How is your country represented in videogames?

How is your country represented in videogames?

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I'm Italian, we get a joyful, respectful and colorful representation everywhere. We unironically have the best deal out of all non-Americans.
Not only in games, in all media.

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We have Josie Rizal. Our media claimed it was offensive but everyone's retarded here anyway.

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Belgian here, I wish my country was represented at all.

>tfw Vlad in AoE2: The Forgotten is either Turk, Magyar or Slav

Unheard Screams - King Leopold II's Rule Over The Congo

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Only games I know about Greece are GoW and that one AssCreed, I haven't played any

Late 19th century Belgium was truly based. Mining diamond in Congo and coal in Wallonia like nobody's business.

Dudley/Birdie/Eagle/Billy kane/Robin mask
can't really think of much more off the top of my head

There's also that game where everyone is gay

Any Hercules game?

qtpa2t Lebanese girl
Thank you Infinite Shart.

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Dutch Aquafreshfag here. I can't even think of anything aside from two stages in fightan. Kinderdijk in CvS2 and Bloemenfestijn in TTT2.

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Pls don't bully my country, it has had enough
Oh, there must be some tie in games for the disney movie, sure.
What I'm bored of is that the only thing borgers know about my country is the ancient shit and WWII for the rest of Europe. There's barely any games set in uroland in other time periods.

There's Herc's Adventure which was a great co-op game for PS1, and also Disney Hercules, which was a very comfy platformer, following the events of the movie.

KoF has the best Mexican characters

>A spooky country thanks to Fatal Frame ripoff horror game
Yeah shame

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The only Swiss character I know of is Mercy and they don't even have her speak Swiss German. It would have been pretty funny but oh well.

As someone who loves fightan, most Mexibro characters are fucking based. Especially Tizoc, (Armor)King, and T.Hawk. Also, here's a Pokémon based on a Luchadore. It's Fighting/Flying.

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I know there is a Tulpi Festival stage in Tekken 7 and SnK had Patrick Van Heyting. There was another dutch fighter, i believe in a capcom game, but not sure. He looked like a retarded manchild Frankenstein. And of course he was over 2m as well.

I meant Buriki, not SnK

Could you give some examples?


Don't know, don't care.

I have no complaints.

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