Play Breath of Fire

Play Breath of Fire

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I just did. Finished III the other day. Best story in any BoF game I've played so far, and only one I haven't finished is DQ, which I'm working on. I just wish III wasn't so fucking slow gameplay wise. If there's any BoF game that needs a remake, III is it.

I just recently finished it too.
It's about as good as I remember. For me the problem wasn't so much that combat was slow but it was easy to break, but that was common in old games.
Skill system's cool, I like how they were often gimmicky things but could add up to round out a character nicely.

i tried playing BoF 2 but it sapped the life out of me

The skill system is part of what makes it so slow since for some reason they decided that you have to pass a dice roll to learn a skill using examine. I guess that'd make sense for boss fights using rare skills that you can't find elsewhere until much later in the game, but trying to learn Triple Blow was completely awful and there was no reason for it to take that long. Same with most of the stuff involving the Fairy village.

fuck no
this series is terrible

Then try playing the GBA version. It's much more reasonable

The GBA versions of BOF1 and BOF2 are much better and the grind has been reduced to a considerable amount. Also, the art has been updated by Tatsuya Yoshikawa, that's always a plus for me.
If you plan on emulating it though, you need this cheat code to avoid a crash in BOF2 during a cutscene in Highfort: 03005F7F0:00

Currently replaying 5 and enjoying it.

>enjoying Dragon Quarter unironically
>not even that, but fucking replaying it

You disgust me.

I'm trying to seriously play DQ for the first time right now, and when I'm not feeling serious anxiiety, I'm asking myself how you're supposed to learn skills. There just doesn't seem to be that many you can find in the world, and from what I can gather the game expect you to learn them by getting hit and using steal

But it's already fairly clear to me that I should almost never get hit at all. So what do I need to be doing? I just really want to replace Ryu's Vertical slash, it's such a bad skill

I'm currently playing 4 but wish I had gone with 3. I figured I only had one in me so I chose the prettier one. Every screenshot I see of 3 makes it look much better. Also, 4 isn't very special in any way. I haven't hated my time with it(26 hrs so far) but it hasnt really grabbed me either.

Treasure chests and drops will get you most of the important skills and you can get some decent early skills in the ant colony.

Seems I still haven't made it that far yet. I swear, even just getting to Lin feels like an accomplishment, though I wonder if the game is ever gonna punish me for relying on the pattern of just spamming glyphs with Nina to keep enemies at a distance and then shooting with Lin. It's at the point right now where it feels like I've already won the battle without taking damage if I manage to get the first attack. But I don't expect the game to allow me to remain complacent.

Later on ranged attacks are more common but that strategy works pretty well for quite some time.

The only ones I played were 3 and 4. Overall I thought they were decent. Great spritework, soundtrack was nice, story was pretty predictable, gameplay was standard, grinding was fucking annoying. I didn't need to grind that much in 4, which was easy, but then came the difficulty spike starting when you fight the glowing wolf thing in front of the pyramid, and especially the boss fight against the rotating cubes. I wiped for the first time in the wolf fight in the ruined town, so I grinded like a motherfucker in the nearby forest trail. What a fucking obnoxious difficulty spike.

So which is the defining Breath of Fire: BoF III or BoF IV?

I lean towards BoF III slightly, but Myria isn't as good a villain as Fou-Lu or Yuna

Thread theme

>story was pretty predictable
I don't agree. If there's one charm that 3 and 4 have, it's that you're not really up against any apocalyptic, world ending threat like with most other JRPGs. You're just some guy who's out looking for answers about himself. One of the things I really loved about 3 was just all the random townspeople who comment about how there's no danger in the world and everything is generally pretty peaceful. It's a very interesting way to contextualize the game, gives it a unique atmosphere.

III. All IV really has going for it is Fou-Lu, everything concerning the main party is boring as sin

>want to play it again
>still have the original disc
>have a psx emulator configured properly
>don't have a disc driver

The only one I really care for is Dragon Quarter. I'll probably replay it again at some point.


Myria did nothing wrong and Ryu3 and his party of mongoloids doomed the world. Daily reminder than Teepo was smarter than Ryu and didn't have a vengeful Yggdrasil and Bleu who just wanted to get back at her sister pulling his strings, and so he made the reasonable decision to stay in Eden.

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Just download an iso. There's no reason you should use a relic like a ps1 disc if you don't have to. Just keep it in it's case.

but its more fun that way

>All IV really has going for it is Fou-Lu

I really liked the music and the plot with Ryu/Fou-Lu being split. But yeah, there were some really shitty parts that I wish I could skip in future play-throughs, like that town with all the traps. It's like a filler episode and had no purpose in the game.

Will do that.
Last time I've played it on disc the game had some fucking weird loading stutters on emulator.

If BoF is so good why nobodies tried to do a spiritual sequel?

you wish 16bit looked like that
that's 32bit

Myria was just butthurt that someone actually had the power to challenge her ironfisted rule. Every line of dialogue she had was self-serving rationalization

I already did. Finished 3 for the first time earlier this month, great game. 4 was gorgeous but a bit too easy and I dropped it near the end. The story wasn't all that interesting.

