300x400, 233K)

Lots? The absolute majority of roguelikes are slow paced

nethack and gearhead. ssh into my home server to play.

Literally all roguelikes are slow paced, they're turn based games. This lists a bunch of the more well known ones if you want to give the genre a shot. I got started with Nethack and had a lot of fun with it, but you need a high tolerance for complete bullshit to enjoy that game.
OP's webm is a "roguelite", which basically just means it has a death system with some kind of punishment, and procedural maps. Sometimes not even that. They can be basically anything.

Id fucking love for another good mystery dungeon game

Thanks for this post bro

extremely tedious and autistic
and not in a good way

Is this or Hero Siege better? They look very similar.

they're very similar, and are kinda ... different but very similar.

Hero Siege is like shitty WSAD Diablo, and it kept me hooked for about 50 hours. Hammerwatch was a lot more interesting, and has a lot of progression. I'd suggest HW if you're sick of diablolikes.

You can pirate either to try them out.

>circle strafing a ton of enemies

How exciting

Bought this sick new figure a couple of days ago.
The joints were a bit stiff but overall the posability is great. Only $25 too.

Attached: SEP182338-2[1].jpg (1000x1000, 348K)

This. I recently got into nethack and it’s just up my ally. It’s just complex enough to be very interesting, without needing to put dedicated man hours into like something like dwarf fortress. Also it can literally run on my phone so I can play a game whenever. It is bullshit though, but in the kinda way I can appreciate when I’m not doing a serious run.

What’s a good rougelike for my girlfriend to play?

this but unironically

Attached: ss.jpg (220x264, 34K)

pretty sure people like hammerwatch for being not gauntlet, but roguelite became the in thing to target

do you die if you touch her hand

This fucker absolutely loves maces.

Attached: 1156156165.jpg (442x480, 77K)

I agree with you but OP called it a roguelite.

Currently playing Gungeon. Better than I expected, I like the fact that I cannot permanently unlock power, such as more health.
Was awhile but I think it was Touhou Genso Wanderer I played last. It's good, closely resembles Rogue with its lack of races/classes and only a Strength attribute. But it has a big emphasis on items. Later dungeons are more roguelike in that you cannot bring items, items are unidentified, cursed items e.t.c. It's a bit easy compared to other roguelikes though, such as ADOM.

Should have gotten into it before the devs decided to ruin the game for the sake of "realism". Hope you like 90 day seasons and having to wait weeks to heal injuries.


Nothing wrong with roguelites as long as you don't mislabel them as roguelikes.

reminder that roguelite is just a made up marketing term so nebulous that it includes everything from schmups, rythm games and first person shooters.

calling roguelikes walking simulators from here on out

I've bought like 7 or 8 rogue ites but only like spelunky and nuclear throne. Gungeon was boring as fuck. Thinking about buying dead cells on sale but afraid to get burned again on hyped shit. People say streets of rogue is good but it looks terrible.

If you want to piss people off, like me, I suggest you call them dungeon crawlers or mystery dungeon. Meanwhile you call games like spelunky and FTL roguelikes. That's what niggers on steam are doing and I want to kill them all.

since you like nuclear throne and hate gungeon then i suggest buying dead cells, because you are gay

You'd have more fun falling into a coma than playing gungeon, so go hit your head on concrete instead of bothering people here with your worthless opinions.

Gungeon is trash my guy.

Gungeon devs probably dont agree with your politics either bruh.

no, but people that try to write like faggots from twitter are utterly disposable automatons

hi rami did your game sell vastly worse to gungeon because of politics lmao

I don't know why, but gundeon makes me really moody. Makes me sad just thinking about it. Can't play it because balance is bad

This is pretty fun.

Attached: Nightmare-Reaper-Free-Download.jpg (670x384, 38K)

the feeling you experience is called ressentiment, and it comes from you being bad at video games
don't worry i'm sure once vlambeer's contract for promoting electronic arts expires you can get another super crate box


absolutely seething holy shit

The best survival game ever made. Nothing can even think about touching it.
Some of the decisions they are doing suck and I have no idea why these idiots greenlit them. But there are mods to remove all that bulshit like long healing of freezing food.

Attached: guinea+pig+in+grass+-+Copy.jpg (1000x642, 102K)

woah my dude you are going to catch these hands


Fuck off, Sseth.

oh my god they killed kenny

Anyone here played Wizard of Legend?
It's a pretty cool little game, main idea focus of the game revolves more around the fact that you can build your own 'unique' sort of playstyle by choosing which elemental attacks you want to be using for your runs and in what combination.

Attached: SNwizards_tm_7.jpg (940x528, 66K)

Cringe and 4chanpilled

i'm playing DorfFort if that counts
it doesn't seem as good as everyone says, though i still have to figure out the basics.

having all that depth and history and detailed damage models is great, but its all pointless if the game doesn't present information well, and your focus is on getting through 10 different processes and shit menus to make a drinking cup, instead of noticing the really interesting things happening in the world.

Its shit

Rogue purity autism is the cancer killing vidya. It's more cancerous than lootboxes

Diablo is the only fun rogue-inspired game series.

It's really not, it's like 3 people crying and people don't know how to stop replying to them.

spent all of the effort on creating the ability system and not the game they are used in

Shut up, dipshit. Fuck you.

