The exact moment MGS went to shit forever

>The exact moment MGS went to shit forever.

Attached: Mama.png (916x768, 1.14M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>The exact moment when OP became a faggot forever.

Does Kojima have autism?

This isn't Portable Ops



Chapter 1 and 2 were so good, why did the entire game have to fall apart in 3?

imagine not being into sexy gilfs.

>Somebody asks Kojima if Snake has a soul since he's a clone
>Kojima, never have thought of this before decides he doesn't
>Kills Solid Snake because he isn't a human been, plus his music track was stolen from a Russian
Kojima is such an autist that he sabotages his own franchise because of small details like this, trying to be some type of philosopher and deep thinker.

>Unironically defending this shit.

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>MGS4 falls apart at chapter 3
>MGS5 falls apart at chapter 2
>Death Stranding falls apart after the intro
Good job Kojimbo

It' s like they realised they couldn' t keep up with the effort of Chapter 1 & 2 and called it a day.

Kojima got tired of his game having gameplay

when MGS4 started

MGS4 was just fan service, it has no real reason to exist.

The reason it exists is to shit down MGS fans throats and end the series for good, which really worked out well for Kojima in the long run consindering that he spend another decade making MGS games.

for me it was when "the colonel" explains what s3 really stands for

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Because he didn't get it.

>we're robots who hate the internet because memes are shit
>so we're going to fake news the world until you act in a way we like

>Created by a literal autist
>Starts off great
>Goes to shit with a very weird fanbase

>Metal Gear
>Created by a possible autist
>Starts off great
>Goes to shit with a very weird fanbase

>defeats several of the most dangerous terrorists alive
>prevents multiple nuclear weapons from detonating
>killed big boss twice
>destroys the patriot AI
>frees humanity from AI's yoke
>life is on a severe time limit
>if the rapid ageing doesn't kill him the foxdie he was injected with will
>"btw the foxdie is mutating"
>"you're going to become a human Hiroshima, Snake"
>decides to sacrifice himself after fixing the problems his progenitors created
>visits the grave of his progenitor's inspiration
>"Snake had a hard life, it's time to let him rest"
>kills himself
>"lol son here's that Zero guy nobody gave a fuck about let me explain in great detail why Ocelot wasn't a big deal"
>"Hey did I ever tell you about how murdering someone who's been a vegetable for 25 would fix the world?"
>"btw that black guy injected you with a super secret cure for your foxdie problem :3"
>"Isn't this so much better than you having a complete character arc, son?"
>"also I'm dying"
>"but at least I got to finish off the patriots once and for all"
>"only doing what The Boss told me to, no need to thank me"
>"What child soldiers? :^)"

Snake killing himself could have had some real weight to it but then Big Boss has to come fucking tapdancing out of the fog to shit out a bunch of excuses for why the future games will be about him and how he's not really a manipulative mass murderer.

Kojima's original ending was Snake and Otacon being executed. We got what we did because everyone except Kojima absolutely refused to make that ending.

Hence fan service , too many elements in the story are there just to please the fans and that is one of the reasons the story of the game is such a mess.

MGS4 is shit, but it also has the greatest fight in gaming history.

I keep seeing that meme around here, that the MGS fanbase is retarded but so far I haven’t really seen how? Is it simply that they excuse Kojimbo’s shit writing and retcons? Seems like far too much hatred for the fanbase if it’s only that that’s the case.
Granted, the only MGS game Ive played was GZ and TPP, so I’m probs too far on the surface to notice the shit they say/do.

nah just a based mommy fetish

holy shit people STILL dont understand mgs2 lmfao

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Portable Ops is good.

The thing is, the ending we got would have been fine, if it actually ended when the credits started rolling instead of having the Kojima signature post-credit scene.
It feels like he only put it there because a big reveal after the game's done is something MGS was known for.

you’ve got to be kidding me that this is what you’ve taken away from the game.

>actually trying to pretend there's anything deeper than some bitch basic "whoever controls the media controls the people" rhetoric in MGS2

Sure, it’s got a 1984 theme slapped onto it with a modern/futuristic paint job, but that aspect of the game was executed very well. It’s even more relevant and accurate today than when it was released so it’s also got that going for it.
Anything can seem basic and irrelevent if you sum it up so harshly as such.

I still think MGS4 is the most overrated game of all time. While most would see it between an 8-10/10 with many critics giving it a 10/10 score I think it is so bad that it isn't even just an average 6-8 out of 10 game oh no. I truly think this game is abysmal. A 4/10 is what I give it. Only reason why I don't rate it lower is because at least it actually functions without any major problems like some of the most infamous games ever made like Big Rigs. I absolutely hate MGS4 with a passion.

Okay, so you didn't get it at all. Cool. If you did you'd know that the media or the content has no meaning and that it's all about the context of the information due to its memetic nature.


Fart inhaler

Don't hate me because you're dumb, smoothbrain.

Am I the only one who liked all the mainline MGS games? I always thought the series was always kinda schlocky anyway. Liquid Snake's motive as a villain in MGS1 hinges entirely on Kojima's misunderstanding of genetics.

This is some of the most epic shit ever.

Honest to God I was okay with the ending
Solid deserved to walk away from it all even if it didn't make sense

Not it hinges on Liquids misunderstanding of genetics.

>I keep seeing that meme around here, that the MGS fanbase is retarded but so far I haven’t really seen how?
You haven't been with the MGS fanbase for a long time to understand how.
They take his writing too literally, for example. They also misinterpret it in the most fucked up way possible, while spreading their misinterpretations as if they were facts.

>Granted, the only MGS game Ive played was GZ and TPP
If you haven't even played the essentials before understanding the fanbase at all, simply GET OUT. I don't even need to explain why you must.

I think that was just Kojima trying to save face after the fact. "It wasn't me who was wrong, it was my character." Even a high school student could see through it.

>Granted, the only MGS game Ive played was GZ and TPP

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>for me it was when "the colonel" explains what s3 really stands for

IF you believed the AI. The fact it was lying to you the entire game, made me not give a fuck about the final speech.

MGS4 being a clusterfuck to properly explain and resolve The Patriots is because MGS2 didn't properly explain or resolve that plot element