Ryu cope. If it was purely self serving why would she bother to intervene at all? She could have just sat back and watched humanity and the brood nuke each other and the planet out of existence.

The worst part is that Ryu and his party had the most pathetic reasons for fighting her too. One man's life and freedom is not worth risking the entire planet's well being in the slightest. It's an utterly selfish and nonsensical reason, especially when the Myria's the one keeping the world's desertfication at bay. Peco was literally the only one who argues that the world's inhabitants should be in control of their own destiny. Maybe that's worth risking the apocalypse, but Ryu's freedom sure as hell isn't.

She enjoys the power it gave her, clearly. The brood were in no way depicted as something that would have destroyed the world if they had the power to do so. I could just as easily say Myria would have done it if the brood had actually stood up to her

BoF is the absolute bog-standard JRPG. There's nothing distinctive about it to spiritually proceed from.

Which part do you think is slow in BoF3?

That was only Nina's reason

Momo didn't like the halt on science, obviously, and thought she could reverse the desertification with her own power if she actually had the chance
Garr simply came to realize that what he had been told about the Dragon War was completely unreliable and didn't trust Myria or her motives as a result
Rei was sort of with Peco in saying that he didn't like being told what to do by anyone else

The point wasn't that the brood were war-mongers who would destroy the world, it was that given the advancement of human technology, eventually the humans and brood would have come to blows and with powers like that on both sides the world would be destroyed. Then humanity nearly fucked the world up anyway so she had to take their toys away.

>0 Katt pictures it is safe guys?

And yeah, there we have it, a self-serving rationalization. There was no indication that any of that would have come to pass, but Myria used that as a pretext to make a power grab

Fuck off.

dont summon him

>young user
>combine dragon eggs
>get cool dude Ryu
>meet tree boss
>use random
>get super saiyan Ryu
>he starts killing everyone
Ryu why

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>Not acknowledging that DQ is one of the best in the series, and an amazing game overall

How does it feel to have shit taste?

this game had a great soundtrack. i hear bof 3 music in my head during spring

there are three different versions of kaiser

I literally just beat Dragon Quarter and posted about it in another thread. I really appreciate how ballsy the devs were taking that classic JRPG franchise and making something completely unique with it. God tier OST and atmosphere I just wish the "villains" had better motivations that we're just testing if you're strong enough and not just a puppet for the d-constructs.

I really liked the small scale plot compared to basically every other JRPG at the time. Seems like you're either a fan of DQ or the mainline. I just can't see myself to go back and playing old school, easy DQ inspired JRPGs when something unique exists.

Nina gets jackshit. She's a fragball and blast spammer for the first playthrough then you try to not use her because of her slow animations.

Ryu seems just fine spamming Slice for most of the game. He has a single combo which is side slash -> vertical strike. End game you basically feed him AP and spam 10AP strikes so he can break down the anti-terror shields from Eva on the last few bosses. Roundsaber is good on weak mobs though.

Lin has some useful combos. She has a few active steal ones like Greetings! -> Come Here! but otherwise you use her profile ability to see if an enemy has a skill then steal it. The best abilities are the ones that add effects to the next attack, so you do a Take That! and then do an AoE for a lot of damage.

The first playthrough is rough so it's expected to play that cautiously. Make sure to buy healing items and then you won't be scared to use Ryu as much.

Do I have to play all of them or can I just skip to 3? I've heard 1 and 2 are kind of shitty and after playing so many JRPG's my tolerance for some of the common pitfalls is quite low.

3 and DQ are the only ones worth playing

4 is okay and has beautiful pixel art, but isnt that remarkable otherwise

All BoF are disconnected.

This game is a fucking masterpiece. Perfect balance of dragon mechanics draining MP per turn instead of the ridiculous OP perma-transforms in 1 and the 1 turn useless attacks in 2.
Come on, portcom! A collection of the first 4 games would be a lazy port I'd actually overpay you for!

Play the fan retranslated version. It feels like a completely different game [/spoiler] and that's a good thing [/spoiler]

1 and 2 are fine on the GBA ports, though 2's translation is bad and its story is actually fairly decent, so make sure you play the fan translated version

It's a JRPG with dragon mechanics. Hell, BoF III was on the right track with the dragon gene thing and then they scrapped it for BoF IV. No idea why. It was fun combining genes and seeing the result.

Attached: dragon mechanic.jpg (910x607, 44K)

Got excited for a second there when they said they were making a new BoF game. Wanted to stab a Capcom employee when it turned out to be a mobile game. This is why Capcom is in the dumps.