>blocks your path

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 86K)

diablo is more accurately classified as a third person action video slot ultima underworld

the fuck is this gameplay segment?
dont remember ever seeing it

It was added in the Advanced Gungeons and Draguns update.
>6 items in your near future will be preemptively stolen by the Resourceful Rat
>Later, you can buy the Key to his Chamber in the 2nd floor shop
>Then get to his Chamber from the 3rd floor
>And then beat him up
>And then beat him up again
>Then Punch him Out
>And then get prizes

It's the rat boss.'s_Lair

Attached: d3d.jpg (1920x1080, 138K)

maybe you should have played the game

Kick ass OST too

Attached: file.png (1600x800, 2.08M)

why would anyone want to play that snoozefest?

don't sweat it there's always cookie clicker

Is there a recent version of Coolthulu's mod? I remember using it to make the game not suck, but it seems to have stopped in development.
What other mods are there?

>Rogue did not have real time randomzied fucking twitch combat
That's why it's called Rogue LIKE, not Literally-rogue, you fucking imbecile.

Cookie clicker has numbers go up that aren't just monster hp

i just told you that cookie clicker is definitely in your wheelhouse, you didn't have to confirm it for me

But it's not like rogue at all.

no roguelikes are games that ripoff rogue
you are playing seeded the legend of zeldalites

And I just affirmed that it's objectively better than gungeon, no need to become upset over it

user sitting at his computer actually playing saliens.png

Thanks for describing how playing gungeon feels like for anyone who isn't braindamaged

your problem with gungeon is that it doesn't make you feel powerful and requires you to play against the mobs
you are extremely simple animals with complaints that demonstrate that you can't get beyond the third floor

No, my problem with gungeon is that the first 20 minutes of every playthrough are virtually identical, slow, grindy, crawling through the same floors with nothing but your starting weapon because everything else is trash that is not worth wasting keys on. It must be perfect for an autist like you.

>its not a roguelike because the gameplay is more engaging than my old turd of a game

it's easy to spot you chimps. you are the same archetype that complain when they can't insta-phase bosses in arpgs and a game requires any actual input from you besides MOBS SMASH
what kind of failures in life make you so insecure

why are roguelike fans so set in stone about what can be in the roguelike genre of course modern games wont be like rogue because rogue is a fucking ancient game made on incredible old hardware. every other genre evolved and expanded but roguelikes have stayed the same since there inception and when new games add there own flair to the formula its suddenly shat on by all the rogue fans for not being ascii based tile based rogue ripoffs. honestly roguelike as a genre should be renamed really to not focus solely on one game, platformers aren't called mariolikes, first person shooters aren't callled doom clones anymore and yet rogue somehow stuck. this is honestly the same problem I find with the name metroidvanias but at least those allow games that switch up the formula to still be included in the genre

What childhood trauma does it take to make idiots like you enjoy the equivalent of watching the paint dry over, and over, and over again? I've completed gungeon including the secret teehee bullet hell and I still think it's trash, your insults are worth as much as your taste in video games.

it's not a roguelike, because it's actually a clone of some c64-snes game with procedural generation added because the two people making it have no understanding of game design

your substance-free memeplex is more boring and tedious than your imagined understanding of "the first 20 minutes" of gungeon and that your insecurity will motivate you to constantly signal about how boring and tedious gungeon is until you kill yourself is going into mw as an example of autism

>your substance-free memeplex is more boring and tedious than your imagined understanding of "the first 20 minutes" of gungeon and that your insecurity will motivate you to constantly signal about how boring and tedious gungeon is until you kill yourself is going into mw as an example of autism
And it still beats playing gungeon

If you had played any real roguelikes you would know it essentially meant:
>Procedually generated content

Meanwhile roguelites only have:
>Procedually generated content

There is the reason we don't just use the RPG label anymore but instead use for example ARPG, CRPG, MMORPG, WRPG, JRPG e.t.c. because once a genre has become too diluted it becomes meaningless. As in it fails to describe what type of game it is. That is why it is important to differentiate between roguelikes and roguelites.

There are real roguelikes where permadeath is optional.

god i fucking love elona+

There's also Tales of Maj'Eyal where you can choose between permadeath, having ~5 lives or infinite lives.

As long as it is optional. It is essentially easy mode or save scumming.

Gungeon fags are the worst. I probably would have a greater appreciation for it if i forced myself to play a shit game for 100 hours gitting gud.

Streets of Rogue is fucking amazing. Get it.

did you just assume OP wrote the thing you wanted to read so you could complain?
Maybe OP isn't the fag in this thread

anyone who enjoys nethack or angband has terminal brain damage
roguelikes are for mentally ill people

Im enjoying it
Started around a year ago and theres just so fucking much to do. Even without mods.
And there are mods to make the game a bit easier for newbs

I have to admit any roguelikes with level generation that's just rectangles connected by corridors puts me to fucking sleep.

I've seen all the rules in the berlin interpretation before and also the interpretation classfies aspects of the game into high value and low value meaning that there are not all required but have a larger role in deciding whether a game is a roguelike or not. it also states in pic related that missing some points does not necessarily mean a game is not a roguelike

It has that shitty prison architect look i cant stand