Breath of Fire 5 is the most unique game in the series that tried something completely different but Capcom fucked the devs over and they had to cut a ton of content because of insufficient funding and time constraints. Some hints of that content which can be found in the concept arts, names of the dragons (Odjn, Dva, Chetyre... Where's Tri?), SOL scenes that indicate there was a ton more behind Elyon/Origin (He is called Origin for a reason) and the Regents, especially Mebeth, lore hints in the maps that never or barely gets mentioned (a skeleton of a red-winged girl like Nina next to a slightly bigger skeleton tied together with chains in the room where Odjn's body is that you can only see completely if you hack the game to give yourself a free camera). The interviews also say they wanted to do a lot more with the game.
People hated it simply because it was "too hard" (ironic since hard games are praised nowadays) and stopped you from using your OP dragon form that can 1 shot bosses with 3x D-Charge and Twister combo and made sense lore-wise because Ryu's time as a human mortal was limited and using the powers made him lose his humanity more.
It was different from the rest of the entries in the series, but it's my favorite BOF game, and I played 2, 3 and 4 before 5. Also BOF5's music is 10/10.

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She a shit and I’m glad I killed her.

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IV is a much better animated game than III is the thing. If they tried giving every single dragon sprite from III the battle animation quality that IV has, the game would have gone way over budget

Are there any modern ports for this series? I don't have a PS1 lying around.

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>worth playing

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I’m still mad all the dragons are just attacks now.

You could, you know, emulate it.

Just emulate them on ya pc

>what the fuck, this game isn't a 1:1 clone of Dragon Quest? It must be shit.

Acquire taste, pleb.

4 has a PC port
3 has a PSP port
or you could just emulate PS1

>I really liked the small scale plot compared to basically every other JRPG at the time.
Yeah, and it's also nice that the plot is really driven by the protagonist for once. Ryu isn't just reacting to some villainous plot or impending cataclysm like in most games; the antagonists are reacting to Ryu's actions.

I also like the subtle way characterization was handled. The game doesn't have much dialogue or written exposition, but you still end up learning a lot about the characters through their actions and expressions and such.

>want to get a proper copy of DQ
>suspend saving was removed with PAL

True, but there's only a dozen unique dragons. The rest are slight variations and palette swaps. Maybe if Capcom cared, it would have worked.

Then again, if Capcom cared I would have played Megaman Legends 3 by now.

Game too hard for you and you have to rely on the D-Form instead of making use of good combos and strategy and that's why you don't like the game in the series that stands out the most, user?

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It's not that the IDEA of DQ is bad

It's the execution, and that's largely the fault of a rushed production

I like the music at least

>mfw the best BoF combos came from BoF IV

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So, is she the younger or older sister of Bleu?

Yeah, I do like DQ conceptually, and while I haven't beaten it, there are some things about it that just bug me. The whole save tokens thing seems completely unnecessary when save points are so far apart anyway (and the D-counter already discourages running back to your last one between every battle), the camera is pretty bad for a game that relies so much on positioning, trying to look around corners is a nightmare. Same with how the game is often just too dark to be able to actually see the enemies ahead sometimes. They just blend into the background. And I think I'd like the D-counter a lot more if I had some sense of how much game I had left to get through. Having to take shots in the dark about when to use dragon mode removes some of the strategy to it.

Yeah, yeah, atmosphere, whatever, but I'd prefer the game be better designed first

Myria is the younger sister, Bleu literally appears as you're about to finish her and whisks her away to parts unknown like a good older sister.

>the holocaust move animation

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>mfw Capcom still refuse to release a Breath of Fire Collection
It's as if they don't like money

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Justice for Teepo
He dindu nufffin

I wonder if those horses barbecued him, if you know what I mean.

Man, we can't even get a BN collection. It makes no sense, BN with online multiplayer would sell like crazy

You're right, he did nothing whatsoever.

So the whole and sum of BOF I-III, even in which its implied Detheven, whom is a spawn of Tyr/Myria, is really nothing more than Bleu telling her baby sister "Lol, I told you so!"?

This. 90% of all encounters can be cheesed by setting traps at chokepoints and letting Nina spam the same spell over and over as the gunner girl and ryu pen them in.

>make remasters/HD ports
>release them one at a time like they did to DMC switch or Onimusha

do you mean spitroasted

Yeah. I need to shutdown. I've been playing Megaman X for hours.

>Two (2) threads on Capcom hating money and refusing to acknowledge a fan favorite franchise they took out back and sodomized, then killed.
>Lost Planet thread last night that was the same thing
Why are people focusing on Capcom so much?

I love Katt!

Katt loves Tiga!

No, she doesn't.

>unironic furfag coping

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Oh, you should let us know that you're a newfag from the start.

Fuck those pieces of shit.

They also threaten Momo with abuse if you leave her behind in the arena.

Dang, you have to wonder what 64 bit would look like if we ever get to it...

Other than die like a bitch

I hope you're not serious.

I swear to god every time someone says this the idea would make barely any profit if at all if it was realized.

>he gets three against one'd

Fuck this boss. Fucking faggot horsemen were bad enough as a pair. Also fuck Scylla and Charybdis, fuck fish randomly deciding to just break my line out of nowhere ,fuck those hide and seek kids in Windia and most of all FUCK my lazy village fairies for slacking off every time I turn my back for ten minutes.

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I mean, SD3 basically does look this good. Play more SNES games user.

Once you get access to humanoid dragon forms the game becomes a joke in terms of difficulty. Not that I didn't enjoy doing massive damage that vaporized every enemy. For once the protagonist is actually legit the strongest being in the game both from the story and gameplay.

Peco under Fahl blows Ryu out of the water

Super Mario RPG as well.

maybe you should play more snes games if you think this looks even close to bof3
or get new glasses

Attached: som2shot09.png (1024x888, 34K)

Peco wouldn't even get past Myrmidon.

>he literally has to use the strongest dragon form in the game to have a chance

Kaiser is the strongest dragon form by far, having access to all abilities, 300% base stats and ultra high resistance to fucking everything in the game.

Myrmidon has a higher attack modifier than Kaiser. And I'm still kinda salty that no matter what dragon form I pick, I always lose some resistances from base Ryu after I farmed all those Ivory Charms

>using the onion

You need to leave

He has higher attack but Kaiser is downright unbeatable once he enters the field, effectively being the strongest dragon form.

My party was Rei and Nina, fag
Man, did I hate having to switch to Momo and Garr all the time, is Nina's field action literally never used after Momo's tower?

and costs like 50 ap per turn

Kaiser has stronger skills though, and pretty much cant die either. You WILL hit harder as kaiser.

More than enough to wipe out every boss in the game and that's what he was intended for. You only call Kaiser for the big battles and not the random encounters.

Kaiser just has the same skills as base Ryu. Myrmidon has Aura, which is more than enough to wreck anything that isn't Myria since she has Holy resistance. You ultimately get more bang for your buck with Myrmidon, especially if you have a Spirit Ring. Only time where you don't is if the boss is shitting status effects at you

Started bof 3 a few days ago but keep getting interrupted so haven't got far. Is getting skills important?

Most skills aren't terribly useful, but there's some good ones here and there. The vast majority of useful skills are taught by Masters, though

One thing I will say is that BoF III is a game where physical attacks way outdamage magic. Don't be too upset if you miss out on certain spells early on.

I have played 1, 2, 3, and (unfortunately) DQ

I am fucking surprised how strong lin becomes,when she gets the copy previous damage skill




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where can i buy it at?

Looks like a shitty FFT honestly

>>It took me years to realize the fusion into an Ultraman Horse.
RPG's back then where the shit and i miss BoF,Wild Arms and Suikoden

These are part of the reasons DQ is my most beloved rpgs of all time

Having the abilities of Ryu is pretty damn broken as you can get most abilities trough teachers in this game, such as shadowwalk, which is superior to aura.

>dragons good
>goodess bad
man, dragons are the chinks of fiction

It's so weird when I see people say BoF3's combat is slow when for me it was the fastest experience I've had in any JRPG. Maybe because the end of battle results pop up and end so quickly

Not really, except for skills that are like one time use like Celerity and Bonebreak. Shadowwalk is obviously great, but other characters need it more than Ryu does. I kept it on Rei while using Triple Blow as Ryu's main move against Myria on endgame

>Blows screenshot up to the point of seeing every single pixel
You're right user, SD3 isn't even remotely like it. They're worlds apart.

Attached: breath-of-fire-3-03.png (800x600, 981K)

The Shisu wasn't so bad. You could get a lot of the ingredients beforehand. The only thing you really needed to do was go and fish for a Mackeral.
The Put-Put Boat though? Fuck that
>Sorry, the boat isn't here
>Sorry, the boat won't be here until the lighthouse is fixed
>Sorry, only Guild members can fix the Lighthouse
>Sorry, Beyd can't fix the Lighthouse until he defeats Sinkar
>Sorry, Beyd got hurt in the fight with Sinkar and can't fix the Lighthouse
>Sorry, you've got to fix the Lighthouse
>Sorry, the boat isn't here even though you fixed the Lighthouse
>Sorry, the boat still isn't here even after SEVEN YEARS
>Sorry, we need your help to fix the boat
>Sorry, we don't have the parts to fix the boat
>Sorry, you don't have permission to look for parts
>Sorry, even though you got permission you need to pass a test of strength

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That's besides the point for the argument which dragon form is stronger.

4 is better.

Attached: bof4.png (320x240, 65K)

it had better graphics and some gameplay improvements, but 3 is still the better game

Name a gameplay mechanic worse than random encounters. You can't. I enjoyed breath of fire 3 but I'm now past a point in life where I simply refuse to play any JRPG that has random encounters.

Skillset is important, and frankly I never got shadowwalk to outdamage aura anyway since I kept it on Rei

A few are. For example, there is this skill called shadowwalk you can get from a master about a third of the way into the game. It causes your next attack to be a 100% critical. Not super useful on most characters BUT you will get a character called Momo that has very high damage, but very low accuracy and a lot of AP to use skills. Crits never miss. You do the math.

I bought a magazine in 2000 because it had a small section on Dragon Warrior Monsters, and it was the only time I'd ever seen it mentioned in any video game magazines and shit (no internet yet)
it also had a section about Breath of Fire IV, it made me want to play it. Was it good?

Shadowwalk can never miss unlike aura, it also uses the element of the weapon equipped unlike Aura which only uses the holy element.

It also uses far less AP if I remember correctly. Shadowwalk is the far superior skill, there is no debate.

And then when you finally get the boat it controls like ass and is only used for like 5 minutes before you're done with it

Weirdest implementation of boating I've ever seen in a JRPG

Did anyone else want the nerdy guy in the port town to join the party?

Its a waste on anyone but Momo. She trucks shit with it.

>Ryu3 is so retarded he'd rather cross an entire desert than jump down a ledge

The story element of Ryu growing up is just too damn good for 4 to stand any chance against 3.

yeah, it's even better in Grandia though. better music, better party members.

Ryu will literally solo the game once he has shadowwalk. I'm not even exaggerating, there is simply no need for any other party members after that point. He can solo pretty much any boss easily.

I never had Aura miss. Holy element is also perfectly fine in 99% of cases and it's not like there are many viable elemental weapons anyway. You're not going to go all the way down to fucking Feather Sword just so you can have a wind element Shadowwalk. Yes, Shadowwalk uses less than half the AP Aura does, but Kaiser form on its own sucks about the same amount of AP per turn as Myrmidon using Aura, and that's before using any skills. Myrmidon will do more damage for the AP in most cases, and a good party setup will nullify any defensive concerns.

He can do that without shadowwalk though. So can Peco.

The Black Ship was pretty cool though. And the background music was boss.

yeah man that boat pisses me off. especially when you go to that gay little fishing village, and the major wont tell you were the mariner lives. like, the tiger guy killed an entire work camp and we can't just break the majors arm or something?

then when you finally get to the other side the games almost over.

Random encounters work in dungeon crawlers like Wizardry. There, they can pose a real threat, and a lot of the game's strategy revolves around managing your resources during extended dungeon forays. Dungeon crawlers also tend to have pretty reasonable encounter rates, so your exploration isn't getting interrupted every five seconds.

Random encounters are a waste of time in most JRPGs, though, and the encounter rate in most of the Breath of Fire games is obnoxiously high. Combined with how long and flashy the animations are, it ends up taking forever to go anywhere or do anything. That's one of the reasons why Dragon Quarter is my favorite entry: there aren't any random encounters, and battles against regular enemies actually involve some strategy and don't feel pointless.

Kaiser Ryu would still win by a landslide against Myrmidon Ryu so what's even your point? Kaiser Ryu has 75% resistance against any element, including holy.

Remember that time where the princess's body became a huge monstruous, amorphous mass of flesh that consumed the entire castle and her lover had to mercy kill her?

Good times

That Myrmidon is better to use in game, nerd, the extra 60% damage and not having to pop Black Porgies or Wisdom Seeds every other turn goes a long way in speeding things up

this is the longest gif

Dragons forms were nice and all, but what BoFIII really has going for it is

BoFIV may have better animations, but it was never as visually appealing. BoFIII is the peak of OG BoF, IV and DQ are their own thing.

>There's nothing distinctive about it to spiritually proceed from.
But what about animal people?

And the guy who did it got away with it.

I tried to beat all four of them, but I only managed to finish I and II. II was the worst of the bunch when it came to balancing. The final dungeon in that game can eat my ass.

The Teepo fight should have been a mandatory 1v1, have the rest of the party taken captive or btfo somehow before the battle.
>tfw no Kaiser Teepo vs Kaiser Ryu

Attached: teepo3.jpg (799x595, 63K)

BoF3 has the easiest endgame of any JRPG. You don't need to optimize like a fucktard. Kaiser is intended to be overkill and that's what makes him fun to use.

Kaiser is literally bending the rule exactly like some final boss out of a bad JRPG like dragon quest where no status spells work and every resistance is way too high so you grind the hp slowly away. I can't think of any other JRPG where you can become this kind of unfair enemy.

Why would Teepo have Kaiser form anyway
In fact, why was he even able to use his powers against you when he supposedly sealed them away for Myria?

bof4 bad ending

I want to do LEWD THINGS to Momos ___ears___

You are mostly correct but don't downtalk the graphics of BoF4. They're absolutely incredible and you may find the graphics in 3 more visually appealing but that's just a preference.

Teepo was clearly more talented than Ryu to begin with, and the way forms seem to work in 3 is more unlocking the latent power of their Brood DNA than having the forms bestowed on them from the outside, hence the gene system. Arguably Teepo could have just trained/meditated/had help from Myria to unlock all his forms (if she was confident he would never turn on her it would be beneficial to have him strong as her final line of defence). Also the point was he sealed his powers willingly, meaning he could unseal them at any time.

I wish you could save Teepo. If BoFIII needs a remake, it's for this. And I don't mean saving him at the very end of the game, I mean catching up to him before he reaches Myria and altering the story.

Ryu, Rei and Teepo needed to reunite. That was the point of Ryu's journey.

Again, you actually lose resistances by going into Kaiser form if you have some Ivory charms, so

Anyway, originally, we were talking about Ryu verses Peco, and Peco's defense is such that you would indeed need as much attack as possible to make it past that fucking stonewall of his

Is it worth going back to iii if the only game in the series I've played is IV?

Yes, very.

Breath of Fire 3 is one of the greatest JRPGs ever made you absolute fucking monglet

at the very least you should jam out to the soundtrack

>Teepo was clearly more talented than Ryu to begin with
I express doubt in this. We only see him take two forms and literally everyone in Dragnier calls Ryu the "Dragon Prince" and acknowledge him as the successor of past Ryus and such. Considering that Ryu had to find a bunch of random rocks throughout the world to unlock most of the power of his genes, your second point is also in question.

I mostly ignored your original point of Peco being superior as it was retarded.

Peco is not immune to status changes and is therefore easily killed by any intelligent enemy. He is only good as long as other party members have his back.

Do I need to bring up Ivory charms again? Because not only do they make Peco immune to status changes, they also make him immune to magic, which is something that Kaiser Ryu can never be, and stack with his latent regen. It's one of the more broken items I've ever seen in a video game. Not even high end SMT demons are usually that ridiculous

I remember having an almost fucking impossible time with the light house mini game in 3 as a kid but when emulating it later in life it was nothing. Was there a shitty delay on the console or was I just a dumb child?

Let's be honest. Teepo lacked impact as an character as he was taken very early out of the game. If he was fleshed out more in the beginning that fight against him could have been a great moment but as it stands it was pretty weak even though Teepo's dragon is the coolest looking boss in the game.

I think there must have been something to its difficulty. I had a friend who could never clear it, but I personally never had a problem with it so he would get me to do it on his save. I don't know, it's just one of those things I guess.

Post good series art

Attached: BoF 4 P'Ung Ryong.jpg (645x460, 110K)

Doesn't Kaiser get roflstomped by Berserkers still

The dragons in 4 were so cool.

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I think Teepo pre-Myria was a well developed character. The problem is that there is no Teepo between irresponsible little bandit shit Teepo and pussy whipped Goddess puppet Teepo. They needed to show his progression from one to the other in order to achieve maximum character impact.

Ivory charms are broken but it's not a natural ability of Peco so what's your point.

That Peco has a lot more potential than anything Ryu can do, and it doesn't even take that much investment in the build to get him going. You can just stick him with the same master the whole game since fewer stats matter to him, and considering that 100% Reprisal rate, he can do about as much damage per turn as Ryu in dragon form for no AP cost whatsoever

Probably just a dumb kid. I somehow found parts of FF6 fairly challenging as a kid, and that game is incredibly easy.

I remember seeing BoF3 in a retro review of a games magazine years ago
5/10 Generic
I actually stopped getting the magazine because of that review

>Breath of Fire 6
>The game was released in Japan on February 24, 2016
>Online operations for the title officially ceased on September 27, 2017.
>As of June 2017, the game holds a 1.7 out of 5 rating on Japan's Google Play Store.

Holy shit, what was so bad about it? I know "not muh console BoF" and all that, but seriously?

Obviously Kaiser is useless in any optimized play but he is still the strongest being in the game based purely on natural ability.

Also imagine playing games like this. Imagine finishing off the last boss with Peco instead of Kaiser because you're autistic.

Yeah, this. I honestly wasn't a huge fan of BoF3's plot and gameplay. I mean I liked the dragon system better, but it got really tedious being forced to switch party members in and out to use their gimmicky world abilities to progress in some dungeons. BoF4 just did everything better for me. Better story and characters, beautiful graphics, much better soundtrack. I found BoF4 to be a lot more challenging too.

Attached: bof6.jpg (610x305, 50K)

I've beaten BoF 1, 2, and 4.
I tried playing BoF 3, but I just couldn't keep going.
The game seemed well made in most aspects, which made it all the more disappointing that I couldn't care about the characters at all.

Most of the fun of an RPG is character building, dude

Lying IVfag

In a western RPG, yes. In a JRPG you play it for the characters. And sometimes you go for the flashy attacks just because they're cooler, especially in a boss fight.

BoF3 character building is even completely based on grindy bullshit and the game is easy as fuck. There is no point.

are the stories of each bof connected? i tried to first one and i remember not liking it

>Not VI
They couldn't even get the title right

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His base stats are also higher than Ryu's if you want to get really autistic.

The only legit connection is that the protagonist Ryu and the heroine Nina are reincarnated in every game but it's not like they remember their past selves so it pretty irrelevant to the story.

Every game is self contained.

Tenuously, II and III reference the first game a bit, but other than that, there's really not much. Like most other RPG franchises, it's more about recurring elements than connected stories.

It kills me you never got the option to convince Teepo to join you.
Imagine going to the final fight with Teepo, Rei and Ryu as your team? That would be fucking great.

Garr a shit, Peco best PHYS fighter

He is designed as a boss so that much is obvious since he is fighting solo against a party.

No no, I mean in the beginning of the game.

>Past selves
I don't think this is the case. They seem to be different people every time.

I think it's the same with Deis since she never seems to mention all the other Ryus and Ninas she met

My team is typically

That is pretty much everyone's team, let me guess, you put them in speed formation and give Momo the Artemis Cap?

Lying about what?
They started me off with a literal newborn baby protagonist.
So I thought I was just seeing an opening scene of the character's origin, but then I got to play as the character.
Sure, bewildered dragon hatching, stumbling around fighting it's way out of a mine, then timeskip after he gets found by people as a baby boy, right?
Then they handed this newborn baby a sword and other characters expect him to help him on quests. I had to baby fight things, and wonder what kind of motivation this baby had for going doing anything.
And then they dropped the only other good characters I could focus on, and I found my baby in a dungeon solving puzzles to help save a little girl as the only other character they expect me to care about, and I was 100% out.
I tried.

>I think it's the same with Deis since she never seems to mention all the other Ryus and Ninas she met
could be that she just doesnt remember shit from a thousand years ago

It was shit.

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They are reincarnated as different people. Just because it's a JRPG doesn't mean that they need to follow super shallow retard logic like in anime where people are reincarnated as the same person.

She seemed to remember the Dragon Wars from 500 years ago in III just fine

>And then they dropped the only other good characters I could focus on
rei comes back and you find teepo later too

I don't remember there being any indication of reincarnation happening at all

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Well, he was already alive for quite some time while Ryu just woke up. Ryu in the beginning of the game swings his sword like a retard and around the ghost mansion he swings it with confidence.

wasnt she sleeping since then
it's been a while since i played it

Attached: deis.jpg (480x360, 15K)

I'm 100% sure that at least Ryu is implied to be either a decedent or a reincarnation of past Ryus.

descendant, yes, reincarnation doubtful, especially since Ryu tends not to be on God's good side.

>They started me off with a literal newborn baby
No they didn't, retard.

Fuck. I really loved that little detail.

Isn't the dragon clan stronger than heaven in breath of fire?

>muh visuals
It doesn't look that bad. The problem must have been gameplay. Of course we'll never know because we're all EOP.

They show the fucker hatching. If there's some "he's really a 1000 year old demon" gimmick later, then so be it.

Apparently not since they can't get anything done without Ryu

He doesn't hatch, he's in a crystal. He's obviously not a baby, you fucking imbecile. He's a child.

lmao at you console cucks
I got 64 bit windows 10
>protected tweets
Shit must have gotten bad

Pretty sure at least in 3 it was said that everyone allied up against the dragons.

garr says the dragons never fought back when he was killing them

Everyone was afraid of the dragons but they were harmless. Maybe kinda shitty that they made dragons so flawless and the undisputed good guys.

The Dragon Elder hinted that there were some people who might use the power of the Brood in the wrong way, and there were also some that wanted revenge on Myria, but we just never saw much of that. Like with Teepo, it's another thing I wish we could have a remake to fix that

平素より『ブレス オブ ファイア 6 白竜の守護者たち』(以下、『ブレス オブ ファイア 6』)をご利用くださいまして、誠にありがとうございます。



No real details, just "external factors" i.e. Japan hated it for whatever reason.

IIRC there was basically a boycott by "fans" because it wasn't a console game. Honestly, it's a pretty stupid thing to get angry about.

Everyone has a right to be upset about their favorite franchises being thrown into the mobage ghetto. Or do you honestly think the new Commander Keen looks good?

>oh no it's not the platform I want
Guess we'd better kill the series for another 10 years or indefinitely

Go back to FGO, you fucking gachafag

This fucking moment.

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the game was shit and there was nothing breath of fire about it
even if the mobile game made money they would have just kep making more mobile shit

Yeah, not being on console was surely the biggest problem about the game.

I want a remake where you beat the shit out of Bailo and Sunder as kids, never get separated from Teepo and Rei, and spend the rest of your days fishing, being kids, and having fun. Doesn't that just beat all?

Just skip to 3, you won't miss out on anything.
2 is one of those games where it gets tedious real fast and never lets up afterwards either.

I don't see why it should be impossible to make an RPG on a phone that isn't garbage.

I can emulate SNES era RPGs on my phone, and those were great.

Are the first three games part of the same canon? Big Titty Mommy Myria is the same character as Psycho Bitch Tyr?

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>Doesn't that just beat all?
Don't you have a Momo to fuck Rei?


Yes. Now imagine Bleu's true form.

>playing BoF II as a kid for the first time
>reach Tunlan
>mfw that whole arc
I was disgusted, filled with wonder and then aroused.


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capcom BoF collection pls

No reason to not run Rei, Momo in your party.

I notice you did not answer the question, Anonymous.

That part was really bizarre. All of II had some really interesting stuff going on in almost every town. When I finally went back to FF, I was wondering where stuff like that was, every new town felt like just a checkpoint marker

BOF2 Nina is best Nina.

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breast of fire

Legs yes, mullet no

For me it's IV, she has the cutest personality

true. II was absolutely filled with soul
Except for the "church is bad" meme, although I think at release it wasn't as cliche as it is today.

>"church is bad"
Hardly even an issue because you're still a religious guy anyway. Your dad was a preacher and you literally have to pray to Ladon to save. It's just "a specific church is bad," not all religions

Cute bird brain.
Too bad about her sister.
Thanks for reminding me of that shit.
Fuck the boats in BoF3.
The boat in BoF 4 was better, but then it was counteracted by the fact that searching for the sea dragon was a pain in the ass
>managing the timer system while trying to turn around and sail through random shit alongside wind problems
>docking cutscene takes for ever
>lying directions ingame
>docking area for the dragon is small as fuck


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Spar makes me very confused.

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Remember user, all plants have both male and female parts

>BoFIV may have better animations, but it was never as visually appealing

you dense motherfucker

BoFIII is bog-standard JRPG graphics. Nothing special about it whatsoever. BoFIV had an actual Chinese/Indian aesthetic that was felt in the art and music.

Attached: Breath of Fire IV Part 29.png (1009x948, 1.08M)

Am I getting the Heisenberg effect, but wasn't there also Mayan temples in the game?

I wish there was a Breath of Fire 6. That would be cool.

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Literally wait for the final arc. I swear i'm not kidding once you see the final events unfold. It gets morbidly dark.

Here's the thing though, when II came out EBIL CHURCH wasn't a meme. It was one of the earliest console games to even brush across the concept, hell it might have been the first one in the US(or failing that, certainly the most visible). No matter how hackneyed the concept got played up in later years, I'll never dock BoF II points for using it because it was there first.

Nina was super cute in the first part of BoF3. Why is there no fucking art of her?

Grandia had the anime cutscenes right?

>isn't very special

It's the only JRPG that encourages you to use every single member of your party all the time. It's a great system that more games should use, most RPGs force you to choose between bringing a tank that can't heal or a mage that's useless for random encounters

also have to take into account the allegory of western religion invading and demonizing traditional shinto and Buddhist shrines

Honestly that's kind of always been a thing with the series. Each game has a lighthearted veneer, but later on you start to see some pretty fucked up shit. Everything always, ALWAYS, gets worse and horrible depressing things happen to everyone. The world of BoF is not a happy one.

Because Capcom has a lot of beloved IPs but near to no idea how to use them
They're almost Nintendo levels of recognisable

Best song to come from video games imo.

Guys, I'm really enjoying BOF3 atm. I have the PS1 CD and the PSP port and the combat is so painfully slow.
Is there any way to speed things up in some way?

>not Raging Emperor's Banquet

This is why, in the most simplistic terms possible, manifested in one image.

Attached: __kanzaki_hayato_captain_commando_hoover_nina_ryuu_and_etc_dungeons_dragons_shadow_over_mystara_and_ (3196x1400, 1.54M)

breath of fire 2 is shit, you got memed and should've started with 3

That's a pretty good point.

It would be like Nintendo exclusively making Mario games for the next 8 years and pretending nothing else exists. When people ask what happened to the others, they say something about it being too expensive or it has a limited demographic.

Like F-Zero, but with everything.

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BoF III = BoF IV > BoF DQ > BoF II > BoF >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BoF VI

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You've never even played VI

Do I really need to?

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>play DQ
>move near next room
>know deadly spiders are on the ceiling because the whole dungeon is full of them
>can't see them because of poor camera
>move in
>they drop
>flail desperately to get the first hit
>manage to scrape through the battle
>Try to run away
>Get stuck behind box
>Spidernigger hits me anyway
>Ryu can't move the whole battle
This fucking game

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>be Momo

Fuck your accuracy

You're right, give changed my mind. The party system in the game is great

I couldn't have her on my team because of that. I don't care if she's OP in boss battles, I just want some consistency

Dragon Quarter can be surprisingly tense for an RPG, especially if you're doing an "ironman" run. Things can spiral out of control really quickly if you aren't careful.

It really is more survival horror than RPG. I am gonna try and see how long I can go without using dragon form or restarting. Just got to the first enemies that use ranged attacks, not sure how I'm gonna handle them yet other than spamming bombs

BoF4 isn't unique in that regard, but it is a good system. It always bugs me a little when games don't even bother trying to justify having a limited battle party. "Yeah, you have four other characters here, but they can't contribute anything and will just give up if the front line is defeated."